11 Key Customer Service Metrics + 4 Real Example Reports

Mathew Patterson

Customer service is a highly measurable activity, and the support software you use inevitably gives you access to a ton of customer service metrics.

Call volume, chat times, resolution rates, interaction counts, and myriad other numbers are more easily recorded and measured today than ever before.

But having access to that data is only the first step. The bigger challenge is deciding what data matters, how to report that data to your leadership, and what context is needed to help the rest of the company understand the impact your work is having on the business (and your customers).

In this post, we're going to simplify that challenge by giving you 11 meaningful customer service metrics, a process for choosing the right metrics for your team and company, and some example customer service reports shared with us by other support leaders.

Prefer to watch a video instead? Check out this 30-minute webinar on the essentials of customer reporting:

11 meaningful customer service metrics

Customer service metrics can be easily measured at the level of the individual support request and then aggregated to report on overall team and individual customer service agent performance.

Many companies use different metrics that report at the case level, individual agent level, and team level to get a holistic understanding of the organization's performance. By correlating customer service metrics at different levels, your management team can better grasp leading indicators for performance and make meaningful changes to your support strategy.

Case-level metrics

Case-level metrics are an excellent way to generate customer service reports that you can use to manage your hiring, staffing, and even product strategies. Use information about topic, time created, and location to help your team understand where and why you are most busy.

Volume based on topic, for instance, shows where your customers are having the most trouble. If you see that 25% of your cases by topic are account questions, it may mean that you need to rework your documentation around that part of your product or maybe even make product changes.

When correlated with other customer support metrics, case-level metrics can also help pinpoint critical areas of opportunity. For instance, correlating cases by topic and customer satisfaction can indicate areas of your product or support experience that delight your customers less than others.

If all of your conversations related to your billing page have a lower CSAT, it may mean you need to either improve your strategy of response or change the billing page itself.

1. Cases by time created

Review the volume of new conversations created in any given time frame. This metric can help you identify times when your customers are most active and help you better set staffing levels to match demand.

If you notice that you have an increasing number of conversations coming in overnight, it may be time to consider staffing additional team members during that time. Of course, companies can best use this metric when correlated with agent capacity.

If you do not have enough volume coming in overnight to reach agent capacity, you may be able to wait a bit before hiring new folks. After all, unless you have other work that needs to be done (such as documentation or operational tasks), you don’t want to staff a role and not have enough to keep them busy.

2. Cases by topic

If you use tags or custom fields to label conversations, you can quickly spot changes in volume that might indicate a problem in your product or the effectiveness of an improvement you’ve already made. For example, has that new redesign reduced questions about updating a password?

Customer service reports by topic, especially around case volume, also give an excellent view into how your team's volume is trending. You may see that conversations around a topic grow or decrease over time.

Use that data and compare it with actions you have taken within your support strategy to understand the efficacy of your changes. If the volume is growing, it may be that the work you've done isn't as impactful as you thought.

3. Cases by location

Understand where you have the most customers needing help so you can support them appropriately, or perhaps consider adding options like localization or support in other time zones.

Speaking the same language is essential: 72.4% of consumers said they would be more likely to buy a product with information in their language. Language is also a comfort — when you can understand which language most of your customers are speaking or where they are coming from, you can provide an even better experience.

Different countries may also have cultural differences that affect how they perceive your support . By knowing which countries are reaching out most often, you may cater better to specific populations.

Individual agent metrics

Customer service metrics at the agent level are a great way to understand how individual performances contribute to the larger team's productivity. Understanding how each team member contributes and benchmarking performance are critical steps for coaching toward growth.

Beyond that, individual agent metrics often correlate up to team level metrics. Companies can also attribute average handle time and time to first response to individual team members.

Consider which types of behaviors you are trying to incentivize and encourage within your team, then use customer service reporting to get a handle on it.

4. Resolved cases

How many conversations did this person close in a given period? Averages aren't always illuminating, but trends over time can reveal top performers and those who may need some more help.

This metric can also help inform how far along in the onboarding process someone has come. As you integrate new team members and they learn more about your product and processes, you can safely expect this number to go up. If you notice stagnation or the number of resolved cases going down, it may indicate that the individual needs more help or training.

The same can be said for seasoned members of your team. While a drop in resolved cases can be a sign of burnout or a team member not being as well-informed on certain product functionality, it may also indicate other shifts in your support volume.

For instance, tickets might be becoming increasingly complex and require more effort to resolve, thus taking up more time and keeping your agents from working through as many tickets.

5. Customer interactions

A team member can be doing an excellent job while showing fewer than average resolved cases. Measuring individual interactions helps compare workload and working style.

You may have some team members who can power through hundreds of tickets a day, whereas others max out at thirty. Consider the types of conversations that each team member handles and the depth they put into their troubleshooting or discovery before responding.

For instance, if the team member who responds to thirty tickets a day often responds to tricky technical issues or has an extremely high first contact resolution rate, it makes sense that they would also handle fewer tickets.

With information like this, instead of shifting the volume higher for the person who responds to fewer tickets, you can assign each person the types of tickets they are best equipped to handle. That may mean putting the lower-volume person explicitly on technical tickets and the higher-volume individual on low-hanging fruit.

Cater to your team's strengths, and your customers will be happier for it.

Write Support Emails Your Customers Will Love

Stay on top of your emails and answer more support tickets faster and easier.

Write Support Emails Your Customers Will Love

6. Customer satisfaction

When customers rate their support experience, they may also be rating the product or service, so any individual rating isn't necessarily meaningful. Looking at longer-term rating averages for individuals and across the team is more helpful in spotting champions or those needing to improve.

You can also track customer satisfaction over time or as it correlates to product releases, bug improvements, or exciting announcements. This metric is handy when linked to the "cases by topic" customer service metric noted above. Looking at these two metrics together can give you information about if:

Agents are well-informed enough to answer questions about specific product areas or new features.

Certain product areas are frustrating your customers or causing problems.

Documentation around features is lacking.

New announcements and changes aren't sitting well with customers or users.

Your company needs to improve its product marketing or announcement methodology.

Support agents don't have the necessary vocabulary to explain to customers the "why" behind changes or features.

Use the reactions in your CSAT as they correlate to topics to inform your strategy and areas of improvement moving forward.

Recommended Reading

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Customer Satisfaction: What It Is and 6 Ways to Boost It

7. average handle time.

For individuals, having a low average handle time can reflect their comfort and skill with the work, meaning they get through cases quickly. Be careful to review it in the context of the type and complexity of the tickets.

Similarly, be wary of incentivizing average handle time too heavily. If you are encouraged to respond quickly to boost this customer service metric, you may find that your agents start to slack on the quality of their responses. It's easy to be fast if you aren't worried about whether your answer is 100% correct.

Average handle time is best when managers relate it to topics rather than to individual agents. Doing so will help inform your team's leadership if specific topics or areas take longer to answer questions about.

For instance, you might expect the subject of "bugs" to have a slower average handle time than "getting started" types of questions.

Team-level metrics

To manage anything well, you need to have metrics around it. While both agent- and contact-level metrics are valuable, team-level metrics are the foundation of meaningful growth.

Use the more granular metrics to understand your opportunities, then use customer service reports around your team-level metrics to see how the changes in your strategy are working.

Team-level metrics are most valuable when viewed over time. These metrics will best suit teams looking for a gradual improvement or exploring how significant outages or new announcements affect them. However, you shouldn't expect drastic changes week over week with these types of metrics.

8. Time to first response

How soon after a customer requests your help do they get an initial reply? Does it take longer for escalated tickets to get a response than run-of-the-mill product questions? Customer expectations for response time will vary from channel to channel, so it's worth splitting your metrics out by channel, too.

This metric usually serves as a leading indicator for customer satisfaction. This means if you begin to lower this number, you will start to notice your CSAT gradually rising. After all, customers don't want to wait long for responses and are generally delighted when a reply arrives more quickly than expected.

For that reason, some companies choose to flip the strategy of responding to the oldest tickets first. For specific questions or low-hanging fruit, your company may consider responding to the newest questions first, just to see how it affects your relationship with customers or your CSAT.

However, be careful experimenting with all types of inquiries when considering time to first response: Some types of conversations, like bugs or account/billing issues, require more adherence to the traditional strategy to treat every customer fairly.

Email Response Times: Benchmarks and Tips for Support

Email Response Times: Benchmarks and Tips for Support

9. interactions per resolution.

Generally, the fewer interactions it takes to resolve a conversation, the happier customers will be. If that number is rising, it can be an indicator of product or service issues or a shift in the type of customer you are helping.

Instead of looking at this metric on a short-term basis, understand whether it has gradually increased or decreased over time. Similarly, consider segmenting out different topics to see if the number of interactions per resolution is higher for some than others. It may make sense that technical conversations require more interactions to resolve than basic product questions.

A few ways you can lower this metric if you notice it's starting to climb:

Retrain employees on the topics where you notice this metric is the highest.

Implement or improve your saved replies.

Update internal and external documentation to provide additional resources for team members.

Identify areas of the product that create additional complexity within the context of customer service.

Ask customers for additional information in your automated responder that acknowledges receipt of their conversation.

Trigger automated routing based on specific "keywords" to ensure that the ticket gets to the best team member as quickly as possible.

Time To Resolution: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Reduce It

Time To Resolution: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Reduce It

10. average handle time.

Handle time reflects how long a conversation is open before your team takes follow-up action. Long gaps might mean opportunities to improve processes, training, or tooling to get that answer back more quickly.

This is another customer service metric that is most effective when segmented. While it's excellent to understand how long your team is taking overall , it's more beneficial to understand if individual topics take longer than others.

Tracking this at an individual level can also be helpful for understanding the health of your team members. While it can be concerning to see average handle time starting to rise for a specific team member, use it as a jumping-off point for conversation rather than accusations.

Rising average handle time can certainly mean dwindling focus, but it’s just as likely to be a leading indicator for burnout or job dissatisfaction.

11. Customer contact rate

This measures the percentage of your active customers who request help in a given month. Improved self-service options, bug fixes, clear product descriptions, and product design can all help reduce that rate as you grow.

You should look for that perfect "hockey stick" growth when it comes to this metric — meaning that it rises gradually before leveling out. While you don't want customers to stop contacting you entirely, at a certain point, the work you are doing with your ticket deflection should level out the growth.

Segment out your customer service reports to understand where most of the contacts are happening, and you'll have a clear map of what you can improve.

If you notice that conversations around your account page grow more rapidly than other topics, for example, you may have a case with your product team to improve the page, or you may just need to write more detailed documentation.

Use the metrics at your fingertips to create a road map around what you can impact, and implement service strategies to make meaningful changes.

19 Actionable Help Desk Metrics for Customer Support Teams

19 Actionable Help Desk Metrics for Customer Support Teams

How to measure and report on the right metrics.

As a customer service leader, you have access to most of the numbers above — and probably a ton more. The challenge is deciding which to report on, who to report it to, and how it should be presented.

To figure out the most important metrics for your team, consider these three questions:

Why is measuring a specific metric important?

The point of your customer service team is (I hope!) not to generate nice-looking graphs and reports. It’s to provide great service to your customers. Metrics are just a more measurable proxy for the real outcome.

For example, Kristin Aardsma is head of support for Basecamp, a company that considers their great service and fast response times to be product features. For Aardsma’s team, the combination of first-response time and customer satisfaction is a meaningful way to tell if they are staying on track.

Another example: During the high growth days of Mailchimp, Bill Bounds’ single most important job was hiring enough new staff to maintain support quality. In his words, “We were so focused on growth and getting enough people in that my primary concern was really on, ‘Hey, we’re not done hiring yet.’” So Bounds’ primary metrics were trends of volume per agent and customer satisfaction level.

When you are clear about why you are reporting, you can decide more easily what you should measure and report on and — equally important — what not to measure and report on.

Who are you reporting to?

Understanding your audience is critical to communication in all forms. What matters most to your frontline support team might not make any sense to your CEO who doesn’t have that ground-level perspective.

What you show and how you explain it might differ considerably depending on who you are reporting to. At Campaign Monitor, customer service reporting is done at three levels, and the contents of those reports are slightly different each time:

Individual agents are emailed daily reports on their personal activity and their team’s activity.

A monthly report is shared on the internal wiki with the whole company. These reports remove some of the individual agent details but add some long-term perspective.

The highest level of reporting is presented on a couple of slides to the senior management team with some written comments to explain the trends on display.

As a global and distributed company, that’s a great way to make sure everyone is up-to-date.

Alternatively, SurveyGizmo’s team is all in one building. The director of customer service presents the weekly reports in person to the support team, and there is an open discussion that senior managers are invited to attend. Physical proximity means that their whole team gets the full context and can ask for clarity easily.

Make sure to determine who you are reporting to and what they care most about. That will help direct you to the right measures.

What outcome do you want to see?

“What gets measured gets managed,” said Peter Drucker, America’s father of management philosophy.

It’s an appealingly concise piece of wisdom: You will effect change on those things you pay attention to. But as unemployed phrenologists will attest, something that is measurable is not necessarily meaningful .

“There can be too much emphasis on fluff numbers in support,” says Help Scout’s Justin Seymour. “The team likes to know what our goals are, what types of conversations we’re having, and how we’re moving the needle month to month.”

The customer service leader is in the best position to understand where the biggest opportunities are for the company. For Bounds at Mailchimp, he needed to quantify his need for more support staff, so he focused his reports on telling that story clearly and accurately.

Campaign Monitor, meanwhile, is a product company at its core, and identifying ways to improve the customer experience through a better product is a big focus of customer service reporting.

Your management team can’t have the perspective you can as the customer lead, so you need to lead them honestly and efficiently to a greater understanding of what action needs to be taken — and you can do that through consistent, clear reporting.

How To Make the Most of Your Customer Support Data

How To Make the Most of Your Customer Support Data

The qualities of a perfect customer service metric.

Ultimately, the metrics you choose to report should meet all of the following criteria:

Meaningful — They should tie back to something your company wants to achieve. For example, when your goal is highly responsive support, time to first response is an ideal metric. Resolution time may not matter.

Moveable — You should measure things on which your team can have impact. If you find that something you’re measuring doesn't matter, you have the freedom to drop that metric.

Authentic — Your reports must tell a true story. It’s possible to use real numbers to send a misleading message. Be honest even when it hurts.

Contextualized — Numbers in isolation can be stripped of meaning, so provide them in context.

Consistent — The trends over time are usually more important than specific data, and looking back over a quarter or a year can give you some fantastic insights and encouragement.

Building an impactful customer service report

When creating reports, follow these guidelines to make sure your reports are truly impactful:

Focus on trends — The direction of change usually matters most. Having an 80% customer satisfaction rate may not sound great, but a month-on-month increase from 70% to 80% is excellent news.

Direct limited attention to anomalies and changes — Your leaders are busy people, and they have a limited amount of attention to give you. Make sure it’s easy for them to understand what your reports mean. Consider providing an overall summary. For example: “We received 20% fewer questions about exporting this month, so the reworking we did in the app saved us 12 hours of support time already!”

Look for correlations that tell a bigger story — Looking at individual metrics is useful, but understanding the connections between them is where the real insight can come.

Combining metrics can also help you identify deeper issues. For example:

“When our email time to first response goes above four hours, we see consistent dips in customer satisfaction.”

“Answering billing questions takes us three times the average ticket length.”

Below is an example from my experience at Campaign Monitor. Our reporting tool could tell us when tickets arrived and how long customers were waiting for a first reply, but it couldn’t show us how many tickets were waiting for us to respond to at any given time.

By exporting data from our help desk and combining it with a week’s worth of manual measurements, we could produce a single chart that showed the correlation between larger queues and higher waiting times.

larger queues lead to longer waiting times

Our support team reviewed this chart, which stimulated a discussion about the stress and impact of a large queue of waiting tickets. Davida, our Head of Support, worked with her team to split our main queue into smaller, more manageable chunks. That change created a significant decrease in response times without adding any new resources or changing the volume of tickets.

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Step-By-Step Guide: Measuring Customer Service ROI

4 customer service report examples.

Whether you’re building out your first customer service reports or you’ve been producing reports for years, there is always an opportunity to make those reports more effective at driving improvements in your business.

Consider the four example customer service reports below — each from a real customer service team — to brainstorm some new ideas for your own reports.

Note: The format and structure of these reports are real, but we’ve obscured the actual numbers.

1. Help Scout

The Customers team at Help Scout meets weekly to discuss general team business. We believe reports are best evaluated as part of a conversation, not a simple list of metrics. Individual goals are discussed in weekly one-on-ones with a player’s coach.

The head of support presents the team’s goals once a month during the company leadership meeting. In Help Scout’s quarterly company-wide Town Hall meetings, the head of support presents a slide or two refreshing the company on team goals, the progress we’ve made, and any upcoming changes and hiring plans.

When evaluating a reporting goal, we aim to define four things for the team:

Why do we care about this?

How are we currently doing?

What are the limitations of this metric?

A simple summary of the main takeaway we want the team to know

example report from help scout's customer service team

A few notes:

While we rely on our own reporting tools , our internal support reporting focuses on the narrative these metrics tell.

We use reports to keep a quantitative eye on our goals, but we never treat these numbers as "hit at all costs." An overly rigid focus on quotas can often backfire and lower quality and team motivation.

Volume of data should always be taken into account, and different timeframes may be useful to examine different metrics. For example, we may evaluate the team happiness score once a month but individual happiness scores looking back six months.

Monitor and benchmark your support

Help Scout’s reports are an easy way to track productivity and set expectations for every metric in your customer conversations.

Monitor and benchmark your support

2. Shinesty

"Here at Shinesty , all stakeholders share reports from their department in what we call our Q4 post mortem," says Antonio King, Director of Experience. "We build reports and list findings within the information/data we’re sharing. Additionally, we share insights to gain feedback or to deploy another set of eyes."

King came on as Support Leader in 2016. Since then, Shinesty has begun looking at self-service statistics to identify any service gaps, as well as looking at more high-level metrics.

Shinesty looks at the following self-service metrics:

content views

top articles

bounce rate (Google Analytics)

sessions (Google Analytics)

searches (Google Analytics)

pages/session (Google Analytics)

missing articles/content gaps

feedback ratings


handling time per deflection

Shinesty graph

Contextual explanations are included in the reports directly to frame the report with an overall story.

Data comparisons to previous periods help add meaning to the graphs.

"My primary purpose in reporting is to show that we’re doing a consistently good job — and that there are no red flags to be aware of," says Vuk Lau, Director of Client Support at Celtra . "I share my reports monthly in a Google Doc with our Sales and Service executives — and with my team."

Lau makes these reports available for everyone in the company to view, and he also produces more detailed reports, including hourly and daily distribution, client comments, and CSAT metrics, quarterly and annually.

celtra example customer service report

The support volume is broken down by region, team, and tier.

Individual agent performance is also tracked.

The label breakdown helps identify the major sources of incoming support requests.

At Jayride , the team stays on top of reports by touching base daily, weekly, and monthly. Reports are posted in a Google Sheet so each team can track their own progress.

Aaron Lewin, Head of Customer Service, says they hold a daily 10-minute meeting with management and department heads where they talk about “what we did yesterday, what we're doing today, roadblocks, and wins. At the end of standup we also review the overall company targets (Passengers travelled, Booking Unit Profitability). All team members are encouraged to attend and listen."

Levin meets weekly with the head of operations to discuss his personal reports. Then, each month, each team showcases their progress to the entire company. These reports include conversions, resolution time, and support unit costs.

Jayride example customer service report

The support team has conversion targets that are tracked separately for pre-booking and post-booking interactions.

What metrics will you report on next month?

Customer service metrics matter. What you choose to report on and how you report it can make a real difference in the level of service you provide.

Don’t waste your valuable time compiling reports that provoke no questions and generate no action. Bill Bounds said it beautifully: “Metrics only tell you where to look for the story; they don’t tell you the story itself.”

Pick the right metrics and use them to tell a compelling story about how your customer service team is contributing to your company’s goals.

Like what you see? Share with a friend.

Mathew patterson.

After running a support team for years, Mat joined the marketing team at Help Scout, where we make excellent customer service achievable for companies of all sizes. Connect with him on Twitter and LinkedIn .

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How to Extract Maximum Value of Your Customer Service Data with Professional Customer Service Reports

Customer service reports blog post by datapine

Table of Contents

1) What Is a Service Report?

2) Customer Service Reports Benefits

3) Customer Service Reports Examples

4) Tips for Customer Service Data Analysis

5) Customer Service Performance Mistakes To Avoid

Customer service and experience count now more than ever before—no compromises, no exceptions. Brands that invest in building faultless experiences and offer exceptional standards of customer service (CS) will set themselves apart from their competitors while earning genuine consumer loyalty.

When it comes to CS, in particular, today’s digital consumer is very much in charge. Due to the hyperconnected, incredibly convenient, and instantaneous nature of the modern consumer world, as well as the number of touchpoints on offer, maintaining excellent levels of service by utilizing carefully selected customer service KPIs is the ultimate key to survival.

That said, if you’re able to answer customer queries quickly and effectively, you stand to increase your brand loyalty tenfold. To optimize your CS offerings, you need access to the right data, and this is where a customer service KPI report comes into play.

This kind of report will empower your organization to understand its clients on a deeper level, consistently meeting their needs. Armed with the right insights and the right visualizations, a service report will make your organization smarter, more efficient, and ultimately, more consumer-facing (which is essential to ongoing growth in the digital age).

In this article, we will explain how data analytics can significantly improve your CS offerings while explaining the vital role reporting plays in propelling your business to new commercial heights. We’ll also look at a mix of inspiring dashboards and template examples based on different types of customer service reports.

Ready? Let's get started.

“There is only one boss. The customer.” – Sam Walton , founder of Walmart

What Is a Service Report?

A customer service report is a tool composed of a mix of customer service metrics that help organizations meet customer expectations and provide better experiences. Thanks to real-time data, businesses can optimize their service levels while increasing profits.

Customer service report example

From average response time to NPS score , a customer service report provides deep and valuable insight into key areas of your consumer-facing efforts. In turn, this will provide you with an astute understanding of the positive areas to build upon and the areas of improvement.

To provide the best possible standards of CS on a consistent basis, understanding how your consumers interact with your company is vital. Having the right online reporting tool will ensure your data stays up-to-date and evolves as your company changes.

In the Age of Information, there are several customer service reports to explore—each with different assets, attributes, and capabilities. It’s possible to use a customer service report for a wealth of different aims, goals, and purposes, some common types include:

Internal agent reports: In many ways, your customer service team is the beating heart of your entire organization. In fact, customer service and experience are two of the most important drivers of success in today’s digital world. An internal customer service report will give you the insights required to assess as well as demonstrate how well your customer service team deals with inquiries across multiple channels. This stringent level of internal insight will give you the data to track individual progress as well as collective output so that you can provide tailored support and training where required. This is an essential report for ongoing productivity and departmental progress.

External stakeholder reports: In addition to internal customer service analytics, you should work with external service reports. Tracking this branch of customer service data is essential for managing healthy relationships with external stakeholders, including partners, sponsors, and investors. By presenting your most valuable service insights in a dynamic visual format, you can make persuasive cases for planning and investment in a way that’s universally understood and accepted. External reports will also give you the tools to benchmark your success or progress against industry standards, which is often an important factor for gaining ongoing support from investors and stakeholders.

Real-time reports: Real-time service reports are designed to maximize your ability to respond to issues and inquiries under pressure. These types of customer support reports track ‘in the moment’  insights as they change, evolve, or emerge. By gaining access to the right daily customer service report, you can nip any rising issues in the bud while making concrete decisions that will ultimately improve your service operations and strategies. Having access to this highly responsive level of information is vital, especially when your service team is responsible for managing an ever-growing demand for consumer support.

Omnichannel service reports: Omnichannel reports are designed to consolidate essential service metrics across a host of consumer channels. Using these types of reports will help you manage your service strategy and output across a wealth of touchpoints including email, phone support, online chat, and social media with complete confidence. Not only will omnichannel reporting help you maximize overall responsiveness and efficiency - it will also give you the tools to uncover patterns or trends to keep improving your strategy.

What Are the Benefits of Customer Service Reports?

Customer service reports benefits

Now that you know what a customer service report is and the role it plays in improving your consumer-facing processes, let’s look at the key benefits.

In the digital age, consumers are more empowered, more tech-savvy, and more demanding than ever before. If you don’t satisfy a customer’s needs or resolve their issues almost instantly or with a degree of competency that they deem unacceptable, they simply will not stick around. Add to this the fact that clients now trust the opinions of their peers more than the brand itself, and focusing on your CS offerings should be your topmost priority if you want to succeed.

There are seemingly infinite benefits to the pursuit of customer reporting. By gaining access to the right insights, you can:

  • Improve your company’s best response time

The response time is the backbone of any CS department or organization. We have written a bit more on the average response time below in our article, but the main point is to keep it as short as possible. If you track this metric in your weekly or monthly reports , you can significantly improve it by identifying your bottlenecks (maybe the number of available agents during a rush-hour shift is too low, for example).

  • Prevent callbacks about a repeat issue

Let’s face it, consumers don’t like to call back or repetitively point out a single issue. By utilizing comprehensive reports in which you can include the first call resolution metric (FCR) or recorded calls as they're critical, you will have immediate access to data and a better chance to act promptly, without providing low-level service that can cost you in the long run. Setting detailed reports on a single screen will enable you to increase the level of your support department and ensure customers are taken care of at all times.

  • Reward your top-performing agents and boost internal morale

Top-performing agents should be rewarded. If you see beneficial results in your reports, investigate further and see whose work has brought those results. Better yet, implement a team KPI dashboard that will show you immediately how your team is performing and where you need to allocate more resources ( educational materials or workshops ) so that the whole department has more chances to improve their results. You can also ask your top agents to educate other team members and provide them with tactics that bring success and sustainable development.

  • Track the level and nature of issues overtime to make informed strategic decisions

If you lose track and count of your customer issues when you manually insert information into a spreadsheet, you can cause serious issues in the long run. It’s simple to miss a row or comment made by another colleague, non-intentionally, but definitely harmful. If your reports , for example, have set intelligent alarms that will send you a notification as soon as an anomaly occurs, you can improve the tracking of issues and create an environment that will improve your decision-making processes in the future.

  • Gain a deeper insight into how your company is perceived by your customers

Another benefit is measuring satisfaction. A satisfied customer is worth more than any other indicator you could possibly track or evaluate. It is fairly known that a contented customer will recommend you on average to 3 friends, while the unsatisfied ones have the power to access and write on the Internet about their experiences with your brand. By regularly evaluating how you are perceived by your customers, you have the power to predict and act on potential future obstacles.

  • Evaluate and improve your net promoter score (NPS)

Net promoter score is one of the customer satisfaction metrics that are, simply put, all about referrals. The goal is to obtain as many promoters as you can which will enable you to expand your brand and enhance your loyalty rates. The more loyal consumers you have, the more rewards your company will reap. If you properly take advantage of ensuring your reports also include the net promoter score, you will be able to quickly evaluate how detractors, neutrals, and promoters affect your bottom line. In the above image, you see an example of an interactive way to display your NPS, dividing consumers into promoters, passives, and detractors.

Net promoter score NPS KPI for customer satisfaction

  • Enhance priceless retention and loyalty rates

Closely connected to the net promoter score, the retention and loyalty rate are all focused on gaining your customers’ trust and enabling them to spread positive words about your organization. Retaining a customer is essentially much less expensive than gaining a new one and with the help of a proper report, your CS department can thrive. By looking at your customer retention metrics you can also extract conclusions like which channels your target audience engages in the most and allocate your budget and efforts accordingly.

  • Make your CS department more effective by reducing costs

A customer service report sample can also help improve financial efficiency. Reducing support costs is not about cutting down manpower or investing the lowest amount of dollars into your support department. It’s mainly about optimizing your processes and reaching the highest quality of your services with the lowest costs possible. That would mean that your agents are efficient and trained pretty well, and the agents’ schedules are corresponding with the needs of the department. To have an at a glance overview, creating a customer support report will ensure that you monitor your expenses regularly and efficiently.

It’s clear that there are a host of tangible benefits as stated in our 8 points above, and many of them will have a positive impact on other areas of the business. To get details into each mentioned KPI, you can read more about it below in our examples section of the article.

In short, they offer the power to understand your company to make informed decisions based on accurate insights rather than making estimations and taking actions that offer little value to the organization or its customers.

Companies that grow their retention rates by as little as 5% often see profit increases ranging from 25% to 95% . Like this, you’ll not only be able to boost your retention rates significantly but you’ll also be able to boost your brand’s reputation, thereby resulting in commercial growth and increased profits.

We live in a world rife with invaluable digital insights. If you fail to use this information to your advantage, you are missing out on vital opportunities that can improve the efficiency, output, and cohesion of your organization’s CS department, which could prove disastrous in the long run.

  • Understand your customers’ preferred channels of communication

As we migrate towards an increasingly hyper-connected age dominated by digitally native consumers (mainly millennials and gen zers), consumers can access a wealth of information at the swipe of a screen or the click of a button. As such, today’s consumers like to interact with brands across an increasingly broad range of channels or touchpoints.

From Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat to TikTok, YouTube, mobile apps, online chat, email, and beyond, there are so many ways you can connect with your customers in the modern age. And while there is almost an endless scope for connecting with them you will find that almost everyone who interacts with your organization has a preferred channel.

By working with the right customer service analysis metrics, you can discover, at a glance, which channels your clients prefer for particular issues or communicative reasons. By uncovering this information with ease, you can branch out to your consumers using the right method, solving their issues or pain points in a way that’s personable and meets their needs. This will boost your satisfaction rates, improve your brand reputation, and grow the company.

  • Plan staffing schedules and spot the need for training

Providing your agents with the right training is essential to the ongoing growth and development of your CS department. Without adequate training and mentorship, your agents will not only thrive in their roles, but they will become more efficient, responsive, adaptable, and innovative.

With the right customer report, you can pinpoint where your agents are struggling to resolve your consumers’ issues or answer the right questions. Using this specific information to your advantage, you can provide tailored training to get straight to the root of the issue and ensure your team can tackle everything that comes their way with confidence.

Using this type of service report, you can also gain an informed understanding of how many agents you need working at one time, overseeing the entire operation with clarity to jump in and offer support or training when it’s needed. These business dashboards will also help you understand the days and times your customers are contacting you the most. Having this info is valuable as it will allow you to plan shifts and make sure you have the number of agents needed to cover the volume of tickets at any given time, boosting your service levels in the process.

Client support can prove to be a challenging role, and by offering your agents practical mentorship, it’s more than likely that you will also boost morale, motivate your team to keep improving and boost productivity across the board.

  • Identify areas for product improvement

This is a commonly overlooked facet of CS success, but it's incredibly important: the quality or value of your products will have a direct impact on the success of your service strategy.  

By using a service report to monitor specific queries or issues, you will swiftly paint a picture concerning any products that are failing to meet your consumers’ needs or expectations.

If you’re a fitness tech supplier, for instance, and you notice a spike in complaints centered on the interface quality of your latest outdoor pursuits watch, you can quickly notify your product team about the specific issues resulting in complaints.

By providing this level of consumer intelligence, a report on customer service essentially becomes a vessel for overall organizational improvement. It’s true that your CS department is your main point of consumer communication or resolution. But it’s vital to understand that it’s also a vessel for invaluable frontline information.

Armed with dynamic information, your CS department will become a valuable hub for organizational intelligence, helping you improve your communications, marketing messaging, and the products you develop, sell, and promote.

Customer Service Reports Examples & Templates

We’ve looked at the what and why of customer reports, and now we’re going to explore the primary customer service dashboards associated with an organization’s various CS-based activities.

1. Customer Service Team Dashboard

In this day and age, to provide an exceptional standard of service, you must exceed customer expectations.

This customer service report template focuses on the team metrics and KPIs

**click to enlarge**

This first customer service report sample hones your team’s overall performance on a daily and monthly basis by focusing on response time and individual agent performance all in one centralized space. Your team’s performance is vital to the success of your entire operation and this BI dashboard will help you make valuable contributions toward driving your organization forward.

  • Average response time: To enhance your customer satisfaction level and productivity rates, keeping your average response time to a minimum is a must. This particular KPI measures the time right from the moment a customer makes a call to the moment an agent responds. This along with other related service desk KPIs offer an excellent insight into your overall CS performance levels.
  • First call resolution: The First call resolution rate gives a clear indication of how successful your team is at solving an issue upon the first contact. An improvement in this area might increase your call handle rate, but it will have a minor impact if your first call resolution level has improved.
  • Top agents: Staff satisfaction and morale are perhaps one of the most vital drivers of positive customer support performance. By tracking this metric over several months, you’ll be able to identify which of your agents can benefit from additional support and training and which agents you should reward and recognize.
  • The number of issues: By understanding the volume of incoming calls and queries coming as well as the nature of each inquiry, you’ll be able to make informed staffing decisions to cope with demand at particular times while improving your strategy to meet the needs of your customers.

2. Customer Satisfaction Dashboard

Customer satisfaction remains a number one priority for today’s businesses as it translates to an increase in brand loyalty and in many cases, an increased spend per customer.

The Customer Satisfaction dashboard displays the Customer Effort Score, the Net Promoter Score, that both impact the customer satisfaction

Focused on all primary aspects of customer satisfaction, experience, perception, and retention, this particular example will help you keep your consumer happy, engaged, and loyal to your business.

  • Net promoter score (NPS): Your NPS is critical to your entire operation because it shows the perception of your support levels by the public. Essentially, it determines how likely someone is to refer you to their peers. On a scale of 1 – 10, and based on their scores, customers are either considered promoters (9-10), passives (7-8), or detractors (0-6). By improving your NPS score, you’ll ultimately see an increase in growth and loyalty.
  • Customer effort score: This is a particularly critical KPI as it gives you a glimpse into the standard of your overall customer experience offerings. By understanding the elements of your customer experience that are letting your company down, you’ll be able to make vital improvements and in turn, grow the company.
  • Customer retention: As mentioned, customer retention is essential to the success of your organization. By setting a retention rate target and working towards it, you’ll improve your brand image and expand your customer base over time.

3. Customer Support KPI Dashboard

Regardless of your CS role or level of seniority, there’s always room for improvement.

Call center data analytics presented with the revenue value, costs per support, average time to solve an issue wand overall satisfaction

That last customer service report template is heavily populated with information and tracks a host of indicators that are common to a helpdesk dashboard in addition to customer satisfaction or even a customer service dashboard . With a wealth of invaluable insights available on one easy-to-navigate platform, this dashboard offers managers all the support information they need at a glance with the option to drill deeper into individual performance indicators and insights.

  • Service level: This particular metric calculates your capacity to complete the standards confirmed in the service level agreement (SLA) you provide to your customers. This KPI is important as it showcases your commitment to delivering on your promises and will help you identify ways in which you can improve your overall standards.
  • Customer support vs revenue: A priceless support metric, this KPI helps you to calculate how much the support costs are in relation to the total revenue. If you can provide incredibly high standards of service for decreased costs, commercial growth and increased revenue are inevitable. This KPI will help you gain the insights you need to achieve this goal.
  • Customer satisfaction: A satisfied customer lies at the beating heart of every successful organization. By getting a tangible gauge of what your customers currently think of you, you’ll be able to make improvements in the areas that matter most.

4. Customer Retention Dashboard

It’s no secret that retaining existing customers is more cost-effective than attracting new ones. And given the fact that loyal customers spend an average of 67% more than new consumers , investing in your retention strategies and activities will prove essential to your success.

This is a service report dashboard example focusing on customer retention

As one of our most valuable service reports, this dynamic customer retention dashboard is designed to sustainably improve your consumer retention rates.

Visually balanced and featuring charts, graphs, and visualizations that offer at-a-glance insights into retention-centric progress and trend-based insights, this report is a go-to resource for companies across industries.

Here, you will find everything you need to benchmark your success in specific customer retention-centric areas while identifying potential strengths and weaknesses—a visual vessel for CS success.

  • Customer churn: This sales KPI also plays an essential role in customer retention, as it helps you understand which portion or percentage of your customers have stopped using your business or service over a set timeframe. Here, you can identify peaks or troughs in your customer churn rates, pinpoint potential loyalty issues, and create targeted strategies to reduce them.
  • Net retention rate: Your net retention rate is important as it gives you a deeper insight into new vs. repeat customer churn rates while calculating new product or service cancellations over a set period. By tracking the net retention rate consistently, you will be able to make valuable tweaks or improvements to your service or customer experience journey.
  • Revenue churn: This revenue-focused KPI will help you track, monitor, and measure the percentage of revenue your business has lost from your existing customers. Here, you can trace trends, pinpoint where the revenue loss came from (a product cancellation or service downgrade, for example), and make strategic refinements to reduce your revenue churn rates consistently.
  • MRR growth rate: Your MRR (monthly recurring revenue) is another essential metric. It will tell you how your retention rates are affecting your bottom line over a set period. In turn, you will gain a clear understanding of what might be affecting your MRR and tackle the issue head-on.

“Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong.” – Donald Porter, V.P of British Airways

5. Agent Talk Dashboard

Despite the ever-growing number of channels available to today's customers, many people still like to communicate the 'old-fashioned' way - via the telephone.

Customer service report example: a dashboard focusing on the performance of talk support

The quality of your calls counts - and this talk-centric customer service report will tell you all you need to make your telephone-based communications more impactful and efficient based on four key areas: unsuccessful inbound calls, general efficiency, agent activity, and conversation quality.

This insightful Zendesk dashboard will give you the tools you need to answer more calls and resolve more complaints within a specific time frame without compromising on service quality. By using this customer service report example as your talk-based informational North Star, you will improve the success of your CS offerings exponentially, improving your brand reputation in the process.

  • Answer time: This most telling metric will give you an accurate gauge of how long it takes your agents to answer calls. By tracking this KPI consistently, you will gain an understanding of exactly how efficient your call system is and pinpoint any potential weaknesses so you can make targeted improvements.
  • Leg talk time: This particular customer service analysis example is based on how long it takes your agents to provide a resolution during a customer call. Each leg refers to a different stage of the service or sales cycle, providing you with targeted information that will empower you to make improvements or agent support exactly where it’s needed.
  • Unsuccessful inbound calls: Presented as a digestible bar chart, this KPI tracks how many customers calls fail to connect or get picked up within a specific period, as well as the primary reasons why. Gaining access to this level of detailed service information will empower you to understand where your service is failing most and dig deeper into the issue, improving your overall customer experience offerings in the process.
  • Quality rate: The quality rate KPI measures the general quality of your call center. Essentially, the quality rate is the percentage of calls that receive good-quality reviews based on the total number of conversations. Setting a realistic benchmark will give you a continual gauge of your call center’s result, empowering you to respond to any dips in quality quickly, preserving your service offerings as a result.

6. Customer Service Quality Dashboard

When it comes to customer service analysis, monitoring the overall quality of your efforts will ensure you remain responsive, progressive, and efficient across the board. It’s not only important to be responsive in today’s competitive digital landscape – you must also be able to provide consistent resolutions to a variety of requests or issues with clarity and confidence. That’s where this effective customer service report template comes in.

Customer service report example tracking omnichannel metrics

Featuring a dynamic mix of customer support analysis metrics, our customer service quality dashboard is designed to monitor your ongoing progress across your most engaged service channels, including email, telephone, online chat, and social media. Here, you can track integral trends or patterns in real-time and gauge your abandonment and resolution times and costs.

  Main KPIs:

  • Average resolution time: This customer service analysis report metric quantifies the length of time, in minutes, your service team takes to tie up consumer issues or requests. The reason this metric is so effective is that it takes standard as well as more specialist requests into account, offering an accurate weekly average. If you notice that your resolution times are dwindling, you can drill down into the issue and take targeted measures to streamline your processes for specific service channels.
  • Cost per resolution: Often featured within a customer service weekly report template, this service metric will tell you how much it actually costs to solve your consumers’ requests or issues. It’s possible to break this information down across specific channels and pinpoint the driving factors behind cost fluctuations. The aim here is to have lower costs and higher satisfaction rates by getting to the root of the problem swiftly. Rising costs could be related to platform licensing fees, inefficient team structures, or poor internal communication. You can uncover the issue and solve it.
  • Total & solved tickets by channel: This telling visualization will give you a balanced insight into your overall ticket status. Segmented into different service channels, it’s possible to keep your customer service reporting structure efficient while getting to grips with your service capacity and limitations. If you identify any dips or irregularities in your ticket handling success, you will be able to find out the reason why and get your weekly service strategy back on track.
  • Abandon rate: This essential service quality metric will give you an ongoing appraisal of how many people give up on a service interaction without having their issue solved. If you notice a spike in these numbers, immediate action is required. Using this visualization, you can understand whether issues like service backlogs, clunky resolution processes, or poorly trained agents are driving your numbers up. Armed with the right knowledge, you can get your service levels back on track quickly.

13 Top Tips for Customer Service Data Analysis

While CS insights are priceless to any modern organization regardless of its industry or sector, due to the colossal volume of information available on a daily basis, creating and managing it effectively can prove to be challenging.

Here, we’re going to share 13 essential tips for effective customer service data analysis.

Top 13 tips for your customer service data analysis process

1. Create a detailed report plan

To generate the best possible service report, you have to create a solid customer-facing plan. You need to understand the scope of the data that you are going to report on and the roles of the stakeholders involved (from front-line reps to service development executives, communications specialists, and beyond). Creating a draft to ensure you have all the steps covered beforehand will save you a lot of time later on. With the help of a BI reporting tool , you can look at the bigger picture and identify what kind of report you are going to generate (more on that below), who are you going to address, and what is your end goal. Preparation and planning are key factors in creating a stable and gainful report practice, and you should not skip this step.

2. Structure your reports based on the end-user

Depending on whether you selected KPIs for your support team, departmental or C-level manager, structuring your data is of utmost importance. Who will use the customer report is the baseline of your report creation. This is also closely connected to selecting the right metrics (more on this below) as the team leader won’t collect and analyze the same metrics as the support agent, but focus on the team’s performance, for example, to be able to provide necessary training and ensure stable processes. Using a comprehensive online dashboard , you can monitor performance indicators related to your top agents, the number of issues, or the first call resolution time automatically, streamlining your customer service data analysis efforts in the process.

3. Use a mix of real-time and historical data

When you’re working with a customer support report template, it’s also important not to pigeonhole your analytical efforts. What we mean here is that you shouldn’t only work with one set of insights (only real-time metrics, for example). To get a well-rounded view of your service progress, capabilities, and strategy, it’s vital to explore both real-time metrics and historical insights. Taking this balanced approach will ensure you can respond to emerging issues swiftly while uncovering past patterns or trends that will help you formulate efficient service strategies across all key communication channels.

4. Choose your KPIs

Each business is different and insights that might prove particularly useful to one organization might not be the same for another. However, selecting the right KPIs for your business in a collaborative capacity is essential to the reports’ success. The average response time, for instance, will tell you how long it takes for an agent to respond to a customer call. If you respond swiftly and diligently, your brand image will remain positive, and the customer will certainly not complain. On the other hand, if you put them on hold for a longer period of time (more than a minute), the probability that they will hang up significantly increases but also the potential to harm your reputation.

Once you’ve identified the information that will help you enhance your CS offerings the most, you will be able to set up a visual data dashboard customized to your needs, goals, and objectives. To ensure that you get optimum value from certain metrics, you should set measurement time parameters that will give you a comprehensive snapshot of averages and trends. It will also give you the most accurate view of your CS data. That brings us to our next point. If you want a complete guide on how to choose the right indicators for your business, take a look at our KPIs vs metrics post!

5. Monitor and analyze your data regularly

To ensure your CS analysis report provides invaluable quality and the best possible insights, you need to regularly monitor and analyze your findings. To create a sustainable customer KPI report, utilizing modern software and online data analysis tools such as datapine will make sure your data is up to date and valid in any given situation.

By monitoring your information in real-time and graphically representing data through a series of charts you can easily manipulate and drill down into bits and pieces that would, otherwise, remain hidden. The analytical part is one of the most important steps you need to perform in order to successfully build and maintain a profitable strategy.

Through logical analysis, you will be able to meet your customers’ needs at every stage of their journey and provide a seamless service across every channel or touchpoint.

Customer reporting isn’t just collecting numerous data, but analyzing the numbers and answering important questions.  If you do that, you will take your customer service offerings to the next level.

6. Use a balanced mix of service KPIs

Once you’ve established your goals, selected your most valuable KPIs, and put everything together with the help of a dashboard generator , your customer service analysis success will boil down to drilling down into the right information at the right times.

Armed with a dashboard that consolidates all of the most important data from your CS department, you will be able to regularly monitor a wealth of insights. However, if you want to extract maximum value from your data, it’s vital to work with a balanced mix of metrics . This will give you a clear indication of how valuable your existing analytical reports are in a practical context.

When we say you should use a mix of KPIs, we mean tracking:

  • Historical data
  • Real-time data
  • Predictive data

For balanced and progressive analytics success, it’s essential that your metrics and visualizations work together to display insights that paint a picture of past trends of performance (for comparison), real-time activity (to adapt and respond to challenges as they happen), and potential future patterns (to create strategies that nip possible issues in the bud or capitalize on potential opportunities).

7. Tell a story with your data

As humans, we digest information far more effectively when it’s presented in the form of a story or narrative.

When interacting with your customer service report data, it’s important that you arrange your visualizations, KPIs, and metrics in a way that is logical and tells a story.

Doing so will provide accessible insights into how you are performing in key areas of your customer operations while giving everyone in the department the tools to use that data to improve their individual progress while communicating more effectively.

Our definitive guide to data storytelling will tell you all you need to know to get started.

8. Create customer profiles & personas

As mentioned, even when you’ve collected your customer service data, developed your reports, and started using them, you must regularly assess and refine your analytics efforts.

To put your data into a real-world context and ensure your metrics remain relevant, creating (and updating) customer profiles or personas is a valuable activity.

A customer profile or persona is a representation of your ideal target customers and consists of a description of their needs, wants, and pain points while outlining essential demographic information, including:

  • Name (to humanize your customer profiles)
  • Family situation
  • Preferred communication method
  • Level of digital literacy

By creating a set of customer profiles or personas, you will better understand your data and ensure the metrics you’re tracking are still directly relevant to your strategy. Customer profiles will also help you humanize your data and make more effective analytical decisions as a result.

9. Segment your customers

Concerning your business’s more customer-facing activities, by segmenting your consumers into distinct groups, you will be able to understand their needs, preferences, or issues on a deeper level, improving the quality of your communications as a result. You can use your customer personas or profiles to do this.

For example, by working with your customer support and satisfaction KPIs, you can segment your customers based on whether they are new or repeat customers, their service or product preferences, or the nature of their issues.

Doing this will empower you to dig deeper into your most relevant data and create initiatives that will ultimately improve the way you tackle service issues as well as the standard of experience you offer your customers.

If you want to dig deeper into customer segmentation with professional analytical methods take a look at our complete guide to data analysis .

10. Map out our customer journey

In the age of information, customer service is consistent with countless activities and functions, many of which cross over with marketing and sales.

The point here is: digitally-driven companies are becoming increasingly cohesive and, as such, departments collaborate on activities and initiatives more than ever.

That said, one of the most effective ways of improving your service department across the board is using your various dashboards to develop a customer journey map.

A customer journey map provides an outline of how a customer might interact with your brand from start to finish. By developing a map using your customer data, you will be able to understand which channels or touchpoints need attention and where possible bottlenecks or issues might arise.

You should examine your KPIs across every key function (from support performance to retention) to create your customer journey and highlight where you need to focus your efforts. When you share this data with your sales and marketing decision-makers, you can all work together to develop a journey that is rich, rewarding, and seamless from start to finish using informative, reliable insights as your guide.

11. Perform sentiment analysis

The best customer service reports templates will give you the ability to drill down into sentiment analytics. This savvy approach to service strategy is a branch of natural language processing (NLP), and it will help you gain a greater understanding of your audience. Using a sentiment-based approach will empower you to understand whether a consumer interaction is positive, negative, or neutral. 

Sentiment analytics is based on text-centric interactions including feedback, testimonials, reviews, forum interactions, and social media comments or conversations. Mining for these insights will uncover a wealth of intelligence that you can use to your service-boosting advantage.

Gaining this level of intelligence will help you improve your service content and communications while getting a firm grip on how your brand is perceived by your target audience. In turn, you will be able to take consistent measures to keep your satisfaction rates high.

NLP will present your business with a huge competitive advantage, learn more about it in our BI trends blog post for 2023!

12. Automate your report generation

Not only will automating the generation of your reports save you time and boost your efficiency; it will also help you streamline the core aspects of your customer service strategy. Automating your service reports will give you the space to focus on rolling out targeted strategic initiatives like service training workshops, curating personable and engaging helpdesk content, and updating your resolution processes while keeping up to date with essential trends, patterns, or information. As a result, you will create a service analytics ecosystem that will see your department thrive in the long term.

13. Share your report and derive actionable insights

Submitting your results via scheduled, automated emails or sharing an interactive dashboard will cut the time needed to generate, consolidate, and export numerous data points you might have. Sharing information is another important aspect of creating and managing customer support reports. To be able to fully focus on what is crucial in your reporting process,  you can benefit from automated reporting that way you won’t need to spend numerous hours on exporting spreadsheets or preparing presentations, but your data will be immediately accessible while you can focus on what matters the most: actionable insights.

These were some basic tips on how to create a successful customer service analysis report and improve your bottom line.

Customer Service Performance Mistakes To Avoid

At this point, you know what elements make a solid customer service reporting structure. Now, it’s time to look at which mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

1. Not measuring performance with KPIs

Without a doubt, customer service is one of the most performance-driven departments of any modern business.

When you’re looking to develop your efforts, measuring performance matters. There’s more to CS development than a happy or unhappy customer alone. There are several factors that can influence the success of your communications across channels. And without using visual KPIs to benchmark and quantify your performance in these key areas, it’s unlikely that you will ever meet your customers’ needs fully.

Choosing KPIs targets based on your specific customer service goals will ensure you have the information you need to nip any potential service issues in the bud while enhancing your communications across channels. Without this information, all you will ever do is shoot in the dark and provide an average service, falling behind your competitors in the process.

If you’re looking to improve your overall call efficiency, you will use the talked metrics we covered earlier, for example. And, if one of your core aims is to improve the quality of your products, you should focus on KPIs that show specific customer complaints over a certain timeframe.

2. Not measuring every channel

If you only hone in on customer support reports metrics based on phone or online chat or email, for instance, you will never achieve a cohesive, well-rounded, and fully-operation customer service strategy.

Many businesses fail to explore every strand of relevant data across all communication channels, meaning that their overall service quality or NPS scores suffer. To meet your customer’s needs across the board, it’s vital that you explore metrics across any potential customer service channel that your consumers use to engage with you.

Today, customers branch out to businesses via social media, mobile apps, YouTube comments, email, third-party feedback platforms, online chat, telephone, and more. So, track data across every channel to ensure your efforts continue to evolve with your customer base. Fail to do so, and you will fall behind your competitors.

3. Not getting buy-in across the business

Setting accurate service benchmarks is vital to ensure you’re consistently performing at optimum levels. But without buy-in from the top or other seniors across departments (sales and marketing are strongly linked to CS), your customer service reporting goals will become seriously stunted.

To avoid getting your data-driven efforts quashed by the C-suite, you must build a case for your customer service performance reporting tools and strategies by building a compelling case on your existing service issues, explaining how working with cutting-edge report templates will help solve them.

Work to get buy-in early on, and you will reap the maximum rewards of customer service performance reporting.

4. Not involving everyone in the department

A customer service report format is only ever as effective as the people using it. To maximize the success of your analytical efforts, you must empower everyone within the department, as well as any relevant sub-departments, with the right level of access, training, and knowledge to squeeze every last drop of value from your reports.

Not providing adequate training, workshops, and department updates will cause confusion, dilute your efforts, and offer a poor return on investment (ROI) for your efforts.

5. Not testing, tracking, and evolving your strategy

To ensure your reports are 100% consistent, relevant, and valuable, you must periodically check in with certain aspects of your service reports to ensure the insights being served up are really benefiting your business. Without frequently testing and tracking your reports, you could start to suffer from inaccurate information that will lead you down a brand reputation-crushing rabbit hole. Regularly test your reports, and you’ll keep those satisfaction levels at a consistent peak.

Key Takeaways Customer Service Reporting

In today’s hyper-connected digital world, customer service counts. In fact, this year and beyond, customer experience (CX) and service are set to become the number one brand differentiator, surpassing both price and product in terms of business value.

Meeting your customers’ needs and pain points head-on is no longer a luxury, it’s essential — and a customer service report will help you get there.

By using the unrivaled power of these reports to your advantage, you will become more productive, strategic, insightful, and approachable. 

The result? A reputation for customer service innovation that will not only help you stand out in your niche but accelerate the growth of your business.

With the help of cutting-edge dashboard software , you can develop dashboards that will let you dive deep into analysis and track essential day-to-day activities as well as performance metrics that will set you apart from the pack, one initiative at a time.

We have explored essential types of service reports, outlined the benefits, and shared tips on maximizing the value of your business’s most essential insights. Now, it's your turn!

To unleash the business-boosting power of customer service reports, try our 14-day free trial today .

Learn how top CX leaders are scaling personalized customer service at their companies. Register for our online event.

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What Are Customer Service Reports & How To Write Them (Free Template)

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Customer service reports are crucial tools used by businesses to measure customer satisfaction and identify areas of improvement.

These reports provide valuable insights into the performance of a company's customer service department, helping to enhance the customer experience and, consequently, the company's bottom line.

An American Express survey found that 7 out of 10 U.S. consumers say they've spent more money to do business with a company that delivers excellent service. With statistics like these, it becomes clear that understanding and improving customer service through reporting isn't just beneficial; it's crucial for business success.

This article aims to guide you through the process of creating effective customer service reports and how they can be utilized to drive business growth.

What is a customer service report?

A customer service report is a detailed document that provides a comprehensive overview of an organization's customer service performance.

These reports offer insights into essential metrics such as response times, customer satisfaction levels, and issue resolution rates, amongst others. With a customer service report, businesses can identify areas that need improvement, understand their customers' experiences better, and gauge the effectiveness of the service team.

A well-structured service report often contains information about customer interactions, feedback, complaints, and resolutions. This data is invaluable for making informed decisions to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why are customer support reports important?

Customer service reports serve as the backbone of any organization that seeks to deliver superior customer service. They offer valuable insights that can significantly impact the business's overall operation and success.

  • Demonstrate Value: One of the main reasons customer service reports are essential is that they can demonstrate the value of your customer support team to the rest of the company. By outlining key metrics, these reports showcase how the team contributes to customer satisfaction and retention, consequently affecting the company's bottom line.
  • Identify Areas for Improvement: Customer service reports can reveal patterns and trends, highlighting areas where there might be room for improvement. This could be in the form of slow response times, frequent complaints about a particular issue, or other areas where the support team might need to meet customer expectations .
  • Optimization: By tracking metrics over time, customer service reports allow for the identification of bottlenecks in your support process. Observing these trends will enable the business to optimize workflows, reduce handling time, and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Strategic Planning: These reports provide data that is essential for strategic planning. Knowing how your support team performs on different aspects allows for better resource allocation, staffing decisions, and overall customer service strategy.

In essence, customer service reports are not just a reflection of the team's performance but also a tool for continuous improvement and strategic planning.

13 types of customer service reports

In order to manage and improve customer service effectively, it's important to understand the different types of reports that can be utilized.

Here's an overview:

  • Team performance reports: These provide an overview of how your customer service team is performing as a whole. They can help identify areas of strength and areas for improvement.
  • Individual reports: These reports evaluate the performance of individual team members. They can be used for performance reviews and to determine training needs.
  • Training reports: These reports keep track of the training each team member has received and how it's affecting their performance.
  • Project reports: These reports detail the progress of specific projects or initiatives undertaken by the customer service team.
  • Ticket Volume Report: This report measures the number of support tickets generated over a certain period. High ticket volumes may indicate a larger issue at hand.
  • Resolution Time Report : This tracks the average time it takes to resolve a customer support ticket, offering insights into efficiency.
  • First Response Time Report : This report measures how quickly your team responds to customer inquiries. It's a key metric in customer satisfaction.
  • CSAT Report : The Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) report measures customer satisfaction with your service, providing valuable feedback.
  • NPS Report : The Net Promoter Score (NPS) report gauges customer loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend your service.
  • Customer Feedback and Comments Report: This report collates feedback and comments from customers, providing qualitative insights to complement numerical data.
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Compliance Report: This monitors your team's adherence to service level agreements, ensuring commitments to customers are met.
  • Escalation Report: This report tracks escalated customer service issues to ensure they're resolved in a timely manner.
  • Issue Category Report: This report identifies the most common types of customer service issues, helping to identify systemic problems and possible solutions.

How to write a customer service report in 6 steps

Garnering an understanding of your customer service performance is essential for any organization. Through a well-structured customer service report, you can gain insights that enable you to improve your services, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost your company's reputation.

Here are six steps to write a comprehensive customer service report:

Step One: Start with your metrics.

The key to an effective customer service report lies in the selection of the right metrics to measure. Metrics are a reflection of your customer service strategy and can help track progress, pinpoint areas of improvement, and guide decision-making.

Some pivotal customer experience (CX) metrics to consider include:

  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • First Response Time (FRT).

CSAT measures customer satisfaction on a specific interaction, while NPS indicates customers' willingness to recommend your product or service. FRT, on the other hand, assesses the speed of your customer service response.

Step Two: Add Context to Your Data

The second step in enhancing your customer experience strategy involves adding meaningful context to your data.

This process transforms raw numbers into a story, allowing you to convey your message effectively and persuasively. For example, you might use customer feedback to provide real-world examples of the points you're making, adding depth and color to your data.

An even more effective method can be the use of session replay technology , such as that offered by Fullview. This tool auto-records user sessions within your app, giving you insights into user behavior, frustration signals, bug encounters, and more.

Using this tool, you can provide powerful, visually engaging evidence to support your data points, such as showing how your customer support team effectively resolves specific customer inquiries.

By bringing your data to life with context, you can make it resonate more deeply with your audience and drive your points home.

Step Three: Incorporate News and Updates

The third step is to incorporate relevant news and updates into your strategy for a more comprehensive understanding of your customer experience.

This could range from updates on new training programs designed to improve customer service skills, changes or optimizations made to your workflows and processes, news about individual agents who have received commendations or awards, or hiring news that could impact the service quality.

By including these updates in your reports, you provide a wider perspective that extends beyond the realm of metrics and data, helping your audience understand the full context of your customer experience efforts.

Step Four: Action Items

The final step in your customer experience strategy is to outline your action items. These are strategic steps that will drive your customer experience efforts forward. When detailing your action items, be specific about the tasks at hand and the goals you aim to accomplish.

For example, if customer feedback indicates a need for quicker problem resolution, an action item might be to implement new training sessions for customer support staff on efficient troubleshooting techniques.

If data shows that customers are abandoning their shopping carts due to a complicated checkout process, an action item could be to streamline the checkout experience.

Remember, action items should not only be reactive, based on past data or feedback, but also proactive to continuously improve the customer experience. This could include initiatives like introducing a new customer loyalty program or implementing a new CRM system.

Step Five: Design and Finishing Touches

The last step is to give your customer experience report a visually appealing design. An engaging and easy-to-understand presentation of data can significantly impact its reception and comprehensibility.

Utilize graphs, charts, and infographics to represent your data visually. Vary the size and shape of these elements to maintain viewer interest and use colors strategically to highlight key points and metrics.

Ensuring that your report is not only informative but also aesthetically pleasing will facilitate better engagement and understanding among your audience. Remember, even the most insightful information can be overlooked if it isn’t presented in an appealing, digestible format.

Step Six: Supplementary Material

After you've comprehensively covered the analysis and recommendations, it's crucial to back up your claims with supporting evidence — this is where the supplementary material comes in.

Providing additional resources such as survey data, customer testimonials, session replay recordings, or customer call recordings can lend credibility to your report. These materials allow your audience to delve deeper into the data, enriching their understanding and facilitating better-informed decision-making.

Make sure to organize this data neatly and clearly, providing explanations or captions as necessary so that the information is accessible and easily understood. Remember, including robust supplementary material enhances the reliability and impact of your customer experience report.

Customer service report template

To guide you through creating an effective customer service report, we've outlined a basic template.

This framework will help you structure your content in a logical, reader-friendly format, ensuring that your key findings and recommendations are promptly communicated.

However, remember that every business is unique, and the template should be adapted according to your specific needs and goals.

Customer Service Report

Date: [Insert Date]

Summary: Provide a brief overview of the customer service activities and performance during the reporting period.

Key Metrics:

  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT): [Insert CSAT Score]
  • Response Time: [Average response time in minutes]
  • Resolution Time: [Average resolution time in hours]
  • Ticket Volume: [Total number of tickets received]

Highlights: Outline notable achievements, positive feedback, or challenges faced during the reporting period.

Improvement Areas: Identify specific areas that require improvement and propose actionable steps.

Customer Feedback: Summarize key feedback received from customers and any actions taken in response.

Goals for Next Period: Outline objectives and targets for the upcoming reporting period.

Action Plan: Detail specific steps and initiatives planned to address improvement areas and achieve goals.

Team Recognition: Acknowledge outstanding performance or achievements of customer service team members.

Conclusion: Provide a concluding statement summarizing the overall performance and outlook for future improvements.

Wrapping things up .

Customer service reports are pivotal tools for any business that aims to understand its customer base, improve its service quality, and ultimately enhance its customer satisfaction rate. Writing these reports requires careful data collection, thoughtful analysis, and clear communication of results and recommendations.

While the process might seem daunting, following the steps outlined in this guide and using the provided template can simplify the task considerably. Remember, the goal of these reports is not only to uncover areas of improvement but also to highlight successes - both are equally important in shaping an effective customer service strategy.

Keep refining your reports to ensure they remain insightful, actionable, and beneficial to your business as a whole.

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Shifa Rahaman

Content Marketing Manager

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Customer service reports: A complete guide for managers

June 8, 2023   •   18 min read

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In this blog, we will be discussing everything about customer service reports and their significance in improving your customer experience.

  • What are customer service reports?

How do customer service reports improve the customer experience?

Common metrics to measure in a customer service report, 8 tips to build effective customer service reports, how to use customer service reports to maximize your roi, 3 topline brands leveraging customer service reports effectively, final thoughts, .css-1qemmfx{font-weight:700;} what are customer service reports.

Customer service reports are comprehensive documents or dashboards that provide insights into various aspects of your customer service operations. These reports are generated based on data from support interactions, customer feedback and your performance metrics. They offer a detailed analysis of your customer service , highlighting your overall performance, strengths/weaknesses and avenues for improvement.

A customer service report/dashboard from Sprinklr Service

Essentially, customer service reports help organizations understand customer expectations, measure customer satisfaction levels and identify trends — both positive and negative — in their customer behavior. Businesses can then take actions based on insights from the report to enhance their support quality, streamline processes and optimize customer journeys in the long run.

Customer service reports have emerged as a critical differentiator for today's businesses since it enables organizations to make data-backed decisions to improve their operations. Here's how customer service reports have contributed to enhancing customer experience.

1. Measuring and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs): This is a no-brainer — customer service reports are a go-to for monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) in customer experience . Tracking metrics such as ticket volumes, customer satisfaction scores, response times and first-call resolution rates help your business set benchmarks, establish goals and track progress toward delivering the best customer experiences.

2. Identifying pain points and areas for improvement: Customer service reports also help businesses identify pain points in the customer journey where users may face difficulties or encounter dissatisfaction. Organizations can pinpoint specific issues effectively and address them proactively.

Whether it's reducing response times, enhancing resolution processes or helping to shift focus to customer-favorite support channels, these reports provide valuable information to identify and rectify issues in your support operations, leading to a smoother customer experience.

For example, a lower-than-usual resolved ticket count means that your agents are struggling to resolve customer queries and issues, and you can check if your team needs better resources or more workforce to increase their pace.

3 . Personalizing and tailoring your customer service: Personalization is critical to delivering an exceptional customer experience. Customer service reports provide insights into individual customer preferences, behaviors and past interactions, which businesses can use to offer tailor-made experiences. For example, if a customer frequently contacts support regarding a particular product, the company can proactively offer personalized troubleshooting resources or demos to address their concerns. This level of personalized attention helps the customer trust your brand better and invokes a positive sentiment about your product/service.

4. Resolving issues proactively using predictive analytics: Customer service reports combined with predictive analytics can help identify critical customer issues and avert potential crises. Companies can analyze historical data using predictive analytics to identify imminent issues and can then take preventive actions to resolve those issues before they impact the customer experience.

For example, by analyzing customer behavior patterns for indicators such as lesser engagement or reduced time spent in-product, your company can identify customers at risk of churning. You can then take steps to retain them through targeted retention strategies, like offering short-term dedicated support to improve their experience or by providing special offers and privileges.

5. Finding training opportunities to drive continuous improvement: Analysis of your customer interactions provides granular data about your performance on both the team and individual contributor levels. You can use the insights from this data to design targeted training programs to enhance your team's skills and knowledge, helping them deliver better support, which leads to improved customer satisfaction.

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Now that we know how these reports are vital in improving customer experience, let's learn more about what parameters you need to consider in a customer service report.

Customer service reports are effective as they provide meaningful metrics that help gauge the performance and success of a company's customer service efforts. Here are six common metrics to include in a customer service report:

1. Customer satisfaction score (CSAT): CSAT is one of the most common customer service metrics, used to measure customer satisfaction of a specific interaction or overall experience. It typically involves a survey or rating scale that customers can rate based on their satisfaction.    In a customer service report, CSAT provides insights into how well the company meets customer expectations and helps identify areas for improvement. But it’s worth mentioning that monitoring CSAT alone isn’t the best way to go about it — it has to be viewed in conjunction with other factors like issue severity etc to understand the bigger picture of your support quality.

2. First-contact resolution (FCR): First contact resolution (or) first call resolution measures the percentage of customer inquiries or issues resolved right at the first interaction. It reflects the efficiency of your support team in providing timely solutions. A high FCR indicates that your team is well-equipped to address customer needs promptly, reducing customer effort and enhancing the overall experience. 

3. Average response time: Average response time indicates the average time recorded between customer and agent responses. This metric is crucial in assessing how quickly your agents are with every response and determining if they're meeting customer expectations for timely assistance. Monitoring this metric helps identify bottlenecks in your customer service processes and enables you to improve the responsiveness of your team.

4. Time to full resolution: Resolution time tracks the average duration it takes to resolve customer issues. With this metric, the clock starts ticking right from the moment the customer reports an issue or sends a query, and only stops when the ticket is actually resolved and closed. This metric is more indicative of your support quality than metrics like average response time since it focuses on resolutions rather than response speed.

5. Number of tickets received: This metric is self-explanatory — it refers to the total number of tickets that your team or organization receives, mostly considered on a weekly or monthly basis. Total number of tickets received in a specific timeframe weighed against number of tickets resolved at the same time gives you a quick idea of how efficient your team currently is, although there might be a lot more factors at play that are affecting their productivity.

6. Total interactions per day: Are your agents busy all day long, but your resolved ticket count is still below par? Well, it might be because it is taking a lot more interactions between them and the customer to resolve an issue, which reflects in this metric known as total interactions per day. Another possible approach to diagnose low resolved count is by monitoring the number of interactions per ticket, which also hints at agent efficiency.

Other agent- and case-level reports to consider include:

First response time , which denotes the time taken by an agent to send the first response after a customer contacts them

Average handle time (AHT) , which indicates the average duration an agent or team works on a ticket

Number of requests received and closed per agent, which quantifies each individual agent’s efficacy and skill gaps

Interactions per ticket , which measures the number of interactions that happen on one ticket

Product-related metrics such as tickets received per product or major types of issues reported to detect your top contact drivers.

Additionally, as a manager, there are some customer-level reports that can be relevant to you, such as number of requests created , which indicates big-ticket customers, influencers, and customers on the verge of churning out.

Monitoring these metrics would help you collect direct, practical insights about your team’s performance and help you understand how you can improve your agents’ productivity and efficiency.

Feeling lost and overwhelmed after seeing so many of these metrics? Don’t worry; we got you covered. Read on to learn how you can quickly start building a practical, helpful customer service report in no time.

Learn more: Top customer service metrics you need to track

A highly effective customer service report opens the doors to previously unavailable business insights right from the get-go. Mentioned below are five tips to help you create impactful customer service reports. 

1. Define your objectives and key metrics clearly

You need to know the destination before starting a journey; your business objectives must be at the heart of your discussion when creating a customer service report.

Try to answer questions such as:

What metrics should I be measuring, and why?

Your team might have a few customized metrics in addition to the standard ones (ticket count, response times, time to resolution, handling time etc.). As important as it is to know metrics you want to monitor, it is also critical to know why you want to monitor them and evaluate it periodically to keep your customer service reports relevant at all times.

What details would my leadership team require, and are there any specific instructions or preferences regarding the report?   Sometimes, you might also have to look at metrics that aren’t directly related to customer service but still impact your operations. For example, if a lot of customers have questions about a particular product or if they keep abandoning that product page without purchasing, your leadership team might also want to look at website analytics data to find where and why users face difficulties and fix it to the reduce number of unnecessary tickets.

Also, it is a good idea to check with your superiors about what visuals they might or might not prefer, since it helps keep your reports professional and makes it user-friendly for larger amounts of data.

At what frequency would I be generating these reports?     Although your customer support meetings might usually happen monthly, your reports might have to updated weekly or even daily to keep your team members informed of the latest figures for critical support metrics. You need to figure out this reporting frequency and keep updating these reports at the decided interval, either manually or with the help of automation.

What is the desired outcome of the report?     You need to understand what information you wish to obtain out of this report and reverse-engineer it from there to make your reports highly useful and actionable. For example: if you own a retail company, fast responses and failproof products are two very important criteria — and you need to make sure your reports shine the light on insights related to these criteria.

2. Collect comprehensive, reliable data

You need to have highly credible data sets to build robust customer service reports. You can utilize various data sources such as customer surveys , support ticket systems, call logs, chat transcripts and social media interactions. Ensure that you organize, standardize and validate the data sets properly since this data will serve as the foundation of your reports.

3. Do trendspotting

In addition to real-time data, historical data also helps analyze trends in your support performance over time and see if your customer service efforts and processes are improving or not. For example, your CSAT might seem generally low now, but if it has increased year on year, that says you’re headed in the right direction. 

Pro-Tip: There is no need to invest time in fetching data manually when there is an option to automate data collection by connecting your reporting tool to business-critical software like helpdesk solutions , customer relationship management (CRM) platforms and data analytics solutions.

4. Visualize data effectively

Data from customer service reports become much more consumable when you represent them in a visual format. Charts, graphs and other visual elements can help present your data in a more appealing and user-friendly way. Choose appropriate media formats that effectively communicate the trends, patterns and performance metrics you wish to highlight.

Sprinklr's highly customizable dashboards help you visualize data with colorful, dynamic widgets

Pro-Tip: With persona-based reporting that gives you visibility across the board, you can interpret all the collected data effortlessly to analyze team activity. Your reporting tool should generate persona-led dashboards such as agent view, supervisor view and floor view so that different users can glean different insights at a glance.

5. Summarize the reports for time efficiency

Not every stakeholder in your support process might have the time to go through your reports in detail. Providing executive summaries and smart filters in your customer service reports would help them gain full context about your performance while not having to sit through hours of reading and understanding.    A quick and easy way to summarize your reports might be with three major sections — completed tasks, tasks in-progress and the challenges you faced/are facing while working on them. It would also make sense to add important details related to each task, like ETA - actual completion dates (for completed tasks) and ETA - current status (for ongoing tasks).

6. Extract meaningful insights from raw data

Raw data is not usable on its own. When you and your agents are able to correlate different but related reports to surface actionable insights, that’s when reporting becomes meaningful. A well-crafted report not only reduces the burden of you having to sift through data from countless customer service metrics to find the truth, but also helps you connect the dots across different functions and roles across your team — and obtain actionable insights that can actually make a difference in the way your team functions.

7. Take charge of all your data and reports

Customer service data doesn’t just include data from your organization; it is a combination of numbers obtained from third-party tools as well as critical customer data such as interactions, preferences and product usage. That is exactly why it’s also important that all your data and reports are secure and can be accessed by trusted stakeholders. Deploying protocols like access control, failsafe and data backups are critical to ensure data security and integrity, to ensure you don’t lose years of progress and data in one fell swoop.

8. Regularly review and update reports

You need to review your customer service reports periodically to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with evolving business needs. Periodic reviews such as monthly or bi-monthly meetings can be helpful to refine metrics if necessary and incorporate new insights or KPIs. Automating report generation and delivery is also an avenue you can explore if you are unable to find time to create and send these reports to stakeholders manually.

In the following section, we'll discuss how you can extract the most value out of your customer service reports to ramp up your support experience.

Customer service reports offer more than just insights into operational performance; they can also be valuable tools for maximizing your return on investment (ROI). Your business can make strategic decisions by leveraging the insights these reports provide and improve your ROI in no time. Here are some of the best ways to maximize ROI using customer service reports:

1. Identify cost-effective service strategies: You can use customer service reports to quickly identify service strategies that can be optimized better by highlighting areas with underutilized resources. Analyze your key metrics to determine the scope for optimizing your processes, and you can then decide on an action plan that reduces operational costs while maintaining or improving customer satisfaction levels.

customer service daily report

How to cut time and costs by adopting new customer support channels

2. Focus on high-value customer segments: You can collect insights into the needs and preferences of different customer segments based on metrics such as customer lifetime value or purchase frequency and focus on providing the best level of customer service to the segments with maximum value. Your business can analyze interactions with these high-value customers and tailor your efforts to cater to these segments. With this targeted approach, you can maximize the ROI by ensuring that you allocate resources where they have the most significant impact.

3. Drive upselling and cross-selling opportunities: Customer service reports can help you discover opportunities to drive additional revenue and boost ROI through upselling and cross-selling. You can analyze customer profiles to identify their needs and recommend complementary products or services. You can even train your representatives to identify upselling or cross-selling prospects during interactions so that they can take advantage of all opportunities.

4. Identify product or service improvements: Often, customer service reports contain valuable feedback from customers on product shortcomings or suggestions for improvement, which you can use to identify recurring themes or issues. Also, using customer feedback to inform them of product development or service enhancements can help increase customer loyalty and positive word of mouth, further boosting ROI.

5. Track customer retention and churn: You can extensively analyze customer retention rates and churn through customer service reports, and by analyzing customer feedback and support interactions, businesses can identify patterns or indicators associated with customer churn. You can then use these patterns as a guide to devise proactive retention strategies such as personalized offers, targeted communication or loyalty programs (similar to what Starbucks offers) — initiatives that can help increase retention rates and improve your long-term ROI.

6. Benchmark performance against competitors: Benchmarking as a tool to evaluate competitive performance is standard practice across many industries. Your customer service reports contrasted against competitor performance can help identify where your organization is excelling or falling behind. When you understand your strengths and weaknesses, you can employ strategies that differentiate you and give you a competitive edge, leading to increased market share and improved ROI.

Examining real-life examples of how brands have successfully used customer service reports can be a valuable inspiration for implementing similar strategies to improve customer experience. Let's look at three such famous brands.

Case study 1: Amazon

The global e-commerce giant Amazon has a reputation for providing excellent customer service experiences. The company utilized customer service reports to:

Tap into insights on customer interactions, order histories and feedback.

Identify a recurring issue with delayed or failed deliveries, causing customer frustration. 

Amazon had a solid action plan — they invested in better logistics infrastructure, expanded their warehouse network and optimized the delivery processes. They also implemented proactive communication strategies by providing real-time updates and delivery notifications to customers, and all these improvements resulted in enhanced delivery reliability and made customers feel at ease again.

Furthermore, Amazon's customer service reports also enabled them to identify and address product quality issues by deploying stronger quality control measures and providing better support for returns and exchanges. Through consistent analysis and data-backed decisions, Amazon has improved its standards to offer a superior customer experience and establish itself as a customer-centric leader in the industry.

Case study 2: Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines, the world's largest low-cost carrier, relies on customer service reports to monitor and improve various aspects of the customer experience including critical metrics like on-time performance, baggage handling and customer feedback.

Through their customer service reports, Southwest realized that long check-in lines disgruntled their customers. To fix it, the airline implemented self-service kiosks and mobile check-in options to simplify the check-in process and also increased staffing during peak travel times.

Southwest also utilized customer service reports to monitor undesirable events such as flight delays and cancellations and introduced proactive customer communication and quick rebooking options during these disruptions. These initiatives significantly improved their operational efficiency and, in turn, customer satisfaction.

Case study 3: Zappos

Zappos, an online retailer in footwear and apparel, is infamous for its outstanding customer service initiatives. The company constantly analyzes customer interactions (phone calls, chats and even emails) through its customer service reports to understand customer preferences, pain points and satisfaction levels.

One interesting example is Zappos' focus on the return policy. Through extensive analysis via their customer service reports, they realized that customers appreciated a hassle-free returns process and that a well-crafted return policy would be a competitive advantage that can help improve customer satisfaction. They then used insights from the reports to implement a no-questions-asked return policy, allowing customers to return products easily with free shipping and packing for returns .

To add to this, Zappos went beyond the basic requirements of a return policy and adopted a highly customer-centric approach. They trained their agents to provide personalized and empathetic support, ensuring that customers who were returning products felt valued and heard throughout the process. By going out of its way to provide a great experience even for customers that wanted to return their products, the company fostered trust and loyalty among its user base.

Zappos also identified additional pain points regarding their website's user experience, product descriptions and faster shipping and delivery options and ensured these points were rectified. With constant commitment to a great customer experience, the brand garnered a lot of positive word of mouth and became a favorite among their customer base.

Customer service reports are a valuable tool for understanding and improving customer experiences. These reports provide the most important insights your business needs to improve customer satisfaction and operational performance, which can help you make the best business decisions and maximize your ROI.

But why settle for just reporting? Out-of-the-box reporting capabilities are only a part of what comprehensive customer care solutions like Sprinklr Service can do. Our unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform helps you understand and manage customer journeys better than ever, helping you make your customers much happier and more satisfied. Want to try it for yourself?


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Table of contents

There’s more to developing and running a business than simply providing a quality service or a good product. While these things are undoubtedly essential, customers will want more from you or they’ll need help engaging with whatever your business is offering.

Enter customer service.

This department is frequently neglected, but its operation is essential to the long-term health of any business. In fact, Customer Sucess performance is one of the 3 most frequently reported operations, according to Databox’s state of business reporting . The best way to ensure everything is up to code is to create comprehensive customer service reports that will cover important metrics and KPIs. The numbers aren’t everything, however, and you need to both understand them and act on the insights in order to get tangible benefits from a customer service report.

When made correctly, this report will allow you to see how your customers see your business, allowing you to respond to issues you’d have otherwise missed.

One of the biggest challenges with customer service reports is that gathering the data and then collating and synthesizing it can be incredibly time-consuming. Tracking countless metrics — that can change with report types — requires a lot more than a simple spreadsheet. It requires a clear methodology, adherence to best practices, and the use of reporting tools that will make the whole process much easier.

This article will cover:

  • What Is a Customer Service Report?

Why Are Customer Service Reports Important?

  • 8 Benefits of Using Customer Service Reports

Types of Customer Service Reports

13 key customer service metrics, how to create and use customer service reports.

  • 10 Tips for Customer Service Data Analysis
  • How to Automate Customer Service Reporting With Databox


What is a Customer Service Report?

A customer service report is a presentation that contains useful and actionable information extracted from customer service data. It allows you to better meet customer expectations by identifying pain points and friction in both customer experience and customer service agent methodology.

At the very least, it needs to contain at least the number of support tickets that entered the queue, the number of tickets that were responded to (per support rep and total), and the number of closed tickets in a given time period. You can track these metrics in an email  ticketing system . Thanks to that information, businesses can keep track of trends, identify areas that need to be improved, plan schedules and organize the workload of the support teams, and improve the overall quality of the customer service.

Of course, when examined properly, they can have a broader impact than simply improving the efficacy of customer service. If you pay attention to which aspects of your business customers have the most trouble with, you can improve your products, services, or the business as a whole.

Related : You can track and assess the ability of your customer support agents to respond and resolve customer enquiries in a timely and efficient manner using this  support tickets dashboard .

“A customer service report assists us in identifying metrics that help us improve our consumer experience,” says Alan Duncan, Solar Panels Network . “This report has given us more profound knowledge of how your customers see your business. By examining how our clients perceive us regularly, we can respond to any potential business difficulties via the customer service report. 

Furthermore, it has aided us in keeping track of consumer complaints to categorize them and make strategic decisions in the future. This report has also taught us the value of improving our best response time. Lastly, this report has assisted us in understanding how to keep our clients by offering excellent customer service.”

Pretty much every business has to deal with increasingly digitally savvy and demanding customers. It’s an inevitable consequence of living in a rapidly growing and digitally connected world. Failing to satisfy customer needs and providing poor customer service will lead to them spreading the news and people turning to competition in droves. A comprehensive overview of customer experience across multiple touchpoints can help alleviate this problem and improve a business’ customer service offerings.

This is where customer service reports come in. They allow a business to make better-informed, data-driven decisions. A well-made and actionable customer service report contributes to overall customer satisfaction. In addition, it can help management better understand the customer service process, leading to higher effectiveness and increasing ROI.

We also asked 38 support pros, from a wide variety of industries (from SaaS and professional services to ecommerce and agencies), how they create their customer service reports. They shared that the top 3 benefits of customer service reports are: 

  • Improving response time
  • Gaining a deeper insight into how the business is perceived by the customers
  • Tracking the level and nature of customer issues over time to make informed strategic decisions

Most important benefits of customer service reports

8 Benefits of Using Customer Service Reports 

As we mentioned, customer service reports provide relevant and actionable information that allows businesses to improve improves the overall quality of customer experience and satisfaction. 

Here are the main benefits of using customer service reports:

Motivate Customer Support Staff to Improve

Track the volume of customer service tickets with ease.

  • Evaluate and Improve Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)  

Identify Which Channels Customers Use to Contact You

Reduce support costs, discover areas for product improvement, identify content gaps, track the quality of the service.

Customer service reports can be used to provide quality feedback to customer service agents, allowing them to monitor their own progress. They can see if they’re falling short of goals and by how much, and identify ways to improve their performance.

They can also be a tool that will motivate the agents to provide a better service to customers and a way to show the results of their efforts, helping them in their career development.

No matter how friendly and helpful service agents are, if customers have to wait for a long time for their call to get picked up, or even days for a response to their email, their soft skills and expertise won’t be worth much. You need to set achievable goals for your staff that will hit the right speed-quality balance and keep your customers happy.

Customer service reports can help a business track how many tickets come in and how many get resolved. This allows management to determine if scaling the customer service team is necessary.

Evaluate and Improve Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) 

Net promoter score is a customer satisfaction metric that is focused on referrals. The increased number of promoters enables you to expand your business and improve your loyalty rates.

Loyal customers mean that your business has better and more consistent revenue and, since they act as brand ambassadors, that it will experience steady growth.

If you include the net promoter score into the reports, customer service managers will be able to determine how negative, neutral, and positive customers (aka detractors, neutrals, and promoters) affect your bottom line.

This is an important part of the customer service strategy. You need to be present at the right channels in order to ensure your customers are satisfied. If your call center is swamped with calls while your social media response team is twiddling their collective thumbs, you need to redistribute the workforce or customer satisfaction levels will drop.

Thanks to customer service reports, you can calculate the number of agents you need to cover each channel and when.

You can also make your customer service department more cost-efficient by reducing support costs, and by using efficient customer service software . Optimizing processes and improving the quality of the service with the lowest costs possible is important for the long-term success of any department, and customer support isn’t any different. 

The agents need to be well trained and efficient while their schedules need to be optimized in accordance with the greatest need for customer service. A report can let you know exactly how the department is doing at a glance.

Related : From 3 Hours to 17 Minutes: How Databox Reduced Chat Response Time in One Week

If you receive a large number of customer support tickets regarding a particular product or a service (or a feature), that might be a sign that said product or service is lacking in some way.

Customer service reports with this type of information can help the product development department create better products or improve the existing ones; marketing can develop better messaging and sales can minimize or eliminate any miscommunication when it comes to the pitch.

Since customer support is probably the first department to learn about these kinds of issues, it can provide an early warning and invaluable insight that will benefit the rest of the company.

The information your agents can provide is dependent on the information in your knowledge base. They need content that will help them provide helpful answers to common customer queries.

But that content can be used to help customers help themselves. According to Harvard Business Review , 81% of customers want to try to solve the problem by themselves before contacting customer support. Publishing content that helps customers solve problems on their own allows you to both significantly offload your customer service team and improve customer satisfaction.

This benefit dovetails nicely with marketing and SEO strategies. Customer service reports identify opportunities for articles, FAQ sections, or video tutorials that explain how to solve common problems. In addition, if agents themselves don’t have access to relevant information or the information is hard to find, you can expand the knowledge base in order to help them do their jobs better.

Since customer service agents are usually the first point of contact with customers who are having issues, businesses need a way to track how well they’re meeting customer expectations and are they providing the right level of customer satisfaction.

Metrics in customer service reports show how are the agents performing as a unit and individually. This allows managers to identify which teams or individuals aren’t meeting their goals. Armed with that information, they can determine the best way to address any issues and improve the overall performance.

Pro Tip: Here Is Your Go-To Dashboard For Measuring Your Customer Support Team’s Responsiveness to User Concerns

No matter your role in customer support – agent, manager, or VP – your core focus is to ensure that customers’ issues, complaints, and information requests are always dealt with promptly and efficiently. But to stay on track, you probably have to log into multiple tools and spend hours manually compiling data into a comprehensive report. Now you can quickly monitor and analyze your customer service performance data from HelpScout and Stripe  in a single dashboard that monitors fundamental metrics, such as:

  • New MRR. How much monthly recurring revenue (MRR) comes from new customers? Track new customer MRR at a glance.
  • Revenue churn. See how much MRR your business lost due to subscription cancellations and downgrades within a specified period of time.
  • Refunds . How much money in refunds and cancellations did you lose last month? See the total amount of money refunded to customers within a given time period.
  • New customers . Track the number of new customers acquired by your business each day, week, or month.
  • Customers helped by team members . Evaluate the performance of your customer support team members based on the number of customers they helped individually and their happiness score.
  • Customers helped . Get a day-to-day update on the number of customers your customer support team assisted through live chat, email, or phone.

Now you can benefit from the experience of our customer support experts, who have put together a plug-and-play Databox template that contains all the essential metrics for monitoring and analyzing your customer service performance and its correlation to churn rate. It’s simple to implement and start using as a standalone dashboard or in customer service reports, and best of all, it’s free!


You can easily set it up in just a few clicks – no coding required.

To set up the dashboard, follow these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Get the template 

Step 2: Connect your accounts with Databox. 

Step 3: Watch your dashboard populate in seconds.

Depending on its exact purpose, there are many ways you can write a customer service report. By choosing to omit or highlight certain metrics, you tailor it to the audience bringing focus on issues that really matter.

50% of our respondents use a single type of customer service report, with a customer support KPI report or CSAT report being the most common type. 

most commonly used types of customer service reports

So, here are some of the best examples of customer service report types:

First Reply Time Report

Customer wait time report, time to full resolution report, interactions per ticket report, customer satisfaction scores (csat) report, number of incoming tickets report, customer support kpi report, customer retention report.

Customer satisfaction is directly correlated with the time it takes for them to receive a reply to a support ticket. First reply time is an important metric, and special attention needs to be paid to the difference in response time (if any) between different channels, agents, and types of issues.

This metric is sometimes called requester wait time and it’s a sum of the time a customer spends waiting on responses while their issue is being solved. Even if they get an initial reply quickly, waiting for a long time on the line with a support agent can significantly degrade the customer experience. Like first reply time, it can be divided by type of issue, agent, and channel.

This is one of the most important metrics when customer success is concerned. Even if agents respond quickly and provide answers immediately, but the customer still has to come back because their issue wasn’t solved, this will lead to a negative user experience. Prioritizing speed at the expense of accuracy and helpfulness can have a detrimental effect as that will draw out the overall resolution time.

If a customer has to follow up on an open ticket because their problem isn’t solved or provide additional information (above what’s needed to solve the problem and provide customer security) they’re the ones who have to do more work. Justified or not, customers often think that agents should do that work.

Tracking the average number of interactions per ticket allows you to see how many touchpoints are required to solve a customer’s problem. When you know what, you can start trying to minimize that number.

Asking customers directly what they think about is the best way to determine the quality of customer service. CSAT scores provide an overview of how the customer service team is performing, but they can sometimes be misleading if looked at in isolation.

It’s also a good idea to look at how frequently people respond to CSAT surveys. An agent with a good rating but a low number of responses might not be as good as it would appear at first glance.

Tracking this metric can help customer service managers determine how many agents they need to provide good customer service. Breaking this metric down allows you to get more information. Checking the number and percentage of tickets per channel helps the management identify who to hire while checking the busiest times allows them to optimize scheduling.

The number of incoming tickets can also serve as an advance warning about any issues with products, services, or features. A spike in new tickets after a major release can mean that either something isn’t working correctly, or that there’s something unintuitive about it.

This is a comprehensive report that covers multiple metrics and its exact scope will depend on your business and how you organize your operation.

Main KPIs that need to be tracked are service level, customer support vs revenue, and customer satisfaction. They will give you insight into how your customer support is performing overall and how cost-effective it is. There’s always room for improvement and being on top of these metrics will allow your customer service department to keep improving.

Retaining existing customers is much more cost-effective than attracting new ones. What makes existing customers even more important is the fact that they tend to spend 67% more than new ones.

Using a customer retention report will allow you to improve customer retention rates and improve long-term ROI. The main metrics that need to be included are customer churn, net retention rate, revenue churn, and MMR growth rate.

Tracking customer retention and churn, and comparing it to revenue information will allow you to benchmark your success in this area and identify potential strengths and weaknesses.

Regardless of the format and type of report(s) you use, the following metrics need to be included in the customer service report.

Case-Level Metrics

Cases by time created – By tracking the volume of new conversations in a specific timeframe, you can determine when your customers are most active and ensure that staffing and scheduling are set up to handle the workload.

Cases by topic – tagging conversations allows you to quickly spot changes in ticket volume that might indicate a flaw in a new feature, product, or service. 

Cases by locale – Understanding where your customers come from allows you to tailor your customer service to serve them better. If you have a large number of customers in a single area, you can add localization features or provide support in different time zones.

Individual Agent Metrics

Resolved cases – Knowing how many conversations did an agent close in a given time period, gives you a good insight into their performance. Averages can be misleading but if you identify trends, you can spot both top performers and underperformers who might need help achieving their goals.

Customer interactions – An agent can have excellent soft skills but might take a long time to resolve a ticket. If you measure individual interactions, you can compare workload and working style, and make adjustments accordingly.

First response time – Monitoring how quickly an agent responds to a received support ticket can tell you a lot about their performance. But this metric needs to be considered in the context of task complexity and overall workload. After dealing with a complex or difficult task, an agent might need a moment before moving on to the next one.

Customer satisfaction – Customers don’t always rate just their customer service experience when they leave feedback for agents. Sometimes they’re rating a product, a service, or a brand as a whole. This is why it’s important to look at long-term averages than individual scores that might be outliers.

Average handle time – Individual agents with a low average handle time may be comfortable with the work and have developed the right skills. They get through cases more quickly than unskilled agents. However, it’s also important to review this metric while keeping in mind the type and complexity of tickets they’re responding to.

Team-Level Metrics

Time to first response – How long do customers wait until they get their first reply? Since customer expectations tend to vary depending on the channel, it’s worth tracking separate metrics per channel, too.

Interactions per resolution – Customers don’t like having to get in touch with customer service repeatedly; the fewer interactions it takes to resolve a ticket, the happier they’ll be. An increasing number of interactions per resolution can be an indicator of issues with features, products, or services. Alternatively, a new type of customer may have become interested in your brand and they need a different approach.

Customer satisfaction – This metric is worth tracking on both individual agent and team levels. Team-wide satisfaction rates can be an indicator of problems or successes of products or services, or the quality of the customer support process itself.

Average handle time – This metric tracks how long a conversation remains open before the next action is taken by the team. Long gaps can indicate that there’s an issue with training, process, or tools. All of these can be improved to ensure customers get their answers quickly.

Customer contact rate – Measuring the percentage of active customers who request help in a given month can help you understand how to better serve them. Depending on your findings, you can fix bugs, implement self-service, improve product design, or almost anything else to improve customer satisfaction.

While it’s possible to track customer service data by entering it into a spreadsheet manually, the process is time-consuming and simply won’t work for larger businesses. In addition, it will be hard to pull useful information out of the data. And without useful (think actionable) information, the report is all but useless. 

That’s why using reporting software has become much more common. This type of software can automate the creation of customer service reports and remove most of the work from the process of collecting customer service reports. It will put the data into a format that is easy to understand and enables you to identify trends more effectively.

While customer service reports can point out problems in the department, they can’t tell you how to fix them. You need to be able to understand the information in the report to properly diagnose the problem and find a solution. 

Prioritize metrics that match your goals or answer specific questions you have. Keep in mind that even the best report won’t give you the whole picture. You need to combine quantitative and qualitative data by talking to agents, examining how tickets were handled, and soliciting feedback from customers. This will fill any gaps in the data and allow you to fully understand the current situation in your customer service department.

10 Top Tips for Customer Service Data Analysis

Customer service reports need to be made frequently — ideally on a weekly basis. The big benefit of this frequency is that you can see trends and spot patterns more easily and use that information to improve customer experience.

Here are our best tips on how to make the most out of customer service data analysis:

  • Learn about your overall customer experience
  • Understand support costs
  • Motivate your team to improve customer experience
  • Improve customer loyalty
  • Get a better idea of what’s not working
  • Get product feedback
  • See the channels where your customers prefer to reach out for help
  • Create customer profiles and personas
  • Segment your customers
  • Map out the customer journey

1. Learn about your overall customer experience

It doesn’t matter what survey method you use, like CSAT, NPS, or CES. This can tell you a lot about how happy your customers are, how likely they are to continue being customers, and/or refer their friends. 

“CSATs are a key element of CX optimization,” says Stephan Baldwin of Assisted Living Center. “No matter how extensive or accurate your research and data are, you should always use customer satisfaction reports to gauge the success of your customer experience strategy. 

However, you can find many pitfalls along the way when you try to interpret CSAT scores. The key is to implement them over every touchpoint you have with customers, so you have an accurate understanding of what’s working and ensure the score is accurate across channels, making sure you don’t miss any immediate issues. 

Implementing and tracking these reports will also allow you to fill customer experience gaps and find solutions for other areas of your marketing strategy, such as content opportunities.”

Alex Uriarte of 1-800-Injured adds, “Analyzing our customer reports has constantly made us realize that we should always focus on creating an amazing customer experience every time. Many businesses are so concerned with their bottom line that they fail to consider how their policies affect the consumer experience. Take, for example, free shipping. When a higher-than-expected shipping price appears unexpectedly, some people abandon their buying cart. Despite this, many online shops still charge for shipping.”

2. Understand support costs

Another valuable insight from these reports is you can understand how much it costs your company to provide quality support to your customers. 

For example, if you have both a freemium and paid plans for your SaaS product, you might find that freemium users are contacting support 10x more than paid customers, and most of these freemium users are never upgrading to a paid plan. So, you might want to consider putting limits on your support for freemium users. 

Or, James Leversha of Top Notch I.T. says, “For me, the most important thing is to cut support expenditures. This isn’t about slashing staffing or putting the smallest amount of money into your support team. It’s all about streamlining your procedures and achieving the best level of service quality at the lowest possible cost. 

That means your agents are efficient, well-trained, and their schedules are aligned with the department’s needs. 

Creating a customer support report will guarantee that you keep track of your spending regularly and efficiently, giving you an overview at a glance. 

By analyzing customer service reports, I was able to understand my company better and make informed decisions based on correct information rather than making guesses and taking measures that were of little use to the organization or its customers.”

Related : 11 Tactics for Effectively Measuring Your Customer Service ROI

3. Motivate your team to improve customer experience

The old adage, “What gets measured gets managed” is true. You can use the support metrics that you are tracking to motivate your support team. 

“The most important lesson we learned was to monitor the reports and use them as a way to help motivate the team to improve,” says Kyle Arnold of HyperWeb . “By having great data, we were able to ‘gamify’ the process and help encourage members to work on providing better customer service. We had a leaderboard for whichever metrics we were trying to work on for the month, and the team member that hit the best scores would get a bonus. This greatly improved customer satisfaction, while also helping the team with friendly competition.”

4. Improve customer loyalty

An added benefit of improving customer experience is that happy customers tend to stick around longer. 

“I realized that getting a loyal base of customers is easier when your customers are satisfied with your customer service,” says Richard Lubicky of RealPeopleSearch . “Six months ago, we were receiving at least 2 support tickets from each user regarding different situations. We were losing customers for the same reason. However, we analyzed our customer service reports and improved our products. After that, we have seen a heavy fall in support queries from our customers. As a result, our customers are more loyal to our products, and we are actively getting some referrals from them.” Not sure how to monitor the health of your business based on client retention and churn rate? Check out this free  customer success dashboard .

5. Get a better idea of what’s not working

Most customers are reaching out to support because something is broken. These reports allow you to understand what isn’t working well so that you can fix it. 

“Customer service is mostly concerned with failures, such as defective items, equipment flaws, delivery inefficiencies, miscommunication, human mistakes, faulty procedures, and unfulfilled promises,” says Brian Dean of Exploding Topics. “I understand that it may appear to be really difficult, but the more issues you face, the more answers you will discover. You learn to deal with difficulties and recover more quickly. You develop the practice of retrospectively assessing circumstances you’ve handled poorly to devise a better strategy for the future.”

Marilyn Gaskell of TruePeopleSearch adds, “The best thing about customer service reports is that they keep track of everything that our customers request, which means that we can analyze which problem areas we should focus on and where we can best improve. Every one of our customer service reports is filed under a certain topic and the more reports that topic has, the more work needs to be done on it. They provide a very simple mechanism for keeping track of what works and what doesn’t work in our customer service strategy and help us to optimize the experience we provide to our customers.”

6. Get product feedback

However, you shouldn’t just wait until a problem happens to get feedback. Proactive customer support is all about asking for feedback and learning how customers are using your product so you can identify and fix issues before they have to contact support about it. 

“A lot of times, people think of customer feedback as either positive or negative,” says Maegan Griffin of Skin Pharm . “However, sometimes customers can simply give you some good ideas for the future based upon insights that may have come to them from using your products. This is why inquiring for feedback and listening to your customers can be really beneficial. For example, our customers have helped us come up with new skincare product ideas. It’s not always about whether you’re pleasing your customers with what you’re offering; it’s also about listening to what they have to say and keeping their opinions and suggestions in mind for the future.”

7. See the channels where your customers prefer to reach out for help

While it is a best practice to make it as easy as possible for customers to reach out to you via phone, email, live chat, and social media, it is not always possible to staff each channel appropriately. Keeping track of what channels get the most inbound requests can help with resource planning and prioritization. 

Alina Clark of Cocodoc explains, “Our customer management took a while to get sharp. This learning period was full of lessons, some of them painful in retrospect. Our customer service reports taught us lessons in optimization and how to handle customer queries. 

For instance, we knew nothing about optimizing our customer service channels that give us more feedback. We were all about covering all the bases, but this means that while some of our customer service team members had a lot to handle, others were simply riding along because their channels had relatively low feedback. 

The customer service helped us with figuring out the fact that most of our customers preferred reaching out to us through social media. We, therefore, redistributed our customer service workforce to reflect the growing needs in social media. That change has been working great for us so far.”

8. Create customer profiles & personas 

Analytics have to be analyzed on a regular basis. Even after customer service data has been collected, reported on, and used to shape strategy, it still needs to be updated, reassessed, and refined. One way to put this data into useful context is to create customer profiles.

A customer profile (or persona) represents an ideal version of your target customer. To build it, you need to aggregate information about their needs, wants, and pain points, as well as basic demographic information, including gender, age, occupation, interests, income, etc.

Having a set of customer profiles (and constantly updating them) will allow you to better understand customer service analysis data and ensure you’re tracking metrics that are still relevant for your CS strategy. They will also help you make more effective analytical decisions by humanizing your data.

9. Segment your customers

If you segment your customers into groups, you’ll be able to better serve their needs and preferences. This will improve the quality of the entire customer-facing chain. Combining this practice with creating customer profiles and personas saves time and allows you better insight into what makes various customer groups tick.

For instance, you can segment based on their purchasing frequency, whether they’re new or repeat customers, the issue they tend to have, product or service, preferences, etc.

This way, you’ll better understand the most relevant data, which will allow you to create plans and initiatives that will improve the overall quality of customer service.

10. Map out the customer journey

In the digital age, customer service needs to work with other departments in your business. Everything has become interconnected, and keeping a department siloed doesn’t make sense anymore. Digital businesses need to ensure their departments collaborate when it comes to strategic planning.

One such collaboration that can have a great impact on customer service is developing a map of the customer journey. This map outlines customer interactions with the brand from first contact until they make a purchase and customer service data is invaluable when it comes to creating one. It will allow you to better understand which channels have issues that need to be addressed or if any touchpoints have bottlenecks or issues that are affecting the customer’s experience.

First, you need to examine KPIs across marketing, sales, and customer service touchpoints. This will allow you to highlight pain points or discover where you need to focus your attention to make the customer experience smoother. Then, customer service, sales, and marketing executives can work together to develop a customer journey that will reward the user for their choices and ensure they enjoy the experience, improving brand loyalty and increasing long-term ROI.

Automate Customer Service Reporting with Databox

Creating a customer service report doesn’t have to be a long and arduous task. By their nature, these kinds of reports need to be made frequently to identify specific trends and for businesses to be able to act on information quickly enough. 

This is where Databox comes in.

You just need to sign up for Databox , pick a plan that works for you, connect data sources and you’re good to go. You can pick already existing dashboards optimized for customer service, or build your own with customized metrics and visuals.

Databox allows you to schedule reporting as you see fit, so aside from occasional metrics and KPI updates, you will be free to solve problems instead of spending precious time on reporting.

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A Practical Guide to Creating Quality Reports for Customer Service Leaders – Free Template

Quality management 11 MIN READ Apr 13, 2023

customer service daily report

Regular customer service reports are crucial for showing your department’s worth. They display and make sense of performance data by adding qualitative context, helping you understand how performance evolves over time. This is important not only for you, as a customer service leader, and your team, but also for other departments to understand and recognize the importance of service for customers. 

Read on to learn how to write a customer service report that purrfectly exhibits your support quality.

Skip to your report template

customer service daily report

Why you need to create regular customer service reports

First of all, why should you worry about creating reports on your customer support quality?

There is a problem with looking purely at the numbers : they do not provide any context or additional information that could be crucial to understanding how your team is really doing. 

You need to ask the initial question: who is this report for? 

  • For your team to analyze their performance and understand why metrics are tracked. 
  • For executives and colleagues company-wide to understand the significance of customer service.

Executives or other people in your organization should be able to read a call center report and understand how service quality is (hopefully!) benefitting the company. 

Although recognition of the customer support team’s role in company growth is finally shifting, there are still companies who view the support department as a cost center. Proving its worth in meeting customer expectations and fueling retention lies in grabbing attention.

Klaus paw-active

They also help ensure your own team understands the underlying reasons for tracking the metrics and following KPIs. Nearly 85% of employees worldwide are not engaged with their work – and many customer service teams struggle with retaining quality agents. But when you give your team a better vision of performance it’s a catalyst for engagement. 

How to write a customer service report in 5 steps

1. start out with your metrics.

You want to create a monthly report that shows your overall support department’s performance, and the purpose is to share with the wider company. What you include in this report would be different to what you would include in a report of an individual agent’s performance, which purpose is to share with their manager. 

Decide which metrics to include – aligned with which metrics your team gives priority to. For each metric you should show the month’s result and include a comparison to at least the previous month’s result, as this helps understand if things have improved or not.

The most commonly tracked metrics by support teams*

  • 43% track DSAT
  • 38% track CSAT
  • 36% track IQS
  • 30% track FCR
  • 25% track AHT

*Taken from our Customer Service Quality Benchmark Report

Customer Support is one area of business that can be spoiled for metrics. CSAT, CES, FRT, FCR, IQS, volume etc. The number of fancy acronyms would put most industries to shame. But picking a small handful that tell the story of what is really important is not easy for that same reason – there are many to choose from. At the same time, these KPIs are the best reflection of what you consider important and ultimately what the team chooses to prioritize, so it does matter a lot.

One way of simplifying it mentally would be to identify 1-3 broad areas that you are currently trying to prioritize and pick KPIs that reflect those. For example quality and speed could mean that to display IQS & CSAT for quality, 1st response time for speed. Keep in mind that if you have “20 important priorities”, you essentially don’t have priorities.

Martin Kõiva

As your report is to be seen and understood by people outside of support, it is important to include all of your tracked metrics and to give an explanation of what they mean. Not everyone knows their FRTs from their FCRs, or their CATs from their CSATs . If you need a little help, we give you license to copy and paste descriptions from our customer service metrics breakdown !

Reduce Tensions at Customer Service to Avoid Agent Burnout

2. Add context

If you got a sneak peek at your engineering team’s performance dashboard, it might look like a foreign language. You see a bunch of numbers and graphs, but could you explain what is going on or understand why a metric has a certain value? Probably not, right?

Make sense of the data by adding qualitative context that tells a story about your team’s performance. 

Write a short summary for each metric explaining the result you had. Use dashboards taken from your tech stack for inspiration. For example, Klaus’ dashboard helps you match IQS with CSAT to give more context to each:

customer service daily report

For example, if volumes increased largely for the current month, you may have an understanding of why (i.e new product launch, or an outage of your service). Reports allow you to tell a story about the metrics , so the more details you can share, the more aligned your readers will be in interpreting the results.

If your support department is made up of multiple teams, you might want to include a team breakdown for each of your main metrics. This helps to spot both high and low achievers and also allows you to provide context over each team’s roles and responsibilities. 

E.g., one team might have lower volume than others, but its function is to work on more complex, escalated cases. Therefore, the lower volume is not as alarming as first thought. Thorough customer support reports will explain this and give the reader the right context for the numbers they see.

3. News and updates 

Aside from tracked metrics you can also include any other relevant data in your general quality report such as:

  • Any trainings delivered,
  • Number of new joiners in the team,
  • Which product launches you supported throughout the month. 

It can also be a nice touch to inform the company of any major updates within your department, such as promotions or new positions being formed. This all helps bring insight and understanding to your team’s overall performance.


4. Action items

Finally, include action items or what you are preparing to achieve for the following month. This helps the wider company understand what challenges you are facing and gets them looking forward to next month’s report to see how well you have achieved your goals. 

But it is also helpful for you, as a leader, to set out your own goals and subsequently receive recognition for your efforts.

5. Finishing touches

Design is a key element to an engaging report. 

Keeping it simple, attractive, and easy to read will mean more eyeballs on it! Reading your report should not be a daunting task, so keeping it readable and clear. Lengthy, mundane spreadsheets are a drain to everyone’s day. 

Using a template to keep your customer service reports consistent will also help drive engagement. If people are used to the format and the time of its release, they will soon be on the lookout for your monthly reports!

8 ways to create reports people will actually read

  • Make it attractive to read. Some people will want more detail than others so have an overview and the opportunity to dive deeper if they want.
  • Make it consistent. Choose a day and time to post it each week/month/quarter.
  • Have something running through each report so people come back. e.g dog gifs, AI generated poems, a new instalment of something.
  • Add new parts every time so people can see that it is evolving and stay interested.
  • Include plenty of visuals e.g graphs and charts. It needs to be easy to consume and attractive.
  • Add comparisons to the previous report eg. our response time was 43 seconds, +20 seconds compared to last time.
  • Do summary reports, for example, we do a monthly one but also summarise the year.
  • Make sure to post it where the right people see it, at the right time of day, at the right time of week. If you post it on Friday night, it will be buried on Monday by people who don’t know how to use threads.

Chris Jewitt

How reports showcase your team’s worth

Customer service reports are critical for teams to showcase their value, communicate their achievements, and establish credibility with other departments and executives. Performance and customer insights can inform strategic decisions and allocate resources more effectively. 

But to people who do not work in customer-facing teams, customer sentiment can be a black box. And to anyone not in the frontline of support, customer service efforts can certainly too easily go unnoticed or get taken for granted. 

What gets measured gets prioritized. 

Companies don’t stand to gain anything by leaving the customer support team waiting in the wings. A way to make it easier for the C-suite to better understand their customers is through monthly reporting. Summaries, analysis, and resources should be routinely examined for a company to be truly customer-centric – but it’s on the Heads of Support to put that information in the right hands.

By presenting data and analysis in a visually compelling and easily understandable format, stakeholders are given a direct line to the customer. Decisions about the company’s future direction and priorities are then made with them in mind.

customer service daily report

What other customer service reports should I make?

Well, this is really up to you, however you can make recurring reports on:

  • Team performance reports Share the individual agent metrics per team. This is useful for the team manager to keep track of their own agents’ performances over time.
  • Individual reports Dive deep into an individual agent’s performance. This is useful for the team manager, agent, and trainer to understand where the agent can improve.
  • Training reports Report on how many training sessions were held, and what the attendance rate and pass rates were. This is useful to understand your team’s adherence as well as how effective your training is.
  • Project reports Say you finished a project that involved updating your knowledge base with the goal of reducing your incoming traffic. Creating a report that explains what you did, and compares the incoming volumes before and after projects completion will provide context to the success and challenges of the project itself.

These are just a few suggestions. Ultimately, if you want to communicate any results to anyone else in the company, clean & clear customer support reports are a great way to achieve it. 

Customer service report template

Riley Young

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6 Essential Customer Service Reports for Support Teams

Published December 12, 2022

Published Dec 12, 2022

Jess Pingrey

REVIEWED BY: Jess Pingrey

Jillian Ilao

WRITTEN BY: Jillian Ilao

1. Customer Service Team Report

2. customer satisfaction report, 3. customer service kpi report, 4. customer retention report, 5. ticket-level report, 6. individual agent productivity report, benefits of customer service reports, bottom line.

Customer service reports provide businesses with an overview of a support team’s activity summary, individual agent performance, and quality of customer interactions, which can help identify best practices and areas for improvement. No single report can provide a holistic and all-encompassing view of a customer service team’s performance, so businesses often need to generate various kinds of reports to gain full visibility on their customer service quality.

Below, we share six essential reports every business should generate from their customer service software to assess their servicing quality regularly.

Essential customer service reports

The customer service team report gives you an overview of your team’s daily, weekly, or monthly performance. It also highlights the agents’ SLA compliance, response time, individual performance, and request volume from every support channel. A quick look at this report helps you assess the overall health of your support team and determine if your agents are on track to achieving business goals.

Relevant KPIs and Metrics:

Kpis vs metrics.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are measurable values that indicate how well you are hitting business objectives and targets. Metrics, on the other hand, track the status of a specific business process.

  • Average response time: Measures the time it takes a support agent to respond to a call, email, web forms, and live chat queries. The quicker your reps respond to queries, the higher your customer satisfaction and agent productivity rates will be.
  • First call resolution: The success rate of the support team in solving an issue during the first point of contact with the customer.
  • Number of requests: The volume of incoming calls and support requests, including the nature of each issue. This lets you know which particular times have high call volumes so you can plan an appropriate work schedule for agents.
  • Top-performing agents: Lists the support agents according to their performance over a specified period. It highlights those who deserve recognition and helps you identify which agents need additional training or coaching.

Salesforce Service Cloud customer service report.

Salesforce is a feature-rich customer service platform that lets users download in-depth reports. (Source: Salesforce )

Freshdesk customer service dashboard.

Freshdesk customer service dashboard (Source: Freshdesk )

The metrics included in the customer satisfaction report help you understand your customers’ sentiment toward your company and the quality of support provided. A drop in these metrics could indicate decreasing customer service quality, poor product quality, or bad marketing decisions. On the other hand, a company that maintains good scores in this report has satisfied, engaged, and loyal customers.

  • Net promoter score (NPS): Shows how the public perceives your service levels and how likely they are to refer your business to their peers.
  • Customer effort score (CES): Measures how much effort your customers have to exert to resolve an issue or answer their questions.
  • Customer retention rate: The percentage of a company’s existing customers who remain loyal over a given period.

HubSpot customer satisfaction dashboard.

HubSpot Service Hub customer satisfaction dashboard (Source: HubSpot )

The customer service KPI report provides evaluations of each support rep’s performance and allows you to drill deeper into individual metrics. The KPIs in this report counterbalance customer-based feedback, giving you a more accurate picture of how well your agents meet your support standards. They help you determine whether the feedback was intended for your support, product, or customer experience.

HubSpot customer service report.

Sample of customer service reports from HubSpot Service Hub (Source: HubSpot )

In some cases, support agents receive poor ratings because of customers’ unrealistic expectations of how they should resolve issues. Other situations involve customers who give high ratings for services that did not reach the quality of support you set for your team. Customer service analytics give managers a targeted insight into your service quality based on rating categories specific to your company.

As an example, consider a customer who purchases a product from a company for the first time and is impressed by how the support agent handled the transaction. The buyer gives the transaction a high rating even when their interaction lasted longer than what the company considers acceptable. This discrepancy can be easily spotted by looking at the customer service KPI report.

  • Service level agreement (SLA) compliance: Measures your capacity to meet the standards in your SLA with your customers and helps you identify new ways to improve your overall service standards.
  • Customer support vs revenue: Calculates the cost of your customer support in relation to the total revenue. The ideal goal is to provide high standards of service at lower costs.
  • Customer satisfaction (CSAT) score: Measures a customer’s satisfaction with your products and services at key customer journey touchpoints. This KPI provides insights into how effectively your company is meeting expectations.

The customer retention report provides detailed analysis and metrics that help you understand how and why your customers either stay loyal to your brand or churn . It offers at-a-glance insights into your company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as how much money is won or lost in a given month. This report also helps you identify potential customer loyalty issues and create strategies to retain more clients.

  • Customer churn rate: The percentage of customers who have stopped using your brand or service over a specified time frame.
  • Revenue churn: Tracks, monitors, and measures the percentage of revenue you have lost from existing customers and tells you where the revenue loss came from.
  • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) growth rate: Tells you how your customer retention rates affect your monthly revenue.

Insightly Service customer retention report.

Insightly Service customer retention report (Source: Insightly )

The ticket-level report offers granular data, such as created and resolved tickets, missed calls, chat average pickup time, average resolution time, and ticket volume from each channel. This includes details of all incoming emails, support calls, live chats, survey forms, and social media messages. It also indicates which support channels are used most by your customers.

It is crucial to monitor the ticket-level report because its metrics play a critical role in customer satisfaction. For example, if the average time to close is high, you can investigate what’s taking up their time. You can also ensure the frequently answered questions (FAQs) are covered in your knowledge base, so your reps don’t need to type out the same instructions to customers repeatedly.

  • Ticket volume: The number of incoming support tickets received by the customer service team.
  • Time to close: The average time it takes for the support team to resolve a customer issue.
  • Open rate: The proportion of tickets waiting for a solution in a specified period.
  • Escalation rate: The percentage of cases that first-line agents elevated to their senior leaders and managers to be resolved.

Looking at the images below from Zoho Desk , you can see how many tickets are open, overdue, and unassigned. You can also conclude that most of the tickets come from chats, and most customers are happy with the service they received. If you want to explore the Zoho Desk’s wide range of ticket-level statistics, sign up for a 15-day free trial or start using its free basic plan.

Zoho ticket dashboard.

Zoho ticket dashboard (Source: Zoho )

Visit Zoho Desk

The individual agent productivity report gives the manager a detailed view of a support rep’s activities and performance within a specified time frame. The relevant metrics here are similar to those seen on the customer service team dashboard, except this one is for an individual agent. This report allows you to monitor a rep’s efficiency and ability to resolve issues, as well as determine where additional one-on-one coaching is required.

  • Ticket volume per rep: The number of tickets assigned to an agent for a specified time period.
  • Tickets closed: The proportion of received requests successfully resolved by an agent.
  • Customer satisfaction: Reflects customers’ collective rating or level of happiness with an agent’s performance and engagement.
  • Time to resolution: The average time it takes an agent to resolve an issue.

Zendesk agency productivity breakdown report.

Zendesk agency productivity breakdown report (Source: Zendesk )

Regularly running and monitoring reports on customer service metrics and performance helps support team managers easily spot trends and patterns in agent performance and customer experience. Below are five top benefits of customer service reports, including details on how they contribute to increased customer satisfaction.

Benefits of customer service reports.

Better Understanding of Customer Experiences

Customer experience metrics like customer satisfaction (CSAT) score and net promoter (NPS) score are excellent indicators of how happy your customers are with your offerings. To make sure your interpretation of these statistics is accurate, implement customer service analysis reports at every touchpoint. These reports allow you to spot and fill customer experience gaps, as well as determine what you are doing right along the way.

For example, let’s look at how unexpectedly high shipping fees could affect a customer’s buying experience. If a report indicates customers are abandoning their shopping cart once shipping fees are shown, you can consider offering free shipping to those who purchase at least $50 worth of products. This tactic could improve the customer experience and encourage shoppers to complete their purchases.

Real-time Updates on Team Performance

It might be easier for small businesses to keep track of their support team’s performance and activities. However, it’s not the same for bigger companies with dozens of employees. Fortunately, you can easily generate and pull up real-time updates on your team’s assignments, activities, and performance using service reporting tools.

Real-time reports give you a birds-eye view of the health of your work processes. For instance, your customer service team dashboard tells you your agents’ number of resolved tickets has been abnormally low in the last few days. Upon investigation, you find they have difficulty answering questions about a new product. To improve their resolved ticket score, you can conduct additional training or a refresher course on the product in question.

Data-based Goals & Decisions

Service reports provide support team managers with reliable data on which they can base their decisions. These include decisions on staff scheduling, hiring, team expansion, promotion, coaching, and even termination. You can also refer to data on customer satisfaction levels when proposing changes in your service protocols.

For example, launching a new batch of products has doubled your team’s ticket volume, and many support calls are going unanswered. Based on this finding, you can opt to hire new agents so your team can accommodate all incoming requests.

Increased Agent Productivity

Leaderboards display the rankings of all your support reps and indicate how long each agent has been on that spot. You can post these reports weekly or monthly to motivate your agents to do their job better so they won’t be ranked at the bottom. This can also inspire high achievers to maintain their level of performance.

Improved Customer Loyalty

Happy customers tend to make repeat purchases and refer your product or service to their peers. Reports on customer experience and satisfaction tell you if your clients are happy with your company. If reports reflect that they are unsatisfied with your product or their buyer experience, you can propose and implement changes to improve their perception.

Do you want to increase your customers’ loyalty and affinity to your brand? Apart from providing them, high quality products and services, make sure to reward their loyalty by creating a customer loyalty program .

For example, a ticket-level report shows that each customer submitted multiple support requests for a new app. After analyzing customer feedback and finding out the issue, the company launched updates to eliminate bugs in the app. After the product update, the company’s ticket volume dropped dramatically, and most of its users started giving the app positive feedback and referrals.

Did you know?

Understanding your customer experience is key to growing your business. Nearly 90% of consumers with positive experiences are most likely to make another purchase , while 50% of customers are likely to switch companies due to poor customer service. Additionally, 83% of customers are willing to recommend it to their peers after experiencing good customer service.

Interesting customer service statistics.

Customer service analysis reports are essential indicators of the health of your support team, product, and work processes. They also give you insights into what your customers expect of your product and service, as well as how well your agents handle requests for support. Ultimately, these reports contribute to higher customer satisfaction because they guide you on how to best meet your customers’ needs and expectations.

About the Author

Jillian Ilao

Jillian Ilao

Jill is a sales and customer service expert at Fit Small Business. Prior to joining the company, she has worked and produced marketing content for various small businesses and entrepreneurs from different markets, including Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Singapore. She has extensive writing experience and has covered topics on business, lifestyle, finance, education, and technology.

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  • Data Analytics
  • March 7, 2023
  • Posted by Ana Gelevska

Running a business is a complex system of duties and a wide-ranging set of responsibilities toward customers. Employees at different levels in the chain of management and decision-making put much effort into providing good quality products or services, which are closely analyzed through a customer service report. However, modern customers expect much more from businesses. Developing and running a business unequivocally depends on customer satisfaction, and today, they are the ones that are in the driver’s seat. 

A market that was once ruled by brands is now predominantly dominated by the impulses and desires of customers. In the new, modern era of following trends, customers want and expect more from businesses, or otherwise, they’ll need help engaging with anything the company is offering. According to the HubSpot Annual State of Service in 2022 , 90% of leaders report that customer expectations have increased to an all-time high.

At this point, customer service comes into play. Customer service is fundamental to the long-term success of any business. Digital acceleration impacts every aspect of life, starting from social media for entertainment to mobile banking, so the fact that customer expectations similarly reflect the agility of the support team for issue resolutions is not surprising. Moreover, 84% of customers feel that customer service is a key factor that helps them decide whether to purchase from a company. 

The success of the customer service department is fundamental for the sustainability of a business, and consumer satisfaction determines the future and feasibility of the brand. Often customer service needs to be addressed and given the importance it deserves.

The credit for the measurability of customer service once again goes to technology development. The best way to ensure everything runs smoothly is to create comprehensive customer service reports covering all critical metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). From tracking the average time a support agent needs to respond to a customer’s queries to ticket count and resolution rates, managers have an incredible amount of data at their disposal to act on the insights and get tangible benefits from customer service reports.

Numbers themselves don’t mean much and don’t provide the actionable insights that can be implemented to fine-tune customer service strategies. Reports need to be analyzed to give cues into how the customers see the business, its products, and services and allow managers to respond to subjects that would have been previously missed, such as pressing product or service-related issues.

Nevertheless, report generation is a time-consuming process that includes data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Generally speaking, scanning a large volume of customer data and generating reports can be overwhelming and distract managers from the commencing topic. Businesses need a solution that will offer advanced and straightforward reports with meaningful data rather than raw numbers. 

Table of Contents

What Is a Customer Service Report?

A visual presentation of customer service metrics that contains valuable and actionable information extracted from customer service data. The customer reports help managers and executives identify operable insights related to customer experience and the overall performance of the customer service team.

Customer reports can include a number of different metrics that display the overall performance of the customer service team. By pinpointing the areas of friction in both customer experience and customer service, customer service reports clarify how well the brands are meeting their goals and which sectors need improvement.

The inevitable consequence of the rapidly growing and digitally connected world is exigent customers, and their requests need fast and effective solutions. Therefore, the service reports are crucial indicators of the productivity and success of the support team in which the raw data is analyzed and practical insights are derived. Statistics and key metrics across different touchpoints provide a detailed overview of customer service requests and how the support team handles these requests.

Why Are Customer Service Reports Important?

Digitally savvy customers are more empowered and demanding than ever before. Companies need top-class customer service; otherwise, customers will look for alternatives without hesitations if the brand falls short of its expectations and offers poor customer service.

This is where customer service reports come in super handy. Through a methodical and established outline, the customer service reports allow managers to make better-informed and data-driven decisions. Detailed and well-created customer service reports contain important metrics that reflect the performance of the customer service team.

Customer service reports help monitor trends, provide efficient support for the team’s performance and quality, and ultimately improve the service delivery of the support team. Also, managers can create strategic plans, work schedules, and workload distribution. Additionally, the customer reports identify the areas of performance that need improvement and to what extent the customer service goals are being met. Regarding progress, customer service reports help executives create strategies to exceed the expectations of the customers. Based on customer feedback analyzed in the customer reports, managers can make better strategic decisions and improve consumer satisfaction in the long run. 

Below you can check an interesting video about how to give excellent customer service with the so-called L.A.S.T. method,

7 Ways Customer Service Reports Contribute to Customer Satisfaction

Customer service reports contribute to client satisfaction by providing businesses with intelligence about improving the overall customer experience . 

1. Reports Help Managers Track the Quality of Customer Service 

Customer service agents are on the leading edge of customer experience and unambiguously contribute to client satisfaction. Businesses need a method to track their performance, how well they meet the expectations of their clients, and whether they offer the expected level of consumer satisfaction the brand aims for.

Metrics in customer service reports show customer support managers how the support teams perform as a unit and the individual agent performance. This enables executives to quickly identify agents or teams that aren’t meeting their goals and doesn’t accomplish their assignments. Armed with concrete information, managers can determine the best way to address any issues and improve overall performance.  

2. They Can Motivate Customer Service Agents to Improve

In addition to providing insights to managers and executives, customer service reports also offer customer service agents an analysis of their progress and performance. Support agents can track if they are meeting the goals the managers have set for them and the personal development goals that they have set for themselves.

Service reports with quality feedback are a handy tool for identifying ways of improvement of individual work performance. Moreover, ambitious support agents will be incentivized and encouraged to boost their performance to meet customer needs better to provide proven results for their career prospects.

3. Reports Help the Company Track the Volume of Customer Service Tickets

Building a customer service team that will provide quality and timely service that meets customer expectations is crucial for any business. Sometimes, the best customer service representatives on paper may provide poor service, and customers will face lengthy hold times on the phone or wait days for an e-mail response. In order to keep customers happy, businesses need well-trained agents with expertise in the field of customer satisfaction.

In other words, whether the service agents are friendly and helpful, if customers have to wait for a long time on the phone to get an answer or wait days for an e-mail response, the soft skills won’t be worth it. Customer service reporting helps managers track how many tickets come in during a given period and how many get resolved, and also identifies when to scale up the team and hit the right speed-quality balance. 

4. They Identify Which Channels Customers Use to Interact With the Brand

An essential part of the customer service strategy is adjusting the number of customer service representatives and ensuring an excellent ratio to cover the right channels. The service team needs to be present at the right channels to ensure customer expectations are met. Managers need to redistribute the workforce if the call center agents spend most of their working time waiting for calls while the social media team is overwhelmed with answering customer e-mails and queries.

Customer support reports provide insight into how many customer service agents the company needs to cover each channel and at which time during the day.  

5. They Reveal Areas for Product Improvement

If the brand receives a large number of customer support tickets regarding a particular product (such as product feature or dysfunctionality) or service (such as low service quality), the executives need to know about it.

Customer service reports can reveal crucial business intelligence that can help the executives, management teams, and development departments to create better products and services or improve the existing ones. Additionally, the marketing team can use the insight from the detailed reports to develop a better campaign so that the sales team can ensure an accurate pitch, including minimization or elimination of possible miscommunications. 

The customer assistance team is the first department that gathers a general idea about the customer expectations about specific products and services and has insight into customer satisfaction.

6. They Help You Identify Content Gaps

Support agents provide service for customers, and their effectiveness depends on the information they have access to in the company’s knowledge base. Agents well-familiarized with the content can give accurate answers to common customer issues.

Furthermore, when trying to solve a problem, a whopping 81% of customers prefer the self-service option before contacting a customer support representative, according to Harvard Business Review. Companies that publish their content for the general public can offer fast problem-solving solutions, improve customer experience, and reduce ticket count. 

Customer service reports give insight into opportunities and the need for articles or video tutorials with step-by-step explanations about how customers can solve common problems without asking for help from the support agents. Also, the reports can provide information about questions that agents are fielding because the internal support content hasn’t adequately covered those questions. This will help managers determine which base articles or macros should be created and enable the marketing teams to do their jobs better.  

7. Evaluate and Improve Net Promoter Score (NPS) 

Net promoter score (NPS) is a crucial customer satisfaction metric focused on satisfied customers that are referrals for the business. An increased number of customers who are also promoters enables brands to expand their business and improve their loyalty rates. Loyal customers to a brand mean consistent revenue, and brand ambassadors contribute to steady or even exponential growth.

By including these customer service metrics in the customer service reports, the service managers can monitor any changes and determine how the detractors (negative), neutrals, and promoters (positive customers) affect the company’s ultimate goal.

11 Common Types of Customer Service Reports

Customer service reports are valuable only if they include the right key performance indicators (KPIs). Through analysis and comparison, customer service managers can understand the customer experience the brand is providing and create plans to meet customer satisfaction goals. 

Depending on the exact purpose, there are many ways to create a service report. By selecting metrics to omit or highlight, managers can create detailed reports and tailor them to focus on solving critical issues.  

Some of the best examples of customer service reports types are:

1. First Reply Time Report

Customer satisfaction is directly linked with the time they spend waiting to receive an initial reply to a support ticket. The more it takes the support team to answer customer queries, the more frustrated and dissatisfied the customers will be. It is essential to highlight that, by being a crucial metric, first reply time refers to all of the different channels, agents, and types of issues, meaning it needs to be analyzed as such.

2. Average Response Time Report

Average response time is the average time the customer service agents need to respond to customer requests. It is calculated by dividing the total time taken to respond to requests by the total number of requests received.

A higher average response time (than usual) might indicate that the support agents are overwhelmed with the number of daily requests and have difficulty keeping up. Well-trained agents can solve customer queries effectively, and an appropriately-staffed team in peak hours can lower the response time.

3. Customer Wait Time Report

Customer wait time, also called requester wait time, is the sum of the time a customer spends waiting on responses while the support team searches for a resolution to their issue. Regardless if the customer gets an initial reply quickly, waiting for a long time in line while the support agent resolves the problem can be disappointing and degrade the customer experience. Like the first reply time, the wait time can be divided and analyzed by issue, agent, and channel type.  

4. Time to Full Resolution Report

Customer satisfaction reaches its highest level when customer queries and issues are solved quickly and efficiently. In other words, if the agents respond quickly and provide answers immediately, but customers need to reach out for customer support again because their issue wasn’t solved, the overall customer experience will be negative. Prioritizing speed and sacrificing accuracy and helpfulness can be dissatisfying for customers. One of the most critical customer service metrics for excellent customer experience is the full resolution time.

5. Average Handle Time Report

Average handle time is the time agents need to handle customer requests. Customers have high expectations and want fast responses and quick resolution of their issues. By analyzing the average handle time report, managers can analyze the average time customers have their issues resolved, and if this time increases, it is a warning sign that the team’s efficiency is dropping. 

6. Number of Requests Closed per Agent Report

Customer service reports with numbers indicating how many requests have been closed by each agent in the team will help managers measure the effectiveness of individual agents. The number of requests closed per agent shows how productive the agents are, but a disproportionately high number of closed requests can indicate that some agents choose the more straightforward requests and avoid the difficult ones.

7. Interactions Per Ticket Report

In a situation when the customer has to follow up on an open ticket because their problem isn’t solved or to provide additional information (above details, the support team needs to solve the problem and provide customer security), the customers are in a position to do the hard work. And the point in customer support and excellent customer experience is that customers have the reversed role: report a problem and wait so that the support team can solve it.

Tracking the number of interactions per ticket can show managers how many touchpoints are required until the customer problem is solved, and further analysis can show how to minimize that number and improve customer satisfaction.

8. Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT) Report

The best way to determine customer service quality is to ask the customers for their opinion directly. CSAT scores are an overview of the performance of the customer service team. However, the analysis of customer service reporting can be tricky and misleading since an agent with a good rating and a low number of responses may not be as good for the company as it would appear at first glance.

9. Number of Incoming Tickets Report

Tracking and analyzing this metric can help customer service managers to get information about how many agents they need to improve customer satisfaction. Namely, the percentage of tickets per channel will help managers make decisions about hiring the support staff, and checking the peak times will help them optimize schedules and enable support agents to be effective. Additionally, analysis of incoming tickets can reveal valuable information about issues with products and services.

10. Customer Support KPI Report

A KPI report is a comprehensive report that includes various metrics, and its precise scope is determined by the type of business, the brand goals, and how managers and executives organize the company.

Among the main KPIs that need to be tracked are service level, customer support vs. revenue, and customer satisfaction. This service report offers insight into the overall customer support performance and cost-effectiveness. Good customer experience can be great, and customer satisfaction is the primary goal, meaning there is always room for improvement and progress.

customer service daily report

11. Customer Retention Report

Retaining existing customers is much more cost-efficient than spending resources to attract new ones, which is why a customer retention report is significant for any business. This report’s analysis allows managers to create strategies for improving customer retention rates and long-term return on investment (ROI). This report’s main metrics that need to be included are customer churn, net retention rate, revenue churn, and MRR growth rate. By comparing these metrics to revenue information, executives can measure success and identify potential strengths and weaknesses (and improve them).

How to Create and Use Customer Service Reports

In some companies, and small or new businesses in particular, the process of creating customer service reports requires inserting data about customer service interactions. This process is often done manually into a spreadsheet, making it tedious and complex to pull valuable insights from the collected data. And the ultimate goal of creating customer service reports is to put the obtained information to practical use.

Over the last few years, many companies endorsed using customer service software tools for various services, including document classification , customer service analytics , review analytics , funnel analysis , and dashboards . These services automate the creation of customer service reports by collecting customer service metrics and simplifying the process. Additionally, the software adjusts the data format for intelligible analysis and gathering actionable information to track trends.

While service reports can point out problems in the department, they cannot put the solution in the picture. At this point, companies need experienced managers to understand the information in the report, do a survey, and find a resolution. Customer service managers must prioritize metrics matching the company’s goals and answer questions crucial for future strategies. By combining quantitative and qualitative data, talking to agents about their in-hand experience, examining the metrics about tickets, and analyzing customer feedback, managers can fully understand the overall situation in the customer service department.

With good visualization, and easy-to-use and up-to-date customer service reports, service managers can monitor real-time changes and look for trends that point to areas that need enhancement.    

What Is A Service Report?

Through a methodical and established outline, the customer service reports allow managers to make better-informed and data-driven decisions. Detailed and well-created customer service reports contain important metrics that reflect the performance of the customer service team so that the companies can provide top-class customer service.

What Should Be Included In A Customer Service Report?

The right combination of key performance indicators (KPIs) makes the customer valuable or ineffective. Depending on the purpose, there are many variations of KPIs, and some of the best examples are first/average reply time report, time to full resolution report, interactions per ticket report, customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) report, and customer support KPI report. 

Customer service reporting

Customer service reporting

What are customer service reports?

Why are customer service reports essential for improving customer service, what customer service reports does liveagent offer, analytics overview.

In essence, it gives you a preview of each report (tag report, channel report, agent ranking) that’s available in LiveAgent.

Performance reports

Apart from indicating agent productivity, performance reports can also show agent ratings. They allow you to see and compare agent performance in terms of helpfulness, knowledgeability, and speed.

Agent rankings

The agent ranking overview is a complete report of all positive and negative agent reviews. The report is complete with comments from customers, the date the review was received, and even gives you the option to navigate to the ticket that the agent was solving when they received the review.

Tag reports

Tag reports give you insight into which tags are most prevalent inside your customer service tickets. Having access to an organized report like this can showcase what kind of issues your team is dealing with most often, and thus can provide actionable insights and help you improve your product/service.

SLA compliance reports

View all fulfilled and missed SLAs from a specific time range to bridge the gap between the service you’re expected to provide, and the service you’re currently delivering. SLA compliance reports allow you to sort all SLAs by date, department, and agent so you can see who’s excelling at fulfilling SLAs and who needs to improve.

SLA log reports

All logs can be exported into a CSV file.

Agent availability

The agent availability report lets you monitor the availability of your support agents . See when each agent was online answering tickets, chats, and calls, and for how long. For ease of sharing, all agent availability logs can be exported into a CSV file.

Agent reports

The agent report gives you a holistic view of all agent activities, worktime, sales, reviews, and other metrics such as the average chat time or average chat pickup time. Segment agent reports by date, department, channel, and agent to get an accurate depiction of how your teams are performing.

Channel reports

Channel reports, like most reports in LiveAgent, can be viewed in an area chart, line chart, bar graph, and pie chart.

Department reports

Department reports give you an overview of how many support tickets each department has received and resolved across different communication channels. The report can also provide insight into how each department is doing in terms of customer feedback and reviews.

Time reports

The report gives you the option to use filters and search for tickets from specific customers, or agents.

Additional features that can help you monitor your customer service

Email notifications, slack notifications.

Are email notifications not enough? Set up Slack notifications . Every time a new ticket is opened, solved, or responded to, you’ll be notified on Slack. Slack can also notify you if any LiveAgent automation rules have been changed while you were away from your dashboard .

Export tickets

Online ticket history.

On the go with no way to log into LiveAgent, but need to check the progress of a specific ticket? Ask your agents to send you an online ticket history URL . Without the authentication enabled, you can read the online ticket history by simply clicking on the link that was sent to you.

Unlimited call recordings

Chats overview.

Want to check out how your agents are handling tickets in real-time? Use the chats overview to spectate as your agents help out customers on live chat. 

Benchmarks and leaderboards

Benchmarks and leaderboards give you an idea of how your customer support agents are performing in comparison to one another. It allows you to view how long your agents have been online, how many messages they’ve responded to, and who got the most positive reviews in a day. 

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Call Center Reporting: The Only Reports You Need to Create

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In the call center world, data is more than numbers; it’s the secret sauce to making smart decisions. 

Imagine using data to find out exactly what each customer call reveals about your business. You’d be able to optimize customer interactions, understand where you’re losing customers, and improve your business’s bottom line.

But with so much call center data to review, which reports actually make a difference? Instead of trying to distill information from every report under the sun, there’s only seven you need to focus on.

These reports will help you track agent activity, call volume trends, and customer patterns, revealing how your call center is performing and where improvement is needed.

The Only 7 Reports You Need to Create For Call Center Reporting 

The following seven reports are all you need to master call center reporting. They provide comprehensive insights into agent performance, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

1. Agent Activity Report 

The agent activity report is a tool that tracks the performance of each call center agent. It looks at how many calls they handle, how long they spend on each call, and whether they solve customer problems on the first try. This report helps managers see if agents meet their goals and do their jobs well.

Here are some of the most commonly tracked metrics in an agent activity report:

  • The volume of calls handled: This metric tells how many calls an agent answers, showing how busy they are and how well they handle the workload.
  • Call handling efficiency: Here, you find out the average time it takes an agent to deal with a call, which helps spot ways to make things more efficient.
  • First-call resolution rate: This shows the percentage of problems an agent solves without the customer needing to call back, indicating how effective the agent is at solving issues quickly.
  • After-call work time: This measures how much time agents spend on tasks after a call ends, like filling out forms or updating records, ensuring nothing gets missed.

An agent activity report is a great place to start with call center analytics because your agents reflect your business and directly communicate with your customers. 

With this report, you can identify training opportunities, recognize top-performing agents, and make data-driven decisions to improve your team’s performance.

2. Daily Summary Report

The daily summary report provides a bird’s eye view of the day-to-day operations within your call center, summarizing the day’s activities to offer insights into operational health and effectiveness. It’s an essential tool for understanding the bigger picture of how your call center is performing daily.

When curating your daily summary report, make sure to track the following:

  • How many agents were working: This number gives you a snapshot of your staffing levels for the day, which is crucial for assessing if you have enough support to handle the call volume.
  • The schedule adherence rate: This metric shows how well agents stick to their scheduled work times, an important factor in maintaining consistent service levels.
  • Call volume for the day: Understanding the total number of calls received helps you gauge the demand and plan for future staffing needs.
  • The number of calls answered and abandoned: This insight allows you to measure customer service success and identify areas for improvement in call management.
  • If the service level was met: This checks whether the call center achieved its predefined service goals, offering a measure of overall performance.
  • The average handle time for the entire call center: By looking at how long it takes, on average, to handle a call, you can assess efficiency and effectiveness across the board.
  • The average answer speed for the day: This tells you how quickly agents can answer incoming calls—the quicker they answer, the happier your callers will be.
  • The shortest and longest hold times: Analyzing these extremes helps identify inconsistencies in call handling and opportunities to improve the customer experience.
  • The most used call disposition codes: Understanding the common outcomes of calls can guide training and operational adjustments.

Use this report as a daily check-in tool to quickly address any dips in performance and maintain a consistently high standard of customer service. It’s a great report to summarize and send to your team regularly to keep everyone informed and on track.

3. Monthly Volume Trend Snapshot Report

The monthly volume trend snapshot report helps you understand how busy your call center gets and when. This knowledge is key to ensuring that you have the right number of agents ready to help customers, whether it’s a slow day or your busiest season.

This report can be parsed into in four versions, each giving you a clear picture of call volumes over different periods: 

  • Daily ups and downs
  • Weekly peaks
  • Month over month comparisons
  • The big picture of your busiest seasons.

Within these reports, look for fluctuations in call volume that can help identify trends and patterns that could impact staffing, customer experience, and overall operational efficiency.

A month is usually long enough to measure changes in call volume, but some businesses may want to compare this report against year-over-year data to get a more comprehensive view.

4. Service Level Agreement (SLA) Report

The service level agreement (SLA) report is critical for any call center aiming to meet and exceed client expectations. An SLA sets the standard for service quality, like ensuring 80% of calls are answered within 20 seconds. This report shows how closely your call center follows these agreements.

When tracking performance in an SLA report, you’ll want to pay attention to:

  • Service level metrics: Outline each agreement, such as response times, and identify the client it’s associated with. This clarity helps you monitor specific goals tailored to each client’s needs.
  • Goal achievement: Record whether your team is hitting these standards. Knowing where you stand allows you to celebrate successes or quickly address shortcomings.
  • SLA breaches: Note any instances where service levels fall short, including who was responsible and what went wrong. This insight is vital for preventing future breaches.
  • Timing of breaches: Pinpoint when these lapses occurred to detect any patterns or triggers. Understanding the timing helps in crafting strategies to improve service consistency.

Managers and directors rely on the SLA report to safeguard the call center’s reputation and client relationships. By analyzing this report, you can make informed decisions to enhance service quality, ensuring your call center meets and exceeds client expectations.

5. Queue Activity Report 

A queue activity report can help a call center fine-tune its operations and improve the customer experience. This report dives into what happens when customers are placed in different waiting lines, or queues, before they speak with an agent.

Queue activity reports help you to clarify the following:

  • Number of calls in each queue: Indicates demand for different services, which can help you better allocate your staff.
  • Percentage of abandoned calls: Suggests customer dissatisfaction with wait times, which can show you areas where you may need to improve.
  • Shortest and longest hold times: Understanding wait time variances helps set customer expectations and reduce wait times.
  • Average wait time before answer: Offers an overview of how quickly customers’ calls are addressed.
  • Callers opting for a callback: Indicates customer preference, aiding in volume management and satisfaction retention.
  • Average number of queues a caller is transferred to: Minimizing transfers is key to a smooth customer experience and can decrease frustration and improve resolution efficiency.

Understanding queue dynamics offers a window into your call center’s efficiency and customer satisfaction. For example, analyzing why some queues have longer wait times than others can help identify bottlenecks in your system.

These queue-related call center KPIs also measure customer patience and whether your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) system directs calls efficiently.

6. Customer Satisfaction Report

The customer satisfaction report is essential for gauging customer happiness with a call center’s services. It aggregates vital data points to paint a comprehensive picture of the customer experience.

Since customer satisfaction is a significant factor in achieving business success, call center managers and directors should take this report seriously.

Key components of this report include:

  • Average CSAT score: Measures customer satisfaction levels immediately following interactions.
  • Top contact channels: Identifies customers’ preferred methods to connect, pinpointing areas you may want to focus on.
  • First call resolution rate: Indicates the percentage of issues resolved on the first attempt.
  • Failed calls/missed calls: Tallies calls that didn’t connect or were dropped, shedding light on potential access or reliability problems.
  • Customer effort score: Evaluates the ease with which customers can resolve their issues, impacting overall satisfaction.
  • How often callers are transferred: Monitors the frequency of departmental transfers, which can adversely affect the customer experience if the transfer number is high.
  • Customer sentiment analysis: Provides insight into customers’ general moods and feelings based on their interactions, which provides more depth and nuance beyond just the numbers.

These metrics can help you see whether customers will continue to engage with a call center. For example, improving the first call resolution rate can substantially increase CSAT scores, as customers appreciate getting their problems solved quickly.

7. Call Detail Report 

The call detail report is like having a microscope for every call center interaction. It lets you see everything about a call from the moment it starts to the moment it ends and even what happens after.

This close-up look is key to understanding how well your agents interact with customers and handle their questions or problems. By digging into these details, you can find ways to boost your team’s skills and make customers happier.

When diving into a call detail report, you should focus on:

  • Who took the call: Knowing which agent handled the call can show you where you need to focus your attention and training.
  • When the call came in: This helps you see how call volumes change throughout the day or week.
  • How long the call was: Longer calls might mean more complicated issues or areas where an agent needs more training.
  • Hold/queue times: Long wait times can be frustrating for customers, so keeping these short is good.
  • What the call was about: Understanding why people call in can help you better prepare your team for future calls.
  • How long after-call work took: Quick follow-up work means your team is efficient and ready for the next call faster.
  • Details about the caller: Knowing your customers can help personalize their experience.
  • If a call was abandoned: High abandonment rates can point to problems with wait times or customer satisfaction.
  • Cost-per-call: Keeping an eye on this helps manage resources and ensure your call center runs efficiently.

Using the call detail report well means you can spot where your team shines and where they might need a little polish. For example, if you notice calls about a specific issue always last longer, you might need to provide more training in that area.

If your other metrics are performing well, a detailed report lets you use a fine-tooth comb to make small but impactful tweaks that can significantly improve customer satisfaction and take call center quality assurance to the next level.

Exploring these essential reports empowers you to comprehensively refine your call center’s performance and elevate the overall customer experience.

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15 FREE Service Report Templates [EXCEL, WORD, PDF]

You can get free service report templates here without paying a single penny. After downloading any template available in Excel or Word formats, you can also make changes to compose an error-free service report for your business or company. A service report is an important business document that keeps your clients and customers up to date on all the things you do to fulfill their needs. We can also say that service reports are documents prepared by customer service representatives to keep a proper record of the quality of services provided to customers on demand.

However, service reports are also filled by the customers to help a firm or business establishment to give feedback about services provided by the customer service representative of the company as well as to communicate where the company needs to improve its processes and services. A service report is a regularly prepared document in various service provider companies and organizations.

Free Service Report Templates:

Business management and companies use such customer-prepared services reports to put together plans on how to change service protocols for a better customer experience as well as to boost sales volume. Writing service reports on a regular basis is the best way to keep track of services provided to customers as well as to make sure the quality of services you are providing so your customers can enjoy your services without disengagement.

Service reports on hand are just like the history of services provided to customers. So if there is an issue a customer is facing, the company can fix using the details mentioned in the service report on an immediate basis. The majority of service-providing companies are using computerized formats and samples for service report writing, whereas many of them are using fill-in-the-blank formats to create service reports for their customers. That’s why for your ease, some high-quality service report templates are added here on this page that can be downloaded for free.

Get Service Report Templates in Excel:

Customer service report template.

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Blank Service Report Template

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Company’s Service Report Template Excel

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Service Estimate Report Template in XLSX Format

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Simple Service Report Format

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Official Customer Service Report Sheet Template

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Organization’s Service Report Template

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Get Service Report Templates in WORD Here:

Fillable service report template word.

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Formal Customer Service Report Template

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Sample Service Report Template in DOC Format

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Free Editable Service Field Report Template

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Employment Services Follow-Up Report Example

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Get Service Report Templates in PDF Here:

Technical services report template pdf.

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School Community Service Report Template

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Professional Service Report Template Printable

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US Companies Are Failing to Meet Customer Expectations – KPMG US CEE Report

Findings from the 2024 U.S. Customer Experience Excellence Report reveals how successful companies are creating differentiated CX with human and AI interactions.

The majority of US companies are failing to meet customer expectations according to the new KPMG US  Customer Experience Excellence (CEE) report . The survey of 10,000 US customers across 282 brands shows a 5% decline from 2022, the lowest level since 2015. 

“US businesses went above and beyond to keep customers engaged during the pandemic, raising customer expectations,” said Jeff Mango, Managing Director, Customer Experience Lead ,  KPMG LLP. “However, companies’ post-pandemic recalibrations, together with the tightening of the labor market, have led to an overall decline in customer experience. On the other hand, brands that deliver technology efficiency with intimate customer empathy and understanding are seeing profitable growth.”

Leading organizations prioritize humanized experiences

Brands that lead the CEE index are balancing three major factors to improve results and counter escalating customer expectations:

  • They rely on operating models that put the customer first—and orchestrate the experience they provide around this principle.
  • They use a carefully selected mix of channels, technology, and human interactions that contribute to delivering on their brand promise.
  • They use technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an enabler to solve their customers’ problems.

“AI and advanced technologies can play a critical role in elevating the total customer experience,” added Mango. “The leading US organizations in the CEE report utilize AI not to simply automate processes, but to engage with customers, help manage the customer lifecycle, and elevate the human experience.”

On automation and humanizing the customer experience, Jason Galloway, Principal, US Customer Advisory COE Lead, KPMG LLP, said, “Leaders in customer experience realize that consumers warm to personalities. If the emotional connection between brand and customer is to be sustained, AI and digital customer interactions need to be humanized, and express the brand personality. By balancing the human touch with automation, top brands can still lower costs to serve, reduce customer friction, and improve customer satisfaction.”

The Top 10 US Brands

Many of the organizations have been at the top of CEE index for many years. During each of the last five years, the first three have landed in the Top 10, and others have appeared in the Top 20.

  • H-E-B (landed at number one spot for the first time)
  • USAA (held the top or second position in the CEE index for several years)
  • Navy Federal Credit Union (has reclaimed a top three spot after four years)
  • Sherwin-Williams (reached the Top 10 for the first time, but has been in the Top 30 for years)
  • Edward Jones (rose 20 places to the Top 10 this year)
  • L.L.Bean (maintained the 6th spot for two years in a row)
  • Barnes & Noble (first time to joins the Top 10 brands)
  • Publix ((has been in the Top 15 for last five years)
  • Chick-fil-A (has been in the Top 10 for four of last five years)
  • World’s leading online retailer (has been consistently in the Top 20 for the last five years)

For more information on the new KPMG U.S. CEE report, please click  here .

Movers and Shakers

Movers and Shakers are organizations that have made significant progress in 2023, increasing their placement in the rankings by more than 60 places. These are:

  • Humana (advanced 119 places to 26 from 145)
  • DoubleTree by Hilton (advanced 84 places to 77 from 161)
  • Progressive Insurance (advanced 63 places to 94 from 157)

Top 10 Industry Performers

The report shows that Grocery Retail remains in the top industry position with an average score of 7.68 out of 10, a 3% decrease from 2022. Financial Services also remain in second place in with a score of 7.54, showing a 4% decrease from 2022, and Non-Grocery Retail remain in third place with a score of 7.45, down 4% from 2022. Restaurant & Fast Food also remains in fourth place with a score of 7.42, while Healthcare rises to firth place with a score of 7.33. The average score for all industries is at 7.28.

  • Grocery Retail
  • Financial Services
  • Non-Grocery Retail
  • Restaurant & Fast Food
  • Travel & Hotel
  • Entertainment & Leisure
  • Public Sector

“Industries with more frequent interactions with customers have the edge over industries with less customer interactions,” said Mango. “This is one reason, together with freshness of tangible products, Grocery brands lead the CEE index, with financial services and non-grocery retail to follow. We see Telecom and Utilities towards the bottom of the list because they are hampered by poor customer service, while they are perceived to prioritize profit over experience.”


The research for this year’s US report was conducted via an online survey. More than 10,000 US customers were interviewed and asked to rate their experiences with 282 US brands across the six pillars of experience: 1. Integrity, acting ethically and demonstrably in the customers’ best interests 2. Resolution, focusing on proactively addressing customer problems 3. Accurately setting customer Expectations 4. Reducing the Time and Effort customers need to expend by enabling frictionless digital and, where possible, physical interactions 5. Delivering a Personalized experience with 6. Empathy and compassion.

For more information on the new KPMG US Customer Experience Excellence (CEE) report and to arrange an interview with Jeff Mango, please contact Andreas Marathovouniotis.

Image of Andreas Marathovouniotis

Andreas Marathovouniotis

Associate Director, Corporate Communications

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  1. 11 Key Customer Service Metrics + 4 Real Example Reports

    Consider the four example customer service reports below — each from a real customer service team — to brainstorm some new ideas for your own reports. Note: The format and structure of these reports are real, but we've obscured the actual numbers. 1. Help Scout.

  2. See Customer Service Reports & Data Analysis Examples

    A customer service report is a tool composed of a mix of customer service metrics that help organizations meet customer expectations and provide better experiences. Thanks to real-time data, businesses can optimize their service levels while increasing profits. ... or emerge. By gaining access to the right daily customer service report, you can ...

  3. Customer Service Metrics: 2024 Guide + Free Template

    With that information, calculate customer retention rate with the following formula: [ (E-N)/S] *100 = CRR. For example, say you have 100 customers at the start of your timeframe (S), 90 customers at the end of the period (E), and you added 15 customers (N). Your customer retention rate would be 75%. 7.

  4. What Are Customer Service Reports (With Free Template)

    A customer service report is a detailed document that provides a comprehensive overview of an organization's customer service performance. These reports offer insights into essential metrics such as response times, customer satisfaction levels, and issue resolution rates, amongst others. With a customer service report, businesses can identify ...

  5. Customer service reports: A complete guide for managers

    Mentioned below are five tips to help you create impactful customer service reports. 1. Define your objectives and key metrics clearly. You need to know the destination before starting a journey; your business objectives must be at the heart of your discussion when creating a customer service report.

  6. Creating and Analyzing a Customer Service Report: Tips and Best

    They shared that the top 3 benefits of customer service reports are: Improving response time. Gaining a deeper insight into how the business is perceived by the customers. Tracking the level and nature of customer issues over time to make informed strategic decisions.

  7. 6 Essential Customer Service Reports That You Need to Track

    We've gone ahead and done the groundwork for you — we have compiled 6 crucial customer service reports that will help you improve the quality of customer service you offer. Here you go: 1. The number of customer requests received in a day. This customer service report will show you how many customer requests are received in a day.

  8. 4 Ways to Report on Customer Service Teams

    The Hustle Daily Show A daily dose of irreverent, offbeat, and informative takes on business and tech news. Another Bite ... A customer service report summarizes and analyzes a company's customer service department's performance. The report highlights customer satisfaction levels, response times, and resolution rates that help gauge how your ...

  9. Your Guide to Creating Customer Service Reports (+ Template!)

    A Practical Guide to Creating Quality Reports for Customer Service Leaders - Free Template. Regular customer service reports are crucial for showing your department's worth. They display and make sense of performance data by adding qualitative context, helping you understand how performance evolves over time. This is important not only for ...

  10. Customer Service Reporting Structure for Metrics & Analysis

    Customer requests received daily (across all channels) - This is one of the basic metrics that all customer service reports should have. After all, deciding how many employees to staff on a specific day is often directly tied to this information. By keeping an eye on this metric daily, you'll begin to spot trends over time and prepare for them.

  11. Customer Service Reports (+Benefits & Examples)

    Customer service reports are essential for businesses to track trends, identify improvement areas, and make informed decisions. They provide insights into customer preferences, workforce management, and agent performance. LiveAgent offers a 30-day free trial to improve customer service. B2B and B2C companies rely on data in almost every aspect ...

  12. 6 Essential Customer Service Reports for Support Teams

    1. Customer Service Team Report. The customer service team report gives you an overview of your team's daily, weekly, or monthly performance. It also highlights the agents' SLA compliance, response time, individual performance, and request volume from every support channel. A quick look at this report helps you assess the overall health of ...

  13. 6 Customer Service Reports That Every Manager Needs

    6 Customer service reports for better support. In this article, we've outlined 6 essential customer service reports to help increase the quality of customer service you deliver. 1. Number of requests received per day. The "number of requests received" report shows you how many customer requests you have received within the last day (s).

  14. Creating and Analyzing a Customer Service Report: Tips and ...

    A customer service report is a visual presentation of customer service metrics with valuable and actionable information extracted from customer service data. ... (than usual) might indicate that the support agents are overwhelmed with the number of daily requests and have difficulty keeping up. Well-trained agents can solve customer queries ...

  15. Modern Customer Service Report Template

    Evaluate your company's customer service through this bright and engaging report template. Vamp up your company's discussions with a colorful, dynamic report that captures attention. Highlight essential information with the bright colors incorporated throughout this design. This design thrives on its unique composition — so once you're ...

  16. 14+ Useful Customer Service Report Templates [WORD, EXCEL, PDF]

    A customer service report is a document that describes the performance of the whole customer service department to the top management or employer. Customer services report tells concerned managers how well the company is providing services to the customers and these can also be used for decision making to improve the performance of the customer ...

  17. 20 Customer Service KPIs You Need To Know

    Typically after an experience with support staff, customers are encouraged to fill out a survey based on their experience. Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT) show how happy customers are with the service provided and how well customer service team members handle customer issues and complaints. 13. Net Promoter Score.

  18. What is Customer Service Reporting? (+Free Trial)

    Customer service reports provide an overview of all customer service requests and related activities, offering insights into performance, improvement areas and top-performing departments. Regularly reviewing these reports can ensure customers' needs and expectations are met, leading to improved satisfaction and increased loyalty. Categories:

  19. Call Center Reporting: The Only Reports You Need to Create

    Use this report as a daily check-in tool to quickly address any dips in performance and maintain a consistently high standard of customer service. It's a great report to summarize and send to your team regularly to keep everyone informed and on track. 3. Monthly Volume Trend Snapshot Report

  20. Customer Service Report

    12+ Customer Service Report Examples. 1. Customer Service Report Template. 2. Simple Customer Service Report Template. 3. Customer Service Report Card Template. 4. Customer Service Call Report Template.

  21. Operational Reporting: 10 Best Templates & Practices to Use in ...

    It could be a daily report, a weekly report, a monthly report, a quarterly report or an annual report. They contain data such as sales figures and trends, financial data, production volumes and costs, customer service metrics, quality control and assurance, etc. Operational teams use time-based reports to monitor trends within that period and ...

  22. 15 FREE Service Report Templates [EXCEL, WORD, PDF]

    Related posts: 14+ Useful Customer Service Report Templates [WORD, EXCEL, PDF] Have a fleeting look at the previews of the customer service report templates below and you can download any template for free. The customer service department is one of the most important departments of the company and customers can get their issues resolved at customer services easily but if your...

  23. Contact Us

    Customer Service Representatives can help you with your account, plan, and bill questions during business hours. Customer Service - 877-256-2472 Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm

  24. US Companies Are Failing to Meet Customer Expectations

    The majority of US companies are failing to meet customer expectations according to the new KPMG US Customer Experience Excellence (CEE) report. The survey of 10,000 US customers across 282 brands shows a 5% decline from 2022, the lowest level since 2015.

  25. Prescott Public Library Corner:National Library Week and customer

    I am happy to report that our customers love us! 97% agreed or strongly agreed that library staff provide excellent customer service. OFFERS. 928 Media

  26. PDF Consumer Response Annual Report

    difficulties in accessing customer service, delays in refunds for payments made during the coronavirus (COVID-19) payment pause, processing delays when attempting to access ... This report provides information and analysis about complaints received by the CFPB from ... or that subsequent daily fees significantly increased the overdrawn amount ...