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What is a motivation letter?

Published by Valéria Pintérné Modified over 4 years ago

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What is a motivation letter


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Motivation Letter Writing Guide + Examples for 2024

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Writing a motivational letter can be nerve-wracking.

When presented with the question of “Why would you like to be part of this organization?” you find yourself staring at a blank page, thinking of how to correctly word “ I'm passionate about going to college so I don’t starve to death. ”

Two hours and three coffees in, you’ve scrolled through your Facebook newsfeed (twice), watched one episode of the last season of Game of Thrones, sent angry tweets to its creators, and donated for the knee surgery of two dogs. You go back to your open Word doc and you have only managed to write: “This organization seems like fun” or “I’ll totally be a great fit” . 

You know you are not this generic or basic. You’re a capable guy or gal who has a lot to offer and there are genuine reasons behind your decision to apply.

It’s just hard to put it into words… And we get that!

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a motivation letter that gets you accepted anywhere.

  • What a Motivational Letter Is (And Why It Matters)

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

  • How to Write a Motivational Letter [+Some Helpful Tips to Get Those Ideas Out of Your Head and Into the Paper]
  • How (and Why) to Create a Motivational Letter With Novorésumé

What is a Motivational Letter and Why it Matters?

A motivational letter is a one-page letter that’s used to describe why you are the perfect candidate for a certain position . It is usually attached to your resume . 

You are required to write a motivational letter in these 4 specific scenarios...

  • You are applying to get admitted to an educational program at a college or university (undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate).
  • You are applying to work at a non-profit organization.
  • You are applying as a volunteer in an organization.
  • You’re applying for an internship in a company.

The motivational letter shouldn’t be confused with a cover letter , the purpose of which is to highlight how specific information on your resume matches a job opening. Think of a cover letter as the introduction to your resume for a hiring manager and your motivational letter as the powerful closing sales pitch for a university or non-profit. 

So why exactly does the motivational letter matter? You’re a doer more than a talker: you’ve listed everything there is to know about you on your resume. That should be enough, right? Wrong! 

All organizations are looking for people who genuinely want to be there and are excited about what they do. The intent should be your driving motivation! 

Writing a good motivational letter can be an absolute game-changer. It can provide a boost for your resume , but also make up for lacking required skills.

career masterclass

A good motivational letter is a one-pager where you introduce yourself, your story, and show your interest in the position or organization you are applying to.

There are two main ways to structure your motivational letter:

  • Using the classic 3 main paragraphs structure , where your motivational letter has the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.
  • Using the 5-7 paragraph structure , where you divide your main body paragraph into smaller 1-3 sentence paragraphs according to the main points.

Now, which one do YOU go for? The rule of thumb is if you want to be more factual and to the point, go for the 7-paragraph structure. This way, you can use each body paragraph to discuss specific achievements or points.

If, on the other hand, you’re going for a more story-telling approach, you’d go for the 3 paragraph option, so as not to break the flow of the story.

types of motivation letters

The Structure of a Motivational Letter

motivation letter structure

Whichever structure you go for, it should consist of 3 main parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion. Here’s what to include in each one:

Introduction: A short, engaging pitch about yourself and why you are applying. Here, you can include:

  • Personal information. Who are you and what do you do?
  • What are you applying for? Where?
  • An intro to the bulk of your essay. Mention the general reason on why you’re applying, and then deep-dive in the bulk of your motivational letter.

And of course, don’t forget to mention contact information on top.

For example:

To: School/Organization Name

First Name Last Name

[email protected]

Phone Number

Relevant Social Media (LinkedIn, Quora, GitHub, etc.)

Dear [Name of The Contact Person] , 

My name is [Your name] and I would like to express my interest in applying for the Doctoral program in political science at [University Name] . I’ve always dreamed of becoming a politician and helping give back to my country, and I believe that a Ph.D. in politics from [University Name] would set me miles ahead to reaching my goal.

Body of the Motivational Letter: this is the main bulk of your motivational letter. This is where you really sell yourself, mentioning stories behind your achievements, skills, and passion for whatever you’re applying for.

Try to be as factual as possible - anyone that frequently reads motivational letters can tell made-up stories from the real ones. When possible, you can also use metrics to back up your qualifications.

Things You Can Mention in Your Motivational Letter: 

  • My passion for ______ started when ______. 
  • I want to ______ because ______. 
  • I have been part of _________ for ___ months/years. It’s the best thing for me because _______. 
  • I remember once when I ________, which made me realize that I _______.
  • _______ resonates with me because _________.
  • What distinguishes me from my peers is __________.

I developed my passion for Online Marketing during my internship at [company name] . Working in a small startup allowed me to get surface-level experience in most digital marketing channels. Now, I would like to deep-dive and gain advanced know-how by attending the [university name] program in Digital Marketing.


Finally, you can wrap up the motivational letter and send it in. In this section, you can:

  • Briefly summarize your main points - “ I believe I’d be a good fit for the program because of __________ ”
  • Mention your overarching goal - “I’d love to be a part of _______, as it would allow me to ___________.”
  • Thank the reader and conclude the motivational letter

Now that you know how to structure a motivational letter, let’s move on to the contents!

motivation letter resume matching

How to Write a Motivational Letter 

So how do you write a motivational letter that stands out from the pool of applicants? The way to avoid generalizations and add depth to your motivational letter is by tailoring it to the specific organization and program/position you are applying to:

  • When writing a motivational letter, you want to make sure you know what and where you are applying to. Find out who is in charge of deciding your fate and address them directly in your opening remarks as Dear Mrs. Smith .
  • Look at the program requirements and the institution’s website. Find out the top three requirements for the position and explain how you are the best candidate.
  • Demonstrate that you share the organization’s values or are exceptionally qualified through a short story or personal examples. Be specific.
  • Your motivational letter should demonstrate that you really want to be there! There is a fine line between pleading and showing intelligent interest while also selling yourself. State specific reasons, demonstrate knowledge and express passion for applying to the institution or organization without showing off or begging.
  • DO NOT LIE! If you write anything remotely untrue, your reader will sense it. Unconsciously, we inflate feelings and ideas when we lie. If you tell a fake story or inflate your excitement or achievements, you will be put into the “lying Pinnochio pile” . Consider your case rested and your application denied.

Questions to Answer in Your Motivational Letter [+Possible Answers]

  • I would love to live in [ location of organization ], because ________. 
  • It is my dream to be part of [ name of program ], because _________.
  • The values [ name of institution ] is based on are: [ three general values stated on their website ]. I have demonstrated _____ because I have ______ especially in ______. I also practice ______ in my professional or working life by __________. 
  • Requirement: Minimum 2 years of volunteering experience

I volunteered in Africa for three years. It’s one of my most fulfilling experiences because I am passionate about helping others and came out a better person. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  • Requirement: Passionate about research

I would pick a sleepless night conducting research instead of a night out anytime. I spend most of my mornings reading the last edition of the Journal of Marketing. I have worked on three separate research studies during my time at Colorado University.

  • Requirement: 3,80 GPA

Achieving a Magna Cum Laude required a lot of hard work and dedication, but education has been my biggest passion in life, so there was more joy than pain in the process!

Answer some/all of these questions in a compelling way that’s true to you and your experience, then turn them into a cohesive text. 

An Example of a Great Motivational Letter 

We’ll demonstrate how to write an awesome and inspiring motivational letter through Jane’s letter to the admissions team of Harvard University below. She is applying for a Ph.D. in the department of Political Science. 

The general requirements are : being research inclined, a demonstrated passion for Politics, and an above average performance during undergraduate studies. 

The values of the university are integrity, education, respect, and accountability.

She’s using the three paragraph structuring method.

You can see how Jane highlights through personal stories:

  • That she knows the history of the university and shares the same values
  • That she’s genuinely excited and passionate about the program and the school
  • What her qualifications are and how they’ll be a great fit for the program
  • What she hopes to achieve if given the opportunity to study at Harvard

The same rules and spirit apply to non-university related motivational letters as well. 

You can easily notice that Jane has essentially given a personal story of all his qualifications. After reading this letter, the admissions team will feel like they know Jane, and this is what you should also aim to do: communicate who you are through highlighting your story tailored to the institution and program you are applying for.

motivation letter example

How (and why) to Create a Motivational Letter with Novorésumé

Now that you know how to write a motivational letter, you can decide on how it looks.

A black and white letter sheet with Times New Roman, 12-pt font size might be great for a formal document, but it does not make you stand out in the pile of grey applications.

How can you appear professional without being boring? Novorésumé's motivational letter templates and intuitive editor add the tinge of personality that you’d need to stand out from the rest. 

motivation letter maker

So, let’s sum up everything we’ve covered in this post:

  • A motivational letter is a formal letter which you need to write if you’re applying for university/college admissions, a non-profit, or a volunteering institution. Job applications usually require a cover letter instead.
  • There are two ways to structure a motivational letter: in three paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion) or in 5-7 paragraphs (where each paragraph highlights a different point).
  • Introduce yourself and your intent in the introduction, describe and highlight your experiences in the body, and thank the reader for his/her consideration in the conclusion.
  • Do your research, show genuine interest, and never, ever lie.
  • If you want your motivational letter to stand out, Novorésumé takes the cake!

A motivational letter is always attached to a resume. Want to also make that stand out from the rest? 

Read our guide on how to create an impressive resume and submit it with your awesome motivational letter to get accepted anywhere!

Our motivation letter templates are created to mirror the resume templates and CV templates , which is critical when creating a job application. Choosing the same templates, fonts, colors will improve your personal brand and increase your chances of being called for an interview.

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Write a Resume
  • Cover Letter Examples
  • +150 Best Skills to Put On Your Resume
  • Resume Examples - Per Industry

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How to Write a Successful Motivational Letter

How to Write a Successful Motivational Letter

Aiden Anderson

  • Jan 25, 2024

As you look for a new opportunity, be it seeking a job or applying for school , you may need to write a motivational letter.

Composing inspirational letters requires creativity, thoughtfulness, and an appreciation of the message one intends to convey. When compiled correctly, it can be an effective way to express yourself and your motivation.

This article offers tips on constructing an outstanding motivation statement. We will discuss what should be included in the letter and how to format it. Additionally, the article will cover what words to use to ensure your letter is as strong and persuasive as possible.

Additionally, we will provide some motivation letter samples so you can get an idea of what works best.

Equipped with this advice, you will be armed to construct a noteworthy motivational statement that will help you reach your aspirations.

Prepare all your application materials

When sending out an application of some kind, you will likely need to submit a package of documents . You may need to complete an online application, provide letters of recommendation , and send a copy of your resume.

To ensure you present yourself in the best light, consider polishing your resume with a free online resume builder!

The builder offers resume templates to help you create a neat and appealing document that presents all your best qualities and expertise.

The AI-powered writing assistant helps come up with the best words to describe you as a professional.

Save time, money, and effort while writing your best resume with Resume Trick .

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motivational letter ppt

What is a Motivation Letter

A motivation letter is a document that serves to introduce who you are and elucidate your personality. This type of inspirational letter may be used to accompany an application for a job or a college/university program.

The letter of motivation should be written in a professional yet personable tone to show your inspiration to apply for a certain position or a degree. You should also demonstrate your enthusiasm for the opportunity and express what motivated you to apply.

The main goal of the motivation statement is to get the reader to look at your CV or resume .

An effectively written letter of motivation can leave a notable impression on prospective employers or admission counselors. It often can be the deciding factor for the "yes" or "no".

Devote enough time to produce a unique, intriguing letter that will aid you to be noticed among the others!

motivational letter ppt

Motivational Letter vs. Cover Letter

Motivation letter vs cover letter

Motivational statements and cover letters are documents used in the application process. However, they are different in purpose and content.

The motivation statement must be composed in a friendly, conversational style. It expresses your passion for the opportunity , talks about the talents you have, and how you can help the organization reach its goals.

The cover letter should be professional and concise. It must be well-structured and provide a clear summary of your credentials and skills. It has to be direct and to the point, highlighting relevant experience and qualifications.

Despite the differences, you can try using our cover letter templates for formatting and organizing your motivational letter.

In conclusion, a letter of motivation and a cover letter are two distinct documents. While the two are both important, they serve different purposes and must be written differently.

Ensure that you select the correct type of letter based on the requirements and compose effective supporting materials for your application.

When to Use a Motivational Letter

Crafting a motivational letter may be needed to aid you in being noticed . Here are some occasions when you may need to compose a motivational statement.

A well-written motivational letter serves as a great tool for setting yourself apart from other contenders and exhibiting your keenness for the role or opportunity. Make sure to include all relevant information that is needed to make your application successful!

Motivation Letter Examples

An engaging motivational statement can make the difference between being accepted and rejected. Below you will find examples of letters for various purposes . Use them as a reference for crafting your own.

Example of a motivational letter for a university application:

Dear Ms. Campbell, My name is Alex Throssell. I am writing to you to support my application for admission to Jackson State University. I am enthusiastic about obtaining a degree in Computer Science. I am confident that your school will give me the ideal opportunity to realize my goals. I have been interested in the informatics field since I was a child. I have been coding ever since I was 12 years old. I love solving problems and developing new applications. In high school, I completed courses in computer programming and web development, which sparked my interest in software engineering. In college, I plan to continue to explore the world of computer science. I want to learn more about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, two topics that fascinate me. Additionally, I plan to become involved with research projects related to these topics as well as other areas of computer science. I am confident that Jackson State University can provide me with the best education to help me achieve my goals. Not only does it have excellent faculty members and research opportunities, but also offers a stimulating environment where I can grow both academically and personally. Appreciation for your thoughtfulness in reviewing my application. I anticipate your reply! Best regards, Alex T

Examples of a motivation letter for an internship:

Dear Mr. Miller, I am excited to submit my application for the Social Work Intern position at Compassionate Care Services. With a solid academic foundation, I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to your team. Currently pursuing a degree in Social Work at Towson University, I actively engage in projects that enhance my practical knowledge. Notably, I led the "Youth Empowerment Program" at my university, overseeing skill-building workshops, mentorship programs, and career guidance. This experience sharpened my research, collaboration, and leadership skills, further deepening my understanding of the field. Beyond my academic endeavors, my strong customer service skills and effective communication make me a valuable addition to your team. My passion for Social Work drives my commitment to community betterment. I am eager to apply my skills to contribute to the mission of Compassionate Care Services. Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and dedication align with the goals of your organization. Please feel free to contact me for any additional information. Sincerely, Elizabeth Tucker

A motivation letter example for a job application:

Dear Mr. Watts, I am writing to apply for the Landscape Architect role at EcoDesign Studios. I have 5 years of experience in the field. I am confident that I possess the necessary skills and qualifications to make an immediate impact on your team. I am passionate about architecture and have worked hard to develop a deep understanding of the industry. At my previous company, I led the "Urban Harmony Plaza" project, transforming an underutilized urban space into a vibrant, green hub. Collaborating closely with local stakeholders, I applied my architectural skills to address real-world challenges, highlighting the importance of sustainable practices in enhancing community well-being. I am highly motivated and eager to contribute to the success of the EcoDesign Studios. I have a proven track record of meeting deadlines, exceeding expectations, and delivering high-quality results. I am also highly organized and take pride in ensuring that projects are completed according to set deadlines and standards. Furthermore, I have excellent interpersonal skills and enjoy working as part of a team. I am comfortable working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures and collaborating seamlessly with colleagues at all levels. I would be delighted to put my skills and experience to work for your organization. I believe my qualifications render me a perfect fit for the role and would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further in an interview. Thank you for considering my application. Sincerely, Matthew M. Ferrell

A motivational letter example for joining an organization:

Dear Ms. Ruben, I am thrilled to express my fervent interest in joining Community Empowerment Hub, captivated by its commitment to fostering social and economic justice. The impactful strides your team has taken in improving lives resonate deeply with my personal mission. For quite some time, I have closely followed and been inspired by your organization's dedication to ensuring universal access to quality education, healthcare, housing, and other fundamental needs. I firmly believe in the transformative power of collective action to institute enduring change. My educational background, including a degree in political science, coupled with my experience in the public sector, positions me well for this role. Through my involvement in a recent legislative initiative on climate change, I honed my understanding of policy issues and effective strategies for driving social change. My passion lies in utilizing my skills to contribute to a better world, and I am enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing my expertise to your team. Eager to contribute meaningfully, I am confident in my ability to aid your organization in advancing its goals and objectives. Thank you for considering my application to join Community Empowerment Hub. I am eager to delve deeper into how I can actively contribute to your mission and make a lasting impact on the world. Sincerely, Paul Brown

A motivation letter sample for funding application:

Dear selection committee, I am writing to seek funding for my project, "SustainVisions," which aims to produce a series of educational videos promoting sustainability in our community. The "SustainVisions" project will showcase individuals from our community who are passionate about sustainability, highlighting their impactful work. These videos will be strategically shared on various social media platforms, with the overarching goal of inspiring viewers to take positive actions towards a more sustainable lifestyle. The requested funding will be allocated to cover essential aspects such as equipment, production costs, and associated travel expenses. With this support, I envision creating a unique video series that not only educates our community but also has the potential to resonate beyond our local borders. This endeavor is crucial in raising awareness about sustainable practices and encouraging tangible actions that can positively impact our environment and the lives of many. Beyond my passion for this cause, my experience demonstrates a proven ability to execute impactful projects. I have collaborated with non-profits, government agencies, foundations, and various organizations to develop sustainable initiatives with lasting effects. My skill set includes conducting thorough research, designing effective programs, and establishing valuable relationships with key stakeholders. I am committed to ensuring that any funding received will be utilized efficiently, meeting deadlines, and staying within budget while delivering top-tier results. With a track record of successful projects, I am confident that "SustainVisions" can make a tangible difference with your support. I sincerely believe in the merit of this project and hope for your consideration and support. Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration. All the best, Nichole Fisher

How to Format a Motivational Letter

The formatting of the motivation statement has to be concise but appealing. Although the requirements are less strict as compared to the cover letter writing , it is a professional document, not a note to a friend.

Tips for formatting your motivation letter:

  • Use a readable font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, in size 11 or 12.
  • Leave 1-inch margins on all four sides of the page.
  • Begin by writing your name and address on the initial line.
  • Include the date underneath your address.
  • List the recipient's contact information below the date.
  • Use a polite salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Ms./Dr." followed by their last name.
  • Ensure that each paragraph is no more than five lines long. Each sentence should contain no more than 12 words.
  • End with a polite closing such as "Sincerely" and include your name underneath.
  • Include any relevant documents, such as a resume or references, after your signature.

By following these simple steps, you can guarantee that your motivational statement has the right format and appears professional.

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

Letter of motivation structure

Drafting such a letter can help you make a good first impression . So, it's worth investing time into crafting a well-written document that outlines your skills, qualifications, and suitability for the role.

Your motivational letter ought to be brief and limited to one page . It has to include the following: an introduction, body paragraphs, a conclusion, and your information.

In the beginning, you should articulate your interest in the role and how it complements your career plans. The body paragraphs should explain why you are qualified for the job by showcasing your qualifications and exhibiting your enthusiasm about the opportunity.

The conclusion is that you can share your excitement for the role and thank them for taking the time to look at your application. At the end of your motivation letter, be sure to include contact information . This will ensure you can be reached out if there are any questions or for further discussion of your candidacy.

Make sure your motivational letter is tailored to the job and reflects your enthusiasm, then send it off with confidence!

Tips on how to Write a Motivation Letter

Motivational letters are a necessary component of competition. It helps companies or schools make decisions about who to choose and shows them what kind of person you are.

Developing a compelling motivation letter can assist you in surpassing other applicants and displaying your devotion to the role or program.

Follow the below steps to create an impressive letter of motivation that will leave a good impression on potential employers or admissions boards.

Motivational letter writing tips:

  • Prepare for writing. Think about what you want to say and why you are writing it. Ensure that you are prepared to explain your interest in the letter.
  • Start with a captivating introduction. [Introduce yourself](/blog/tell-me-about-yourself.html, your goals, and your reason for applying.
  • Use compelling language. Be clear and concise so your motivational statement is easy to read and understand. Keep your sentences short and to the point.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm. Tell about your passion for the position, the program, or the project you are applying for.
  • Describe your goals and objectives . Explain what you hope to gain from this opportunity and how it fits into your long-term goals.
  • Show your commitment. Speak about how you will contribute to the company/university and its mission.
  • End your letter with an emphatic declaration. Illustrate your eagerness for the discussed matter and express gratitude for the reader's consideration.
  • Proofread and edit carefully. Ensure that there are no grammar, spelling, or formatting errors in your motivational letter before sending it.

By abiding by the above instructions, you will be able to compose an impassioned motivation letter which will give you a head start on attaining the job or getting into the university.

Dos and Don’ts

It is important to remember that success comes from within . Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind when it comes to creating a motivation statement:

  • Write clearly and concisely.
  • Make sure your letter is tailored to the specific job or program you are applying for.
  • Use powerful language that exudes confidence.
  • Incorporate relevant examples or reasons behind your motivation.
  • Highlight any special aspects that make your application unique.
  • Don't copy and paste from other letters or applications.
  • Don't use weak phrases like "I think" or "I believe". Instead, use stronger words like "I am confident".
  • Don't be too general with your statements. Be specific about what you can bring to the table.
  • Don't leave out any important details. There should not be questions left for the reader.

Writing a motivational letter: conclusion

Constructing a letter of motivation can be laborious. Yet, it does not have to. Follow the provided guidelines and the motivation statement examples to build yours.

Key takeaways:

  • It is essential to be clear and concise in your writing, as well as to make use of effective language.
  • Highlight your enthusiasm and illustrate why you are the most suitable person for the opportunity.
  • Ensure that the letter is adapted to the specific employer or school you are applying for.
  • Demonstrate your passion and devotion.
  • Proofread and edit your letter for any errors.
  • Don't forget to include a professional signature at the end.

Now, send your letter and wait for a response. Remember: be patient, confident, and positive! Good luck with your application!

Aiden Anderson

Aiden Anderson

Resume Trick Staff Writer

Aiden Anderson is a Resume Trick staff writer specializing in job search-related topics, including resume and cover letter writing. Aiden is constantly seeking innovative ways to bridge the gap between technology and career development. His goal is to offer valuable insights to job seekers on leveraging digital tools for a successful job search. Aiden's passion for the internet and technology is also reflected in his articles for Video Candy .

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How to Write Motivation Letter for University with Examples

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University applications can be stressful and daunting, but one of the most important parts of the process is writing a motivation letter that stands out from the rest. A motivation letter is a crucial part of your application that can make or break your chances of getting accepted. It gives you the opportunity to showcase your personality, skills, and passion for the subject you are applying for. Crafting a perfect motivation letter that can impress the admission committee can be challenging, but with the right guidance, you can create a letter that will put you ahead of the competition. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some tips and tricks on how to write an impressive motivation letter that will help you achieve your goals and get accepted into your dream university.

Purpose of a Motivation Letter:

A motivation letter serves as a crucial component of your university application, offering you the opportunity to showcase your personality, aspirations, and suitability for the program you are applying to. It goes beyond listing your achievements and qualifications, providing the admissions committee with insight into your character, interests, and goals. The purpose of a motivation letter is to convey your passion for the subject you wish to study, your reasons for choosing the specific university or program, and how your background and experiences have prepared you for success in your academic pursuits. It allows you to demonstrate your communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and commitment to furthering your education.

Researching the University and Program Requirements:

Before diving into crafting your motivation letter for university, it is crucial to thoroughly research the specific requirements of the university and program you are applying to. Each educational institution has its own unique values, goals, and academic standards that they look for in prospective students. Start by exploring the university’s official website to gather information about their mission statement, academic programs, faculty members, research opportunities, and any special initiatives they may have. Understanding the university’s educational philosophy and culture will help you tailor your motivation letter to demonstrate how you align with their values and goals. Additionally, delve into the specific requirements of the program you are applying to. Pay close attention to the course curriculum, research areas, and any specific skills or qualities they are seeking in applicants. Highlighting how your academic background, skills, and personal experiences align with the program’s requirements will make your motivation letter stand out. By conducting thorough research on the university and program requirements, you will be able to customize your motivation letter to showcase your genuine interest in the institution and demonstrate why you are a strong candidate for admission.

Structuring Your Motivation Letter Effectively:

Structuring your motivation letter effectively is crucial in making a strong impression on the admissions committee. Begin by introducing yourself and stating the purpose of the letter clearly. Share your enthusiasm for the program and explain why you are passionate about pursuing studies in that particular field. In the body of the letter, highlight your relevant experiences, skills, and achievements that make you a strong candidate. Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications and showcase your unique strengths. Make sure to align these experiences with the program’s requirements and emphasize how they have prepared you for success in the chosen field of study. In the closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the program and express your gratitude for the opportunity to apply. End on a positive note, emphasizing your enthusiasm for contributing to the academic community and your commitment to academic and personal growth. Remember to proofread your motivation letter carefully to ensure it is well-structured, error-free, and effectively conveys your motivation and qualifications to the admissions committee. A well-structured motivation letter will set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of success in the university application process.

Crafting a Compelling Opening Paragraph:

Crafting a compelling opening paragraph is crucial when writing a motivation letter for university. This is your opportunity to grab the reader’s attention and make a strong first impression. Start with a hook that immediately captures the reader’s interest and highlights your passion for the field of study you are applying for. Consider sharing a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a brief but impactful story that illustrates your motivation and dedication. Additionally, clearly state your purpose for writing the letter and express your enthusiasm for the university and program you are applying to. Show that you have done your research and understand why this particular institution is the perfect fit for your academic and career goals. By setting a positive and engaging tone from the very beginning, you will draw the reader in and set the stage for a compelling and persuasive motivation letter.

Highlighting Your Achievements and Qualifications:

When writing a motivation letter for university, it is crucial to effectively highlight your achievements and qualifications. This is the section where you can truly shine and demonstrate why you are a strong candidate for the program. Start by listing your academic achievements, such as your GPA, any awards or scholarships you have received, and relevant coursework or research projects. Additionally, showcase any extracurricular activities or volunteer work that demonstrate your leadership skills, teamwork abilities, and commitment to personal and academic growth. Highlight any internships or work experiences that are relevant to the program you are applying for, and discuss how these experiences have shaped your goals and aspirations.

Demonstrating Your Passion and Interest in the Field Of Study:

When crafting a motivation letter for university, one of the key elements to focus on is demonstrating your passion and interest in the field of study. Admissions officers are looking for candidates who are genuinely enthusiastic about the subject they wish to pursue. Begin by sharing personal anecdotes or experiences that have shaped your interest in the field. Whether it’s a childhood fascination, a transformative moment, or a recent discovery, highlighting the roots of your passion can make your motivation letter more compelling and authentic. Moreover, it’s essential to showcase your knowledge of the field. Discuss any relevant coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities that have deepened your understanding and commitment to the subject. Demonstrating that you have taken proactive steps to engage with the field beyond the classroom can set you apart as a dedicated and motivated applicant. Lastly, don’t forget to tie your passion back to your future goals and aspirations. Explain how pursuing this field of study aligns with your long-term career objectives and personal growth. By illustrating a clear connection between your passion, academic pursuits, and future plans, you can convey a sense of purpose and determination that resonates with admissions committees.

Personalizing Your Motivation Letter for Each University:

Personalizing your motivation letter for each university is a crucial step in crafting a compelling application. Admissions officers can easily spot a generic, one-size-fits-all motivation letter, which may not make a lasting impression. By tailoring your letter to each specific university, you demonstrate genuine interest and a strong commitment to your application. Start by conducting thorough research on each university’s programs, faculty, campus culture, and values. Highlight specific aspects of the university that resonate with your personal and academic goals. Incorporate details such as professors whose research aligns with your interests, unique opportunities the university offers, or specific courses that excite you. Additionally, address why you are specifically drawn to that university over others. Share anecdotes or experiences that showcase your connection to the institution and how you envision yourself contributing to the academic community. Demonstrating a deep understanding of the university’s ethos and illustrating how you can contribute to its vibrancy can set your motivation letter apart.

Showcasing Your Unique Qualities and Experiences:

When crafting your motivation letter for university, it’s crucial to showcase your unique qualities and experiences. This is your opportunity to stand out from other applicants and make a lasting impression on the admissions committee. One effective way to highlight your uniqueness is to focus on specific experiences, skills, or personal qualities that set you apart. Share stories that demonstrate your passion, resilience, creativity, or leadership abilities. Use concrete examples to showcase how these qualities have shaped your academic and personal journey.

Additionally, emphasize any relevant achievements, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work that reflect your character and commitment to your chosen field of study. By painting a vivid picture of who you are and what drives you, you can make a compelling case for why you are a perfect fit for the university and the program you are applying to.

Remember, the goal is not just to list your accomplishments, but to weave them into a narrative that conveys your authentic self and your aspirations for the future. This personal touch will help your motivation letter resonate with the admissions committee and increase your chances of securing a spot at the university of your dreams.

Concluding With a Strong and Memorable Ending:

The conclusion of your motivation letter is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Therefore, it is crucial to craft a strong and memorable ending that reinforces your enthusiasm, passion, and suitability for the academic program. In this section, you should succinctly summarize your key points, reiterating your interest in the program and highlighting your unique qualifications and experiences. Emphasize how your background aligns with the program’s objectives and how you can contribute to the academic community. Additionally, consider expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply and convey your excitement at the prospect of furthering your education at the university. A positive and optimistic tone can leave a favorable impression on the admissions committee, showcasing your professionalism and dedication to your academic pursuits. End your motivation letter with a powerful closing statement that leaves a lasting impact. Whether it’s a thought-provoking quote, a personal reflection, or a confident declaration of your readiness to excel in the program, make sure it resonates with the reader and reinforces your commitment to achieving academic success. By concluding your motivation letter with a strong and memorable ending, you can ensure that your application stands out and leaves a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

Editing and Proofreading Your Motivation Letter:

Editing and proofreading your motivation letter is a critical step in ensuring its effectiveness. After you have poured your thoughts and experiences onto the page, it’s time to refine your message and ensure it is polished to perfection.

Start by reviewing the overall structure and flow of your letter. Is your introduction engaging? Does each paragraph transition smoothly into the next? Are your main points clear and well-supported? Make any necessary adjustments to improve the coherence and readability of your letter. Next, focus on the details. Check for spelling and grammar errors, ensuring that your writing is polished and professional. Pay attention to punctuation, verb tense, and sentence structure to enhance the clarity and impact of your message.

It can also be helpful to read your letter out loud or have someone else review it for feedback. Fresh eyes can catch errors or inconsistencies that you may have overlooked. Remember, your motivation letter is a reflection of your skills and attention to detail, so taking the time to edit and proofread thoroughly is well worth the effort.

Final Tips for Writing an Impressive Motivation Letter:

When it comes to crafting an impressive motivation letter for university, the final tips can make all the difference in showcasing your unique qualities and aspirations. Firstly, ensure that your letter is personalized and tailored to the specific university and program you are applying to. Generic letters can often be spotted a mile away and may not make a lasting impression on the admissions committee. Secondly, be sure to highlight your passion and genuine interest in the field of study. Admissions officers are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic about their chosen subject and can demonstrate a clear motivation for pursuing further education in that area. Moreover, it is crucial to showcase your relevant experiences, skills, and achievements that set you apart from other applicants. Provide specific examples that illustrate your capabilities and how they align with the program’s objectives and requirements. Lastly, remember to proofread your motivation letter carefully to ensure there are no errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. A well-written and polished letter demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism, which can leave a positive impression on the admissions committee. By incorporating these final tips into your motivation letter, you can enhance its overall impact and increase your chances of standing out as a strong candidate for admission to the university of your choice.

Below Are the Some Examples:

Dear Admissions Team, I am writing to express my keen interest in the [Name of University] and its [Name of Program] program. As a motivated individual with a sincere desire to learn, I am deeply impressed by the University’s commitment to providing a progressive and dynamic academic education. I am confident that this program would provide me with an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills in [field of study], and to achieve my academic and professional goals. Throughout my academic journey, I have gravitated towards disciplines that incorporate both creative and logical thinking. The [Name of Program] piques my interest as it provides a platform to explore and implement knowledge in various spheres, spanning from research and analysis to design and innovation. I am enthusiastic about immersing myself in this program, wherein I can collaborate with leading scholars and engage with a diverse cohort of motivated learners. I am confident that my skills and experiences align perfectly with the requirements of this program. Through my academic preparation and extracurricular involvement, I have developed strong communication, teamwork, and leadership skills that will enable me to thrive in this program. I am excited to leverage these skills and to push myself beyond my limits while working alongside peers who share my passion for [Field of Study]. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my unique perspective and skills to the [Name of Program] program and to become part of the [Name of University] community. Sincerely, [Name]

Dear Admissions Team, I am writing to convey my strong enthusiasm for the [Name of Program] program offered at [Name of University]. As someone who possesses a deep interest in [Field of Study], I am highly motivated to pursue an academic degree in this area to advance my expertise and understanding.

Having a keen interest in [Field of Study], as demonstrated by my academic achievements and involvement in extracurricular activities, I have diligently endeavored to establish a firm base of knowledge in this discipline. In addition, I have participated in internships, research programs, and community initiatives to acquire practical experience and advance my comprehension of how [Field of Study] impacts real-world challenges.. I am confident that the [Name of Program] program can provide me with an opportunity to enhance my skills and knowledge in [Field of Study]. The program’s curriculum is designed to foster interdisciplinary education, which I am excited to explore. Additionally, the program’s emphasis on experiential learning appeals to me as it can allow me to apply my theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

I’ve participated in various extracurricular activities alongside my academics, which have helped me develop my interpersonal, communication, and leadership skills. I’m confident that these skills will come in handy as I become a part of the vibrant and close-knit community at [Name of University]. Thank you for your consideration of my application. I am confident that the [Name of Program] program at [Name of University] will allow me to achieve my academic and personal goals, and I am excited at the prospect of joining the vibrant and diverse community of learners at [Name of University]. Sincerely, [Name]

Dear Admissions Committee, I am applying to [Name of University] to pursue a degree in [Field of Study]. I have a genuine interest in [Field of Study] and am looking forward to gaining knowledge and hands-on experience through the [Name of Program] program.

I am confident that [Name of University] is the right fit for me to achieve my academic and personal objectives. The University’s dedication to academic excellence, engagement, and diversity resonates with my values and ambitions. What appeals to me the most is the program’s interdisciplinary curriculum, which allows me to delve into the overlap of [Field of Study] with other disciplines and gain a holistic understanding of how to tackle practical challenges.

Throughout my academic journey, I have acquired a diverse range of skills and experiences, including a solid educational background in [Field of Study], extensive research work, various internships, volunteerism, and leadership positions. These experiences have equipped me with a firm grasp of both theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as a sincere desire to connect with communities and contribute positively to society.

I look forward to contributing my unique blend of skills and experiences to the vibrant and diverse community of [Name of University]. I am excited about the opportunity to work with world-class scholars and to engage in stimulating in-class discussions and out-of-classroom activities. I firmly believe that [Name of Program] program will enable me to achieve my academic and personal goals, and I am thrilled at the prospect of joining the community of passionate learners at [Name of University]. Sincerely, [Name]

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my desire to pursue [Degree] in [Field of Study] at [Name of University]. I have completed my undergraduate studies in [Subject Area] and am eager to explore [Field of Study] further through the [Name of Program] program. After careful consideration, I have concluded that [Name of University] aligns with my academic and personal aspirations. I am impressed by the University’s reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and active involvement in research. The interdisciplinary approach to learning and customizable curriculum offered by the program is particularly attractive to me as they can help me to achieve my specific academic and personal goals.

                                        My academic preparation, combined with a range of practical experiences, has equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in [Field of Study]. Through internships, volunteer work, and leadership roles, I have honed my analytical, organizational, and problem-solving skills, which I believe will be essential for success in this program. I am looking forward to engaging with a diverse and dynamic community of learners at [Name of University]. The [Name of Program] program aligns with my career aspirations of becoming a leading expert in [Field of Study]. I am excited to apply my skills, knowledge, and expertise to contribute to the academic excellence of [Name of University]. Thank you for your consideration of my application to the [Name of Program] program at [Name of University]. I look forward to the opportunity to join the community of passionate learners at [Name of University]. Sincerely, [Name]

Dear Admissions Officer, I am excited to submit my application for the Master’s program in [Field of Study] at [Name of University]. After careful research and consideration, I believe this program aligns well with my academic and professional objectives. I am confident that [Name of University] offers a top-quality education and research opportunities that will enable me to excel in my chosen field. I recently graduated with an undergraduate degree in [Field of Study], and I feel like my academic journey has equipped me with robust analytical and research skills. However, I’m not content with just what I’ve learned so far. I want to explore the different facets of [Field of Study] more profoundly and gain a better understanding of the subject through innovative research. The curriculum of the [Name of Program] program has caught my attention. It offers a well-balanced combination of basic and advanced courses that will equip me with the essential skills to progress in my career. I am also excited about the chance to work with renowned professionals and researchers in [Field of Study], which inspires me greatly. Over the years, I have gained valuable skills and experiences that I believe would benefit me greatly in the program. Through my academic pursuits, leadership roles and community involvement, I have developed strong interpersonal and communication skills that are crucial for success in research and building meaningful professional relationships. I am confident that my wide range of abilities would allow me to thrive in the program, bring value to the academic community, and make a positive difference. I am excited and eager to immerse myself in the program, work with dedicated faculty and peers, and engage in new and innovative research across different fields of study. I am confident that the [Name of Program] program at [Name of University] can facilitate my intellectual growth, professional development, and personal aspirations. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity of joining the [Name of University] community of passionate learners. Sincerely, [Name]


In conclusion, the significance of a well-crafted motivation letter cannot be overstated. It serves as a powerful tool for students to showcase their unique strengths, aspirations, and passion for their chosen field of study. A compelling motivation letter has the potential to set you apart from other applicants and leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee. By investing time and effort into writing a personalized and impactful motivation letter, you demonstrate your commitment, dedication, and enthusiasm for your academic pursuits. This document allows you to convey your story, goals, and reasons why you are a perfect fit for the university or program you are applying to. Ultimately, a well-written motivation letter can open doors to new opportunities, academic excellence, and personal growth. It is a reflection of your character, values, and potential contributions to the academic community. Therefore, approach the crafting of your motivation letter with care, attention to detail, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact. Your motivation letter is your voice – let it resonate with authenticity and conviction as you embark on your journey towards academic success.

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How to write a successful motivation letter

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Objective: This booklet aims to offer information that may aid college, employment and scholarship applicants to write a motivation letter that maximizes their chance of success. The guidelines for this motivation statement are generic. Applicants should consult the guidelines for the motivation letter as stated in the official guidelines.

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Motivational Quote PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme

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Motivation powerpoint templates for presentations:.

The Motivation PowerPoint templates go beyond traditional static slides to make your professional presentations stand out. Given the sleek design and customized features, they can be used as PowerPoint as well as Google Slides templates . Inculcated with visually appealing unique and creative designs, the templates will double your presentation value in front of your audience. You can browse through a vast library of Motivation Google Slides templates, PowerPoint themes and backgrounds to stand out in your next presentation.

What Is A Motivation PowerPoint Template?

A Motivation PowerPoint template is a ready-made presentation template that provides a structured framework for creating professional Motivation presentations. The Motivation PPT presentation template includes design elements, layouts, and fonts that you can customize to fit your content and brand.

What Are the Advantages of Motivation Presentation Templates?

Motivation PPT presentation templates can be beneficial because they:

  • Add multiple visual and aesthetic layers to your slides.
  • Ensure that complex information, insights and data is presented in a simplistic way.
  • Enhance the overall visual appeal of the content.
  • Save you a lot of time as you don’t have to start editing from scratch.
  • Improve the professional outlook of your presentation.

How To Choose The Best Motivation Presentation Templates?

Keep the following points in mind while choosing a Motivation Presentation template for PowerPoint (PPT) or Google Slides:

  • Understand your presentation goals and objectives.
  • Make sure the Motivation template aligns with your visual needs and appeal.
  • Ensure the template is versatile enough to adapt to various types of content.
  • Ensure the template is easily customizable.

Can I Edit The Elements In Motivation PowerPoint Templates?

Yes, our Motivation PowerPoint and Google Slides templates are fully editable. You can easily modify the individual elements including icons, fonts, colors, etc. while making your presentations using professional PowerPoint templates .

Are Motivation PowerPoint Templates Compatible with Google Slides?

Yes, all our Motivation presentation templates are compatible and can be used as Motivation Google Slides templates.

How to Download Motivation PowerPoint Templates for presentations?

To download Motivation presentation templates, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the resolution (16*9 or 4*3).
  • Select the format you want to download the Motivation template in (Google Slides or PowerPoint).
  • Make the payment (SlideUpLift has a collection of paid as well as free Motivation PowerPoint templates).
  • You can download the file or open it in Google Slides.

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How To Deliver A Motivational PowerPoint Presentation

One of the most common purposes of giving a presentation or speech is to give motivation to the audience. If you are planning to make a motivational  PowerPoint presentation then indeed it will take a lot of focus and a considerable amount of time. How can I use a PowerPoint presentation to motivate the audience? In this article we provide insightful and actionable recommendations to motive your audience with a PowerPoint presentation.

It is best to provide relevant examples and remain concise when giving a professional PowerPoint presentation. Further on, this will help your audience acquire the benefit from most of your experience.

Motivational PowerPoint Presentation

Anyone who feels they have a message to share with the audience must give a motivational PowerPoint presentation. There are some important points that will get you one step closer of making a difference in the people’s lives:

Add the ‘Humor’ Ingredient

Try to ensure your attendance at various events featuring motivational presenters to learn something new. Do pay attention to the use of humor, timing and the flow. Just hear how the speakers integrate their own stories into their presentations . Indeed, you will learn a lot from their experience.

Make sure you choose to use humor appropriately and don’t offend anyone present in the room. Find the best way to use humor in your PowerPoint presentation, no matter what the subject is. Every speech needs some light moments so that audience can laugh, giggle or take a deep breath. This will make your audience feel comfortable and opens the relationship between you and a listener.

Go to the Right Direction

Before you move on with the presentation, give a single thought on what your message is going to be? Do you want to discuss about how to get through stress of everyday life? Or do you have a desire to motivate people who are making efforts to change their career? You must discover your focus first as it will get you going in the right direction. Also, try to use an appropriate PowerPoint Template with visual appealing slides, for example if you are giving a business related presentation, then you might be better off using a Business PowerPoint Template .

Tell more about the topic

Tell people a little about why you chose to speak on this topic. Make it strong by using stories from your own life. Also, you may use quotes and always remember to cite the source of the quote. Similarly if you include facts in the slides. Since, successful motivational speakers do it on a regular basis.

Get the audience’s mind moving and head nodding by engaging them in your presentation. You may use questions in your speech related to the subject. Do not forget to leave some time at the end of presentation for comments or questions.

Hence, prepare your presentation in such a way that your audience feels motivated after you present it.

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206 Best Motivation-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 206 best motivation templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the motivation-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your motivation-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

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PPT theme consisting of goal without a plan is just a wish - motivational handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffee

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Business solutions word cloud, goals, efficiency, productivity, innovation, leadership, profitable, economy, motivation

 Presentation with motivation - Round glow on blue surface with sign post to motivation and confidence?

Round glow on blue surface with sign post to motivation and confidence?

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Abstract shape with words motivation, teamwork, creativity, solutions, success, career on blue background

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PPT theme consisting of silhouette of man climbing on rock mountain at sunset adrenaline strenght ambition

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Motivation post it sticky notes on canvas, business background with black wave border

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Time for Change as motivation on a Clock

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Antique key over brown textured paper with motivation keyword in foreground

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Color boxes over white background with text - Motivation

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Theme featuring make things happen motivational reminder - handwriting on a green sticky note

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PPT layouts with little child plays superhero kid on the background of sunset sky girl power concept

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Silhouette of business man near open door displaying green arrows and surrounded by word cloud of success, positivity, confidence, motivation, persistence, vision, attitude, drive

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 Presentation with motivation - Cool new PPT theme with photo of young redhead pretty woman eating cake in cafe looking at the camera backdrop and a light gray colored foreground

PPT theme with my new life chapter one concept for fresh start new year resolution dieting and healthy lifestyle

 Presentation with motivation - Cool new presentation with young woman checking their teeth at mirror after dental treatment - people bodycare and stomatology concept for healthy lifestyle - focus on girl eye - warm filter with soft vintage editing backdrop and a  colored foreground.

Presentation with inspirational quote by unknown source on blue background with a stack of books toned with an instagram like filter

 Presentation with motivation - Presentation enhanced with motivation - young boxer woman mixed media background and a wine colored foreground

Presentation enhanced with young boxer woman mixed media

 Presentation with motivation - An abstract design of lots of 2D shapes and objects

An abstract design of lots of 2D shapes and objects

 Presentation with motivation - Presentation theme enhanced with motivation - people connect letters to compose background and a gold colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with people connect letters to compose the create word creativity making art teamwork concept idea sunset positive light

 Presentation with motivation - Slide set featuring motivation - pretty young business woman giving background and a coral colored foreground

Slide set featuring pretty young business woman giving a presentation in a conference meeting setting shallow dof color toned image

 Presentation with motivation - Presentation theme consisting of motivation is what gets you background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of motivation is what gets you started habit is what keeps you going written on chalkboard

 Presentation with motivation - Audience pleasing PPT layouts consisting of regret it later motivation backdrop and a coral colored foreground

PPT layouts consisting of your choices - do it now or regret it later motivational handwriting on napkin with a cup of coffee

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A beautiful representation of motivation through fishes jumping from one place to another

 Presentation with motivation - Cool new PPT theme with achievement - team acronym together everyone achieves backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

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Theme enhanced with new year 2019 new start motivational inspirational quote on banner silhouette of winner woman in sunset with arms up in success

 Presentation with motivation - PPT theme featuring words-of-wisdom-words-abstract background and a coral colored foreground

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Slide deck featuring running shoes runner woman tying laces for autumn run in forest park panoramic banner copy space jogging girl exercise motivation heatlh and fitness

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PPT theme with she is fighting for success mixed media

 Presentation with motivation - PPT layouts having motivation - man tying shoe laces background and a light gray colored foreground

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 Presentation with motivation - Amazing slides having motivation - many hands lying on top backdrop and a red colored foreground

Slides having many hands lying on top of each other

 Presentation with motivation - Amazing slide set having businessman in ambition and motivation backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

Slide set having businessman in ambition and motivation concept

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best motivation letter sample how to write

Best Motivation Letter Sample – How To Write LOM For College And Universities

Jul 26, 2023

110 likes | 113 Views

On average, thousands of talented applicants submit their admission requests daily, following one dream: to study at renowned foreign universities. Obviously, you are also in the same boat!<br>But have you ever wondered what can make your candidature stand out among them? <br>A motivational letter!<br>This particular piece of document is undeniably considered the most individualized international university prerequisite. It can almost make or break your candidature. <br>

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Best Motivation Letter Sample – How To Write LOM For College And Universities On average, thousands of talented applicants submit their admission requests daily, following one dream: to study at renowned foreign universities. Obviously, you are also in the same boat! But have you ever wondered what can make your candidature stand out among them? A motivational letter! This particular piece of document is undeniably considered the most individualized international university prerequisite. It can almost make or break your candidature. A well-crafted letter helps applicants voice their motivational factors, and presentation skills, competencies, and interesting details about them – before the admission committee. It shows them that you are more than a pile of transcripts and demonstrates to them the real person that you are!

A Brief Introduction To The Motivation Letter For University Just like the college application essay writing service, a letter of motivation is equally competent in the depiction of your skillset. In a straightforward sense, a motivation letter is written to illustrate the reasons that make you the ideal fit for the degree program in the respective university you’re opting for. Basically, it represents your professional competence and personal motivation to the admission committee. If you’re guessing that a motivation letter will comprise reasons backing your motivation to apply for the course, then you’re absolutely correct! Though many confuse it with a Statement of Purposes, once you go through a motivation letter sample, you’ll instantly identify how the layout and tonality are different from that of a cover letter or SOP. This piece is specifically written to bring out your personal self in the most explicit way. From your thought process to experiences leading to the enrollment for this course, a motivational letter covers it all. If you take your time to examine a motivation letter example, you will notice how beneficial it is for voicing your qualities before the admission committee. So why not make it gripping by putting forward glimpses of your major instances before the committee? But…. It can be quite crafty for certain students to pen down the perfect motivation letter because of a lack of knowledge. Students get perplexed by the very thought of writing a motivation letter.

The reason is – they mostly find it hard to sort the right information and implement the same in an innovative way. Obviously, it’s easier said than done! Preparation Tips To Consider Prior to Developing A Letter Of Motivation This section is going to be quite beneficial for novice applicants who have just started their abroad admission preparation, and are concerned about ‘motivation letter how to write’. Below are some of the popular tips to keep in mind as you prepare the motivation letter. Ensure Exhaustive Research, Produce Clear-Cut And Succinct Information After you’re done going through a motivation letter sample, start by understanding and noting the information that you will require to fill in your motivation letter. Throw light on the prerequisites, prospects, and expectations of your application in the letter and most importantly, the reason that you are writing this letter. Put Emphasis On Your Thoughts/Intent By Offering A Slice Of Your Personal Information This is one of the few academic documents where you can portray yourself informally as well. Start by jotting down all the features that describe your passion and let that echo your personality and style. Use this letter of motivation to connect with the selection committee and

get the chance to stand out. But, as you write, focus on prioritizing more on being authentic and not bragging. Never write down something out of exasperation. As you go through multiple motivation letter samples, you will never notice applicants portraying themselves as a ‘hero’ in their LOR. Rather they have perfectly maintained an alignment of achievements along with challenges. Refrain From Baffling One thing you need to ensure as you pen down your letter of motivation for university is refraining from beating around the bush. As an applicant, you are required to sort out priorities as you begin writing the letter of motivation. This way your reader will obtain a glimpse of your overall write-up. Don’t go circling around unnecessary details that will not fetch your application any significance. So, instead of rambling, just write down all your terrific skill sets and accomplishments. Put Forward Your Objective Distinctly As you proceed in understanding a motivation letter, start jotting down your purposes in a distinct manner. Don’t go overboard with the objectives as the resume/CV is already serving that purpose. Keep it cool with the information and don’t rush into it. No Room For Controversial Statements The best motivation letter for university doesn’t support controversies. Refrain from using political or ideological jargon, instead pen down neutral tones. You never know who would be offended by your political information. (which might be humorous in the true sense though). Therefore, it’s best to avoid the sphere of politics completely. Learn The Art of Convincing This is one of the best tips to consider while preparing for motivation letters. Be specific about what goes behind your mind as you prepare the motivation letter. Put down all the points that you consider are the perfect fit.

Spend time thinking about what will put you ahead of the game and in what ways your motivation letter would add to the advancement of the program. As you write about your accomplishments, don’t sound arrogant or brag, simply state them down. Know The Address Basics As you write a motivation letter, it is important to know to whom you should address the letter. Basics like name, designation, address, contact details, and so on, should be thoroughly checked before sending. In What Way Is A Motivation Letter Distinct From A Statement Of Purpose, Cover Letter, And Personal Statement? As a newbie, you might be confused by all these terms – statement of purpose, cover letter, personal statement, and then the letter of motivation. It’s true that the two – motivation letter and cover letter are often used interchangeably. While the latter is generally a letter written to the employer, the former can be defined as an application letter produced before the university. The sole purpose of a cover letter is to feature your skillset. The statement of purpose is more or less similar to that of the motivation letter. It is an essay featuring your interests in terms of both academic and professional fields. Moving to the personal statement, though it might greatly resemble the motivation letter, there is a basic difference. While the motivation letter focuses on representing your passion for the program you’re yearning to apply to, the personal statement voices your thoughts about why you are the right fit for the position. Not everyone understands the intricate differences among these documents, and therefore, most students hire the best content writers in India to get their work done.

Sample Motivation Letter: From, (Name of applicant, Address, Contact Details) Date ______ To, (Name of Recipient, Department/Designation, Name of Institution/Organization, Address, Contact Details)

Subject – _______ Respected Sir/Madam, Hope this letter finds you in prosperous health and good spirit. I, (Name of the candidate) would firstly like to acknowledge the opportunity to depict my eagerness to study at your university through this letter. This university is unquestionably renowned, and I hold an immense passion for pursuing my master’s from here. The university’s rich culture and infrastructure always had me fascinated, and securing a chance to build my future here would be an honor. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Literature, and throughout those three years, I’ve associated with numerous stalwarts of the literature world and participated in workshops, training, and more. I’ve obtained the first class in my bachelor’s degree and my in-depth knowledge about the subject will be quite worthwhile for your degree program. I’ve always desired to implement impressive advancements in the field of literature, and securing this master’s program would be a great push toward improvement. My internships with (names of the company) have also proved extremely beneficial in my learning curve. I’ve rigorously engaged in numerous projects that have built my knowledge as well as expertise in the working field as well. The hands-on experience in the industry has provided me with extensive outer knowledge as well. Furthermore, I’ve also pursued a 6-month online course on Women’s Literature from (mention the organization name), and that has opened the doors to plentiful resources. With this, I’d like to end my Letter of Motivation. I eagerly hope the university authority would grant me my coveted wish to pursue my master’s degree at this eminent institute. My resume and educational qualifications speak of my interest in this subject, and securing a seat in this university will amp up my career in every way possible. Warm Regards Conclusion

It can be a struggle to come across a reliable, expert, adept, and punctual content-writing service provider who is vastly knowledgeable in different domains. But, with Content Euphoria, it is now possible. Team Euphoria takes pride in stating that their writers offer the best letter of motivation you’ve ever encountered. Expert writers at Content Euphoria have a diversified background in dealing with students of top-tier foreign universities and they know exactly what will make your LOM stand out. From layout to tone, vocabulary to information, and so on, their LOR services are flawless and will secure your admission to your dream university. All the best! Frequently Asked Questions: What is a short letter of motivation? A short letter of motivation or motivation letter is a one-page letter describing the reasons that make you the perfect candidate for the university program by presenting examples of your interests and achievements. A compelling motivation letter throws light on your passion and enthusiasm toward a particular program. Well-crafted LOM aids in setting you apart from other candidates and demonstrates why you are the best fit for the position. Is the motivation letter the same as a cover letter? A motivation letter and a cover letter are written with the same intent. Both serve a similar purpose of introducing yourself and highlighting your qualifications to the respective person, yet they are different. A motivation letter is a personalized document that expresses your goals, passions, and aspirations to the university panel. It is primarily required when applying for scholarships or academic programs where the selection criteria may be more subjective. The focus is to give the reader a sneak peek into how uniquely qualified you are and demonstrate your commitment to the program and the university. Whereas a cover letter is a one-page document often submitted with a resume when applying for a job or volunteer work. This document is the formal introduction to a potential employer,

wherein you explain why you are the perfect fit for the position and the values you can add to the company. The focus of a cover letter is showcasing your skills, experiences, and achievements in a way that aligns with the job description. To conclude, a letter of motivation and a cover letter share similar purposes but have distinct formats. So, when preparing a motivation letter, be sure to showcase your distinctive qualities, future goals, and ways the project will help meet your goals. How do I write a motivation letter with no experience? Writing a letter of motivation with no experience can seem daunting, but it is not impossible. To write a compelling motivation letter with practically no experience, begin by researching the program you are applying for, then create an outline. Read what the program calls for and introspect on yourself for skills and qualities the selection committee is looking for in the particular program. Then think about your experiences in school, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or projects related to those skills. Make sure to start with a strong opening that captures the university panel’s attention and explains why you are interested in the program. Then detail how you have developed these skills and qualities that make you a good fit, even if you have yet to have professional experience. The crux of a motivation letter must revolve around showing enthusiasm for the program and then explaining how it aligns with your long-term goals. How do I write a motivation letter for a short course? If you are applying for a short course, a well-written motivation letter is a perfect tool that can help you secure your admission to the respective program. It should be written in a robust conversational tone that keeps the reader hooked to the document. To write an engaging and catchy motivation letter for a short course, follow these guidelines:

Start with an outline: Before penning a motivation letter, start by researching the course and the program they offer in detail. Then think of your reasons for applying for the university and make an outline accordingly. Write an introduction: Start the motivation letter by introducing yourself. Also, address the recipient by name to add a personal touch. The introduction must instantly catch the recipient’s attention and encourage them to keep reading. Expand your outline: Explain the points outlined in the introduction. Highlight your previous work experience or professional skills and describe (in detail) the reasons that make you the ideal candidate for the program. Write a conclusion: Summarize your goals and leave a positive impression on the reader. Proofread: Check and recheck your motivation letter to make it concise, clear, and professional. Also, keep an eye on spelling and grammatical errors. What should you not write in a motivational letter? Your motivation letter is your chance to impress the university committee by presenting the reasons that make you an ideal candidate for the program. As enticing as it sounds, a small error in your motivation letter can lead to rejection right away. So ensure to keep away from these nuances to ensure your letter doesn’t backfire! Don’t be a Debbie Downer – Stay positive and avoid negative comments about your past experiences or the opportunity you are applying for. And while you want to showcase your strengths, avoid bragging or exaggerating your accomplishments – trust us, the committee can see right through it. Avoid slang: It is a professional document, so strictly avoid casual language or slang. And don’t make the mistake of copying someone else’s letter – the committee wants to hear your unique voice and perspective.

Finally, keep your letter relevant and focused. Avoid including irrelevant personal information. Following these tips, you can create a winning motivation letter that showcases your strengths and sets you apart from the competition!

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Best Motivation Letter Sample – How To Write LOM For College And Universities (1) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Best Motivation Letter Sample – How To Write LOM For College And Universities (1)

On average, thousands of talented applicants submit their admission requests daily, following one dream: to study at renowned foreign universities. obviously, you are also in the same boat but have you ever wondered what can make your candidature stand out among them a motivational letter this particular piece of document is undeniably considered the most individualized international university prerequisite. it can almost make or break your candidature. – powerpoint ppt presentation. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

You might even have a presentation you’d like to share with others. If so, just upload it to We’ll convert it to an HTML5 slideshow that includes all the media types you’ve already added: audio, video, music, pictures, animations and transition effects. Then you can share it with your target audience as well as’s millions of monthly visitors. And, again, it’s all free.

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    Key takeaways: It is essential to be clear and concise in your writing, as well as to make use of effective language. Highlight your enthusiasm and illustrate why you are the most suitable person for the opportunity. Ensure that the letter is adapted to the specific employer or school you are applying for.

  6. How to Write Motivation Letter for University with Examples

    Example 3: Dear Admissions Committee, I am applying to [Name of University] to pursue a degree in [Field of Study]. I have a genuine interest in [Field of Study] and am looking forward to gaining knowledge and hands-on experience through the [Name of Program] program.

  7. How to Write a Motivation Letter (With Tips and Examples)

    3. Expand your outline for your body. Expand the points in your outline to form your motivation letter's body. Take a new paragraph for every new topic. Remember, your motivation letter aims to convince your recipient of your value, so use compelling facts to be persuasive. 4. Conclude your motivation letter.

  8. Motivation Letter Writing PowerPoint PPT Presentations

    Best Motivation Letter Sample - How To Write LOM For College And Universities (1) - On average, thousands of talented applicants submit their admission requests daily, following one dream: to study at renowned foreign universities. Obviously, you are also in the same boat!

  9. 630+ Motivation Letter Powerpoint Templates

    Are you looking for Motivation Letter powerpoint or google slides templates? Pikbest have found 639 great Motivation Letter Powerpoint templates for free. More animated ppt about Motivation Letter free Download for commercial usable,Please visit PIKBEST.COM

  10. Motivation Letter PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint for your slides that you save as a .pptx or .potx file. All the Motivation Letter PowerPoint templates are natively built in PowerPoint, using placeholders on the slide master, color palettes, and other features in PowerPoint, and can contain layouts, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and even content (according to ...

  11. 100+ Motivation letter PowerPoint (PPT) Presentations, Motivation

    View Motivation letter PowerPoint PPT Presentations on SlideServe. Collection of 100+ Motivation letter slideshows.

  12. How to write a successful motivation letter

    The Free School's Motivation Letter PowerPoint Presentation The Free School has authored a 26-page PowerPoint presentation that aims to assist job, college, internship/fellowship and scholarship applicants to write a successful motivation letter. This document is open-access and may be accessible as a PDF file document, online screen reader ...

  13. Motivation Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience. Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Get these motivation templates to create inspiring presentations that will ...

  14. Motivational Sentences for College

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Hello, college student! We know how hard you're studying to get your degree and start your career that will lead you to a great life. Yes, we also know it's a bit hard to keep it up sometimes, so that's why we've designed this template full of motivational sentences! Most of them have some funny ...

  15. Editable Motivation PowerPoint Templates & Slides

    The Motivation PowerPoint templates go beyond traditional static slides to make your professional presentations stand out. Given the sleek design and customized features, they can be used as PowerPoint as well as Google Slides templates. Inculcated with visually appealing unique and creative designs, the templates will double your presentation ...

  16. How To Deliver A Motivational PowerPoint Presentation

    Add the 'Humor' Ingredient. Try to ensure your attendance at various events featuring motivational presenters to learn something new. Do pay attention to the use of humor, timing and the flow. Just hear how the speakers integrate their own stories into their presentations. Indeed, you will learn a lot from their experience.

  17. 206 Best Motivation-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

    206 Best Motivation-Themed Templates. CrystalGraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 206 best motivation templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text.

  18. PPT

    A Brief Introduction To The Motivation Letter For University Just like the college application essay writing service, a letter of motivation is equally competent in the depiction of your skillset. In a straightforward sense, a motivation letter is written to illustrate the reasons that make you the ideal fit for the degree program in the ...

  19. PPT

    A motivational letter! This particular piece of document is undeniably considered the most individualized international university prerequisite. It can almost make or break your candidature. - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 973f55-NDJlY ... And they're ready for you to use in ...

  20. Motivational Letter 2 Dear Sir/madam

    Motivational Letter 2.ppt - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Motivational letter 2