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  • 渦獢㭰䄠杬牯瑩浨愠摮䘠潬捷慨瑲琠楦摮眠敨桴牥愠渠浵敢⁲獩倠楲敭丠浵敢⁲牯丠瑯
  • 渦獢㭰䄠杬牯瑩浨映牯䘠湩楤杮䘠捡潴楲污漠⁦⁡畎扭牥
  • 渦獢㭰䄠杬牯瑩浨愠摮䘠潬捷慨瑲琠慃捬汵瑡⁥楆潢慮捣⁩敳楲獥甠⁰潴渠

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  • 渦獢㭰䄠杬牯瑩浨愠摮䘠潬捷慨瑲琠潃湵⁴畎扭牥漠⁦楄楧獴椠湡䤠瑮来牥
  • 渦獢㭰䄠杬牯瑩浨愠摮䘠潬捷慨瑲琠敒敶獲⁥⁡瑓楲杮


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⯈ Introduction

⯈ Algorithm and its Characteristics

⯈ Flowcharts and its Notations

⯈ Elementary Problems

  • Addition of two numbers
  • Calculate area and circumference of circle
  • Calculate area of triangle
  • Calculate simple interest
  • Calculate slope and distance between two points
  • Convert length in feet to inches
  • Weighted score in exam
  • Convert temperature in degree Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • Swap two numbers
  • Swap two numbers without using extra variable
  • Overview of C Programming Language
  • Getting started with C Programming Language
  • Identifiers
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  • Relational operators
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  • Assignment operator
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  • Mathematical expression to C equivalent expressions
  • Integer representation in C
  • Character representation in C
  • Type conversion in C
  • sizeof operator
  • Mathematical Functions
  • width specifiers in C
  • structure of a C program
  • header files
  • Compilation process of a C program
  • Types of initializations.

⯈Basic C Programs

  • C program to add two numbers
  • C program to find area and circumference of circle
  • C program to swap two numbers
  • C program to swap two numbers without using extra variable
  • C program to swap two numbers using bitwise XOR
  • C program to convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • C program to calculate gross salary of an employee
  • C program to count number of digits in a positive integer
  • C program to count number of digits in binary representation
  • C program to count number of digits in base ‘K’
  • C program to convert kilometer to meter, feet, inches and centimeters
  • C program to find first and last digit of a number
  • C program to find minimum number of currency denominations
  • C program to convert cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates
  • C program to find distance between two places on earth in nautical miles
  • C program to find slope and distance between two points
  • C program to add 1 to the number using ‘+’ operator
  • C program to find maximum of two numbers using ternary operator
  • C program to find maximum of three numbers using ternary operator
  • C program to find kth bit of a number
  • C program to find last four bits of a byte

Algorithm and Flowchart to calculate Simple Interest

The formulae to calculate the simple interest is,

SI = P*T*R/100 , where,

SI = Simple Interest

P = Principal amount

T = Time period (Duration)

R = Rate of Interest.

From, the above formulae it is evident that in order to calculate Simple interest, we need P (Principal amount), T (Time) and R (Rate of Interest). Hence the inputs are P,T and R.

we start with reading the input,

calculate the unknown (SI here)

display the SI.

Algorithm for simple interest is as follows:

Name of Algorithm: To calculate the simple interest.

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Read principal amount as ‘p’, time as ‘t’ and rate of interest as ‘r’

Step 3: SI = p*t*r/100

Step 4: Display SI

Step 5: Stop

flowchart to calculate the simple interest.

At step 2, 3 and 4 we read the input.

Let p = 10000, t = 2 and r = 10

SI = 10000 * 2 * 10 / 100 = 2000

Display 2000 (value stored in SI)


C program to calculate Simple Interest

Write a C program to input principle, time and rate (P, T, R) from user and find Simple Interest. How to calculate simple interest in C programming. Logic to find simple interest in C program.

Required knowledge

Arithmetic operators , Variables and expressions , Data types , Basic input/output

Simple Interest formula

Simple interest formula

Where, P is the principle amount T is the time and R is the rate

Logic to calculate simple interest

Step by step descriptive logic to calculate simple interest.

  • Input principle amount in some variable say principle .
  • Input time in some variable say time .
  • Input rate in some variable say rate .
  • Find simple interest using formula SI = (principle * time * rate) / 100 .
  • Finally, print the resultant value of SI .

Program to calculate simple interest

Happy coding 😉

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Python Program to Calculate simple interest

Formula to calculate simple interest

Python program to calculate simple interest has been shown here. Simple interest is the amount of interest which is calculated based on the initial principal, interest rate and time (in years). It is determined by using following formula:

$SI = {\Large \frac{p * r * t}{100}}$

Here $SI$ represents simple interest. Pricipal amount, annual interest rate and time have been represented by $p$, $r$ and $t$ respectively. As an example, let's assume $p = 1000$, $r = 5$ and $t = 2$ then by using above formula, we get the value of simple interst $SI = 100$.

Page content(s):

1. Program & Output

Additional content(s):

1. Algorithm

2. Pseudocode

3. Time Complexity

4. Flowchart

1. Python Program & output to calculate simple interest

Enter principal amount = 5000

Enter interest rate = 3.5

Enter time = 5

Simple interest = 875.0

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Simple Interest Calculator

The Simple Interest Calculator calculates the interest and end balance based on the simple interest formula. Click the tabs to calculate the different parameters of the simple interest formula. In real life, most interest calculations involve compound Interest. To calculate compound interest, use the Interest Calculator .

Related Interest Calculator | Compound Interest Calculator

What is Simple Interest?

Interest is the cost you pay to borrow money or the compensation you receive for lending money. You might pay interest on an auto loan or credit card, or receive interest on cash deposits in interest-bearing accounts, like savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs).

Simple interest is interest that is only calculated on the initial sum (the "principal") borrowed or deposited. Generally, simple interest is set as a fixed percentage for the duration of a loan. No matter how often simple interest is calculated, it only applies to this original principal amount. In other words, future interest payments won't be affected by previously accrued interest.

Simple Interest Formula

The basic simple interest formula looks like this:

Simple Interest = Principal Amount × Interest Rate × Time

Our calculator will compute any of these variables given the other inputs.

Simple Interest Calculated Using Years

You may also see the simple interest formula written as:

In this formula:

  • I = Total simple interest
  • P = Principal amount or the original balance
  • r = Annual interest rate
  • t = Loan term in years

Under this formula, you can manipulate "t" to calculate interest according to the actual period. For instance, if you wanted to calculate interest over six months, your "t" value would equal 0.5.

Simple Interest for Different Frequencies

  • I = total interest
  • P = Principal amount
  • r = interest rate per period
  • n = number of periods

Under this formula, you can calculate simple interest taken over different frequencies, like daily or monthly. For instance, if you wanted to calculate monthly interest taken on a monthly basis, then you would input the monthly interest rate as "r" and multiply by the "n" number of periods.

Simple Interest Examples

Let's review a quick example of both I=Prt and I=Prn.

For example, let's say you take out a $10,000 loan at 5% annual simple interest to repay over five years. You want to know your total interest payment for the entire loan.

To start, you'd multiply your principal by your annual interest rate, or $10,000 × 0.05 = $500.

Then, you'd multiply this value by the number of years on the loan, or $500 × 5 = $2,500.

Now that you know your total interest, you can use this value to determine your total loan repayment required. ($10,000 + $2,500 = $12,500.) You can also divide the value to determine how much interest you'd pay daily or monthly.

Alternatively, you can use the simple interest formula I=Prn if you have the interest rate per month.

If you had a monthly rate of 5% and you'd like to calculate the interest for one year, your total interest would be $10,000 × 0.05 × 12 = $6,000. The total loan repayment required would be $10,000 + $6,000 = $16,000.

What Financial Instruments Use Simple Interest?

Simple interest works in your favor as a borrower, since you're only paying interest on the original balance. That contrasts with compound interest, where you also pay interest on any accumulated interest. You may see simple interest on short-term loans.

For this same reason, simple interest does not work in your favor as a lender or investor. Investing in assets that don't offer compound growth means you may miss out on potential growth.

However, some assets use simple interest for simplicity — for example bonds that pay an interest coupon. Investments may also offer a simple interest return as a dividend. To take advantage of compounding you would need to reinvest the dividends as added principal.

By contrast, most checking and savings accounts, as well as credit cards, operate using compound interest.

Simple Interest Versus Compound Interest

Compound interest is another method of assessing interest. Unlike simple interest, compound interest accrues interest on both an initial sum as well as any interest that accumulates and adds onto the loan. (In other words, on a compounding schedule, you pay interest not just on the original balance, but on interest, too.)

Over the long run, compound interest can cost you more as a borrower (or earn you more as an investor). Most credit cards and loans use compound interest. Savings accounts also offer compounding interest schedules. You can check with your bank on the compounding frequency of your accounts.

Compound Interest Formula

The basic formula for compound interest is:

  • A = ending balance
  • P = Principal balance
  • r = the interest rate (expressed as a decimal)
  • n = the number of times interest compounds in a year
  • t = time (expressed in years)

Note that interest can compound on different schedules – most commonly monthly or annually. The more often interest compounds, the more interest you pay (or earn). If your interest compounds daily, you'd enter 365 for the number of time interest compounds annually. If it compounds monthly, you'd input 12 instead.

Learn More About Compound Interest

Compound interest calculations can get complex quickly because it requires recalculating the starting balance every compounding period.

For more information on how compound interest works, we recommend visiting our compound interest calculator .

Which is Better for You: Simple or Compound Interest?

As a borrower, paying simple interest works in your favor, as you'll pay less over time. Conversely, earning compound interest means you'll net larger returns over time, be it on a loan, investment, or your regular savings account.

For a quick example, consider a $10,000 loan at 5% interest repaid over five years.

As established above, a loan this size would total $12,500 after five years. That's $10,000 on the original principal plus $2,500 in interest payments.

Now consider the same loan compounded monthly. Over five years, you'd repay a total of $12,833.59. That's $10,000 of your original principal, plus $2,833.59 in interest. Over time, the difference between a simple interest and compound interest loan builds up exponentially.

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Simple interest formula is given by: Simple Interest = (P x T x R)/100 Where, P is the principal amount T is the time and R is the rate

Python Program for simple interest

Time complexity: O(1) Auxiliary Space: O(1) 

Program for simple interest with Taking input from user

We can calculate the simple interest by taking P,T and R from the user.

#Please refer complete article on Program to find simple interest for more details!

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