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  • Common Mistakes to Avoid in the CELPIP Writing Section: A Comprehensive Guide

The CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) Writing Section is a critical component of the CELPIP exam. It assesses your ability to communicate effectively in written English, which is essential for immigration, academic, and professional purposes in Canada. 

If you're preparing for the CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) test, you're likely aware that the writing section can be a challenging aspect of the exam. Achieving a high score in this section requires more than just good grammar; it demands a clear understanding of the test format and a strategic approach. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the common mistakes test-takers make in the CELPIP Writing Section and provide you with valuable insights on how to avoid them. By the end of this article, you'll be better equipped to ace this crucial part of the CELPIP test.

Understanding the CELPIP Writing Section

Before we dive into the mistakes, let's first understand the structure of the CELPIP Writing Section. This section comprises two tasks: Task 1 and Task 2.

Task 1: Responding to a Problem

In Task 1, test-takers are presented with a problem, often in the form of a letter or email. They are required to respond to the problem in a way that is clear, concise, and well-structured. The response must address the issue effectively, and the content should be organized logically.

Task 2: Writing an Essay

Task 2 involves writing an essay on a given topic. Test-takers must express their opinion, provide reasons, and support their arguments with examples. The essay should be well-structured and coherent, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in the CELPIP Writing Section

Misunderstanding the task.

One of the most common mistakes in the CELPIP Writing Section is misunderstanding the task at hand. Test-takers often misinterpret the writing prompt or fail to address all aspects of the question. 

How to Avoid it: Always carefully read the prompt, identify the key points, and structure your response accordingly.

Neglecting to Plan

One of the most significant mistakes test-takers make is diving into writing without proper planning. Planning is crucial, as it helps you organize your thoughts and structure your response effectively. Without a clear plan, your writing may lack coherence and fail to address the task requirements adequately.

How to Avoid it: Take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas and create an outline before you start writing. This simple step can make a world of difference in the quality of your response.

Neglecting Time Management

Time management is crucial in the CELPIP Writing Section. Many candidates spend too much time on one task, leaving insufficient time for the other. It's essential to allocate your time wisely, aiming to complete both tasks within the allotted time frame.

How to Avoid it: Allocate your time wisely. Aim to spend about 20 minutes on Task 1 and 40 minutes on Task 2. Stick to this schedule to ensure you have ample time for both tasks.

Neglecting the Word Count

The CELPIP Writing Section has specific word count requirements for each task. Ignoring these limits can lead to point deductions. 

How to Avoid it: Be sure to adhere to the word count guidelines and avoid writing excessively long or short responses.

Lack of Cohesion and Coherence

Effective writing requires cohesion and coherence. Some test-takers struggle to connect their ideas logically, resulting in disjointed and confusing responses. 

How to Avoid it: Use transitional phrases and ensure your ideas flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next.

Grammar and Spelling Errors

Grammar and spelling mistakes can significantly impact your score. Avoid common errors such as subject-verb agreement issues, verb tense inconsistencies, and misspelled words. 

How to Avoid it: Proofread your work carefully before submitting it.

Oversimplifying or Overcomplicating

Finding the right balance in your writing is essential. Some candidates oversimplify their responses, providing minimal detail, while others overcomplicate their answers, making them convoluted. 

How to Avoid it: Aim for clarity and conciseness while providing sufficient supporting details.

Lack of Vocabulary Variety

Using a limited vocabulary can make your writing appear monotonous and uninspiring. Expand your word choices to enhance the richness of your responses. However, ensure that you use words correctly and in the right context. While content is essential, grammar and vocabulary also play a crucial role in your score. Grammatical errors and limited vocabulary can detract from the overall quality of your writing.

How to Avoid it: Brush up on your grammar skills and expand your vocabulary. Proofread your responses carefully to catch any mistakes before submitting them. Diversify your vocabulary. Use synonyms and varied expressions to make your writing more engaging.

Ignoring Punctuation and Capitalization

Punctuation and capitalization errors can distract the reader and lower your score. 

How to Avoid it: Pay attention to the proper use of commas, periods, capital letters, and other punctuation marks.

Not Seeking Feedback

Many test-takers skip the crucial step of seeking feedback on their writing. Constructive feedback from teachers, peers, or online resources can help you identify and rectify your weaknesses.

How to Avoid it: Seek feedback from the experts. You can also seek feedback from your teachers, peers, or online resources. It will improve your writing skills. 

Skipping Practice

Not practicing enough is a common mistake. Like any skill, writing improves with practice. 

How to Avoid it: Regularly engage in writing exercises, timed essays, and sample tests to enhance your writing skills.

Overcomplicating Your Writing

Some test-takers believe that using complex vocabulary and intricate sentence structures will impress the examiners. However, this often results in convoluted, unclear writing that can be challenging to understand.

How to Avoid it: Strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing. Use straightforward language to convey your ideas effectively.

Neglecting to edit and revise.

After completing your response, it's essential to review and edit your work. Failing to do so can lead to overlooked errors and inconsistencies.

How to Avoid it: Allocate a few minutes at the end to read through your responses and make any necessary corrections. Ensure that your writing is polished and error-free.

In the CELPIP Writing Section, avoiding common mistakes is key to achieving a high score. By understanding and addressing these pitfalls, you can enhance your writing skills and increase your chances of success in this important English language proficiency exam. Let's delve into each part of the CELPIP Writing Task with examples to help you understand the expectations and requirements.

Part 1: Writing Email

In this section, you are presented with a scenario where you need to write an email. You will be given specific information and a situation to respond to. The key is to craft an email that conveys your message clearly, concisely, and appropriately. Here's an example:

Scenario: You recently attended a job interview, and you want to thank the interviewer for their time and express your continued interest in the position.

Sample Email:

Subject: Thank You for the Interview Opportunity

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to extend my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure meeting you and your team and learning more about the exciting work being done at your organization.

I am even more enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing my skills and experiences to your team after our discussion. The insights you shared about the company's values and goals align perfectly with my career aspirations.

Thank you once again for considering me for this role. I look forward to the possibility of joining [Company Name] and contributing to its continued success. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require any further information or references.

Wishing you a wonderful day ahead.

[Your Name]

Part 2: Writing Response

In this section, you will receive a prompt that requires you to provide a written response. The objective is to express your thoughts, opinions, or solutions clearly and coherently. Here's an example prompt and a corresponding response:

Prompt: You are asked to write a response to the following question: "Do you believe that public transportation should be free for all residents in your city? Why or why not?"

Sample Response:

I believe that offering free public transportation to all residents in our city is a concept worth considering for several reasons.

Firstly, it would significantly reduce traffic congestion on our roads. Many people opt for personal vehicles due to the cost of public transportation, leading to traffic jams and increased air pollution. By making public transportation free, we can encourage more individuals to leave their cars at home and choose eco-friendly alternatives, such as buses and trains.

Secondly, free public transportation would promote social equity. Not everyone can afford the rising costs of transportation, and this can limit access to job opportunities, education, and healthcare. Offering free transit ensures that all members of the community have equal access to these essential services.

Lastly, it benefits the environment. With fewer cars on the road, there would be a notable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment for everyone.

In conclusion, making public transportation free for all residents can lead to less congestion, greater social equity, and a positive impact on our environment. While it may come with initial costs, the long-term benefits for our city and its residents make it a compelling proposition.

Understanding and mastering both parts of the CELPIP Writing Task is essential for achieving a high score in this section. Practice and familiarity with various scenarios and writing styles will greatly enhance your performance on exam day.

In conclusion, excelling in the CELPIP Writing Section requires more than just language proficiency; it demands a strategic approach and an understanding of the test format. By avoiding the common mistakes discussed in this article and practicing your writing skills regularly, you can increase your chances of achieving a high score. Remember, preparation and practice are key to success in the CELPIP Writing Section.

With these insights, you are now better equipped to tackle the writing section of the CELPIP test. Remember to plan your responses, manage your time wisely, focus on grammar and vocabulary, keep your writing clear and concise, edit your work, and diversify your vocabulary. By doing so, you can leave other test-takers behind and achieve the results you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: can i use contractions in the celpip writing section.

Yes, you can use contractions in your writing. They are commonly used in everyday English and are acceptable in this section.

Q: How can I improve my vocabulary for the CELPIP Writing Section?

To enhance your vocabulary, read widely, use a thesaurus, and practice incorporating new words into your writing.

Q: Is it essential to write in cursive for the CELPIP Writing Section?

No, you are not required to write in cursive. You can use print or a combination of both, as long as your writing is legible.

Q: Are there any penalties for going over the word count in the CELPIP Writing Section?

Yes, exceeding the word count can result in point deductions. It's essential to stay within the specified word limits.

Q: Can I bring a dictionary into the CELPIP Writing Section?

No, dictionaries are not allowed during the exam. You must rely on your knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar.

Q: How long should my introduction and conclusion be in the CELPIP Writing Section?

Your introduction and conclusion should be concise, typically consisting of 2-3 sentences each.

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Posted on May 17 2023

Top 10 tips to ace your scores for the CELPIP writing component


3.      Give a structure to your writing

You must be familiar with the structure of writing. Any good write-up should have an introduction, topical paragraphs, and then finally ends with a conclusion. Always try to make an outline for your answer while reading the question.

4.      Improve your grammar

Grammar is the foundation of good writing skills. Writing that has correct spelling and is free of grammatical errors communicates well with the reader. Also, you must master the use of proper punctuation like commas, colons, semicolons, etc.

5.      Diversify your vocabulary skills

While writing, remember to use a wide range of natural vocabulary. But, it is imperative to make sure you use the appropriate words at the right place so that the use of words doesn’t break the flow of your sentences.

6.      Check your word count

A common mistake people commit while writing in a flow is to exceed their word count. Therefore, you must watch your word count while you write, as this will only consume your limited time for the test.

7.      Time management

Talking about time, time management is a vital part of any writing test. You must spare a few minutes before starting the test to prepare an outline and a few minutes after the test to proofread.

8.      Proofread your writing like it’s your job

Proofreading is essential for a good writer, as the best writers are always good readers. Take enough time to make sure your article is free of any errors. A Pro Tip for proofreading is to spell your writings aloud. This will help you to catch the flow of your writing.

9.      Know some common tricks

There are a few common tricks that you must know while appearing for any writing exam. For example, while writing, avoiding passive voice, choosing strong verbs, being watchful of the length of sentences, etc.

10. Join Y-Axis’s expert coaching service

The CELPIP tests are critical to applying for a Canada PR. It is always recommended to join an expert coaching service like Y-Axis’s CELPIP Coaching services . You get various options to choose from our varied packages for the test.

Importance of your CELPIP score in Canada immigration

The full form of CELPIP is the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program and is conducted to understand how well one can function in English. Also, the score is a significant determinant for your Canada immigration process as you will be allotted better points in the Express Entry pool with a good CELPIP score. And more points in the Express Entry pool will increase your chances of getting a Canada PR.

Need step-by-step guidance to apply for Canada PR visa ? Talk to Y-Axis, leading Overseas Immigration Consultant in Australia. For recent Canada immigration updates, follow Y-Axis Canada Immigration News page.

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How to Prepare for the CELPIP Test Effectively

How to Prepare for the CELPIP Test Effectively

04/04/2021 08:53

CELPIP test is an English language proficiency test that is developed by a Canadian university, University of British Columbia. CELPIP stands for Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program.

This test is widely used for immigration purposes (applying for permanent residency and Canadian citizenship) as well as some other purposes such as school (college or university) admission, obtaining a realtor license, or immigration consultant license (IRCC). You can go to Citizenship Canada website to find out more about the CELPIP score requirement for your application.

In this article, I'd like to share a CELPIP test preparation strategy that you can follow as a CELPIP test taker. It goes without saying that you need to practice as much as possible, but it is equally important to practice effectively. Most of you will probably be taking the CELPIP General test, so that is what we will discuss here. This guide is still relevant to those taking CELPIP General LS test as the listening section and speaking section are identical.

Some CELPIP test takers may be fluent enough in the English language, or even native speakers. In this case, you probably won't need as much time to get ready for the test. However, some preparation is still highly recommended to ensure the highest score possible. For these people, I recommend completing several practice tests to be familiar with the format of the CELPIP exam. When you create an account on website, you will get a free CELPIP practice test from Paragon. In addition, when you sign up for the CELPIP test, you will also get another free sample test. Use these free sample tests to be familiar with the test format. In addition, you can find many more CELPIP practice tests in our Youtube Channel, .

Remember, as an English test, CELPIP test is a testing English proficiency. It measures your English language abilities in a practical setting. It is quite different from the IELTS test. Even though you have taken the IELTS test and did well, you don't want to take the CELPIP test too lightly because of the markedly different test format.

Keep in mind, the CELPIP General test uses Canadian English. What exactly is Canadian English? In general, Canadian English is very similar to American English with some differences in spelling. The pronunciation is almost identical, and there are not a lot of lexical differences either.

Here are some tips to help you improve your CELPIP score.


- The reading test is probably not very difficult, but test takers need to answer the questions fast as you're not given a lot of time.

- If you are a slow reader, start by reading the questions first before you read the passage. On the other hand, if you read fast, you may like to read the passage first to gain an understanding of what it is about.

- Start reading English materials daily. Do it at least a month before your test. Read newspaper articles, editorials, blogs.

- We highly recommend Presto English CELPIP Reading practice . This practice materials contain some specific skill-building questions as well as complete CELPIP reading practice tests.

- When you see words you don't know, always try to guess the meaning based on the topic and information that's already shared before you check the dictionary.

- Learn various opinion markers. When you see an opinion marker, you know that you will see an opinion statement shortly.

- The reading test is a timed test. As you get closer to your test date, do a timed practice to see if you still struggle completing the questions in time.


In this language test, test takers will be given 8 different speaking questions. You need to know the type of question in each task really well.

What most people find challenging in the speaking test is that they are given only 30-60 seconds to prepare their speaking responses. Those who complain that they cannot come up with ideas in a short time need to practice more.

- For those who have failed getting the target score in speaking, taking classes is a must if you want to stop wasting your time and money. It is true that taking classes costs money and you don't feel like spending more money because the test itself is expensive. That is the reason we offer our 7-day online CELPIP training . 

- Find sample speaking questions , compare your ideas with other people's ideas, brainstorm with your friends or family members. There are people who did well in the CELPIP test, so this is not a mission impossible.

- Always remember to add details to your ideas.

- One method I like to generate ideas is to think of relevant WH (who what where when why how) questions. In your speaking test, the topic will mention some things that you need to include in your response. Make additional open-ended questions using those WH question words to help you think of supporting ideas for your response.

- While practicing speaking, record your responses using your phone. This allows you to listen to them again and check for errors. If you join our CELPIP preparation program, you will also get personalized feedback on your responses.

- You can practice speaking daily in your room. Start speaking about various topics. You don't always have to practice with CELPIP topics.

- To display your English proficiency, you need to show that you understand the context and the situation presented. Then, you need to use the correct tone (formal vs casual). What they try to measure is your English proficiency in workplace and community contexts.

- Use expressions that are suitable for the situation.


You will find two tasks to complete in the writing section. The first one is writing an email, and the second one is writing a survey response.

- Avoid using 'big words' that you are not familiar with. Many students thought they have to impress the CELPIP rater by using difficult vocabulary, but they frequently use them in the wrong context. That's one of the most common reasons test takers cannot score 9 or higher in the exam.

- Don't worry too much about using idioms in writing.

- If you are not a native speaker, you really need to get your writing evaluated by a qualified individual to improve your English language proficiency. This is important because many test-takers often are not aware of their mistakes when they are writing their responses. In CELPIP writing, you need to be relevant, concise, and natural. This is where a qualified tutor can help you effectively.

- Learn from high-scoring CELPIP writing samples. If you cannot find them, look for Band 8 or 9 IELTS General Writing samples which are similar to the CELPIP Writing task 1, writing an email. For CELPIP task 2, you can still read sample essays used in other English proficiency tests. They may not be identical, but they are still relevant.

- Presto English offers essay correction services as well private lessons. Recently, we had a student who managed to improver her writing score from 8 to 11 after spending two weeks joining our CELPIP Pro session.


The listening test in CELPIP general is arguably easier than what you see in the IELTS exam. When you prepare yourself, focus on improving your functional listening skills.

- You need to take notes here. When you search for information on the internet, you will find some people who say they prefer not to take notes during the test, and others who say taking notes is important. I recommend taking notes because there are questions in CELPIP exam that ask you about specific details. It's harder to get these questions right when you don't take notes.

- Practice listening daily. You can use our exclusive CELPIP listening practice to improve your language skills.

- You want to know common opinion markers that people use in a conversation/speech. Our 7-day online CELPIP training also comes with writing correction too. 

- Listen to Canadian audio content. News clips from CBC are great resources. You can also watch Canadian dramas like Kim's Convenience and Mr. D. 

Others Useful Tips

- Join our CELPIP preparation program. Our 7-day CELPIP online training is your best study guide. For 7 consecutive days, you will practice with our certified tutor to help you improve your English language proficiency and your CELPIP level. Additionally, you also get a complete test sample from us.

- You should complete the CELPIP practice test from Paragon two days before your test to check your readiness. Use the last day for any last minute preparation.

- The day before the test, remember to check the location of the CELPIP test centre that you will be going to.

- A test taker may be faster than you. You should expect that you may hear other test-takers speaking or typing while you're completing your exam.

- You can check your CELPIP test scores within 4-5 business calendar days after your test date. You will get an email notification when the scores are available.

- If you think you did well, but you didn't get the score you hope for in speaking or writing, consider requesting a re-evaluation. It's pointless to request a re-evaluation on reading and listening.

- To improve your overall English language proficiency, increase your exposure to your English language as much as possible.

- Develop a habit of listening and reading English materials on a daily basis.

Whether you are taking CELPIP language test for immigration purpose, obtaining a license or something else, join our CELPIP Preparation course to help you boost your CELPIP score.

Take your CELPIP test now and achieve your Canadian dream! We hope that you can obtain your Canadian permanent residency, Canadian citizenship, a realtor license, or immigration consulting license or attend the school you want.

writing tips celpip


These CELPIP writing tips combine all the best used practices relating to complex phrasing, brainstorming and even CELPIP materials!

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Use these simple techniques and your writing mark will be boosted with a smiling face from the examiner 🙂.

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Now, let’s have a look at things such as point-taking, skeleton, outline, structure, etc.

____ You are looking for a part-time job at a football club.

Write a letter to the manager of the football club. In your letter:  introduce yourself Personal. Work related    explain what experience and special skills you have Experience—-skills

 tell him/her when you think you could start date—alternative date

Check out internet’s best selling CELPIP Online Course with a Money-Back Guarantee! ___ You saw an advertisement for a tennis course in England but you have one or two problems and can’t stay the whole course. Write a letter to the course director. In your letter:

 explain your interest in the course feeling (passion/interest)—-family has been doing this

 describe your problems someone is sick back home—–there is no one to take care of them

 find out if a refund is possible ask directly for a refund—-if not possible, partial refund

You are due to move into a rented apartment next month but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter:

 explain your situation Unfortunately, I cannot move in—work situation as the company is having financial struggles

 describe your problems I didn’t get my paycheck to pay next month’s rent-i have no one to help me

 tell him/her when you think you can move in friends can help me move next month: date—— Good weather, will be easier to move without the snow on that date

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Free CELPIP mock practice test samples

Celpip Writing Practice Tests

Celpip Writing Practice Tests has total of two tasks, below are the task wise samples which will help you to understand about how to write an answer.

Task 1: Writing an Email :

In this task i.e Writing an email, you have to write an email for around 200 words. On the left-hand side of your computer screen, you will get some information regarding the subject of the email and on the right-hand side, you will get some instructions for writing the email. You have to add these given instructions in your email and also you will get a text area to write the email.

You will see a timer also which will indicate the left time with you and under the text area words written by you will be counted by the system. This will give you an idea about the length of the email required.

Celpip Writing Section Format

Click Here for More Celpip Writing Email Samples

Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions :

You will start by reading the information about the survey given on the left-hand side of the screen. After going through the information, you will get some idea about the survey.

On the right-hand side, you will be given 2 options to select from. After carefully choosing your option you will start writing in the box provided just under the options.

Total time for this task 26 minutes, so decide your option carefully, keeping in mind, that you should have relevant reasons to support that option.

Click For More Responding to Survey Tests Samples


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    Manage your time. Remember that when you are taking your CELPIP Test, you will be able to use the first 5 minutes to plan your response to the prompt, and leave 5 to 7 minutes at the end to revise your work and make improvements. The rest of the time should be spent writing the response itself. When you practice writing an email or a journal ...

  2. CELPIP Sample Writing Topics and Sample Answer

    The CELPIP test has 2 writing tasks. Use these writing topics below for your practice. For more practice and powerful tips to ace your CELPIP test, watch our YouTube videos, and you can also purchase a CELPIP writing evaluation service from us to get personalized feedback and corrections.. CELPIP Writing task 1 - Writing an email (27 minutes). In this task, the topic may ask you to write ...

  3. Writing Like a Pro: CELPIP Writing Test Strategies

    Task 2: Writing a Business Letter or Message. 1. Analyze the Scenario. Start by analyzing the scenario provided. Understand the context, the purpose of the letter, and the recipient's expectations. This will guide your writing and help you tailor your message effectively. 2. Structure Your Letter.

  4. CELPIP Writing: Great Tips to Dramatically Increase Your Score!

    Part 1: Writing an email. Part 2: Responding to survey questions. Tips for CELPIP Writing Part 1: Writing an Email. This section is 27 minutes long, and the word limit is 150-200 words. The question will give you a situation and you will know what exactly to write in the email. It should not take you more than 5 minutes to brainstorm the idea.

  5. CELPIP Writing Tips, Techniques, and Resources

    Are you preparing for the CELPIP Writing test and looking for expert guidance to boost your score? Look no further! In this comprehensive video, we've got yo...

  6. Follow along for CELPIP writing practice!

    For more tips on the writing component of the CELPIP Test, and how you can prepare, visit our study tips page! Featured Posts. April 4, 2024. Updates to CELPIP Score Reports. We are excited to announce updates to how you can send your CELPIP score reports to recipients. You can now add multiple...

  7. Crafting Strong Arguments and Counterarguments: Mastering CELPIP

    Let's begin by demystifying the CELPIP Writing Task 2. This section of the CELPIP General Test assesses your ability to present and support your perspective on a given topic. You will need to compose an essay, typically about 200-300 words, within 30 minutes. Your essay should include a clear introduction, main points, and a conclusion.

  8. 10 CELPIP Writing Module Tips to Know Before Reviewing Samples

    Have a look provided below to understand the pattern in a bit more detail. Question 1: Writing an Email. Time Allotted: 27 Minutes. Word Limit: 150-200 Words. Task: To write an Email on the given situation using the prompts provided. Question 2: Responding to a Survey Question. Time Allotted: 26 Minutes.

  9. Complete CELPIP Writing Task 1 & 2 Structure WITH Breakdown ...

    [MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE] Check Out Internet's Top CELPIP Course Here: to our channel for more great C...

  10. Common Mistakes to Avoid in the CELPIP Writing Section

    Misunderstanding the Task. One of the most common mistakes in the CELPIP Writing Section is misunderstanding the task at hand. Test-takers often misinterpret the writing prompt or fail to address all aspects of the question. How to Avoid it: Always carefully read the prompt, identify the key points, and structure your response accordingly.

  11. Improve your CELPIP writing component with these 10 tips

    2. Get a flow for writing with a computer. The entire CELPIP test is delivered through a computer, and you must type all your answers using a keyboard. So, start practicing writing on a computer and improve your typing speed. Start writing anything like a daily journal, letters to friends and family, etc. 3.

  12. CELPIP Writing: Practical Tips and Sample Responses

    Task 2: Survey Response for CELPIP Writing. Objective: Write a response to survey questions in an email or essay format. Time Limit: 26 minutes. Word Count: 150-200 words. Key Focus: Persuasiveness, clarity, and logical structure. Sample Prompt: Your university is debating a new course policy and seeks student input.

  13. CELPIP Writing Tips & Templates (Task 1 & 2) How I Got CLB 12

    💡 CELPIP Practice Books📝 CELPIP Writing Templates🎙️ CELPIP Speaking Tips📖 CELPIP ...

  14. How to Prepare for the CELPIP Test Effectively

    CELPIP WRITING TIPS. You will find two tasks to complete in the writing section. The first one is writing an email, and the second one is writing a survey response. - Avoid using 'big words' that you are not familiar with. Many students thought they have to impress the CELPIP rater by using difficult vocabulary, but they frequently use them in ...

  15. How to start and finish Task 1 (email/letter) CELPIP writing + tips

    Check out Internet's Most Viral CELPIP Course Here: [email protected]...

  16. 2024 Celpip Speaking and Writing Tips and Tricks

    Mastering 2024 CELPIP Speaking and Writing: Comprehensive Tips and Strategies . In this detailed guide, we will delve into essential tips and strategies for both the CELPIP writing and speaking sections in 2024, focusing on practical examples and comprehensive insights to boost your performance in the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) exam.

  17. Top Tips to excel in CELPIP Writing

    In CELPIP Writing, you will have 53 minutes to complete both tasks, so start by giving yourself time to read both tasks. The time allocation for Task 1 is 27 minutes and for Task 2 is 26 minutes. For each task, allow yourself about 2 minutes to read the prompt and 2 minutes to re-read your work. Let's look at Task 1 for example.


    6. Instead of saying "I am writing to complain about", say "The purpose of my writing is to lodge a complaint regarding…". 7. Instead of saying "My suggestion will be….", say "If I may, it is highly recommended to….". 8. Instead of saying "I was very upset", say "I couldn't help but be despondent at the state of ...

  19. Celpip Writing Practice Tests

    Celpip Writing Practice Tests has total of two tasks, below are the task wise samples which will help you to understand about how to write an answer. Task 1: Writing an Email : In this task i.e Writing an email, you have to write an email for around 200 words. On the left-hand side of your computer screen, you will get some information ...