Tide Times for Prestatyn

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Today's tide times for Prestatyn

The predicted tide times today on Saturday 06 April 2024 for Prestatyn are: first low tide at 3:50am, first high tide at 9:39am, second low tide at 4:21pm, second high tide at 10:12pm. Sunrise is at 6:33am and sunset is at 7:59pm.

Today's tide times for Prestatyn: Saturday 06 April 2024

Tide chart for prestatyn showing low and high tide times for the next 30 days at prestatyn. tide times are bst (utc +1.0hrs)..

View Prestatyn 7 Day Tide Chart Image.

Prestatyn Tide Chart including high and low tide times for the next 7 days

Prestatyn tide chart key:

The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Prestatyn. The red flashing dot shows the tide time right now. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Prestatyn.

Tide Times are BST (UTC +1.0hrs). Last Spring High Tide at Prestatyn was on Tue 26 Mar (height: 7.82m 25.7ft). Next high Spring Tide at Prestatyn will be on Tue 09 Apr (height: 8.83m 29.0ft).

Prestatyn tide chart key: The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Prestatyn. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Prestatyn.

Prestatyn tide times for April

April Tide charts for Prestatyn: The tide charts below show the height, time and date of high and low tides for the next 30 days.

Tide Times for Prestatyn (tomorrow): Sunday 07 April 2024

Powered by Tide-Forecast.com

Tide Times for Prestatyn: Monday 08 April 2024

Tide times for prestatyn: tuesday 09 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: wednesday 10 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: thursday 11 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: friday 12 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: saturday 13 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: sunday 14 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: monday 15 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: tuesday 16 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: wednesday 17 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: thursday 18 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: friday 19 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: saturday 20 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: sunday 21 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: monday 22 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: tuesday 23 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: wednesday 24 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: thursday 25 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: friday 26 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: saturday 27 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: sunday 28 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: monday 29 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: tuesday 30 april 2024, tide times for prestatyn: wednesday 01 may 2024, tide times for prestatyn: thursday 02 may 2024, tide times for prestatyn: friday 03 may 2024, tide times for prestatyn: saturday 04 may 2024.

NOTE: Use of this site for Prestatyn tide times is subject to our terms.

NOTE: We do not accept responsibility for any amendments or changes to the data whilst it is displayed / printed from our website.

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High tides and low tides prestatyn.

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United Kingdom - Lat: 53.33748 Long: -3.40776 Caution: Indicative forecast - Do not replace official documents - Read Terms of Use

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Ports close to Prestatyn

  • Poulton-le-Fylde 61.84 km
  • Barmouth 80.89 km
  • Holyhead 81.38 km
  • Wallasey 24.65 km
  • Liverpool 29.64 km
  • Southport 43.21 km


Please read these terms of use carefully before using the Website. The tide forecasts for Prestatyn (time of high tide, low tide, water height and coefficient) contained on this website are provided with a risk of errors and inaccuracies. The information given here is indicative and does not replace any official documents. The site team disclaims all express or implied guarantees of the quality and accuracy of the information. The designers decline all responsibility for any damage arising from any use.

You assume total responsibility and risk related to your use of this data. Persons engaging in activities that may cause injury, death, or the loss of property or profits due to bad or incorrect forecasts do so at their own risk. In such cases, it is imperative to refer to the provisions and resources of official and national bodies of the country in which you are looking for information.

The use of the Prestatyn tide times service is free and reserved for strictly personal use. The Prestatyn tide times presented on this website are published by the publishing team of https://www.captaintide.com/.

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Prestatyn - Location

Prestatyn is located in United Kingdom. Prestatyn is a very beautiful city from which to admire the spectacle of the tides. We recommend you show extreme caution when watching the spectacle of large tides in Prestatyn, the high tide is at Prestatyn and the low tide at Prestatyn.

Sunrise and sunset times on 06/04/2024 in Prestatyn

Sunrise time Prestatyn : 06:32 Sunset time Prestatyn : 19:55  Enjoy the tides for as long as possible by consulting the sunrise and sunset times.

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Prestatyn Central tides & weather

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7 day tide forecast for Prestatyn Central 2024

*Tide times are provided by TideTime.org and based on the nearest calculated point - this can differ by up to half and hour depending on distance. Please note, the tide times given are not suitable for navigational purposes.

Prestatyn Central current weather (Sat Apr 6th 08:00)


(Cloudy) 16.1°C / 61°F

Sea temperature 8°C / 47°F

UV Index scale

A UV Index reading of 3 or more means some precautions should be taken. For more information visit our guide to the UV Index.


16.1°C / 61°F


20 mph 32 km/h

Partly cloudy

Partly cloudy

15.1°C / 59°F


30 mph 48 km/h

Heavy rain

11.6°C / 53°F

24 mph 39 km/h

Partly cloudy

9°C / 48°F

26 mph 42 km/h

6 day weather forecast


15°C / 59°F

29 mph 47 km/h

12.2°C / 54°F


12.6°C / 55°F

12 mph 20 km/h

8°C / 46°F


23 mph 37 km/h


10.2°C / 50°F


15 mph 24 km/h

14.6°C / 58°F

17 mph 27 km/h

Weather forecast from Yr, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK

Monthly weather averages for Prestatyn Central

Max/min average temperature, hours of sunshine per day.

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Our weather symbols tell you the weather conditions for any given hour in the day or night. This means that the symbol for 9am shows you what you will see from 9am to 10am.

Chance of precipitation represents how likely it is that rain (or other types of precipitation, such as sleet, snow, hail or drizzle) will fall from the sky at a certain time.

This number shows the air temperature for the time period. You can see the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit by using the dropdown menu.

Feels like temperature considers other factors, such as wind speed and humidity. This gives you a better idea of how the temperature will actually feel at the time.

Wind gust shows the highest wind speed that you should encounter at that time, as winds peak and lull.

Strong winds are shown in bold for speeds of 29 mph or more.

The arrow shows the direction the wind is blowing. The letters show the direction the wind is blowing from (on a standard 16-point compass).

The number represents the average wind speed expected at that time.

The arrow shows the direction of the wind (up is north). If the arrow points from land to sea, the wind will be blowing out to sea (‘offshore’). The number is the average wind speed.

Beware of offshore winds if you are using inflatables, paddle boards or kayaks. These winds can blow you out to sea. Read more about how wind will affect you at the beach.

Visibility measures the distance at which an object can be clearly seen.

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. If there is a lot of water vapour, the humidity will be high. The higher the percentage of humidity, the wetter it will feel outside.

UV exposure index and the protection required to help keep you safe:

- No risk of UV - It’s safe to stay outside. 1-2 Low - You can safely stay outside. Consider sunscreen in direct sunlight. 3-5 Moderate - Take care during midday hours and do not spend too much time in the sun unprotected. Sunscreen advised. 6-7 High - Seek shade during midday hours, cover up and wear sunscreen. 8-10 Very high - Spend time in the shade between 11am and 3pm. Shirt, sunscreen and hat are essential. 11 Extreme - Avoid being outside during midday hours. Shirt, sunscreen and hat essential.

This is the average height of the waves, 1-2 miles out to sea. The height of the waves can vary. The individual waves out to sea or at the beach can be higher than this number. If you are close to the water, keep an eye on the waves to stop you or your belongings being swept away.

Read more about calculating the expected height of the waves at the beach.

This is the average number of seconds between one wave and the next, 1-2 miles out to sea. A long wave period (more than 10 seconds) means the waves at the beach may be more powerful. Lifeguards can give you advice on waves if you’re planning to go into the water.

Read more about the period of waves.

The arrow shows the average direction of the waves 1-2 miles out to sea. It indicates how sheltered the beach will be from these waves. If the arrow points towards land, most of the waves’ power will reach the beach. If the arrow is parallel to or pointing away from land, the wave height is likely to be lower on the beach than it is offshore.

Lifeguards can give you advice on waves if you’re planning to go into the water.

Forecast row information

Storm kathleen to bring strong winds.

Low pressure will bring windy conditions and continued showers, especially in the west, as well as above average temperature in East Anglia.

UK video forecast

Environment Agency

Updated: 09:01 (UTC+1) on Sat 6 Apr 2024

West Midlands weather forecast

Saturday 6 apr - wednesday 10 apr.

Very windy, with gales on Saturday.

A very windy day with gales possible, particularly in the west as a result of Storm Kathleen. Largely dry with sunny spells feeling warm in sheltered spots. Maximum temperature 18 °C.

Largely dry at first, albeit staying very windy with gales. Heavy rain arriving overnight with further heavy showers towards dawn. Winds easing a little overnight, but remaining windy. Minimum temperature 9 °C.

Another windy day, although a touch down from Saturday. Heavy showers through much of the day, but turning drier into the evening. Feeling fresher than Saturday. Maximum temperature 15 °C.

Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:

Staying unsettled into the new working week with further rain on Monday. Sunshine and showers on Tuesday before heavy rain returns on Wednesday. Generally mild throughout.

Updated: 05:00 (UTC+1) on Sat 6 Apr 2024

UK long range weather forecast

Wednesday 10 apr - friday 19 apr.

The ongoing unsettled spell of weather is likely to continue through to the middle of April. However, the focus for the rain and showers is expected to shift to western and northwestern parts of the UK. Here, rain could be heavy and prolonged at times, especially in upland areas. Further windy spells of weather are also likely, particularly in the north. Meanwhile, southern and eastern areas are likely to have some decent drier spells of weather with some sunshine at times. Here, whilst some rain is still likely, this probably less heavy and less frequent than recent weeks. Above average temperatures are most likely overall, although some cooler interludes are possible at times, especially in the north.

Updated: 15:00 (UTC+1) on Fri 5 Apr 2024

Saturday 20 Apr - Saturday 4 May

Through the second half of April and the beginning of May, there is no strong signal for any one weather pattern to dominate over another. As such, further rain and showers are likely at times, but there is also a reasonable chance of some drier and sunnier spells of weather, perhaps most-likely in the north. Temperatures most likely near or a little above normal for the period as a whole.

Updated: 16:00 (UTC+1) on Fri 5 Apr 2024

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  • Tyn-y-Rhos Hall 7.8 miles
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World sea water temperatures

Tides forecast for Prestatyn

This section provides data on the height and time of tides in Prestatyn for today and the coming days. The values are for informational purposes only and should not be used for navigation

Tide Times Prestatyn

5 April 2024

6 April 2024

7 April 2024

Prestatyn tide and wave chart

Prestatyn tide chart

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Moscow Lubyanka Inside Main Building

Lubyanka: Inside the Story of Moscow’s Infamous Building and District

Published: June 15, 2021

There is always history surrounding us. In a city like Moscow, this can seem overwhelmingly apparent. Moscow has many imposing buildings from many eras – some are immediately recognizable and others only invite wonder as to what stories lay behind their beauty or grime.

Lubyanka is the name commonly used to refer to the building that has historically housed the security services of the USSR and modern Russia, from the Cheka to the KGB to the FSB. The name has also, for a much longer history, been applied to the adjacent square and surounding neighborhood.

The Lubyanka Building

by Alyssa Rider

The building now known as Lubyanka was originally several buildings.

The two largest were originally designed by Alexander Ivanov and were separated by a street. The largest of these two was built in 1898 and the smaller in 1902 by the All-Russia Insurance Company. Insurance and banking were rapidly growing and profitable industries at that time. Insurance companies would often invest their substantial cash holdings in real estate. Thus, most of the buildings were built as residential and the space was rented for profit.

Perhaps ironically, the original, much more ornate façade of the main building included two female figures representing Justice and Solace.

Moscow Lubyanka Inside

The buildings were seized following the 1917 revolution and became the headquarters for the secret police – the Cheka at the time, though it has served in the same role for the various iterations of the Soviet, and now Russian, state security services – from the OGPU and NKVD, the KGB, and now the FSB.

Lubyanka prison was established in 1920 inside a two story structure adjacent to the main buildings. It had originally been a hotel built, again, by the All-Russia Insurance Company. It was soon expanded to six floors. Jokes referred to it as the “tallest building in Moscow,” as one could purportedly see Siberia (and the Gulag system) from its basement, as that was the fate that awaited most that saw the inside of the prison’s walls.

In 1940, Aleksey Shchusev was commissioned to enlarge the complex to accommodate the increasing amount of staff required to handle the Great Purge. The staff had grown from 2,500 in 1928 to nearly 34,000 in 1940.

An extra floor was added, and the main building expanded horizontally, consuming and incorporating nearby buildings. This expansion was interrupted by the Nazi invasion, leaving the facade lopsided until it was completed under the orders of Yuri Andropov in the 1980s.

The building now contains FSB headquarters, a group of holding cells, the headquarters of the Border Guard Service, and two museums: one devoted to the KGB/FSB and one dedicated to the old prison (neither is actually open to the public).

The Museums Inside the Lubyanka Building

The museums offer regularly updated exhibits, both historical and modern. The Museum of the KGB, now known as the Historical Demonstration Hall of the FSB of Russia, is located inside the Lubyanka complex, and contains four rooms and over two thousand exhibits.

Exhibits cover the history of Russian and Soviet counterintelligence, and there are documents from the times of both Peter and Catherine the Great, as well as the Napoleonic War and WWI. There are separate stands with information on events relating to mass repressions, as well as a room dedicated to WWII. The museum also includes a significant amount of technical equipment that has been used for reconnaissance and counterintelligence purposes, as well as more recent documents relating to FSB operations.

Moscow Lubyanka Inside Museums

The prison museum has never been open to the public and is maintained only for FSB personnel and high-ranking government officials. The “Demonstration Hall” was opened to the public in 1989. Accessing it was still difficult, as it is located inside the FSB complex and tours were offered almost exclusively through private tour companies and only after screening potential visitors. In recent years, the tours became rarer and today this museum, too, is officially closed to outside visitors.

Lubyanka: Fountain, Statue, or Abstract Nothing?

The names were not the only thing that changed. In 1835, a fountain was installed on the square. This fountain was called Nikolsky Fountain (its name borrowed from the same gates mentioned above), and was designed by the Italian sculptor Giovanni Vitali and supplied potable water to the neighborhood.

Nikolsky Fountain is one of the oldest in Moscow, and it still stands, but no longer on Lubyanka. It was moved in the 1930s to a new location in the courtyard of Alexandrinsky Palace in Neskuchny Garden, part of the Gorky Park complex in central Moscow.

Moscow Lubyanka Inside Dzerzhinsky Removal

In 1958, a 15-ton iron statue of Dzerzhinsky, known as “Iron Felix” was installed in its former place on Lubyanka. This statue, in turn, was toppled in a public demonstration after the fall of the Soviet Union. It was transferred by the Russian Academy of Arts to the Muzeon, also known as Fallen Monument Park, to be joined by many other Soviet statues removed or toppled at that time.

In 2017, a general renovation of Lubyanka and the surrounding traffic patterns was announced by the city. It was debated if the fountain or even Iron Felix should be brought back. In the end, however, the space was enlarged and landscaped with flat, circular geometric shapes. The space, used and undecorated, remains largely unused.

In 2021, another effort to bring back the statue was proposed by the modern Communist Party in Moscow. The mayor initially agreed to allow the issue to be voted on in a referendum, but soon reversed his decision and killed the initiative.

The Solovetsky Stone

The Solovetsky Stone is a monument located across the street from Lubyanka Square in a separated area known as Musuem Park. It was created in commemoration of the political prisoners who were repressed under the GULAG system.

The Solovetsky Stone is a large granite block brought from the Solovetsky Islands, where the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp operated in the 1920s and 1930s as part of the GULAG system. It was officially opened on October 30, 1990.

Founding such a memorial had become a matter of public discussion a few years earlier, in the late 1980s. The Memorial Society, now a globally-respected NGO, began a petition with the goal of creating a monument of political repression in 1987, and in 1988, a Public Council for the creation of such a monument was formed. A contest was also held in 1988, wherein people could submit their monument ideas and suggest locations, but a winner for this contest was never chosen.

St. Petersburg Solovetsky Stone

The specific stone idea came from a memorial created in the village of Solovetsky in 1989 by former Solovetsky prisoners, many of whom stayed there after their release, and members of the Memorial Society. Members of the Society from Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, and Moscow liked the idea so much that they acquired boulders to place in their own cities.

The opening of the Moscow memorial on served as a triumph not only in its own right, but also marked the first official recognition of the Day of Victims of Political Repression since that day began to be recognized by dissidents in 1974. Every year on this day, people now gather near the Solovetsky Stone to mourn. Since 2007, a practice called the ‘Return of Names’ has taken place on the 29th from 10 AM to 10 PM – people from across the city gather in a long line to take turns reading the names of Muscovites who were executed. Similar actions take place in many other cities and even other countries, on this day or the next.

The Solovetsky Stone has also become an unofficial site for civil protest, serving not only as a memorial but as a symbol for modern-day political dissonance.

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About the authors

prestatyn tide times

Katheryn Weaver

Katheryn Weaver is a student of rhetoric and history at the University of Texas, Austin. Her primary areas of investigation include revolution and the rhetorical justification of violence against individuals, state, and society. She is currently studying Russian as a Second Language with SRAS's Home and Abroad Scholarship.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

View all posts by: Katheryn Weaver

Alyssa Rider

Alyssa Rider

Alyssa Rider, at the time she wrote from this site, was a rising senior at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, majoring in Russian Studies and International/Global Studies with a minor in History. She planned to study abroad in Dublin, Ireland, in the fall, to study Russian, as well as a few other things. While she first became interested in Russia because of the language, she also developed an interest in LGBTQ rights in Russia. She also hoped to work as a translator.

Program attended: Online Interships

View all posts by: Alyssa Rider


  1. Tide Times and Tide Chart for Prestatyn

    The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Prestatyn. The red flashing dot shows the tide time right now. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Prestatyn. Tide Times are BST (UTC +1.0hrs). Last Spring High Tide at Prestatyn was on Tue 26 Mar (height: 7.82m 25.7ft).

  2. Prestatyn Tide Times, Tides for Fishing, High Tide and Low Tide Tables

    The tide is currently falling in Prestatyn. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 7.2m was at 4:30am and the lowest tide of 3.3m was at 11:20am. Click here to see Prestatyn tide times for the week .

  3. Prestatyn Tide Times, Denbighshire LL19 7

    Find out the current and future tide levels for Prestatyn, Denbighshire, UK. See daily, 3-day and 5-day tide charts and tables with past and future low and high tide times.

  4. Prestatyn Tide Times

    Prestatyn tide times; Prestatyn tide times and tide charts. Tide chart for Prestatyn today. This week. Tuesday 2 April 2024, 3:14PM BST (GMT +0100). The tide is rising in Prestatyn at the moment. We can see that the highest tide (7.2m) was at 4:30am and the lowest tide of 3.3m was at 11:20am.

  5. Tide times and charts for Prestatyn, Wales and weather forecast for

    Today Wednesday, 3 rd of April of 2024, the sun rose in Prestatyn at 6:40:39 h and sunset will be at 19:52:56 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide was at 5:58 h and the next high tide will be at 18:59 h. The only low tide of the day will be at 12:47 h.

  6. Tides in Prestatyn. High tides and low tides in Prestatyn

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  7. Prestatyn Tide Times

    Prestatyn - Location. Prestatyn is located in United Kingdom. Prestatyn is a very beautiful city from which to admire the spectacle of the tides. We recommend you show extreme caution when watching the spectacle of large tides in Prestatyn, the high tide is at Prestatyn and the low tide at Prestatyn.

  8. Prestatyn : Central Beach

    Click left / right to see the tide chart of the next day or play an animation of moon phase and tide changes to get a quick overview. Whether you love to surf, dive, go fishing or simply enjoy walking on beautiful ocean beaches, Tide Table Chart will show you the tide predictions for Prestatyn : Central Beach and give the precise time of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise and Moonset.

  9. Prestatyn 7 Day Tide Times

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  10. Prestatyn tide times and tide charts for this week

    Prestatyn tide times and tide charts for this week. Sunday 31 March 2024, 8:03AM BST (GMT +0100). The tide is currently falling in Prestatyn. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 8m was at 2:42am and the lowest tide of 2.6m will be at 8:29am. Next high tide is at 2:01pm.

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  14. Prestatyn tides schedule for 3 days

    This section provides data on the height and time of tides in Prestatyn for today and the coming days. The values are for informational purposes only and should not be used for navigation ... Tide Times Prestatyn. Sea temperature. Tides. Weather forecast. 2 April 2024. High tide ⬆ 4:30 AM (04:30), Height: 23.62 ft (7.20 m) Low tide ⬇ 11:20 ...

  15. Prestatyn tides for fishing and bite times this week

    Prestatyn tides for fishing and bite times this week. Best fishing times for Prestatyn today Today is an average fishing day. Major fishing times From 4:07am to 6:07am Lunar Transit (moon up) From 4:42pm to 6:42pm Opposing lunar transit (moon down) Minor fishing times From 12:59am to 2:59am

  16. Svetlaya ulitsa, 1, Lobnja

    Get directions to Svetlaya ulitsa, 1 and view details like the building's postal code, description, photos, and reviews on each business in the building

  17. Prestatyn : Barkby Beach

    Whether you love to surf, dive, go fishing or simply enjoy walking on beautiful ocean beaches, Tide Table Chart will show you the tide predictions for Prestatyn : Barkby Beach and give the precise time of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise and Moonset. Get Tide Table Chart as Android, iPhone or Smartwatch app: Apple Watch Samsung Tizen Android Wear ...

  18. Moscow with kids: 10 fun family activities

    Opening times are on Monday from 13:00 to 21:00 and from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 21:00. Theaters and museums for children in Moscow Dolphinarium. Performances are on Wednesday and Friday at 12:00, 16:00, and 18:00; on Thursday at 16:00 and 18:00; and on Saturday and Sunday at 12:00, 14:00, and 16:00. A performance is around one hour.

  19. Moscow to Lobnya

    Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner. Recommended option. Train • 50 min. Take the train from Moskva Belorusskaia to Lobnya D1; Cheapest option. Line 1195 bus, line 38 bus • 1h 1m.

  20. Lubyanka: Inside the Story of Moscow's Infamous Building and District

    Lubyanka is the name commonly used to refer to the building that has historically housed the security services of the USSR and modern Russia, from the Cheka to the KGB to the FSB. The name has also, for a much longer history, been applied to the adjacent square and surounding neighborhood. Contents hide.