Vedic Mathematics Materials

This page contains extra information for those students that have completed the Teaching Vedic Mathematics Course

Main site VedicMaths.Org


The page references in the Summary are to the Elementary Teacher's Manual by Kenneth Williams. There are 3 Levels in the course: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. Each level has 4 Blocks and each block has 3 lessons followed by a revision lesson and test. Lesson 16 in each Level is revision and a test on the whole Level.

The worksheets are just exercises: so you can teach from the Manual and the Worksheet is done during the lesson and/or finished for homework. The Worksheets on the right below (with the capital T) are for teachers: they are the same but have answers included.

Please note, every 4th worksheet is revision but not all these currently contain exercises. Perhaps someone will supply this material to me, to upload for everyone. This material is free for you to use as you wish, provided the source (Vedic Maths Academy) is acknowdedged where appropriate.

Basic Level Worksheet 1 ............... Worksheet 1T Worksheet 2 .............. Worksheet 2T Worksheet 3 ............... Worksheet 3T Worksheet 4 ............... Worksheet 4T Worksheet 5 ............... Worksheet 5T Worksheet 6 ............... Worksheet 6T Worksheet 7 ............... Worksheet 7T Worksheet 8 ............... Worksheet 8T Worksheet 9 ............... Worksheet 9T Worksheet 10 ............. Worksheet 10T Worksheet 11 ............. Worksheet 11T Worksheet 12 ............. Worksheet 12T Worksheet 13 ............ Worksheet 13T Worksheet 14 ............. Worksheet 14T Worksheet 15 ............. Worksheet 15T Worksheet 16 ............ Worksheet 16T Intermediate Level Worksheet 1 ............... Worksheet 1T Worksheet 2 .............. Worksheet 2T Worksheet 3 ............... Worksheet 3T ............... Worksheet 3T supplementary Worksheet 4 ............... Worksheet 4T Worksheet 5 ............... Worksheet 5T Worksheet 6 ............... Worksheet 6T Worksheet 7 ............... Worksheet 7T Worksheet 8 ............... Worksheet 8T Worksheet 9 ............... Worksheet 9T Worksheet 10 ............. Worksheet 10T Worksheet 11 ............. Worksheet 11T Worksheet 12 ............. Worksheet 12T Worksheet 13 ............ Worksheet 13T Worksheet 14 ............. Worksheet 14T Worksheet 15 ............. Worksheet 15T Worksheet 16 ............ Worksheet 16T Advanced Level Worksheet 1 ............... Worksheet 1T Worksheet 2 .............. Worksheet 2T Worksheet 3 ............... Worksheet 3T Worksheet 4 ............... Worksheet 4T Worksheet 5 ............... Worksheet 5T Worksheet 6 ............... Worksheet 6T Worksheet 7 ............... Worksheet 7T Worksheet 8 ............... Worksheet 8T Worksheet 9 ............... Worksheet 9T Worksheet 10 ............. Worksheet 10T Worksheet 11 ............. Worksheet 11T Worksheet 12 ............. Worksheet 12T Worksheet 13 ............ Worksheet 13T Worksheet 14 ............. Worksheet 14T Worksheet 15 ............. Worksheet 15T Worksheet 16 ............ Worksheet 16T Three PowerPoint Presentations: Workshop PowerPoint School Workshops PowerPoint Secondary Presentation PowerPoint Paola Ricca's VM Maps: Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Squaring Division


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Vedic Mathematics Dr. SUDHA GUPTA Department of Mathematics

Published by Laura Lamb Modified over 8 years ago

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Vedic Mathematics Dr. SUDHA GUPTA Department of Mathematics

VEDIC MATHEMATICS. Vedas The Vedas, written around BCE, are ancient Indian texts containing a record of human experience and knowledge Thousands.

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Tricks, Benefits and Importance of Vedic Maths – Check PPT, PDF and Video

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What is Vedic Maths and its Importance?

Vedic Mathematics is an ancient mathematical technique that originated in India. These methods were very helpful to simplify complex mathematical calculations, making them easier and more efficient to solve. Now-a-days this ancient method is gaining more interest due to its effectiveness in simplifying various mathematical operations. In this article we will be discussing the importance of vedic maths .

Benefits of Vedic Maths

  • Speed and Efficiency: Vedic Maths provides shortcuts and strategies that enhance the speed and efficiency of calculations, making it a valuable tool in competitive exams.
  • Mental Math: Vedic Maths draw attention to mental calculations, reducing dependency on paper and calculators. This not only sharpens your mental ability skills but also boosts confidence in solving mathematical problems.
  • Flexibility: The techniques in Vedic Mathematics are flexible and can be applied to a wide range of mathematical problems, from basic arithmetic to more complex calculations.
  • Conceptual Understanding: While Vedic Maths offers quick solutions, it also encourages a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts by using principles behind the techniques.
  • Cultural Heritage: Learning Vedic Maths allows individuals to connect with the mathematical heritage of ancient India, providing a deep insight into the intellectual advancements of ancient India.

Tricks of Vedic Maths

Vedic Mathematics has many tricks which simplify the calculations across various mathematical operations. Let’s explore some of the vedic math tricks .

Addition Tricks

Addition Tricks in vedic math involve splitting numbers and adding the components separately, followed by adjustments. For instance, to add 58 and 46:

Step 1: Split the numbers into tens and units: 50 + 8 and 60 + 6.

Step 2: Add the components: 50 + 40 = 90 and 8 + 6 = 14.

Step 3: Adjust for carry: Since 14 is greater than 10, add 10 to the sum of 90, resulting in 100 + 4 (adjusted value).

Step 4: The final sum is 104.

Example : 

  • 32 + 57, => (30 + 2) + (50 + 7) => (30 + 50) + (2 + 7) => 80 + 9 = 89.
  • 48 + 63, => (40 + 8) + (60 + 3) => (40 + 60) + (8 + 3)=> 100 + 11 = 111.

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Subtraction Tricks

Vedic Subtraction Tricks involve similar splitting and adjusting techniques. For instance, to subtract 376 from 589:

Step 1: Split the numbers into components: 500 – 300, 80 – 70, and 9 – 6.

Step 2: Subtract each component: 500 – 300 = 200, 80 – 70 = 10, and 9 – 6 = 3.

Step 3: Combine the results: 200 + 10 + 3 = 213.

  • 48 – 32 => (40 – 30) + (8 – 2 ) => 10 + 6 => 16.
  • 489 – 267 => (400 – 200) + (80 – 60) + (9 – 7) => 222.

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Squaring Tricks

Vedic Squaring Tricks simplify squaring numbers. For example, to square 35:

Step 1.Choose a base which is closer to the original number.

Step 2. Find the difference of the number from the base.

Step 3. Add the difference with the original number.

Step 4. Multiply the result with the base.

Step 5. Now, add result with the square of the difference

Step 1. Choose 100 as base

Step 2. Difference: 99-100 = -1

Step 3. Add the number with the difference that you got = 99 + (-1) = 98

Step 4. Multiplying result with base = 98*100 = 9800

Step 5. Now, add result with the square of the difference= 9800 + (-1)^2 = 9801

So our answer is: (99) ^2 = 9801

2. (49^2) = ?

Step 1. Choose 50 as base

Step 2. Difference: 49-50 = -1

Step 3. Add the number with the difference that you got = 49 + (-1) = 48

Step 4. Multiplying result with base = 48*50 = 2400

Step 5. Now, add result with the square of the difference= 2400 + (-1)^2 = 2401

So our answer is: (49) ^2 = 2401.

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Square Root Tricks

Vedic Square Root Tricks simplify finding square roots. For example, to find the square root of 1764:

Step 1: Split the number into pairs: 17 and 64.

Step 2: Find the largest digit whose square is less than 17 (which is 4), and the remaining digits become the dividend (17 – 16).

Step 3: Approximate the root: The approximate square root is the digit we found in the previous step, which is 4.

Step 4: Adjust the dividend: Subtract the square of the approximate root from the dividend: 1 – 4^2 = 1 – 16 = -15.

Step 5: Divide the adjusted dividend by twice the approximate root: -15 / (2 * 4) = -15 / 8 = -1.875

Step 6: Combine the approximate root (4) and the quotient from the previous step 4 – 1.875 = 2.125.

So, the square root of 1764 is approximately 42.125.

Multiplication Tricks

Vedic Multiplication Tricks offer shortcuts for multiplying numbers (11 – 19).

Step 1: Add the unit digit of the smaller number to the larger number.

Step 2: Multiply the result by 10.

Step 3: Multiply the unit digits of the numbers.

Step 4: Add the two numbers.


  • Multiplying 13 and 15, the answer is 195:

Step 1: 15 + 3 = 18.

Step 2: 18 * 10 = 180.

Step 3: 3 * 5 = 15.

Step 4: Add 180 + 15 = 195.

2. Multiplying 14 and 18, the answer is 336:

Step 1: 18 + 4 = 22.

Step 2: 22 * 10 = 220.

Step 3: 8 * 4 = 32.

Step 4: Add 220 + 32 = 252.

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Conclusion of Vedic Maths and Its Importance

Learning Vedic Maths techniques into your mathematical toolkit can revolutionize the way you approach calculations. These methods not only help in solving problems but also promote a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

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FAQs – Vedic Maths and its Importance

Q: what is the trick 5 in vedic maths.

Ans: Trick 5 in Vedic Maths refers to a specific technique or method used for calculations. Vedic Mathematics consists of various tricks and shortcuts for performing mathematical operations efficiently.

Q: Who invented Vedic maths?

Ans: Vedic Mathematics is not related to a single individual. It is a system of mathematical techniques that originated in ancient India and is based on Vedic literature.

Q: How many Vedic maths tricks are there?

Ans: Vedic Mathematics comprises a wide range of tricks and techniques that cover different mathematical operations. There isn’t a fixed number, as the system encompasses numerous methods for simplifying calculations.

Q: What are the three rules of Vedic maths?

Ans: The Vedic Mathematics is built on 16 Sutras (aphorisms) and 13 Sub-Sutras. While these sutras provide guiding principles for various calculations, there isn’t a specific set of “three rules” universally recognized in Vedic Maths.

Q: What are the 4 levels of Vedic Maths?

Ans: Vedic Mathematics doesn’t have different “levels” as different curriculum might have. Instead, vedic maths has a variety of techniques which can be applied to mathematical problems. These techniques range from basic arithmetic to more advanced calculations.

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Vedic maths course

Mar 16, 2017

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Vedic Math's is a well-known technique for calculation, the simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be carried out mentally (though the methods can also be written down). There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. Kids can invent their own methods, they are not limited to the one 'correct' method. This leads to more creative, interested and intelligent children’s.<br><br>Aloha centres provide classroom training for Speed Maths (based on Vedic maths Course) throughout Gujarat.<br>For More information visit :

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VEDIC MATHEMATICS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

vedic maths powerpoint presentation


Vedic mathematics what is vadic maths vedic mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics it s a unique technique of calculations based on ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Vedic mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics
  • Its a unique technique of calculations based on simple principles and rules , with which any mathematical problem - be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry can be solved mentally
  • All from 9 and the last from 10 to perform substractions.
  • e.g.1000-457543
  • VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE you dont need to the multiplication tables beyond 5x5.
  • e.g. 8x77x6
  • VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE to write the answer straight down!
  • Multiply crosswise add to get the numerator, multiply the denominators to get the denominator.
  • Quick way to square numbers that end 5 gtBY ONE MORE THAN THE ONE BEFORE.
  • i)The first number (7)multiplied by the numberone more,which is 8
  • ii)Is always25
  • Method for multiplying numbers where the first figures are the same and the last figures add up to 10.
  • i)We multiply 3x412
  • ii)We multiply the last figures
  • Multiplying a number by 11.
  • e.g.26 x 1128677x11847
  • i)we put the total of the 2-figures between the 2-figures
  • Method for diving by 9.
  • e.g.43/94232/925,(r.2327)
  • i)The first figure of 43 is 4gtthe answer
  • ii)Reminder 43gt437
  • e.g. 12 X17
  • i)We multiply the 1(of12)by the number were multiplaing gt1x1717
  • ii)Then gt 17x10170
  • iii)Multiply the 2x1734
  • iv)Add 170 34204
  • For 4 to divide into any number we have to make sure that the last number is even
  • e.g.1234/4?
  • i) 4(2x3)10 gt4 goes into 10,two times with a reminder 2,doesnt go in evenly
  • but, 212334456/4?
  • i) 6(2x5)16,4 goes in 16 evenly
  • A simple way to add hours and minutes together
  • Let's add 1 hr and 35 minutes and 3 hr 55 minutes together.
  • i)135355490
  • ii) No matter what the hours and minutes are,just add the 40 time constant to the sub total.
  • gt49040530 (finaly 5h.30min)
  • How to convert Kilos to Pounds, Vice Versa?
  • Converting Kilos to pounds
  • e.g.86 kilos into pounds
  • i)Multiply the kilos by 2
  • ii)Divide the answer by 10
  • iii) i)ii)189,2
  • gt86kilos189,2pounds
  • This is a shortcut to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Vice Versa
  • ii)44/222 C
  • 74 Fahrenheit22Celsius
  • Useful method for when travelling need to know what kilometres to miles are
  • Formulagt number of (km / 8 ) X 5
  • e.g.80 km into miles
  • gt(80/8)x550 miles
  • Vedic Mathematics is becoming popular all over the world due to the following It helps a person to solve problems 10-15 times faster. It reduces burden (Need to learn tables up to nine only) It provides one line answer. It is a magical tool to reduce scratch work and finger counting. It increases concentration. Time saved can be used to answer more questions. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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    Department of Mathematics. Lakshmibai College, University of Delhi. 2. What is Vedic Mathematics ? It is an ancient technique, which simplifies. multiplication, divisibility, complex numbers, squaring, cubing, square and cube roots. Even. recurring decimals and auxiliary fractions can be.

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    Vedic mathematics or Vedic maths in these days is gaining popularity because of its speedy and accurate calculations. Calculations are an integral part of any profession today and the ability to do it quickly and accurately definitely is an important skill that anyone would desire to have. - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 90b4e2-ODc4M

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    Description: VEDIC MATHEMATICS What is Vedic Mathematics ? Vedic mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas. - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 444. Avg rating:3.0/5.0. Slides: 33. Provided by: 4942.

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    Download PPT of Vedic Maths and its Importance Video On Vedic Maths and its Importance . FAQs - Vedic Maths and its Importance Q: What is the trick 5 in Vedic maths? Ans: Trick 5 in Vedic Maths refers to a specific technique or method used for calculations. Vedic Mathematics consists of various tricks and shortcuts for performing mathematical ...

  14. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. What is vadic maths? • Vedic mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics • It's a unique technique of calculations based on simple principles and rules, with which any mathematical problem - be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry can be solved mentally.

  15. Vedic Mathematics (teacher made)

    This is a Vedic Mathematics PowerPoint presentation that gives you three basic formulas which gives you 10-15 times faster results as compared to the usual way of calculation. These Tricks are very useful in the aptitude section of the competitive exam. This in return makes calculations easy and fast thus boosting the confidence of the individual.

  16. PPT

    Vedic maths course. Vedic Math's is a well-known technique for calculation, the simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be carried out mentally (though the methods can also be written down). There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. Kids can invent their own methods, they are not limited to the one ...


    Vedic mathematics is the name given to the. ancient system of mathematics. Its a unique technique of calculations based on. simple principles and rules , with which any. mathematical problem - be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry can be solved mentally. 3. Instant calculations. All from 9 and the last from 10 to perform.