HTML References

Html <doctype> declaration, definition and usage.

All HTML documents must start with a <!DOCTYPE> declaration.

The declaration is not an HTML tag. It is an "information" to the browser about what document type to expect.

In HTML 5, the declaration is simple:

Browser Support

Older html documents.

In older documents (HTML 4 or XHTML), the declaration is more complicated because the declaration must refer to a DTD (Document Type Definition).

HTML Elements and Doctypes

Look at our table of all HTML elements, and what Doctype each element appears in .

Tips and Notes

Tip: The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is NOT case sensitive.

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HTML Doctypes

In this tutorial you will learn what the document type declaration is in HTML.

Understanding the HTML5 Doctype

A Document Type Declaration, or DOCTYPE for short, is an instruction to the web browser about the version of markup language in which a web page is written.

A DOCTYPE declaration appears at the top of a web page before all other elements. According to the HTML specification or standards, every HTML document requires a valid document type declaration to insure that your web pages are displayed the way they are intended to be displayed.

The doctype declaration is usually the very first thing defined in an HTML document (even before the opening <html> tag); however the doctype declaration itself is not an HTML tag.

The DOCTYPE for HTML5 is very short, concise, and case-insensitive.

Doctypes for earlier versions of HTML were longer because the HTML language was SGML-based and therefore required a reference to a DTD, but they are obsolete now.

With HTML5 this is no longer the case and the doctype declaration is only needed to enable the standard mode for documents written using the HTML syntax.

You can use the following markup as a template to create a new HTML5 document.

Note: The doctype declaration refers to a Document Type Definition (DTD). It is an instruction to the web browser about what version of the markup language the page is written in. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides DTDs for all HTML versions.

Tip: Must add a doctype declaration when creating an HTML document. Also, use the W3C's Validator to check your HTML for markup or syntax error before publishing online.

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doctype tag

If you don't know what an element is or how you must use it, I recommend you read the " HTML tags and attributes" tutorial that you can find in the HTML tutorials section.

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  • 01 Description


The HTML !DOCTYPE tag is the very first thing that every compliant web document should have. It's purpose is to inform the browser the type of document it's about to process.

In HTML5, the !DOCTYPE declaration remains only for legacy reasons pertaining processing modes in browsers.

The Document Type Declaration (DTD) is unique for each version of HTML and must be written exactly as it is, to be of some use. For this reason, it's better if you just copy and paste the code for the declararion you're about to use.

Below is a list of DTDs for all the versions of HTML (XHTML included), and others like SVG and MathML . But remember that, as of today, there's no need to use any other declaration than the one for HTML5, as this is, by far, the preferred version (unless you're working on a very particular project).

XHTML 1.0 came in three subversions denominated "Strict", "Transitional" and "Frameset". The first two are different in the way they consider valid elements, attributes or syntax, being the "Transitional" version more permissive. The "Frameset" DTD is the same as "Transitional" but with support for frames.


Xhtml 1.1 + mathml 2.0 + svg 1.1.

SVG 1.1 came in three versions that are different in the complexity of their systax and the availability of resources. The "Basic" and "Tiny" versions were designed specifically for mobile devices.

MathML 1.01

HTML 4.01 came in the same three versions XHTML 1.0 did a few years later.


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HTML <!DOCTYPE> Tag: Usage, Attributes, and Real-World Examples

Diving right into the heart of web development, we stumble upon HTML , the building block of any webpage. As a developer, it’s crucial to understand how HTML works and more importantly, how to use its various elements correctly. One such fundamental element is the <!DOCTYPE> tag.

The <!DOCTYPE> tag, though often overlooked, carries significant weight in shaping your webpage. It’s this very declaration that informs the browser about the version of HTML that you’re using for your webpage. Without it, browsers might misinterpret your code leading to unexpected results.

In my journey as a web developer, I’ve realized that understanding smaller elements like <!DOCTYPE> can make a huge difference in optimizing and structuring my codes better. So let’s dive deeper into its usage, attributes and some examples to clear up any confusion you might have about this seemingly simple yet powerful HTML component.

Understanding the HTML <!DOCTYPE> Tag

I’m sure you’ve seen it before – that line at the top of every HTML document. It’s often overlooked, but it plays a crucial role. I’m talking about the <!DOCTYPE> tag.

It’s easy to breeze past this tag when you’re knee-deep in your coding project. However, understanding its purpose and usage can save you from potential headaches down the road. The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is our way of telling the browser what version of HTML we’re using.

To illustrate, let’s take a look at an example:

Simple enough, right? This line tells the browser that we’re using HTML5, which is currently the latest standard for web documents.

Here’s where common mistakes creep in: some folks seem to think that <!DOCTYPE> is an HTML tag – it isn’t! It doesn’t follow standard tag syntax; there’s no closing slash or corresponding end tag like most other tags (e.g., <p></p> , <div></div> ). Remembering this distinction will help you avoid unnecessary confusion.

Now, let’s talk about variations. In older versions of HTML (4.01 and earlier), things were a bit more complex:

In this example, not only do we mention the version (HTML 4.01), but also specify a DTD (Document Type Definition). The DTD reference was necessary back then because different browsers had various interpretations of how to render code based on standards set by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

With advances in browser technology and coding standards over time, thankfully these complexities have been ironed out in favor of simpler declarations as we see in HTML5.

That’s the <!DOCTYPE> tag in a nutshell. It may seem unimportant, but it does carry its weight in ensuring our web documents are rendered as intended across different browsers. Keep this little guide handy and you’ll never be stumped by the <!DOCTYPE> declaration again! Diving straight into the heart of HTML, it’s important to understand the role and correct usage of the <!DOCTYPE> tag. This declaration is essential as it helps your web browser interpret what version of HTML the page’s content should follow.

To ensure your code runs smoothly, always place the <!DOCTYPE> declaration at the very top of your HTML document. It should be noted that this is not an HTML tag per se; rather, it’s an instruction for the web browser on how to read and handle your code.

Let me clarify with an example:

In this snippet, <!DOCTYPE html> informs browsers that this document follows HTML5 standards. Since we’re discussing proper use, remember there are no attributes associated with <!DOCTYPE> in HTML5.

Now let’s check out a few common mistakes beginners make when using this declaration:

  • Placing <!DOCTYPE> in wrong position : As I mentioned earlier, always put <!DOCTYPE> at the beginning of your documents.
  • Neglecting case sensitivity : Make sure you write <!DOCTYPE html> not <!doctype html> or any other variation.
  • Including unnecessary attributes : In HTML5, <!DOCTYPE> doesn’t require any additional information like public or system identifiers found in previous versions of HTML.

While these mistakes may seem small, they can lead to significant issues down line when browsers misinterpret your coding intentions due to incorrect <!DOCTYPE> usage. So now you have it – a concise guide on properly using the mighty <!DOCTYPE>. Happy coding!

Exploring Attributes of the HTML <!DOCTYPE> Tag

Diving right into our topic, it’s essential to understand that the <!DOCTYPE> tag in HTML doesn’t carry any attributes. Yes, you read that right! This might come as a surprise considering how most HTML tags work, but it’s actually quite straightforward.

For those who are unfamiliar with this concept, let me break it down for you. The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is not an actual HTML tag; instead, it’s an instruction to the web browser about what version of the markup language the page is written in.

Let’s look at a classic example:

In this snippet, <!DOCTYPE html> serves as an announcement to your browser saying “Hey there! I’m using HTML5”. It must be noted that while <!DOCTYPE html> signifies HTML5, previous versions of HTML had their own unique DOCTYPE declarations.

A common mistake beginners make while coding is forgetting to add this crucial line at the very beginning of their document or adding attributes which aren’t required. For instance:

This syntax was used for XHTML and older versions of HTML but isn’t needed for current standard which is HTML5.

So remember – no attributes are necessary when dealing with <!DOCTYPE> . Just kick off your HTML docs with <!DOCTYPE html> and you’re good to go!

Real-life Examples of <!DOCTYPE> in Web Development

I’ve often found that practical examples are the best way to grasp the concept of any new topic, and HTML <!DOCTYPE> is no exception. So, let’s jump right in and explore a few real-world scenarios where this tag comes into play.

First off, imagine you’re building a basic web page from scratch. You’d start your HTML document with the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration. It might look something like this:

This simple line at the top tells the browser that we’re using HTML5, which is currently the standard version for web development.

Now, what if you find yourself working on an older project that was developed using XHTML 1.0? In such cases, you’ll need to use a different DOCTYPE declaration specific to that version:

Here’s where things can get tricky: leaving out or incorrectly typing the DOCTYPE can lead to unexpected results or errors when your page is rendered by different browsers. Let’s say you forget to include it altogether; in this scenario, some browsers might default to ‘quirks mode,’ resulting in inconsistent styling and functionality issues across various devices.

To put it plainly:

  • Correct usage: <!DOCTYPE html>
  • Common mistake: < !DOCType hmtl> (notice the misplaced space and typo)

The bottom line? Always remember to kick off your HTML documents with the right <!DOCTYPE> declaration. It’s a small detail that makes a big difference in ensuring your websites render correctly and consistently across all browsers.

Conclusion: Mastering the Use of HTML <!DOCTYPE>

I’ve spent plenty of time talking about the importance and function of the HTML <!DOCTYPE> tag. Now, it’s high time to wrap things up. The key takeaway here is that this tiny but mighty declaration plays a vital role in ensuring your webpage displays correctly across different browsers.

Let me illustrate with an example:

In this basic HTML document structure, <!DOCTYPE html> sits at the top, informing web browsers that they’re about to interpret some HTML5 code.

One common mistake made by beginners is neglecting this tag entirely or typing it incorrectly. Remember that <doctype html> or <Doctype Html> won’t work because DOCTYPE needs to be in uppercase for browsers to recognize it properly.

Another pitfall worth mentioning involves using outdated doctypes. For instance, <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> was used for declaring a page as an HTML 4.01 document but isn’t suitable for today’s modern web design practices.

Overall, my advice would be:

  • Always include <!DOCTYPE html> at the very top of your document.
  • Ensure DOCTYPE is written in uppercase.
  • Stick with <!DOCTYPE html> unless you have specific reasons not to (for example, if you’re maintaining older code).

By following these guidelines and understanding why we use <!DOCTYPE>, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this fundamental aspect of coding in HTML!

how to write doctype html

Cristian G. Guasch

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how to write doctype html

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Declaring an HTML Doctype

When starting a new HTML document, one of the first things to do is write your document type declaration. A doctype declaration tells the browser that the page to be rendered is written in HTML. To declare an HTML5 doctype, `<!DOCTYPE html>` is required in the first line of your HTML document. Doctype declaration for HTML5 is not case sensitive and does not require a closing tag.

What to Include in a New HTML Document

In addition to doctype declaration, you’ll also need to include `html`, `head`, and `body` tags.

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Html element.

The HTML tag communicates to the web browser that everything within the opening html tag, `<html>` and the closing html tag, `</html>` is HTML text.

Head Element

The head element stores metadata for the browser. This metadata could include information like what language the page is written in, a title for the web page, or a link to a style sheet.

Body Element

The body element contains the information that the viewer will see. There are several tags included within the body element. These might include a <p> tag for paragraphs, <ol> tag for ordered lists, <li> tag for list items, or the <a> tag for links.

Other Doctypes You May Find

Two books on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery standing on a shelf next to a cactus.

For HTML5 documents, you can declare the doctype with the code `<!DOCTYPE html>`, but you may also find legacy code written for previous doctypes. The doctype declaration prior to HTML5 was more complicated because it referred to a DTD, or Document Type Definition. Previous versions of HTML doctype declarations include:

HTML 4.01 Strict

Html 4.01 transitional, html 4.01 frameset, xhtml 1.0 strict, xhtml 1.0 transitional, xhtml 1.0 frameset.

The good news? There is no reason to use one of the older doctypes if you are writing a new HTML document!

In conclusion, each HTML document must begin with a doctype declaration. This declaration communicates to the browser that the web page will be rendered in HTML. If you’re new to HTML, check out our guide here: Learn HTML: A Guide to Learning Hypertext Markup Language , or read our article How Long Does It Take to Learn HTML?

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Doctypes and markup styles


The doctype appears just above the <html> tag, at the very start of each document you write:

The doctype explains what type of HTML is to be expected and therefore what spec validators (for example the W3C HTML validator ) should validate your document against. In this article of the Web Standards Curriculum we will explore the different doctypes you are likely to come across on your journey around the Web, as well as looking at how XHTML and HTML differ.

Standards versus quirks mode

The doctype also serves to make the browser render the page in so called "standards mode". In standards mode, browsers generally try to render the page according to the CSS specifications — they trust that the person who created the document knew what they were doing.

On the other hand, if a browser finds an outdated, incomplete of missing doctype at the start of the page, they use “quirks mode”, which is more backwards compatible with old practices and old browsers. Quirks mode assumes that the document is old or that it has not been created with web standards in mind — it means that the web page will still render, but the browser will work a bit harder in doing so, and you’ll likely get a strange or ugly result, which you weren’t quite expecting. The differences are mostly related to how CSS is rendered, and only in a few cases about how the actual HTML is treated. As a web designer or developer, you will get the most consistent results by making sure that all browsers use their Standards rendering mode, hence you should stick to web standards, and use a proper doctype!

The HTML5 doctype

In this course, we are sticking with the HTML5 docype:

There is no disadvantage to using this doctype, and it is certainly a lot easier to remember than the others! This is the one we'd recommend you use going forward, as even if you don't plan to start using any of the new HTML5 features in your work yet, it will still validate most of the HTML 4/XHTML 1.0 features (there are a couple of exceptions where features have been removed from the spec, but as you'll learn later, validation is merely a useful tool, and not the be all and end all of everything), and will be future proof for when you do start using new HTML5 features. There are however, other doctypes that you may come across when working on various projects. Let's look at some of the others you might bump into.

The HTML 4.01 strict doctype

The HTML 4.01 strict doctype validates against the HTML 4.01 spec, although it doesn't allow any presentational markup or deprecated elements (such as <font> elements) or framesets to be used. It validates loose HTML style markup, such as minimized attributes and non-quoted attributes (eg required , rather than required="required" ).

The HTML 4.01 transitional doctype

The HTML 4.01 transitional doctype validates against the HTML 4.01 spec. It allows some presentational markup and deprecated elements (such as <font> elements) but not framesets. Again, it validates loose HTML style markup.

The XML 1.0 strict and transitional doctypes

These are the exact XHTML 1.0 equivalents of the HTML 4.01 doctypes we discussed above, so functionally they are the same, except that they won't validate loose HTML style markup: it all needs to be well formed XML.

The HTML 4.01 and XML 1.0 frameset doctypes

If you want to use framesets and still have your markup validate, you can use one of these two doctypes:

They are functionally the same as HTML 4.01 transitional and XHTML 1.0 transitional respectively, but they allow the use of framesets. But please don't use framesets: they are evil and outdated. We don't even tell you have to use them anywhere in this course. Everytime you use a frameset on a web page, a fairy dies. So please don't. Think of the fairies.

Other doctypes

You may also occasionally see other doctypes on your travels, but they are not mentioned here because they are outdated. Don't use any other doctypes. Not by choice, anyway.

HTML versus XHTML syntax

Table 1 shows the main syntax differences between HTML and XHTML:

Table 1: Differences between HTML and XHTML.

In terms of what syntax style you should use, pick something you are comfortable with. We'd recommend that you start off using strict XML syntax, as it is guaranteed to work in any situation. Later on you can adjust your style to suit, when you understand what you are doing a bit better. Just remember these rules:

  • If you are using the HTML5 doctype or an HTML 4.01 doctype, you can use whatever style you want
  • If you are using an XHTML doctype, you need to use XML well-formed syntax
  • Close all open elements, so for example <p>paragraph</p> , not <p>paragraph
  • Nest them properly, for example <p>paragraph with bold <strong>word</strong></p> , not <p>paragraph with bold <strong>word</p></strong>

This last rule is very important. If you don't do this, your HTML will not be well formed, and CSS and JavaScript may not work reliably, as they rely on having a well-formed Document Object Model (DOM). For more on the HTML DOM, read Growing trees .

Serving "real" XML

You may also be interested to know that most of the XHTML on the Web is actually HTML written with well-formed XML syntax. Even if the doctype is an XHTML one, it will be sent to the client as HTML unless you:

  • save the file with an .xhtml file extension
  • Include a line of code called the XML declaration before your doctype, which looks like this:

We wouldn't recommend that you this however: old versions of Internet Explorer (6 and below) switch into Quirks mode if they find the XML declaration at the start of the document, which is bad, as we looked at earlier. In addition, IE 6-8 will try to download files saved as XHTML rather than display them in the browser, which you definitely do not want!

Therefore you should just stick to not trying to serve documents as proper XHTML! Carry on people, nothing to see here.

And that's it for the doctype - pretty much all you need to know.

Next: The HTML <head> element.

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HTML Elements

  • <!DOCTYPE>
  • <abbr>
  • <address>
  • <area>
  • <article>
  • <aside>
  • <base>
  • <blockquote>
  • <body>
  • <button>
  • <canvas>
  • <caption>
  • <cite>
  • <code>
  • <col>
  • <colgroup>
  • <datalist>
  • <del>
  • <dfn>
  • <div>
  • <embed>
  • <fieldset>
  • <footer>
  • <form>
  • <head>
  • <header>
  • <html>
  • <iframe>
  • <img>
  • <input>
  • <ins>
  • <kbd>
  • <label>
  • <legend>
  • <link>
  • <main>
  • <map>
  • <mark>
  • <marquee>
  • <menu>
  • <meta>
  • <nav>
  • <noscript>
  • <object>
  • <optgroup>
  • <option>
  • <pre>
  • <script>
  • <section>
  • <select>
  • <small>
  • <span>
  • <strong>
  • <style>
  • <sub>
  • <sup>
  • <table>
  • <tbody>
  • <tfoot>
  • <thead>
  • <time>
  • <title>

right caret

Deprecated HTML Elements

  • <acronym>
  • <basefont>
  • <big>
  • <center>
  • <font>
  • <strike>

totn HTML


This HTML tutorial explains how to use the HTML element called the <!DOCTYPE> tag with syntax and examples.


The HTML <!DOCTYPE> tag is the very first line in the HTML document. It tells the browser what version of HTML the document is written so that the browser knows what to expect. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <!DOCTYPE> element.

The syntax for the <!DOCTYPE> tag varies between on the version of HTML or XHTML you are using. Let's look at the most common usages.

The syntax in HTML5 is:

The syntax in HTML 4.01 Transitional is:

The syntax in XHTML 1.0 Transitional is:

The syntax in XHTML 1.0 Strict is:

The syntax in XHTML 1.1 is:

Browser Compatibility

The <!DOCTYPE> tag has basic support with the following browsers:

  • Firefox (Gecko)
  • Firefox Mobile (Gecko)
  • Internet Explorer (IE)
  • Edge Mobile
  • Opera Mobile
  • Safari (WebKit)
  • Safari Mobile

We will discuss the <html> tag below, exploring examples of how to use the <html> tag in HTML5, HTML 4.01 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Strict, and XHTML 1.1.

HTML5 Document

If you created a new web page in HTML5, your <!DOCTYPE> tag might look like this:

In this HTML5 Document example, the <!DOCTYPE> tag is on the first line which is not contained within the <html> tag.

HTML 4.01 Transitional Document

If you created a new web page in HTML 4.01 Transitional, your <!DOCTYPE> tag might look like this:

In this HTML 4.01 Transitional Document example, the <!DOCTYPE> tag is on the first line which is not contained within the <html> tag.

XHTML 1.0 Transitional Document

If you created a new web page in XHTML 1.0 Transitional, your <!DOCTYPE> tag might look like this:

In this XHTML 1.0 Transitional Document example, the <!DOCTYPE> tag is on the first line which is not contained within the <html> tag.

XHTML 1.0 Strict Document

If you created a new web page in XHTML 1.0 Strict, your <!DOCTYPE> tag might look like this:

In this XHTML 1.0 Strict Document example, the <!DOCTYPE> tag is on the first line which is not contained within the <html> tag.

XHTML 1.1 Document

If you created a new web page in XHTML 1.1, your <!DOCTYPE> tag might look like this:

In this XHTML 1.1 Document example, the <!DOCTYPE> tag is on the first line which is not contained within the <html> tag.


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Understanding Doctype in HTML: A Complete Syntax and Usage Guide

Doctype is an unmistakable sign in HTML that sets out a flashing guide to web browsers. It’s like the bright lighthouse guiding ships in foggy weather, alerting them about the version of the HTML or XHTML map used in navigating a web document. Various types of this signal exist, each associated with different versions of HTML or XHTML, like varied patterns of Morse code. An unexpected twist here is that while being a simple declaration tag, it influences a complex factor – how the browser displays your web page. This revelation makes it crucial to understand more about the role Doctype plays in HTML.

The declaration in HTML serves as an instruction to the web browser about which version of HTML the page is written in, enabling the browser to render the content correctly. It ensures proper rendering and interpretation of the web page’s markup by the browser.


Understanding Doctypes

When you create a web page, the doctype declaration tells the browser which version of HTML or XHTML the document is written in. It’s like a secret code that helps the browser understand how to display the page properly. Without this code, your web page might not look right on different browsers or devices.

Let’s break it down. Think of it as a set of instructions for your web browser. These instructions tell the browser about the rules to follow when displaying the content of your webpage.

The Impact of Doctypes on Rendering

Different doctypes can impact how web pages are rendered. For instance, in older versions of Internet Explorer, using a specific version of HTML doctype could trigger something called “quirks mode.” This meant that the browser would render the page differently, often causing unexpected display issues.

To give you an idea, if you used an older, more relaxed doctype, your webpage might have appeared differently in different browsers, leading to inconsistencies in how users experienced your website.

Browser Compatibility

Moreover, the doctype declaration also influences browser compatibility. By specifying the correct doctype, you’re ensuring that your website renders consistently across various browsers and devices, providing a seamless experience for all users.

Think of it as using standardized measurements—like inches or centimeters—instead of vague estimates. By explicitly stating which version of HTML or XHTML you’re using, you ensure that different browsers and devices interpret your web page uniformly.

Ensuring Consistency and Compatibility

In essence, understanding and utilizing the correct doctype is essential for maintaining consistency and compatibility across different platforms. It guards against rendering quirks and ensures that your carefully crafted web content displays as intended.

To sum up, think of the doctype as a roadmap for your web browser: without it, there’s a good chance your webpage might get lost along the way!

Now that we’ve explored what a doctype is and how it impacts web development, let’s dive deeper into understanding the specific syntax and usage of this critical element in HTML.

Role of Doctype in HTML

When it comes to building a house, the foundation holds everything together. In the world of web development, Doctype plays a similar role—it’s the foundation that establishes a standard for browser rendering and ensures consistent display across different browsers. You can think of it as the rulebook that tells the browser how to interpret and display the content of your website accurately.

The doctype declaration serves as a guide to the browser, communicating the version of HTML or XHTML being used in the document. Without this guide, browsers can sometimes make their best guess, which may lead to inconsistencies in rendering and potentially compromising user experience. By explicitly declaring a doctype, you’re setting clear expectations for how your webpage should be displayed, leaving little room for interpretation.

Consider this scenario: If you write an HTML document using modern elements or attributes but fail to specify a doctype, some browsers may revert to quirks mode, which can result in unexpected layout changes or rendering differences. On the other hand, including a valid doctype activates standards mode, ensuring that the webpage displays consistently and as intended across various browsers and devices.

Standards Mode Activation

Activating standards mode through the inclusion of a proper doctype declaration is essential for achieving a cohesive user experience. When your webpage renders in standards mode, it adheres to standardized rules and specifications, making it more predictable and reliable across different browsing environments.

Consistency becomes key here—a webpage that displays consistently enhances user satisfaction and usability, leading to positive interactions with your site. Additionally, adhering to standard rendering rules is also beneficial for SEO performance since search engines favor websites that provide a seamless user experience.

Think of it like this: Activating standards mode with an appropriate doctype is like speaking a common language that everyone understands. It ensures that your webpage communicates effectively with browsers, delivering a harmonious user experience regardless of the platform or device being used.

In short, understanding the role of doctype in HTML isn’t just about technicalities; it’s about creating an environment where your webpage performs reliably and consistently. By activating standards mode through a proper doctype declaration, you pave the way for a seamless user experience while positively impacting SEO performance.

By grasping the critical role of doctype in HTML and its impact on web page rendering, we’re now poised to explore the practical applications of different doctypes such as HTML 4, XHTML, and HTML 5.

Exploring Different Doctypes: HTML 4, XHTML, HTML 5

When delving into the vast realm of HTML, it’s crucial to understand the different Doctypes and their impact on web development. Let’s start with HTML 4 . This version, introduced in 1997, brought a transitional Doctype that aimed to maintain compatibility with older browsers. By declaring the specific version of HTML to be used, this Doctype ensured consistency in rendering across various browsers of that era.

Then came XHTML , which emerged as a stricter and more structured cousin of HTML. Its Doctype enforced XML compliance, bringing about a cleaner and more standardized syntax while maintaining backward compatibility with existing HTML content.

Let’s dive deeper into the key attributes of XHTML:

It’s important to note that while XHTML promised greater structure and adherence to rules, its popularity gradually waned after the introduction of the much-anticipated HTML 5 .

HTML 5 , launched in 2014, represented a significant leap forward by supporting modern web standards and features. This version introduced a simplified Doctype declaration and a plethora of new elements and attributes. It brought exciting new capabilities such as native support for audio and video embedding, advanced form controls, and semantic structural elements like

, , , and .

By adopting HTML 5, developers gained access to a wide array of tools to create interactive and engaging web experiences for users. The flexible nature of this standard allowed for more diverse content creation while also ensuring backward compatibility with older web pages.

Here are some examples of features that became available with HTML 5:

  • <video> and <audio> elements for seamless media integration.
  • The <canvas> element for dynamic graphics rendering within the browser.
  • Advanced form input types such as email, date, time, color, and range.

These additions extended the boundaries of web development possibilities, empowering creators to craft richer and more interactive online experiences.

In comprehending these three major Doctypes—HTML 4, XHTML, and HTML 5—we gain a comprehensive view of the evolution of web standards and their impact on modern-day web development practices. With each standard carrying its unique set of features and compatibilities, developers can strategically leverage these capabilities to build compelling digital experiences.

Application of Doctypes in Web Development

Choosing and implementing the appropriate doctype is essential for successful web page development. The doctype declared at the beginning of an HTML document serves as a guide for web browsers to understand how to render the content. It ensures that the web page displays correctly across various browsers and devices, maintaining consistency in appearance and functionality.

Cross-Browser Compatibility By clearly defining the document type, developers can mitigate compatibility issues and discrepancies in how different browsers interpret the code. This helps in creating a seamless user experience regardless of whether visitors are using Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or any other browser. Whether it’s handling CSS styles, layout, or scripting languages, the specified doctype standardizes the rendering behavior across diverse platforms.

Imagine visiting a website that looks perfect on your computer but appears distorted or disorganized when accessed through your mobile device. This scenario underscores the importance of selecting the right doctype to support responsive design and ensure consistent display on various screen sizes.

Standards Compliance In addition to supporting cross-browser compatibility, using the correct doctype plays a pivotal role in adhering to established web development standards. It promotes conformity with the guidelines set by organizations such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) , ensuring that web pages meet recognized industry benchmarks for accessibility and functionality.

By aligning with these standards, developers contribute to an internet environment that prioritizes user accessibility and usability. Compliance with web standards reinforces the credibility and professional representation of websites while fostering a positive user experience.

The incorporation of appropriate doctypes also extends its influence into search engine optimization (SEO) practices. When web pages are constructed with the correct doctype specifications, they contribute to improved page rendering and user experience, which are integral components of SEO performance.

Consider this: When a website loads quickly and displays uniformly across different devices due to proper doctype implementation, it significantly enhances user satisfaction. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that offer optimal user experiences, and this positively impacts their ranking in search results.

Therefore, it becomes evident that doctypes are not just technical requirements; they play a critical role in ensuring operational consistency, adhering to industry standards, and enhancing SEO performance. Conscientious attention to choosing and implementing the appropriate doctype is fundamental for successful web development endeavors.

In the complex web development landscape, selecting the right doctype is paramount for laying a sturdy foundation. Now, let’s move on to explore how one can navigate this critical decision effectively.

Choosing the Right Doctype for Your Project

When it comes to choosing the right doctype, it’s not just about picking the one you’re most familiar with or the one that someone else told you to use. Instead, it’s about understanding which doctype aligns with the HTML or XHTML version you are using for your project. This might sound technical, but think of it as making sure everyone is speaking the same language when you’re building your website. You want to make sure that all the different pieces can work together smoothly.

To help you understand which doctype aligns best with your project, let’s break down a couple of key considerations:

HTML or XHTML Version Compatibility: The doctype you choose should match the version of HTML or XHTML that your website is built with. For example, if you’re working with HTML5 elements and attributes, you’ll need a doctype that supports these new features. Similarly, if you’re using older versions of HTML or XHTML, you’ll need a doctype that ensures compatibility with those standards.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: Different web browsers interpret code in slightly different ways. This means that a webpage may look and behave differently across various browsers if proper compatibility measures aren’t taken. Therefore, ensure that the chosen doctype supports the elements and attributes used in your web document for cross-browser compatibility. This is essential for ensuring a consistent experience for users, regardless of their choice of browser.

By choosing the right doctype that aligns with your specific HTML or XHTML version and ensures cross-browser compatibility, you lay a strong foundation for the smooth rendering and functionality of your web project.

Let’s say you’re building a website using the latest version of HTML—HTML5— and you want to take advantage of its new semantic elements like <section>, <article>, and <header>. In this case, selecting the HTML5 doctype (<!DOCTYPE html>) at the beginning of your HTML document will signal to browsers that they should render your page according to HTML5 specifications.

On the other hand, if you’re working with an older version of HTML – such as HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 – it’s important to match this with the appropriate doctype declaration to ensure browsers render content correctly.

Choosing the right doctype may seem technical, but it’s like making sure all the puzzle pieces fit together properly for your web project. It sets the stage for seamless compatibility and consistent rendering across different browsers, providing a solid foundation for a successful online presence.

With the foundational understanding of choosing the right doctype in place, next, we navigate through browser rendering and compatibility challenges, diving into how different browsers interpret web code and its impact on user experience.

Navigation through Browser Rendering and Compatibility Challenges

When you’re building a website, have you ever wondered why it looks different when you open it in different web browsers? This is where the doctype comes into play and determines how web browsers render your HTML. Let’s take a closer look at what this means.

First off, let’s talk about browser compatibility challenges. These can be quite frustrating because not all browsers are created equally, especially when it comes to understanding the code behind your webpage. For example, Internet Explorer 6 and older versions may not support the HTML5 Doctype declaration properly, resulting in rendering issues. Different doctype declarations can lead to varying behaviors, causing headaches for developers who want consistency across different browsers.

To complicate matters further, doctype declarations influence the rendering mode of the browser, which affects how HTML and CSS are interpreted. When you use an incorrect or missing doctype, older browsers might trigger quirks mode which can result in unpredictable rendering behaviors. This leads to development challenges as designers and developers work hard to ensure consistent user experiences across different browsing platforms.

Let’s say you have chosen the HTML5 doctype <!DOCTYPE html> for modern web development. While this should trigger standards mode in most browsers, there can still be variations in rendering behaviors due to differences in how each browser interprets the doctype declaration.

Compatibility Testing

To ensure proper rendering with the chosen doctype, conducting thorough testing across various browsers, including older versions, becomes essential. Users accessing your site from diverse browsers should have a consistent experience. It’s just like ensuring that a book reads the same whether it’s being viewed on paper or as an eBook on different devices.

Compatibility Tools

In addition to testing, utilizing compatibility tools and validators is crucial for identifying and addressing doctype-related issues that may impact web page rendering and user experience. These tools help highlight any discrepancies or errors stemming from the chosen doctype and provide insights into how to resolve them effectively.

Understanding these browser compatibility challenges is key to navigating the intricate landscape of web development. By being aware of these challenges, you’re better equipped to make informed decisions about choosing a suitable doctype for your project and ensuring a seamless user experience across various browsing platforms.

In conclusion, grasping the nuances of browser compatibility and doctype usage empowers web developers to create websites that offer a consistent user experience across different browsers. Check out for more guidance on optimizing your website for various browsing platforms.

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What Is Doctype HTML And How To Use It

Understanding the 'doctype html' declaration is pivotal for developers aiming for consistent web page rendering across browsers. This article delves into its significance, common errors, and practical applications, ensuring your web pages function as intended.


  • The DOCTYPE declaration is crucial as it informs the browser about the HTML version, ensuring correct page rendering.
  • It prevents browsers from entering "quirks mode," which can lead to inconsistent appearances across different browsers.
  • The HTML5 DOCTYPE declaration is recommended for modern web development due to its simplicity and compatibility .
  • Proper placement of the DOCTYPE declaration at the top of an HTML document is vital for maintaining web standards and user experience.

Doctype html is the declaration at the beginning of an HTML document, signaling the version of HTML being used.

It ensures that browsers render the page consistently, regardless of the device or platform. Familiarizing yourself with this declaration is essential for creating web pages that function as intended.

how to write doctype html

Doctype Declaration

Purpose & significance, ensuring browser consistency, common errors & solutions, practical examples, frequently asked questions, types of doctype declarations, why it matters.

The Doctype Declaration , often abbreviated as DOCTYPE, is the very first thing in an HTML document. It's an instruction to the web browser about the version of HTML the page is written in.

This declaration is essential because it helps the browser to display a web page correctly. Without it, browsers might render the page in "quirks mode", which can result in inconsistent appearances across different browsers.

Over the years, various versions of HTML have had their own doctype declarations. Here are a few:

  • HTML 4.01 Strict:
  • HTML 4.01 Transitional:
  • XHTML 1.0 Strict:

The doctype declaration ensures that the browser understands how to render the page as intended by the developer. It acts as a link between the web page and the rules the browser follows to display it.

By specifying the doctype, you're essentially telling the browser which version of HTML specifications your document adheres to. This ensures a more consistent rendering across various browsers.

Remember, always place the doctype declaration at the very top of your HTML document, before the <html> tag.

The Doctype Declaration serves a critical role in web development. Its primary purpose is to inform the browser about the type of document it's about to render, specifically the version of HTML used.

Ensuring Correct Rendering

Compatibility across browsers, modern web standards.

Web browsers have different rendering modes, including "standards mode" and "quirks mode". By specifying the doctype, you're ensuring that the browser uses its "standards mode", which adheres to the latest web standards.

Without a doctype, the browser might default to "quirks mode", leading to potential inconsistencies in how your webpage appears across different browsers.

One of the major challenges in web development is ensuring that websites look and function consistently across various browsers. The doctype declaration aids in this by setting a clear standard for the browser to follow.

Whether a user is on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or any other browser, the goal is to have the webpage appear and function in a consistent manner.

With the evolution of the web, standards have been established to ensure a consistent and accessible experience for all users.

The doctype declaration is a nod to these standards, signaling the browser to adhere to the latest specifications of HTML. This is especially significant in the era of HTML5, where new features and functionalities are continuously introduced.

In essence, the Doctype Declaration is more than just a line of code at the top of your HTML document. It's a commitment to quality, consistency, and adherence to modern web standards.

Standards Mode Vs Quirks Mode

Common inconsistencies, testing across browsers.


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In the realm of web development, browser consistency is paramount. Different browsers can interpret and render the same HTML code differently, leading to variations in how a webpage appears to users.

Browsers generally have two rendering modes: "standards mode" and "quirks mode". "Standards mode" adheres to modern web specifications, ensuring that the page is displayed as the developer intended.

On the other hand, "quirks mode" is a throwback to older browsers and can result in unpredictable and inconsistent rendering.

The Role of Doctype: The Doctype Declaration acts as a directive to the browser, specifying which version of HTML the document is using.

This clarity helps browsers render the page according to the defined standards, minimizing discrepancies across different platforms.

Without the correct doctype, you might encounter various issues:

  • CSS styles not being applied uniformly.
  • JavaScript functionalities breaking.
  • Layout elements, like divs and tables, misaligning.

By ensuring that you've declared the correct doctype, you're taking a proactive step to mitigate these potential inconsistencies.

It's always a good practice to test your website on multiple browsers. Tools like "BrowserStack" or "CrossBrowserTesting" allow developers to view their sites on different browsers and platforms, ensuring a consistent user experience.

In conclusion, while the Doctype Declaration might seem like a small detail, its impact on ensuring browser consistency is profound.

It's an essential tool in a developer's toolkit to guarantee that users get a uniform experience, regardless of their browser choice.

how to write doctype html

When working with Doctype Declarations , there are certain pitfalls developers might encounter. Addressing these common errors can ensure a smoother web development process.

Missing Doctype Declaration

Incorrect doctype format, case sensitivity issues, validation failures, unexpected layout issues.

One of the most frequent oversights is simply forgetting to include the doctype at the beginning of the HTML document. This omission can lead the browser into "quirks mode", causing unpredictable rendering.

Using an outdated or incorrect format for the doctype can also lead to issues. For instance, a misplaced URL or missing PUBLIC identifier can cause problems.

While HTML isn't case-sensitive, XHTML is. Using the wrong case in your doctype for an XHTML document can lead to validation errors.

Even with the correct doctype, your document might fail validation if it contains errors that don't conform to the specified HTML or XHTML version.

Solution : Use online validators, such as the W3C Markup Validation Service, to check your document. Address any errors or warnings it highlights.

Even with a correct doctype, you might encounter layout issues due to CSS or JavaScript conflicts.

Solution : Debug using browser developer tools. Inspect elements to identify styling issues and check the console for any JavaScript errors.

In the world of web development, errors are inevitable.

However, by being aware of common pitfalls associated with Doctype Declarations and their solutions, developers can ensure a more seamless and consistent browsing experience for users.

HTML Declaration

Impact of missing doctype.

When it comes to understanding the Doctype Declaration , practical examples can be invaluable. Let's delve into some real-world scenarios to see how the doctype is implemented and its impact on web pages.

For modern web development, HTML5 is the standard. Its doctype declaration is streamlined and straightforward.

XHTML 1.0 Strict : For those working with XHTML, especially when strict compliance is required, the doctype declaration is a bit more verbose.

HTML 4.01 Transitional : In scenarios where some legacy elements and attributes are still in use, the HTML 4.01 Transitional doctype might be appropriate.

Let's consider a practical example where the doctype is missing. Without the doctype, a simple CSS style might not render as expected.

Solution : Always include the appropriate doctype at the beginning of your document to ensure consistent rendering.

Incorporating the Doctype Declaration correctly in various scenarios ensures that web pages are displayed as intended.

These practical examples underscore its importance and offer insights into its application in real-world web development.

The HTML5 Solution : To tackle this, Richard decided to adopt the HTML5 DOCTYPE declaration, which is both forward and backward compatible with all browsers.

He incorporated the following line at the very top of the website's HTML files:

  • The DOCTYPE declaration informs the browser about the version of HTML used, influencing how browsers render pages.
  • Using <!DOCTYPE html> for HTML5 ensures both forward and backward compatibility, making it a recommended practice for modern web development.
  • Addressing foundational issues, like the correct DOCTYPE, can make subsequent development smoother and more predictable, leading to better user experiences.

This case study illustrates the importance of understanding and applying web standards, even something as fundamental as the DOCTYPE declaration, in the design and development of websites.

Are there different Doctypes for different versions of HTML?

Yes, different versions of HTML and XHTML have their own specific Doctype Declarations. For instance, HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 each have different declarations.

What happens if I omit the Doctype Declaration?

Omitting the Doctype can lead to unpredictable rendering of the web page. The browser might enter "quirks mode", which can result in the page looking different across various browsers.

Can I use HTML5 features if I declare an older Doctype?

While you can technically use HTML5 features in a document with an older Doctype, it might not validate correctly, and browsers might not render the features as expected.

Let's see what you learned!

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How to use the DOCTYPE html tag

How to use the DOCTYPE html tag

The <!DOCTYPE html> tag should always be placed at the beginning of the source code of HTML documents and sub-pages. Thanks to DOCTYPE, you can tell at first glance what type of document you’re dealing with. If the declaration is missing in the document, it can lead to errors in how your website is displayed.

What is DOCTYPE html?

What is doctype html used for, code examples for older html versions, why is doctype html so important.

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If you work with HTML documents, then you probably know <!DOCTYPE html>. Although it’s not one of the classic HTML tags , DOCTYPE html should be in first place in HTML documents. Even before the actual source code, DOCTYPE indicates which document type a browser should open and which code syntax and grammar is used. Although the declaration is one of the most important elements in the HTML document, it’s often forgotten. Since its presence is now assumed, you shouldn’t forget to mark the document type for each page with . Good HTML editors come with an error-checking feature that points out missing DOCTYPE lines.

While the DOCTYPE declaration clarifies the document type, HTML div serves as an empty container without semantic meaning that you can freely fill with scripts and CSS for website design.

The goal of DOCTYPE html is to provide programmers and browsers with information at first glance of the Document Type Definition (DTD) and how a website should be rendered. The DTD indicates which code language is used on the page or in the HTML document. This applies, for example, to files in HTML, XHTML, SVG, MathML, or XML . So, if you learn HTML and want to create a website, you should insert as the first step.

If you don’t include the DOCTYPE declaration, websites may be displayed incorrectly. That’s because browsers automatically switch to “ Quirks mode ” if <!DOCTYPE html> is missing. This is to preserve the backward compatibility and presentation of websites that are behind in current code standards. At the same time, this can lead to things being incorrectly displayed despite current code, when browsers obey outdated, invalid code elements.

Since <!DOCTYPE html> isn’t a typical HTML tag, there also isn’t a closing HTML tag with opening parenthesis and slash (</). And, no case sensitivity applies, so upper and lower case are not crucial

What kind of DOCTYPE html exist?

Since DOCTYPE html in HTML5 isn’t based on SGML, the form is very easy to remember. It requires no case sensitivity and is placed immediately before the first HTML tag on the first line of the HTML document. The information a browser needs about the document type and display look like this:

In documents that still use older HTML versions like HTML4 or XHTML, DOCTYPE looks much more complicated. That’s why even experienced programmers often copy-paste it into the HTML document. The complexity is due to HTML4 and older code languages being based on the HTML predecessor SGML (Standardized Generalized Markup Language) and browsers needing the exact definition of the document type.

In markup languages before HTML5, these DOCTYPE codes are used at the beginning of an HTML document:

XHTML 1.0 Strict:

XHTML 1.0 Transitional:

XHTML 1.1 Strict:

For e-books in the EPUB2 standard as well as older e-book formats , the DOCTYPE declaration is also still added in XHTML 1.1 Strict at the beginning of the XHTML document:

HTML 4.01 Strict:

HTML 4.01 Transitional:

Contrary to HTML5 and its predecessors, no DOCTYPE declaration is recommended for the SVG format – as well as before and after SVG 1.2 – since no DTD is used after SVG 1.2.

The DOCTYPE html declaration isn’t a requirement and can be omitted in HTML documents. Regardless of this, the specification of the document type is considered the unofficial standard . If the declaration is missing, it’ll be marked as an error, for example, when the HTML document is checked. If the browser cannot identify the syntax and grammar rules used with certainty, display errors can come up and the functionality of a website can be impaired.

Good to know: DOCTYPE shouldn’t only appear at the beginning of the source code. Each individual sub-page in an HTML document should include the declaration.

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    The HTML doctype tag explained. At the top of all HTML documents, you will see the document type declaration written using the <!DOCTYPE > tag. Here's one example of an HTML5 document type declaration: Technically, the <!DOCTYPE > tag is used to inform web browsers about the HTML version of the document. This is required so that different web ...

  11. Declaring an HTML Doctype: A Step-By-Step Guide

    When starting a new HTML document, one of the first things to do is write your document type declaration. A doctype declaration tells the browser that the page to be rendered is written in HTML. To declare an HTML5 doctype, `<!DOCTYPE html>` is required in the first line of your HTML document. Doctype declaration for HTML5 is not case sensitive ...

  12. Doctypes and markup styles

    Table 1: Differences between HTML and XHTML. In terms of what syntax style you should use, pick something you are comfortable with. We'd recommend that you start off using strict XML syntax, as it is guaranteed to work in any situation.

  13. HTML: <!DOCTYPE> tag

    This HTML tutorial explains how to use the HTML element called the !DOCTYPE tag with syntax and examples. The HTML !DOCTYPE tag tells the browser what version of HTML the document is written so that the browser knows what to expect (also called !DOCTYPE element).

  14. : It's Code For Declaring A DOCTYPE In HTML5

    Declaring a DOCTYPE. All HTML need to have a DOCTYPE declared. The DOCTYPE is not actually an element or HTML tag. It lets the browser know how the document should be interpreted, by indicating what version or standard of HTML (or other markup language) is being used.

  15. Understanding Doctype in HTML: A Complete Syntax and Usage Guide

    Consider this scenario: If you write an HTML document using modern elements or attributes but fail to specify a doctype, some browsers may revert to quirks mode, which can result in unexpected layout changes or rendering differences. ... By grasping the critical role of doctype in HTML and its impact on web page rendering, we're now poised to ...

  16. DOCTYPE HTML 4.01 tutorial

    There are three ways to check if your HTML code is valid in w3c validation service. 1) You can provide the url of your HTML document. 2) You can directly input the HTML code to be validated. 3.) You can upload the HTML file and check validation.

  17. What Is Doctype HTML And How To Use It

    The Doctype Declaration, often abbreviated as DOCTYPE, is the very first thing in an HTML document. It's an instruction to the web browser about the version of HTML the page is written in. <!DOCTYPE html>. This declaration is essential because it helps the browser to display a web page correctly.

  18. How To Set Doctype in HTML5

    Introduction. The <!DOCTYPE html> tag is a required preamble for HTML documents. Here's how you use it. Prerequisites. A general knowledge of HTML5. For a comprehensive review of the HTML5 markup language, explore our series, How To Build a Website in HTML. Setting doctype in HTML5. To set the doctype in HTML5, add this to the top of your html code:

  19. What is DOCTYPE html? Definition and examples

    The goal of DOCTYPE html is to provide programmers and browsers with information at first glance of the Document Type Definition (DTD) and how a website should be rendered. The DTD indicates which code language is used on the page or in the HTML document. This applies, for example, to files in HTML, XHTML, SVG, MathML, or XML.

  20. How to automatically write html structure

    If you are using VS code then you can use this command shift + 1 and enter to auto-populate HTML Doctype in HTML or PHP. When you will press enter it will add the following code:

  21. How to Create Links to Other Pages in HTML

    target Attribute. `_blank`: This makes the linked document open in a new window or tab. `_self`: It opens the linked document in the same window or tab as the link. This is the default behavior. `_parent`: If your webpage has frames, this option opens the linked document in the parent frame. `_top`: It opens the linked document in the whole ...

  22. How to bring centre alignment in web page using html?

    1 Answer. Though it's technically still part of HTML, the <center> tag was deprecated in HTML 4.01 to emphasize that CSS stylesheets are the new home for all style and formatting parameters. That was back in 1999. These days, you should create a selector in CSS, then set the attributes you need for a specific effect. text-align: center;