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  • Solve equations and inequalities
  • Simplify expressions
  • Factor polynomials
  • Graph equations and inequalities
  • Advanced solvers
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  • Arithmetics
  • Determinant
  • Percentages
  • Scientific Notation
  • Inequalities

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What can QuickMath do?

QuickMath will automatically answer the most common problems in algebra, equations and calculus faced by high-school and college students.

  • The algebra section allows you to expand, factor or simplify virtually any expression you choose. It also has commands for splitting fractions into partial fractions, combining several fractions into one and cancelling common factors within a fraction.
  • The equations section lets you solve an equation or system of equations. You can usually find the exact answer or, if necessary, a numerical answer to almost any accuracy you require.
  • The inequalities section lets you solve an inequality or a system of inequalities for a single variable. You can also plot inequalities in two variables.
  • The calculus section will carry out differentiation as well as definite and indefinite integration.
  • The matrices section contains commands for the arithmetic manipulation of matrices.
  • The graphs section contains commands for plotting equations and inequalities.
  • The numbers section has a percentages command for explaining the most common types of percentage problems and a section for dealing with scientific notation.

Math Topics

More solvers.

  • Add Fractions
  • Simplify Fractions

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Math Solver

Geogebra math solver.

Get accurate solutions and step-by-step explanations for algebra and other math problems, while enhancing your problem-solving skills!

person with long dark hair sit at a table working at a laptop. 3x+2 and x² equations float in the air signifying that she is working on math problems

  • Algebra Calculator
  • Mobile App for iOS

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Free Algebra Calculator

Step-by-step calculator and algebra solver.

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Algebra Solver to Check Your Homework

Algebra Solver and Math Simplifier that SHOWS WORK

Math Calculators Designed To Help Save Homework Time and Stress

Math calculator menu.

Parent-friendly calculators that show and explain their work.

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in the plus (+) icon to see a summary of what the calculator does.

in a the minus (-) icon to hide the summary.

the Expand All Calculator Summaries button to open all summaries at once. again to collapse all summaries.

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30 60 90 Triangle Calculator

Adding and subtracting decimals calculator.

  • How to add and subtract decimals.
  • How to add negative numbers.
  • How to subtract negative numbers.

Add or Subtract 3 Fractions Calculator

  • How to add 3 fractions with the same denominators.
  • How to add 3 fractions that have different denominators.

Add or Subtract 2 Fractions Calculator

  • How do you add fractions with same denominators?
  • How do you add fractions with different denominators?
  • What are the steps to subtract fractions?

Add/Subtract Mixed Numbers Calculator

  • How to convert mixed numbers into fractions.
  • How to add mixed numbers.

Algebra Calculator

Circle calculator.

  • Circle diagram depicting each measurement and formula.

Combination Calculator

  • Examples of generated lists.
  • Why limit the combinations to 7?

Compare Fractions Calculator

  • How to compare fractions?
  • How to compare fractions with different denominators.
  • Which fraction is bigger calculator.
  • Greater than less than fractions calculator.

Dividing Fractions Calculator

  • How to divide fractions.
  • How to divide fractions and mixed numbers.
  • How to divide fractions by whole numbers.

Endpoint Calculator

  • How to find missing endpoint.

Exponent Calculator

  • Exponent definition.
  • Negative exponents.
  • Be aware of negatives and parenthesis.

Fraction Reducer

  • What does it mean to reduce fractions?
  • How to simply fractions.
  • How to convert improper fraction to mixed number.
  • How to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions.

Greatest Common Factor Calculator

  • What are factors?
  • What are common factors?
  • What is a greatest common factor?

Least Common Multiple Calculator

  • What are multiples?
  • What is a common multiple?
  • What is a least common multiple?

Linear Equation Solver

  • What is a linear equation?
  • Step-by-step example showing how to solve linear equations.

Long Addition Calculator

  • How to add multiple numbers without a calculator.

Long Division Calculator

How to do long division when dividing...

  • Whole numbers with no remainder.
  • Whole numbers with whole remainder.
  • Decimal numbers with no remainder.
  • Decimal numbers with decimal remainder.

Long Multiplication Calculator

  • How to multiply decimals and integers without a calculator.

Addition Facts Quiz

Midpoint calculator.

  • How to find midpoint between two points.
  • How to find the length of a segment with endpoints.
  • Distance and midpoint formula examples.

Math Facts Multiplication Quiz

Multiplication table exercise, multiplying and dividing decimals calculator, multiplying fractions calculator.

  • How to multiply fractions.
  • Multiplying fractions and mixed numbers.
  • Multiplying fractions by whole numbers.

Factoring Calculator

  • What is factoring?
  • What is factoring used for?

Ordering Decimals Calculator

  • How to arrange decimal numbers in ascending order.
  • How to arrange decimals in descending order.

Ordering Fractions Calculator

  • How to order fractions.
  • Ordering fractions examples.

PEMDAS Calculator

  • What is PEMDAS?
  • Why is PEMDAS Needed?
  • PEMDAS Examples With Answers.

Percent Calculator

  • How to calculate a percentage from two numbers.
  • How to calculate a number from a percentage and a number.
  • How to calculate the numerator given the percentage and the denominator.

Percentage Change Calculator

  • How to calculate percent change.
  • Percentage increase example.
  • Percentage decrease example.

Postfix Evaluator

  • How to evaluate postfix expression using stack.
  • Postfix evaluation examples.

Prefix Evaluator

  • How to evaluate prefix expression using stack.
  • Prefix evaluation examples.

Prime Factoring Calculator

  • What are Prime Numbers ?
  • How to manually find prime factors of a number.

Prime Number Checker Calculator

  • What are primes?

Prime Number List Generator

Pythagorean theorem calculator.

  • What is the Pythagorean Theorem?
  • Converse of Pythagorean Theorem.
  • Converse Test Calculator

Ratio Calculator

  • What is a ratio?
  • How to simply a ratio.
  • How to determine if two ratios are equal.
  • How to solve ratio equality problems.
  • How to scale a ratio up or down.

Rounding Calculator

  • How to round a number.
  • Rounding decimals examples.

Scientific Notation Calculator

  • Subtracting SN
  • Multiplying SN
  • Dividing SN

Slope Calculator

  • How to calculate slope from two points.
  • How to formulate a line's equation.

Square Root Calculator

  • What are square roots?
  • What are perfect squares?

Triangle Calculator

About the The Math Calculator Menu section

This ever-growing math and algebra calculator collection began with many of the calculators I created to help me assist my own children with their mathematic and algebra homework.

From my experience, the authors of contemporary math textbooks seem more interested in showing how smart they are instead of providing detailed explanations that parents can understand.

Math Can Be Fun ... If You Enjoy Doing Math!

What you won't find in the online math calculators section is any of the normal hype you read on other math help sites. No matter how hard these sites try to convince parents and students that math can be made to be fun, for many, mathematics is not, nor will it ever be, fun.

In my opinion, the only people who consider math to be fun, are those who enjoy doing math -- people like myself. And while I consider certain types of math to be fun, other types ... not so much. The only reason I enjoy any type of math at all is that it helps me to solve problems that are important to what I enjoy doing.

As for those people who hate mathematics now and forever, the most one could hope to accomplish is to help them and their children to pass their required math courses in the least amount of time, with the least amount of stress -- which is my goal for the online math calculators section.

What is the Key to Being "Good at Math?"

The key to being good at math boils down to one skill -- memorization. That's all math is, the memorization of math facts, formulas, and rules. So if you're good at memorizing and retaining facts, formulas, and rules, you will most likely be good at math.

Unfortunately, no matter how good you are at memorization, if you don't use what you have memorized on a consistent basis, you will eventually forget what you once had memorized. And therein lies the problem for most parents when it comes to helping their children with their math and algebra homework -- the average parent has not used what they were taught as children often enough to retain what they now need to tutor their children.

Are You Pulling Your Hair Out Trying To Help Your Children With Math?

If you're a parent, and you've forgotten your math and algebra due to lack of use -- or you never had much of an aptitude for mathematics and algebra to begin with -- and you have a child who is struggling with mathematics, the math and algebra calculators in this section were designed with you in mind.

The math and algebra calculator collection in this section consists of calculators that will:

  • Help in the memorization and retention of math facts, formulas, and rules.
  • Make quick work of time consuming tasks, such as factoring.
  • Quickly solve common types of problems, such as fractions, exponents, square roots, etc.

Please let me know if there's a calculator you would like to see added to this online math calculators section.

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Move the slider to left and right to adjust the calculator width. Note that the Help and Tools panel will be hidden when the calculator is too wide to fit both on the screen. Moving the slider to the left will bring the instructions and tools panel back into view.

Also note that some calculators will reformat to accommodate the screen size as you make the calculator wider or narrower. If the calculator is narrow, columns of entry rows will be converted to a vertical entry form, whereas a wider calculator will display columns of entry rows, and the entry fields will be smaller in size ... since they will not need to be "thumb friendly".

Show/Hide Popup Keypads:

Select Show or Hide to show or hide the popup keypad icons located next to numeric entry fields. These are generally only needed for mobile devices that don't have decimal points in their numeric keypads. So if you are on a desktop, you may find the calculator to be more user-friendly and less cluttered without them.

Stick/Unstick Tools:

Select Stick or Unstick to stick or unstick the help and tools panel. Selecting "Stick" will keep the panel in view while scrolling the calculator vertically. If you find that annoying, select "Unstick" to keep the panel in a stationary position.

If the tools panel becomes "Unstuck" on its own, try clicking "Unstick" and then "Stick" to re-stick the panel.

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Other Calculators

  • "Work" Problems Calculator

Work problems calculator

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These calculators will solve three types of 'work' word problems . Also, it will provide a detailed explanation.

First worker can do the job in Days Hours Minutes and the second worker takes Days Hours Minutes . How long would it take the two workers together to finish the job?

If men can do a job in days, how many would it take to do the job in days?

A swimming pool has 2 inlet pipes. One fills the pool in hours, the other in hours. The outlet pipe empties the pool in hours. If the pool is at first empty and all three pipes are open, how many hours will it take to fill up the pool?

Most popular calculators

  • Factoring Polynomials
  • Solving equations
  • Rationalize Denominator
  • Arithmetic sequences

Polynomial Calculators

  • Polynomial Roots
  • Synthetic Division
  • Polynomial Operations
  • Graphing Polynomials
  • Expand & Simplify
  • Generate From Roots

Rational Expressions

  • Simplify Expression
  • Multiplication / Division
  • Addition / Subtraction

Radical Expressions

  • Simplifying

Solving Equations

  • Quadratic Equations Solver
  • Polynomial Equations
  • Solving Equations - With Steps

Quadratic Equation

  • Solving (with steps)
  • Quadratic Plotter
  • Factoring Trinomials
  • Equilateral Triangle
  • Right Triangle
  • Oblique Triangle
  • Square Calculator
  • Rectangle Calculator
  • Circle Calculator
  • Hexagon Calculator
  • Rhombus Calculator
  • Trapezoid Calculator
  • Triangular Prism

Complex Numbers

  • Modulus, inverse, polar form

Systems of equations

  • Vectors (2D & 3D)
  • Add, Subtract, Multiply
  • Determinant Calculator
  • Matrix Inverse
  • Characteristic Polynomial
  • Eigenvalues
  • Eigenvectors
  • Matrix Decomposition

Calculus Calculators

  • Limit Calculator
  • Derivative Calculator
  • Integral Calculator

Sequences & Series

  • Arithmetic Sequences
  • Geometric Sequences
  • Find n th Term

Analytic Geometry

  • Distance and Midpoint
  • Triangle Calculator
  • Graphing Lines
  • Lines Intersection
  • Two Point Form
  • Line-Point Distance
  • Parallel/Perpendicular
  • Circle Equation
  • Circle From 3 Points
  • Circle-line Intersection


  • Degrees to Radians
  • Trig. Equations
  • Long Division
  • Evaluate Expressions
  • Fraction Calculator
  • Greatest Common Divisor GCD
  • Least Common Multiple LCM
  • Prime Factorization
  • Scientific Notation
  • Percentage Calculator
  • Dec / Bin / Hex

Statistics and probability

  • Probability Calculator
  • Probability Distributions
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Standard Deviation
  • Z - score Calculator
  • Normal Distribution
  • T-Test Calculator
  • Correlation & Regression

Financial Calculators

  • Simple Interest
  • Compound Interest
  • Amortization Calculator
  • Annuity Calculator
  • Work Problems

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How long does it take to get an answer to my math problem?

Our application is available 24/7 and will start working on a solutions immediately after you send it. The time it takes to solve each problem is dependant on the complexity of the problem. The application will post a step by step solution.

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How is this app different from your tutoring service.

The AI Math Solver is FREE to try and powered by our proprietary mathematical computation engine and AI while our Tutoring service enables students to chat with professional (human) math tutors.

Can it answer Physics questions?

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Can I submit a picture of my math problem?

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The application can interpret most handwritten or typed math problems.

Is it free to use?

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Which math subjects are covered?

The AI LLM has been trained on a large array of mathematical subjects including, but not limited to Basic Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Physics and much more.

Can it Solve Basic Math Problems?

Yep! The AI LLM has been trained on a large array of mathematical subjects including, but not limited to Basic Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Physics and much more.

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P.S. We're currently working to enable in app graphing to accompany solutions.

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Yep! The AI LLM has been trained on a large array of mathematical problems and subjects including, but not limited to Basic Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Physics and much more.

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Simply upload an image of your math problem or enter it and click Solve. Our AI math problem solving calculator will provide a step by step solution to the problem with the answer.

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Yes! Our AI math word problem solver will provide a step by step solution and answer to any word problem.

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How do you solve word problems in math?

Master word problems with eight simple steps from a math tutor!

headshot of amber watkins #2

Author Amber Watkins

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Published April 2024

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  • Key takeaways
  • Students who struggle with reading, tend to struggle with understanding and solving word problems. So the best way to solve word problems in math is to become a better reader!
  • Mastery of word problems relies on your child’s knowledge of keywords for word problems in math and knowing what to do with them.
  • There are 8 simple steps each child can use to solve word problems- let’s go over these together.

Table of contents

  • How to solve word problems

Lesson credits

As a tutor who has seen countless math worksheets in almost every grade – I’ll tell you this: every child is going to encounter word problems in math. The key to mastery lies in how you solve them! So then, how do you solve word problems in math?

In this guide, I’ll share eight steps to solving word problems in math.

How to solve word problems in math in 8 steps

Step 1: read the word problem aloud.

For a child to understand a word problem, it needs to be read with accuracy and fluency! That is why, when I tutor children with word problems, I always emphasize the importance of reading properly.

Mastering step 1 looks like this:

  • Allow your child to read the word problem aloud to you. 
  • Don’t let your child skip over or mispronounce any words. 
  • If necessary, model how to read the word problem, then allow your child to read it again. Only after the word problem is read accurately, should you move on to step 2.

Step 2: Highlight the keywords in the word problem

The keywords for word problems in math indicate what math action should be taken. Teach your child to highlight or underline the keywords in every word problem. 

Here are some of the most common keywords in math word problems: 

  • Subtraction words – less than, minus, take away
  • Addition words – more than, altogether, plus, perimeter
  • Multiplication words – Each, per person, per item, times, area 
  • Division words – divided by, into
  • Total words – in all, total, altogether

Let’s practice. Read the following word problem with your child and help them highlight or underline the main keyword, then decide which math action should be taken.

Michael has ten baseball cards. James has four baseball cards less than Michael. How many total baseball cards does James have? 

The words “less than” are the keywords and they tell us to use subtraction .

Step 3: Make math symbols above keywords to decode the word problem

As I help students with word problems, I write math symbols and numbers above the keywords. This helps them to understand what the word problem is asking.

Let’s practice. Observe what I write over the keywords in the following word problem and think about how you would create a math sentence using them:

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Step 4: Create a math sentence to represent the word problem

Using the previous example, let’s write a math sentence. Looking at the math symbols and numbers written above the word problem, our math sentence should be: 10 – 5 = 5 ! 

Each time you practice a word problem with your child, highlight keywords and write the math symbols above them. Then have your child create a math sentence to solve. 

Step 5: Draw a picture to help illustrate the word problem

Pictures can be very helpful for problems that are more difficult to understand. They also are extremely helpful when the word problem involves calculating time , comparing fractions , or measurements . 

Step 6: Always show your work

Help your child get into the habit of always showing their work. As a tutor, I’ve found many reasons why having students show their work is helpful:

  • By showing their work, they are writing the math steps repeatedly, which aids in memory
  • If they make any mistakes they can track where they happened
  • Their teacher can assess how much they understand by reviewing their work
  • They can participate in class discussions about their work

Step 7: When solving word problems, make sure there is always a word in your answer!

If the word problem asks: How many peaches did Lisa buy? Your child’s answer should be: Lisa bought 10 peaches .

If the word problem asks: How far did Kyle run? Your child’s answer should be: Kyle ran 20 miles .

So how do you solve a word problem in math?

Together we reviewed the eight simple steps to solve word problems. These steps included identifying keywords for word problems in math, drawing pictures, and learning to explain our answers. 

Is your child ready to put these new skills to the test? Check out the best math app for some fun math word problem practice.

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Amber Watkins

Amber is an education specialist with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She has over 12 years of experience teaching and tutoring elementary through college level math. "Knowing that my work in math education makes such an impact leaves me with an indescribable feeling of pride and joy!"

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Game Central

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Netflix's hit sci-fi series '3 Body Problem' is based on a real math problem that is so complex it's impossible to solve

  • The three-body problem is a centuries-old physics question that puzzled Isaac Newton .
  • It describes the orbits of three bodies, like planets or stars, trapped in each other's gravity.
  • The problem is unsolvable and led to the development of chaos theory.

Insider Today

While Netflix's "3 Body Problem" is a science-fiction show, its name comes from a real math problem that's puzzled scientists since the late 1600s.

In physics, the three-body problem refers to the motion of three bodies trapped in each other's gravitational grip — like a three-star system.

It might sound simple enough, but once you dig into the mathematics, the orbital paths of each object get complicated very quickly.

Two-body vs. three- and multi-body systems

A simpler version is a two-body system like binary stars. Two-body systems have periodic orbits, meaning they are mathematically predictable because they follow the same trajectory over and over. So, if you have the stars' initial positions and velocities, you can calculate where they've been or will be in space far into the past and future.

However, "throwing in a third body that's close enough to interact leads to chaos," Shane Ross, an aerospace and ocean engineering professor at Virginia Tech, told Business Insider. In fact, it's nearly impossible to precisely predict the orbital paths of any system with three bodies or more.

While two orbiting planets might look like a ven diagram with ovular paths overlapping, the paths of three bodies interacting often resemble tangled spaghetti. Their trajectories usually aren't as stable as systems with only two bodies.

All that uncertainty makes what's known as the three-body problem largely unsolvable, Ross said. But there are certain exceptions.

The three-body problem is over 300 years old

The three-body problem dates back to Isaac Newton , who published his "Principia" in 1687.

In the book, the mathematician noted that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun. Yet the gravitational pull from Jupiter seemed to affect Saturn's orbital path.

Related stories

The three-body problem didn't just affect distant planets. Trying to understand the variations in the moon's movements caused Newton literal headaches, he complained.

But Newton never fully figured out the three-body problem. And it remained a mathematical mystery for nearly 200 years.

In 1889, a Swedish journal awarded mathematician Henri Poincaré a gold medal and 2,500 Swedish crowns, roughly half a year's salary for a professor at the time, for his essay about the three-body problem that outlined the basis for an entirely new mathematical theory called chaos theory .

According to chaos theory, when there is uncertainty about a system's initial conditions, like an object's mass or velocity, that uncertainty ripples out, making the future more and more unpredictable.

Think of it like taking a wrong turn on a trip. If you make a left instead of a right at the end of your journey, you're probably closer to your destination than if you made the mistake at the very beginning.

Can you solve the three-body problem?

Cracking the three-body problem would help scientists chart the movements of meteors and planets, including Earth, into the extremely far future. Even comparatively small movements of our planet could have large impacts on our climate, Ross said.

Though the three-body problem is considered mathematically unsolvable, there are solutions to specific scenarios. In fact, there are a few that mathematicians have found.

For example, three bodies could stably orbit in a figure eight or equally spaced around a ring. Both are possible depending on the initial positions and velocities of the bodies.

One way researchers look for solutions is with " restricted " three-body problems, where two main bodies (like the sun and Earth) interact and a third object with much smaller mass (like the moon) offers less gravitational interference. In this case, the three-body problem looks a lot like a two-body problem since the sun and Earth comprise the majority of mass in the system.

However, if you're looking at a three-star system, like the one in Netflix's show "3 Body Problem," that's a lot more complicated.

Computers can also run simulations far more efficiently than humans, though due to the inherent uncertainties, the results are typically approximate orbits instead of exact.

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Israel’s Deadly Airstrike on the World Central Kitchen

The story behind the pioneering aid group and how it mistakenly came under attack..

From “The New York Times,” I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.”

The Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers delivering food in Gaza has touched off outrage and condemnations from across the world. Today, Kim Severson on the pioneering relief crew at the center of the story, and Adam Rasgon on what we’re learning about the deadly attack on the group’s workers. It’s Thursday, April 4.

Kim, can you tell us about the World Central Kitchen?

World Central Kitchen started as a little idea in Chef José Andrés’ head. He was in Haiti with some other folks, trying to do earthquake relief in 2010. And his idea at that point was to teach Haitians to cook and to use solar stoves and ways for people to feed themselves, because the infrastructure was gone.

And he was cooking with some Haitians in one of the camps, and they were showing him how to cook beans the Haitian way. You sort of smash them and make them a little creamy. And it occurred to him that there was something so comforting for those folks to eat food that was from their culture that tasted good to them. You know, if you’re having a really hard time, what makes you feel good is comfort food, right? And warm comfort food.

So that moment in the camp really was the seed of this idea. It planted this notion in José Andrés’ mind, and that notion eventually became World Central Kitchen.

And for those who don’t know, Kim, who exactly is Chef José Andrés?

José Andrés is a Spanish chef who cooked under some of the Spanish molecular gastronomy greats, came to America, really made his bones in Washington, DC, with some avant-garde food, but also started to expand and cook tapas, cook Mexican food. He’s got about 40 restaurants now.

Yeah. And he’s got a great Spanish restaurant in New York. He’s got restaurants in DC, restaurants in Miami.

Come with me to the kitchen. Don’t be shy.

He’s also become a big TV personality.

Chef, are you going to put the lobster in the pot with the potatoes?

We’re going to leave the potatoes in.

Leave the potatoes in!

He’s one of the most charismatic people I’ve ever been around in the food world.

He’s very much the touchstone of what people want their celebrity chefs to be.

So how does he go from being all those things you just described, to being on the ground, making local comfort food for Haitians? And how does this all go from an idea that that would be a good idea, to this much bigger, full-fledged humanitarian organization?

So he started to realize that giving people food in disaster zones was a thing that was really powerful. He helped feed people after Hurricane Sandy, and he realized that he could get local chefs who all wanted to help and somehow harness that power. But the idea really became set when he went to Houston in 2017 to help after Hurricane Harvey.

And that’s when he saw that getting local chefs to tap into their resources, borrowing kitchens, using ingredients that chefs might have had on hand or are spoiling in the fridge because the power is out and all these restaurants needed something to do with all this food before it rotted — harnessing all that and putting it together and giving people well-cooked, delicious — at least as delicious as it can be in a disaster zone — that’s when World Central Kitchen as we know it today sort of emerged as a fully formed concept.

The first pictures now coming in from Puerto Rico after taking a direct hit — Hurricane Maria slamming into the island. And as you heard, one official saying the island is destroyed.

Shortly after that, he flew to Puerto Rico, where Hurricane Maria had pretty much left the entire island without water and in darkness.

He flew in on one of the first commercial jets that went back in. He got a couple of his chef buddies whose kitchens were closed, and they just decided to start cooking. They were basically just serving pots of stew, chicken stew, in front of the restaurants.

The lines got longer. And of course, chefs are a really specific kind of creature. They really like to help their community. They’re really about feeding people.

So all the people who were chefs or cooks on the ground in Puerto Rico who could wanted to help. And you had all these chefs in the States who wanted to fly down and help if they could, too. So you had this constant flow of chefs coming in and out. That’s when I went down and followed him around for about a week.

And what did you see?

Well, one of the most striking things was his ability to get food to remote places in ways the Salvation Army couldn’t and other government agencies that were on the ground couldn’t. You know, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, doesn’t deliver food. It contracts with people to deliver food.

So you have all these steps of bureaucracy you have to go through to get those contracts. And then, FEMA says you have to have a bottle of water and this and that in those boxes. There’s a lot of structure to be able to meet the rules and regulations of FEMA.

So José doesn’t really care about rules and regulations very much. So he just got his troops together and figured out where people needed food. He had this big paper map he’d carry around and lay out. And he had a Sharpie, and he’d circle villages where he’d heard people needed food or where a bridge was out.

And then he would dispatch people to get the food there. Now, how are you going to do that? He was staying in a hotel where some National Guard and military police were staying to go patrol areas to make sure they were safe. He would tuck his big aluminum pans of food into the back of those guys’ cars, and say, Could you stop and drop these off at this church?

During that time in Puerto Rico, he funded a lot of it off of his own credit cards or with cash. And then he’s on the phone with people like the president of Goya or his golf buddies who are well-connected, saying, hey, we need some money. Can you send some money for this? Can you send some money for that?

So he just developed this network, almost overnight. I mean, he is very much a general in the field. He wears this Orvis fishing vest, has cigars in one pocket, money in the other. And he just sets out to feed people.

And there were deliveries that were as simple as he and a couple of folks taking plastic bags with food and wading through a flooded parking lot to an apartment building where an older person had been stuck for a few days and couldn’t get out, to driving up to a community that had been cut off. There was a church that was trying to distribute food.

We drive through this little mountain road and get to this church. We start unloading the food, and the congregation is inside the church. José comes in, and the pastor thanks him so much. And the 20 people or so who are there gather around José, and they begin praying.

And he puts his head down. He’s a Catholic. He’s a man who prays. He puts his head down. He’s in the middle of these folks, and he starts to pray with them. And then, pulls out his map, circles another spot, and the group is off to the next place.

And when Russia invades Ukraine, he immediately decided it was time for World Central Kitchen to step into a war zone. You know, so many people needed to eat. So many Ukrainians were crossing the border into Poland.

There are refugees in several countries surrounding Ukraine. So a lot of the work that they did was feeding the refugees. They set up big operations around train stations, places where refugees were coming, and then they were able to get into cities.

One of their operations did get hit with some armaments early on. Nobody was hurt badly. But I think that was the first time that they realized this was an actually more dangerous situation than perhaps going in after there’s been an earthquake.

But the other thing that really made a difference here is, José Andrés and World Central Kitchen would broadcast on social media, live from the kitchens. In the beginning, he’d be holding up his phone and saying, we put out 3 million meals for the people of Puerto Rico, chefs for Puerto Rico. It was very infectious.

And now, one of the standard operating procedures for people who are in the World Central Kitchens is to hold up the phone like that — you can see the kitchen, busy in the back — and talk about how many meals they’ve served. They have these kind of wild meal counts, which one presumes are pretty accurate. But they’re like, we served 320,000 meals this morning to the people of Lviv.

I mean, that scale seems important to note. This is not the kind of work that feeds a few people and a few towns. When you’re talking about 300,000 meals in a morning, you’re talking about something that begins, it would seem, to rival the scope and the reach of the groups that we tend to think of as the most important in the disaster-relief world.

Absolutely. And the meals — there are lots and lots and lots of meals. But also, World Central Kitchen hires local cooks. They’ll hire food truck operators, who obviously have no work, and pay them to go out and deliver the meals. They’ll pay local cooks to come in and cook. That’s what they do with a lot of their donations, which is very different than other aid organizations. And this then helps the local economy. He’s trying to buy as much local food as he can. That keeps the economy going in the time of a disaster. So that’s a piece of his operation that is a little different than traditional aid operations.

So walk us up to October 7, when Hamas attacked Israel. What does Chef José Andrés and the World Kitchen do?

Well, he had had such impact in Ukraine. And I think the organization itself thought that they had the infrastructure to now take food into another war zone. Gaza, of course, was nothing like Ukraine. But World Central Kitchen shows up. They’re nimble. They start to connect with local chefs.

Right now, they have about 60 kitchens in the areas around Gaza, and they’ve hired about 400 Palestinians to help do that. But getting the food into Gaza became the difficulty.

How do you actually get the food into the Gaza Strip? Large amounts of food that require trucks? You’ve got to realize, getting food into Gaza right now requires going through Israeli checkpoints.

And that slows the operation down. You might get eight trucks a day in, and that is such a small amount of food. And this has been incredibly difficult for any aid operations.

So World Central Kitchen, playing on the experience that they had in a war zone and working with government entities and trying to coordinate permissions — they took that experience from Ukraine and were trying to apply it in the Gaza Strip. Now, they had worked for a long time with Israeli officials. They wanted to make sure that they could get their food in.

And they decided that the best way to do it would be to take food off of ships, get it in a warehouse, and then get that food into Gaza. It took a long time to pull those permissions through, but they were able to get the permissions they needed and set this system up, so they could move the food fairly quickly into North Gaza.

And once they get those permissions, how big a player do they become in Gaza?

World Central Kitchen became a kind of a fulcrum point for getting food aid in to Gaza in a way that a larger and more established humanitarian aid operations couldn’t, in part because they were small and nimble in their way. So the amount of food they were moving maybe wasn’t as large as some of the more established humanitarian aid organizations, but they had so much goodwill. They had so much logistical knowledge.

They were working with local Palestinians who knew the food systems and who understood how to get things in and out. So they were able to find a way to use a humanitarian corridor to have permissions from the Israeli government, to be able to move this food back and forth. And that’s always been the secret to World Central Kitchen — is incredibly nimble. So —

Just like in Puerto Rico, they seemed to win over just about everybody and do the seemingly impossible.

Right. And World Central Kitchen says they delivered 43 million meals to Gazans since the start of the war. And I don’t think there was any other group that could have pulled this off.

Hey, this is Zomi and Chef Olivier. We’re at the Deir al-Balah kitchen. And we’ve got the mise en place. Tell us a little bit about it, Chef.

And then, this caravan, this fairly efficient caravan of armored vehicles, labeled with World Central Kitchen logo on the roof, on the sides — the idea was they head on — this humanitarian quarter, they head on this road. The seven people who went all in vests — three of whom are security people from Great Britain — you have another World Central Kitchen employee who has handled operations in Asia, in Central America. She’s quite a veteran of the World Central Kitchen operation.

And you have a young man who someone told me was like the Michael Jordan of humanitarian aid, who hooked up with World Central Kitchen in Poland. He was a hospitality student and had just become an indispensable make-it-happen guy. And you have a Palestinian guy who’s 25, a driver.

So this is the team. They have all the clearances. They have the well-marked vehicles. It seemed like a very simple, surgical kind of operation. And of course, now, as we know, it was anything but that.

After the break, my colleague Adam Rasgon on what happened to the World Central Kitchen workers in that caravan. We’ll be right back.

So Adam, what ends up happening to this convoy that our colleague Kim Severson just described from World Central Kitchen?

So what we know is that members of the World Central Kitchen had been at a warehouse in Deir al-Balah in the Central Gaza Strip. They had just unloaded about 100 tons of food aid that had been brought via a maritime route to the coast of the Gaza Strip. When they departed the warehouse, they were in three cars.

Two of the cars were armored cars, and one was a soft-skinned car, according to the organization. When the cars reached the coastal road, known as Al Rashid Street, they started to make their way south.

And what do we know about how much the World Central Kitchen would have told the Israeli military about their plans to be on this road?

Yeah. So the World Central Kitchen said that its movements were coordinated. And in military speak or in technical speak, people often refer to this as deconfliction. So basically, this process is something that not only the World Central Kitchen but the UN, telecommunications companies going out to repair damaged telecommunications infrastructure, others would use, where they basically provide the Israeli military with information about the people who are traveling — their ID numbers, their names, the license plate numbers of the cars they’ll be traveling in.

They’ll sort of explain where their destination is. And the general process is that the Israelis will then come back to them and say, you’re approved to travel from this time, and you can take this specific route.

And do we know if that happened? If the IDF said, you’re approved, use this route on this night?

So we heard from the World Central Kitchen that they did receive this approval. And the military hasn’t come out and said that it wasn’t approved. So I think it’s fair to assume that their movements were coordinated and de-conflicted.

OK. So what happens as this seemingly pre-approved and coordinated convoy trip is making this leg of the journey?

They started to make their way south towards Rafah. And the three cars suddenly came under fire. The Israeli army unleashes powerful and devastating strikes on the three cars in the convoy, most likely from a drone. The strikes rip through the cars, killing everyone inside.

Shortly thereafter, ambulances from the Palestine Red Crescent are dispatched to the location. They retrieve the dead bodies.

They bring those bodies to a hospital. And at the hospital, the bodies are laid out, and journalists start to report to the world that indeed, five members of the World Central Kitchen staff have been killed. And the Palestine Red Crescent teams were continuing to search for other bodies and eventually brought back two more bodies to the hospital for a total of seven people killed in these airstrikes.

And when the sun comes up, what does it end up looking like — the scene of these struck trucks from this convoy?

So early in the morning when the sun comes up, a number of Palestinian journalists headed out to the coastal road and started taking pictures and videos. And I received a series of videos from one of the reporters that I was in touch with, essentially showing three cars, all heavily damaged. One had a World Central Kitchen logo on top of it, with a gaping hole in the middle of the roof.

A second car was completely charred. You could barely recognize the structure of the car. The inside of it had been completely charred, and the front smashed.

And do we know if the strike on this convoy was the only strike happening in this area? In other words, is it possible that this convoy was caught in some kind of a crossfire or in the middle of a firefight, or does it appear that this was quite narrow, and was the Israeli army targeting these specific vehicles, whether or not they realized who was in it?

We don’t have any other indication that there was another strike on that road around that time.

What that suggests, of course, is that this convoy was targeted. Now, whether Israeli officials knew who was in it, whether they were aid workers, seems like a yet-unresolved question. But it does feel very clear that the trucks in this convoy were deliberately struck.

Yes. I do think the trucks in this convoy were deliberately struck.

What is the reaction to these airstrikes on this convoy and to the death of these aid workers?

Well, one of the first reactions is from the World Central kitchen’s founder, José Andrés.

Chef José Andrés, who founded World Central Kitchen, calling them angels.

He said he was heartbroken and grieving.

And adding the Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing.

And then, he accused Israel of using food as a weapon.

What I know is that we were targeted deliberately, nonstop, until everybody was dead in this convoy.

And he just seemed devastated and quite angry.

And so what is the reaction from not just World Central Kitchen, but from the rest of the world to this airstrike?

There’s, frankly, fury and outrage.

The White House says it is outraged by an Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers in Gaza, including one American.

President Biden, who has been becoming increasingly critical of Israel’s approach to this war — he came out and said that he was outraged and heartbroken.

Certainly sharper in tone than we have heard in the past. He says Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians. Incidents like yesterday’s simply should not happen. Israel also has not —

And we’re seeing similar outrage from foreign governments. The British Foreign Secretary David Cameron —

The dreadful events of the last two days are a moment when we should mourn the loss of these brave humanitarian workers.

— said that the airstrikes were completely unacceptable. And he called on Israel to explain how this happened and to make changes to ensure that aid workers could be safe.

So amid all this, what does Israel have to say about the attack — about how it happened, about why it happened?

The response from Israel this time was much different, compared to other controversial airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. Often, when we’re reporting on these issues, we’ll hear from the army that they’re investigating a given incident. It will take days, if not weeks, to receive updates on where that investigation stands.

There are instances where Israel does take responsibility for harming civilians, but it’s often rare. This time, the Prime Minister —


— Benjamin Netanyahu comes out with a video message —

— saying that Israel had unintentionally harmed innocent civilians. And that was the first indication or public indication that Israel was going to take responsibility for what had happened.

The IDF works together closely with the World Central Kitchen and greatly appreciates the important work that they do.

We later heard from the military’s chief of staff. Herzi Halevi issued a video statement in English.

I want to be very clear the strike was not carried out with the intention of harming aid workers. It was a mistake that followed a misidentification.

And he said this mistake had come after a misidentification. He said it was in the middle of a war, in a very complex condition. But —

This incident was a grave mistake. We are sorry for the unintentional harm to the members of WCK.

He was clear that this shouldn’t have happened.

I want to talk about that statement, because it seems to suggest — that word, “misidentification”— that the Israeli army believed that somebody else was in this convoy, that it wasn’t a bunch of aid workers.

That’s possible, although it’s extremely vague and cryptic language that genuinely is difficult to understand. And it’s a question that us in the Jerusalem Bureau have been asking ourselves.

I’m curious if the Israeli government has said anything in all of its statements so far about whether it noticed these markings on these three cars in the convoy. Because that, I think, for so many people, stands out as making misidentification hard to understand. It seems like perhaps a random pickup truck could be misidentified as perhaps a vehicle being used by a Hamas militant. But a group of World Central Kitchen trucks with their name all over it, driving down a known aid corridor — that becomes harder to understand as misidentification.

Yeah, it’s an important question. And at this moment, we don’t know exactly what the Israeli reconnaissance drones could see, and whether or not they were able to see, in the darkness of the night, the markings of the World Central Kitchen on the cars. But what is clear is that when the cars were found in the morning, right there was the big emblazoned logo of the World Central Kitchen.

Mm-hmm. I’m curious how you think about the speed with which Israel came out and said it was in the wrong here. Because as you said, that’s not how Israel typically reacts to many of these situations. And that makes me think that it might have something to do with the nature of the aid group that was the target of these airstrikes — the World Central Kitchen — and its story.

I think it does have to do with this particular group. This is a group that’s led by a celebrity chef, very high-profile, who is gone around the world to conflict zones, disaster areas, to provide food aid. And I also think it has to do with the people who were killed, most of who were Western foreign aid workers. Frankly, I don’t think we would be having this conversation if a group of Palestinian aid workers had been killed.

Nor, perhaps, would we be having the reaction that we have had so far from the Israeli government.

I would agree with that.

Adam, at the end of the day, what is going to be the fallout from all of this for the people of Gaza? How do we think that this attack on World Central Kitchen is going to impact how food, medicine, aid is distributed there?

So the World Central Kitchen has said that it’s suspending its operations across Gaza. Because it essentially seems that they don’t feel they can safely operate there right now. And several ships that carried aid for the organization, which were sort of just on the coast — those ships ended up turning back to Cyprus, carrying more than 200 tons of aid.

So aid that was supposed to reach the people of Gaza is now leaving Gaza because of this attack.

Yes. And it’s also had a chilling effect. Another aid group, named INARA, has also suspended its operations in Gaza. And it seems that there is concern among humanitarians that other aid groups could follow.

So in a place where people are already suffering from severe hunger, poor sanitation, the spread of dangerous disease, this is only going to make the humanitarian situation, which is already dire, even worse.

Well, Adam, thank you very much. We appreciate it.

Thanks so much for having me.

We’ll be right back.

Here’s what else you need to know today. The magnitude-7.4 earthquake that struck Taiwan on Wednesday has killed nine people, injured more than 1,000, and touched off several landslides. It was Taiwan’s strongest quake in the past 25 years. But in a blessing for the island’s biggest cities, its epicenter was off the island’s east coast, relatively far from population centers like Taipei.

And the first patient to receive a kidney transplant from a genetically modified pig has fared so well that he was discharged from a Massachusetts hospital on Wednesday just two weeks after surgery. Two previous transplants from genetically modified pigs both failed. Doctors say the success of the latest surgery represents a major moment in medicine that, if replicated, could usher in a new era of organ transplantation.

Today’s episode was produced by Lynsea Garrison, Olivia Natt, and Carlos Prieto, with help from Asthaa Chaturvedi. It was edited by Marc Georges, with help from Paige Cowett, contains original music by Marion Lozano and Dan Powell, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.

That’s it for “The Daily.” I’m Michael Barbaro. See you tomorrow.

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Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Kim Severson and Adam Rasgon

Produced by Lynsea Garrison ,  Olivia Natt ,  Carlos Prieto and Asthaa Chaturvedi

Edited by Marc Georges and Paige Cowett

Original music by Dan Powell and Marion Lozano

Engineered by Chris Wood

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The Israeli airstrike that killed seven workers delivering food in Gaza has touched off global outrage and condemnation.

Kim Severson, who covers food culture for The Times, discusses the World Central Kitchen, the aid group at the center of the story; and Adam Rasgon, who reports from Israel, explains what we know about the tragedy so far.

On today’s episode

Kim Severson , a food correspondent for The New York Times.

Adam Rasgon , an Israel correspondent for The New York Times.

A white van is stopped by the side of the road with both doors open. A hole is pierced through the roof.

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  21. Why the Three-Body Problem in Physics Is Unsolvable

    While Netflix's "3 Body Problem" is a science-fiction show, its name comes from a real math problem that's puzzled scientists since the late 1600s. In physics, the three-body problem refers to the ...

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