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  • I've been trying to solve this problem all week , but I still haven't cracked it.
  • Wars never solve anything.
  • In the end they solved their problems and she had him back .
  • No one has solved the problem of what to do with radioactive waste .
  • Scientists have been trying to solve this puzzle for years .

(Translation of solve from the Cambridge English–Urdu Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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Translation of "problem" into Urdu

مسئلہ, مشکل, بات are the top translations of "problem" into Urdu. Sample translated sentence: I understand how to solve the problem. ↔ میں سمجھ آگئی ہے کہ اس مسئلہ کو کیسے حل کرنا ہے۔

A difficulty that has to be resolved or dealt with. [..]

English-Urdu dictionary

I understand how to solve the problem .

میں سمجھ آگئی ہے کہ اس مسئلہ کو کیسے حل کرنا ہے۔

Our world is beset with problems that defy solution.

آجکل دنیا میں ہمیں ایسے مشکل حالات کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے جنکا کوئی حل نہیں دکھائی دیتا۔

Similar reports from around the world indicate that an increasing number of people have anger problems .

افسوس کی بات ہے کہ ایسے واقعات پوری دُنیا میں ہو رہے ہیں۔

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Phrases similar to "problem" with translations into Urdu

  • problem solving
  • Windows Problem Reporting ۔Windows مسئلہ رپورٹ کاری
  • birthday problem سالگرہ مسئلہ
  • shortest path problem کمترین رستہ الخوارزم
  • Solutions to Problems مسائل کا حل

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solving - Meaning in Urdu

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solve - Meaning in Urdu

Solve word forms & inflections, definitions and meaning of solving in english.

figure out , lick , lick , puzzle out , work out , work , work

حل کرنا , دورکرنا , سدباب کرنا

  • "did you get it?"
  • "Did you get my meaning?"
  • "did you solve the problem?"
  • "He could not work the math problem"
  • "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"
  • "Work out your problems with the boss"
  • "solve an equation"
  • "solve for x"
  • "clear a debt"
  • "solve an old debt"

Synonyms of solve

  • figure out , lick , puzzle out , work , work out

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Solve meaning in Urdu

Solve sentences, solve synonyms, solve definitions.

1 of 3) Solve , Figure Out , Lick , Puzzle Out , Work , Work Out : مسئلہ حل کرنا : (verb) find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of.

2 of 3) Solve , Resolve : حل تلاش کرنا : (verb) find the solution.

Solve for x.

3 of 3) Solve , Clear : چکانا : (verb) settle, as of a debt.

Solve an old debt.

Useful Words

Answer : حل , Clew : ثبوت , Brainstorm : ذہن لگانا , Solubility : حل پذیری , Algorithm : حساب و شمار , Trouble-Shoot : مشکل حل ہونا یا کرنا , Brain-Worker : دماغ کا کا کرنے والا , Applied Scientist : ماہر فنیات , Baffling : مشکل , Mystifier : پہیلی , Crossword : لفظی معما , Comprehension : سمجھ , Convergent Thinker : حل تلاش کرنے والا , Cross Examine : جرح کرنا , Solute : گھلا ہوا مادہ , Intensifier : شدت کا حامل , Acrostic : الفاظ کا کھیل , Rebus : حرف معما , Antonym : لفظ جو دوسرے لفظ کی ضد ہو , Test : آزمائش , Figure : سمھجنا , Fix Up : کسی کے لئے کچہ ڈھونڈنا , Matter : کوئی مسئلہ , Unimpeachably : ناقابل اعتراض طریقے سے , Easily : بغیر سوال کیے , Hidden : جس کا تلاش کرنا مشکل ہو , Attain : اتفاقاً پانا , Abhor : ناپسند کرنا , Incomprehensible : ناقابل فہم , Cognizance : جاننا , Lose : کوئی چیز رکھ کر بھول جانا

Useful Words Definitions

Answer: a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem.

Clew: evidence that helps to solve a problem.

Brainstorm: try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it.

Solubility: the property (of a problem or difficulty) that makes it possible to solve.

Algorithm: a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem.

Trouble-Shoot: solve problems.

Brain-Worker: someone whose profession involves using his head to solve problems.

Applied Scientist: a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

Baffling: making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe.

Mystifier: a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution.

Crossword: a puzzle in which words corresponding to numbered clues are to be found and written in to squares in the puzzle.

Comprehension: an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result).

Convergent Thinker: a thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution.

Cross Examine: question closely, or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side.

Solute: the dissolved matter in a solution; the component of a solution that changes its state.

Intensifier: a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies.

Acrostic: a puzzle where you fill a square grid with words reading the same down as across.

Rebus: a puzzle where you decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and words.

Antonym: a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other.

Test: trying something to find out about it.

Figure: understand.

Fix Up: find (something or someone) for.

Matter: a problem.

Unimpeachably: without question.

Easily: without question.

Hidden: difficult to find.

Attain: find unexpectedly.

Abhor: find repugnant.

Incomprehensible: difficult to understand.

Cognizance: range of what one can know or understand.

Lose: place (something) where one cannot find it again.

Related Words

Understand : سمجھنا , Reason : منطقی طور پر سوچنا , Answer : جواب دینا , Calculate : شمار کرنا , Determine : طے کر لینا

Next of Solve

Solvent : a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem.

Previous of Solve

Solubility : the property (of a problem or difficulty) that makes it possible to solve.

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How this page explains Solve ?

It helps you understand the word Solve with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Solve better than this page. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Solve but also gives extensive definition in English language. The definition of Solve is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Solve. All of this may seem less if you are unable to learn exact pronunciation of Solve, so we have embedded mp3 recording of native Englishman, simply click on speaker icon and listen how English speaking people pronounce Solve. We hope this page has helped you understand Solve in detail, if you find any mistake on this page, please keep in mind that no human being can be perfect.


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  1. Problem Urdu Meaning with 2 Definitions and Sentence(s)

    Answer: a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem. Solubility: the property (of a problem or difficulty) that makes it possible to solve. Matter: a problem. Brain-Teaser: a difficult problem. Problematically: in such a way as to pose a problem. Solution: a method for solving a problem. Come To Grips: deal with (a problem or a subject).

  2. problem

    The Rekhta Dictionary is a significant initiative of Rekhta Foundation towards preservation and promotion of Urdu language. A dedicated team is continuously working to make you get authentic meanings of Urdu words with ease and speed. Kindly donate to help us sustain our efforts towards building the best trilingual Urdu dictionary for all.

  3. Problem Meaning In Urdu

    Definitions of Problem. n. A question proposed for solution; a matter stated for examination or proof; hence, a matter difficult of solution or settlement; a doubtful case; a question involving doubt. n. Anything which is required to be done; as, in geometry, to bisect a line, to draw a perpendicular; or, in algebra, to find an unknown quantity.

  4. problem solving in Urdu

    Check 'problem solving' translations into Urdu. Look through examples of problem solving translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.

  5. Solution Meaning In Urdu

    Solution Meaning in English to Urdu is حل, as written in Urdu and Hal, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Solution which include Clarification, Elucidation, Explanation, Explication, Key, Result, Solving, Unfolding, Unraveling, Quick Fix, The Ticket, Unravelment, etc.

  6. solve

    solve translate: حل کرنا, حل تلاش کرنا, سلجھانا. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Urdu Dictionary.

  7. Solve Meaning in Urdu Hal karna حل کرنا

    The meaning of Solve in Urdu is "حل کرنا" as written in Urdu script, ... to solve a doubt; to solve difficulties; to solve a problem. (n.) A solution; an explanation. Solve Urdu Meaning with Definition. Solve is an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts.

  8. problem solving

    Definitions and Meaning of in English problem solving noun. the thought processes involved in solving a problem; the area of cognitive psychology that studies the processes involved in solving problems

  9. Problem Solving meaning in urdu

    problem solving definition: The thought processes involved in solving a problem. The area of cognitive psychology that studies the processes involved in solving problems. The Urdu Dictionary

  10. problem in Urdu

    Translation of "problem" into Urdu. مسئلہ, مشکل, بات are the top translations of "problem" into Urdu. Sample translated sentence: I understand how to solve the problem. ↔ میں سمجھ آگئی ہے کہ اس مسئلہ کو کیسے حل کرنا ہے۔. A difficulty that has to be resolved or dealt with.

  11. Solve Meaning in Urdu حل کرنا hal krna

    Solve. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of. Synonyms. Answer, clarify, ... Solve meaning in urdu is حل کرنا - hal krna, it is a english word used in various contexts. Solve meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. This reliable online English to Urdu dictionary offers synonyms ...

  12. Solve a problem meaning in Urdu

    Solve a problem meaning in Urdu. What is the meaning and translation of "Solve a problem" in Urdu?, How to say solve a problem in Urdu language.Learn meaning, translation, definition, pronounciation with example sentences.

  13. Problem solving meaning in Urdu is مسئلہ حل کرنے, مسئلہ حل کرنے

    Problem solving Definitions. Please find 2 English and definitions related to the word Problem solving. (noun) : the thought processes involved in solving a problem. (noun) : the area of cognitive psychology that studies the processes involved in solving problems. Twenty-eight years in business and you understand the importance of problem ...

  14. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  15. Problem Meaning in Urdu Masla مسئلہ

    Problem word meaning: Problem is an English language word which means a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. Problem meaning in Urdu: • The meaning of Problem in Urdu is مسئلہ. Definition of Problem: Problem can be defined as a situation that is unsatisfactory and causes ...

  16. Solution Urdu Meaning with 2 Definitions and Sentence(s)

    Solubility: the property (of a problem or difficulty) that makes it possible to solve. Answer: give the correct answer or solution to. Solute: the dissolved matter in a solution; the component of a solution that changes its state. Anyhow: used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement. Matter: a problem.

  17. solving meaning in Urdu

    What is solving meaning in Urdu? The word or phrase solving refers to find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of, or find the solution, or settle, as of a debt. See solving meaning in Urdu, solving definition, translation and meaning of solving in Urdu. Find solving similar words, solving synonyms.

  18. Problem Meaning in Urdu مسیلہ maslaa

    Problem meaning in urdu is مسیلہ - maslaa, it is a english word used in various contexts. Problem meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. This reliable online English to Urdu dictionary offers synonyms and multiple meanings of each word. It's a convenient tool for expanding your vocabulary.

  19. PROBLEM-SOLVING Meaning in Urdu

    Examples of using problem-solving in a sentence and their translations. Have limited problem-solving skills. - عوامی مسائل حل کرنے کی صلاحیت محدود english. urdu. Translate. English.

  20. Solve Meaning In Urdu

    transitive v. To explain; to resolve; to unfold; to clear up (what is obscure or difficult to be understood); to work out to a result or conclusion. Origin of Solve Late Middle English (in the sense 'loosen, dissolve, untie'): from Latin solvere 'loosen, unfasten'. Solve Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Solve in Urdu, it is ...

  21. PROBLEM SOLVING Meaning in Urdu

    Translations in context of "PROBLEM SOLVING" in english-urdu. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "PROBLEM SOLVING" - english-urdu translations and search engine for english translations.

  22. Solve Urdu Meaning with 3 Definitions and Sentence(s)

    Test: trying something to find out about it. Matter: a problem. Fix Up: find (something or someone) for. Easily: without question. Unimpeachably: without question. Adumbrate: give to understand. Edify: make understand. Apprehensive: quick to understand. Cognizance: range of what one can know or understand.

  23. Problem Solving

    Find Problem Solving Word and Meanings in English to Urdu Dictionary, Problem Solving Translation to Urdu. Problem Solving Related words and Problem Solving Similar words in English to Urdu Dictionary. Problem Solving Sentence Meanings and Definition.

  24. Problems Meaning in Urdu Masail مسائل

    Problems word meaning in English is well described here in English as well as in Urdu. You can use this amazing English to Urdu dictionary online to check the meaning of other words too as the word Problems meaning. Finding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky. There is more than 1 meaning of each word.

  25. Urdu Word

    Urdu to English Meaning of کا مطلب انگریزی میں Translation from Urdu into English means Problem Solving . Find English Meaning of and related words to Problem-solving. ... The Urdu Word Meaning in English is Problem-solving. The synonyms of Problem-solving include are Cogent, Conclusive, Detailed, Diagnostic, Discrete ...