How to Become a Technical Writer

Edidiong Asikpo

Technical writing helps you share your technical knowledge and experience with others. It also helps you reinforce your knowledge of the topic you're writing about while demonstrating your technical abilities and talents.

In this article, I will explain what you need to know to become a technical writer. We'll learn about what technical writing is, the skills you need, how to become a technical writer, and tips to help you become really good at it.

What is technical writing?

We can define technical writing in a number of different ways. But the definition by Grammar is the most helpful and explains exactly what technical writing is all about:

"Technical writing is a type of writing where the author writes about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation."

Simply put, technical writing involves straightforward, easy-to-understand explanations of and instructions for a particular subject.

What skills should technical writers have?

A common assumption among many would-be writers is that they can't write well because they were not born with the gift or skill of writing. This raises the question: are writers born or made?

I was curious to know what other people thought about this popular myth, so I tweeted about it.

It was fascinating to read everyone's opinion on this popular myth. Most people said they believe writers were born, while others disagreed and said writers were made. Interestingly, another set of people thought writers were both born and made. Crazy right?

I am sure you are curious to know what I think about this, so I will tell you. 😉

I believe that anybody, whether born with some sort of innate ability or not, can learn how to become a great writer. I know that I wasn't born with the gift of writing, so I decided to be more intentional about learning how to write.

Truth be told, most of the technical writers you see today likely had to develop or learn specific skills to become good at writing.

Now to the point 😃, here are five essential skills you should develop to be a successful technical writer:

Know How to Write

I know it might be confusing to see that writing is one of the skills required to be a technical writer. You might think that technical writing and writing are the same, but they are not.

Think of writing in general as the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation, and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form. Technical writing , on the other hand, is the more specific process of sharing or conveying your ideas, views, instructions, and suggestions logically and technically.

The first and most important skill every technical writer needs to be able to write in their preferred language for communication. For example, if you intend to use English to write technical articles, you need to understand how to compose words and communicate with the English Language. Want to get better at writing? Follow the steps below:

  • Learn the grammar and language rules for your preferred language for communication.
  • Understand the power of illustrations in writing.
  • Read more! Trust me, reading will help you expand your vocabulary.
  • Most importantly, write using your preferred language of communication.

Know Your Audience

Identifying, understanding, and tailoring your content for a specific audience will make your articles or documentation stand out. That's why you need to know your audience.

When you understand the audience, you will be able to tailor your article to meet their needs and automatically pass the message effectively.

So, how can you get to know your target audience?

Ask yourself questions about your readers

You need to ask yourself questions like: "who are my readers, and why are they reading the article? What do they expect from it?"

For instance, before I started writing this article, I asked myself these questions and came up with the answers below:

  • Who are they? People that want to become technical writers
  • Why are they reading this article? To learn the necessary skills needed to become a technical writer.
  • What are they expecting? Everything they need to get started and eventually become technical writers: skills, tips, steps, advice and more!

Once, I figured out the answer to these questions, I was able to identify my audience, and it was beginners. This helped me tailor this article to benefit you.

Use the right terms

If you are writing an article for beginners, you should use terms that are easy to understand. You can also add concrete examples to help your readers understand you.

Give your article or documentation a helpful title/name

Name your articles in a descriptive and helpful way.

For example, don't name an article “A Deep Dive Into Understanding React” (when the content is about Rendering Elements in React), and risk disappointing readers who were expecting to learn everything about React after reading your article.

Instead, come up with a specific title that describes exactly what you wrote in your article like “How to Render Elements in React”.

Develop Your Technical Skills

As a technical writer, your goal will be to help readers understand highly complex processes or concepts in a straightforward way.

To achieve this, you'll need to be familiar with the topic you're writing about. That means if you want to write a technical article or documentation on React.js, you should be able to use React personally.

I'll end this section with this popular quote by Albert Einstein:

If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself.

This quote also echoes the need to understand the technical details of your topic thoroughly before explaining it to someone else.

Be Able to Do Good Research

Yes! Technical writers don't know everything. So even though you might be familiar with a technology, sometimes you'll have to research a language or framework to understand it better before you start writing about it.

This will make sure that your text is accurate and communicates the necessary data most efficiently. You definitely don't want to be sharing false or confusing information.

How should you go about conducting research?

Researching involves asking questions on your preferred search engine, reaching out to someone who is knowledgeable about the subject matter (if you know any), or reading a book.

If you decide to follow the search engine route , ask questions targeted at what you want to discover. For instance, if you want to learn about how to use the GSAP ScrollTrigger Plugin in React, your question should follow this format "How can I use GSAP ScrollTrigger Plugin in React" .

If you decide to ask someone knowledgeable about the subject matter , always be polite and go straight to the point. Instead of saying " Hi " and waiting for the person to respond before asking your question, you can follow this format:

" Hi Rita, my name is Edidiong . I know you are very knowledgeable about using the GSAP ScrollTrigger Plugin. I have seen some of your CodePen demos over the years and they all looked really amazing. I'd love to know how can I manipulate the GSAP tween to make the animations trigger on the scroll? I'd totally understand if you can't respond because of your busy schedule but I will be glad if you do."

You might think that this was a pretty long message, but it covered the most important things: your name, your admiration of their work, what you need, and that you understand that you are not entitled to the person's time.

There's also an option of reading a book during the research phase. To do this you can go to a library or find a book online and read it.

Develop a Unique Voice

Have you ever wondered why people drop comments like "wow, I've finally understood this concept thanks to your article" or "I read other articles but I didn't understand this concept until I read yours, thank you!" on an article?

If you ask me, I'd say its because the author's unique voice spoke to them in a way others didn't. What does this mean? It means everyone is unique.

So, if two devs write about the same topic, some readers will understand one of their articles more than they understand the other. While others will understand the second article more than the understand the first. Why? Because they both have a unique voice that will work for some people and not for others.

So, how can you develop a unique voice?

By staying true to yourself, and letting your thoughts flow freely as a writer instead of copying other writers' content. Yes, get inspired by others. But don't forget who you are! The truth is, people learn in different ways and your content might be what one developer is hoping to read before they finally understand a concept.

Now that we've discussed the basic skills you need to become a good technical writer, I should point out that these skills can be learned over time. Please don't wait until you have all of them to start writing – go ahead and give it a try.

How to become a technical writer

Now, let's talk about how to become a technical writer. đŸ’ƒđŸœ

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.  - Mark Twain

Yes, I had to start with Mark Twain's quote because it is something we all need to remember when we take up a new challenge. Deciding to become a technical writer is great, but putting in the necessary work to get started is even greater.

Let's talk about four important things you need to do to become a technical writer.

Take a course in technical writing

Technical writing is an in-demand skill, and employers want to hire the best writer for their team. Taking a course on technical writing is highly underrated, but it is essential because you will discover many tips that will help you become a better writer.

My technical writing skills significantly improved after I took a technical writing course from Google, and I highly recommend you take the course (or something similar) as well.

Read books and tech articles

Read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river.  - Lisa See

Reading is essential because it will help you enrich your vocabulary, keep you abreast of current trends, discover what's going on in the writing world, and also helps keep the spirit of writing alive.

For this, I highly recommend reading tech-related articles from sites on freeCodeCamp , Hashnode , The Writing Cooperative , and others.

Start writing

You learn to write by writing, and by reading and thinking about how writers have created their characters and invented their stories. If you are not a reader, don't even think about being a writer.  - Jean M. Auel

Even if you take all the technical writing courses and read all the tech articles you can find, that won't make you a writer. You need to actually write to be a writer.

You might be wondering how you can actually start writing. Well, I'll tell you.

First, you need to think of a topic you want to write about. Then you should carry out the necessary research, write a draft of the article, and proofread the article (more than once). When you're ready, you can finally publish the article on your blog.

You don't need to build your blog from scratch because it takes a bunch of time and will distract you from your actual focus, which is writing. In my case, I created my blog with Hashnode because it is super fast, has a strong community, and allows you to map the blog to your domain.

After you've gotten comfortable with writing, you can apply to become a guest author on freeCodeCamp. If you get approved, you can publish articles on the platform and reach a wide audience.

Stay consistent

Writing consistently plays a huge role in helping you become a better writer. It unlocks your productivity, transforms your perspective, and builds your confidence.

You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.  - Octavia E. Butler

Just like every other skill, you get better at writing when you keep writing consistently. Aim to write at least one article every month, and you will be shocked at how your writing skills will improve if you keep doing it consistently.

If you need some accountability with your consistency as a technical writer, you can try the #2Articles1Week Writing Challenge .

What is the #2Articles1Week Challenge?

The goal of this challenge is to encourage technical writers to define their writing goals, understand writing standards, and most importantly become consistent at writing.

Participants are expected to publish a minimum of 2 articles per week for 4 weeks on their blog. If you do this, you will be able to create and publish 8 articles on your blog in just one month. Amazing, right? 😉

I've seen a lot of people talk about the benefits of participating in this challenge and I believe it will help you kick off writing consistently.

Contribute to Open Source projects

The documentation for Open Source projects is arguably just as important as the software itself. So if you're a technical writer, you can contribute in a significant way to a project because humans can't use what they don't understand.

Yes, you may be working on a project or for an open-source organization for free. But Open Source contributions can help you improve your writing skill, expand your network, and help you get recommendations and referrals from the maintainers.

It can also help increase your chances of getting accepted into the Google Season of Docs program.

What is Google Season of Docs and why is it important?

Season of Docs is an annual program organised by Google. Its goal is to bring technical writers and open source organisations together to foster collaboration and improvement of documentation in the Open Source space.

This initiative is extremely important because the documentation of an Open Source project provides an avenue for users to not only understand the project but also make contributions to it.

During the program, accepted technical writers spend between 3-5 months either building a new doc set, improving the structure of the existing docs, developing a much-needed tutorial, or improving the contribution processes and guides of an Open Source organisation.

The interesting thing about this program is that you can get paid between $3000 - $15000 to contribute to Open Source projects as a technical writer. You'll also stand a higher chance of joining the Technical Writing team at Google and possibly get retained by the Open Source organisation to keep working as a technical writer after the program is over.

6 Technical Writing Tips to Help You Start Writing

Here are some things to remember when you've completed your first draft your next article:

  • Follow a style guide when writing. It helps you stay on track and follow the best writing principles.
  • Make your paragraphs short so they support a single idea. Don't cram everything into one paragraph.
  • Write short, clear, and precise sentences because simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
  • After writing your first draft, read your content out loud while assuming you are the reader. This will help you spot things that can be rephrased.
  • Edit your first draft only when you are focused.
  • Seek feedback by consulting with experts in the field you are writing about because no technical writer knows every technical detail about every topic.

Technical writing continues to be a highly coveted skill in the professional workplace. Demand is expected to grow at least 10% from 2014 to 2024.

Writing, like many other crafts, takes years of practice to hone. The best part of writing is that you can see your improvement. You can look at your previous works and see how much better you've gotten over time if you work at it.

Also, technical writers have the great benefit of becoming lifelong learners because they need to be well-versed in whatever field or topic they are writing about to communicate the content clearly to readers. I strongly encourage you not just to start this journey but also to stay consistent with your writing as well.

That's all, folks! I hope this was helpful? If yes, follow me on Twitter to access more contents like this.

I am a software developer who is passionate about technical writing, contributing to open source organizations and building developer communities.

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Becoming a Technical Writer at Google

Technical Writers provide a key link between Google engineers, product managers, marketing associates, developer advocates, as well as client developers and users, tying together many vital but disparate parts of the Google ecosystem.

Who can become a technical writer at Google?

There is no single path to becoming a technical writer at Google. Although a few have earned degrees in technical writing, most technical writers come from other worlds. For example, you'll find plenty of software engineers, development operations engineers, journalists, physicists, lawyers, and teachers now working as technical writers at Google. Despite the wide range of educational and professional backgrounds, this diverse bunch share the following skills:

  • Write clearly in English. We don't care whether English is your first language or your tenth; we only care about the quality of your writing in English.
  • Learn complex technologies relatively quickly.
  • Explain complex technologies in useful ways for the target audience.
  • Wield strong interpersonal skills.
  • Understand code.

Technical writers are rare hybrids, possessing an uncommon mixture of talents.

What if I don't have professional experience as a technical writer?

In some cases, applicants have the requisite talents but don't have demonstrable professional experience. If you don't yet have a technical communication portfolio, we recommend contributing documentation to open-source projects. Your documentation portfolio should ideally meet the following criteria:

  • Represent a variety of documentation types.
  • Adhere to a well-known style guide .

What do Google's technical writers document?

Although some Google technical writers focus on hardware and others on consumer products such as Google Docs, most Google technical writers document programming products, including:

  • Google Cloud
  • Google Maps

Helping developers use these technologies or platforms might involve traditional documentation, code samples, videos, slides, or any other media that gets the job done. Technical writers are seldom bored.

How can I become a Technical Writer at Google?

To apply for a job as a Technical Writer at Google, do the following:

Go to the Technical Writer page on the Google Careers website.

Read through the positions and click Apply on those that interest you. (Note that you must click Expand in order to see the Apply button.)

Complete the application form.

Actual humans review every resume that comes through. To optimize your chances, highlight your experience documenting technical topics.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2023-12-19 UTC.

How to Become a Technical Writer

Learn what it takes to become a Technical Writer in 2024, and how to start your journey.

  • What is a Technical Writer
  • How to Become
  • Certifications
  • Tools & Software
  • LinkedIn Guide
  • Interview Questions
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Professional Goals
  • Resume Examples
  • Cover Letter Examples

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How do I become a Technical Writer?

Acquire a strong educational foundation, develop your technical and writing skills, gain practical experience, build your professional network, create a portfolio of your work, stay current with industry trends and tools, typical requirements to become a technical writer, educational requirements and academic pathways, building experience in technical writing, key skills for aspiring technical writers, additional qualifications for a competitive edge, alternative ways to start a technical writer career, transitioning from subject matter expertise, leveraging experience in support roles, utilizing instructional design and e-learning, building on writing experience in other fields, self-directed learning and portfolio building, how to break into the industry as a technical writer - next steps, faqs about becoming a technical writer, how long does it take to become a technical writer, do you need a degree to become a technical writer, can i become a technical writer with no experience.

Technical Writer Skills

how to be a technical content writer

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How to Become a Technical Writer

Learn how to become a technical writer without experience. Unlock your path to becoming a skilled technical writer.

Rijvi Ahmed Pic

Rijvi Ahmed

Last updated on Dec 10th, 2023

How to Become a Technical Writer

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Table of Contents

Technical writing is a highly valuable skill. It is crucial for anyone working in a tech-related business, for engineers and scientists communicating their technical knowledge, and for people looking for rewarding, full-time work as writers. There is a question among people about ‘How to be a technical writer without experience?’. Let’s delve into the steps and strategies that can pave your path to mastering the art of technical writing. 

Technical writers, sometimes referred to as technical communicators, use their special skills to simplify difficult-to-understand, specialized information. Technical writers are essential to developing a successful product and a positive user experience, whether producing press releases, social media posts, instruction manuals and videos, product descriptions, tutorials, quick reference guides, software documentation, or white papers.

So, let’s go deep into becoming a Technical Writer, and let me explain how to get into technical writing. In this article, I will explain what you need to know to become a technical writer. We’ll learn about what technical writing is, the skills you need, how to become a technical writer, and tips to help you become good at it.

What is a technical writer?

A technical writer is a skilled professional who specializes in producing written materials that effectively convey complex technical or specialized information to a diverse audience. Their primary role involves translating intricate technical concepts, processes, or products into clear, concise, and user-friendly documents, such as user manuals, reports, guides, and online content. 

Technical writers often collaborate closely with subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and clarity, playing a crucial role in making complex information accessible and understandable to end-users, which can improve user experience, safety, and overall understanding in various fields and industries.

What is technical writing?

We can define technical writing in many different ways. But the definition by Grammar is the most helpful. It explains exactly what technical writing is all about: “Technical writing is a type of writing where the author writes about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation.”

Simply put, technical writing involves straightforward, easy-to-understand explanations of and instructions for a particular subject. Technical writing is a form of communication used in information technology, engineering, science, finance, and technology. Technical writing takes complex language in technical and scientific fields and simplifies it for the average reader. The Society of Technical Communication broadly defines technical writing as any form of communication that shows one or more of the following qualities:

  • Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations.
  • Communicating by using technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites.
  • Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of how technical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distribute that communication.

This writing style covers any type of text that aims to explain detailed information. A technical writer communicates in a way that presents technical information so that the reader can use that information for an intended purpose.

Related : How to Become a Writer Without a Degree

Different Types of Technical Writing

The most common types of technical writing are:

  • User guides and instruction manuals, which are pamphlets and booklets containing written “how-to” guidelines.
  • Medical and scientific papers are often published in medical journals.
  • Technical descriptions are used to describe how products, processes, or concepts work.
  • White papers that convey complex issues and present solutions.
  • Case studies that focus on surveys and consumer experiences.

Technical documentation has a clear, direct, and neutral style. The text should present the information in the most professional and accessible way possible.

How to Become a Technical Writer without Experience

What does a technical writer do?

Specialized writers put together instruction manuals, user guides, habitually inquired questions, and easy-to-read journal articles. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. The typical duties and responsibilities of a technical writer include:

  • Examining product samples and describing them to consumers in easy-to-read text.
  • Working with technical personnel to simplify complex product descriptions and instructions.
  • Writing and revising product copy.
  • Writing technical documents tailored to users’ needs.
  • Writing instructional material for technical staff or other staff across a wide range of industries.
  • Editing content from other writers.
  • Researching topics by visiting libraries and websites, working directly with technical specialists, and making observations.
  • Updating and improving content based on user feedback.
  • Utilizing visual references (graphs, images, animations, etc.) to help readers better understand reading material.
  • Deciding which medium (manuals, videos, diagrams, etc.) best conveys content for your audience.
  • Standardizing content across all media platforms.

Technical writers work for professional, logical, and technical services. A few work for manufacturers, administrative and support services, and publishing companies. Take a look at Monster’s technical writer job description to get an idea of what employers expect from a technical writer.

The skills for how to become a technical writer

Technical writers are experts at communicating complex technical information in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. To do this job well, you need to have technical and communication skills. The most important skills a technical writer should have are: George Standifer, a technical writing instructor at Arizona State University’s School of Applied Professional Studies, said these are the 13 most important skills a technical writer should possess:

  • Writing skills : Strong writing skills are essential for technical writers. You should be able to write concisely and logically, using appropriate Grammar and punctuation. Technical writing often requires precise and unambiguous language.
  • Organizational skills : Technical documentation can be extensive, so technical writers must be skilled at organizing information. Creating logical structures and using headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make the content easily navigable is essential.
  • Audience analysis : Understanding the audience is crucial. Technical writers should know who their readers are, their level of technical expertise, and what they expect from the documentation. This helps tailor the content to suit the audience’s needs.
  • Technical proficiency : Technical writers must have a good understanding of the subject matter they’re writing about. You should be able to grasp complex technical concepts and translate them into accessible language for your target audience.
  • Knowledge of documentation tools : Technical writers should be familiar with various documentation tools and software, such as Microsoft Word, Adobe products such as FrameMaker, InDesign, and Photoshop, or other authoring tools commonly used in the industry.
  • Attention to detail : Accuracy is paramount in technical writing. Writers need to be meticulous in verifying facts, data, and technical specifications before including them in the documentation.
  • Collaboration : Technical writers often work with subject matter experts, engineers, developers, and other stakeholders. Collaborative skills are necessary for gathering information and clarifying technical details.
  • Adaptability : Technology is constantly evolving, and technical writers must keep up with the latest advancements. Being adaptable to change and learning new tools and technologies is important.
  • Visual communication : The ability to use visuals effectively, such as diagrams, charts, and images, can enhance the understanding of technical concepts and improve the overall user experience.
  • Quality assurance : Reviewing and editing your work for clarity, correctness, and consistency is essential to maintain the quality of the documentation.
  • User empathy : You’ll need to understand the end user’s perspective and empathize with their challenges. This will allow you to create user-friendly documentation that addresses their needs and concerns.
  • Information architecture : Knowing how to structure content and create effective navigation paths in both printed and online documentation is vital for user accessibility.
  • Compliance and regulatory awareness : Depending on the industry, technical writers may need to be aware of specific regulations, standards, and compliance requirements that affect the documentation.

Do You Need a Degree to Be a Technical Writer?

Normally, the Technical writers have a bachelor’s degree in English or communication or a second in English and science and technology. If you need a valid college degree, consider getting one from one of these top universities. Expect to take courses that cover:

  • Literary studies
  • English composition
  • Contexts of writing
  • Writing workshops
  • Business writing

On the subject of technical writing minors, many colleges and universities offer courses that can add college credits to a bachelor’s degree. A technical writing minor will help you improve your writing, editing, and presentation skills on technical topics. You will learn to write specifically for business, technology, and science.

Completing an internship in technical writing will help you gain hands-on experience and land your first job quickly. Check with your university to see if they have training opportunities. Education is key to becoming a technical writer. Help to cover the costs of your education by checking out these scholarships for technical and business writing majors.

What is the Technical Writer Career Path?

If we are to break it down, the technical writing career path starts with a bachelor’s degree in a technical field. Using that degree, you get a few years of experience in a technical job. Then, you use that experience to develop complex technical documentation. 

However, having a bachelor’s degree is optional in some industries. For example, if you work as a heavy maintenance professional, there’s a good chance you went to trade school. Or, you’re developing your skills while working. In any case, you have the skills and the knowledge for heavy maintenance without going to college. You can transform that experience by developing technical documentation, such as heavy maintenance checklists, manuals, and guides. Therefore, it’s okay to have a bachelor’s degree. 

The same applies to programmers and data experts who learn skills online. However, in all cases, having active work experience is a requirement. That experience can be with an organization or private projects in your portfolio. 

Furthermore, let’s say you’re already a technical writer but still a bit new to the field. As you move on in your technical writer career, you’ll have a few different paths. Typically, technical writers move on to become senior technical writers and technical writing managers (or technical content marketing managers). Another career path is where you can move on to become a technical writing editor or technical editor. Some organizations have specific job roles, such as documentation manager or API technical writer. That mostly depends on your industry and organization.

Technical Writer salary and job outlook

As of 2021, 55,400 technical writers were employed, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . That number is expected to grow by 6 percent for a total of 58,400 technical writers by 2031, with a projected 5,400 openings each year.

The full compensation package for a technical writer depends on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the candidate’s experience and geographic location. See below for detailed information on the average technical salary.

Tips and Advice to the Technical Writers

Technical writing is a specialty area that requires specific skills, knowledge, and expertise. The goal of technical writing is to convey a message about how to do something understandably. It’s not easy, but with consistent practice and utilization of the right tools, you can hone your skills. Achieving good technical writing skills can make all the difference in your career.

6 Tips for Developing Better Writing Skills

 Here are six technical writing tips that will help you get started on improving your technical writing style.

  • Read more books. There are plenty of resources at your disposal, such as the many articles on Entrepreneur and WiseBread, that will help you hone your skills.
  • Analyze what you read for errors in Grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as logical flow and organization of ideas.
  • Practice writing by starting with short sentences or paragraphs and gradually working up to writing essays or other longer pieces of text.
  • Start with a topic that you’re familiar with- ideally something related to your career field- and then build from there to challenge yourself with less familiar topics.
  • Reflect on your process- What worked? What didn’t work? What could you do better next time?
  • Get feedback on your work from others who know what they’re talking about – this could be friends, colleagues, family members, or even someone who knows nothing about the subject matter but has good advice on how to improve it!

These six tips I think you should know as you are a technical writer.

Practice and Learn from Experts

You can’t just sit down and expect to write something brilliant. The best way to improve your technical writing skills is to practice, practice, and then practice some more. You can read a lot of articles on the subject and find amazing technical writing tips, but the best way to learn how to write well is by doing it yourself.

Once you start writing, you’ll notice what works and what doesn’t. When you come across an issue or something that might not work as well, go online and research other examples of technical writing. You want to avoid reinventing the wheel when it comes to style and formatting. You’ll need to know-

  • Style guidelines 
  • Applicable assiduity regulations 
  • Purpose and range of the document 
  • Fresh deliverables ( appendix, glossary, etc.) 
  • Followership demographics 

Once you know how numerous documents you’re producing, what they need to negotiate, and who their followership is, you can start outlining them. You may acclimate the figure as you write, but you should have a general idea of which information will go where. People read primers and standard operating procedures (Bribes) to learn how to do what they need to get done.

Final thoughts

Technical writing continues to be a highly coveted skill in the professional workplace. Demand is expected to grow at least 10% from 2014 to 2024. Writing, like many other crafts, takes years of practice to hone. The best part of writing is that you can see your improvement. You can look at your previous works and see how much better you’ve gotten over time if you work at it.

Also, technical writers have the great benefit of becoming lifelong learners because they need to be well-versed in whatever field or topic they are writing about to communicate the content clearly to readers. I strongly encourage you not just to start this journey but also to stay consistent with your writing as well.

That’s all, folks! I hope this was helpful. If yes, follow us to access more content like this.

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Our content is thoroughly researched and fact-checked using reputable sources. While we aim for precision, we encourage independent verification for complete confidence.

We keep our articles up-to-date regularly to ensure accuracy and relevance as new information becomes available.

  • Current Version
  • Dec 10th, 2023
  • Dec 9th, 2023

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Read our Content Writing Guide .

How to Become a Technical Writer

How to Become a Technical Writer

Are you interested in technical content writing? Here's everything you need to know to get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Technical content writing involves producing various types of content, such as blog posts and product reviews, in a way that is easy for readers to understand.
  • Technical content writing is different from technical writing, which involves creating user manuals and documentation about a company's products.
  • To become a successful technical content writer, you need strong writing skills, the ability to research complex topics, and the capability to interact with industry experts.

If you have a knack for understanding complex technical details, and you want to help people understand such points and data better, then technical content writing might be an ideal career for you.

Let’s find out how you can get into it and achieve the heights of success.

What Is Technical Content Writing?

A technical content writer produces content in the form of blog posts, articles, eBooks, white papers, product reviews, and buying and ultimate guides to reach a specific goal. To achieve the specific aim of creating content, you’ll need to learn a bit about researching and using keywords in your content and writing in the brand’s tone and style.

You must also be able to break down complex technical details in an easy-to-understand language, write concisely, and be free from unnecessary jargon. You can consider writing for SaaS companies, firms selling web-based software or other products, cryptocurrency, programming languages' blogs, tech news, tech tutorial blogs, and more.

Now that you have understood what a technical content writer is and how one operates, you should know what a technical content writer isn’t.

What Isn’t Technical Content Writing?

As you begin applying for jobs, you will find two types of openings. One will be for the role of a technical content writer for a tech blog, and another will be for the role of a technical writer. You must know that the duties of these two positions differ considerably.

Unlike a tech content writer, a technical writer creates documentation, user manuals, instruction guides, and possibly white papers about the company's products.

The pay scale of each of the writers also differs. According to U.S. News & World Report , a technical writer makes a median yearly salary of around $78k. However, a technical content writer makes almost $59k annually, according to Zippia .

Now that you know the difference, let’s proceed.

The Top Three Skills You Need to Become a Tech Content Writer

Here is a list of the skills you definitely want to have to become a successful technical content writer.

1. Rock-Solid Writing Skills

Every aspiring writer must develop solid writing skills . You can join a university course or take some online writing classes to expand your knowledge in this area.

Alongside perfect grammar, you’ll also need to learn a few more skills to be successful in this field, like storytelling, keeping the reader engaged, writing persuasive headlines, and influencing your audience to take action.

2. Researching Complex Topics

Poor research leads to poor content, wasting your readers' and your clients' time. So, developing good research skills is a necessity. One of the best ways to research is to find facts and information from authority blogs.

That means when you search on Google, you should know the source of the information you are using. Stick to the top results, check the website's domain authority, look over the monthly traffic the blog receives each month, and more.

To find this data, download any of the following Chrome extensions:

  • Keyword Surfer
  • Ubersuggest

Below each search result, the extensions will show you details such as the domain authority, monthly traffic, number of keywords on the linked page, the total number of words, page attributes, and total social shares.

In short, enough information for you to evaluate whether a blog is a reliable source of data.

3. Interacting With Industry Experts

Apart from researching on Google, if you want to create original, in-depth content that is not available elsewhere, you may need to interview field experts. These people can be engineers, researchers, security analysts, etc.

However, getting this far in your research takes time and communication expertise. If you want to become a top-paying technical content writer working for leading companies and not just content mills like Upwork, Fiverr, or Craigslist, you'll need this skill.

If you’re working on a tech news blog, it'll be a necessity. So, learn how to write emails that get replies and are the perfect way to interact with and interview someone. Learning some extra copywriting skills never hurt anyone.

How to Become a Technical Writer With No Experience

Although it can help, formal education in the field isn't mandatory when you're pursuing technical writing, especially for entry-level jobs. If you want to become a technical writer with no prior experience, the first step is to actually learn and practice the skill.

To do that, you can consider starting your own blog , doing unpaid internships, or writing for nonprofits. Keep in mind that since you don't have any credentials yet, it's likely you're not going to be earning for at least a couple of months.

In the meantime, your job is to upskill yourself, network with other writers, begin writing a resume, and prepare a portfolio showcasing your best work . After around six months or so, when you think you've put together a decent resume and portfolio, it's time to apply for an entry-level job.

The pay won't be great in the beginning, but it's advisable to reinvest at least a portion of what you earn and buy writing courses (see our recommendations below) so you can continue learning and upgrading your skills. This will allow you to stand out and charge a premium for your services in the future.

How to Break Into Technical Writing

After knowing all the essential details about tech content writing, you’ll need to make a decision about how you want to operate: as a contractor/freelancer or a full-time employee in a company.

To become a freelance technical content writer, you probably will need no dazzling degree in journalism or specific experience in the technology sector. However, if you have it, it’s a plus. All you need are the skills we discussed in the former section and a portfolio (that we’ll discuss in a bit), and you’re good to go.

On the other hand, if you’re after a full-time job in a company, you may consider the company’s requirements. Recruiters mostly look for someone with a bachelor's degree in English or a communication-related subject. Plus, they may also consider your previous experience in the tech industry—for instance, computer science, engineering, medical, or more.

But whatever you do, you must have a portfolio to show your work. The recruiter, despite your degree, would want to know if you can deliver what you say.

Here are some ways to begin your journey as a technical content writer today:

  • Good with Words: Writing and Editing Specialization offered by the University of Michigan.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialization offered by the University of California, Davis.
  • Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact offered by Macquarie University.
  • Network with professionals : If you want to land good clients or a job in a reputed firm, it’s one of the best ways to begin with.
  • Create a tech writing portfolio : The easiest way to do it is to start a blog on Medium. It’s free, and your recruiters will understand that you actually know how to write for an online audience. Here's how to create a portfolio website from scratch .
  • Apply for jobs : Platforms like Indeed , Monster , Flexjobs , Career Builder , Nexxt , and LinkedIn are some great places to start your search.

Start Your Career in Technical Content Writing

Just like everything, it’ll require consistent effort and time investment. But you should know that this industry is growing day by day.

So, if you have always loved technology and have the skills to make tech learning and tech-based decision-making easier for people, this is your chance. Perfect the skills discussed in the article, dig deeper into this subject, and start your new journey into technical content writing.

Technical Writer

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how to be a technical content writer

What Is a Technical Writer? How to Become One, Salary, Skills.

 Technical writers create content like how-to guides and instruction manuals that accompany products, with the goal of providing good user experiences.  Here’s what to know about a technical writer’s salary, needed skills and how to become one.

What Is a Technical Writer?

A technical writer is someone who has writing and communication prowess as well as product expertise. They study target audiences to determine how best to communicate the technical aspects of a product and its features. Their work is not exclusively in written format. They may also need to help produce videos, illustrations and other visual communication.

What Do Technical Writers Do?

Technical writers craft concise communications that help both technical and non-technical users understand how to interact with products. They collaborate closely with people involved in product development and gather feedback from users to inform their process and figure out how to simplify complex concepts for written materials.

Technical Writer Responsibilities

  • Writing and editing technical documentation.
  • Producing videos, illustrations and other visual communications.
  • Conforming to style guides.
  • Conducting research and studying product samples. 
  • Collaborating with other teams and departments as they produce products and features that need documentation.
  • Learning about complex concepts and technical product aspects.
  • Collecting feedback from users.

Technical Writer Role Within a Company

Technical writers are available as needed to departments throughout an organization. They often collaborate closely with engineers, product teams and others who are directly involved in developing the products and features they’ll be drafting communications for. A technical writer may be responsible for users outside of the company, as well as putting together documentation for internal purposes.

Importance of a Technical Writer

Technical writers essentially serve as translators who make sense of high-level information and convert those details into a format that’s understandable to intended users.

What Skills Are Needed to Be a Technical Writer?

Qualifications to be a technical writer.

  • Ability to apply critical thinking skills to writing and communication.
  • Understanding of types of technical documentation and how to choose the right one.
  • Skilled researcher and editor.
  • Capable of quickly learning complex topics and communicating them to others.
  • At least one to two years of relevant experience.
  • Familiarity with common writing platforms and publishing software.
  • Efficient at collaborating across teams and departments.

Technical Writer Prerequisites

  • A bachelor’s or associate’s degree in a relevant field or from a technical writing or communication program.
  • Professional certification.

Technical Writer Hard Skills

  • Some jobs may require knowledge of coding languages like HTML, CSS, Python and Javascript.
  • Product research and audience analysis.
  • Proofreading skills and knowledge of relevant style guides such as the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • Proficient at using writing and publishing tools.

Technical Writer Soft Skills

  • Strong communication and collaboration skills.
  • Creativity and curiosity.
  • Managing time to meet project deadlines.
  • Organized and detail oriented.

Tools and Programs Technical Writers Use

  • Writing software and platforms like Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
  • Publishing software like Adobe RoboHelp and MadCap Flare.
  • Tools like Jira and Confluence for workflow and project management.

How to Become a Technical Writer

Technical writer education and experience.

Common majors for technical writers include English, journalism, communications, information technology and computer science. Some schools even offer technical writing specific programs. Depending on what field they work in, some technical writers enter the industry with an associate’s degree or no degree at all. These individuals may have lots of relevant experience, a strong writing portfolio and professional courses and certifications under their belt to prove their proficiencies.

Technical Writer Certificates and Courses

  • Technical Writing: Master Your Writing Career
  • Technical Writing: How to Write Software Documentation
  • Learn API Technical Writing: JSON and XML for Writers
  • Learn API Technical Writing 2: REST for Writers
  • Certified Professional Technical Communicator
  • Medical Writer Certified credential

Technical Writer Career Path

Recent graduates may be able to find an entry-level technical writing role such as an internship or junior technical writer position, but newcomers should expect to work at least one to two years before breaking into technical writing. Some also choose to become a UX researcher or junior UX designer before moving into technical writing. This route allows them to learn about UX research, design techniques and other areas that can give them a necessary understanding of interaction design and how users relate to products. As they advance in their career, technical writers can add senior to their job title or step into the role of managing a team of technical writers at a larger company.

Technical Writer Salary and Job Outlook

As of 2021, there were 55,400 technical writers employed, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . That number is expected to grow by 6 percent for a total of 58,400 technical writers by 2031, with a projected 5,400 openings each year.

The full compensation package for a technical writer depends on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the candidate’s experience and geographic location. See below for detailed information on the average technical salary.

Expand Your Technical Writer Career Opportunities

Master in-demand skills by completing online product management courses with Udemy.

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This is the first in a series of courses for technical writers who want to learn how to write API documentation. This course teaches how to document structured data, focusing on the two most popular structured data formats: JSON and XML. If you

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Careers Related to Technical Writer

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How to Become a Technical Writer: A Beginner’s Guide

Tom DuPuis

Table of Contents

The technical writing process, planning your document, document preparation, writing in the correct style, visual formatting, review carefully, career advice for technical writers.

Technical writing is a highly valuable skill. It is crucial for anyone working in a tech-related business, for engineers and scientists communicating their technical knowledge, and for people looking for rewarding, full-time work as writers.

So, what is involved in technical writing, and how can you become a technical writer?

Technical writing is broadly defined as any type of text that aims to explain detailed information. A technical writer communicates in a way that presents technical information so that the reader can use that information for an intended purpose, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations.

Technical writing is not just about understanding technical information and recording it in a document. Technical writing takes high-level information and processes it into digestible content for a specific audience. This article will outline and define the technical writing process, best practices, and steps to launch your technical writing career.

What is technical writing?

  • Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations.
  • Communicating by using technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites.
  • Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of how technical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distribute that communication.”

This writing style covers any type of text that aims to explain detailed information. A technical writer communicates in a way that presents technical information so that the reader can use that information for an intended purpose.


Learn technical writing with our online self-paced course.

Our practicum technical writing course has been taken by high-level technical writers at Shell, Boeing, and more.

Style definition

Technical documentation has a clear, direct, and neutral style. The text should present the information in the most professional and accessible way possible.

Technical writing is used anytime a technical subject must be conveyed by text. The technical content will explain the scientific or specialized details and guide the reader in how to use that information. Due to the high-tech nature of workplaces and day-to-day life, technical writing is increasingly common.

Technical writers have the great benefit of becoming lifelong learners. In order to communicate the content, you must be (or become) well-versed in that field. Therefore, with each new technical document, you will become an expert on that subject.

While the reader does not need to know all the details, you need to have a depth of knowledge to select just the crucial elements to include. A broad understanding will ensure that the text is accurate and communicates the necessary data most efficiently.

Growing demand

Prominent technical writing areas.

There are many professions that require strong technical writing, such as financial services, manufacturing, energy, consulting, medical business, and engineering.

Technical writing isn't limited to these domains. In the information age, being able to provide clear instructions or information for the intended audience is more important than ever in a variety of industries. Technical writers work in software development, consulting, academia, government, broadcasting, transportation, energy, telecommunications, health, security, publishing, and the list could go on.


It may surprise you to discover that the technical writing process can take just as much (or more!) time to plan and review than to write. The planning phase sets you up for success and makes your writing time more effective. The review phase is essential to ensure your document is technically accurate and audience-accessible.

Before you start to type one word, there are crucial preparation steps that will define your document. If you start writing and then try to edit your way into a usable technical document, you will only cause yourself headaches. Start smart by preparing first.

Use the following technical writing process to develop your documents best.

1. Project preparation

The project planning process begins when the technical document is requested. This step may be initiated by an employer, colleague, or client. (For ease of reading, the person who requested the document will be referred to simply as the client in this guide.) With the request, the initial requirements are defined: document type, subject area/content, goal, scope, and audience.

Not all of these important aspects may be clearly defined at first. Sometimes, your client might not even be sure of their own requirements! A guided conversation about the document is invaluable to ensure that you as the author understand the project. Through thoughtful questions, you can pull out this information, so the project is clear and well-planned from the start.

2. Audience analysis

After the initial project planning with the client, the biggest writing factor is the audience.

The target audience is always at the forefront of the technical writer's mind. The reader defines the text. Generally, the technical information does not change. The only thing that changes is how those facts are conveyed. A good technical writer revises the text based on the reader's context.

3. Understand the user

In order to know who you are writing for, you have to gather as much information as possible about who will use the document. It is important to know if your audience holds expertise in the field, if the topic is totally new to them, or if they fall somewhere in between.

The audience will also have their own expectations and needs. You must determine what the reader is looking for when they begin to read the document. The reader's goal will guide the entire writing process, as the document should fill their needs and answer their questions.

For example, if you are writing a financial proposal for a pilot R&D program to control home heating from a smartphone remotely, your audience might be an executive deciding the next year's company budget. In order to properly prepare the technical proposal, you need to know the executive's knowledge levels of the research area. In addition, it would be beneficial to know his or her top financial concerns, the business factors that are normally used in decision-making, and the timeline.

This executive audience is totally different than the end-user of that remotely controlled home heating program. Perhaps the R&D produces new software to control home heating from a smartphone remotely. The audience, in this case, is reading the software user manual. As the writer, you need to understand what the average, unfamiliar user of this software knows about using their smartphone and their home heating system. You need to know their initial questions, the likely problems, and the most effective solutions in order to write a useful document.

These examples share the same technical information. However, they have two very different audiences and therefore produce two very different documents.

  • Who are they?
  • What do they need?
  • Where will they be reading?
  • When will they be reading?
  • Why will they be reading?
  • How will they be reading?

Once you've answered these questions, only then can you start to prepare the document.

4. User experience

User experience is just as important in a technical document as it is for a web shop's mobile usability.

Now that you know your audience and their needs, keep in mind how the document itself services their needs. There can be a tendency for experts to craft a document that shows their depth of knowledge and to compile it in a way that is appealing to their own peer group. It's an easy mistake that ignores how the actual reader will use the document.

As you prepare, continuously step back and view the document as the reader. Ask yourself: Is it accessible? How would they be using it? When will they be using it? Is it easy to navigate?

Always write a document that is useful to the user.

With the document request and audience clearly defined, you can then conceptualize your document.

This phase will also highlight areas that are not familiar to you and require more investigation. Highlight any topic areas that you need to research before writing.

Consulting with experts

No technical writer knows every technical detail.

Consultation with specialists is critical. Experts will provide additional or parallel information that will make the information more useful to the end reader. They may be colleagues, client contacts, or external experts who are authorities on your topic.

Engage with subject matter experts early in the process. Maintain contact throughout because they can add value at different stages, especially during the review.

After the mind map is prepared, it is important to choose the right type of technical document. Your client may have already indicated the desired type, or it may be obvious. However, it's worthwhile to step back at this stage and confirm the document type. There is a wide range of types. This list isn't exhaustive, but provides an overview of the major ones:

1. Technical reports

Technical reports are written to provide information, analysis, instructions and/or recommendations. These reports provide the reader with enough background on a topic to be informed and potentially make decisions.

Example: a technical report on one phase of a company's manufacturing process. The report includes information on how this phase impacts the product, the process itself, and recommendations for optimization.

2. Technical manuals

Technical manuals provide instructions on how to use a device or program. The reader is the user or sometimes a developer of that product.

Examples: user manual for a vehicle; instruction manual for an alarm clock; developer's manual for a computer program.

Emails are a brief form of communication, which vary depending on the goal. Generally, they intend to share information, with potential additional use to persuade or instruct.

Example: an email written to all employees with an update on human resource policy changes.

4. Technical proposals

Technical proposals provide an introduction to a new project. It describes the purpose, the planned phases or tasks, methods to be employed, expected results and benefits, and a budget. A proposal acts as an outline for the project if accepted. Proposals do not necessarily need to have a budget, as they may propose cost-free changes.

Examples: a technical proposal from a franchisee to a retail company to open a new location. The proposal includes real estate details, renovation, and operations plans, revenue expectations, and project costs.

5. Specifications

Specifications are a detailed outline of the structure, design, materials, packaging, and standards of a product or process with a level of detail that allows an external party to construct or reconstruct it.

Example: an architect provides specifications for the construction of a house to a building contractor.

6. Technical specification datasheets

Technical specification data sheets provide the technical features, and characteristics with a level of detail that allows an external party to include them within another system.

Example: a computer manufacturer provides a technical specification datasheet for a personal computer with detailed information on its operating system, ports, and compatibility so that a customer can connect the computer to their company's network.

7. Guides and handbooks

Guides and handbooks are references or sets of instructions in a form that is quickly accessible. For example, consider a user guide for assembling a new bookshelf. 

MLA Handbook provides a quick reference guide for a defined research writing style.

8. Standard Operating Procedure

Example: laboratory employees use a standard operating procedure to complete potable water analysis.

Learn how to create any type of technical documentation in our Technical Writing Foundations course.

At long last, you can start to write! By going through this thoughtful planning process, writing will be easier and more efficient.

While the content will now be clear, you need to ensure the style of writing is suitable for a technical document. The writing needs to be accessible, direct, and professional. Flowery or emotional text is not welcome in a technical document. To ensure your text maintains this style, integrate the following key technical characteristics into your writing:

Active voice

The active voice is easier to read and understand than the passive voice. Whenever possible, choose the active voice in your sentences. In active voice, the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action.

Accurate word choice

Choose your words thoughtfully. Use the best word for the context. Include necessary details that make the text understandable and precise. Avoid overusing pronouns such as ‘it' and ‘this' as the reader may have difficulty identifying the antecedent.

Many technical documents provide instructions to the reader. Therefore, a task-based approach makes the content easier to understand. When writing, consider the order of the steps in the process. This flow provides a natural guide to your writing.

Sentence structure

Be brief. Combine sentences or eliminate unnecessary words in sentences to make the text as concise as possible. Technical writing must be clear and direct, so there is no need to add color or complexity.

Jargon is a trap for a technical writer. If you're an expert in your field, it can be easy to use jargon familiar to your topic or office, without realizing that it may be confusing to other readers. A non-expert may use jargon as an ill-intentioned effort to appeal to experts. Don't fall for this trap. Jargon should be avoided and only used when appropriate for specific audiences.

When using unfamiliar or technical terms, define the term when used for the first time in the text. When using abbreviations, write out the complete term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses for its first use. These definitions act as in-text reference points for the unfamiliar reader.

Using fewer words or more basic versions of words will communicate the same meaning to your reader while being more accessible.

Example: At the present time, our research focuses on the utilization of the drug to eliminate measles completely.

Improved: At present, our research focuses on the use of the drug to eliminate measles.


While the heart of a technical document is its text, the visual display should not be forgotten. A wall of text is difficult to read. Even the clearest instructions can be lost in a document that has poor visual representation.

Thoughtful formatting, templates, and images/diagrams will make your text more helpful for your audience.

Clarity in formatting

The style of the technical document carries over to the formatting stage. The formatting should be clean and professional. Well-chosen, readable fonts, sizing, and layout will assist the reader in understanding the text. Larger documents should consider a table of contents, sections, and the inclusion of appendices to best structure the information.

Many companies and individual technical writers rely on templates for technical documents. Templates should be developed for clarity and with the audience in mind. Once developed, templates save time and provide a previously approved style guide. For repeat projects, developing a template (or asking if your client has a preferred template) can be beneficial.

Enhance with appropriate graphics

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This phrase rings true even in technical writing. However, not just any image is worthy of a technical document.

Technical information can be difficult to convey in text alone. A well-placed image or diagram can assist the writer's explanation. The image should be directly relevant and be clearly referenced in both the text and in an explanatory caption.

Images used for decorative purposes should never be used within a technical document. They are distracting and do not maintain a clear, neutral style.

Good writing of any type must be free of spelling and grammar errors. It's obvious but not always easy, especially with lengthy documents.

Don't worry – you're not on your own. There are a number of software tools that can assist in your grammatical review. The two most useful tools we suggest are:

  • Microsoft Word Spelling and Grammar with the Readability Measurement

We recommend running your text through both of these programs to double-check your text's correctness.

These checks should be run first, followed by a thorough review with your own eyes. Software cannot grasp all contexts or inconsistencies. In this review, reading potentially challenging passages aloud will test if they are accessible or awkward.

Technical review

Once the text is linguistically correct, you'll need to ensure it's also technically correct. Step back from the document and return to it in the mindset of the intended audience. If your document is a user manual, use the instructions to operate the product. If your document is a new business proposal, read it as your client with their priorities in mind.

Review cycle

With your personal review complete, the document should be reviewed by others. The reviewer could be a peer, a supervisor, or a subject matter expert.

This review cycle will vary depending on the company or client. A common process follows a first draft, revised draft, and final draft/version of the document. Each review will refine and improve the document. Therefore, a lengthier or more critical document will require additional rounds of review.

This review process is also valuable to you as a technical writer. External feedback will improve not only the current text but also your writing in the future.

Good writing is a process. Reviewing, revising, and editing should not be afterthoughts, but carefully included steps in your technical writing work.

  • Start your Technical Writing Journey
  • Build Your Portfolio
  • Refine your CV

A CV is a technical document. There is no better place to start applying your technical writing skills. Follow the style guidelines for technical writing and highlight your career and accomplishments.

Do you need a college degree in technical writing?

No! While there are many valuable formal education programs in this discipline, there are no direct requirements for a college degree or diploma. Practical experience and a writing portfolio will be just as useful to winning jobs or impressing employers.

Just start writing

Don't wait for your first technical writing assignment to build your portfolio. Practice this style by creating new documents for existing programs or projects.

Is there a productivity app that you love to use, but its documentation is poorly written? Write your own and share it online for feedback. Has your office been dreading the preparation of the annual office health and safety report? Practice your technical writing skills to prepare this report while becoming the office hero.

Each of these documents will make an excellent addition to your technical writer's portfolio.

Know what you are worth

As this field is growing, there is more information about its earning potential. When you plan your freelance contracts or your annual review, it's important to know the value of a technical writer.

US Department of Labor reports that the average salary for a technical writer in the US in 2020 was $74,650 per year or $35.89 per hour. According to , the average salary for a Senior Technical Writer ranges from $80,800 to $98,200 with an average base salary of $89,200.

Focus on your niche

Most technical writers chose a focus area for their work. The more you define your niche, the clearer your ideal client or employer will be.

Choosing an industry is an important first selection step. The technical documents in finance are quite different than those in pharmaceuticals or tourism. It is possible to write for multiple industries, but you will be most effective if you select a field that suits your interests and your experience.

Freelance vs. in-house technical writing

Technical writers can be either independent freelancers or in-house employees.

Freelancer writers work for a range of clients to prepare their technical documents. As a freelancer, you can choose your clients and subject areas. In addition, freelancers are in charge of their own businesses and working hours. With a growing need for technical writing and online freelance platforms, there are lots of contracts available for both new and experienced freelancers.

In-house employees provide their technical skills to one company either as a full-time technical writer or as technical staff with writing responsibilities. Full-time technical writers work with subject matter experts in the company to develop a range of required documents. Companies generally prefer that in-house employees have technical writing skills because those employees often know the technical details better than anyone else. They are the subject matter experts! The ability to communicate this expertise in writing is very desirable to employers.

There is a big advantage for technical employees, such as engineers and analysts, to add technical writing to their skillset. Communication is a challenge for many companies. It is difficult to make the best business decisions without clearly communicated information from the technical departments. An employee who can bridge the gap between technical and business will be of great value in most companies.


Where to look for technical writing jobs

As a freelance writer, technical writing jobs can be found on a number of online platforms. The most popular include:


Of course, your professional network is likely a good source of technical writing opportunities.

As an in-house employee, discuss your interest with your supervisor and offer your writing skills during project planning meetings.

Continuing education

Technical writers are always learning. By diving into new subject areas and receiving external feedback, a good writer never stops honing their craft.

Of course, good writers are also voracious readers. No, technical documents don't make very exciting reading, but by reviewing highly-read or highly-used documents, your own writing will improve.

Join a professional association


Receive instructor feedback on your actual writing in an online self-paced technical writing course.

Final thoughts.

Technical writing is a prized and profitable skill. It is a valuable title whether you are interested in making a career shift to a technical field or adding this ability to your current role. Remember, any employee who can convey technical information at work is very valuable to a company. Skill in technical writing is a real career boost.

To become proficient in technical writing, follow this guide to start planning, writing, and reviewing. Becoming a good technical writer is not an overnight process, but a rewarding investment into your communication skills and career.

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How to Become a Freelance Technical Writer (6 Key Steps)

Illustration for how to become a freelance writer showing of a man working on a computer.

Companies are increasingly looking for people that can transform complex conceptual ideas into straightforward content for customers and stakeholders. If you have a technical background but are looking for a more flexible career option, freelance technical writing might be excellent.

By learning how to become a freelance technical writer, you can become your own boss and work from anywhere. In other words, you can turn your expertise into a flexible, lucrative, and rewarding career.

Excited? Let’s go!

Check Out Our Video Guide to Becoming a Technical Writer

What Is Freelance Technical Writing?

There’s much more to freelance writing than blogging and drafting social media posts . Pretty much any writing work can be done by freelancers.

Freelancers don’t just work for one company. They work with several writing clients who pay you as a non-employee service provider.

In particular, freelance technical writers specialize in creating written content about highly technical or specialized topics such as engineering or website development.

Benefits of Working as a Freelance Technical Writer

Whether you decide to freelance full time or you want to earn extra money on the side, freelance writing offers several benefits, such as the ability to work from anywhere on your own time.

Flexible Schedule

When surveyed, 68% of freelancers chose this work style over the traditional day job because of the increased flexibility. Since freelancers aren’t considered an employee to clients, you don’t need to clock in and out every day.

Freelance writing work revolves around deadlines, not regular work hours. This type of schedule can give you the freedom you need if you have non-work obligations (like raising children) or just want more control over your time.

Work Anywhere

In addition to schedule flexibility, location independence is one of the most significant benefits of a career in freelance writing. No more requesting time off to travel — you can work anywhere as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.

Higher Salary Potential

Freelance writing isn’t just a side hustle option ; it’s an excellent full-time career choice. Furthermore, freelance technical writers can demand a higher salary because of their specialized knowledge and skills.

Freelance technical writing opens the door to work on a wide variety of projects across multiple industries. You can find clients in IT, finance, government, manufacturing, education, and medicine, to name just a few.

What’s more, you’re not limited to one industry at a time. Working with several clients at once lets you add variety to your work and explore the topics and industries that interest you.

Freelance Technical Writer Salary

According to ZipRecruiter , freelance technical writers earn more than the average freelance writer. On average, a general freelance writer makes around $61,935 annually or $30/hour. On the other hand, freelance technical writers earn an average of $70,191 a year, or $34/hour.

Graph showing average freelance technical writer salary in the United States.

Several factors affect your rates as a freelance writer, including industry, level of expertise, and content type. Technical writers that have higher levels of knowledge or specialize in niche topics can price their services higher.

Most Common Types of Technical Writing

As a freelance technical writer, you can choose from various content types to offer your clients. Here are some of the most common types of freelance technical writing projects.

Technical Articles

Technical articles refer to any editorial pieces focused on a specialized topic or product. These articles are typically published in magazines or other online publications, and they don’t require supervised research.

You can find work writing technical articles for almost any type of client, from robotics manufacturers to legal firms and everything in between. Here are a few examples of technical content from some of these industries:

  • A New Way to Launch Rockets: Microwave Power (Tech Briefs)
  • Cryptoassets: Accounting for an Emerging Asset Class (The CPA Journal)
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Technical Guides and Manuals

Technical guides and manuals are how-to handbooks intended to help customers learn how to use a product and get the most out of it.

A technical manual may include instructions for installation, use, maintenance, troubleshooting, and best practices depending on the product. API documentation is another popular type of technical guide used by software companies.

Screenshot of API Console's API documentation.

Some popular examples of technical documentation include Salesforce’s Pardot API Guide , Blue Star Cooking’s Free-Standing Range Installation , and our step-by-step guide on website usability testing .

Policies and Procedures

Businesses use policy and procedure manuals to define a standard protocol for various situations. As a technical writer, you can work on documents such as hiring procedures, work-from-home policies, employee benefits packages, or workplace conduct guidelines.

These projects are especially relevant in the education, government, and healthcare sectors as they’re frequently subject to federal regulations. A good example is the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct published by SHRM.

Business Plans

Business plans serve as the roadmap which defines a company’s goals, objectives, and strategies. Startups, in particular, may employ technical writers with acute business acumen and product-related knowledge to draft a business plan to present to potential investors.

Two great examples worth peeking at are the Culina Business Plan and the OrcaSmart Business Plan .

White Papers

If you have experience working in a B2B industry , you may already be familiar with white papers. White papers are documents used by sales and marketing teams to explain new solutions or highlight product or service details.

White papers range in length from 6 to 15 pages, and they’re one of the more lucrative offerings for writers, clocking in at $3–6,000 on average. High-end white papers can go for $10,000 or more; however, you will often need to research and create or suggest designs for the document.

Title page of Microsoft Azure HCI white paper.

Two white papers you can peruse for inspiration are McKesson’s Preparing for a Medicaid MCO Transition and Microsoft Azure’s Azure Stack HCI Overview (Microsoft Azure).

Case Studies

Similar to white papers, case studies are used to help sales and marketing teams sell their products. But, instead of explaining product features, a case study provides an in-depth look at how a product (or solution) helped a single customer or solved a specific problem.

Besides Kinsta’s case studies , you can check out MailChimp’s How Her Campus Media Increased Subscribers by 72% , and Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Evaluating Biochemical and Cell-Based Profiles using Nexavar to see examples.

Corporate Reports

And finally, we have corporate reports, which detail a company’s financial information for potential investors. Corporate reports include quarterly reports (Form 10-Q), annual reports (Form 10-K), and reports of significant events (Form 8-K).

Screenshot of ExxonMobil annual report.

To write corporate reports, you need to understand accounting basics, financial documents, and the company’s product and competitive environment.

Our favorite examples of solid corporate reports include the Oracle Fiscal 2021 Fourth Quarter and Annual Report and the ExxonMobil Corporation Annual Report 2020 .

Skills You Need to Become a Freelance Technical Writer

If you want to become a successful freelance technical writer, you need to have technical acumen and the skills to build and run your own business .

Here are the top requirements and skills you should have before starting a career as a freelance technical writer.

Technical Knowledge and Expertise

Some freelance writing niches don’t require formal education or training. However, that’s not usually the case with technical writing. Technical writing is one of the freelance niches where you’ll regularly find clients that want you to have at least a Bachelor’s Degree.

Since clients need you to break down complex concepts into user-friendly language, they’ll often look for someone who has relevant working experience too. Or, if you’re writing articles for someone’s website, you should know best practices for on-page search engine optimization (SEO) .

Written Communication

For any professional writer, written communication skills are a must. Technical writers should be able to write in a plain, concise, and neutral style of voice. Most importantly, it would help if you could distill complex material into approachable content.

Written communication skills also come into play when dealing with clients. As a freelance writer, you’re not going to be in the office with your clients every day. You need to be able to manage expectations and communicate effectively with your clients via email .

While you may be tempted to group editing skills with written communication, editing is a crucial step in the writing process that deserves undivided attention. Some clients may even hire writers and editors separately.

However, if your client doesn’t have in-house editors, you need to hone your editing skills. Make sure you have a solid grasp of grammar and punctuation rules , and then learn how to proofread your work to check for the appropriate tone and a logical flow of ideas.

Time and Project Management

At times, freelancing involves a lot of juggling. When you work as a freelance writer, you don’t have a manager checking in on your progress and keeping you on track. Accurately budgeting time is crucial if you plan on keeping your full-time job while you freelance.

Editorial calendar on Trello.

So, to ensure you meet all of your deadlines, you should master your time management skills and learn how to use project management tools . It’s your responsibility to create project timelines, troubleshoot problems, and communicate any significant changes with your clients.

Any successful freelancing business requires some level of self-promotion. If you want to turn freelancing into a full-time career, you need to market yourself to potential clients. You have to think of yourself as a small business and put yourself out there to find new clients.

How to Become a Freelance Technical Writer

Now, on to the practicals! These are the steps to become a freelance technical writer:

  • Choose an area of expertise
  • Create writing samples
  • Create an online portfolio
  • Contact potential clients
  • Negotiate rates
  • Finalize contracts

Let’s have a look at what each of these steps entails.

1. Choose an Area of Expertise

For new freelance writers, there are a few ways that you can select a writing niche. One of the easiest ways to start is choosing industries related to your educational background and work experience.

For example, if you’ve worked as a website developer , you can transition into writing technical articles about UX/UI design or guides for installing website security measures .

You can also choose to specialize in certain types of projects, such as white papers or technical manuals. As you continue to gain experience in a particular area, you can hone your skills and charge higher rates.

2. Build a Writing Portfolio

Once you know what you want to write, start writing. It would be best to have relevant writing samples to create a portfolio to share with potential clients.

Even if you don’t have clients, begin by writing examples pertinent to your writing niche. If writing hasn’t been part of your recent work, it can be helpful to take an online writing course to refresh your skills.

The Art of API Documentation course description on Udemy.

After you have your samples, it’s time to build your portfolio . To start, your portfolio can be a folder of sample documents that you can share with clients.

3. Grow Your Personal Brand and Generate Leads

Starting with a shareable writing portfolio is a good step, but if you want to bring in more clients, you should create your own website that showcases your work and tells clients exactly what types of content you offer.

To optimize your freelance website for lead generation, make sure it has the following elements:

  • Services page
  • Contact form
  • Personal blog or work samples

You can also add positive reviews and ratings to your website once you’ve worked with a few clients.

After your website goes live, make sure to reach out to relevant industry publications to find opportunities for guest posting. With guest posts, you create content for someone else in return for a link back to your website .

We also recommend choosing one social platform where you can consistently share content to showcase your expertise and gain exposure to potential clients. LinkedIn , Quora, Medium , and Reddit are all excellent choices for technical writers.

4. Contact Potential Clients

If you’re not hearing from prospective clients right away, you might need to use some outbound contact strategies to get your first few jobs. When you start freelance writing, there are a few places to look for your first clients.

To start, reach out to your existing professional network, browse job boards to bid on projects, and then make a list of target clients you can contact.

Technical freelance writing job posts on

At this point, you need to learn how to pitch your services compellingly to get clients to take meetings with you. The good news is that plenty of successful freelance writers share their best pitch templates online. Find one that works for you and start contacting people.

5. Negotiate Rates

As you develop relationships with potential clients, you can uncover writing opportunities. If someone is interested in hiring you, they’ll typically ask for a project proposal. In that proposal, you’ll outline exactly what you’ll deliver and when.

After you review your proposal together, it’s time to negotiate a rate. We recommend coming up with a price per project (rather than per word or per hour) for highly technical projects. Do your research on market prices and decide your minimum acceptable rate before you negotiate.

6. Finalize Contracts

Always write up a contract for your freelance projects. Contracts help protect you and ensure that you receive payment for your work.

While they don’t need to be complicated, your contracts should define the scope of work, content ownership, payment terms, deadlines, and revision policy. In some cases, clients may ask that you include a non-compete clause or confidentiality statement.

Here are some freelance contract templates you can use to create your own:

  • Freelance contract template
  • Freelance writer contract/letter of agreement
  • Freelance non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

Getting Paid as a Freelance Writer

So, you’ve got your first client, and contracts are signed. Once they’re happy with the work, how do you get paid?

Well, for the most part, you’ll get paid like any other business. Most freelance writers use invoices to bill their clients at the end of a project.

How to Send Invoices

Your contract should include how much you get paid and when. You’ll use these details when sending out invoices.

Make sure to include the following information on your invoice:

  • Invoice number
  • Your contact information
  • Issue date (the date the invoice was created)
  • Due date (for payment)
  • Line item description
  • Total amount due
  • Payment methods

Using invoicing software helps you keep your finances organized and lets you accept more payment methods, such as bank transfers or credit card payments. Popular options for freelancers include Freshbooks , Quickbooks Self-Employed, Bonsai, and PayPal .

Screenshot of PayPal invoice management page.

Understanding Freelance Taxes

In addition to understanding the invoicing process, you need to know the basics of paying freelance taxes. As a freelancer, you’re considered self-employed, which means your income is subject to self-employment taxes .

Accounting software such as Quickbooks Self-Employed can help you keep track of tax documents and estimated tax payments. However, if you’re starting, it’s helpful to consult with an accountant who can explain how self-employment taxes work.

A technical freelance writing career might be the perfect option for you if you want more independence and flexibility. If you have the technical knowledge and well-trained writing skills, it’s also an excellent way to make extra money part-time.

Freelance writing opens the door for you to work wherever you want and find projects and clients that match your interests. All you need to do to get going is start writing!

Finally, it would help if you had a portfolio website to show off your notable works. To get started building a website for your freelance writing business, explore Kinsta’s plans for WordPress .

If you have any leftover questions about becoming a freelance writer, let us know in the comments section below.

how to be a technical content writer

Maddy Osman creates engaging content with SEO best practices for marketing thought leaders and agencies that have their hands full with clients and projects. Learn more about her process and experience on her website, The Blogsmith and read her latest articles on Twitter: @MaddyOsman .

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A Guide on How To Become A Technical Writer

A Guide on How To Become A Technical Writer

Table of Contents

Defining technical writing.

  • Role of a Technical Writer

How to Become a Technical Writer

Key takeaways.

Technical writing is one of the most demanding skills in the era of increasing technical gadgets and software development companies. As a technical writer, you can charge for every written word because you help companies sell their products (be it physical like mobiles and laptops or virtual such as software and tools) and services.

This guide will tell you about everything involved in being a technical writer. Let’s take a deep dive.

how to be a technical content writer

Technical writing involves writing about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation. So basically, the writing style needs to be straightforward, informative, and explanation-oriented.

Apart from so many writing varieties, there are three common types of technical writing.

  • Traditional: Repair manuals, medical studies
  • End-user documentation: Electronics, consumer products, how-to guides
  • Technical marketing content: Press releases, catalogs

Let’s deep dive into each one of these and see what they exactly mean!

1. Traditional technical writing

Traditional technical writing is written explicitly for professional and technical audiences. A niche-specific writer should write traditional technical content, which means they should have excellent knowledge about that particular topic. A traditional technical writer could also be a coder, engineer, licensed pharmacist, chartered accountant, or computer programmer because being in a particular professional world builds credibility and helps the writer to pour their deep knowledge into their work.

Having a professional degree in any of these fields doesn’t mean that you don’t have the chance to be a technical writer. What matters is your practice, expertise, and experience. As you start learning about the technical writing world and implementing those learnings, no one can stop you from being a top-notch traditional technical writer.

Some traditional technical writing examples include medical experimentation summaries, legal case analyses, industry articles, technical specs, company FAQs, and API documentation.

2. End-user documentation

The whole motive of end-user documentation is to craft the entire technical content so that a non-technical reader can easily understand it.

how to be a technical content writer

Whenever you buy any electronic or consumer product, you must have received a how-to or manual guide. That’s the end-user documentation. User manuals for cellphones, laptops, televisions, booklets, or how-to guides for blood pressure and diabetes checking machines also come under end-user documentation.

As we discussed in traditional technical writing, being a professional in a technical industry adds credibility to the author’s writings, but it doesn’t apply in end-user documentation. Because in the latter one, the writer needs to understand the product and its uses. The writers should convey the issues in their writings that a user might face while using the product and overcome that in the manuals or user guides.

3. Technical marketing content

Technical marketing content is more inclined towards marketing the products and driving sales. You can place this under the genre of copywriting. 

Some examples of technical marketing content can include an email series to promote products, sales pitches to existing or potential clients/customers, promotional brochures, advertisements, and press releases.

The Role of a Technical Writer

how to be a technical content writer

Here is a list of all the tasks of a technical writer. 

  • First of all, any writer has to craft an outline by brainstorming and researching the ideas to produce the exact content that goes with the target audience.
  • The art of researching is indeed the most important in technical writing compared to any other writing industry. This gives technical writers the advantage of writing with in-depth explanations and communicative styles.
  • Technical writers carry out extensive research to incorporate technical concepts such as legal case studies, medical procedures, and engineering processes in the documents to give clear and concise information.
  • They research their target audiences, craft the content tone, and design accordingly.
  • They include infographics, charts, images, and diagrams to increase readability and make the content more visually appealing.
  • And, of course, editing and proofreading is the soul of any piece of content that ensures zero error in the content and always gives a chance to rephrase some parts to make it more understandable. And, it’s one of the most important skills required to be a technical writer.

Skills required to be a technical writer

Now, here’s a complete list for you to help understand that what skills you need to master as a technical writer:

Research skills

To provide more in-depth knowledge to your readers, you need to do extensive research. Doing research and organizing your outcomes to one place, and presenting it all together is important technical writing skills.

Writing skills

You might wonder why we’re even considering this here, but so many writers underestimate this. It’s NOT only about writing; it’s about writing in a pleasant way so that the reader doesn’t have to feel confused. 

You are writing with a purpose, and your reader is reading with a purpose. The purpose is to learn and understand something new. As a technical writer, you must minimize their time to think and increase their knowledge.

Technical skills

As we’ve mentioned before, you don’t need to be a certified professional to become a technical writer; you need to have a basic understanding and knowledge of the technical industry.

Even a house can’t stand without a strong foundation; the same rule applies everywhere. You should have some basic knowledge of your relevant field or niche.

Communication skills

We all know that communication is an important skill for everyone. Still, in technical writing, it’s even more important because while doing your research, you might need to interview some professionals to understand the industry or the product or service you are writing about. 

Your communication skills also impact your writing style. If you have better communication skills, this will come up in your writing and make your content more impactful.

Design skills

Outlining is an important task in any type of content, be it articles, blog posts, emails, ads, etc. You need to be creative to make a great outline and decide whether to add graphics or not and if yes, then what places will be the most suitable. 

These are important to make the content more visually appealing and increase readability.

Now, let’s move to the last step of our discussion.

As discussed above, you don’t need a specific degree to become a technical writer.

If you are tech-savvy and love to research and break down complex topics into simpler ones, you can definitely become a technical writer.

Here are some steps for you. 

1. Get your Bachelor’s degree

Getting a degree in technical fields such as communication or journaling can be advantageous. It’s advisable to explore different industries and niches before committing to writing for only one; if you have decided your niche beforehand, you can specialize in that particular industry to increase the probability of your jobs. 

2. Do a technical writing course

Taking additional courses to become a technical writer can be a good option because a good course teaches you all the skills required to be a technical writer , such as communication skills, designing skills, writing skills, researching skills, etc.

Many colleges, universities, and even private coaching institutes provide these online and offline technical writing courses. Some online courses are pre-recorded, enabling you to go at your own pace and complete your course.

For instance, if you are a college student or are working and want to become a technical writer, go for an online pre-recorded course.

3. Decide your niche

The best method to decide your niche is to think about your interests. What excites you and produces a spark of curiosity – is it medicine, SaaS, or data science? The whole point of getting you into this thinking process is to help you make aware of your interests.

Choose the most familiar niche, which goes with your interests.

4. Learn from a mentor

Starting alone is a difficult task in any field, be it writing, marketing, starting your own business, or anything else. So, if you feel like you lack a support system, you should go for a mentor.

A mentor can help you build your basics to get your first job in technical writing. Yes, it’s true! Whether you want to know about the best courses to learn technical writing or if you are confused with deciding your niche, your mentor can help you with all of these.

That’s why it’s always a great decision to have a mentor to help you build your successful technical writing career in your initial days.

5. Build your network

Your network is your net worth. Today, nothing is more important than building your professional network, especially in the industry you are willing to work in.

You can build your network both offline and online. Attend workshops, seminars, and other networking events where professionals with advanced expertise come and meet. That’s a great chance to network or make connections with these high-professional people to gain knowledge and pitch your services to them. When it comes to online, you can join some organizations or groups of tech-savvy people or where experts from tech industries hang out.

6. Build your online presence

In the era of digital marketing, where everything is online, it’s important to build your presence online as well.

You can choose any platform that matches your vibe and adds value to your professional life. You can create and post your writings and designs either in the form of a blog or social media posts. This also builds your authority and presents you as an expert in your field.

7. Build your portfolio

It is the most important task to start your technical writing career and get a job as a technical writer because you can’t get a job if you don’t have a portfolio (in most cases). The usual concern of every writer is what to add to a portfolio without any experience.

Here’s what you can do, 

  • Decide your niche
  • Pick some trending topics within your niche. (You can do this with the help of any search engine).
  • Write mock/sample content pieces such as blog posts, emails, ads, etc.
  • Publish it on your website or any content publishing site. (You can also make a pdf of your content pieces).
  • Mention your skills, expertise, and USP (unique selling proposition) in your portfolio. Also, never confuse your expertise with your experience. You don’t need to have 10+ years of experience to be an expert.
  • You are ready to send your portfolio to your potential clients!

8. Work under a professional technical writer

Getting a job, especially in the tech industry, is difficult for beginners. But, you need to get a job as soon as possible to start working and building your expertise, and increase your experience.

And to get a job quickly in your initial days, you should consider working under an experienced professional technical writer who has been working with clients for some years now. Because they have a lot of work to do, they outsource their work to new technical writers who can match their writing style and expectation level.

So, to get a job initially, you can pitch to professional writers within your niche with your portfolio and start working with them.

Technical writing should be simple, digestible, and easy to understand. You don’t need to use jargon and fancy words to prove your expertise as a technical writer.

Technical writing is in huge demand today. All you need to do is to go in the right direction and learn the right skills, of course, from the right place.

Remember that technical writers need to research and communicate their content topic and create and organize your content to make it more informative, educational, and visually appealing.

Researching your target audience is just as important as researching your content. Without knowing your audience’s pain points and desires, you cannot put the right words to paper.   This means you will not be able to achieve your goals related to that kind of content as well.

5. And, last but not least, always ensure you add value to your content in your audience’s lives.

how to be a technical content writer

Woah! You have successfully completed this full-fledged guide on how to become a technical writer . But, it’s not the end! Yes, it’s not the end; it’s the beginning of your journey of becoming a successful technical writer.

It’s easy to become anything you want; you just need to follow the right path. I’ve provided you with all the necessary information that you need to become a technical writer; now, it’s your job to make it happen.

With that said, just keep in mind, your readers are human, so treat them well. Whatever you write, write like a human because this is what you are. Don’t write like a robot; write in a way that your readers would feel like they are listening to your words!

The most necessary thing is to have the right skills and expertise within your industry. But apart from that, a bachelor’s degree or experience in particular subjects such as engineering, data science, communication, journalism, etc., can be an advantage.

Follow these steps to become a technical writer even if you have no prior experience: 1. Do some courses in technical writing and earn a certificate 2. Decide your niche 3. Create some mock samples 4. Build your portfolio 5. Start connecting with your industry and niche experts 6. Start pitching to work under experienced technical writers. 7. After gaining adequate knowledge, start pitching to companies you want to work with as a technical writer.

You can work as a freelance technical writer if you want to work with multiple companies while sitting at your home. The process is exactly the same as you do to get an in-house technical writing job. As a freelance technical writer, you can work with different companies, primarily in the IT, SaaS, manufacturing, and medical industries.

Some examples of technical writing can be press releases, reports, business proposals, datasheets, blog posts, manuals, how-to guides, product descriptions and specifications, white papers, case studies, legal cases, industry articles, technical specs, company FAQs, and API documentation.

Here’s a list of the most common technical writing mistakes: – Not having a clear outline and structure of the entire content. Trying to use more fancy words and jargon makes it harder to read. – Not using punctuations correctly. – Not able to maintain a consistent flow in the writing style. – Not being straightforward and not being on-point. – Making the whole content overwhelming for the reader.

Plain language. Because technical writing is all about delivering technical content to a general audience, and they can be a tech person or a non-tech person, so it’s your duty, as a technical writer, to present the entire content in the simplest way.

Researching, communicating with team members, creating outlines, writing the whole content, editing and proofreading the content, incorporating infographics, charts, diagrams (if needed) all come under the day-to-day tasks of a technical writer.

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Home » Blog » ï»żHow to Become a Technical Writer [In 4 Steps]

ï»żHow to Become a Technical Writer [In 4 Steps]

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We get it. Technical writing sounds sophisticated. For many, it’s out of their comfort zone. But it doesn’t have to be a headache. The good news is you don’t have to be Steve Jobs to be a first-class technical writer.

You probably have no idea where to start and what skills you need to master. A technical writer’s job is to break technical information into simple language. Yes, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with technical terms and practices and stay up to date with new technologies. But here’s something to put you in the right mindset:

You will learn as you go.

As long as you read books, do your research, and ask a lot of questions, in time, you’ll learn how to nail technical content. Think about it like this: if by the end of your writing, you can understand something as complex as tech, your readers will understand it too.

Learning how to become a technical writer will open many doors. Technical writers find work in lots of places , as many businesses require technical writing services. You could write for corporations, vendors, tech start-ups or academic institutions that need support with curriculum development.

The thing is technical writing isn’t going anywhere.

There are four steps you can take to make the transition into technical writing a smooth one:

  • Know the categories associated with technical writing
  • Learn the specific skills associated with technical writing
  • Understand the technical writing process
  • Turn to three resources to learn

Our advice is to dip your toes in and give it a go. Here’s how to get started.

1. Content Categories for Technical Writers

Technical writers work on several types of projects. Think about a company that needs guidelines for their employees so they can understand the technical aspects of their jobs. Or a customer service agent who needs to explain a product or service to a customer or help them troubleshoot a problem.

According to TechWhirl , “Technical writers work together with editors, graphic designers and illustrators, document specialists, content managers, instructional designers, trainers, and analysts to produce an amazing variety of deliverables.”

Here are the types of writing you could be working on, as Tech Whirl suggests:

Whatever work you decide to focus on, one thing’s for sure. You’ll need to develop and craft a set of skills to build a nice portfolio and get contracts.

2. Skills Any Technical Writer Has to Master

Learning the required skills for turning yourself into a technical writer may take some time— assuming you aim for the top, not the bottom. It’s not going to be easy, but with determination and persistence, you can learn anything.

One thing you can always do is going through the job requirements of technical writers. Make a list and draft a plan on how to learn them.

Here is our list of skills that will come in handy for anyone looking to start a career as a technical writer .

#1 Soft Skills

As Technical Writer Kesi Parker reveals, there’re some essential soft skills tech writers  should have, like, “attitude, communication, creative thinking, work ethic, teamwork, networking, decision making, positivity, time management, motivation, flexibility, problem-solving, critical thinking, and conflict resolution.”

how to be a technical content writer

She also points out technical writing is also about dealing with people . “This job could be difficult for introverts because tech writers communicate with other technical writers, product owners, subject matter experts and developers all the time.”

Here’s something you’re probably asking yourself:

Do I need degrees and proven work experience to get hired as a technical writer?

The answer is yes and no . Some employers might ask for your experience while others will want to know if you have a degree in English, journalism, computer science, or technical communication. Since you’re new to it, you can build experience through writing drafts on a daily basis. Or you could do an internship and learn from other technical writers while honing your skills.

In terms of degrees, the truth is: you can do without them. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take on technical writing courses and read as many related books and articles as you can.

#2 Writing Skills

First of all, if you want to end up as a technical writer—you should know how to write .

Keep in mind, technical writing is still technical. For someone whose writing is very artistic and dreamy, it may not be the best job. “Technical writing language should be clear without metaphors, epithets or other figures of speech,” points out Kesi .

#3 Strong Interest in Tech

If you want to become a technical writer, you should feast on technology. Start learning about the tech writing style and study the instruments of documentation developing. Manuals like the Chicago Manual of Style and Microsoft Manual of Style can come in very handy.

#4 Research Skills

The tech world is constantly changing, so technical writers have to do constant research to keep up with it. Having a robust writing process and researching the latest tech updates and following the industry’s pros’ are going to keep you on the loop.

3. Understanding the Process of Technical Writing

Technical writing is more about following the topic in a way that you can relate to your audience, rather than simply writing. Let’s just put it out there:

  • Tech writing is about dealing with tools. You need to understand how they work to decide which information is essential for the readers.
  • You’ll need to polish your writing. You don’t want to go about filling an article, manual, or guide with jargon.
  • Get ready to do more than just writing—creating informative content  screenshots, graphics, video and audio content is part of the deal.

That said, this is not an easy job. You’ll have to take out time to plan and review your content and make sure you deliver an accurate, compelling piece. After all, you want your readers to get the point.

As a beginner technical writer, the struggle is real—but you can always find help.

4. Resources For Learning

We’ve come up with a list of useful resources to sharpen your technical writing skills.

#1 Web Resources

Here’s something we can all relate to: thank goodness for Google. A fast way to get deep insights on technical writing is to read related articles and blog posts. While you’re at it, look for influencers you could follow and for reputable organizations that provide relevant webinars you could watch.

#2 Online Courses

Many schools out there offer online classes on writing. Here’s just one article to help you pick out the one for you. The best thing about online courses is you’ll get a certificate you can add to your resume and use it to show off to your next employers.

Make sure you buy some neat books on technical writing. Check out customer ratings before buying—you want advice from the best in the industry. Here’s a list of 7 books you can choose from.

Ready to Kickstart Your Career as a Technical Writer?

We understand that technical writing can sound a bit intimidating. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try. You’ll need a set of methods to hit the ground running plus a strong desire to learn, stay up to date with new technologies and efficiently communicate information to your readers.

Wondering if you can nail it? Only time will tell. Look at the bright side: as you improve your skills as a technical writer, you can branch out to other types of writing without too much hassle. And if you’ll ever flirt with the idea of writing a book, Squibler is your go-to option.

how to be a technical content writer

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How to Become a Technical Content Writer: A Real-Life Guide from a Tech Content Writer

by Megan A. | Sep 24, 2019 | Copywriting

How to Become a Technical Content Writer: A Real-Life Guide from a Tech Content Writer

This is a guest post from one of our technical writers, Megan A.

Many writers I know hear “technical writing” and instantly recoil, as though the words were some sort of scaly monster that had slithered into their ears.

Others believe technical writing to be the death of a writer’s soul. After all, there can’t be any room for artistic creativity in a realm so coldly logical, can there?

Well, not exactly.

While it’s true that technical writing is mostly analytical – and typically not your first choice to read on a long flight, there is a branch of technical writing that is engaging, creative, and increasingly high demand:

Technical content writing.

So, what is technical content writing? How is it different from technical writing? Why is it so important in today’s workplace, and why should more creative people consider going into it?

Let’s get into it.

Need technical content writing? See our rates.

a real life guide from a technical content writer

How to Become a Technical Content Writer: A Real-Life Guide (What’s Ahead)

What is technical writing, what is technical content writing, why employers want technical content writers, 4 perks of being a technical content writer, discussing technical writing career paths.

How to Become a Technical Content Writer: Your 3-Step Checklist

Wikipedia defines technical writing as the process of communicating information between two or more parties through any medium which best gets the point across.

wikipedia tech writer

Some of those said mediums are:

  • Technical reports
  • User manuals
  • Instructions
  • Documentation
  • Policy procedures

The list goes on and on, but they all share a singular purpose: to transfer knowledge in such a way that enables the recipient to complete a particular task.

Let me answer that question with another question: What is content writing?

Content writing is all the customer-facing media that drives interest for a particular product, business, or website. In today’s digital world, the majority of content is designed for the web.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Social media
  • News writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • SEO composition

Technical content writing is effectively all of that but specifically for the tech world.

Technical writing and technical content writing can be seen as two sides of the same coin. Whereas technical writing shares knowledge in a user-friendly manner, technical content writing generally shares knowledge in a customer-friendly way.

As more and more jobs become automated, a lot of us have growing anxiety that our profession might be the next for robots to replace. However, content writing will still rely on humans for a while, and technical content writing is one of the fastest-growing jobs in the market.

In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics from the United States Department of Labor predicts that between now and 2026, technical writing employment will experience a growth of 11%. That’s 5% higher than the average growth for all occupations and 6% greater than the employment growth for media and communication specialists.

technical writer graph

The reason for this is because technical products – new technologies, software, and services based on the web – are being developed at a rapid pace . With those new products comes the need for people savvy in communication to explain the ins and outs of it as well as creatives who can get more people interested.

Need technical content created for your blog or site? See our  tech writing prices in our Content Shop.

If job security and high demand aren’t enough for you, here are a few of the other appeals to being a technical content writer.

1. Work Never Gets Stale

Have you ever worked a job that was the same day in and day out? I certainly have. It was mind-numbing.

However, with technical content writing, there’s always something new to learn and it changes every day. As long as new technologies, methods, and ethics surrounding those technologies come into being or fade out of use, there will forever be something to learn and write about.

This is especially true if you go into technical content writing with little to no experience in the technology industry, as the less internal jargon you know, the more you have to research.

2. You Don’t Need Experience in Tech to be a Technical Content Writer found that few technical writing jobs require applicants to have a degree in anything technical.

tech education

None of these degrees have a direct relation to working with technology. I would also argue that you don’t need a degree to become a writer, but we’ll get to that later.

Most of what you do as a technical content writer is take the complex and simplify it for the rest of us. For example, you could be asked to write a journalistic blog discussing recent cyberattacks on universities, or create a lesson for developers on how to code an interactive map in their app.

None of that requires you to be a programmer or IT technician (though many people in such roles do go into technical writing). All it needs is for you to be adaptable, able to learn, and know how to effectively communicate with others.

As long as you’re curious, a fast learner, a good researcher, and have a history of writing strong content, you can break into technical content writing.

3. You Won’t Lose Your Passion to Work

When I was attending university for a degree in writing, I found that my passion for creative writing had died. Where once I wrote stories because I wanted to, I was now selling stories for a grade. It didn’t matter if I liked what I was writing – as long as it got me an A, it was good.

In short, it can be emotionally draining to manipulate something that used to be part of your soul into a sellable product. That’s not to say some authors can’t do it (looking at you Stephen King), but generally, work is still work no matter what you’re doing.

Fortunately, technical content writing does not rely so heavily on how creatively the author crafts a narrative as much as it values whether or not the author can produce something that serves a purpose. There is still an emphasis on creativity in technical content writing, but it’s primarily on how well the author can maximize reader engagement and make the subject matter comprehensible to the general public.

As such, you can have something you do for work and something you do for yourself at the end of the day. Striking a balance between those two is more important than many people realize.

4. The Best Money You Can Make as a Writer

The average content writer in the United States makes $17.50 an hour.

technical writer salary

Meanwhile, according to Josh Fetcher , technical writers can earn anywhere between $50,000 to $200,000 annually. The amount a technical writer makes is based on a few factors, such as:

  • The speed at which you put out work
  • The quality of your work – or the quality that is expected from you
  • How strongly the company you’re employed with trusts your ability to work on larger projects

And of course, if you’re working freelance, the demand for your technical writing will determine how much you earn on average. It could be more than the estimations listed above or less.

The amount you make as a technical writer also depends on how much you are willing to learn about the tech industry. A writer who doesn’t know the first thing about coding will not be able to accept assignments from a client that wants them to write about the pros and cons between Angular and JavaScript, for example. It literally pays to have a curious mind.

Accepting the title of a technical writer or technical content writer may not be as sexy as saying you’re a journalist, reviewer, or that you’re working on your upcoming bestseller, but for some (myself included), it can be the difference between living with your parents or paying off your student loans.

Like how doctors have many different specializations to go into, technical writers are not limited to a single discipline for their career. Within technical writing is a handful of career groups which then can be broken into sub-groups.

tech writer careers

Some of those groups are:

  • Content Production: This includes content writing, developing, and editing. A technical content writer may also be asked to produce scripts for video or podcasts, blogs, news articles, or marketing copy.
  • Communication: Technical communications is a broad field with many subsets, but the overarching objective of a technical communicator is to convey information through various means. A technical communicator may be asked to write instructions, publish articles in scientific journals, present new technology at a conference, and so on.
  • Information production: This is similar to technical communication in that you would be expected to help others understand a complex concept, but the tasks that would be given to you are more specialized. For instance, as an information developer, you’d be tasked more with software development and the systems on which your software is built. As an information designer, you’d more likely be asked to create graphics that visualize data in an effective way that’s easy to understand.

These branches are good to reference as you look to begin your career in technical writing, but your choices are not limited to the ones listed above. If you decide to create your own business or freelance career out of technical writing, you can create any number of paths you want for yourself.

How to Become a Technical Content Writer: 3-Step Checklist

Technical content writing has many avenues you can approach it from. The strongest skills you will have as a technical content writer is your willingness to learn, your adaptability, and your ability to produce strong written content. The following are some good tips for success when starting your career in technical content writing:

1. Become an Industry “Expert”

Merriam-Webster’s  definition of “expert” is about what you might expect.


However, the term “expert” has been experiencing a shift in meaning as of late due to how frequently it’s used in the professional world. Now it mostly just means that you aren’t completely naive on the subject you’re supposedly an “expert” on. In general, you should have a firm enough grasp on the technical matter you’re writing about that you can add your own perspective instead of regurgitating what you learn about it.

If you want to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk. As in, if you want to write about technical information, you have to know how to work with said information.

That doesn’t mean you have to be a surgeon to write about surgical robots. Similarly, you don’t have to build your own security software to discuss new developments within the cybersecurity sector.

The term “expert” has been experiencing a shift in meaning as of late due to how frequently it’s used in the professional world. Now it mostly just means that you aren’t completely naive on the subject you’re supposedly an “expert” on. In general, you should have a firm enough grasp on the technical matter you’re writing about that you can add your own perspective instead of regurgitating what you learn about it.

In my case, I figured that in order to effectively write about software, I needed to at least know the fundamentals of coding.

To do this, I used Codecademy , and continue to use it to this day. Through them, I learned the basics of HTML and developed a calculator using Python. I wouldn’t say I’m an “expert coder” because of that, but I am at least familiar with the processes involved with producing software. This allows me to have a better understanding of what goes into software and web development, thus enabling me to produce higher quality technical content.

Otherwise, strong research skills will be your greatest asset. If you don’t know what something in your assignment is, look it up. After looking it up, read similar pieces from other authors to get a fuller understanding of what that thing is and how to address it. Then, when writing your technical piece, think of what you would add to what you’ve just learned to make it better.

This ensures that not only are you providing your readers with facts, but you’re also giving them unique takes that can benefit their lives.

2. Learn Your Audience

One of the reasons I got into technical writing was because I am surrounded by people who work with technology.

My proximity to these sorts of folk helps me understand the minds of people in the tech industry, the types of problems they work with, and what solutions many of them look for.

In other words, I’m intimately familiar with my audience.

There are other, less direct ways to learn about your audience in the technical world, however. You can start by:

  • Reading the comments: Remember how I mentioned that research is your greatest asset? Well, when you research other technical content online, look for any comments that may be attached to it. If there are comments, make note of what people are saying and how they’re feeling about the subject at hand. Be as empathetic as possible when taking their comments into account, as these people will likely be the same who will read your work.
  • Finding case studies:  Here is an example from JumpCloud of how you can find case studies on a company website:

how to be a technical content writer

Go to the reviews and testimonials section of any website that aims to deliver a service or product to tech professionals and look through any case studies they have. Case studies are designed to help a company build a customer persona, but they can also help you identify the common issues your audience might have and what they would like to hear.

  • Following tech blogs: By following tech blogs, you’ll keep up to date on new developments and what people are thinking about them. Sign up for their emails and stay on their list.

Josh Fetcher also recommends conducting interviews with industry professionals. He says “technical writing often requires interviews,” so the sooner you get comfortable with them, the better.

3. Build a Portfolio

I’m sure many have caught on to this, but a degree that isn’t STEM-related is virtually meaningless today. Employers mostly want to see that you have experience, but experience is in short supply. That’s why you have to create your own.

Find a technical topic that interests you. This can be software development, hardware development, scientific research, etc. Read everything you can on your chosen subject. Then, create your own piece of technical content that focuses in on it. Save your work on something that’s easily shareable – in my case, it was a Wordpress blog – so that you can direct potential clients or employers to it when you need to.

Finding Balance as a Tech Content Writer

I found my technical content writing career after spending half a year writing blogs on health and wellness. Reading medical journals was actually something that interested me. When I learned the work I was doing was similar to technical content writing, I starting looking into that field.

I can thank Express Writers for allowing me to practice technical content writing at a highly professional level.

Technical content writing was a bit out of my comfort zone, tried it out, and found that it wasn’t as daunting or dull as it sounded.

If anything, technical content writing has helped me feel more fulfilled in my work. It has allowed me to exercise both the left and right side of my brain while keeping the type of writing I consider to be part of my soul intact.

Looking for technical content writing for your site or blog? See our  tech writing prices in our Content Shop.

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Home â€ș Career â€ș What Does a Technical Writer Do? â€ș What is a Technical Writer? Definition + Examples

What is a Technical Writer? Definition + Examples

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Become a Certified Technical Writer


Turning basic technical information into valuable technical content requires a broad set of skills. Professionals looking to make a career out of this would usually become technical content writers. However, the job description has diversified a lot. It brings up what a technical writer is in this day and age and some professional examples of the technical writer. 

Despite being more complex than in the past, the technical writer’s job is growing in popularity.

If you are interested in writing within the technical field, keep reading. In this article, you’ll get an in-depth dive into what a technical writer does and examples of their different technical writing subject areas. If you’re looking to learn via video, see this resource. Otherwise, skip ahead.

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What is a Technical Writer?

A technical writer is a professional who creates technical documents including user manuals, journal articles, engineering instruction manuals, medical guides, product samples, user guides, product guides, and technical reports. 

A technical writer works with complex information, transforming it into actionable steps and data that various consumers and technical staff can utilize to perform their jobs. Depending on the technical documentation the company requires, writers may be responsible for all of the company literature. 

A senior technical writer may also lead content departments as subject matter experts for various technical product accounts at their host company. 

Here are some of the responsibilities that come with the technical writer job description :

  • Plan technical documentation development 
  • Research through the internet and various data channels for the required information
  • Collect (high-usability) information that’s best for concise, end user-friendly content

The position can also include some elements of business writing and document design based on the technical skillset that employers demand . Furthermore, a content writer can also function as a technical writer with minimal training in some instances. 

Technical Writers Work Responsibilities and Job Duties

Since it’s a vast professional area, a technical writer can have varying responsibilities. 

These often depend on the company that has hired them, the industry it’s operating in, or the specific technical writing skills they have accumulated in their professional experience. 

Nevertheless, almost all professionals operating in the technical writing field have some essential job duties and responsibilities to undertake. 

These are primary responsibilities that anybody looking to adopt a technical writing career has to anticipate. 

Subject and Topic Research

Research is the cornerstone of any writer’s process, especially when creating content backed with good ideas and useful facts. 

This is even more necessary for technical writing since some forms of documentation, when crafted correctly, can help companies avoid legal trouble. Similarly, practical instructional manuals and guides can help prevent operational mishaps and accidents, especially for complicated and major machinery.

A technical writer goes above and beyond fundamental research when looking for facts and insight on the subject. 

They gather as much information as possible about a subject and then sift through it to single out the details they need. A technical writer uses the information needs of the audience and their ability to comprehend what’s written.

Technical Writer Responsibilities

Organizing Facts

Writing on the technical side already involves being very direct with the writer’s information. This requires solid and timely facts that will carry the weight of the content. 

Depending on the type of technical writer and the task they’re working on, they will use their writing time to organize all the facts in order of importance to the text. Then, they will build the rest of the content around it.

For example, a writer working on a white paper will collect facts about certain events when describing the problem. Then, they will organize those facts to best support the solution. 

Organizing facts helps writers fine-tune their writing process and dedicate more time to practical research.

Create and Deliver Content

The writers take the set content guidelines at their company and align their accumulated content with crafting content that will assist the technical staff and clientele as per its function. 

This specific responsibility is where writing styles and formats differ the most since dozens of types of content fall under the ‘technical writing’ umbrella. 

Some writers may perform an internet search and create content similar to what they find while modifying it to suit project needs. Others may look through academic texts and manuals and craft their version of these simply from the formatting knowledge. 

Regardless of their content development process, the writers have to generate content and then deliver it to the pre-decided audience through existing channels. 

Some writers may also be responsible for content distribution and promotion. This is usually the case with small to medium-sized enterprises with limited technical writing resources. 

Develop Content Guidelines 

A technical writer who has gained some experience with companies often provides job training to newer writers. And, technical writers work with many different groups of people while developing content.

A part of this training involves creating technical documents based on guidelines that the senior writers develop according to ongoing technical documents’ needs. 

The guidelines themselves are an essential part of how technical writers work at their company. Depending on the hierarchy, they may also lead the company to create better, more efficient guidelines for future technical writers’ work efforts. 

Additionally, the content guidelines for any business need updating alongside changing business goals and requirements. 

Senior technical content strategists are the point people to better develop new guidelines to reflect new business goals as central technical communicators. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the technical writing skills, roles, and path to landing your dream technical writing job, then check out our Technical Writing Certification Course.

Technical Writing Certifications

Different Types of Technical Writing [Job Examples]

As mentioned initially, technical writing jobs have developed into a diverse job market, with several different positions now coming under the technical writing jobs umbrella. 

Here are some primary examples of technical writing jobs you can find in the market.

1. Medical Writing

Medical writers are responsible for producing the majority of the literature you read in clinical journals and health magazine articles, journal articles, web page copy for healthcare sites, regulatory agency documents, medicinal product descriptions, etc.

Their technical knowledge revolves around the medical field. The target audience for the content consists of medical students, hospital staff, and various healthcare workers. 

Most medical writers are employed by drug companies and educational institutes, with the rest finding jobs at healthcare facilities and with independent medical journals. A small percentage of writers work at government healthcare regulation authorities.

The technical skills required for modern medical writers include:

  • High-level editorial skills with extensive knowledge of medical terminology
  • Comprehensive knowledge of clinical processes and biomedical equipment
  • Theoretical understanding of all applicable laws and regulatory requirements 
  • Knowledge of product or procedure approval processes
  • Ability to perform accurate quantitative analysis of healthcare data and medicine-related events

The best medical writers can accumulate and comprehend all manner of medicinal information and produce engaging and easily understandable guides and articles out of it.

2. End-User Documentation

End-user documentation is the product descriptions and usage guides that accompany any purchased product. 

Technical documentation development is one of the fundamental tasks for most writers in this field, with product descriptions and usage guides making up most of the content they produce.

End-user documentation specialists are often a part of the user experience (UX) development teams. Their responsibilities, in this regard, are to ensure that the end-user has an easier time using that product than they would have without the documents. 

End-user document writers need to have various technical skills, including:

  • The ability to effectively comprehend the target audience and end-user behavior
  • Complete product ownership, especially from a marketing and sales perspective
  • Knowledge of how to turn complex and jargon-rich technical information into layman’s terms
  • Detail-oriented approach to writing instruction manuals with a high level of clarity
  • Sales-centric content writing with the right amount of information for a non-technical audience

Overall, professionals who work on software documentation need to learn as much about the product or process they are writing about. This is to ensure that the readers attain as much knowledge as they need to use the product or implement the process without the content becoming too complex for their understanding. 

3. Computer Science/IT Product Specialists

Writing for the more technology-oriented technical areas is like any other form of industry-based writing. The only difference is the requirement for tech-savvy individuals in the writer’s position. 

The computer science and information technology sector places writers within the systems design and analysis field. These writers are often closer to the system than most technical writers are to the subject they are writing on. This is because they take a deep dive into the system to articulate its specifics clearly. Most technical writers may not need to engage scientific and technical products so immediately.

CS/IT writers are prime examples of content developers who can transform extremely complex industry jargon into understandable content for the masses. 

An example is Microsoft’s product description writers, who simplify their language to the point where people can still understand the product without much software knowledge. 

Technical writers in computers and IT have a technical skill requirement that includes:

  • Proven expertise with the systems
  • Thorough understanding of computer science concepts along with some experience in IT systems administration
  • Knowledge of the corporate IT sector and how modern companies leverage technology
  • An ability to prepare technical material for both students and administrators
  • Some experience in writing on CS/IT subjects either during the educational process or subsequent internships

Writing in computer science requires someone who has either worked directly as part of an IT department or has taken an eLearning course on how to write for the industry. 

4. Case Study/White Paper Writers

White papers and case studies fall into two distinct writing categories: research-intensive. 

These writers’ ability to write on various technical subjects, with an affinity for marketing-related content, means case studies and white papers succeed at a company for product development. 

Technical writers specializing in investigative research can be from a journalistic or academic background.

Some of the skills required by these writers include:

  • Excellent attention to detail while performing research on the most complicated topics
  • Some sense of writing analytically, with valid examples and on-point research
  • An innate writing style that’s suited to marketing a company’s product or services
  • High-level observation skills to recognize patterns and similar results when writing case studies
  • Extraordinary command over the English language

Some technical writers may also be dedicated academic content developers employed at universities and research centers. 

Typical Qualifications for Technical Writers

Generally speaking, technical writers have an undergraduate degree with firsthand experience in a content writing capacity. 

However, the job market is varied, and writing jobs require a similar variety of qualifications. 

Here are some of the most prevalent ones:

  • Bachelor’s degree in English linguistics 
  • Vocational diploma in writing for business 
  • Technical writing or technical content development certification 

Educational bodies such as the Society for Technical Communication offer a ton of online help for students who want to adopt technical writing as a career and improve their communication skills within a technical framework. 

Job Statistics for Technical Writers

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there is a 6 percent projected growth in technical writing job opportunities for technical writers from 2021 to 2031. 

These statistics are for full-time writers as well as freelancers writers currently working in any of the technical content development genres. 

There’s a tremendous opportunity for job seekers who are looking to start their professional lives with technical writing or existing writers looking to transition into the technical side. 

Where do technical writers work

Ending Note

Technical writing can be an exciting field for technical communicators seeking better opportunities to expand their skills and engage both professionals and consumers with their content. 

For anyone looking to enter into the technical writing realm , it’s important to do a healthy amount of research into what the position entails and to expand their skill horizons before applying for greater career success. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions about what a technical writer is:

What are the requirements to be a technical writer?

To become a technical writer, one should have good grammar skills, excellent writing skills, and an understanding of how software works.

In addition, they need to know what kind of information their audience needs to use it properly.

You’ll also want someone who has experience with documentation design so that you’re sure your instructions are clear enough for whoever reads them! The person will usually work closely with engineers and developers before launch to make sure what’s written reflects the design specifications.

How do you become a technical writer?

To become a technical writer, you should get a bachelor’s degree in English or a technical writing certification.

You could also get one in journalism or communications with a specific focus on technology and software development if you wish to be more specialized. Sometimes the best way to gain experience is by interning at companies that have specialization requirements for new employees, such as Microsoft or Apple. They may not hire you when they end your internship (because of their search restrictions), but it’ll still help develop skills.

What are examples of technical writing?

Some examples of technical writing are:

  • Product manuals
  • Executive summaries for investors or venture capitalists
  • Instructions and how-to guides explain how to use a product, software, or website.

Is a technical writer a promising career?

A technical writer is a good career option because people will always need help understanding how to use products, software, or websites.

If you are new to technical writing and are looking to break-in, we recommend taking our Technical Writing Certification Course , where you will learn the fundamentals of being a technical writer, how to dominate technical writer interviews, and how to stand out as a technical writing candidate.

how to be a technical content writer

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  • Digital Marketing

Technical Content Writer Hiring Guide [Pros, Cons & Best Practices]

Lisa Hoffart

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Table of Contents

Content Marketing

Technology is complex, there’s no doubt about it.

That means that writing about it is also complex.

So if you’re a technology company, SaaS company, or an organization that otherwise pitches some sort of technological solution to a problem, how do you write effective content?

Let’s face it, your programmers and software engineers aren’t writers. They didn’t get top grades in math to be tasked with writing blogs for your website.

What you need is a professional writer that has a knack for understanding technology, and is well enough that they can write for both highly technical and layman audiences.

You need a technical content writer.

What’s that, you ask?

Let’s get into that right now.

What is Technical Blog Writing

Technical blog writing

Technical blog writing, also known as technical content writing, refers to SEO-focused content that explains complex details about software, applications, computer hardware, mobile devices, technology, and more in plain language that most people can understand.

Technical content writers often craft content in the form of:

  • White papers, which are succinct documents, typically one or two pages, that present a complex issue and position a company’s product or service as the solution
  • eBooks, which often go into great detail about a topic
  • Blog posts or articles, which can be software or hardware guides , reviews, comparisons, or educational pieces

Like all types of content writers, a tech content writer needs to ensure that they are writing for an organization’s intended audience and using the correct brand voice and tone. They also need to consider typical SEO writing strategies like keyword research and search intent.

What is Technical Writing

Technical writing

Though it might sound like the same thing as technical blog writing (just with a missing word) technical writing is actually a very different form of writing.

Technical and occupational industries, such as computer hardware and software, consumer electronics, oilfield, environmental, and more require accurate drafting of technical communication documents.

These documents are often written by technical writers and include:

  • Release notes (a list of changes and updates made to a piece of software), step-by-step instructional guides, and more.

Content Writing vs Technical Writing

Profile of a tech content writer.

Tech content writer

Every content writer should have good spelling, grammar, and editing skills, that much is obvious. But when it comes to writing about technology, a tech content writer should not only have all of the above but also demonstrate the following qualities:

  • An understanding of technology, including computer hardware, consumer electronics, software, and more
  • Be able to translate complex technical concepts into easy-to-understand content
  • With reviews or comparisons, be able to write as objectively as possible, focusing on facts and data rather than opinions
  • Good research skills, with the ability to verify information as much as possible

Benefits of Hiring a Technical Content Writer

Opting for a technical content writer to write for your SaaS or technology company has its benefits over hiring a general content writer. Let’s explore the main benefits below:

Can Translate Technical Concepts into Plain Language

Being able to understand software or hardware and explain it to someone like they’re a child is perhaps an underrated skill that technology content writers have. After all, apparently, even Einstein said, “if you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, then you don’t understand it yourself” (this quote isn’t actually verified in any way, but it proves the point all the same).

Understands When it’s Appropriate to use Jargon

A technology content writer is positioned uniquely in the content marketing services world, since they may find themselves writing for a layman audience or a super technical audience, depending on the organization they’re writing for. This means knowing their audience well enough to switch up their writing style to use more or less technical terms and jargon.

Using more technical language appeals more to the highly technical audience while using less technical language and more generally relatable explanations appeals to a more layman audience.

Can Write Evergreen Content that Educates Users

Any type of content that is always relevant, like FAQs, definitions, and guides, is called evergreen content. This type of content is beneficial for organizations to include on their website because it always has a chance to rank in search results, and always serves users’ search intent. If someone is searching for a definition, they won’t care if the content was written yesterday or ten years ago, they’ll only care if it answers their query.

Sure, all content writers can write evergreen content, but technical content writers can draw from their ability to understand and translate technical concepts to craft evergreen content that explains a process in a SaaS company’s app, or answers frequently asked questions that users have.

By focusing on evergreen content production, technology companies can see the following benefits:

  • Reduced customer support calls and an overall improved customer experience
  • Increased user education on software or applications
  • Increased visibility and reputation for being an authoritative source of information in their industry vertical
  • More (and higher quality) leads through meeting search intent

Challenges of Hiring a Technical Content Writer

Hiring a technical content writer

While there are many benefits to hiring a tech content writer, there are potential challenges as well. Let’s explore potential ones below:

Might be Difficult to Find a Writer that Fits your Niche

If your company’s hardware or software solution targets a very specific and niche audience within an industry, it might be more difficult to find a writer with the right background and previous experience to have an instant understanding of what you do.

What this often means is that you need to shift your focus from finding that unicorn writer (that likely doesn’t exist) to focusing on finding a writer that demonstrates a quick understanding of different technical concepts (this should be obvious in their previous writing) and has a writing style that appeals to you.

Writer Education May Take Longer

Complex products and services take time to understand, especially for someone outside of your industry. While it’s not uncommon for a company hiring a technical content writer to have to provide them with education about a product or service, that level of education is often more demanding when it’s a product or service that solves a very niche, complex issue.

But at the end of the day, there’s really no getting away from it. If you want a writer to be able to craft high-quality content that resonates with your audience, you’ll need to provide them with the foundational information they need to do so. Of course, the technology writer should be researching, asking you questions, and otherwise taking steps to ensure they have a good level of understanding.

Too Technical or Not Technical Enough

Balance can be a tricky thing, especially when it comes to writing about technology. On one hand, technical content writers should use plain language when explaining a concept or piece of software, as it’s easier for everyone to understand. But on the other hand, not using enough jargon or technical terms might not provide enough context for a highly technical audience.

Tech writers have to juggle these issues with every piece they write, even if they know their audience well. A good rule of thumb that a good technical content writer should follow is to not overdo it one way or the other, meaning dialing back on the technical jargon to avoid going overboard, but not making the article too simplistic, either.

SEO Best Practices for Technical Content Writing

SEO technical content writing

There you have it. When you’re hiring a technical content writer, you should focus on the following:

  • The writer’s ability to take highly-technical concepts and explain them using plain language write objectively, and research effectively
  • The writer’s ability to use SEO best practices with their writing
  • An understanding that you may have to take the time to educate the writer on your product or service, especially if it caters to a unique industry vertical

If you’re ready to hire a technical content writer to craft content for your website, reach out to Roketto today!

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Lisa Hoffart

Lisa Hoffart is a professional writer with several years of experience crafting well-researched content for a wide variety of industries, from legal, real estate, technology, and more. Lisa is a huge technology geek that loves video games and computers. In her free time, Lisa enjoys sewing, crafting, and hanging out with her cat.

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How to Write Better Technical Content

Published on Jan 28, 2021 in writing by Karl Hughes 17 minute read

I recently spoke to the CTO Craft community about building a software engineering team blog . Towards the end, we got into some specific writing tips for software engineers who struggle to create strong technical content.

I’ve been writing online since at least 2010. I don’t remember if I published anything before that, but that’s the date of the oldest post I could find on my old Blogspot. In that time, my interests have changed a lot, but I’ve published relatively consistently along the way.

Most of my writing has been unpaid work done purely because the topic interested me, but in the past year since I started and turned writing into a career , I’ve started to think more critically about what makes good technical content.

In this post, I’ll share my tips for technology professionals looking to improve their technical content writing. Most of these tips will apply to anyone interested in writing, but they’ll be especially geared towards software developers as that’s my background.

This is a long post, so if you’d like to hop around, here’s what I’ll cover:

  • Don’t Expect to Be Very Good
  • Be Consistent Anyway
  • Writing is Organizing
  • Write as You Speak
  • Prove Your Point
  • Invest in Interesting Ideas
  • Tell People

Apply to write for

1. Don’t Expect to Be Very Good

“The skill and ability involved in writing sentences is generally underrated, and assumed to be a much more universal capacity than it really is
Most people know that they couldn’t write even a very bad song, or paint a picture, and understand their limits in that regard. On the other hand, everybody can write prose after some fashion, so it is not quite clear to them that they don’t actually have the ability to do it to a professional standard. That ability is quite a rare one.” - Philip Hensher, Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Exeter

By the time you graduate from high school, you’ve probably spent a fair amount of time writing. You might think you’re pretty good at it, but as soon as you dust off that old keyboard and start putting the proverbial pen to paper, you’ll quickly realize that writing is harder than it looks.

The problem here is what Ira Glass calls “ the gap :”

“All of us who do creative work 
 we get into it because we have good taste. But it’s like there’s a gap, that for the first couple years that you’re making stuff, what you’re making isn’t so good, OK? It’s not that great. It’s really not that great. It’s trying to be good, it has ambition to be good, but it’s not quite that good. But your taste — the thing that got you into the game — your taste is still killer, and your taste is good enough that you can tell that what you’re making is kind of a disappointment to you.” - Ira Glass

This gap is especially problematic for technical content writers like software engineers because the amount of information you have in your head is exponentially more than the amount you’ll be able to get onto a page in an hour . Software engineers who are new at writing get frustrated easily because they know what they want to say, but lack the language, typing speed, or organization skills to write about it well.

Your first 100 blogs, videos, posts, Tweets, lives, podcasts, creations will probably all be rubbish Get over that and get to it, get past that first 100 Hardly anyone will see it anyways, it’s practice for when they do That’s the price you pay for creating — The BKH - Show don’t tell â„ąđŸ€ (@thebkh) December 12, 2020

Just remember that everyone starts out as a beginner, and you can’t create skills overnight.

Find an Editor

Once you accept the fact that your early writing won’t be that good, it takes a weight off, but how do you actually start to get better?

A few years ago, I started dabbling in freelance writing . I remember thinking I was a pretty good writer, but my first draft back from an editor was riddled with suggestions . Some were simple formatting issues, but many were structural. I had to go back and rewrite large chunks of the piece to get it right.

If you aren’t ready to submit work to an editor yet, you can always enlist a friend for help. Even non-technical editors can help you improve your technical content writing . The best editors will be able to tell you when an idea you present doesn’t make sense or the piece is poorly organized.

2. Be Consistent Anyway

Many great projects go through a stage early on where they don’t seem very impressive, even to their creators. You have to push through this stage to reach the great work that lies beyond. But many people don’t. Most people don’t even reach the stage of making something they’re embarrassed by, let alone continue past it. They’re too frightened even to start. - Paul Graham

The key to getting better at writing is to do it consistently, even if you’re not that good at first.

Write Every Day

One way to write more is to write every day.

In 2017, I made a commitment to write every day. I didn’t hit that goal, but the year was still my most productive year as a writer to date. I wrote a book , updated many old posts on my personal blog, got paid to write a few pieces as a freelancer, and contributed to my company’s blog a few times. I don’t keep a word count (to me, that’s sort of like tracking how many lines of code you write), but I’m sure it was over 50,000 words.

“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” - Bill Gates

My friend Alex Lakatos is working on a similar effort right now :

💡On average, it takes 66 days to form a new habit. There's 65 left until 2021, so how about we start early on those New Year Resolutions? I'll start: I'm trying to publish content consistently, so I'll try to write a minimum of 100 words a day for the remainder of the year. — Alex Lakatos đŸ„‘đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡§ (@lakatos88) October 28, 2020

I don’t think you have to write every day forever to get better, but it will dramatically accelerate the speed at which you improve.

Block Time for Writing

“Because of technology, some people feel distracted – they can’t focus, that they can’t pay attention to what’s in front of them because their minds keep jumping around. They aren’t getting their work done; they’re not paying attention to their kids.” - Gretchen Ruben

A few months ago, I realized I wasn’t getting as many of the important things done as I would have liked. I started blocking my time off each week in 4-hour increments, focused on one thing I want to get done. Now my calendar looks like this each week:

Time-blocking my calendar

I want to devote 8-12 hours per week to writing consistently, so I literally block my entire Thursday and Sunday off for it. During blocks where I have meetings, I focus on sales and marketing tasks that are quicker and don’t require the same level of flow .

If you don’t do this, it’s way too easy to fall into the trap of endlessly checking email, scrolling through your Twitter feed, or playing Candy Crush instead of creating great content.

Deliberate Practice

“While regular practice might include mindless repetitions, deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance
In the beginning, showing up and putting in your reps is the most important thing. But after a while we begin to carelessly overlook small errors and miss daily opportunities for improvement.” - James Clear

Once you make writing a habit, you have to figure out how to actively improve your craft. Creating great technical content requires focused practice with increasingly difficult tasks.

The mental model I like is called the zone of proximal development . The idea is that you will learn the most by maximizing your time doing tasks that are just outside your level of mastery.

Zone of proximal development

James Clear includes several examples in his essay on deliberate practice , but the most relevant to writing technical content is Benjamin Franklin’s story:

“When he was a teenager, Benjamin Franklin was criticized by his father for his poor writing abilities. Unlike most teenagers, young Ben took his father’s advice seriously and vowed to improve his writing skills. He began by finding a publication written by some of the best authors of his day. Then, Franklin went through each article line by line and wrote down the meaning of every sentence. Next, he rewrote each article in his own words and then compared his version to the original
Franklin realized his vocabulary held him back from better writing, and so he focused intensely on that area. Deliberate practice always follows the same pattern: break the overall process down into parts, identify your weaknesses, test new strategies for each section, and then integrate your learning into the overall process.”

The great thing for people wanting to be  technical content writers is that breaking down and rewriting existing tutorials is a fantastic way to both learn the technology and hone your craft as a writer.

Don’t Overcomplicate It

“Our life is frittered away by detail
Simplify, simplify.” - Henry David Thoreau

I really appreciate this diagram on writing by Doug Arcuri, but I think it overcomplicates the process for most new writers. While organization is important in writing (more on that in the next section), don’t let it overwhelm you.

The most important part is to start.

3. Writing is Organizing

The first two points above have been a little bit philosophical, but I want to spend the rest of this post getting tactical. I’m going to start with organization.

Most new writers don’t realize that organization is such an important part of writing. This is especially true in technical content writing where you’re trying to convey or teach a topic to a diverse audience. You want to give new readers the ability to build up to difficult topics while giving experienced readers the ability to skip to the parts they care about. The only way to serve such diverse readers is to invest time in organizing.

Start Every Piece With an Outline

Your 7th grade English teacher probably taught you to start with an outline, but by the time you got to 12th grade, you probably skipped that step to save time. Some writers think they know the topic well enough to skip outlining, but I can tell you it’s a really bad idea .

The outlining phase is where you prioritize ideas, identify weaknesses in your knowledge, and crystalize your main points.

I’ve also found that starting from an outline speeds up the writing process dramatically. With a well-thought-out outline, writing becomes the mere act of connecting the dots. Without one, it’s an unintelligible mess.

How Specific Should Your Outline Be?

My rule of thumb is to write an outline that covers all the H2 and H3 tags on the page.

Don’t stick to the outline like a rule-book; it’s more like a starting point. I often discover new ideas as I’m writing and need to move things around to accommodate them.

If you’re writing technical tutorials , you should create the demo application and outline the steps before you start writing the rest of the content. If you do it this way, you’ll find the writing part is very quick. It often takes me less than two hours to finish a 1500-word tutorial after I’ve written the code and outline.

Organization Methods

Organizing by color is one form of organizing by type

If you’re a new technical content writer, it’s probably hard to know how to start organizing technical content. There are four commonly accepted methods that I push people towards:

  • Chronological - Tutorials are typically organized from first step to last.
  • Importance - When presenting multiple options or comparing factors between tools, it’s usually a good idea to order them by importance.
  • Problem and Solution - I like framing posts around problems and solutions when they’re aimed at technical decision-makers.

Roundups (aka Listicles)

  • This method works well when you want to make information more scannable.

There are probably optimal organizational systems for different kinds of posts, but honestly, just having any system will make your writing better than most.

4. Write as You Speak

“Your writing should sound like you. Your vocabulary, your cadence, your syntax, your dialect. Your verbal idiosyncrasies. Friends and colleagues should be able to hear your voice in their heads as they read. Communication is a relationship, and to develop an authentic relationship with your reader, your writing – like your speech – should convey not only your opinion, but also a bit of your personality.” - Sarah Chauncey

I used to write technical documentation for Siemens medical imaging equipment, so I read and wrote a lot of dry documentation. That said, not all technical content needs to read like a user manual.

Blogs are great because they give you carte blanche to create your own voice. That said, adopting a specific voice for writing is really hard, so new writers should keep it simple and write like they speak.

Build Up to Each Concept

The other problem that subject matter experts encounter when they start writing is they forget most readers won’t be as knowledgeable as they are. Good technical writing and content is correct and uses industry-standard terms without overwhelming new readers. The trick is to build up to each concept as you deliver it.

The way I do this is by creating an outline that starts with no assumptions. For example, if I were writing an article about deploying Python workloads to Kubernetes, here’s what I’d start with:

  • What is Python?

What is Kubernetes?

  • What is a Kubernetes cluster?
  • What are the relationships between Kubernetes and containers?
  • Why deploy Python to Kubernetes?

How to deploy a Python web application to Kubernetes:

  • What is a workload in Kubernetes?
  • How do you prepare a Python application for Kubernetes?

While the focus of the article is on deploying a Python application to Kubernetes, I’d probably devote 2-3 paragraphs explaining the basic terminology. Then, I’d link readers to more comprehensive resources (like the documentation) to let them explore these topics in more detail.

This might seem like overkill, but an experienced reader will simply use the headers to skip down to the portion of the technical content they need. This extra context will only help people who are new to Python or Kubernetes ramp up to the meat of the article.

It’s admittedly hard to do this without shaving the yak , but you’ll get better at it the more you write and get feedback on your writing.

Yak shaving

Can You Be Too Casual?

Most writers tend to be too formal, but since I started editing more in the past year, I’ve realized that some fall towards the other extreme instead.

The important thing is to know your audience and the publication you’re writing for. If it’s your personal blog, you can be as casual as you want. If it’s for your company’s blog, you might want to make it a little more formal. The same goes for a technical writing blog.

My rule of thumb when writing technical content is to pretend you’re in a business meeting. If you wouldn’t say it in front of your boss, you shouldn’t write it in public.


“Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear.” - Patricia Fuller

Editing is an entirely different skill than writing. I used to assume that anyone who could write could also edit, but I’ve since backed off that view. Writing is the big-picture process of organizing, researching, and molding ideas together. Editing is getting the nitty-gritty details right and asking if this whole thing even makes sense.

That said, good writers do at least a little bit of self-editing.

I do two things for every post I write before I hit publish:

  • Wait a few hours, then read it out loud - This helps me catch logical omissions and poor organization. Waiting a few hours helps me get a fresh perspective that I couldn’t get right away.
  • Run it through Grammarly - This helps me catch little details, misspellings, and wordy sentences.

Grammarly website

5. Prove Your Point

“The best way to show that a stick is crooked is not to argue about it or to spend time denouncing it, but to lay a straight stick alongside it.” - D.L. Moody

One of the few things I remember from my high school English class was my teacher’s insistence that every claim be backed up by a source. For some reason, that stuck in my future engineer’s brain, and it’s become a great asset now that I write for a living.

Good technical writing articles must be correct, so I pretend that my readers are all ornery skeptics hoping to poke holes in every statement I make.

There are three ways to add evidence to support your claims as a writer:

  • Research - Academic research typically has the highest bar, but business surveys or secondary research are sufficient for most informal technical content. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t verify the research they use very carefully. This leads to a lot of technical content backed up by dubious claims taken out of context.
  • Quotes - I like quotes for a few reasons. They help break up long blocks of text by injecting an authoritative source, and they can add the weight of celebrity to your ideas. Again, be careful with verifying quotes.
  • Examples - People really like stories. While this can get naive readers into trouble, it’s helpful ammunition for writers. Personal experience or relevant anecdotes also help strengthen your claims.

6. Invest in Interesting Ideas

“Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” - Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

You probably have three or four ideas that you find interesting right now. For example, I’ve been thinking about the expert fallacy , what’s coming in the 2020s , and the idea that engineers are either farmers or pioneers .

I’ve written about these topics already, but something I never realized until this year was that as a writer, you can write about the same topic twice.

In fact, the best writers come back to the same few ideas repeatedly throughout their careers.

“The key is identifying all of the smaller components that go into the same topic and then fleshing each of them out until they are large enough to make up a complete piece of writing on their own.” - Louise Truscott

I can’t remember where I first heard this idea, but lately, I’ve been trying out ideas on Twitter . If they pick up a little traction, I’ll bring them into conversations and keep an eye out for other writing on the topic.

If it seems like others are interested in the idea, I’ll write a short bit about the topic in my email newsletter or on Reddit.

Finally, when I’ve run the idea through a few people and really honed it, I’ll compose a blog post on the topic. Here’s how this worked for my post on experts I mentioned above:

How an idea turns into a blog post

The idea started with a few tweets. People responded to them, and I refined the idea during a couple of conversations and a podcast I recorded for a friend. I read more from other writers on similar topics and eventually summarized my thoughts in my weekly email newsletter . Finally, I constructed the final product: a 2500-word blog post called The Danger in Listening to Experts .

Nobody is Truly Original

Written content doesn’t have to be completely original. A lot of writers get paralyzed when they can’t come up with a novel idea. Andy Haskell talked about his perfectionist tendencies in a blog post earlier this year:

“My perfectionist tendencies made it take forever to get a new post out the door, and caused me to feel like my content was going to be nothing new that people couldn’t already Google for. That narrative in my head left a lot of unfinished blog posts piling up.” - Andy Haskell

The truth is that all ideas are really mashups of existing ideas . That doesn’t mean your perspective on a topic won’t contribute to the world. You probably know many things that other software developers don’t know . When you create technical content online, you might just write it in a way that resonates with someone else. The opportunity to teach someone - even if the concept isn’t original - is enough to motivate most writers to power through at least a few blog posts.

Stay Open to Inspiration

“Most of what I “write” doesn’t even happen on the page. It happens while I’m away from the computer, when I’m in the line at the grocery store, waiting at the airport, or speaking with friends.” - David Perell

Ideas come from without, not within . That means you have to get out into the world if you want to come up with good ideas for technical content.

Software engineers do this by tinkering with new frameworks and languages. Product managers might try new organization tools. Designers might have conversations with artists for inspiration.

7. Tell People

“Distribution is the secret of the most successful blogs. Writing well is the cost of entry, but distribution takes you to the top.” - David Perell

I’ve been refreshing blog posts on my personal blog for the past couple of months. To illustrate the power of distribution, here’s the traffic on one of my old posts over the past year:

Traffic to an old blog post before I promoted it

I wasn’t actively promoting the post, but it was bringing in 60-120 pageviews per month thanks to Google searches. In November 2020, I decided to update the post and re-share it on social media. It got some upvotes on Hacker News and Reddit, and ended up bringing in 1204 pageviews that month alone.

After sharing, traffic to the post was 12x higher

Simply sharing this blog post led to a 12x increase in traffic to it over the course of a month. This is why writers should learn to share their content. If you want people to read your work, promoting it is essential.

If you’re looking for a checklist of ways you can promote technical writing blog posts, I put mine up on the internet earlier this year . Every piece of content is different, but this should give you a good starting point.

Final Thoughts

Writing great technical content won’t happen overnight. If you expect to be good at it from the start, you’re likely to be sorely mistaken, but stick with it. Writing is a great way to increase your influence and get noticed for your work.

Once you start writing, build a process for capturing and refining your ideas. Good technical content writing is almost always an amalgamation of existing concepts, but the more you compile these ideas, the better you’ll get.

Finally, tell the world when you write! Your knowledge is valuable, and it’s very rewarding to have people share and learn from your content.

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Karl Hughes

By Karl Hughes

Karl is a former startup CTO and the founder of He writes about technical blogging and content management.


The Role of a Technical Content Writer in 2024

In 2024, the role of a Technical Content Writer transcends traditional boundaries. They are not only creators of concise, high-quality technical documentation but also navigators of emerging technologies. Their ability to simplify complex information for diverse audiences is critical.

This article explores the evolving role, essential skills, emerging trends, and the impact of advanced technologies on Technical Content Writing, providing insights into the future of this multifaceted profession.

Key Takeaways

  • Technical writers create various types of technical documents, such as user manuals, journal articles, and technical reports.
  • They are responsible for researching and organising facts to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content.
  • Technical writers align their content with company guidelines and may also be involved in content distribution and promotion.
  • They play a crucial role in developing content guidelines and providing training to newer writers.

The Evolving Role of Technical Content Writers

While the fundamental responsibilities of technical content writers, such as creating user manuals and conducting research, remain crucial, it is evident from the ongoing industry discussions that their role is rapidly evolving to encompass strategic content marketing contributions. These involve developing content guidelines and leading content departments. 

Now, a technical content writer not only simplifies complex information but also strategises the effective delivery of this information. In addition, as a technical publications writer, they are expected to uphold the highest standards of accuracy and clarity in their work.

The future of technical content writing lies in its ability to bridge the gap between intricate technical concepts and their practical applications, requiring writers to constantly adapt to changes in the industry and technology.

Essential Skills for the Modern Technical Content Writer

In the realm of technical content writing, proficiency in research and synthesis of complex information is paramount. A solid understanding of the target audience is equally critical for effective communication.

Anyone wondering how to become a technical writer must possess a diverse skill set that goes beyond mere writing. They should have a deep understanding of technology, be it software, hardware, or industry-specific tools. Additionally, their expertise should span across project management and visual communication.

As businesses increasingly rely on digital platforms, these professionals need to be adept at Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and the use of Content Management Systems (CMS). An ability to translate complex technical jargon into comprehensible language is a must, as is the capacity to work collaboratively within multidisciplinary teams.

Emerging Trends in Technical Content Writing for 2024

Predicting the future of technical content writing for 2024, experts foresee an increasing demand for skills in data visualisation, AI and machine learning integration, and advanced digital literacy.

These trends underline the need for technical writing firms to adapt to evolving technologies shaping our digital landscape. The ability to transform complex data into visually engaging and easily understandable content will be critical.

Additionally, as AI and machine learning continue to permeate various industries, technical writers must be adept at integrating these technologies into their content.

Furthermore, a high level of digital literacy, encompassing a strong understanding of digital tools, platforms, and trends, will be a non-negotiable competency.

The evolution of technical content writing in 2024 will undoubtedly require writers to hone these skills to remain relevant and effective in their roles.

what is a technical content writer?

The Impact of Advanced Technologies on Technical Content Writing

Navigating the rapid advancements in technology, technical content writers are now facing the challenge of integrating AI, machine learning, and data visualisation techniques into their work. These tools, while complex, offer remarkable potential in transforming how we manage, interpret, and present data.

The integration of AI and machine learning can vastly improve the efficiency of content creation and editing, resulting in a higher output of quality content. Data visualisation tools, on the other hand, can enhance the readers’ understanding of complex data, making technical content more accessible.

However, this incorporation requires writers to constantly update their skills, to keep pace with these evolving technologies.

Career Prospects for Technical Content Writers in 2024

With a steady increase in demand for digital content, career prospects for technical content writers are expected to rise significantly in 2024, and alongside this growth, their roles will likely evolve to encompass more diverse responsibilities. This includes not just writing, but also content planning, conducting in-depth technical research, and even content promotion.

The table above provides a snapshot of the potential growth and responsibilities of technical content writers in 2024. This signifies the importance of upskilling and adaptability in the evolving digital landscape for aspiring and current technical writers.

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Frequently asked questions, what are some of the common challenges that technical content writers face in their roles.

Technical content writers often face challenges such as complex subject matter, meeting tight deadlines, maintaining accuracy, ensuring clarity for diverse audiences, and constantly updating their technical knowledge to stay current with industry advancements.

How Does the Role of a Technical Content Writer Differ in Various Industries?

Technical content writers’ roles vary across industries, primarily due to differing technical jargon, user needs, and documentation formats. Each industry’s unique demands shape the writer’s approach to research, content creation, and communication strategy.

What Are Some Effective Strategies for Technical Content Writers to Keep up With Rapidly Changing Technology Trends?

Technical content writers should continuously upgrade their skills through professional development, stay updated with industry trends, engage in peer learning, and leverage tools like AI to support their research and content creation process.

How Does Infographic Layout Play a Role in the Work of a Technical Writer?

Infographic layout is integral to a technical writer’s toolkit, enabling the visual representation of complex information in an accessible and engaging manner for a diverse audience.

How Does a Technical Content Writer Balance the Need for Technical Accuracy With the Need for Readability and User-Friendliness?

A technical content writer balances technical accuracy and user-friendliness by simplifying complex ideas without compromising detail, using clear language, incorporating visual aids, and structuring content for ease of understanding and navigation.

How Has the Rise of Remote Work Affected the Role and Responsibilities of a Technical Content Writer?

The rise of remote work has expanded the responsibilities of a technical content writer, necessitating increased digital communication skills, self-management abilities, and adaptability to diverse global teams and varying time zones.

The future of technical content writing in 2024 seems promising, with the role becoming more critical as digital technology evolves. The emphasis on simplifying complex information, adapting to technological changes, and maintaining data accuracy will continue to shape this profession.

Moreover, the rise of AI and Machine Learning will present both challenges and opportunities. Therefore, technical content writers will play an increasingly crucial role in communication across various industries.

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30 Technical Content Writer Interview Questions and Answers

Common Technical Content Writer interview questions, how to answer them, and example answers from a certified career coach.

how to be a technical content writer

In the tech-driven world we inhabit, a Technical Content Writer plays an integral role in communicating complex information in an accessible and engaging way. So if you’re someone with a knack for writing and a passion for technology, this could be your dream job. However, to land it, you must first impress potential employers during the interview process.

To help you prepare for your upcoming interview, we have compiled a list of common questions asked when interviewing for a Technical Content Writer position. Alongside each question, we provide insightful tips on how best to structure your responses, enabling you to demonstrate your unique abilities and stand out from other candidates.

1. Can you describe your experience with creating technical content?

As a technical content writer, your ability to breakdown complex information into digestible, understandable content is vital. Employers want to know that you can handle the task of communicating technical concepts to various audiences. Your experience with creating technical content and your ability to adapt to different topics and industries will be key in your role.

Example: “I’ve been creating technical content for over five years, primarily in the IT and software development sectors. My experience includes writing blog posts, white papers, user manuals, and tutorial guides.

Understanding complex information and breaking it down into digestible, engaging content is my forte. I’m well-versed in conducting thorough research to ensure accuracy, and I have a knack for adjusting my writing style according to the target audience’s level of understanding.

In terms of collaboration, I’ve worked closely with product managers, engineers, and marketing teams to align the content with business objectives and brand voice. This multidisciplinary approach has often led to high-quality, impactful content that resonates with readers while achieving strategic goals.”

2. How do you ensure technical accuracy in your writing?

Accuracy is the backbone of technical content writing. It’s not just about writing well, but about understanding complex concepts and presenting them in a clear, concise, and accurate manner. Hiring managers want to ensure you have a system for fact-checking, understanding, and accurately conveying technical information. This is vital to maintain credibility and trust with the readership, and to support the company’s brand and reputation in the market.

Example: “To ensure technical accuracy in my writing, I use a multi-step approach.

I start by thoroughly researching the topic from reliable sources to gain a comprehensive understanding. This includes reading white papers, industry reports and consulting subject matter experts if needed.

Next, I translate this complex information into simple, easy-to-understand language without losing its essence.

For verification, I cross-check facts and data with multiple sources.

Finally, I review my work for clarity, coherence, and correctness before submission.

Using tools like Grammarly also helps me avoid grammatical errors. Regular feedback from peers and supervisors is another way I maintain accuracy.”

3. What strategies do you use to explain complex technical concepts to a non-technical audience?

As a technical content writer, your role is to bridge the gap between complex technical information and the average reader. It’s all about simplification and translation. The goal is to ensure that the information is not only accessible but also understandable to those who may not have a technical background. Interviewers want to see your ability to break down complex ideas into digestible, easy-to-understand content, hence the importance of this question.

Example: “To explain complex technical concepts to a non-technical audience, I use analogies and metaphors that relate to everyday experiences. This makes the concept more relatable and easier to understand.

I also break down the information into smaller, manageable parts and focus on one idea at a time. Visual aids like diagrams or infographics can be very helpful in illustrating these ideas.

It’s important to avoid jargon and use simple, clear language. If technical terms are necessary, I make sure to define them in layman’s terms.

Lastly, I always encourage questions to ensure understanding and provide clarification if needed.”

4. Can you provide examples of technical documents you’ve written in the past?

Simply put, seeing is believing. By asking for samples of your previous work, hiring managers want to evaluate your real-world skills. They are keen to understand your ability to convey complex technical information in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand manner. It’s all about your proficiency in translating technical jargon into language that anyone can understand.

Example: “I’ve written a variety of technical documents. For instance, I created user manuals for software applications, detailing functionalities and troubleshooting steps. I also developed API documentation for developers to understand how to integrate our product into their systems. Additionally, I wrote white papers explaining complex technology concepts in layman’s terms. I have experience with creating FAQs, training materials, and release notes as well. All these documents were designed to be clear, concise, and easily understandable by the target audience.”

5. How do you handle feedback and revisions in your writing process?

When you’re in a role that involves creating content, your work is often subject to revisions from multiple parties. The ability to take feedback positively and make necessary changes is a key aspect of the job. Hiring managers ask this to gauge your ability to handle criticism, collaborate with others, and make necessary improvements to your work.

Example: “I view feedback and revisions as an integral part of the writing process. They provide a fresh perspective on my work, helping me improve its clarity and effectiveness. I approach them with an open mind, focusing on the objective – creating high-quality content.

When feedback is received, I carefully analyze it to understand the changes required. If something isn’t clear, I don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.

Revisions are tackled methodically. I prioritize major structural changes first, followed by finer details. Using version control systems helps keep track of changes and ensures nothing gets lost in the process.

Ultimately, feedback and revisions contribute to my growth as a writer and enhance the quality of my work.”

6. Explain your approach to researching and understanding new technical topics.

The essence of technical writing is to simplify complex concepts and make them accessible to a variety of audiences. Therefore, the ability to research, understand, and then articulate new technical topics is fundamental. Interviewers need to know that you can not only grasp new information swiftly but also effectively translate it into clear, concise, and engaging content. This question helps them assess your research skills, learning agility, and your ability to communicate complex ideas.

Example: “When approaching new technical topics, I start by conducting a thorough literature review to gain a foundational understanding. I then identify and engage with industry experts through forums or social media to gain practical insights.

Next, I use online courses or tutorials for hands-on experience. This helps me understand the application of theories in real-world scenarios.

Finally, I consolidate my findings into an easy-to-understand format, ensuring it’s accessible for various audiences. Throughout this process, I strive to keep up-to-date with any advancements or updates on the topic.”

7. How do you ensure your content is engaging and easy to understand?

Being a technical content writer isn’t just about having the ability to understand complex concepts, it’s also about making those concepts accessible and engaging to a diverse audience. This question helps interviewers determine if you have the skills to distill complex information into easy-to-understand content, and if you can create engaging material that keeps readers interested. They want to ensure you can strike the balance between informative and compelling.

Example: “To ensure my content is engaging and easy to understand, I focus on knowing the audience. This helps me tailor the language, tone, and complexity of information. I also use visuals like diagrams or infographics wherever possible to aid comprehension.

I believe in simplicity and clarity over industry jargon. My aim is always to make complex technical concepts accessible to anyone reading them.

Feedback is crucial too. I regularly seek it from peers or subject matter experts to gauge if the content is hitting its mark. Revisions based on this feedback help improve the overall quality and understanding.”

8. What tools do you use to create diagrams or other visual aids in your content?

The ability to create compelling visuals is an important part of technical content writing. Diagrams, charts, and other graphics can help explain complex concepts in a way that text alone cannot. If you’re proficient in using visual creation tools, it shows that you can deliver complete, well-rounded content that caters to all types of learners.

Example: “I frequently use tools like Microsoft Visio for creating flowcharts and network diagrams. For infographics or more complex visuals, I prefer Adobe Illustrator due to its advanced features. Canva is another tool that I regularly utilize for quick, visually appealing content creation. Google Slides works well when collaborating with teams on visual aids. All these tools help me create clear, concise, and engaging visual elements to enhance my technical writing.”

9. How would you handle a situation where a subject matter expert disagrees with your interpretation of a technical concept?

Your potential employer is looking to see if you have the diplomatic skills necessary to manage disagreements while maintaining a positive working relationship. In a role like technical content writing, you’ll often have to collaborate with subject matter experts who may have a different perspective on how to explain complex concepts. This question tests your ability to handle these situations effectively and ensure the accuracy and clarity of your content.

Example: “In such a situation, I would first ensure that I fully understand their perspective. Open communication is key in resolving any disagreements.

I’d ask them to explain their interpretation and the reasons behind it. This would not only show respect for their expertise but also give me an opportunity to learn.

If our views still differ after this discussion, I’d propose we consult additional resources or seek input from other experts to reach a consensus. It’s crucial to maintain objectivity and focus on delivering accurate information rather than insisting on being right.”

10. How do you manage your time when working on multiple projects simultaneously?

Time management is an essential skill for any content writer, but even more so for technical content writers. This is because they often have to juggle multiple projects with varying degrees of complexity, all while ensuring that their work is accurate, clear, and useful for the target audience. By asking this question, hiring managers are trying to gauge your ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and produce high-quality work under pressure.

Example: “Managing time while working on multiple projects involves a blend of good planning, prioritization and flexibility. I start by understanding the scope and deadlines for each project. Using tools like Trello or Asana helps me visually organize tasks and track progress.

Prioritizing is crucial; not all tasks have equal importance. I focus on high-impact tasks that drive projects forward.

Flexibility is key as well. Unexpected issues can arise, so being able to adjust plans while maintaining productivity is important. Regular breaks also ensure mental freshness for optimal performance.”

11. Can you describe a time when you had to quickly learn a new technology or software to complete a writing assignment?

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, being able to swiftly adapt to new tools and software is an essential trait for a technical content writer. The question is designed to assess whether you, as a potential candidate, have the ability to learn quickly, adapt to new situations, and still deliver quality work within deadlines. It gives the interviewer an insight into your problem-solving skills, learning agility, and adaptability.

Example: “Absolutely. I was once assigned a project that required extensive knowledge of blockchain technology, which I wasn’t familiar with at the time.

I immediately started researching and learning about it through online resources, webinars, and tutorials. I also enrolled in a short course to gain an in-depth understanding.

Within two weeks, I had gained enough proficiency to write an informative piece on the subject. This experience taught me how quickly I can adapt and learn new technologies when necessary.”

12. What steps do you take to ensure your writing is free of jargon and easily understood by all readers?

In the realm of technical writing, clarity and comprehensibility are paramount. The purpose of your content is to convey complex information in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. By asking this question, potential employers want to gauge your ability to break down complex topics and present them in a way that can be understood by a broad audience, regardless of their technical know-how. Your response will demonstrate your knowledge of the writing process, your attention to detail, and your ability to empathize with the reader’s perspective.

Example: “To ensure my writing is free of jargon and easily understood, I follow a few key steps.

I start by understanding the target audience’s knowledge level on the topic to tailor the content accordingly.

Next, I use simple language and explain complex terms when necessary.

I also utilize tools like Hemingway Editor to assess readability.

Lastly, I always seek feedback from others as they may spot areas that are unclear or too technical. This iterative process helps me refine my work and make it more accessible.”

13. How do you keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies?

Staying current is absolutely essential for a technical content writer. In order to produce accurate, relevant, and valuable content, you must be knowledgeable about the latest trends, technologies, and developments in the industry. Interviewers ask this question to gauge your commitment to ongoing learning and your strategies for staying informed. They want to see that you take initiative and have a genuine interest in your field, beyond your daily tasks.

Example: “Staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies is essential for a Technical Content Writer. I regularly read technology-focused blogs, articles, and research papers from reputable sources like TechCrunch, Wired, and ACM Digital Library.

I also participate in webinars and online courses to improve my technical skills and knowledge. LinkedIn Learning and Coursera are two platforms that I frequently use.

Moreover, networking plays a crucial role. I engage with other professionals on platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn, where we exchange information about new advancements in our field. This helps me stay informed about emerging trends and technologies.”

14. In your opinion, what are the most important characteristics of effective technical writing?

This question is posed to assess your understanding of the fundamentals of technical writing. As a technical content writer, you’re expected to convey complex information in a clear, concise, and easily understandable manner. The interviewer wants to confirm that you have a solid grasp of the essential characteristics that make technical writing effective, such as accuracy, clarity, conciseness, and user-centricity.

Example: “Effective technical writing should be clear, concise, and accurate. It’s essential to convey complex information in a way that is easily understandable for the target audience. This often involves breaking down complicated concepts into simpler terms.

Another crucial characteristic is consistency. Using consistent terminology and style enhances readability and comprehension.

Lastly, good technical writing needs to be well-structured and organized. Information should flow logically, with important points highlighted for easy reference.”

15. Can you describe a project where your technical writing significantly improved user understanding or performance?

This question is designed to assess your ability to effectively translate complex technical concepts into clear, user-friendly content. The interviewer wants to know if you can not only write well, but also contribute to user comprehension and overall performance. This is because the main goal of technical writing is to simplify complex information and make it accessible and useful to the intended audience.

Example: “One project that stands out is when I was tasked with rewriting a complex software manual for a new cloud-based system. The initial feedback from users indicated they found it difficult to navigate and understand the instructions.

I took a step-by-step approach, breaking down each process into simple, digestible sections. I used clear language, included screenshots, and created an easy-to-follow structure.

After implementing these changes, user comprehension improved dramatically. We saw a 60% decrease in support calls related to the software, indicating that my technical writing had made a significant impact on their understanding and performance.”

16. How do you ensure consistency in tone and style across different pieces of content?

Consistency is one of the key elements that keeps readers returning to your content and helps build your brand’s identity. It’s not just about grammar and punctuation, but also about maintaining a consistent tone, style, and voice across all pieces of content. This question aims to understand your ability to maintain that consistency, which is crucial for a technical content writer.

Example: “To ensure consistency in tone and style across different pieces of content, I use a well-defined style guide. This includes specific guidelines on language, voice, formatting, and punctuation.

I also make it a point to thoroughly understand the target audience for each piece of content. This helps maintain a consistent user perspective throughout.

Additionally, regular editing and proofreading sessions are crucial. They help identify any deviations from the established tone and style.

Using tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor can provide additional assistance in maintaining linguistic consistency.”

17. What methods do you use to measure the effectiveness of your content?

It’s not enough just to create content, you must also know how to assess its impact. The interviewer wants to understand your familiarity with performance metrics, whether you’re able to analyze and interpret data, and how you use this information to make strategic decisions. This question helps them gauge your ability to deliver content that resonates with the target audience and drives the desired business results.

Example: “To measure the effectiveness of my content, I use a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods.

Quantitatively, I rely on metrics such as page views, bounce rates, time spent on page, and conversion rates. These provide concrete data about user engagement and how well the content is performing.

Qualitatively, I gather feedback from users through surveys or comments. This helps me understand their perspective and whether the content meets their needs.

I also use SEO tools to track keyword rankings and organic traffic, which indicate if the content is reaching its intended audience effectively.

Regularly reviewing these measures allows for continuous improvement and adaptation to changing user needs and preferences.”

18. How do you approach writing for different types of media (e.g. blogs, white papers, user manuals)?

Being a versatile writer is a key skill in the realm of technical content writing. The ability to adapt your writing style to fit various formats is vital, as different platforms require different tones, structures, and levels of technicality. Employers want to ensure that you can effectively communicate complex information in a way that’s appropriate for the medium through which it’s being delivered.

Example: “Understanding the unique requirements of each medium is crucial. For blogs, I aim for an engaging and conversational tone to connect with readers, using SEO best practices to drive traffic. White papers require a more formal approach, focusing on providing in-depth information and solutions to complex issues. User manuals need clear, concise instructions that are easy to follow. Regardless of the medium, understanding the audience’s needs and expectations helps me create content that resonates with them.”

19. How do you handle tight deadlines and high-pressure situations?

As a technical content writer, you’ll often be required to work under tight schedules and high-pressure situations. Companies want to ensure that you can produce high-quality work even when dealing with these stressful circumstances. Your answer to this question will demonstrate your ability to manage your time, stay organized, maintain a cool head, and meet deadlines without compromising the quality of your work.

Example: “In high-pressure situations, I prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. This helps me manage my workload effectively without compromising the quality of work. For tight deadlines, I break down larger projects into manageable chunks and set mini-deadlines to ensure steady progress. Communication is key in such scenarios, so I keep all stakeholders updated about the status regularly. Stress management techniques like short breaks or deep-breathing exercises also help me stay focused and productive.”

20. Can you describe a time when your content made a significant impact on a product or project’s success?

This question is designed to assess your ability to create content that effectively communicates complex technical concepts and drives project success. It’s all about understanding if you, as a writer, can take technical jargon and turn it into something digestible for any audience. Plus, your answer can also provide insight into your understanding of the product or project lifecycle and your role within it.

Example: “During a software launch, I was tasked with creating user manuals and tutorials. I noticed that the product had complex features which could be overwhelming for new users. So, I developed content that simplified these features into digestible steps.

Post-launch, we received feedback praising the clarity of the guides. The company also noted a decrease in customer service inquiries related to basic operations. This experience underscored how effective technical writing can enhance user experience and contribute to a product’s success.”

21. How do you balance the need for detailed technical information with readability in your writing?

This question is a nod to the delicate dance that technical content writers must perform. On one hand, the information needs to be accurate, comprehensive, and reliable. On the other hand, if the content is too complex or jargon-heavy, it risks alienating or confusing the reader. Interviewers want to know you have the skills to strike the right balance, ensuring that the technical information is accessible to the target audience.

Example: “Balancing detailed technical information with readability requires a deep understanding of the target audience. I always aim to present complex concepts in a simplified manner without compromising on the accuracy of the content. This involves using clear, concise language and visual aids like diagrams or infographics where necessary. It’s also crucial to structure the content logically, breaking down complicated ideas into digestible chunks. Regular feedback from readers helps me gauge if the balance is right and adjust accordingly.”

22. What is your process for incorporating SEO strategies into your content?

As the digital world continually expands, it’s important for companies to ensure their online content is easily discoverable and ranks highly in search results. By asking this question, interviewers are eager to understand your familiarity with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles and how you apply them in your writing. This demonstrates how you can help increase the company’s online visibility and reach.

Example: “Incorporating SEO strategies into content begins with thorough keyword research to understand what terms the target audience is using. I then naturally integrate these keywords into engaging and informative content without keyword stuffing.

I also focus on creating high-quality, original content that provides value to readers, as search engines prioritize this.

Meta tags, headers, and URL structures are optimized for readability and relevance.

Lastly, I ensure all content is mobile-friendly and the website has a fast loading speed, as these factors significantly impact SEO rankings.”

23. How do you handle constructive criticism and use it to improve your work?

A large part of a content writer’s job is to receive feedback, make edits, and revise their work to meet the needs of their audience and the businesses they write for. A content writer needs to be able to take constructive criticism well and use it to improve their work. It’s also important for a content writer to be open to feedback from various sources, including project managers, editors, and clients. Therefore, an interviewer may ask this question to gauge your ability to handle constructive criticism and improve your work based on it.

Example: “I view constructive criticism as a valuable tool for personal and professional growth. When I receive feedback, I take the time to understand it fully, asking clarifying questions if needed.

In terms of improvement, I incorporate the feedback into my work immediately. For instance, if a piece of content is criticized for lack of clarity, I would focus on improving that aspect in my next assignments.

Moreover, I believe in continuous learning. So, I proactively seek feedback from peers and superiors to refine my skills and deliver high-quality technical content.”

24. Can you describe a time when you had to adapt your writing style to cater to a specific audience?

The essence of technical content writing is the ability to adjust your style and language to suit different audiences. Whether it’s simplifying complex information for non-technical readers or diving into the minutiae for a tech-savvy crowd, the interviewer wants to know that you can effectively tailor your writing to meet the needs of diverse readers. This is key to ensuring the content is accessible and valuable to its intended audience.

Example: “In a previous project, I was tasked with creating user manuals for a new software product. The audience ranged from tech-savvy engineers to non-technical end users.

I adapted my writing style by using clear, simple language for the general user manual, avoiding jargon and providing step-by-step instructions with visuals. For the technical version, I included more detailed specifications and troubleshooting tips.

This experience taught me the importance of understanding your audience in order to effectively communicate complex information.”

25. How do you ensure your writing is compliant with industry regulations and standards?

For a Technical Content Writer, compliance with industry regulations and adhering to standards is not a choice, but a necessity. Employers want to ensure that you are capable of producing content that not only communicates effectively but also meets all necessary legal and industry-specific requirements. This question helps evaluate your understanding of the importance of these regulations and your ability to apply them in your writing.

Example: “To ensure my writing complies with industry regulations and standards, I stay updated on the latest guidelines through continuous learning. This includes attending webinars, reading relevant publications, and participating in professional communities.

For each project, I conduct a thorough research to understand its context and specific requirements. I also use checklists and templates tailored for different types of technical content to ensure consistency and compliance.

Moreover, I seek feedback from colleagues and subject matter experts to validate the accuracy and adherence of my work to set standards. Regular audits are performed to identify any areas of improvement.

In essence, maintaining compliance is an ongoing effort that requires vigilance, adaptability, and commitment to quality.”

26. How familiar are you with using content management systems?

Showing proficiency with content management systems is an integral aspect of a technical content writer’s role. It’s not all about writing; it’s also about how you manage, organize, and present your content. Employers want to see that you can navigate these systems with ease, streamlining the content creation process and ensuring seamless integration with the rest of the team’s workflow.

Example: “I have extensive experience with various content management systems, including WordPress and Joomla. My proficiency extends to creating, editing, and publishing digital content. I am also adept at using SEO tools within these platforms for optimization purposes. Furthermore, my technical skills allow me to troubleshoot common issues that may arise during use. This knowledge is beneficial in maintaining a smooth workflow and ensuring the timely publication of high-quality content.”

27. What is your approach to collaborating with engineers, designers, and other team members during the content creation process?

This question emerges from the necessity of understanding how well you can collaborate with a diverse team. In a role like technical content writing, you are often the bridge between highly technical concepts and a potentially non-technical audience. Hence, your ability to successfully work with engineers, designers, and others to translate complex information into understandable content is critical. It’s about your teamwork and communication skills as much as it is about your writing prowess.

Example: “My approach is based on open communication and mutual respect. I believe in understanding the perspectives of engineers, designers, and other team members to create content that accurately reflects their work.

I prefer regular check-ins with the team to ensure alignment and incorporate feedback promptly. This iterative process helps in producing high-quality, accurate content.

I also use project management tools for better coordination and tracking progress. Understanding technical concepts from experts and translating them into user-friendly content is a key aspect of my role.

In essence, collaboration, clear communication, and an agile approach are crucial in my content creation process.”

28. How do you handle situations where you need to write about a topic you are not familiar with?

Showcasing your ability to learn new concepts quickly is a key part of being a technical content writer. Employers want to know that you won’t be deterred by unfamiliar subjects, instead using those opportunities to broaden your knowledge. Your ability to research, comprehend, and then distill complex information into clear, easy-to-understand content is a valuable skill in this field.

Example: “When faced with an unfamiliar topic, I start by conducting thorough research to gain a comprehensive understanding. This includes reading articles, watching videos, and sometimes consulting experts in the field if possible.

Next, I break down complex information into digestible content. It’s crucial that my writing is clear and accessible, regardless of how technical the subject matter might be.

Finally, I always ensure to fact-check all the information before finalizing the piece. Accuracy is key in technical writing. Through this approach, I can confidently write about any topic, no matter how unfamiliar it initially may seem.”

29. Can you describe a time when you used your writing to simplify a complex technical process?

As a technical content writer, your key responsibility is to make complex information easy to understand. Whether you’re writing for a technical audience or for those who are new to the subject, your ability to simplify and articulate complex processes is critical. So, interviewers want to hear about your past experiences and techniques that demonstrate your ability to accomplish this.

Example: “In my experience, I’ve found that visual aids can greatly simplify complex technical processes. For instance, when explaining the process of data encryption, a topic often perceived as intricate and intimidating, I used simple language complemented by diagrams.

I started with an everyday analogy – comparing it to sending a locked box through mail where only the receiver has the key. Then, I gradually introduced concepts like public and private keys using easy-to-understand illustrations. This approach made the content more accessible, helping readers grasp the concept without feeling overwhelmed.”

30. What steps do you take to ensure your content is accessible to people with varying levels of technical knowledge?

This question is designed to gauge your ability to cater to diverse audiences with different levels of understanding. As a technical content writer, your role isn’t just about writing complex concepts but also ensuring that these concepts are simplified and made accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical capabilities. Your ability to do this effectively can greatly impact the reach and effectiveness of your content.

Example: “To ensure content accessibility, I use simple language and avoid jargon. If technical terms are unavoidable, I provide clear definitions or examples. I also structure my content logically with subheadings, bullet points, and diagrams to make it easier to understand. To cater to different learning styles, I may include multimedia like videos or infographics. Lastly, I seek feedback from a diverse audience to identify any areas of confusion and improve the content accordingly.”

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Editing Research

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Technical Writing Skills You Need in the Workplace

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Technical writers must keep up with ever-evolving technology, and this research shows you the skills you’ll need to keep pace.

As an editor and writer preparing to enter the professional workforce, I often wonder what impact technology will have on my career path and job security. Amid claims that AI can replace the need for writers and editors, technical writers may wonder what skills they need to stay relevant in the workplace. This research provides interesting insights into the skills that current technical communicators report they need each day in the workplace.


In the research article “ Toward Understanding Important Workplace Issues for Technical Communicators ,” Clinton R. Lanier (2018) reports the results of a survey he administered to 203 technical communicators about which skills are needed for success in the technical communication field. Lanier divided the results into four larger categories, and the most commonly cited skills in each category are presented here: 

Information Delivery: Forty-nine comments mentioned the greater need for technical communicators to produce information that will be viewed on mobile devices, “making concise help even more important,” according to one survey respondent (74).

Technology: Thirty-nine responses mentioned using Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) and XML to create and maintain technical documentation. (DITA is a standard that uses XML [a markup language for storing and transporting data] to maintain information.) 

Designing and Writing Information: Thirty-two comments mentioned that agile documentation development (developing content that can quickly adapt at the same pace as technological or software advancements) was an important skill.

The Technical Communication Field: Thirty responses noted that technical communicators need to feel comfortable operating in a variety of roles, including marketing and project management capacities.

Although this list presents just a sample of what Lanier found, they suggest that technical communicators need to do more than just write and communicate.


Lanier says, “Considering the changes taking place in technology, from the way people consume information on mobile platforms or through apps to the increasing bandwidth and data availability, the changing roles for professionals in [technical communication] seems natural” (81). Indeed, Lanier’s research reveals that to be successful, technical communicators must continually practice and gain new skills.

“Considering the changes taking place in technology, from the way people consume information on mobile platforms or through apps to the increasing bandwidth and data availability, the changing roles for professionals in [technical communication] seems natural.” Lanier (2018)

Constantly gaining new skills can be a daunting task for technical communicators. It takes time to grow into new roles and learn how to write for mobile consumption, use XML, and develop content quickly. However, as technical writers prioritize developing new skills, they will craft dynamic, successful careers and keep up with an ever-evolving technological landscape.

To discover more about the skills that current technical communicators require and the findings of this study, read the full article:

Clinton R. Lanier. 2018. “Toward Understanding Important Workplace Issues for Technical Communicators.” Technical Communication 65 no. 1: 66–84. . 

—Sarah Griffin Anderson, Editing Research


Find More Research

Take a look at Emma Saavedra’s Editing Research article for insights on how to write comprehensive editing comments on technical documentation: “ One Way to Write High-Quality Comments on Technical Documents .” 

Read Lorin Hurley’s Editing Research article about how to dive into technical editing without getting overwhelmed: “ Unmasking the Nature of Technical Editing .”

Read Susan Lang and Laura Palmer’s (2017) article to learn more about reconciling the skills that technical writers are taught in the classroom with the skills they will need in the workplace: “Reconceiving Technical Editing Competencies for the 21st Century: Reconciling Employer Needs with Curricular Mandates.” Technical Communication 64 (November): 297–309. . 

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tables in technical writing

Guidelines for Structuring tables in technical writing for GenAI-based agents

Category: Technical Documentation

Representation of complex information can be done effectively through text in the form of tables. The table provides an elegant way to condense a lot of information and present it in a visually appealing way. Tables are a natural form to articulate complex informational structures to the end users without any need for media artifacts. Technical writers use tabular data to understand the key points, trends, trends, similarities, and relationships. These data allow them to analyze and construct documents. The technical writing world has adapted the use of tables during the content creation process. 

Table of Contents

Overview of table formats, large language model challenges, refactoring tables for llms, evaluation of tables for genai-based agents.

Table content is organized in the form of rows and columns. The table usually contains header information that gives a context to values present in each table cell. Any simple table can be refactored into ordered hierarchies, leading to a multi-dimensional table. Much of the structured information in the world is organized in table form. One of the simplest use cases for tables is the table of contents, which summarizes the whole knowledge base in the form of indexes and themes. Sometimes, the technical writer prefers a row table or column table depending on the type of content and also UX interface limitations. Column tables are preferred for mobile devices, while row tables are preferred for desktop devices.

LLMs are trained on a vast corpus of text data from the internet. The text data are unstructured, and the structural nature of tables poses unique challenges to Large Language Models (LLMs). LLM is designed to process and parse massive amounts of unstructured textual data; it confronts a paradigm shift when facing tabular data. Another layer of complexity is numerical reasoning and aggregation over tabular data, which often contain a dense mix of numerical and textual data. This data can risk overshadowing crucial details, potentially impeding the LLM’s decision-making abilities.  Although technical writers prefer to present a certain set of information in the form of tables, the impediment of the LLMs poses challenges on how this tabular information is used to generate responses to customers’ questions (prompts). To help LLMs understand structured information, tables must be refactored. 

The tables inside your knowledge base content need to be refactored to make it suitable for ingestion by business applications powered by Large Language Models (LLMs). The following are some of the best practices to be followed while refactoring the table

  • Do not use symbols inside the table content as they are removed during pre-processing steps

Refactoring tables

  • Do not have null values / empty spaces inside your table content as GenAI-based agents might hallucinate while trying to use those data!
  • Ensure that tables have header information along with proper rows
  • If you wish to have some binary information part of the table content, use Yes/No, True/ False, or any other option. Ensure that this information is covered in the system message of your RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) tool
  • The table should be complete such that all cells have values in them
  • Table cell values can be a mix of numeric values and text. However, it is recommended to have one type of data present inside those table cells

LLMs Refactoring tables

Parsing of data to LLMs can be in markdown format or HTML tags. The markdown format has limitations in terms of articulating header information and multiple dimensions of the table. The HTML tags offer flexibility but come at the cost of a token budget imposed by the LLM APIs. It is recommended to avoid tables as state-of-the-art (SOTA) LLM technology only produces 74% accurate results based on the table content for user’s prompts (questions). Technical writers should articulate complex information in the form of text rather than tables. Producing content in table format (in output/response) is now the choice of the user, not the content producer. Thus, a technical writer needs to trade these tables to provide more freedom to the end user.

Evaluation of tables

The LLMs can produce a response in the table format. If your organization has a specified structure of the table, either the LLMs can be fine-tuned with your organizational table format, or clever prompt engineering from end users can also help. Technical writers must evaluate the generated responses from the GenAI-based agent based on the table content for specific user questions (prompts). OpenAI Evals, RAGAS, and Galileo labs frameworks provide a base for assessing the quality of the generated response.


It is important to know that tables provide an elegant way to articulate complex information. It is recommended to avoid adding tables to your knowledge base content. In refactoring tables in certain circumstances, following the proposed guidelines will help the current LLM technology providers generate more accurate responses based on the table content. Given that GenAI-based agents will act as an interface between your end users and your content, it is important to let the end users have the freedom to choose which format they want the response to be.

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Selvaraaju Murugesan

Apr 5, 2024

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