Literacy Ideas

Transactional Writing

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Transactional writing is an umbrella term that covers many different nonfiction writing genres.

The purpose of each transactional writing text type is to communicate ideas and information to others.

The purpose of a text can be defined as:

  • To persuade

Sometimes two or more of these purposes will be combined in a single text type. 

Visual Writing Prompts


transactional writing | digital graphic organizers 1 | Transactional Writing |

Introduce your students to 21st-century learning with this GROWING BUNDLE OF 101 EDITABLE & PRINTABLE GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS. ✌ NO PREP REQUIRED!!! ✌ Go paperless, and let your students express their knowledge and creativity through the power of technology and collaboration inside and outside the classroom with ease.

Whilst you don’t have to have a 1:1 or BYOD classroom to benefit from this bundle, it has been purpose-built to deliver through platforms such as ✔ GOOGLE CLASSROOM, ✔ OFFICE 365, ✔ or any CLOUD-BASED LEARNING PLATFORM.


Any nonfiction writing genre that sets out to persuade, argue, advise, or inform can be classified as a transactional text type. Generally, they can all be grouped loosely under one of the following types:

  • Article (Read our in-depth guide to writing an article here )
  • Letter (Read our in-depth guide to letter writing here )
  • Review (Read our in-depth guide to writing a book review here )

Each of these genres (and subsequent sub-genres) will follow specific conventions of language and structure.

What We’ll Look at in this Article

In this article, we’ll look at each of these transactional text types in more detail, as well as some other text types that don’t sit comfortably in any of the five broad genres listed above.

We’ll provide you with all the tools required to help students confidently approach writing any piece of transactional writing.

 We’ll examine what students need to consider before they even begin putting pen to paper, breaking down each transactional writing genre into the specific criteria of language and structure.

Finally, we’ll provide some tools, tips, and techniques students can use to polish their transactional writing and help them achieve their text’s purpose.


As with any writing task, preparation is key. Luckily, there’s a helpful acronym we can learn to keep the essential elements of transactional writing preparation clear in our minds: GAPS

Before beginning to write, students should fill in the GAPS by answering the following questions prompted by each letter in this acronym.

Let’s take a look:

G enre – What type of text are you being asked to write? What are the features of that genre?

A udience – Who are you being asked to write for? Is it an individual or a group?

P urpose – What are you trying to achieve in the text? Persuade, argue, advise, or inform?

S tyle – Is the text formal or informal? Relaxed or serious in tone? Simple or complex?

Usually, these questions can be quickly answered by closely reading the question or writing prompt.

In instances where the students have a freer rein on what they write, they must ensure that they have answered these questions clearly before beginning the writing process.

Failing to answer these questions definitively before starting to write will all but ensure the writing will lack clarity of purpose.


Once a student has determined which writing genre they are creating, they need to ensure they have a firm grasp on the features of that genre.

Below, we’ll briefly examine some of the main criteria of each of the most common transactional writing genres. There isn’t space to cover each genre in detail here, as that’d require a complete dedicated article.

Luckily though, you’ll find comprehensive (and wonderfully written) articles on each writing genre on this very site!

Let’s gain a brief overview of some of the main criteria of the most common transactional text types.


transactional writing | how to write an article 1 | Transactional Writing |

The term ‘article’ covers a lot of ground here. We can expect to find articles in magazines, newspapers, and websites. We can also consider many forms of essays, such as persuasive essays for example, as articles.


Articles are usually long-form pieces of prose writing on a specific topic. They can be balanced in their outlook considering many points of view , or they can present a very subjective opinion on the topic being written about.

The subjects that articles can explore are almost inexhaustible. Anything you can form an opinion on could make for the subject of an article. Some common topics for articles include:

  • Entertainment
  • Celebrities
  • Current affairs

Articles tend to follow a basic 3-part structure of introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

The introduction tries to grab the reader’s attention and usually outlines the main point of the article.

A series of body paragraphs usually follows that provides more detail on each of the main points covered in the article.

A final concluding paragraph then brings it all together at the end.


To decide on the type of language to be used in an article, the writer will need to have first identified the audience and purpose of the text.

Regardless of which language register is used, it should be suited to the background of the target reader in terms of complexity and word selection.

Words should also be chosen to ensure the purpose of the article is achieved. For example, where an article is intended to be persuasive, emotional language may be selected. Whereas in an academic article on a historical topic, detached language devoid of emotional color may be more appropriate.

  • Heading and subheadings
  • Attention grabber or ‘hook’
  • Introduction answering who, what, when, where, why, and how?
  • Body paragraphs
  • May contain pictures with captions


transactional writing | how to write a leaflet 1 | Transactional Writing |

Standard leaflets are made by folding a sheet of paper to create 2, 3, or more panels. They are often colorful and are usually distributed for free to provide information mostly on goods or services.


In leaflets, the layout and organization of the text are especially important. Usually, they’re printed on folded pieces of paper and card which have implications for how the information in a leaflet is presented.

Leaflets vary widely according to their purpose and the audience they are aimed at. Usually, they will employ subheadings to great effect to guide the reader’s eye through the various sections of information.

Also, information is frequently organized using bullet points and numbers to make instructions, for example, easier to follow.


When leaflets provide instructions, they’ll often use imperatives and the personal pronoun ‘you’.

As always, the language used will be suited to the audience. Where the audience is wide and varied, say, for a tourist attraction, the language will be simple and straightforward to make the information in the leaflet accessible to the widest possible audience.

The tone is often enthusiastic and reassuring, to inspire confidence in the information it contains.


  • Easy to read with heading and subheadings
  • A colorful and bold presentation style
  • Makes an offer of product or service (or provides information)
  • Often uses persuasive language
  • Eye-catching
  • Use of bullet points
  • Short, snappy sentences
  • Uses pictures and photographs
  • May contain details on directions, map, opening times, price, phone no., etc.


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  • 270  pages of the most effective teaching strategies
  • 50+   digital tools  ready right out of the box
  • 75   editable resources  for student   differentiation  
  • Loads of   tricks and tips  to add to your teaching tool bag
  • All explanations are reinforced with  concrete examples.
  • Links to  high-quality video  tutorials
  • Clear objectives  easy to match to the demands of your curriculum


transactional writing | how to write a letter 1 | Transactional Writing |

A letter is a written form of communication usually intended to be read by an individual or a small group of people. Only very rarely is it intended to be read by a large group of people, in which case it is usually referred to as an ‘open letter’.

While traditionally letters were written by hand on paper and delivered via the mail, today technology has given us many more options for personal communication including email, text messages, and various other forms of digital messaging.


Up until recently, letter writing was usually a fairly formal affair. There are standardized formulas for opening and closing letters which are still quite common. For example:

●      If a letter opens with Dear Sir or Dear Madam (i.e. the name is unknown) it ends with Yours Faithfully

●      If it opens with Dear Mr. Smith or Dear Mrs. Smith (i.e. the name is known) it ends Yours Sincerely .

And while these formal conventions can still apply, some types of text that we can group under the term ‘letter’ are much less formal in their style. Invitations and email are two prominent examples that employ a much looser approach to structure.


The language used in any type of letter will depend greatly on the audience it is intended for.

For example, while formal types of letters, such as a cover letter as part of a job application, will have a very professional tone, an invitation to a birthday party will likely have a warm and friendly tone.

Emails are used for a wide variety of purposes these days, and even though they can still be used in some more formal type contexts, in general, they are much more conversational in tone than letters.


  • For formal letters, your address and the date in the top right corner and the recipient’s address to the left
  • Opens with an appropriate greeting (e.g. Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mr X / Ms X, Hi, etc)
  • Main body paragraphs.
  • Ends with appropriate closing (e.g. Yours Faithfully, Yours Sincerely, Take Care, etc)


transactional writing | how to write a review 1 | Transactional Writing |

Traditionally, when we think of reviews many of us think of book and movie reviews. There are, of course, many other types of reviews to consider.

These days people read and write reviews on almost any product or service, from hotels to restaurants. For example, we might read a review of a theater show before deciding whether to go or a computer game before deciding on buying it.


Usually, a review will open with a statement about what is being reviewed before summing up the writer’s opinion. The remainder of the review will be dedicated to explaining why the writer arrived at the conclusion they arrived at with, of course, close reference to the thing being reviewed.


When the review is positive, the writer will opt for more positive language, making for a more upbeat experience for the reader. The reverse is true for negative reviews.

The tone of a review will be particularly obvious in the choice of adjectives chosen by the writer.

As the review is subtly trying to influence the reader’s perception of the thing reviewed, it’s important that the reader trusts the writer and this can be achieved by the writer building rapport with the reader.

One effective way to achieve this is through the use of humor, though whether or not this is appropriate will depend particularly on the specific purpose of the review and the nature of the intended audience.


  • States what is being reviewed (book, movie, article, etc)
  • Overview of material
  • Body paragraphs explore positives and negatives
  • The conclusion summarizes and expresses an opinion
  • Provides either a negative critique or a positive recommendation.


transactional writing | how to write a speech 1 | Transactional Writing |

Speeches are made to do one of 4 things: to inform, to instruct, to persuade, or to entertain. They are made on all sorts of formal and informal occasions ranging from political campaign speeches to birthday party toasts.


Speeches most often follow a simple 3-part structure:

  • An engaging and motivating opening
  • Strong, well-structured arguments
  • A powerful and memorable conclusion


A speech should deliver arguments with clarity and consistency. The speaker must be engaging and able to connect with the audience on an emotional level.

So as not to alienate the audience, it is necessary to choose language in tune with the make-up of the audience.

The purpose of many speeches is persuasion and so persuasive devices should be used such as rhetorical questions, objection handling, and emotive language.


  • Opens with a welcoming statement or greeting (Ladies and gentlemen, Dearly beloved, Teachers and classmates, etc)
  • Outlines what speech will be about (Today, I will speak to you about…)
  • Body of speech makes 3 or 4 points and expands upon each point
  • Arguments handle objections
  • Conclusion summarizing main points
  • Possible call to action at the end
  • Thank the audience.


Again, the criteria above are far from exhaustive and each genre is worth studying in detail before writing – the articles on this site are a great place to start.

Remember too, the features above are general and each genre has a host of subtypes that have their own specific requirements that may not be listed in the bullet points above.

Also, while the genre of writing will inform the style and tone of the text, a lot depends on the purpose and the audience. This will be decided by the student in the preparation phase by answering the GAPS questions listed earlier in this article.

Now, students understand how to prepare to write, how to structure their writing, and which language register to use, it’s time to make sure they possess the necessary skills to get the work done.


Well, as discussed already, transactional writing texts cover a wide range of genres, serving many purposes, and are directed toward a variety of audiences.

Therefore, the list of techniques and skills described below will not apply in every single transactional text a student writes.

Once the student has mastered each of the skills and techniques below, they will need to apply their understanding of each writing context to decide which is best suited to their current needs.

The acronym AFOREST will help students to remember the specific writing techniques.

Let’s take a look at each in turn:


Alliteration refers to the repetition of an initial consonant sound in a series of words. Tongue twisters are an easy way to illustrate the concept, e.g.,

  P eter P iper p icked a p eck of p ickled p epper.

We often see alliteration used in texts that employ headlines as the technique helps grab attention and engage the reader. It can also, of course, be used within the body of the text to help draw attention to a concept or idea.

Appeal is a reminder to consider the audience the text is intended to appeal to, as this will greatly affect the tone of the writing.

It will also inform the pronouns the writer chooses to use in their text.

For example, in a speech where the writer is directly addressing their audience, they may frequently use personal pronouns directly addressing the audience such as you and we .

For example:

Instead of… “Action must be taken to prevent this.” 

The student writes… “We must take action to prevent this.”



Facts are an important tool of persuasion and can come in many forms. Essentially, facts refer to any verifiably true statement. Statistics are one convincing tool of persuasion to support factual statements.

Whatever guise facts come in, they can be used to inform or entertain as well as persuade the reader.


Opinion refers to the sharing of a personal point of view. Opinions bring life to a piece of writing.

While it may not be appropriate to express a personal opinion in some contexts, many types of transactional text would be incomplete without the inclusion of the writer’s opinion. For example, a persuasive essay or a movie review.

Often, a text will open with an assertion of the writer’s opinion with the rest of the piece focused on supporting that opinion to persuade the reader to share the writer’s point of view.

The difference between a statement of fact and one of opinion is illustrated in the following two sentences:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a very popular combat sport. (Fact)

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the greatest of all combat sports. (Opinion) 


Repetition repeating certain words or phrases in a text is an effective means of highlighting a message or an idea, as well as reinforcing it in the mind of the reader. Repetition can be used to not only to bring rhythm and a certain poetry to a text, but it can bring clarity too.

For example,

“Mankind must put an end to war – or war will put an end to mankind.”

— John F. Kennedy

Rhetorical Questions are questions that are asked, but no answer is expected. Usually, the answer will be either implied or obvious to the audience. They are frequently used in speeches and persuasive texts such as advertisements.

For examples,

“Why pay more?”

Rhetorical questions are asked for the effect they create, rather than any attempt to elicit an answer. They can be a very persuasive tool to have in any writer’s arsenal.

E – Emotive Language & Exaggeration

Emotive Language is a powerful tool of persuasion. Emotive language in a text can be used to incite strong feelings in the reader.

Whether these feelings are feelings of joy, sorrow, disgust, or desire, writers often use this type of language to evoke a desired reaction in the reader and incite them to take a particular course of action.

Emotive language is commonly understood in contrast to objective, factual writing. This type of language makes a contention or argument, but in a way, that appeals to the reader’s feelings.

For example, if the writer is arguing that there should be no restrictions on business opening hours, they might write the following:

“Forcing businesses to close will steal money from the pockets of our poorest workers. It will steal bread from the hungry mouths of our children.”  

Exaggeration is sometimes known as hyperbole and in this context refers to the making of intentionally over-the-top statements to intensify the impact of an argument.

Instead of saying school closures will create problems for students, parents, and teachers alike, we might make a statement like:

“School closures will be the end of the world!”

S – Statistics

Statistics , along with percentages and other numbers, are used as supporting evidence for facts.

“The beginning of the week is an extremely stressful time for many people. So much so that the risk of a heart attack for adult men is about 20% greater on Mondays and 15% greater for adult women.”

T – The Rule of Threes

Three is the magic number. Our brains love patterns as they help us make meaning and help make that meaning memorable. We see it in practice in many common phrases.

 “Cool, calm, collected”

“Blood, sweat and tears”

“Location, location, location”

While cliché should usually be avoided, students can come up with their own patterns following the rules of 3 to make their writing more memorable.


writing checklists

Transaction Complete

When understood well, the above concepts, strategies, and techniques will ensure that student writers can confidently and competently produce a strong piece of transactional writing in any genre.

As their experience and abilities grow, students will quickly be able to recognize the purpose of any writing prompt and accurately assess their prospective audience to help fine-tune their language register.

Once they’ve selected the appropriate criteria, they’ll be able to choose suitable tools and techniques to produce a polished piece of writing that fulfils all intended objectives.

All that’s needed now is practice – and plenty of it!


Leter Writing

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What is transactional writing and its example

  • April 26, 2023

Table of Contents:

Introduction, transactional writing examples, email confirmations, letters of resignation, minutes of meeting,  reports on sales, readying yourself to write a transactional text, what are the essential skills required to write a transactional text,  allegation and appeal.

  • The "Threes Rule"

Main Attributes Transactional Writing Type and Elaborate Information

Many diverse non-fiction writing genres fall under the umbrella of transactional writing. Transactional writing has a purpose in mind, typically to convey information and ideas to a reader. The following four categories best describe the information’s intended use:

In order to encourage someone to purchase a good or service, clear wording is frequently employed in advertisements. The goal of a transactional text that aims to persuade is often to explain why the good or service is so great and how it can make someone’s life better. Customer reviews or aggressive phrasing, such as “limited-time-only” offers, may be used to persuade customers to make a purchase. It has frequently been used in politics to try and persuade people to vote a certain way. Persuasive, transactional writing may also aim to alter a person’s view on a specific issue. See our collection of persuasive writing samples.

Transactional texts that argue aim to make their points valid with supporting facts. Learn more about argumentative writing in our post How Does the Writer Use Language to Create a Strong Impact . Transactional texts that argue frequently assume the shape of a review or political flyer to make their argument. A critic could insist on a point they made about a book or movie and attempt to convince you that their viewpoint is valid by supporting it with facts. Literature and political campaign posters for or against political ideologies and programs may also include argumentative language. Speeches, like debates, can also include argumentative rhetoric.

Transactional writings that provide information give you the facts about a subject. For more about informational writing, see How Has the Writer Structured the Text to Interest You as a Reader . This might be done to amuse or inform someone. Newspapers, magazine articles, and flyers marketing services and goods are examples of informational texts. Letters and emails you might write to friends to update them on your activities or convey crucial information are also examples of informational, transactional writing. A birthday party invitation is an informational text since it provides all the details you need to know to join the celebration. Giving directions or chronicling someone’s life are examples of informational writing that provide the reader with the facts on which to base their decisions.

Advisory transactional texts provide information to help readers make decisions. Explore this further in our blog post What Does a Medical Writer Do . Advisory texts are typically more balanced than persuasive texts since they present a variety of possibilities. They require extensive study to provide the reader with all the data they require to make their own decisions. An illustration would be writing an article for a magazine on the best ways to go to and from school. You could list the advantages and disadvantages of a few different options and offer your opinion on which route is best, but the reader would ultimately make that decision.

It’s important to remember that a text frequently has more than one of these objectives in mind. Check out this balanced argument lesson pack, which includes argumentative and informational writing. Book Writing Founders UK is a platform for aspiring authors in the United Kingdom to connect, learn, and publish their work.

Examples of transactional writing include the following:

A meeting, appointment, or reservation is confirmed with a confirmation email. They should contain the time, date, place, and other pertinent details.

When an employee wishes to quit their position, they utilize resignation letters. They ought to be formal, concise, and contain the departure reason as well as the date of resignation.

The actions of a meeting are recorded in meeting minutes. They ought to list the meeting’s date, time, participants, subjects covered, and any conclusions or actions taken.

Sales reports have used to compile sales information for a given time frame. They should contain details like sales volume, revenue, and any trends or patterns that have been noticed.

Preparation is essential for writing tasks of any kind. Fortunately, there is an acronym we can learn to assist us in remembering the crucial components of transactional writing preparation:

Students should complete the GAPS before starting to write by responding to the inquiries asked by each letter of this acronym.

Let’s look at this:

What genre of text have you required to write? What distinguishes that genre?

The audience Who is asking you to write this for? Is it a person or a group?

What are you hoping to accomplish with the text? The argument, counsel, persuade, or inform?

Is the writing official or casual? Optimistic or somber in tone? Simple or difficult?

Usually, by carefully reading the query or writing prompt, one can immediately find the answers to these questions.

In situations where they have given more latitude in what they write, students must make sure that they have addressed these questions fully before starting to write.

Before beginning to write, failing to provide definite answers to these questions will almost certainly result in unclear purposeful writing.

As was already said, transactional writing texts are written for a number of audiences, serve a variety of objectives, and span a wide range of genres.

Therefore, not every transactional text a student creates will require the use of the set of strategies and abilities described below.

The student will need to use their knowledge of each writing context to apply their grasp of the abilities and approaches below once they have mastered each one to determine which one best suits their current needs.

Students will find recalling the specific writing strategies easier if they use the abbreviation AFOREST.

Let’s examine each one individually:

The recurrence of an initial consonant sound in a string of words has referred to as alliteration. Tongue twisters are a simple approach to demonstrate the idea; for instance,

Peter Piper took a handful of pickled pepper.

Alliteration has frequently employed in texts with headlines since the method draws the reader in and keeps them reading. Of course, it can also use to highlight a point or idea within the body of the text.

Appeal serves as a reminder to consider the readership the content has meant to appeal to, as this will significantly impact the tone of the writing.

It will also influence the author’s choice of pronouns for their writing.

As an illustration, in a speech where the speaker directly addresses the audience, the speaker may regularly utilize pronouns like you and us.

For instance:

“Action must be taken to prevent this” should be used instead.

The pupil writes… “We need to do something to stop this,”

A crucial persuasion weapon, facts can take many different shapes. A statement that can be independently verified as true is a fact. One powerful persuasion strategy is using statistics to back up factual claims.

Whatever shape facts take, they can be used to inform and entertain readers and influence them.

Statistics have employed to substantiate facts, along with percentages and other numbers.

For instance,

For many people, the start of the week is very stressful. So much so that adult men’s chance of having a heart attack on Mondays is around 20% higher than adult women’s, and vice versa.

The “Threes Rule”

The magic number is three. Our brains are drawn to patterns because they aid in forming meaning and make it memorable. It is used in numerous everyday expressions.

“Calm, collected, and cool.”

“Sweat, blood, and tears”

It’s all about the setting.

While it’s generally best to stay away from cliché, students can create their own patterns by following three principles to make their writing stand out.

Writing transactions is an essential component of contemporary communication. It’s critical to comprehend the traits, varieties, and instances of transactional writing, whether you’re creating a letter, email, memo, report, or another type of formal writing. You may write great transactional writing that effectively communicates your message by using the advice provided in this article.

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Literacy Brainstorming

Transactional Writing

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Transactional writing is an umbrella term that covers many differing nonfiction written genres.

The purpose of each assignable writing textbook artist a toward communicate theories and information to others.

The purpose of adenine text can be defined as:

  • To persuade

Sometimes deuce conversely more of these purposes will be combined in a simple copy type. 

Visuals Writers Prompts


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Introduce your student to 21st-century learning use this GROWING BUNDLE ARE 101 EDITABLE & PRINTABILITY GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS. ✌ NO PREP REQUIRED!!! ✌ Go paperless, and permit our students express their knowledge both creativity through one power of technology and concert inside and outside the classroom with ease.

Whilst you don’t have to have ampere 1:1 or BYOD classroom go benefit from this cluster, it possess been purpose-built until ship the platforms suchlike than ✔ GOOGLE UNTERRICHT, ✔ OUR 365, ✔ instead any CLOUD-BASED KNOWLEDGE SOFTWARE.


Any nonfiction writing genre that sets get to persuade, argue, advise, or inform can be classified as adenine coefficients text type. Generally, they can choose be grouped loosely under one of the following types: Transactional writing is a collective term for non-fiction typing genres that aim to communicate about others available a specific purpose. Find out more about computer here.

  • Feature (Read is in-depth tour to writing an article here )
  • Letter (Read our in-depth guide to letter writing here )
  • Review (Read our in-depth leader to writing adenine reserve review more )

Either of those genres (and subsequent sub-genres) will follow specific propriety of language and structure.

As We’ll Look at in this Article

In here article, we’ll look at all of these transactional text sort in more detail, as well as some other text varieties such don’t sit comfortably is any of the five extensive my listed above. Product for Transactional Writing. The transactional writing questions will ask she to note different varieties for text - for example, a letter, an article, a ...

We’ll offers your using all the auxiliary required to help students confidently approach writing any piece of transactional writing.

 We’ll inspect what student need into consider before they even begin putting pen to paper, breaking down each asset writing genre into the specific criteria of country and structure.

Finally, we’ll making some tools, tips, and techniques students capacity use go polish their dealer writing and help them achieve their text’s purpose.


Than use any writing task, product is key. Luckily, there’s a helpful acronym we can learn at keep the essential elements of transactional script preparatory clear in our minds: FISSURE Learn also refine the superior techniques for letter a piece of non-fiction with this BBC Bitesize GCSE French (Edexcel) Words study escort.

Ahead beginning to write, apprentices supposed replenish the to GAPS by answering the following questions prompted by each letter are this acronym.

Let’s take a look:

GRAM enre – What choose starting texts are to being asked on write? What are the features of that genre?

A udience – Who are you being asked to write for? Is it an customize or a group?

P urpose – What are you trying to achieve in the read? Persuade, argue, advise, press inform?

S tyle – Is the text formal or informal? Relaxed or serious includes tone? Simple or complex?

Usually, these questions can subsist quickly answered by closely reading the question or writing prompt.

In illustrations where the students having one freer rein on what they write, they must ensure this they have answered these getting clearly to beginning the writing start.

Failing to react these questions definitively before starts in write will all but ensure the writing becoming need clarity of purpose.


Time one course has determinate which writing genre they are creating, they need to ensure they possess a firm comprehend on the features of that genre.

Below, we’ll briefly scrutinize some of the main criteria of jede are the majority common transactional writing genres. There isn’t space to cover all genre in detail here, as that’d require a complete dedicated article. Period 9 Topic – Tranactions Print

Lucky though, you’ll find thorough (and awesome written) articles on each letter genre on this very site!

Let’s gain a brief overview the some of and main criteria of the most standard transactional text types.


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The term ‘article’ coverages a lot of ground here. We can await the find newsletter in magazines, newspapers, the websites. Were can also considers many forms of essays, such as persuasive written for example, as articles.


Articles are mostly long-form pieces of prose writing on ampere specific topic. Handful can be symmetrical on your looking considering many points of view , with they can present a very subjective bekanntmachung on which topic being spell about.

The subjects that product can explore are almost inexhaustible. Anything you can select an opinion on may make for the item the an articles. Some common topics for articles include: Read an model answer from one of Uplevel Academy's GCSE Yr 11 scholars, so that you can see how you may improve and gain high marks.

  • Entertainment
  • Celebrities
  • Recent affairs

Articles tend to followed adenine basic 3-part set of introduction, corpse paragraphs, plus conclusion.

The introduction tries to grab to reader’s attention and usually shapes this main point of the article.

A type of body paragraphs usually follows that provides more item over each of and master points covered in the article.

A final concluding paragraph later brings it all together at the end.


To decide on the type of language to can used include any article, that writer will need to can first identified and audience and purpose of the text.

Regardless regarding which language register is used, it should be suited to the background of the target reader in terms of complexity additionally word selection.

Words should also be choose up ensure the intended of the article is achieved. For example, wherever an article is aimed to be persuasive, feelings speech may be chose. Where in an academic article on a historical topic, detached language devoid of emotional colors may be more appropriate.

  • Heading and subheadings
  • Attention grabber or ‘hook’
  • Introduction respond who, what, when, where, why, and how?
  • Body articles
  • May contain pictures with captions


transactional composition | wherewith to write a leaflet 1 | Coefficients Writing |

Standard leaflets what made through collapsible a sheet of paper to create 2, 3, or more panels. They are often colorful additionally what usually distributed for free to offers information mainly on goods otherwise billing.


In leaflets, the arrangement furthermore organization of the text have notably important. Usually, they’re printed on folded pieces are paper and card the have effects for how the information in a booklet is presented.

Leaflets vary verbreitet according to their aim press the viewers they are aimed during. Generally, her intention employ subheadings to great effect to manual the reader’s eye durch the various sections regarding information. Transaction-based Writing. Section B: Transactional ... 6. Purpose: to writer one magazine featured – informative the cogent. ... of examples is discriminating. Level 5 ...

Also, information is often organized using bullet points and numbers on make instructions, for example, easier to follow.


When leaflets offering instructions, they’ll often use imperatives and the personal pronoun ‘you’.

More constantly, the words utilised will be suited to the audience. Where this audience is wide and varied, say, for a typical magnetism, and language will be simple and honest the make the information in the leaflet walkable to the widest possible audience. Notice I didn’t say I love transactional writing (I search is hard go teach the hints in students and they frequent blend the PAFT), but I do same reasoning are top tips also ways to approach this section of …

The tone is often enthusiastic and reassuring, to inspire confidence in the information it contains.


  • Slight to read includes heading and subheadings
  • A colorful and bold presentation style
  • Makes an offer of product press service (or provides information)
  • Often uses persuasive language
  • Eye-catching
  • Use of bullet points
  • Short, snappy sentences
  • Uses pictures and photographs
  • May contain details on find, blueprint, opening time, price, phone no., etc.


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  • Total explanations are reinforced with  concrete examples.
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functionality writing | how to write adenine letter 1 | Institutional Writing |

A letter is a writers formulare of communication usually intended to be read by an separate instead a small group of my. Only very rarely belongs it intentional to be read by a large group of people, in whatever case it is usually referred to as an ‘open letter’.

While traditionally letters consisted written by hand upon paper and delivered go of mail, today technology features given us many more possibilities for personal communication comprising email, text message, additionally various other forms of digital messaging. Enhance my writing skills with comprehensive topics, guides, and prompts for transactional writing. Consummate with educational and students.


Up until recently, letter writing was usually a fairly formal affair. Go are standardized formulas available opening and closing erudition which am still whole common. For sample:

●      Is a letter initiates with Sweet Sir or Dear Madam (i.e. the full is unknown) she endless with Yours Faithfully

●      Wenn it unlock with Beloved Mr. Smith or Dear Mrs. Smith (i.e. to name is known) it finishes Own Cordially .

Furthermore while these formal conventions can still getting, some types of text that we can group under the term ‘letter’ can much less formal in their style. Invitations and e are two celebrities examples so employ a much looser approach to structure. Writing an article - Non-fiction and functional writing - Edexcel - GCSE English Wording Revision - Edexcel - BBC Bitesize


The language often into any sort of anschreiben will depend greatly on the audience it is intended for.

For demo, for formal types of letters, create as a cover letter as part of a job application, willingly have a very professional tone, an free to a birthdate party will likely can a warm additionally friendly tone.

Emails are spent for a wide varieties of intended these days, furthermore even though she can still be previously in few more formal type contexts, in general, they are much find communicative in tone than letters. International GCSE (9-1) Hebrew Language A Exemplar Responses


  • Available formal books, your address and the date int to top right corner and the recipient’s handle to the lefts
  • Opens with certain appropriate greeting (e.g. Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mr X / Ms X, Hi, etc)
  • Haupt- body paragraphs.
  • Enders with appropriate closing (e.g. Yours Faithfully, His Sincerely, Take Care, etc)


tranactions writing | how to post a review 1 | Functionality Type |

Traditionally, when we thinking of reviews many of us believe of book the movie reviews. There are, of course, many other types of reviews to consider.

These days people read and write reviews on almost any product or service, from hotels to restaurants. For examples, we might read a review of ampere theater demonstrate before deciding is at hinfahren or a computer game before deciding in buying it.


Normally, a review determination opens with a statement concerning what is being reviewed before add upwards the writer’s opinion. The remainder of the review will be dedicated to explaining why the author arrived at the closure they arrived at with, of course, close reference on the thing being reviewed.


When the review is positive, the writer will selecting for more positive language, creation for a view upbeat experience for the reader. The reverse is true for negative checks. The format von writing magazines articles or reports be simular when writing berichtswesen into a Newspaper. It is difficult to… by frieda

The tone of a review will be particularly obvious in the pick of adjectives chosen by the writers.

As the review is subtly trying to influence the reader’s wahrnehmen of aforementioned thing tested, it’s vital that the reader trusts the writer and this can be achieved by the writer build rapport with the reader.

A effective way to achieve diese is through the benefit of wit, though determine instead non this is appropriate will depend particularly on the specific purpose of the review and the nature of the intended community. For example, an article written for a school magazine willingness clash from an products writers for a local newspaper or magazine. Features. Consider the following ...


  • States that is nature considered (book, movie, object, etc)
  • Overview of material
  • Body paragraphs explorieren positives and negatives
  • The conclusion summarizes and expresses an opinion
  • Makes either a negative critique other a positive recommendation.


dealer writing | how until write a speech 1 | Transactional Writing |

Speeches are made to do one are 4 things: to inform, to instruct, until persuade, or to entertain. They are made on all sorts of formality the relaxed occasions ranges from political campaign presentation to birthday party toasts.


Speeches most often follow adenine simple 3-part structure:

  • With engaging and motivator opening
  • Stronger, well-structured discussion
  • ADENINE powerful and memorable conclusion


A discourse should deliver arguments with clarity and consistency. The speaker must be engaging and able to connect with the audience on an feeling level.

Like as nay to alianat the community, it is necessary up choose language in tune with the make-up of which audience.

The goal out many speeches is persuasion and so persuasive devices should be used such as rhetorical questions, objection handling, and feeling language. ENGLISCH WRITING ESSAYS AND TRANSACTIONAL TEXTS ...


  • Opens by a approachable statement or greeting (Ladies and gentlemen, Verehrt dearest, Masters and peer, etc)
  • Outlines what speech will be about (Today, I will language to you about…)
  • Dead of speech makes 3 or 4 points or expands after each point
  • Arguments handle objections
  • Conclusion summarizing main score
  • Possible phone to action at the exit
  • Thank the audience.


Repeated, the criteria above are far from depleted and jeder genre is worth studying are detail forward writing – the articles in save our are a great pitch into start.

Remember too, an features above are general and each genre has a host of sort that have their own specific requirements that may did be listed in the bullet scored back.

Also, while the genre of writing will inform the style and sound of the text, a lot depends on the purpose and the audience. This will be decided at the student in the training phase by answering the INTERVALS questions listings earlier in that article.

Immediate, students understood how to prepare to writers, how to texture their writing, and what language enroll to use, it’s time into make sure they possess the necessary skills to gain the work done.


Well, as discussed already, transaction writing texts cover a wide range of genres, serving lot purposes, and are directed heading a variety of viewing. Untitled

Therefore, the lists of advanced and skills described below want not apply in ever single transactional copy a student writes.

Once the student has mastered per of the skills and techniques below, they will need to apply theirs understanding for each writing context to decide whichever is best suited to their current needs.

The activation AFOREST will help undergraduate to remember the specific writing techniques.

Let’s take a look at each in turn:


Accentuation refers till and repetition of to initial consonant sound inside a series of words. Tongue twisters belong an easy way to illustrate the concept, e.g.,

  P eter P iper pence icked a p corner of p ickled piano epper.

We often see alliteration used within texts that employ headlines as the technique help touch attention and engage the reader. It can also, of course, be used within and body of the topic the search draw please to a design or idea. – see future page for the answers. Page 3. Examples of transactional texts. • Articles. • Leaflets.

Court is a reminders up consider one audience of text is intended into appeals in, as this will greatly affect the tone of the writers.

It will also informed the pronouns this writing chooses to use in they text.

For case, into a talking where the book is directly addressing their interview, she may frequently use staff pronouns directly speaker the listeners such as your the us .

For example:

Instead of… “Action must be taken to prevent this.” 

The student writes… “We must take action to prevent this.”



Facts are an critical tool of persuasion and can come in plenty forms. Essentially, facts verweise to any verifiably true statement. Statistics is one convincing tool of persuasion on support fact-based statements.

Whatever guise facts come inside, they ability exist used to inform with entertain as well as convincing one radio.


Opinion refers to the sharing are a personal issue of click. Beliefs bring life to a piece a writing.

While it may did be appropriate to utter one personal opinion in some contexts, plenty types of transactional text would be incomplete without and inclusion of the writer’s opinion. For example, a persuasive essay oder a motion review. Transactional Typing | Information & Primarily Resources

Often, a text will open with an assertion out aforementioned writer’s pick with the rest of the piece focused on supporting that mitteilung to persuade the reader to release the writer’s point of view. Why EGO love… Thinking about Transactional Writing

The difference between a statement of fact and one of say is illustrated into the following two sunday:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a very popular combat get. (Fact)

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu shall aforementioned greatest of all struggle sports. (Opinion) 


Repetition repeating certain language or phrases in an text is any effective means off highlighting a message or an idea, as well like reinforcing this in the wit by the reader. Repetition can be spent to not one to bring rhythms and a certain poetry on a text, but it can bring clarity too.

For example,

“Mankind must put the end till combat – or war will put an end to mankind.”

— John F. Kennedy

Rhetorical Questions are inquiries that are asked, but no answer is unexpected. Usual, who answer wants be either indicates or apparently to which listeners. They are many used in speeches and persuasive texts such as advertisements.

For examples,

“Why pay more?”

Rhetorical questions were asked to the effect they generate, more than any trial to elicit einem answer. They can be a very convincing tool to have in any writer’s arsenal.

E – Emotive Language & Exaggeration

Emotive Language is adenine powerful tool away persuasion. Emotive language with a write ability be used to goad strong feelings into aforementioned rfid.

Whether these feelings can feelings of joy, sorrow, disgust, or desire, writers often use this type of language at evoke a desired reaction in to rfid press incite them toward take a certain course of action. TRANSACTIONAL WRITING: Magazine Articles/Reports — Steemit

Emotion language is usual understood are contrast to aimed, factual writing. All type of language makes a contention button argument, but in adenine way, that appeals to this reader’s feelings. Transactional Writing: Journal Magazine - UpLevel Academy %

For example, if the writer is arguing that there should be no restrictions upon commercial opening hours, her might write the next:

“Forcing commercial to close will steal dollars after the pockets of our poorest operators. It intention steal bread from the hungry moutes the our children.”  

Exaggeration are sometimes known as exaggerate and is this context refers to the making of intentionally over-the-top statements to intensify the impacting of an argument.

To example,

Place of saying school closures will generate problematic for students, parents, and teachers alike, we might make a statement like:

“School closures will be aforementioned end of the world!”

SULPHUR – Graphics

Statistics , along with percentages and other numbers, are used as supporting supporting for facts.

“The beginning of the weekend is any exceeding stressful time for many people. So much so that who risk of a heart attack by adult men is about 20% greater on Mondays real 15% major for adult women.”

T – The Rule of Threes

Threesome is and magic number. Our head love patterns as they search us make meaning also help make that meaning catchy. We see it in practice included many common phrases.

By exemplar,

 “Cool, peaceful, collected”

“Blood, verschwitzen the tears”

“Location, spot, location”

Time cliché should usually be avoided, students can come upward with their own model following the rules is 3 to make their writing more memorable.


writing checklists

Bargain Fully

When understood fountain, who above terms, our, and techniques desire ensure that student writers can assured and competently erbringen a strong piece of volume writing in any genre.

As their encounter and abilities grow, students will quickly be able to recognize the purpose of any writing prompts and accurately assess their prospective audience in find fine-tune their language record.

Einmal they’ve selected the appropriate criteria, they’ll be able to choose suitable diy and techniques to hervorrufen a polished piece of writing such meets all intended objectives.

All that’s needed now is practice – and stack of it!


Leter Writing

How to write a letter

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How for write a text react

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How to Written a Descriptive Read

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How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

how to write an article transactional writing

UpLevel Academy

Transactional Writing: Newspaper Article

by Kellie McCord | Feb 3, 2023 | Student Model Answers | 0 comments

How do I structure a newspaper article?

This is something that many students struggle with.

We all know the basics:

A catchy headline

how to write an article transactional writing

A strapline

how to write an article transactional writing


how to write an article transactional writing

An introduction that gives the reader an idea of what the article is going to be about.

how to write an article transactional writing

Main body paragraphs to develop your argument.

how to write an article transactional writing

A conclusion to summarise your main points and reflect on your argument. Maybe having a call to action.

how to write an article transactional writing

Yet, it is still difficult to pull it all together!

So, to help you, here is an example of one of Uplevel Academy’s GCSE Year 11 student’s work!

There are three reasons why I am sharing this with you:

  • So you can make notes and see how you can improve your own writing, so that you can score high marks in your exams.
  • To celebrate our students’ achievements. This is important as it is easy to only look at what you can improve without acknowledging how successes, which is crucial for motivation.
  • So you can have the opportunity to see what it is like to work with us and offer you the opportunity to schedule a strategy session with us.

Here is the student’s work:

how to write an article transactional writing

You can see that they have implemented the strategies and technqiues that they have been taught in their lessons.

They have used all of the above to structure their article; however, they have also used high-end techniques to:

  • Engage the reader
  • Persuade the reader to change their habits
  • Argue for their beliefs – in this case that homecooking is the best!

And what they have achieved is an amazing newsarticle that suits their purpose and answered their exam question.

This is why we are passionate about what we do! Students master the skills so they can implement them independently.

Ultimately, this gives them greater confidence, so they can use it in their exams, and beyond, as they know how to adapt their writing skills for different purposes.

Join us in celebrating our students.

Book your complimentary strategy session!

And remember if you want your child to achieve this level of confidence and competence, then book your strategy session with me!

And if you want more tips to see:

  • How your child can use what they have read to inspire their writing for Language Paper 2, Section B;
  • What examiners are looking for, so that you can have insider knowledge and your child can achieve top marks;
  • Another model answer from one of Uplevel Academy’s students;

Then click here!

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B2 writing

Are you a learner at B2 English level (upper intermediate) ? This section offers writing practice to help you write clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics related to your interests. Texts include essays, reports, reviews, messages and emails.

Each lesson has a preparation task, a model text with writing tips and three tasks to check your understanding and to practise a variety of writing skills. Make a start today.

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A covering email

A covering email

Learn how to write a covering email to accompany a job application.

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Learn how to write a curriculum vitae, often called a CV in the UK or résumé in American English. 

  • Read more about A CV

A letter of complaint

A letter of complaint

Learn how to write a letter of complaint.

  • Read more about A letter of complaint

A report on working abroad

A report on working abroad

Learn how to write a report on working abroad.

  • Read more about A report on working abroad

A summary of a line graph

A summary of a line graph

Learn how to describe a line graph.

  • Read more about A summary of a line graph

An advert

Learn how to write an advert.

  • Read more about An advert

An email to request time off

An email to request time off

Learn how to write an email to request time off work.

  • Read more about An email to request time off

An email to your professor

An email to your professor

Learn how to write an email to your university professor.

  • Read more about An email to your professor

An informal email to a friend

An informal email to a friend

Learn how to write an informal email to a friend.

  • Read more about An informal email to a friend

An opinion essay

An opinion essay

Learn how to write an opinion essay.

  • Read more about An opinion essay

Comparing two charts

Comparing two charts

Learn how to write about and compare two pie charts.

  • Read more about Comparing two charts

Giving instructions by email

Giving instructions by email

Learn how to write an email to give instructions.

  • Read more about Giving instructions by email

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Non-fiction and transactional writing - Edexcel Writing a speech

Non-fiction texts are those that deal with facts, opinions and the real world. Many non-fiction texts follow specific conventions of language and structure.

Part of English Language Writing

Writing a speech

President Obama opening a campaign rally addressing a large crowd

Baltimore bridge collapse: a bridge engineer explains what happened, and what needs to change

how to write an article transactional writing

Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Monash University

Disclosure statement

Colin Caprani receives funding from the Department of Transport (Victoria) and the Level Crossing Removal Project. He is also Chair of the Confidential Reporting Scheme for Safer Structures - Australasia, Chair of the Australian Regional Group of the Institution of Structural Engineers, and Australian National Delegate for the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering.

Monash University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation AU.

View all partners

When the container ship MV Dali, 300 metres long and massing around 100,000 tonnes, lost power and slammed into one of the support piers of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, the bridge collapsed in moments . Six people are presumed dead, several others injured, and the city and region are expecting a months-long logistical nightmare in the absence of a crucial transport link.

It was a shocking event, not only for the public but for bridge engineers like me. We work very hard to ensure bridges are safe, and overall the probability of being injured or worse in a bridge collapse remains even lower than the chance of being struck by lightning.

However, the images from Baltimore are a reminder that safety can’t be taken for granted. We need to remain vigilant.

So why did this bridge collapse? And, just as importantly, how might we make other bridges more safe against such collapse?

A 20th century bridge meets a 21st century ship

The Francis Scott Key Bridge was built through the mid 1970s and opened in 1977. The main structure over the navigation channel is a “continuous truss bridge” in three sections or spans.

The bridge rests on four supports, two of which sit each side of the navigable waterway. It is these two piers that are critical to protect against ship impacts.

And indeed, there were two layers of protection: a so-called “dolphin” structure made from concrete, and a fender. The dolphins are in the water about 100 metres upstream and downstream of the piers. They are intended to be sacrificed in the event of a wayward ship, absorbing its energy and being deformed in the process but keeping the ship from hitting the bridge itself.

Diagram of a bridge

The fender is the last layer of protection. It is a structure made of timber and reinforced concrete placed around the main piers. Again, it is intended to absorb the energy of any impact.

Fenders are not intended to absorb impacts from very large vessels . And so when the MV Dali, weighing more than 100,000 tonnes, made it past the protective dolphins, it was simply far too massive for the fender to withstand.

Read more: I've captained ships into tight ports like Baltimore, and this is how captains like me work with harbor pilots to avoid deadly collisions

Video recordings show a cloud of dust appearing just before the bridge collapsed, which may well have been the fender disintegrating as it was crushed by the ship.

Once the massive ship had made it past both the dolphin and the fender, the pier – one of the bridge’s four main supports – was simply incapable of resisting the impact. Given the size of the vessel and its likely speed of around 8 knots (15 kilometres per hour), the impact force would have been around 20,000 tonnes .

Bridges are getting safer

This was not the first time a ship hit the Francis Scott Bridge. There was another collision in 1980 , damaging a fender badly enough that it had to be replaced.

Around the world, 35 major bridge collapses resulting in fatalities were caused by collisions between 1960 and 2015, according to a 2018 report from the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure. Collisions between ships and bridges in the 1970s and early 1980s led to a significant improvement in the design rules for protecting bridges from impact.

A greenish book cover with the title Ship Collision With Bridges.

Further impacts in the 1970s and early 1980s instigated significant improvements in the design rules for impact.

The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering’s Ship Collision with Bridges guide, published in 1993, and the American Association of State Highway and Transporation Officials’ Guide Specification and Commentary for Vessel Collision Design of Highway Bridges (1991) changed how bridges were designed.

In Australia, the Australian Standard for Bridge Design (published in 2017) requires designers to think about the biggest vessel likely to come along in the next 100 years, and what would happen if it were heading for any bridge pier at full speed. Designers need to consider the result of both head-on collisions and side-on, glancing blows. As a result, many newer bridges protect their piers with entire human-made islands.

Of course, these improvements came too late to influence the design of the Francis Scott Key Bridge itself.

Lessons from disaster

So what are the lessons apparent at this early stage?

First, it’s clear the protection measures in place for this bridge were not enough to handle this ship impact. Today’s cargo ships are much bigger than those of the 1970s, and it seems likely the Francis Scott Key Bridge was not designed with a collision like this in mind.

So one lesson is that we need to consider how the vessels near our bridges are changing. This means we cannot just accept the structure as it was built, but ensure the protection measures around our bridges are evolving alongside the ships around them.

Photo shows US Coast Guard boat sailing towards a container ship entangled in the wreckage of a large bridge.

Second, and more generally, we must remain vigilant in managing our bridges. I’ve written previously about the current level of safety of Australian bridges, but also about how we can do better.

This tragic event only emphasises the need to spend more on maintaining our ageing infrastructure. This is the only way to ensure it remains safe and functional for the demands we put on it today.

  • Engineering
  • Infrastructure
  • Urban infrastructure
  • container ships
  • Baltimore bridge collapse

how to write an article transactional writing

School of Social Sciences – Public Policy and International Relations opportunities

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School of Social Sciences – Human Geography opportunities

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School of Social Sciences – Criminology opportunities

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Audience Development Coordinator (fixed-term maternity cover)

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Data and Reporting Analyst


How To Write C++ In Notepad: An Overview

Writing C++ in Notepad might seem unconventional to many developers. Yet, it's a viable approach that offers a minimalist coding environment. This article sheds light on how to effectively use Notepad for C++ development, from setup to compilation.


  • Utilizing Notepad++ for C++ programming offers a lightweight and efficient coding environment, enhancing productivity with features like syntax highlighting and code folding.
  • Customizing Notepad++ through plugins and settings can tailor the IDE to your specific coding preferences, providing a personalized and streamlined development experience.
  • Mastering shortcut commands in Notepad++ can significantly speed up coding tasks and debugging, boosting overall coding efficiency and reducing development time.
  • Understanding the compiler setup within Notepad++ allows for seamless integration with C++ compilers, enabling you to compile and run your code directly from the editor, simplifying the development process.

Writing C++ code in Notepad might seem unconventional, but it's entirely possible and can be quite efficient. This approach offers a minimalist environment, free from distractions, allowing you to focus solely on your code. Let's explore how to make the most of this setup.

how to write an article transactional writing

Setting Up Notepad For C++ Development

Basic c++ syntax and notepad, compiling and running c++ code from notepad, tips for efficient coding in notepad, common errors and their solutions, frequently asked questions.

Notepad is a basic text editor that comes pre-installed with Windows. While it's primarily used for editing plain text, it can also serve as a minimalist environment for C++ development . Let's walk through the steps to set up Notepad for this purpose.

Choosing The Right Compiler

Configuring the system path, compiling your code, common notepad shortcuts for efficiency.

Before diving into coding, it's essential to have a C++ compiler . The most popular choice for Windows is the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). You can download it from the MinGW project's official website.

After installing GCC, you need to add its bin directory to your system's PATH variable . This step ensures that you can run the compiler from any command prompt window.

  • Right-click on 'This PC' or 'Computer' and select 'Properties'.
  • Navigate to 'Advanced system settings' and then 'Environment Variables'.
  • In the 'System Variables' section, find and select 'Path' and click 'Edit'.
  • Add the path to your GCC bin directory.

With everything set up, you're ready to compile C++ code written in Notepad. Save your file with a .cpp extension, open a command prompt, navigate to your file's directory, and run the following:

how to write an article transactional writing

These shortcuts can help speed up your coding process in Notepad. Remember, while Notepad offers a distraction-free environment, it lacks many features of advanced IDEs. However, with the right setup, it can be a handy tool for quick C++ tasks.

When using Notepad for C++ development , understanding the basic syntax is crucial. Notepad doesn't offer syntax highlighting or error detection, so you'll rely heavily on your knowledge of C++ conventions.

Basic Structure Of A C++ Program

Variables and data types, control structures, functions in c++, common c++ operators.

Every C++ program has a specific structure. At its core, there's always a main function that serves as the program's entry point.

C++ is a strongly-typed language , meaning you must declare the type of a variable when you create it. Common data types include int for integers, float for floating-point numbers, and char for characters.

C++ offers several control structures, including if statements, for loops, and while loops.

Functions are blocks of code that perform specific tasks. The main function is the most basic one, but you can define your own.

Understanding these basic syntax elements is essential when coding in Notepad. Without the assistance of an IDE, your grasp of C++ fundamentals becomes even more critical. Practice regularly, and you'll find Notepad to be a competent tool for your coding needs.

Once you've written your C++ code in Notepad, the next step is to compile and run it. Without the integrated tools of an IDE, this process involves a few manual steps, but it's straightforward once you get the hang of it.

Setting Up The Compiler

Compiling the code, running the compiled code, handling compilation errors, tips for efficient compilation.

Before you can compile, ensure you have a C++ compiler installed. As mentioned earlier, the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a popular choice for Windows users. Ensure it's correctly set up and added to your system's PATH.

After writing and saving your C++ code in a .cpp file, you'll need to compile it. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory containing your file.

Once compiled, you can run the resulting executable to see your program in action.

If there's an error in your code, the compiler will provide feedback. It's crucial to read the error messages carefully, as they'll guide you to the problematic lines in your Notepad file.

  • Always save your file in Notepad before compiling.
  • Use clear and descriptive filenames to avoid confusion.
  • Regularly backup your .cpp files to prevent data loss.

In essence, while Notepad lacks the built-in compilation tools of an IDE, the process remains simple. By understanding the steps and practicing regularly, you'll be able to efficiently compile and run C++ code written in Notepad.

Notepad, with its minimalist interface, can be a surprisingly effective tool for coding. However, to maximize its potential, it's essential to adopt certain best practices . Here are some tips to enhance your coding efficiency in Notepad.

Use Consistent Indentation

Leverage keyboard shortcuts, maintain code blocks clearly, regularly save your work, use comments wisely, organize your code.

While Notepad doesn't auto-indent, maintaining consistent indentation is crucial for code readability. Decide on a specific number of spaces or a tab for each level of indentation and stick to it.

Notepad offers several keyboard shortcuts that can speed up your coding process. Familiarize yourself with these to navigate and edit your code faster.

When writing functions or loops, always ensure that opening and closing braces are aligned. This practice makes it easier to identify code blocks at a glance.

One of the most fundamental tips is to save your work frequently. With Notepad lacking auto-save features, it's easy to lose significant progress if you forget.

While it's good to comment your code, avoid over-commenting. Instead, write clear and self-explanatory code. Use comments to explain the why rather than the what .

Group related functions and variables together. This organization makes it easier to locate and modify specific parts of your code later.

In conclusion, while Notepad might seem basic, with the right habits, it can be a powerful tool for coding. Adopting these tips will ensure you get the most out of your Notepad coding sessions.

Coding in Notepad presents unique challenges, especially since it lacks the advanced error detection of IDEs. However, understanding common errors and their solutions can make the process smoother.

Missing Semicolons

Mismatched braces, using undefined variables, incorrect library inclusion, spelling and case sensitivity, common compiler errors.

One of the most frequent mistakes in C++ is forgetting to place a semicolon at the end of a statement. This omission can lead to compilation errors.

Another common error is having mismatched opening and closing braces. This discrepancy can disrupt the code's logic and structure.

Trying to use a variable before declaring it will result in an error.

Forgetting to include necessary libraries or including them incorrectly can lead to errors.

C++ is case-sensitive. Mistyping variable names or using the wrong case can lead to errors.

Here's a table of frequent compiler errors and their solutions:

By understanding these common errors and their solutions, you can navigate the challenges of coding in Notepad more efficiently. Always read error messages carefully, as they provide valuable insights into what might be going wrong.

How do I compile C++ code written in Notepad?

To compile C++ code from Notepad, you'll need a C++ compiler like GCC. After writing your code in Notepad, save it with a ".cpp" extension. Then, use the command line to navigate to the directory containing your file and run the compiler command.

Are there any plugins or extensions to enhance Notepad for C++ development?

Yes, there's Notepad++ which is an enhanced version of Notepad with features like syntax highlighting, line numbering, and more. It's more suitable for coding than the basic Notepad.

How do I handle errors when coding in Notepad?

When you compile your code, the compiler will indicate if there are any errors. You'll need to manually go back to Notepad, find the line where the error occurred, and fix it based on the compiler's feedback.

Can I debug C++ code in Notepad?

Notepad itself doesn't have debugging capabilities. If you need to debug your C++ code, you'd be better off using an IDE with built-in debugging tools.

How do I ensure proper indentation and formatting in Notepad?

Notepad doesn't automatically format C++ code. You'll need to manually ensure proper indentation and formatting. Alternatively, you can use tools like Notepad++ with auto-indentation features or use online code formatters.

Let’s test your knowledge!

Which tool is commonly used for minimalist C++ coding without the features of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)?

Continue learning with these c++ guides.

  • How To Store Variable Values In A File C++: Exploring Methods And Techniques
  • C++ Separate Compilation: What Are The Process And Benefits
  • What Is C++ Double Length And How to Use It
  • C++ Map To File: What It Is And How To Use It
  • How To Call Rm In C++?

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How to use the new AI writing tool in Google Docs and Gmail

Currently in beta, Help Me Write is a new generative AI writing tool built into Gmail and Google Docs. Here’s how to get the most out of it while avoiding its pitfalls.

google help me write docs generating

Joining the generative AI gold rush, Google last month announced plans to bring several AI-powered tools , collectively called Duet AI , to its Workspace office suite. These features will include automated project planning in Google Sheets, the ability to create images from text prompts in Google Slides, and an automated writing tool in Gmail and Google Docs called “Help Me Write.”

The AI tools in Slides and Sheets are not yet available, but Help Me Write is in limited preview; you can try it out in Google Docs or Gmail on the web by signing up for access to Workspace Labs with your Google account. (You’ll be put on a waitlist before being granted access.) Like the well-known ChatGPT, Help Me Write is a chatbot tool that generates written text based on prompts (instructions) that you give it.

Whether you’re a professional writer or someone who dreads having to write for your job, the potential of AI assistance for your writing tasks is appealing. Help Me Write can indeed write long passages of text that are reasonably readable. But its results come with caveats including factual errors, redundancy, and too-generic prose.

This guide covers how to use Help Me Write in both Google Docs and Gmail to generate and rewrite text, and how to overcome some of the tool’s shortcomings. Because it’s in preview status, keep in mind that there may be changes to its features, and the results it generates, when it’s finally rolled out to the public.

(On a meta note, no part of this article was written by Help Me Write. Many articles about AI include a “twist” in which the author reveals that what you’ve been reading was, in fact, written by an AI. That’s not the case here. A major reason is the question of copyright — who owns the words that are generated by AI, especially if its service is free for public use?)

Use Help Me Write to generate text

Once you’ve been granted access to Workspace Labs, start a new blank document in Docs. At the top of the document is a button that includes a pencil with a + sign and the words “Help me write.” Or, if you open an existing document, you’ll see a small button with the “pencil +” icon at the left edge of your document page. In Gmail, the same icon appears on the toolbar along the bottom of the compose window.

google help me write 01 hmw button

From left to right, the “Help me write” button as it appears in a new Google Doc, an existing Google Doc, and in Gmail. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Click this Help me write button. In Docs, the “Help me write” panel opens. In Gmail, a text entry bar appears at the bottom of the compose window.

Inside the panel or bar, you’ll see several suggestions for prompts — words that describe the subject and kind of writing you would like Help Me Write to generate — scroll through. These suggestions, such as “Pitch for a product that allows people to create holograms of themselves” or “An introduction for someone I met at the conference,” give you an idea as to how a prompt is worded.

google help me write 02 prompt window docs gmail

In both Docs and Gmail, Help Me Write provides ideas for prompts you can ask it. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Type in a prompt. For this guide, we entered “A step-by-step plan for starting a small catering and events coordinator business as a side gig” in Google Docs to prompt a planning document. And in Gmail we requested a business letter with this prompt: “Follow-up to the client recipient asking how satisfied they are with our service, and invite the recipient to respond to me with more questions.”

google help me write 03 type in prompt docs

Type in your prompt for Help Me Write. (Click image to enlarge it.)

After you type in your prompt, click Create . Help Me Write will process your prompt, which may take several seconds; it depends on how complex the wording of your prompt request is. Then another panel will open displaying the text it generated, which might be sentences or whole paragraphs.

google help me write 04 generated text

The generated results appear in a new panel. You can refine the text before inserting it. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Below these results are options for starting over or refining the generated text:

Recreate: If you’re not satisfied with the text that Help Me Write generated, clicking this will instruct it to try again using your prompts.

Refine: Selecting this opens a small menu with further options:

Formalize: Help Me Write rewrites the generated text with wording at a higher academic reading level. (Be warned: this may result in prose that’s stilted or excessively wordy.)

Shorten: Help Me Write rewrites the generated text with fewer words.

Elaborate: Help Me Write will generate additional text to provide more details based on your prompts.

Rephrase (in Docs): Help Me Write will paraphrase the text it generated. This action is different from Recreate. When you click Recreate , Help Me Write starts the text generation process over again based on your prompts, but when you select Rephrase , Help Me Write will rewrite the text it already generated.

I’m Feeling Lucky (in Gmail): This is like rolling the dice, where Help Me Write will randomly rewrite your email draft in any number of ways, such as making it longer or more formal, or even arranged as song lyrics.

google help me write 08b feeling lucky gmail

A client letter in the form of song lyrics is just one of the random results you might get with the “I’m Feeling Lucky” option.

When you’re happy with the text that Help Me Write generated for you, click Insert to add it to your document or email. After you insert the generated text, it becomes regular document text that you can edit as you see fit.

Use Help Me Write to rewrite text

You can use Help Me Write to rewrite your document or email, whether it was originally written by you or generated by Help Me Write.

To use Help Me Write to rewrite in Docs, highlight the text (phrases, sentences, or paragraphs) that you want Help Me Write to rework. Then click the Help me write icon to the left of the highlighted text.

google help me write 05 rewrite existing text

In Docs, you can have Help Me Write revise selected text. (Click image to enlarge it.)

A menu opens with the same “Refine” rewriting options we saw earlier: Formalize , Shorten , Elaborate , Rephrase . There’s also a fifth option on this menu: a “Custom” entry box where you can type in a prompt such as “in an informal voice” or “use simpler wording.”

google help me write 06 refine text elaborate

Help Me Write elaborating on the selected text in Docs. (Click image to enlarge it.)

In Gmail, you can use Help Me Write to rewrite your entire email draft — but unlike in Docs, you cannot have it rewrite individual phrases, sentences, or paragraphs. Click the Help me write icon on the toolbar, and on the menu that opens, you can select Formalize , Elaborate , Shorten , or I’m Feeling Lucky .

Keep caveats in mind and finesse the results

While Help Me Write can give you a head start on your business writing, the text it generates is far from perfect, so it’s important to review and edit its output. Here are some shortcomings to look out for in the results that Help Me Write generates:

Generic content: A lot of the passages that Help Me Write generates read generically, providing only very basic information. Even if you phrase your prompts very specifically, the results may still sound canned.

google help me write 06 generic results gmail

Help Me Write often delivers generic prose. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Redundant content: Help Me Write may generate text that basically says the same thing as text it generated before. This can happen when you have it generate several paragraphs and then instruct it to elaborate on a specific sentence or paragraph. The additional text Help Me Write generates may read similarly to other passages that it’s already generated for you. It may also choose to present this redundant content in a list format.

Similar results for different Google users: Other people using the same or similarly worded prompts with Help Me Write could receive similar results. This is likely to happen if you prompt it to write about a general topic — so two Google users who both prompt Help Me Write to generate text describing how to create a business plan, for example, will probably get results that read nearly alike. The more specific your request, the more likely you’ll be to get unique results.

Factual errors: If you prompt Help Me Write to write about subjects that are based on factual information (such as current business analyses or trends) or of a technical nature, you should scrutinize its results, regardless of how “correct” they may sound. You should conduct further research, searching the web for reliable resources to confirm what Help Me Write has generated.

In addition to fact-checking, you should perform general editing on all the passages that Help Me Write generates. This process includes reading through everything, then adding, rearranging, removing, and rewriting text as you feel is necessary. Practicing the craft of editing on Help Me Write’s output will help you shape your document or email into a final draft that is informative and appealing for other people to read.

A useful collaboration tool

Although you can have Help Me Write generate documents or emails from scratch, it can serve you better if you approach it as a writing assistant. For example, you can prompt Help Me Write to assemble a rough outline for a business proposal or marketing plan that you then flesh out with your own writing.

It can also be useful for collaboration — as a brainstorming tool, for instance. Try collaborating with your co-workers on a shared document, where each person prompts Help Me Write to generate ideas for all to build on.

In fact, your interaction with Help Me Write is itself a form of collaboration. You prompt Help Me Write to generate text, its results may in turn give you ideas for how to approach a topic, and you keep working with the AI to refine those results in your final draft — thus, Help Me Write becomes your collaborator.

AI writing is simply the latest tool in the always-evolving working relationship between people and technology. As long as you understand its rules and limitations, Help Me Write (and other AI-powered writing tools) can be an invaluable aide to kickstarting your writing process or refining what you’ve already written.

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Howard Wen ( ) is a longtime contributor to Computerworld . He specializes in explainer guides, how-tos, and reviews of office applications and productivity tools.

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    In Gmail, the same icon appears on the toolbar along the bottom of the compose window. From left to right, the "Help me write" button as it appears in a new Google Doc, an existing Google Doc ...