what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

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what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

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what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

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what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

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Home > Technology and Computers > 10 Everyday Problems That Need Genius Inventions To Fix

10 Everyday Problems That Need Genius Inventions To Fix

Technology and Computers

10 Everyday Problems That Need Genius Inventions To Fix

Modified: March 3, 2024

Written by: Moyna Knopp

Discover 10 everyday problems in technology and computers that require ingenious inventions to solve. Explore innovative solutions now!

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Table of Contents

Introduction, untangling earphone wires, keeping socks paired in the laundry, finding lost keys, preventing food from spoiling, dealing with tangled cords and cables, organizing a messy closet, removing pet hair from furniture, keeping track of small items like bobby pins and hair ties, storing plastic bags, preventing glasses from fogging up.

In our daily lives, we often encounter small yet persistent problems that can lead to frustration and inconvenience. From untangling earphone wires to dealing with pet hair on furniture, these everyday nuisances can disrupt our routines and dampen our spirits. However, the human spirit is resilient and innovative, constantly seeking solutions to these challenges. This innate drive has led to the creation of ingenious inventions that aim to alleviate these common predicaments. As we navigate through the intricacies of modern living, it becomes increasingly apparent that there is a constant demand for creative solutions to streamline our daily tasks and enhance our overall quality of life. In the following sections, we will explore ten everyday problems that have sparked the need for genius inventions to fix them, shedding light on the innovative and resourceful ways in which individuals have sought to overcome these obstacles.

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Untangling earphone wires is a universal frustration that has plagued music enthusiasts and tech-savvy individuals for decades. The mere act of retrieving a pair of earphones from a pocket or bag often results in a tangled mess that demands precious time and patience to unravel. This exasperating ordeal has prompted the need for innovative solutions to address this common inconvenience.

In response to this widespread issue, ingenious inventions such as magnetic earphone organizers and retractable earphone cases have emerged to revolutionize the way we manage our earphone wires. Magnetic earphone organizers utilize strategically placed magnets to keep the earphone wires neatly coiled and easily accessible, eliminating the hassle of untangling them each time they are retrieved. On the other hand , retractable earphone cases feature a spring-loaded mechanism that allows the user to extend the earphone wires to the desired length and retract them with a simple press of a button, effectively preventing tangling and ensuring hassle-free storage.

Furthermore, the advent of wireless earphones has significantly mitigated the problem of tangled wires, offering a seamless and cord-free listening experience. With the absence of physical wires, users can enjoy the convenience of untethered mobility while bidding farewell to the perennial struggle of untangling earphone wires. The integration of Bluetooth technology in wireless earphones has not only liberated users from the constraints of wired connectivity but has also paved the way for a more streamlined and enjoyable audio experience.

In addition to these revolutionary inventions, the concept of tangle-free earphone designs has gained prominence in the market, with manufacturers incorporating flat, ribbon-like cables that are inherently resistant to tangling. This innovative approach to cable design has alleviated the frustration associated with tangled earphone wires, offering users a hassle-free solution that enhances their overall listening experience.

As we continue to witness advancements in technology and design, the era of untangling earphone wires may soon become a relic of the past, thanks to the ingenuity of modern inventions and the relentless pursuit of convenience and efficiency in our daily lives.

Keeping socks paired in the laundry is a perennial challenge that has confounded individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The process of washing and drying socks often leads to the separation of pairs, resulting in the frustrating task of matching them up again. This seemingly mundane issue has inspired the creation of innovative solutions aimed at simplifying the task of keeping socks paired and organized throughout the laundry cycle.

One ingenious invention that has gained widespread acclaim is the sock-sorting system, a marvel of simplicity and efficiency. This innovative contraption features individual compartments or clips designed to hold pairs of socks together during the laundry process. By securing each pair within its designated slot, the sock-sorting system effectively prevents the separation of socks and ensures that they emerge from the laundry cycle as perfectly matched pairs, ready to be worn without the need for time-consuming matching.

Furthermore, the advent of specialized laundry bags for socks has revolutionized the way individuals approach the task of washing and drying their hosiery. These dedicated laundry bags provide a secure and enclosed space for socks, shielding them from the perils of entanglement and separation. By utilizing these purpose-built bags, individuals can safeguard their socks throughout the laundry process, preserving their paired status and simplifying the task of sorting and storing them afterward.

In addition to these inventive solutions, some individuals have embraced the practice of using sock clips or rings to keep pairs of socks together during laundering. These small yet effective accessories are designed to hold matching socks in tandem, preventing them from drifting apart and simplifying the task of maintaining their paired status. By employing these simple yet ingenious tools, individuals can streamline the process of laundering socks and eliminate the hassle of matching them after each cycle.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the quest for efficient and practical solutions to everyday challenges remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of keeping socks paired in the laundry exemplifies this enduring quest, showcasing the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and effective inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the age-old frustration of mismatched socks may soon become a relic of the past, ushering in a new era of convenience and efficiency in the realm of laundry care.

The perennial dilemma of misplacing keys has plagued individuals for generations, leading to countless moments of frustration and inconvenience. Whether it's the house keys, car keys, or office keys, the act of misplacing these essential items can disrupt daily routines and trigger a frantic search that consumes valuable time and energy. In response to this common conundrum, innovative inventions have emerged to address the challenge of finding lost keys, offering practical and efficient solutions to alleviate this ubiquitous source of stress.

One ingenious invention that has garnered widespread acclaim is the key finder device, a compact and versatile tool designed to locate misplaced keys with ease. This nifty gadget typically consists of a small receiver that attaches to the keyring and a handheld transmitter that emits a signal to activate the receiver's beeping mechanism. When the keys are misplaced, the user can simply activate the transmitter, prompting the receiver to emit a distinctive sound that guides them to the exact location of the keys. With its user-friendly interface and reliable tracking capabilities, the key finder device has revolutionized the way individuals retrieve their misplaced keys, offering a swift and stress-free solution to this common predicament.

Furthermore, the integration of smart technology has ushered in a new era of key tracking and management, with the advent of Bluetooth-enabled key trackers that leverage the power of smartphone connectivity to pinpoint the whereabouts of lost keys. These innovative trackers sync with a dedicated mobile app, allowing users to track the location of their keys in real-time and receive proximity alerts when they are within range. By harnessing the capabilities of Bluetooth technology, these smart key trackers provide a seamless and efficient means of locating misplaced keys, offering individuals peace of mind and reassurance in the face of this all-too-familiar challenge.

In addition to these technological marvels, some individuals have embraced the practice of utilizing key organizer systems, which offer a designated storage space for keys and employ intuitive labeling mechanisms to streamline key identification. These organizational solutions not only prevent keys from being misplaced but also facilitate quick and easy access, minimizing the likelihood of encountering the frustration associated with lost keys.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the quest for practical and effective solutions to everyday inconveniences remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of finding lost keys exemplifies this enduring quest, showcasing the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and efficient inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the exasperating ordeal of misplacing keys may soon become a relic of the past, ushering in a new era of convenience and peace of mind for individuals worldwide.

Preventing food from spoiling is a common concern that resonates with individuals across the globe. The perishable nature of food items, coupled with environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, often poses a significant challenge in preserving their freshness and extending their shelf life. In response to this prevalent issue, a myriad of innovative solutions and inventions have emerged to address the imperative need for effective food preservation methods.

One notable innovation that has revolutionized the realm of food preservation is the development of vacuum sealers. These ingenious devices are designed to remove air from the packaging of food items, creating a vacuum-sealed environment that inhibits the growth of microorganisms and slows down the process of food spoilage. By effectively eliminating oxygen, which is a catalyst for food deterioration, vacuum sealers help extend the shelf life of perishable items such as meats, fruits, and vegetables, thereby reducing food waste and promoting sustainability.

Furthermore, the advent of specialized storage containers equipped with advanced preservation technologies has significantly contributed to the quest for preventing food spoilage. These containers utilize features such as adjustable venting systems and ethylene-absorbing filters to regulate the internal atmosphere and inhibit the ripening and decay of fruits and vegetables. By creating an optimal environment for food storage, these innovative containers offer a practical and efficient solution to preserving the freshness of perishable items, empowering individuals to minimize food waste and maximize the utilization of their culinary provisions.

In addition to these groundbreaking inventions, the integration of natural preservation methods, such as using beeswax wraps and silicone food covers, has gained prominence as an eco-friendly and sustainable approach to preventing food spoilage. Beeswax wraps, crafted from organic cotton infused with beeswax, resin, and jojoba oil, provide a breathable and protective covering for food items, effectively extending their shelf life and reducing the reliance on single-use plastic wraps. Similarly, silicone food covers offer a versatile and reusable alternative to traditional plastic wraps, providing an airtight seal that safeguards the freshness of leftover food and perishable ingredients.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the imperative need for practical and effective solutions to prevent food spoilage remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of preserving the freshness and quality of culinary provisions exemplifies the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and sustainable inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the challenge of preventing food from spoiling may soon be mitigated, ushering in a new era of sustainability and efficiency in the realm of food preservation.

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Tangled cords and cables are a ubiquitous nuisance in modern life, causing frustration and inefficiency in our daily routines. The jumble of wires not only creates a visual eyesore but also leads to time-consuming detangling processes, hindering productivity and adding unnecessary stress to our lives. In response to this common predicament, innovative solutions have emerged to address the challenge of dealing with tangled cords and cables, offering practical and effective methods to streamline wire management and enhance overall convenience.

One remarkable invention that has revolutionized the management of cords and cables is the cable organizer. These ingenious devices are designed to neatly contain and organize cables, preventing them from becoming entangled and facilitating easy access when needed. Cable organizers come in various forms, including cable clips, sleeves, and management boxes, each offering a unique approach to tidying up unruly wires. By utilizing these innovative organizers, individuals can maintain a clutter-free environment while ensuring that their cords and cables remain neatly arranged and easily identifiable.

Furthermore, the advent of wireless charging technology has significantly mitigated the issue of tangled cords and cables, offering a seamless and cord-free charging experience for electronic devices. With the elimination of physical wires, individuals can enjoy the convenience of effortless charging without the hassle of managing tangled cords, ushering in a new era of streamlined wire-free connectivity.

In addition to these groundbreaking inventions, the concept of retractable and tangle-free cables has gained prominence in the market, providing users with a hassle-free solution to the perennial problem of tangled wires. Retractable cables feature a spring-loaded mechanism that allows for easy extension and retraction, eliminating the need for manual coiling and preventing tangles. Similarly, tangle-free cables employ innovative designs, such as flat and braided constructions, that are inherently resistant to tangling, offering users a stress-free and organized approach to cable management.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the imperative need for practical and effective solutions to manage tangled cords and cables remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of streamlining wire management exemplifies the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and efficient inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the exasperating ordeal of dealing with tangled cords and cables may soon become a relic of the past, ushering in a new era of organization and convenience in the realm of wire management.

Organizing a messy closet is a common challenge that many individuals face in their daily lives. The accumulation of clothing, accessories, and personal items often leads to a cluttered and disorganized closet, making it difficult to locate specific items and causing frustration during the daily routine of getting dressed. In response to this prevalent issue, innovative solutions and inventions have emerged to address the imperative need for effective closet organization methods.

One remarkable invention that has revolutionized the realm of closet organization is the modular closet storage system. These versatile and customizable systems offer a comprehensive approach to organizing a messy closet, providing a range of storage components such as shelves, drawers, hanging rods, and cubbies that can be configured to suit individual preferences and storage needs. By utilizing a modular closet storage system, individuals can optimize the use of space within their closets, effectively categorize and store their belongings, and create a tailored organizational layout that simplifies the process of accessing and maintaining their wardrobe.

Furthermore, the integration of space-saving hangers and accessories has significantly contributed to the quest for organizing a messy closet. Slimline hangers, cascading hooks, and multi-tiered hanger systems offer practical solutions for maximizing closet space and optimizing the arrangement of clothing items. These specialized hangers and accessories not only help declutter the closet but also facilitate efficient storage and retrieval of garments, ensuring that each item is easily accessible and neatly displayed.

In addition to these innovative inventions, the concept of vacuum storage bags has gained prominence as an effective solution for managing seasonal clothing and bulky linens within a limited closet space. Vacuum storage bags utilize airtight sealing and compression to minimize the volume of stored items, allowing individuals to free up valuable closet space while protecting their belongings from dust, moisture, and pests. By harnessing the capabilities of vacuum storage technology, individuals can create a more organized and spacious closet environment, enhancing the overall functionality and visual appeal of their storage area.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the imperative need for practical and effective solutions to organize a messy closet remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of streamlining closet organization exemplifies the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and efficient inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the daunting task of organizing a messy closet may soon be transformed into a seamless and rewarding endeavor, ushering in a new era of functionality and aesthetic appeal in the realm of closet organization.

Removing pet hair from furniture is a common challenge faced by pet owners, particularly those with furry companions such as cats and dogs. The presence of pet hair on upholstery, carpets, and bedding not only diminishes the aesthetic appeal of the living space but also poses hygiene concerns and allergen risks. In response to this prevalent issue, innovative solutions and inventions have emerged to address the imperative need for effective pet hair removal methods, offering practical and efficient ways to maintain a clean and pet-friendly environment within the home.

One remarkable invention that has revolutionized the realm of pet hair removal is the pet hair remover roller. This ingenious device features a specialized adhesive surface that effectively lifts and traps pet hair from various fabric surfaces, including furniture, clothing, and car interiors. By simply rolling the device across the affected areas, pet owners can effortlessly remove embedded pet hair, lint, and dander, restoring the cleanliness and visual appeal of their furnishings without the need for cumbersome vacuuming or washing.

Furthermore, the integration of handheld pet hair vacuums has significantly contributed to the quest for removing pet hair from furniture. These compact and portable vacuums are equipped with specialized attachments and suction mechanisms designed to extract pet hair from upholstery, curtains, and other fabric surfaces with precision and efficiency. With their targeted cleaning capabilities, handheld pet hair vacuums offer a convenient and thorough solution for pet owners seeking to maintain a pet hair-free living environment.

In addition to these innovative inventions, the concept of pet hair removal gloves has gained prominence as a versatile and eco-friendly approach to tackling pet hair on furniture. These gloves feature textured surfaces that effectively gather and lift pet hair from fabric surfaces, providing a hands-on and tactile method of removing pet hair while also offering the added benefit of pet bonding through gentle grooming.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the imperative need for practical and effective solutions to remove pet hair from furniture remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of maintaining a clean and pet-friendly living environment exemplifies the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and efficient inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the daunting task of pet hair removal from furniture may soon be transformed into a seamless and rewarding endeavor, ushering in a new era of cleanliness and comfort for pet owners worldwide.

The struggle of keeping track of small items such as bobby pins and hair ties is a familiar challenge for many individuals, particularly those who value organization and efficiency in their daily routines. These tiny yet essential accessories have a tendency to elude our grasp, often disappearing into the depths of drawers, handbags, or bathroom counters, leading to exasperating searches and unnecessary frustration. In response to this common predicament, innovative solutions and inventions have emerged to address the imperative need for effective organization and storage methods for small items, offering practical and efficient ways to keep track of these elusive essentials.

One remarkable invention that has revolutionized the realm of small item organization is the magnetic storage container. These compact and versatile containers are equipped with strong magnets that securely hold metal-based items such as bobby pins and hair ties, ensuring that they remain easily accessible and neatly arranged. By utilizing magnetic storage containers, individuals can create designated storage spaces for these small accessories, preventing them from becoming misplaced and streamlining the process of locating and retrieving them when needed.

Furthermore, the integration of multi-compartment organizers and stackable storage trays has significantly contributed to the quest for keeping track of small items. These organizational solutions offer segmented compartments and adjustable dividers, allowing individuals to categorize and store bobby pins, hair ties, and other small accessories in a systematic and easily accessible manner. With their modular and customizable designs, multi-compartment organizers and stackable storage trays provide a practical and space-efficient solution for individuals seeking to maintain order and accessibility for their small items.

In addition to these innovative inventions, the concept of portable travel cases and pouches designed specifically for small accessories has gained prominence as a convenient and on-the-go solution for keeping track of bobby pins and hair ties. These compact cases feature individual compartments and secure closures, enabling individuals to organize and transport their small items with ease, whether for daily use or travel purposes. By harnessing the capabilities of these dedicated storage solutions, individuals can ensure that their bobby pins and hair ties remain readily available and well-maintained, regardless of their location or activity.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the imperative need for practical and effective solutions to keep track of small items remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of maintaining organization and accessibility for small accessories exemplifies the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and efficient inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the exasperating ordeal of keeping track of bobby pins and hair ties may soon be transformed into a seamless and rewarding endeavor, ushering in a new era of convenience and order for individuals worldwide.

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Storing plastic bags is a common dilemma faced by many households, as these versatile yet often cumbersome items have a tendency to accumulate and clutter valuable storage space. The challenge of organizing plastic bags extends beyond mere tidiness, as it also encompasses the need for efficient accessibility and sustainable storage solutions. In response to this prevalent issue, innovative solutions and inventions have emerged to address the imperative need for effective plastic bag storage methods, offering practical and efficient ways to streamline organization and promote eco-friendly practices.

One notable innovation that has revolutionized the realm of plastic bag storage is the utilization of dedicated bag dispensers and organizers. These purpose-built containers are designed to neatly contain and dispense plastic bags, providing a convenient and space-efficient solution for storing and accessing them as needed. By utilizing bag dispensers and organizers, individuals can minimize clutter and create designated storage spaces for plastic bags, ensuring that they remain readily available for reuse while maintaining a tidy and organized living environment.

Furthermore, the integration of space-saving storage solutions such as hanging bag holders and wall-mounted dispensers has significantly contributed to the quest for efficient plastic bag storage. These specialized storage systems offer a vertical approach to bag organization, allowing individuals to maximize storage space while keeping plastic bags neatly arranged and easily accessible. With their compact and versatile designs, hanging bag holders and wall-mounted dispensers provide a practical and visually appealing solution for individuals seeking to maintain order and accessibility for their plastic bags.

In addition to these innovative inventions, the concept of upcycling and repurposing plastic bags as multifunctional storage solutions has gained prominence as an eco-conscious approach to addressing the challenge of plastic bag storage. By creatively repurposing plastic bags as makeshift organizers for small items, trash can liners, or protective coverings, individuals can not only reduce waste but also derive additional utility from these versatile materials, promoting sustainability and resourcefulness in their daily routines.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the imperative need for practical and sustainable solutions to store plastic bags remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of efficient organization and accessibility for plastic bags exemplifies the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and eco-friendly inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the daunting task of storing plastic bags may soon be transformed into a seamless and rewarding endeavor, ushering in a new era of convenience and environmental consciousness for individuals worldwide.

Preventing glasses from fogging up is a common challenge faced by individuals who wear eyeglasses, particularly in environments where temperature differentials and humidity fluctuations occur. The frustrating phenomenon of fogged lenses not only impairs vision but also disrupts daily activities, such as driving, cooking, and exercising. In response to this prevalent issue, innovative solutions and inventions have emerged to address the imperative need for effective fog prevention methods, offering practical and efficient ways to maintain clear and unobstructed vision while wearing glasses.

One remarkable invention that has revolutionized the realm of fog prevention for glasses is the development of anti-fog lens treatments. These specialized treatments, available in the form of sprays, wipes, and coatings, are designed to create a hydrophilic barrier on the lens surface, effectively preventing condensation and fogging. By applying these treatments to eyeglass lenses, individuals can ensure that their vision remains clear and unobstructed, even in environments where fogging is prone to occur.

Furthermore, the integration of anti-fog lens wipes and cloths has significantly contributed to the quest for preventing glasses from fogging up. These disposable or reusable wipes are infused with anti-fog solutions, allowing individuals to easily and conveniently apply the treatment to their lenses as needed. With their portable and user-friendly nature, anti-fog lens wipes provide a practical and on-the-go solution for maintaining clear vision and mitigating the inconvenience of fogged glasses.

In addition to these innovative inventions, the concept of well-fitted and ventilated eyeglass frames has gained prominence as an effective approach to preventing glasses from fogging up. Frames that feature a secure and comfortable fit, along with integrated ventilation channels or anti-fog coatings, promote airflow around the lenses, reducing the likelihood of condensation and fogging. By selecting eyeglass frames designed with fog prevention in mind, individuals can proactively minimize the impact of environmental factors on their vision, ensuring a consistently clear and comfortable wearing experience.

As we navigate the complexities of modern living, the imperative need for practical and effective solutions to prevent glasses from fogging up remains a driving force behind innovation. The pursuit of maintaining clear and unobstructed vision exemplifies the ingenuity and resourcefulness of individuals who seek to enhance their daily routines through creative and efficient inventions. With the aid of these innovative solutions, the exasperating ordeal of fogged glasses may soon be mitigated, ushering in a new era of visual clarity and comfort for individuals worldwide.

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47 clever products that solve your nagging little problems

We only recommend products we love and that we think you will, too. We may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was written by our Commerce team.

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Whenever I have a pesky problem around the house — for example, I personally am tired of scrubbing food and oil spills off the stove burners — I can always find a product on Amazon to help me out. If you're in the same boat, I've got good news: This list is packed with clever products that solve those nagging little problems , including these stove burner covers that you can stick in the dishwasher.

Whether you're looking to improve your kitchen, home office, personal hygiene routine, or any other area of your life, there are plenty of helpful products to discover here. Let's say you want to start with the kitchen — you can find an adjustable measuring spoon that saves space in your drawers, a wall-mounted magnetic knife bar that keeps your most used utensils within reach, and a rack that organizes all your pots and pans . From there, you can optimize your workspace with a memory foam wrist rest and a mesh back support cushion for your desk chair . Those are just a few of the problem-solving products featured below, and there's sure to be one that helps with your most annoying inconvenience.

So, get ready to improve your life with these clever (and often very affordable) items, which are all available on Amazon and just a few clicks away from arriving at your door.

1. This sleek magnetic knife bar that holds your most-used utensils

Modern Innovations Magnetic Knife Bar

Keep your kitchen knives easily accessible with this sleek magnetic knife bar . The space-saving bar is made from durable stainless steel with a fully magnetic surface that'll keep your most used kitchen utensils within reach while you're cooking. Also great: It's easy to install, and mounting hardware is included.

2. An ergonomic footrest that improves posture & increases circulation

Scriptract Ergonomic Foot Rest

If you're spending long hours at your desk, you can be more comfortable with this ergonomic foot rest . It's made from high-rebound foam with a soft velvet cover and nonslip base, and it keeps your feet slightly elevated to improve posture and increase circulation. The cover is removable and machine-washable, and there's a built-in carrying handle for easy portability.

  • Available colors and styles: 9

3. A trash bag holder that fits on cabinets & drawers

Lunies Over-the-Cabinet Trash Bag Holder

Save yourself a few trips to the dumpster with this over-the-cabinet trash bag holder . It's easy to install on cabinets, drawers, and doors, and it allows you to reuse plastic bags to gather food scraps and other items. Reviewers rave about how this trash bag holder makes meal prep quick and easy.

4. An easy-to-install organizer that tames messy cords

Baskiss Cord Management Organizer (3-Pack)

With this highly rated cord management organizer , messy cables are a thing of the past. The self-adhesive, flexible silicone clip has multiple slots, so you can keep charging cables and USB cords neat and easily accessible. Each pack contains three clips with three, five, and seven slots.

5. These bamboo charcoal bags that absorb & neutralize odors

Marsheepy Bamboo Charcoal Deodorizer Bags (12-Pack)

These bamboo charcoal deodorizer bags absorb and neutralize odors to freshen the air naturally, and they're easy to place wherever you need them most; think: in the closet, fridge, car, by the litter box, and inside smelly gym shoes. Plus, the bags can be reused for up to two years — just place them in the sun for a few hours once a month to refresh.

6. A cleaning gel that lifts dust from hard-to-clean areas

Colorcoral Cleaning Gel (5-Pack)

Need an easy way to lift dust and food crumbs off your keyboard, car vents, electronics and other hard-to-clean areas? This flexible dust cleaning gel will do the trick. Just press the reusable, biodegradable gel onto whatever you're cleaning, and it'll collect dust and debris with ease.

7. A portable steamer that quickly gets clothes wrinkle-free

OGHom Portable Clothes Steamer

Remove wrinkles in no time, with no ironing required, thanks to this portable clothes steamer . The lightweight and compact steamer heats up quickly and produces up to 15 minutes of steam to remove wrinkles from various types of fabric, including silk, dress shirts, and suits.

8. A space-saving tower power strip with built-in wireless charging

GLCON Power Strip with Wireless Charging

This tower power strip features six outlets, four USB ports, and built-in wireless charging, so it's a great way to power up all your devices while saving space. Both levels of the tower have individual on/off switches, and the power strip offers protection against surges, lightning, and overloads. Choose from white and black.

9. A clip-on sleeve that holds your favorite lip balm

Designs in July Clip-On Chapstick Sleeve

Say goodbye to digging through pockets and bags to find your lip balm. This stretchy clip-on lip balm sleeve attaches easily to your keychain or bag, ensuring hydration is always within reach. Choose from nine styles and shapes, including sleeves designed for round EOS lip balm cases.

10. A pet hair remover that reviewers swear by

DELOMO Pet Hair Remover

Reviewers write that this pet hair remover is a "game changer" and "surprisingly amazing." It lifts fur from rugs and upholstery in just a couple passes, and the collection chamber is easy to open, so you can dump the hair in the trash. It's pretty much endlessly reusable and is more eco-friendly than adhesive paper rollers.

11. A self-adhesive memo board you can stick on your computer monitor

Lechay Monitor Memo Board

This monitor memo board makes it easy to leave yourself notes and reminders right by your computer screen. The transparent memo board measures 11 by 3 inches, and the self adhesive makes it super quick to install on your monitor, so your work area will be more organized in no time.

12. These drawer organizers for socks & underwear

Qozary Dunerwear Drawer Organizer (2-Pack)

Want to instantly organize your messy sock drawer? This two-pack of drawer organizers are great for keeping socks and underwear neat and easy to grab when you're getting dressed. The organizers are made from durable fabric, and you can choose between 16 and 24 storage cells and seven colors, including gray, beige, and pink.

13. These double-sided adhesive stickers that keep small items in place

BUSOHA Sticky Adhesive Putty (350 Count)

This sticky adhesive putty can be used on smooth surfaces to keep lots of items in place, like vases, potted plants, desktop decor, and so much more. The small, clear stickers are double-sided, so you can just peel and stick wherever you want, and they're easy to remove as well. Each pack contains 350 pieces.

14. These kitchen shears that cut veggies, meat, pizza, & more

Acelone Heavy-Duty Kitchen Shears

Use these heavy-duty kitchen shears to quickly cut veggies, meat, pizza, and more, with no chopping board required. The scissors have rust-resistant stainless steel blades and comfortable nonslip handles, and you can choose from five colors, including lime green, violet, and orange. Also great: There's a built-in bottle opener and nutcracker, so you can do even more with one handy kitchen tool.

15. A reminder board that helps you track your dog's feeding schedule

DYFTD 'Did You Feed the Dog?' Reminder

This dog feeding reminder board helps you answer the eternal question, "Did you feed the dog?" The easy-to-install reminder board features color-coded slider tabs so you can note each time you've fed the the pup every day of the week. The board has magnets on the back so you can stick it to the fridge, and adhesive tabs are also included.

16. A daily planner designed to improve productivity, so you can hit your goals

Panda Planner 2021 Daily Planner

The highly rated Panda Planner has three sections — daily, weekly, and monthly — to help you stay organized and reach your goals. Each section of the undated, 90-day planner is designed so you can prioritize tasks and review the days and weeks to help you focus on what went well and where you can improve productivity.

17. These hanging hooks that attach to your closet rod

mDesign Over The Rod Hanging Closet Accessory Hook (8-Pack)

These hanging closet storage hooks are designed to hook onto the rod, creating more storage space for bags, ties, belts, jackets, and more. Sold in an eight-pack, each hook is made of durable steel wire with a rust-resistant finish, and reviewers love that they're super sturdy and easy to install.

18. An extendable scraper brush for cleaning snow off your car

BIRDROCK HOME Extendable Ice Scraper

When winter weather hits, cleaning snow off your car is easy thanks to this extendable ice scraper . It features a comfortable cushioned grip and thick-bristled brush with a pivoting head, so you can sweep away snow at various angles, and the durable jaws and scraper cut through even the toughest ice. Plus, it extends from 35 to 50 inches, so hard-to-reach areas are a breeze to clean. You can also opt for compact and deluxe extendable versions.

19. A sanitizing toothbrush case with a built-in UV lamp

DOCHI QUEEN UV Toothbrush Sanitizer

For an easy way to sanitize your toothbrush, store it in this highly rated UV toothbrush holder . The portable case features a UV-C lamp that eliminates bacteria on your toothbrush head, so you can feel better about sticking it in your mouth. The rechargeable case is compatible with various toothbrushes, even electric ones, and it comes with an adhesive sticker for wall mounting.

20. A door draft stopper that blocks breezes, noise, & more

ANNDELU Door Draft Stopper

Block breezes, light, and noise from creeping under your door with this easy-to-install door draft stopper . The dual-sided draft stopper is made of foam pieces that can be trimmed down to the perfect size, and the fabric cover comes in two colors: black and gray.

21. This mesh back support cushion for your desk chair

Samyoung Mesh Back Support

If your desk chair isn't supportive enough, add this mesh back support to help align your spine and prevent back pain. The breathable mesh cushion has an adjustable strap, so it can be placed in the most comfortable position on your chair, and the center is covered in massage beads for added comfort.

22. A collapsible cutting board with a built-in colander

QiMH Collapsible Cutting Board with Colander

Short on kitchen space? This three-in-one collapsible cutting board with a colander is a great way to save room. The silicone basket has a drain plug, so it can be used as a colander and washing tub when opened, and it functions as a cutting board when closed flat. Choose from four colors: gray, green, blue, and red.

23. These self-adhesive door stoppers that protect walls from damage

GroTheory Self-Adhesive Door Stoppers (4-Pack)

Prevent door handles from bumping against walls with these self-adhesive door stoppers . Sold in packs of four and 12, the door stoppers are made from shock-absorbing silicone, and they stick easily to smooth surfaces. Bonus: You can also use them under furniture to prevent wobbling.

24. These exfoliating soap saver pouches

myHomeBody Soap Saver Pouch (2-Pack)

When bar soap gets too small to use, these soap saver pouches come to the rescue. Just place your bar of soap inside the textured pouch and use it to lather up and exfoliate your skin. Plus, placing soap inside the grippy pouch makes it much easier to hold onto — no more fumbling with slippery soap.

25. A leakproof salad dressing shaker with pour spout

OXO Good Grips Little Salad Dressing Shaker

Mix, pour, and store your own salad dressing with ease, thanks to this salad dressing shaker . The BPA-free shaker has a 1-cup capacity with measurement markings on the side, and the top creates a leakproof seal, so you can shake ingredients and flip the lever to pour. The shaker is dishwasher-safe and comes in two colors — green and black — and small and large sizes.

26. These stylish blue light-blocking glasses

livho Blue Light Blocking Glasses (2-Pack)

Logging long hours in front of the computer, phone, and tablet can cause eye fatigue and headaches, so it's worth wearing a pair of these blue light-blocking glasses to prevent eyestrain. The two-pack of glasses comes in eight color combinations, and the non-prescription lenses block blue light and glare without distorting color.

27. A book page holder for easy one-handed reading

TILISMA Book Page Holder

For easier one-handed reading, over 1,000 reviewers are fans of this book page holder . It's made from sleek walnut wood and fits over your thumb so it's easy to hold the pages down with one hand while reading, leaving your other hand free for things like sipping coffee.

  • Available sizes: Mini, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large

28. These super-absorbent Swedish dishcloths

Swedish Wholesale Odor Free Dishcloths (10-Pack)

These affordable Swedish dishcloths are like traditional dish towels and a super absorbent sponges rolled into one. And not only are these dishcloths durable and reusable, but they're also eco-friendly and can help reduce paper towel use in your home. Plus, the cloths are dishwasher- and washing machine-safe for easy cleaning. Choose from 10 colors, including blue, watermelon red, and assorted shades.

29. A humidifier that fits in your car's cupholder

InnoGear Ultrasonic Car Humidifier

Adding moisture to the air can help ease sinus congestion, dry skin, and more, and you can do that anywhere with this ultrasonic car humidifier . The USB-powered humidifier is small enough to fit in your car's cupholder or stash in your travel bag, and it features continuous and intermittent mist settings. What's more, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for aromatherapy on the go.

30. These foam fridge liners that help produce stay fresh for longer

Dualplex Refrigerator Shelf Liners (2-Pack)

Help produce stay fresh for longer with these fruit and veggie life extender shelf liners . The foam fridge liners allow air to circulate, preventing produce from spoiling so quickly, and they're easy to trim down to the perfect size. Each pack includes four bright green liners.

31. An ergonomic memory foam keyboard and mouse wrist rest set

Aelfox Memory Foam Keyboard Wrist Rest

This highly rated memory foam keyboard and mouse wrist rest combo offers ergonomic support to reduce strain while you work. The set comes in five colors and styles — including faux leather, black, and gray — and it fits most full-size keyboards. Plus, both pieces have nonslip bottoms to help them stay in place as you type and scroll.

32. An insulated travel mug with mesh strainer

Vibrant All-In-One Travel Mug

It's easy to enjoy your favorite drink on the go with this all-in-one travel mug . It comes with a mesh strainer so you can steep loose leaf tea and infuse your water with fruit, and the double-wall insulation keeps drinks hot for up to 12 hours and cold for up to 32 hours. The BPA-free, leakproof bottle comes in black and green.

33. A cup holder phone mount with a flexible neck

Macally Car Cupholder Phone Mount

This car cup holder phone mount features an 8-inch flexible neck and fits into most standard-size cup holders, giving you a quick and easy way to view your cell in the car. The adjustable mount holds various phones between 1.77 and 4.1 inches wide, and the holder rotates 360 degrees to give you the perfect viewing angle.

34. A 9-in-1 adjustable measuring spoon that reduces kitchen clutter

Lomily Adjustable Measuring Spoon

Reduce kitchen clutter with this adjustable measuring spoon for dry ingredients. The durable utensil replaces nine measuring spoons — it has sliders on each end that you can set to your desired measurement, ranging from 1/8 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon. Plus, it's dishwasher-safe for quick cleanup.

35. An extendable pillow tablet stand

IPEVO Pillow Tablet Stand

When you're lounging in bed or on the couch, this soft yet sturdy pillow tablet stand holds your tablet or e-reader at a comfortable viewing angle, and it folds out to provide room for a wireless keyboard. Also great: The 100% cotton cover is removable and washable. Choose from four colors: blue, charcoal, honeysuckle, and lemongrass.

36. A gentle aftershave with aloe vera & essential oils

Kerah Lane Razor Bump Natural Formula

This gentle aftershave formula soothes and moisturizes skin and helps reduce ingrown hairs and razor bumps. It's formulated with natural ingredients like aloe vera, witch hazel, and essential oils, so it's good for all skin types and gentle enough to use on your face and neck without the alcohol sting of many aftershave products.

37. A pot & pan organizing rack that keeps cookware in order

MUDEELA Pot and Pan Organizing Rack

Keep your kitchen cabinets tidy with this pot and pan organizing rack . The easy-to-assemble rack can be used vertically or horizontally and has adjustable dividers to store a variety of pot, pan, and lid sizes, ensuring the cookware you need is always easy to find and accessible.

38. An affordable key finder set with 4 color-coded receivers

Esky Wireless Key Finder

Keep track of your essentials with this affordable key finder set , which includes four color-coded receivers and an easy-to-use remote. Just attach a receiver to whatever you want to track — like keys, your eyeglass case, or your pet's collar — to find misplaced items up to 98 feet away. Another plus: The transmitter remote has a built-in flashlight, so it's easier to find items in the dark.

39. These heat-resistant stove burner covers that prevent messes

Sunny Town Stove Burner Covers (8-Pack)

Prevent food spills and splatter with these handy stove burner covers . The BPA-free covers are durable, heat-resistant, and easy to clean as needed — you can even place them in the dishwasher for added convenience. Plus, the covers can be trimmed down to fit perfectly over your burners. Each pack contains eight covers.

40. These self-adhesive bumpers that prevent cabinets & drawers from slamming shut

GorillaGrit Sound-Dampening Door Bumpers (100 Count)

To prevent cabinet doors and drawers from slamming shut, add these sound-dampening door bumpers . The clear, self-adhesive bumpers are designed to cushion surfaces and reduce noise, and you can choose from packs of 50 and 100, giving you plenty of bumpers to protect furniture in every room of the house.

41. These heat-resistant oven liners that prevent stuck-on food gunk

Chef's Choice Nonstick Oven Liners (2-Pack)

Avoid drips and messes in the oven with these nonstick oven liners . Sold in a pack of two, the BPA-free liners are heat-resistant up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and they're easy to rinse clean or place in the dishwasher as needed. The liners can be trimmed down to fit your oven, and a stove burner cover is also included.

42. A laptop cleaner that removes smudges & dust

OXO Good Grips Sweep & Swipe Laptop Cleaner

Remove dust, crumbs, and smudges from your keyboard and screen with this laptop cleaner brush . There's a microfiber pad on one side to wipe smudges and fingerprints off the screen, and a soft brush on the other to sweep dust and debris off the keyboard. When not in use, the cover and retractable brush keep the tool clean and allow for easy storage.

43. These storage pockets that fit in the gap between the car seat & console

Power Tiger Car Seat Pockets (2-Pack)

Not only do these car seat pockets keep items easily accessible, but they also prevent things from falling under the seat. The faux leather pockets fit in most cars that have a gap between the seat and center console, and there's plenty of space for your phone, wallet, and more. Choose from seven styles and colors, including black and beige, as well as options with a built-in cupholder.

44. A multi-plug outlet with built-in night light

ONDOG Multi Plug Outlet with Night Light

This multi-plug outlet packs a lot of charging power with six outlets and two USB fast-charging ports, and it boasts a 4.7-star rating from reviewers. The three-sided power strip fits into any standard outlet and also features a dusk-to-dawn night light with adjustable brightness settings that automatically turns on in the dark.

45. A jar opener that removes stubborn lids with a simple twist

Kichwit Jar Opener

Unscrew even the most stubborn lids with ease, thanks to this jar opener . The helpful kitchen tool clamps onto jars between 1 inch and 3.7 inches in diameter, and all you have to do is twist the handle to access the contents.

46. This natural, organic deodorant with essential oils

AC NATURE Natural Deodorant

Looking for a natural deodorant that's free of aluminum, synthetic fragrances, and other ingredients that may irritate sensitive skin? This highly-rated organic deodorant offers all-day protection that reduces body odor and absorbs sweat, and it's made with skin-soothing ingredients like coconut oil, beeswax, and tea tree oil. Choose from unscented and lavender in light, regular, and strong styles.

47. These silicone floor protectors that fit onto chair legs

MelonBoat Chair Leg Floor Protectors (16-Pack)

Protect your floor from scratches with these easy-to-install chair leg floor protectors . The flexible, clear silicone protectors slip snugly onto round chair feet, and they have felt pads on the bottom that allow chairs to glide across the floor without leaving scuff marks. Each pack comes with 16 floor protectors.

This article was originally published on Feb. 1, 2021

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

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7 Surprising Ways Engineering Has Solved Everyday Problems

Engineer with lots of tools taking notes

In a culture where hacking and repurposing are commonplace, engineering-minded designers transform everyday items into innovative solutions. By following design-cycle steps, they turn science fiction into reality, addressing pervasive everyday problems. This post explores real-world challenges, showcasing the transformative power of engineering solutions—from the coffee cup sleeve to the selfie stick and beyond. Consider inventive creations that improve accessibility and tackle health issues. Discover the limitless potential of engineering expertise to address contemporary challenges and improve lives.

Expertise to Create the Unexpected

We live in a hacking culture where we break down and repurpose everything from IKEA furniture to power tools, redesigning them to fill a need or solve a problem for which they were not originally intended. By applying some of the basic design-cycle steps of Ask, Research, Imagine, Plan, Create, Test and Improve, engineering-minded product designers are turning what might have once been considered science fictional solutions into reality.

By sharpening your engineering skill set , you can put yourself in a unique position to address some pervasive everyday problems. Which would you like to take on? For a little inspiration, take a look at some real-world everyday challenges, big and small, that have been alleviated by some rather innovative engineering solutions.

Squeezing Out the Last Drop of Liquid

We’ve all experienced the frustration of attempting to squeeze the last drop of ketchup or toothpaste from their containers. That could end very soon, all thanks to a unique slippery coating that keeps thick, gooey substances from sticking to solid surfaces.

Called LiquiGlide, this material was initially was created to line oil and gas pipelines to protect against buildup. 1 It worked so well that the team developing this technology at MIT decided to explore other commercial applications for it. They researched and tested different combinations of materials to create new variations of LiquiGlide, including food-grade and medical-grade versions. These can help reduce product waste and enable viscous liquid medications to efficiently empty from tubes to improve proper dosing.

Holding Hot Coffee Without Spilling It

The coffee cup sleeve: With such deceptively simple design and such obvious value, it’s hard to believe it wasn’t invented sooner than it was, back in 1991. The idea was born two years prior, when piping hot coffee in a paper to-go cup burned the hands (and subsequently spilled on the lap) of future Java Jacket founder Jay Sorensen.

Sorensen did considerable research on the potential market demand for such a product, the kinds of materials that could be used to cost-effectively create it and the most successful physical design. He produced and tested several iterations of the sleeve before landing on the prototype that is still used today. 2 Now, the nearly ubiquitous coffee cup sleeves are helping save the fingers (and laps) of countless hot-java-drinking commuters—not to mention engineers.

A Far-Reaching Solution for Getting the Group Shot

By freeing us from having to rely on a willing passerby to take a group photo in front of a tourist attraction or a silhouette shot against a stunning sunset, the selfie stick has certainly made an impact in today’s social-media-savvy world.

Wayne Fromm didn’t invent camera-on-a-stick technology, but in 2005 he did patent a version that could hold almost any camera and, eventually, nearly any smartphone. 3 That’s the version that began to resonate with consumers worldwide.

Since then, the original selfie stick concept has evolved into several iterations by Fromm and other manufacturers to answer the demand for more uses—including ones that extend telescopically at the push of a button so you can fit more people or more background into your shot, that allow you to snap a shot via Bluetooth without needing to set the camera timer, or that take blur-free photographs and video while skydiving or partaking in other action sports.

Walking Your Way to Health at Work

Dr. James Levine, a medical doctor who researches obesity, found that sitting for several hours at a time negatively impacts our health much more than initially thought, even for those who regularly go to the gym. He argued that our increasingly sedentary lifestyle, fueled by demands at work requiring us to be at our desks, has contributed to a culture of people with poor posture, lack of energy, and increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Levine came up with a rather unusual solution: He rigged a used treadmill under a raised bedside tray. 4 Perhaps this prototype he created in 1999 wasn’t the most attractive setup, but its goal was clear: to give people a way to be active while working and help reduce sitting-related health risks.

Levine worked with a manufacturer to produce the first official treadmill desk, released in 2007. Today, many companies promoting a healthier workplace offer employees the option to have such a desk instead of a traditional one.

Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

Sophia Velastegui, an influential engineer in the technology sector, applied several engineering design steps early in her career to conquer a common phobia: speaking in front of a crowd. 5

Velastegui did this by:

  • Identifying specific problems to address: her shyness and fear of public speaking
  • Looking into ways to work on them (such as volunteering to speak at company meetings)
  • Setting up a plan of action to overcome her shyness with strangers: research people to meet at conferences, contact them, choose discussion topics and maintain regular contact
  • Continuing to improve her speaking and networking skills through constant practice

Velastegui’s process improved her public speaking—and her confidence and management skills—so thoroughly that it has been invaluable to her rise through desirable positions at top companies. Not only that, she was named to Business Insider's list of most powerful female engineers in 2017.

Eating With Confidence, Without Spilling

Many of us take the simple act of feeding ourselves for granted. But for anyone with trembling hands, it can be a frustrating struggle to keep food on a fork or spoon long enough to reach their mouth without it winding up on the table or their clothing. Liftware Level™ utensils were created by inventors with loved ones experiencing such limitations.

Liftware uses sensor technology that makes real-time adjustments to accommodate any mild-to-severe shaking and trembling movements. 6 This improves accessibility and independence for those suffering from conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

Liftware developers are taking their testing to a new level: They created an app that records motion data using an accelerometer sensor found in smartphones. They use this data when creating prototypes for versions of other common products that can be used by people with disabilities.

Diagnosing Deep Gastrointestinal Diseases

In 1981, inspired by a friend experiencing small intestine pain with no apparent source, rocket engineer Gavriel Iddan wondered if there was a way to create a “missile”—complete with a camera—that could be launched into the intestine to snap photographs in order to help physicians make accurate diagnoses.

Applying his knowledge of rocket engineering to a completely unrelated problem led to his invention of the ingestible camera. “PillCam” actually took 17 years to become reality, thanks to Iddan’s diligence and the development of micro cameras, transmitters and LED lights that could fit into a large pill-sized capsule. 7

Now the diagnostic standard, doctors can properly identify conditions that are deep in the digestive tract, areas previously unreachable by other nonsurgical methods.

Put Your Engineering Skills to Use

The world is full of countless challenges waiting for that one solution to be created or tweaked that can make life just a little easier, healthier or better. What problems are you planning on tackling with an engineering approach? What inefficiencies are you improving? And better yet, how many more opportunities might present themselves as you continue to hone your engineering expertise?

Using your engineering knowledge, there’s no limit to what you can do. Explore our online graduate engineering degree programs at Case Western Reserve University to get started improving the world around you today.

  • Retrieved on September 8, 2018, from liquiglide.com/
  • Retrieved on September 8, 2018, from smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/how-the-coffee-cup-sleeve-was-invented-119479/
  • Retrieved on September 8, 2018, from businessinsider.com/wayne-fromm-is-the-inventor-of-the-modern-selfie-stick-2015-8
  • Retrieved on September 8, 2018, from newyorker.com/magazine/2013/05/20/the-walking-alive
  • Retrieved on September 8, 2018, from businessinsider.com/how-this-engineer-hacked-her-career-and-became-a-gm-at-microsoft-2018-2
  • Retrieved on September 8, 2018, from launchforth.io/blog/post/invention-spotlight-liftware-level/2335/
  • Retrieved on September 8, 2018, from epo.org/learning-events/european-inventor/finalists/2011/iddan/impact.html

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The 4 Types of Innovation and the Problems They Solve

  • Greg Satell

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Disruption isn’t the only approach.

Innovation is, at its core, about solving problems — and there are as many ways to innovate as there are different types of problems to solve. Just like we wouldn’t rely on a single marketing tactic for the life of an organization, or a single source of financing, we need to build up a portfolio of innovation strategies designed for specific tasks. Leaders identify the right type of strategy to solve the right type of problem, just by asking two questions: How well we can define the problem and how well we can define the skill domain(s) needed to solve it. Well-defined problems that benefit from well-defined skills fall into the category of “sustaining innovation.” Most innovation happens here, because most of the time we’re trying to get better at something we’re already doing. “Breakthrough innovation” is needed when we run into a well-defined problem that’s just devilishly hard to solve. In cases like these, we need to explore unconventional skill domains. When the reverse is true — skills are well-defined, but the problem is not — we can tap into “disruptive innovation” strategies. And when nothing is well-defined, well, then we’re in the exploratory, pioneering realm of basic research. There are always new problems to solve; learn to apply the solution that best fits your current problem.

One of the best innovation stories I’ve ever heard came to me from a senior executive at a leading tech firm. Apparently, his company had won a million-dollar contract to design a sensor that could detect pollutants at very small concentrations underwater. It was an unusually complex problem, so the firm set up a team of crack microchip designers, and they started putting their heads together.

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

  • Greg Satell is Co-Founder of  ChangeOS , a transformation & change advisory, an international keynote speaker, and bestselling author of  Cascades: How to Create a Movement that Drives Transformational Change . His previous effort,  Mapping Innovation , was selected as one of the best business books of 2017. You can learn more about Greg on his website, GregSatell.com  and follow him on Twitter @DigitalTonto  and on LinkedIn .  

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what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

4th Grade Inventors Find Solutions to Everyday Problems

Fourth graders showcased their creative problem-solving skills when they unveiled their inventions this week at the annual Invention Convention during Spring Conferences. Here are just a few examples of interesting inventions that solve everyday problems:

  • Squeaky Clean: magnets inside dog toys for a quick pick up via magnetic wand
  • The HAT: a hockey stick and a bat so you can quickly switch sports
  • Grip Washer: a tube you put your golf club in to wash and dry the grip
  • Magnetic Cat Litter: a quick way to pick up after messy cats that get litter all over the floor
  • Portable Bean Bag: a bean bag filled with Orbeez so they can dry out and easily pack in your bean bag chair

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Christy Moore, Lower School Science Teacher , supported the students in their pursuit for innovation during weeks of research and testing in science class; however, she says the projects were highly independent. Moore said, “The 4th grade invention unit is great for teaching the engineering process. The students are introduced to the same language – discover, ideate, iterate and evolve – that is used in Middle and Upper School. Students bring in a problem and use the design thinking process to solve that problem with their invention.”

Rylee Day ’28 shared that focus and sustained effort were critical to her success. “In the beginning, we had to think of a problem. It was not easy; we had to make a project in a specific amount of weeks. I had to really focus to get what I wanted done. It’s really easy to get off track – especially when you think you’re done, but you’re really missing the main part of your project. When you really want it though, you work your hardest.”

She also kept her audience in mind when working on her project. “Every parent wants their child to succeed in being a problem solver and having a creative mind. What made my project interesting for me was putting effort into making my project presentable to parents.” Overall, Day shared that she learned how to be creative and bring a project from concept to creation. “I have grown as a scientist and learned the basics of discovery. I thank Mrs. Moore for directing me into being a successful kid scientist!”

Drew Mills ’28 enjoyed the project as well, especially the tangible skills gained. “I learned how to use a saw and hot glue gun. I had to cut a bat and hot glue the hockey stick onto the bat.”

Thank you 4th grade scientists for sharing your creativity and problem-solving skills through interesting inventions!

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The Innovative Spirit

Changing Our World For the Better

17 Inventions That Could Make Going Back to School a Little Bit Easier

From an aromatic alarm clock to a school bus locator system, these patented products could help students and parents with the transition

Megan Gambino

Megan Gambino

Senior Editor


There are the staples of school supply lists: Elmer's glue, crayons, loose-leaf paper, pocket folders, three-ring binders and pencils. And then there are those less essential but highly desirable things—gel pens and scented markers, pencil cases and locker decorations—that spark store-aisle debates between parents and kids embarking on a new school year.

A search through the United States Patent and Trademark Office archives turns up loads of inventions that parents and children can appreciate this time of year. A walkie-talkie pen? How about a gumball-dispensing t-shirt for the first day? These 17 quirky products could ease the sometimes rocky transtion back to school.

The Robot Lunch Box

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Open a special compartment in this lunch box, and it turns into a robot! The inventors of the product, patented in 1987, wanted to make their very own "Transformer," given the popularity of the cartoon series.

The Smelly Alarm Clock

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Why wake up to a piercing buzzer or nagging parents when you could set an aromatic alarm clock to coax you out of bed with a pleasant-smelling mist?

The Gumball-Dispensing T-Shirt

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Guaranteed to make you some friends, just make sure that you have enough inventory for the entire class.

The Walkie-Talkie Pen

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

No need to pass notes with this "walkie-talkie pen." Just be prepared for teacher to confiscate it, especially if you try swapping test answers.

The Creepy Pet Vest

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

This vest with transparent passageways and pockets for pets, like gerbils and hamsters, is a show (and tell) stopper!

A Ring That Mutes the TV

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Nothing says "It's homework time!" like this TV mute finger ring, patented in 2004.

The Talking Lunch Box

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Mom or Dad can record a voice message in this lunch box patented in 2002, so your kids will never forget to leave dessert for last.

Socks With Secret Pockets

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Stash your lunch money in these socks, with hidden pockets.

The Backpack Jacket

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

This clever backpack has a built-in jacket.

The School Bus Locator

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Before GPS tracking apps , this "school bus locator system," patented in 1992, could save you from missing the bus. It consists of a radio transmitter on the bus and a receiver in your home that lights up, as a first warning, and then emits a sound when the bus is about one quarter mile away.

The Ultimate Locker Organizer

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Pens, books, a cell phone and snacks all have their place in this locker organizer.

Disposable Gym Clothes

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Perfect for gym class, this "disposable clothing" is made to withstand physical activity and lined with perspiration-absorbent material.

A Shopping Cart That Keeps Track of Your Spending

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

This shopping cart, with a scanning device mounted to it, gives back-to-school shoppers a running total of their spending.

Be One With Your Bike

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

If you have a downhill commute, consider biking to school on this "body-connected bike." Or pull it out at recess. Squeeze your knees together to brake.

A Cuddly Sleeping Bag

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Moms and Dads, when you are not there to hug your napping kindergartner, this "child's security enhancing sleeping bag," patented in 1996, will.

The Lip Balm Pen

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

Pen on one end, lip balm on the other. Simple as that.

The Game of School

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

To be first-day ready, it wouldn't hurt to play this board game that simulates the school experience. According to the 1983 patent, the game "gives insight into the roles, values, desires and goals of both teacher, student and others within the school environment and perhaps a better understanding of the underlying institution."

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Megan Gambino

Megan Gambino | | READ MORE

Megan Gambino is a senior web editor for Smithsonian magazine.

We only recommend products we love and that we think you will, too. We may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was written by our Commerce team.

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

When it comes to everyday problems in your life, some are easier to fix than you might think, like not having enough lighting in your kitchen or losing items in your purse. Amazon is a handy site when looking for solutions, as they have tons of products to help solve those pesky common issues.

In this list, you’ll find a bunch of simple life solutions , at home and on the go. In the kitchen, you can improve your dish-drying setup with this silicone drying mat that’s easy to clean. Make it easier to add sugar to your coffee or tea with this glass container that dispenses from the bottom.

Forgetting where to be and when? Keep your appointments and events more organized with this magnetic whiteboard calendar that’s perfect for attaching to your fridge. Is your closet becoming an issue? You can better organize your shoes with this bamboo shoe rack that looks great wherever it’s placed.

Whether your problems are in the kitchen, the closet, or your own purse, you’ll find plenty of solutions that make your life just a little bit easier in this list.

Problem: You Can’t Reach The Candle Wick

RONXS Candle Electric Lighter

After you’ve burned a candle for a while, it can be tricky to light without burning your hand. This electric lighter has a long, bendable neck, so you can adjust it based on the size and depth of your candle. Since it’s electric, the lighter is rechargeable using a USB charging port and doesn’t use lighter fluid.

Problem: Your Half-Eaten Bag Of Chips Went Stale

Shendian Mini Chip Bag Sealer

Keep your snacks fresh with this mini bag sealer . The device uses heat to reseal the packaging of chips, cookies, and other snacks, so they don’t go stale. It heats up in just a few seconds and seals almost instantly. It’s also lightweight, so you can take it to work or while traveling.

Problem: Necklaces Are Getting Tangled

Susmii Layered Necklace Clasp (2-Pieces)

A layered necklace look is always chic — unless, of course, your necklaces get tangled. This clasp allows you to clip three necklaces onto little rings that keep the chains separated. It clasps together with a magnet, so it’s easy to take on and off. It’s also great for bracelets and comes in silver and gold.

Problem: Inside Your Bag Is A Mess

ZTUJO Purse Organizer Insert

Having an organized purse is a rare skill that most of us don’t possess — it doesn’t help that many bags (looking at you totes!) don’t even have any inner pockets or storage. This purse organizer insert has 10 pockets, including a zippered one, so you can keep your wallet, makeup, gum, and other items in their own pockets. The organizer is made from a sturdy felt material and comes in 19 colors and designs, including snakeskin and polka dot.

Problem: Burning Your Fingers & Forearms

POPCO Professional Silicone Oven Mitts

When it comes to kitchen tools, oven mitts are not somewhere you want to skimp, since they protect you from burning yourself. These silicone oven mitts have an extra thick padded lining, so they keep your hands and arms safe, but they also have a silicone layer on the outside which makes them heat resistant up to 450 degrees. Aside from the brilliant red shade featured, you can also buy them in aqua, gray, and black.

Problem: Charging Cables Everywhere

Poweroni 3-in-1 Wireless Charger Station

Keep all your devices at 100% with this 3-in-1 charging station. With a spot for your phone, smartwatch, and earbuds, this charging station is perfect for keeping in your home or office. It uses wireless charging, so it also means you won’t have a huge mess of cords. It’s compatible with most smart devices, including Apple, Android, and Samsung.

Problem: Poorly Lit Cabinets & Closets

Brilliant Evolution Under Cabinet Lights (2-Pack)

Add more light to your closets, cabinets — or anywhere that needs a little extra light — without having to install a whole light fixture. These under the cabinet lights come with adhesive tape, so they’re easy to install. A remote is included, so the brightness can be easily adjusted.

Problem: Bugs Getting In The House

Flux Phenom Magnetic Screen Door

When the weather’s nice out, it’s the perfect time to leave your door open to let the warm breeze in. Of course, the open air comes with bugs — unless you have one of these magnetic screen doors . Made from a fine mesh, the screen lets air in but keeps bugs and debris out. It also has a magnetic closure so you can enter and exit even if your hands are full.

Problem: Running Out Of Paper Towels

Swedish Wholesale Swedish Dish Cloths (10-Pack)

Paper towels are handy, but they eventually run out. These Swedish dishcloths , on the other hand, are machine washable and reusable up to 100 times. Plus they come in a pack of 10, so they can take the place of several paper towel rolls. The cloths are stiff when dry but become soft and pliable when wet.

Problem: Overbooking Your Schedule

Home & Me Magnetic Dry Erase Whiteboard and Calendar

If you have a hard time keeping track of your schedule, then this magnetic whiteboard calendar will come in handy. The calendar is ideal for attaching to the fridge, or any other magnetic surface. It can be filled in and erased each month to keep track of appointments and events. You can use it immediately, as it comes with six dry erase markers.

Problem: Having Noisy Housemates

MAXTID Door Draft Stopper

Keep your room quiet with this door draft stopper that blocks out noise and insulates. This stopper has a velcro strip that makes it more adjustable. It also helps keep cold air out and keep heat in. For those with noisy roommates, this can offer a bit more peace at a low price.

Problem: Losing Your Luggage

Highwind Luggage Initial Bag Tag

It can be hard to keep track of your luggage when so many suitcases look alike. Set yours apart with this luggage tag that has a big colorful letter on it to match your initial on your first or last name. The tag is made of rubber, so it won’t be easily damaged, and includes a card for writing down your contact information in the chance your luggage gets misplaced.

Problem: Not Being Able To Properly Clean Your Reusable Straws (Or Not Having Them At All)

Flathead Reusable Silicone Drinking Straws (10-Pack)

Reusable straws are great for reducing single-use plastic, but they can be a pain to clean. These silicone straws come with their own cleaning brush that gets into the narrow cavity of the straws. They can be used for hot and cold drinks and are safe to throw in the dishwasher. They also come in a 2-pack, with 20 straws total.

Problem: Breaking Dishes Because You Don’t Have A Proper Place To Dry Them

HOTPOP Sturdy Silicone Dish Drying Mat

If you’re playing Jenga with your dishes when you’re setting them on your counter to dry then chances are you’ve broken more than a few. But that is where this silicone dish drying mat comes in: It’s soft but non-slip so you can set your wet dishes on it without them slipping around, cracking, and shattering. It is easy to clean, so it won’t build up dirt and grime like a cloth drying mat. It’s dishwasher safe and heat-resistant, so you can also use it to support hot plates.

Problem: Getting Syrup Or Honey All Over Your Hands

Hunnibi Glass Honey & Syrup Container Dispenser

When it gets on your hands, syrup seems to multiply — making everything you touch sticky for the rest of the day. But with this syrup/honey dispenser , you can keep your hands clean. The dispenser has a lever you can pull that releases syrup from the bottom of the bottle. Dispensing from the bottom also means you’ll be able to get every last drop of the sticky sweet liquid sugar without having to shake the bottle or awkwardly balance it on its head while it slowly drips towards the opening at the top. This dispenser comes with a stand with a reservoir to catch any syrup drips.

Problem: Running Out Of Aluminum Foil

Bee's Wrap Reusable Beeswax Food Wraps (3-Pack)

Never worry about running out of foil or plastic wrap again with this reusable food wrap made from beeswax. These wraps are moldable to your needs, so they can cover a large bowl of salad or wrap around a leftover piece of fruit. They’re washable and reusable, plus biodegradable, so they’re better for the environment.

Problem: Your Rugs Are Sliding Around

iPrimio Non Slip Area Rug Pad

Keep your rugs from slipping around the floor with this rug pad that can be cut to fit any size you need. The pad is made from a non-slip foam that can be used on wood floors, tile, and other materials. It automatically sticks to the rug and the floor, so there’s no special installation required.

Problem: There’s Not Enough Storage Space In The Living Room

Greenco Faux Leather Ottoman Stool

Use this storage ottoman to hold blankets, books, pillows, and other items that don’t necessarily have a good home in your living room. The ottoman has a faux leather cushioned top, which is perfect for resting your feet on. The lid is removable with a collapsible base.

Problem: Figuring Out Where To Put Your Phone During Workouts

SATINA High-Waisted Leggings

Workout clothes don’t always have pockets for holding your phone the way a pair of jeans does. Luckily, these high-waisted leggings have pockets on the thigh, so your phone will be safe and secure while you’re going on a walk or run. They’re made from a soft, stretchy fabric made from a spandex and polyester blend for maximum comfort.

  • Available sizes: One Size and One Size Plus
  • Available colors: 51

Problem: It’s Too Bright To Nap

Estilo Black Window Shades (6-Pack)

Darken your room without the hassle of professionally installing shades. This set of six window shades comes with sticky adhesive for easy installation. They can also be cut to size, so you can fit them exactly to your window. They also come with clips to help you easily adjust the height.

Problem: You’re Not Able To Find Your Keys After Dropping Them

RAK Magnetic Pickup Tool with 3 LED Lights

Dropping your keys in the dark can be a huge pain, but this magnetic pickup tool will help save the day. The tool has a long arm, bright flashlight, and magnetic surface to pick up whatever you dropped. Use it to safely collect anything metal, or magnetically attach it to a metal surface, like the hood of your car, for better vision.

Problem: There’s No Way To Store Canned Pet Food

DYBEN Pet Can Covers (5-Pack)

I recently started feeding my dog canned wet food, and having can covers makes it so much easier. This set of five covers is made from food-safe silicone and fits three different sizes of cans. They’re dishwasher safe and come in an array of colors. They also have a cute paw tab that makes removal a breeze.

Problem: You Slept In And It’s Too Late To Get Coffee

Bean Envy Milk Frother

We can’t all get up early to make it to the coffee shop before work. Make your own fancy latte at home with this milk frother . The lightweight device is easy to use and turns milk into foam in just a few seconds. It’s portable, so you can even take it with you to work or on vacation. It also comes with its own metal stand.

Problem: There’s Nowhere To Put Your Essentials When Going For A Walk

OlimpiaFit Water Resistant Fanny Pack

Sometimes you want to go on a walk or hike, but don’t want to drag around a heavy backpack. Did you know that fanny packs are back in style? This fanny pack is the perfect option for holding your phone, wallet, keys, and other essentials. The fanny pack is made from durable nylon that is water-resistant. It has six zippered pockets, so your things will be safe and sound.

Problem: Breaking Eggs When Storing Them In The Fridge

Greenco Stackable Egg Trays (2-Pack)

Cardboard egg cartons are flimsy — stack them in your fridge and chances are you’re probably going to end up breaking an egg or two — which is why these plastic egg cartons are so genius. They’re sturdy and stackable, so you can organize your fridge and protect your eggs. The trays come in a pack of two and hold 12 eggs each.

Problem: You’re Dropping Nails & Screws While Working

RAK Magnetic Wristband

If you like to spend time working on DIY projects or doing repairs, then this magnetic wristband will come in handy. The wristband attaches with velcro and is handy for holding screws, nails, or other tools you’re using while working. The wristband is equipped with 10 strong magnets, but it’s still lightweight.

Problem: You’re Spending Too Much On Cold Brew

Willow & Everett Cold Brew Coffee Maker

Save yourself time in the morning and ditch the coffee shop. This cold brew maker has a stainless steel filter and holds up to 12 cups, so you can make cold brew for the whole week. Just put your favorite coffee grounds in the filter, add water, and put it in the fridge to steep. It can also be used for making iced tea. It comes in two sizes — two liters and a gallon.

Problem: You Always Drop Your Soap In The Shower

BBTO Soap Saver Bag (5 Piece)

A bar of soap can be hard to hold onto in the shower, but these soap saver bags are easier to grip. The five-bag set is made from natural sisal plants, which help the soap lather and produce foam. The bags are also ideal for when the bar of soap gets too small, but you’re not ready to throw it out just yet.

Problem: There’s Nowhere To Store Leftover Food

FineDine Glass Food Storage Containers Set (24-Piece)

A good set of food containers serve as one of the most useful tools in any kitchen. These glass storage containers come in a set of 24, with a range of sizes to fit everything from leftover salmon to half a lemon. The containers have an airtight seal that is leakproof, so it’s perfect for storing leftovers to take for lunch.

Problem: The Sheets Keep Coming Off The Bed

Raytour Bed Sheet Holder Straps

It’s a pain when your fitted sheets don’t stay fitted. These sheet holder straps clip onto the corner of your sheets, holding them in place so they don’t slip off. The straps have metal clips and elastic bands, which are easy to install. They’re basically like little suspenders for your sheets.

Problem: You Can’t Find Your Shoes

FILWH Bamboo Stackable Shoe Shelf

If you have a habit of misplacing your shoes around the house, then this shoe shelf will help keep them organized. Made from sturdy bamboo, the shelf holds three or four pairs of shoes on each tier and is perfect for keeping in the entryway or bedroom. If you need three or more tiers, Amazon offers those options as well.

Problem: Misplacing Your Keys

Tile Mate Bluetooth Tracker

Attach this Tile Bluetooth tracker to your keyring and you won’t have to dig through all your purses to find your keys. The small, lightweight tracker connects to the Tile app on your phone, so it can help you find your keys in your home, or if you left them in your bag somewhere while out and about. It’s incredible how much time you’ll save (and how many appointments you’ll be on time for.)

Problem: Uneven Winged Eyeliner

Flick Stick Winged Eyeliner Stamp

Unless you’re a professional makeup artist, getting the perfect winged eyeliner can be tricky. This eyeliner stamp makes it so much easier by literally stamping the shape of the wing on the corner of your eye. Each liner has two ends, one for the stamp and one with a fine point for refining the edges. It’s also waterproof and smudge-proof.

Problem: Forgetting A Good Pillow While Traveling

Wise Owl Outfitters Camping Pillow

One of the worst feelings in the world is needing a pillow, but not having a pillow. Luckily, you can prep ahead of time by storing this compressible memory foam pillow in the trunk of your car. It doesn’t take up a lot of room but will offer a ton of comfort in a pinch. It’s also machine washable.

Problem: Getting Sauce On The Counter

Silicone Utensil Rest with Drip Pad

The problem with most spoon rests is that they only hold one spoon. This silicone utensil rest has four slots, which is perfect if you’re the kind of cook (like me) who cooks with a spatula and two spoons at the same time. The utensil rest has a large drip pad to catch any sauce or liquid that drips off. The best part is that you can easily throw it in the dishwasher to clean.

Problem: Avocados Going Bad Too Quickly

Evriholder Saver Avocado Holder (2-Pack)

Avocados are an odd shape, so they don’t always fit in a typical storage container. This avocado saver is designed to preserve the fruit with an indent designed to fit around the pit (leaving the pit in helps it from going brown) The container also has an adjustable strap to keep the avocado in place, like a little seatbelt.

Problem: Having Too Much Produce You Didn’t Finish

Food Huggers Reusable Silicone Food Savers (5-Pack)

These silicone food huggers are a versatile kitchen accessory and can be used to preserve half an apple, a partially used onion, or as a replacement lid on a jar. They come in a set of five of varying sizes, and are a great solution for replacing plastic wrap or foil, and help reduce single-use plastic in your home.

Problem: You Can’t Get All The Toothpaste Out

LOVEINUSA Toothpaste Tube Squeezer (4-Pack)

Get the most out of your toothpaste with these tube squeezers . Just like the name implies, these handy tools squeeze out every last drop from the tube, and can also be used for makeup, lotion, or anything else that comes in a tube. They come in a pack of four, so you’ll have plenty at hand.

Problem: You Can’t Find Your Earrings

BB Brotrade Hanging Jewelry Organizer

Make it easier to find the pair of earrings or that necklace you want to wear with this jewelry organizer . With 80 clear vinyl pockets, this organizer makes it easy to find the piece you’re looking for while also keeping them from getting tangled with each other. The organizer also has a hook at the top, making it easy to hang.

Problem: The Duvet Getting Scrunched Up In Its Cover

PinionPins Clear Magnetic Duvet Clips with Key

Keeping your duvet in place inside a duvet cover is no easy feat. Luckily, these magnetic duvet clips are an easy solution. The clips secure your duvet with a magnetic pin, and each pin can secure up to 10 pounds. They come in a set of eight, so you can secure the whole edge.

Problem: Accidentally Shrinking Cotton Clothes

Amazon Basics Folding Laundry Rack

Not all fabrics are suitable for a dryer. This Amazon Basics laundry rack is perfect for hanging shrinkable fabrics like cotton, delicate undergarments, or other items that you want to air-dry. The steel rack can support up to 32 pounds and is collapsible, so you can store it away when not in use.

Problem: Leaving The Lights On

Sengled Smart Light Bulbs (4-Pack)

Once you leave the house, there’s no way to know whether or not you left any lights on. That is, unless you use these smart lightbulbs that you can control from your phone. These bulbs connect to an app (and can even connect to Alexa and Google Home) where you can turn them on and off, adjust the brightness, and even change the color of the light.

Problem: Losing Jewelry While Traveling

SANQIANWAN Small Jewelry Travel Organizer Box

If you take your favorite jewelry with you on a trip, then you’re gonna want a safe place to store it. This travel jewelry organizer has compartments to hold rings, necklaces, and other assorted jewelry. It has a zipper closure and is compact enough to fit in a purse. Plus, it comes in 17 colors.

Problem: Pants That Are Too Long

Fearless Tape Double Sided Tape for Clothing (50-Pack)

Adjust the length of your pants without going to a tailor using this double-sided clothing tape . It’s safe to use on both your skin and clothing without damaging either. It can also be used to keep clothing in place, like a dress strap or a low-cut blouse. Each pack comes with 50 pieces of tape.

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

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Hello again to all the Pandas out there! Matty reporting live yet again with a new collection of completely Unnecessary Inventions that I have cooked up in the unnecessary lab. I know none of you were asking for any of these products to come to life but I just had to do it!

From a new smartphone to a more discreet way to eat hot dogs, all of these inventions solve problems that you truly don’t actually have. I know you may find them useful from time to time but I can assure you that they are completely unnecessary. See all of my inventions at Unnecessary Inventions.

It is very imperative that you immediately go follow me on Instagram and YouTube to stay up to date with each invention as it’s created! You can check out my account on Bored Panda to see all of the Unnecessary Inventions I’ve created! You can check out my previous invention posts on Bored Panda here: part 1 ,  part 2 ,  part 3 ,  part 4 ,  part 5 ,  part 6 ,  part 7 ,  part 8 ,  part 9 ,  part 10 ,  part 11 ,  part 12 , part 13 , part 14 .

Comment down below with your idea for my next Unnecessary Invention that I should create!

More info: Instagram | youtube.com | Facebook

The Glizzy Gripper™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Enjoy your hot dogs privately in public. We all know that feeling of looking over our shoulder before diving into a fresh hot dog. With our newest invention, seamlessly enjoy your wiener while the privacy screen blocks the view as it enters your mouth. Who is ready for seconds?!

This is EXACTLY how the Glizzy Gripper is meant to work!

The Megaphone Mask™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Be heard while staying safe! While wearing a mask is necessary, it can be a struggle at times to catch every spoken word. Our newest mask sports an integrated megaphone to project your conversation for everyone within earshot. Can you hear me now?

Cone Cream Catcher™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Sep 3, 2020 at 9:07am PDT

Welcome to the future of ice cream eating!

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

We all know ice cream melts way too fast. Our newest ice cream cone holder collects all of your melted ice cream and features a pop-out nozzle so you can drink that cream later! Never cream your jeans ever.

The Not Today Mirror™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Aug 14, 2020 at 10:31am PDT

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Feeling ugly, close the curtain. Bad hair day, close the curtain. Our new mirror features five curtain zones to pick and choose what you see in the mirror. We all have those days where we just don’t want to look in the mirror, but now, you can simply hide that part of your body and move on!

The Mixer Mask™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

The safest way to enjoy a cold one this holiday weekend. Strap into this protective mask featuring a 16oz pouch for your favorite beverage. Use the included funnel to fill it up, screw on the replaceable tip, and enjoy your drink while staying protected!

The Not Hot Blanket™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on May 26, 2020 at 8:59am PDT

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

When only that one leg just needs a breather. We all overheat at night and sometimes there can be no solution in sight! Our newest blanket comes equipped with a tear-away section to reveal the perfect hole to let a single leg escape the covers. Now if only I could get back to sleep after all that moving around!

The Coro-neck™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Wear it up for your face or down for your chest. In those emergency cases where you forget your mask, this fashionable shirt features a face covering that quickly flips up to also reveal the perfect deep V-neck. Great for any guy or girl to look sexy while staying safe!

The MowTender™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Mow your lawn and get a fresh beer delivered. Introducing our newest technology that combines the ease of an automated robotic lawnmower and the convenience of a bartender. Enjoy your Sunday chores on a whole new level with the most productive beer delivery system ever.

If you ever wanted to know how my inventions come to life, watch the behind-the-scenes videos!

Grocery Cart Hoodie™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

You are now the shopping cart! This revolutionary hoodie is outfitted with a secret expandable mesh compartment. Simply buckle it to your shoulders so you can become the perfect hands-free shopping bag. It’s a whole new meaning to the Bag Boy.

The Vague Ruler™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Oh… it’s about the length of a beer bottle. Sometimes you don’t need to know the exact measurement of something, just close enough. With our new ruler, gauge the size of just about anything in relation to the everyday object you already roughly know the size of. Ok, so maybe it’s more 1/2 way between a soda can and an iPhone….


  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Jun 12, 2020 at 11:21am PDT

Never leave the seat up again! With our newest toilet innovation, this chained flotation device simply suspends within the bowl until you flush your business. The perfect tension of the flush pulls your toilet seat to ensure it safety closes as you leave the bathroom. Now, who didn’t replace the empty toilet paper roll?


30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Literally stand under your umbrella. We all have that one pair of shoes we simply can’t get wet. With our latest debut, buckle into extra protection with this miniature umbrella for your precious kicks. Ain’t no one gonna be able to rain on your parade.


30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Your phone works just as hard as you do—it deserves a good night’s charge. This modern miniature bed features a luxurious cloud-like mattress with an integrated wireless charger. Keep your phone tight and snug under the plush comforter all night long and wake up literally feeling 100%.

The Commuter Cup Carrier™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

A place for your coffee on your daily commute. When the bus or subway is running late, whip out this ultra-sleek cup holder that unfolds and securely attaches to your shoe. Slide it on and drop your cup while you patiently wait to go where you’re headed. Now hopefully my boss doesn’t mind I’m 2 hours late.

The Snack Saucer™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Enjoy your snacks no matter how far you and your friends are! Our latest invention allows you to share snacks anywhere with this revolutionary frisbee with an integrated bowl. Simply fill the bowl to the brim with your snacks and let it soar through the air to your socially distant BFFs. Just be sure they know how to catch it 100% of the time.


  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Jul 28, 2020 at 11:54am PDT

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

No AC, no problem. If your car is feeling a bit warm this summer, strap on our newest ceiling fan designed specifically for your four-wheeled transportation device. Stay cool & keep the air moving within your car while you make your way to your destination. Take that, heat index!


30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Even out those summer T-shirt tan lines once and for all. Our newest fashion innovation features a 100% UV blocking fabric to help you fade that pesky farmer’s tan. Simply lose your shirt and gently slide on these fashionable on-the-go sleeves while you soak up the sunshine. Now who is going to lotion up my back for me?!

iPhone 12 “L”™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Two times the smartphone in one design. Introducing a revolutionary phone design that turns everything on its side. This L-shaped smartphone combines the power of two phones into one extremely awkward design. It’s time to take a W and get the L.

Paint-ercise Rollers™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Jun 16, 2020 at 10:27am PDT

Turn painting into a full-body workout. Strap on these ergonomic paint rollers that fit comfortably within your palms. Stretch up and across while getting down low to complete your painting chore. Become your inner Picasso & Schwarzenegger at the same time.

Bedtime Finger Blaster™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Jul 13, 2020 at 10:20am PDT

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Never get out of your bed to turn the lights off again. This new amazingly handy blaster fires off a life-size finger across any room to swiftly turn out the lights when it’s time to hit the sack. Load the finger cartridge into the shooter, pull the trigger, and call it a night. Now go ask your mom if we can have a sleepover already!

Scooter Platter™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Eat your breakfast on your scooter commute! Multitask on your way to work with our newest electric scooter expansion tray. Simply load up your morning meal on the elevated plate & finish your entire meal upon arrival at work. Pro tip: avoid bumpy roads!


  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Jul 20, 2020 at 9:13am PDT

FingerStick Kit™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Jul 31, 2020 at 11:48am PDT

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

The newest addition to your everyday hygiene. Our new discrete and compact device features a hidden lifelike finger within to ensure you never touch anything ever again. Simply slide the cap off and the full-size, spring-loaded finger extends outward to soak up all the germs on any surface. Now are those my germs or your germs?

The Candle Cannon™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Sep 15, 2020 at 12:06pm PDT

Vote From Home Booth™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Get the full voting experience without leaving your house. Our newest invention allows you to complete your mail-in ballot this election cycle in full privacy. This pop-up voting booth fits anywhere you’ll be voting within your residence and includes an American flag, commemorative pencil (always use a pen on the ballot), and two pencil sharpeners.

Pogo Stick Crutches™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Oct 6, 2020 at 2:36pm PDT

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

A broken leg doesn’t need to be boring. With our newest invention, get a little bit of air time on your downtime. These crutches have integrated high-powered springs to put a little pep in your broken step. You’ll bounce back in no time.

Social Scrolling Case™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Aug 6, 2020 at 10:57am PDT

Non-stop, hands-free scrolling for all your social apps. Our newest smartphone case is equipped with a patented automatic scrolling mechanism that is calibrated to all of your networks. Each mode adjusts to the perfect scrolling speeds. Say goodbye to cramped thumbs.

The Fidget Backpack™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on May 29, 2020 at 10:46am PDT

WAP Chocolate Bars™️

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

With a secret wet and gushy center! Crunch into your favorite summer song with these Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion WAP chocolate bars. Including the dangly thing that swings in the back of your throat & the big Mack truck parking in a little garage, each bar oozes with our signature secret sauce inside for ultimate food pleasure.

Shower Curtain Towel™️

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Unnecessary Inventions (@unnecessaryinventions) on Sep 11, 2020 at 10:53am PDT

30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

Never forget a towel ever again! Your shower curtain is now also your towel with our new invention. Simply dry off and let it hang to air dry until the next time you shower! There is nothing like the good smell of a damp towel in the bathroom.

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Matty Benedetto

Matty Benedetto

Author, Community member

My name is Matty and I am the evil genius behind Unnecessary Inventions! I create and designs products that solve problems that don't actually exist.

Violeta Draseikaitė

Violeta Draseikaitė

Moderator, BoredPanda staff

My name is Violeta and I am an editor here at Bored Panda. I love reading memes for a living. It’s obviously much more than that, but I appreciate the variety of topics, information, and pics I get to see every day and share with the world! Those funny memes really make my day too. Being born in the ’90s in post-Soviet Lithuania speaks more about me than I’d like to admit. I’m still learning about the world and myself, but I do love my friends, traveling, art, and my cat. My favorite fact to share about myself is that I used to hide meatballs in my friend’s pockets at lunch so I could go play outside. I wish all those meatballs could find their way back to me someday.

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve

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The serious face with which he models and promotes those makes it for me. That being said, I would be in favour of the "Not Today Mirror".

matt_55 avatar

I never break character. 😐

jaynekyra avatar

Excellent work, good sir. Now about that mirror...

booksfeedthemind avatar

Matty - except for your Mom, make sure she has an assortment of candid photos. Tell her to keep them under lock and key.

cstrohmier2001 avatar

matt_55 easy

keagawsome avatar

OMG! This is such a cool post! I love it!

sshapiro2025 avatar

Is your bath mat Mark Zuckerberg? That's insane... I love it

banjopeppers avatar

If you hate him, that means you get to stomp on his face every day!

These Creative Business Cards Surely Win The Advertising Game Akvile Petraityte 🇺🇦

100 Genius Solutions To Everyday Problems You Didn’t Know Existed Giedrė Vaičiulaitytė

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People Are Sharing The Minor (But Frustrating) Everyday Struggles They're *Still* Encountering On The Daily, And I'm Floored That These Problems Still Exist

"Surely this is not necessary in the 21st century. Do better."

Claudia Santos

BuzzFeed Staff

You know those tiny inconveniences you run into daily (or at least very often) that you start to question a bit? And maybe start to wonder why they're even a thing in our modern world. Well, you're not the only one. Recently, I posted about common everyday problems that should've been solved by now, and over 200 of you had even more you wanted to tack on. So here are some more small inconveniences we should get rid of.

1. "the staticky, repetitive, tuneless music you are forced to listen to when you are on hold, which you must keep the volume on so you can hear when someone finally comes on the line. it has not improved since the 1980s.".

—Linda Marie, Georgia

2. "If you’re a plus size woman (at least in the US), you’re weirdly as likely to have very tiny pockets/no pockets as you are to have enormous pockets that stretch in towards the front zipper instead of down towards the knee. I HATE the giant pockets. Imagine putting your wallet, phone, chapstick, whatever into your pocket over by your right hip and then looking down to realize it's moving around and is stealthily creeping towards your fly. It is both bothersome AND embarrassing. I neither want nor need a tiny chapstick penis, oh maker of plus-sized pants!"

Close-up of a pair of jeans with the inside pocket visible, displaying care instructions and Levi&#x27;s branding

— moultonpatricia

3. "Isn't there a way to make nighttime scenes in TV and movies less dark and murky? Half the time all I see are shapes and I can't tell what's going on. Seriously, I know there has to be a way to light such scenes so we can still see the actors' faces, even if it's supposed to be extremely dark."

4. "why does windshield wiper fluid only come in a size that fits only 70–80% of the tank it seems that all vehicles have similar-sized wiper fluid tanks and that the bottles are always more than that, so why not just make the bottles smaller then i don't have to have 20% of liquid sloshing around in a big bottle in my backseat or trunk for months.".

Hand holding a Super Tech Summer Formula windshield washer fluid jug

5. "Shopping carts with what feels like square wheels or ones that won’t move in a straight line."

6. "the text on tv remotes and cookers being merely printed on so that over time and use they wear off, leaving every button and dial only identifiable from memory. c'mon, deboss those icons and numbers as well.".

Person holding a television remote with various buttons for functions like volume, channel selection, and settings

— skirwingle

7. "As a true crime/Investigation Discovery fan, I cannot get over the poor quality of the CCTV cameras in this day and age!"

8. "why aren’t women’s jeans sized like men’s with a waist and inseam size i’m short (4’10”) and always have to hem pants, but men can buy pants based on waist and inseam. women are all different heights, too".

Levi Strauss &amp;amp; Co. brand label on jeans with size and model information

—Luisa, 39, Maryland

9. "A lot of websites, apps, etc. not properly recognizing UK English and telling me that my words are spelled wrong. I write a lot using Google Docs and, even after I tried changing my language to UK English, it still tries to autocorrect it or that ugly, red line under the word haunts me the entire time and keeps popping up if I spell another word the UK English way."

10. "having to change the clock on my car when it’s daylight savings. the thing can park itself and is hooked to every satellite and internet connection you can think of, yet it can’t update the time.".

Car dashboard showing BMW Navigation System with time and date displayed

11. "It’s 2024 and we have no better way to screen for breast cancer than to squeeze the breasts into pancakes. Meanwhile, these engineers are prioritizing building dancing robots."

— savannahg4e56476eb

12. "When I buy a multipack of socks (especially kid's socks or women’s athletic socks), they’re all held together by plastic fastener things at several different spots. Trying to cut the plastic is impossible because they’re pulled tightly together, but trying to pull them to tear the plastic usually pulls it all the way through most, if not all, of the socks, leaving a hole. It’s minor, but so frustrating."

plastic tags from a pack of socks arranged in a line on a wooden surface

13. "I should be able to enter my zip code, and the city and state populate automatically."

14. "those horrible screeching dental drills that double your anxiety. surely that is not necessary in the 21st century. do better.".

Dentist performing a dental procedure on a female patient in a clinic

— julieapliska

15. "Washer tubs that are so deep and fill with so little water that I have to get a stool to reach the clothes once they're finished washing."

16. "this one is specifically for the us, but filing taxes. for those of you living outside the us, imagine filling up your cart with groceries, having the cashier enter the prices of all the items, and then they ask you how much you think you owe, even though they have the total right in front of them. and if you’re wrong you can go to jail. that’s what it’s like filing taxes in the us.".

Assorted U.S. tax forms including the 1040 and Schedules A and B, indicating tax filing season

17. "Can we please just get rid of autocorrect? If I typed it, it’s what I meant to type. Sure, go ahead and highlight it or give me some suggestions, but to automatically assume that I did it wrong and change it on me? It’s like having my mother-in-law living inside my cell phone."

18. "having to use a keyboard type thing on the tv screen to enter your email address and password by using arrows and selecting each letter.".

On-screen keyboard displayed with genre options for movies and TV shows on a streaming platform

— joannedocherty2505

19. "Why can’t all power cords on everything that needs to be plugged in, from toasters to lamps to coffee makers to fans, ALL be retractable? I have a hair dryer and an iron with retractable cords, but most things don’t have one even though they could!"

—Anonymous, 65, Florida

20. "In a world of electronic devices now being used in TV shows and movies, why is it when the screen of these devices is shown, you can never read the message? Sometimes it's important to the story, but it's so small and/or faint you can't read it."

Old Samsung flip phone screen displaying text message inbox with &quot;LOL&quot; as the content of a message

— da23v8id34

21. "Car horns in radio commercials. SO. STUPID."

— aimeeweyrauch

Are there any modern inconveniences you wish would disappear? Sound off in the comments or fill out this anonymous form !

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Everyday problems that need inventions.

Uncommon solutions to common problems, specific problem or a clever solution, Brilliant Ideas for specific problem, innovative ideas to solve everyday problems, Brilliant Ideas to Solve Peculiar Problems, creative solutions to everyday problems, everyday problems, everyday problems that need to be solved, problems that need to be solved with an invention, small problems that need to be solved, everyday problems that need inventions to solve, everyday problems that need inventionse

Problems that need to be solved with an invention

Uncommon solutions to common problems, specific problem or a clever solution, Brilliant Ideas for specific problem, innovative ideas to solve everyday problems, Brilliant Ideas to Solve Peculiar Problems, creative solutions to everyday problems, everyday problems, everyday problems that need to be solved, problems that need to be solved with an invention, small problems that need to be solved, everyday problems that need inventions to solve, everyday problems that need inventionse

Small problems that need to be solved

Uncommon solutions to common problems, specific problem or a clever solution, Brilliant Ideas for specific problem, innovative ideas to solve everyday problems, Brilliant Ideas to Solve Peculiar Problems, creative solutions to everyday problems, everyday problems, everyday problems that need to be solved, problems that need to be solved with an invention, small problems that need to be solved, everyday problems that need inventions to solve, everyday problems that need inventionse

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Post a comment, 20 striking examples of human ingenuity.

There are already too many ordinary, serious and sad things in the world. Therefore, sometimes it does not hurt to add a little color to eve...

what are examples of everyday problems that need inventions to solve



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  6. Genius Useful Inventions That Solve So Many Problems


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    A revolutionary chopping board arrangement. 4. An extendable plug socket. 5. A backpack hammock. 6. A bedsheet that marks the halfway point to resolve all disputes. 7. Ketchup sachets that you can ...

  2. How to solve problems, from an inventor with 200+ patents

    Today, he holds more than 200 patents in the US, from the implantable cardiac defibrillator to SpringTMS, a device recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of migraines. This year, at age 87, Fischell received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation from Barack Obama. But he doesn't plan to slow down — in fact, he's working ...

  3. 100 Genius Solutions To Everyday Problems You Didn't Know Existed

    Too cold water, slow internet, and dying phone batteries are everyday problems that need solutions in the first world. The more comfortable we are, the more these niche problems appear. These common problems are defined by one word—annoying. We all encountered them and wanted to solve them. If this list has anything to show, it is that some ...

  4. Ideas Are A Dime A Dozen. Here Are Twelve Problems That Could ...

    Here are some thought starters: Reduce childhood obesity. Improve aging-in-place livability. Reduce food waste in the USA. Increase financial investing for young adults. Imagine the next ...

  5. 10 Everyday Problems That Need Genius Inventions To Fix

    In our daily lives, we often encounter small yet persistent problems that can lead to frustration and inconvenience. From untangling earphone wires to dealing with pet hair on furniture, these everyday nuisances can disrupt our routines and dampen our spirits. However, the human spirit is resilient and innovative, constantly seeking solutions ...

  6. 25+ Genius Inventions You Can Use to Solve Problems You ...

    A UV sanitizer that can be powered by your phone, a label that will tell you if the meat you're going to buy is fresh or expired, a Christmas tree that does not harm the environment — all of these are just a few examples of simple yet priceless inventions that can make our lives far more comfortable.

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    The three-sided power strip fits into any standard outlet and also features a dusk-to-dawn night light with adjustable brightness settings that automatically turns on in the dark. 45. A jar opener ...

  8. 7 Ways Engineering Solves Everyday Problems

    Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking. Sophia Velastegui, an influential engineer in the technology sector, applied several engineering design steps early in her career to conquer a common phobia: speaking in front of a crowd. 5. Velastegui did this by: Identifying specific problems to address: her shyness and fear of public speaking.

  9. Inventions: Real Solutions to Real Problems

    More often than not, invention ideas evolve and take a different shape, resulting in a solution that may be completely different than the inventor initially pictured in their mind. Change is a constant, especially in the invention world. Inventions are meant to solve a problem and sometimes those problems are ones we didn't even realize we had.

  10. 47 Things To Solve Everyday (And Even Not-So-Everyday) Problems

    1. A genius T-shirt roll holder that'll keep all your shirts neat and easily accessible. If folding is your kryptonite and digging through your shirt drawer is your biggest pet peeve, this nifty ...

  11. 27 Brilliantly Handy Inventions That Solve Problems You Didn ...

    These Human Face Stress Balls That Will Make You Feel Better. via : Amazon. We all need to release a little stress now and then, and stress balls are a great way to do that! Stress balls that look like human faces are even better! $16 for a set of four. View on Amazon.

  12. 50 Genius Solutions To Everyday Problems That You ...

    Well, first, good ideas don't come naturally. You have to engage in observation, do research, watch people, and reflect on what you've seen. Gather all the information you can and look for patterns. In this way, you may spot the problem that needs to be solved and this is the point where your brain gets stimulated. #4.

  13. The 4 Types of Innovation and the Problems They Solve

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  14. 70 Everyday Problems That We All Know And Hate

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  15. 4th Grade Inventors Find Solutions to Everyday Problems

    Here are just a few examples of interesting inventions that solve everyday problems: Squeaky Clean: magnets inside dog toys for a quick pick up via magnetic wand. The HAT: a hockey stick and a bat so you can quickly switch sports. Grip Washer: a tube you put your golf club in to wash and dry the grip. Magnetic Cat Litter: a quick way to pick up ...

  16. 17 Inventions That Could Make Going Back to School a Little Bit Easier

    17 Inventions That Could Make Going Back to School a Little Bit Easier. From an aromatic alarm clock to a school bus locator system, these patented products could help students and parents with ...

  17. 45 Annoying Everyday Problems You Didn't Realize Are So Easy ...

    This cold brew maker has a stainless steel filter and holds up to 12 cups, so you can make cold brew for the whole week. Just put your favorite coffee grounds in the filter, add water, and put it ...

  18. 25 Weird And Amazing Inventions That Solve Annoying Everyday Problems

    It will surely help you be aware. 9. Faucet Thermometer. Cool Inventions. We don't want to hurt our babies. This invention will help us to measure the exact water temperature from the faucet. 10. LED Slippers. This invention solves my everyday problems 🙂.

  19. Unleash the Engineer in You: Tackle Everyday Problems with STEM

    If troubleshooting problems or potential trouble spots is something you enjoy, you can satisfy your engineering itch and increase your STEM skills with a wide range of hands-on projects that can be done at home. These projects make for great weekend or summer explorations. After you finish, you may be able to wow your friends and family with ...

  20. 30 New Inventions That Solve Nonexistent Problems In Your Life

    The Commuter Cup Carrier™️. A place for your coffee on your daily commute. When the bus or subway is running late, whip out this ultra-sleek cup holder that unfolds and securely attaches to your shoe. Slide it on and drop your cup while you patiently wait to go where you're headed.

  21. 21 Modern Inconveniences That Need Solutions

    So here are some more small inconveniences we should get rid of. 1. "The staticky, repetitive, tuneless music you are forced to listen to when you are on hold, which you MUST keep the volume on so ...

  22. Everyday problems that need inventions

    Everyday problems that need inventions. There are two options for any problem. Formal, proven, expensive, but effective. Everyday problems at home, women have to face these simple-looking problems in daily life. But very few know the third, secret way of unresolved problems in these daily lives. Do it like the other option, but the effect is ...

  23. 17 Challenges Every Inventor Must Conquer To Get To Market

    17. Having your patent challenged at the PTAB (Patent Trial and Appeal Board) at the USPTO. If you sue for patent infringement, there is a possibility that you will have the validity of your ...