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ஸ்பெயின் நாட்டில் ஒரு அம்மையார் நூதன முறையில் ஊழியம் செய்ய நினைத்தார்கள். பணம் கொடுத்து பரிசுத்த வேதாகமத்தை வாங்கி, அதனை தனக்கு அறிமுகமானவர்களுக்கு இலவசமாக கொடுத்து வந்தார்கள்.

அந்த தாயாரின் வீட்டிற்கு அருகில் ஒரு வீட்டின் கட்டுமான வேலை நடந்து கொண்டிருந்தது. தூர இடங்களிலிருந்து வந்திருந்த கொத்தனார்கள் அங்கு வேலை பார்த்துக் கொண்டிருந்தார்கள். அவரகளில் பிரதான கொத்தனாரின் பெயர் பிரதாபன்.

அவர் தெய்வபயமற்ற நாத்திகவாதியாக வாழ்ந்து வந்தார். இதை அறிந்த அந்த தாயார், அவருக்காக நல்லதொரு வேதாகமத்தை வாங்கி அதில் பிரதாபனின் பெயரை எழுதி, கட்டாயம் வாசிக்கும்படியாக அவனிடம் கொடுத்தார்கள்.

நாத்திகவாதியான பிரதாபனோ, நானும் இந்த வேதாகமத்தை படிக்க மாட்டேன் . மற்றவர்களை யும் படிக்க விடமாட்டேன் என்று சொல்லி,

தாம் கட்டிக்கொண்டிருந்த கட்டிடச் சுவருக்குள் ஒரு செங்கலுக்குப் பதிலாக பைபிளை வைத்து பூசிவிட்டார். வேதாகமத்தின் கதையை முடித்து விட்டதாக எண்ணி மகிழ்ந்தா ர்.

கட்டிட வேலை முடிந்து சில ஆண்டுகள் ஓடினது. அந்தப் பகுதியில் ஏற்ப்பட்ட பூமி அதிர்ச்சி காரணமாக அந்த வீடு இடிந்து விழுந்தது. அதைப் பார்வையிட வந்த அரசு அதிகாரி, செங்கற்களின் நடுவே இருந்த பரிசுத்த வேதாகமத்தைக் கண்டு வியந்து போனார்.

அதை வீட்டிற்கு எடுத்து சென்று படிக்க ஆரம்பித்தார். வேத வசனங்கள் அவருடைய உள்ளத்தில் பாய்ந்தன . அந்த வசனங்கள் அவருக்குள் பலத்த கிரியை செய்ய ஆரம்பித்தன.

கிறிஸ்துவின் ஊழியத்திற்காய் தன்னை முற்றிலும் அர்ப்பணித்தார். பின்னர் வேதாகம சங்கத்தில் சேர்ந்து பரிசுத்த வேதாகமத்தை பிறருக்கு கொடுத்து ஊழியம் செய்யத் தொடங்கினார்.

ஒரு நாள் அவ்வாறு பரிசுத்த வேதாகமத்தைக் கொடுக்க செல்கையில், நாத்திகவாதியான பிரதாபனைக் கண்டார்.

அவர் நிலநடுக்கத்தால் அனைத்து பொருட்களையும் வீட்டையும் இழந்திருந்தார். பிரதாபனிடம் ஆறுதலாக பேசிய பிறகு தன்னிடமிருந்த பரிசுத்த வேதாகமத்தைக் கொடுத்தார் அந்த ஊழியர்.

வேதகமதைக் கண்ட பிரதாபனுக்கு பழைய செயல்கள் நினைவிற்கு வந்தது.

பல ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு ஒரு தாயார் எனக்கொரு வேதாகமத்தைக் கொடுத்தார்கள். அப்போதிருந்த வெறுப்பில் கட்டிட சுவரில் செங்கலுக்கு பதிலாக அதை வைத்துப் பூசிவிட்டேன்” என்ற அந்த ஊழியரிடம் நடந்தவற்றைக் கூறினார் பிரதாபன்.

கட்டிட இடிபாடுகளிலிருந்து தமக்கு கிடைக்கபெற்ற வேதாகமத்தை எபோழுதும் தமது பையிலேயே வைத்திருப்பார் அந்த ஊழியர்.

பிரதாபன் வைத்து பூசிய வேதாகமம், ஒருவேளை தமது வேதாகமமாக இருக்கலாம் என்று எண்ணிய ஊழியர், தமது பையிலிருந்த வேதத்தை எடுத்து பிரதாபனிடம் காண்பித்தார்.

அந்த வேதாகமத்தின் முதல் பக்கத்தில் “பிரதாபன்” என்று அந்த தாயார் எழுதிய பெயர் இருந்தது.

அதைப் பார்த்து ஆச்சரியத்தில் ஆழ்ந்து நின்றார் பிரதாபன். நிச்சயமாகவே தேவன் இருகின்றார் என்று சொல்லி இயேசு கிறிஸ்துவிடம் தமது வாழ்கையை அர்ப்பணித்தார்.

பின்னர் இருவரும் நண்பர்களாகி மிகச்சிறந்த ஊழியர்களாக மாறினார்கள்.

என்அன்பு வாசகரே, “ தேவன் வாயிலிருந்து புறப்படும் வசனமும்.. வெறுமையாய் என்னிடத்திற்குத் திரும்பாமல், அது நான் விரும்புகிறதைச்செய்து, நான் அதை அனுப்பின காரியமாகும்படி வாய்க்கும்” ஏசாயா 55:11.

பரிசுத்த வேதாகமத்தை யாரும் அவமாக்க முடியாது. இதை அழிக்க நினைத்தவர்கள் எல்லாரும் ஊழியர்களாக மாறினர் அவ்வளவு சக்தி வாய்ந்தது .

பைபிள் சொல்கிறது. நியாயப்பிரமாணமும் தீர்க்கதரிசன வாக்கியங்களும் யோவான்வரைக்கும் வழங்கிவந்தது, அதுமுதல் தேவனுடைய ராஜ்யம் சுவிசேஷமாய் அறிவிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது, யாவரும் பலவந்தமாய் அதில் பிரவேசிக்கிறார்கள்.

வேதத்தில் ஒரு எழுத்தின் உறுப்பு அவமாய்ப் போவதைப்பார்க்கிலும், வானமும் பூமியும் ஒழிந்துபோவது எளிதாயிருக்கும். லூக்கா 16:16-17

தேவனுடைய வார்த்தையானது ஜீவனும் வல்லமையும் உள்ளதாயும், இருபுறமும் கருக்குள்ள எந்தப் பட்டயத்திலும் கருக்கானதாயும், ஆத்துமாவையும் ஆவியையும், கணுக்களையும் ஊனையும் பிரிக்கத்தக்கதாக உருவக் குத்துகிறதாயும், இருதயத்தின் நினைவுகளையும் யோசனைகளையும் வகையறுக்கிறதாயும் இருக்கிறது. எபிரேயர் 4:12

வேத்த்தை…. வாசியுங்கள். ,தியானியுங்கள்,வசனத்துடன் உங்கள் மனது இணைந்திருக்க வேண்டும். அப்போது பாவத்திற்கு விலக்கி காக்கப்படுவீர்கள். (சங. 119:11)

வாக்குத்தத்தங்களோடும் உங்கள் மனது இணைந்திருக்கட்டும். அப்போது வாக்குத்தத்தங்கள் உங்கள் வாழ்வில் சர்வ சாதாரணமாக செயல்படுவதை உங்கள் கண்ணால் நீங்கள் காண்பீர்கள். உங்கள் வாழ்வை வேதத்தின்படி தேவன் உங்களை உயர்த்தி மேன்மைப்படுத்துவார்.

நீங்கள் ஆசீர்வதிக்கப்பட்டவர்கள் !!!

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சமீபத்திய வீடியோக்கள் மற்றும் இந்த மொழி பற்றிய புதிய தகவல்களுக்கு எங்கள் செய்தி மடலில் இணையுங்கள்.

எங்கள் வீடியோக்களை எல்லா மக்களும் அணுகும் வகையில், அதன் உள்ளடக்கத்தை பல மொழிகளிலும் மொழியாக்கம் செய்வதில் நாங்கள் கடமைப்பாட்டுடன் இருக்கிறோம். மேலோட்டமான பார்வையை வழங்கும் எங்கள் தொடர்கள் மற்றும் போஸ்டர்கள், வேதாகமத்தின் ஒவ்வொரு புத்தகம் பற்றிய சுருக்கமான விளக்கத்தை அளிக்கின்றன.

BibleProject இல் சேர்க

தனி நபர்களையும் சமூகங்களையும் மாற்றக்கூடிய வல்லமை இயேசுவின் கதைகளுக்கு இருப்பதாக நாங்கள் நம்புகிறோம். உலகெங்கிலும் உள்ள பிரத்யேகமான குழுக்களுடன் சேர்ந்து வேலை செய்வதன் மூலம், அதிகரித்துவரும் எங்கள் பார்வையாளர்களுக்காக வேதாகமத்தின் புத்தகங்கள், வேதவசனம் நெடுக உள்ள கருப்பொருள் மற்றும் முக்கியமான வாசகங்கள் பற்றிய வீடியோக்களை எங்களால் தொடர்ந்து தயாரிக்க முடிகிறது. உங்கள் ஆதரவை நாங்கள் விரும்புகிறோம்! இன்று நீங்கள் ஈடுபட மூன்று வழிகள் இங்கே.

  • இயேசு பின்பற்றுபவர்களின் உலகளாவிய சமூகத்தை வளர்ப்பதற்கும் கட்டமைப்பதற்கும் வீடியோக்கள் பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்க ஜெபிக்கவும்.
  • எங்கள் யூடியூப் சேனலில் சந்தாதாரராய் மாறுங்கள் , மின்னஞ்சல்களுக்கு பதிவு செய்யவும், உங்கள் நண்பர்களுடன் பகிரவும்.
  • மேலும் வீடியோக்களை உருவாக்கி விநியோகிக்க எங்கள் பொது லோக்கலைசேஷன் நிதிக்கு கொடுங்கள்.

Tamil Bible - தமிழ் வேதாகமம்

  • முதற் பக்கம்

உம்முடைய வசனமே சத்தியம். (யோ.17:17)

தமிழ் வேதாகமம் - Tamil Bible

தமிழ் பரிசுத்த வேதாகமம் ஒரு புத்தகத்தை தேர்வு

பழைய ஏற்பாடு - O.T.

  • Gn [1] ஆதியாகமம்
  • Ex [2] யாத்திராகமம்
  • Lv [3] லேவியராகமம்
  • Nm [4] எண்ணாகமம்
  • Dt [5] உபாகமம்
  • Js [6] யோசுவா
  • Jg [7] நியாயாதிபதிகள்
  • Rt [8] ரூத்
  • 1Sm [9] 1 சாமுவேல்
  • 2Sm [10] 2 சாமுவேல்
  • 1Kn [11] 1 இராஜாக்கள்
  • 2Kn [12] 2 இராஜாக்கள்
  • 1Ch [13] 1 நாளாகமம்
  • 2Ch [14] 2 நாளாகமம்
  • Ez [15] எஸ்றா
  • Nh [16] நெகேமியா
  • Es [17] எஸ்தர்
  • Jb [18] யோபு
  • Ps [19] சங்கீதம்
  • Pr [20] நீதிமொழிகள்
  • Ec [21] பிரசங்கி
  • Sn [22] உன்னதப்பாட்டு
  • Is [23] ஏசாயா
  • Jr [24] எரேமியா
  • Lm [25] புலம்பல்
  • Ek [26] எசேக்கியேல்
  • Dn [27] தானியேல்
  • Hs [28] ஓசியா
  • Jl [29] யோவேல்
  • Am [30] ஆமோஸ்
  • Ob [31] ஒபதியா
  • Jn [32] யோனா
  • Mc [33] மீகா
  • Na [34] நாகூம்
  • Hk [35] ஆபகூக்
  • Zp [36] செப்பனியா
  • Hg [37] ஆகாய்
  • Zc [38] சகரியா
  • Ml [39] மல்கியா

புதிய ஏற்பாடு - N.T.

  • Mt [40] மத்தேயு
  • Mr [41] மாற்கு
  • Lk [42] லூக்கா
  • Jh [43] யோவான்
  • Ac [44] அப்போஸ்தலருடைய நடபடிகள்
  • Rm [45] ரோமர்
  • 1Cr [46] 1 கொரிந்தியர்
  • 2Cr [47] 2 கொரிந்தியர்
  • Gl [48] கலாத்தியர்
  • Ep [49] எபேசியர்
  • Ph [50] பிலிப்பியர்
  • Cl [51] கொலோசெயர்
  • 1Th [52] 1 தெசலோனிக்கேயர்
  • 2Th [53] 2 தெசலோனிக்கேயர்
  • 1Tm [54] 1 தீமோத்தேயு
  • 2Tm [55] 2 தீமோத்தேயு
  • Tt [56] தீத்து
  • Pl [57] பிலேமோன்
  • Hb [58] எபிரெயர்
  • Jm [59] யாக்கோபு
  • 1Pt [60] 1 பேதுரு
  • 2Pt [61] 2 பேதுரு
  • 1Jh [62] 1 யோவான்
  • 2Jh [63] 2 யோவான்
  • 3Jh [64] 3 யோவான்
  • Jd [65] யூதா
  • Rv [66] வெளிப்படுத்தின விசேஷம்

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Tag: Sunday School EBooks

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Download Tamil Bible Memory Verses – Volume 1 as PDF or Purchase

Posted on February 27, 2021 February 27, 2021

Download and use this Tamil Christian Ebook PDF of “வேதாகம மனப்பாட வசனங்கள் பாகம் 1” – Tamil Bible Memory Verses – Volume 1 to read in any electronic devices like mobile, ipad, laptop, etc If you would like to purchase this book please follow the options: Option 1: https://notionpress.com/read/vedhaagama-manappaada-vasanangal-baagam-1 Option 2: https://www.amazon.in/dp/1638329249

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Download Bible Coloring Book Supplement for Sunday School Syllabus Beginners Volume 1 as PDF

Posted on June 27, 2020 June 27, 2020

Download and use this PDF Bible Coloring Book Supplement for Sunday School Syllabus Beginners Volume 1 to print yourself and color in any electronic devices like mobile, ipad, laptop, etc

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Download Tanglish Sunday School Syllabus Beginners Volume 1 Tamil Christian Ebook as PDF

Posted on May 2, 2020 July 5, 2020

Download and use this Tanglish PDF ஞாயிறு பள்ளி பாடங்கள் – தொடக்கநிலை – பாகம் 1 தங்லிஷில் – Sunday School Syllabus Beginners Volume 1 in Tanglish for the first time in the world history for children, a Tamil Christian Ebook to print yourself and color in any electronic devices like mobile, ipad, laptop, etc

sunday school books in tamil

Download Sunday School Syllabus Beginners Volume 1 Tamil Christian Ebook as PDF

Posted on May 2, 2020 July 5, 2020 1 Comment

Download and use this PDF ஞாயிறு பள்ளி பாடங்கள் – தொடக்கநிலை – பாகம் 1 – Sunday School Syllabus Beginners Volume 1 a Tamil Christian Ebook to print yourself and color in any electronic devices like mobile, ipad, laptop, etc

sunday school books in tamil

Bibles were 'intentionally set on fire' outside Greg Locke's church on Easter, police say

P olice in Middle Tennessee are investigating after a trailer full of bibles was found burning outside a controversial Middle Tennessee megachurch lead by Pastor Greg Locke right before it held Easter service Sunday.

The intentional fire, officials said, took place on a street outside Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, a city about 20 miles directly east of downtown Nashville.

About 6 a.m., police and firefighters responded to a report of a trailer fire at an intersection outside the evangelical church and “promptly extinguished” the blaze, the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office reported.

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No injuries were reported by the agency.

The trailer, containing bibles, "had been dropped off in the middle of the intersection and then intentionally set on fire," the sheriff's office wrote in a news release.

Who is Pastor Greg Locke?

The church is pastored by controversial Pastor Greg Locke, who has long been outspoken on a host of social and political issues. He has regularly hosted controversial conservative figures at his church, including former Republican operative Roger Stone.

Student found dead on college campus: Bucknell University student found dead, unrelated to active shooter alert university says

'Probably 200 bibles' on the trailer, Pastor Greg Locke says

Locke addressed the trailer fire at Global Vision and said there were "probably 200 Bibles" on the trailer, The Tennessean , part of the USA TODAY Network reported, adding Locke said the fire was set in front of an entrance.

He said the fire "was 100 percent directed" at the church he founded.

"It blocked the entrance to our campus and the fact that it was an entire load of Bibles is rather conclusive proof that is was most assuredly directed at us," Locke said. "It did not, nor will it stop us. It was cleaned up in time for people to drive into the parking lot. We had a full house and a marvelous service." 

Church previously held burning events

Global Vision has held burning events in the past that involved materials the church believes is connected to witchcraft and the occult.

It's leader once served on an advisory committee for Evangelicals for Trump and regularly attended events in Washington, D.C. Locke was in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, the day of the Capitol insurrection . He previously said he walked to the  Capitol but did not go inside and called what took place “horrendous."

During the early stages of the pandemic, Locke was repeatedly accused of spreading misinformation about COVID-19 - actions that lead to X permanently banning him from the social media site in 2021. Locke's church held in-person services, including in a tent, early in the pandemic, even against warnings from  Gov. Bill Lee. 

Bible-burning case at Global Vision Bible Church under investigation

Officials did not release additional details about the fire citing a pending, open investigation in the case.

As of Monday no arrest had been made in the case.

Anyone with information about the fire or who has camera footage of the fire is asked to contact the Wilson County Sheriff's Office.

Natalie Neysa Alund is a senior reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X @nataliealund.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Bibles were 'intentionally set on fire' outside Greg Locke's church on Easter, police say

Pastor Greg Locke walks up on stage beginning to speak in front of the church members at the Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, Tenn., Sunday, April 3, 2022.

Column:  Would you buy a $60 Bible from this man?

A man holding a Bible in front of a church sign

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Holy huckster: Just in time for Easter, the holiest day of the Christian calendar, Donald Trump started hawking Bibles — in the same month that he paid a bond after recently being found liable for sexually assaulting and defaming writer E. Jean Carroll and ahead of his next trial , for allegedly paying pre-election hush-money to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Nothing could better illustrate Trump’s shamelessness, and — in Americans’ reaction to his latest hustle — the range of views about him: From that of grifter (my take, obviously) to God’s anointed one (his most worshipful supporters’).

Stipple-style portrait illustration of Jackie Calmes

Opinion Columnist

Jackie Calmes

Jackie Calmes brings a critical eye to the national political scene. She has decades of experience covering the White House and Congress.

Americans haven’t seen a Bible scheme quite like Trump’s in a half-century. And that earlier one was movie-land make-believe — Ryan and Tatum O’Neal playing a father-daughter tag team conning a farmer’s widow in the 1973 film “Paper Moon.” (That same year, the Nixon Justice Department sued Trump and his father for very un-Christ-like racial discrimination in renting apartments, spawning a long legal battle that ended in the Trumps signing a consent decree against the practice. Then, as now, Trump ignored Matthew 5:25: “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court.”)

“Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again,” Trump wrote in a post on social media Tuesday. “As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible.”

Yours for just $59.99, plus shipping and handling.

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 22: With his head bowed, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) speeds from his office past journalists and to the House Chamber ahead of a vote on a federal budget bill at the U.S. Capitol on March 22, 2024 in Washington, DC. The contentious legislation may pass out the House of Representatives and go to the Senate before a government shutdown deadline at midnight. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Calmes: Is this the worst Congress ever? Let’s count the ways

The 118th Congress is on track to pass the least amount of U.S. legislation in modern times, all because of the self-defeating GOP House majority.

March 28, 2024

My Bible didn’t cost that much. But mine doesn’t include such non-biblical bonuses as the lyrics to the song that opens Trump’s rallies, “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood, his partner in this enterprise. There’s also the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Constitution, which “I’m fighting for every single day, very hard, to keep Americans protected,” he claims in a three-minute sales video.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness,” says the Ninth Commandment, Book of Exodus. Trump, the self-professed warrior for the Constitution, once called for the Constitution’s “termination.”

The Bible-pitch video is gold for anti-Trump memes and mockery, the kind of material that’s tailor-made for “Saturday Night Live” without its writers changing a word.

FILE - Light illuminates part of the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022. Eight months, 126 formal interviews and one 23-page report later, the Supreme Court said it has failed to discover who leaked a draft of the court’s opinion overturning abortion rights. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

Calmes: The Supreme Court tackles abortion again. How much will it hurt Republicans in 2024?

The justices may turn back the clock on medication abortion, the procedure most women in both red and blue states use to terminate pregnancy.

March 24, 2024

“You have to have it for your heart, for your soul,” Trump says, clutching the good book to his gut. His pose calls to mind that bizarro photo-op outside St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House in 2020. Trump had rarely gone inside St. John’s — the so-called Church of the Presidents — during his four years in office, or any other church for that matter.

Yet Trump sermonizes in the Bible video, “Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country. …That’s why our country is going haywire. … All Americans need a Bible in their home and I have many. It’s my favorite book.”

Speaking of favorites, when it comes to the many reactions to Trump’s Bible blather, mine was Liz Cheney’s reply on the site once known as Twitter: “Happy Holy Week, Donald. Instead of selling Bibles, you should probably buy one. And read it, including Exodus 20:14.”

Ukrainians and their supporters carry a huge Ukrainian flag during a rally at the National Mall near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, marking two years since Russia's full scale war and invasion of Ukraine, Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Calmes: One Trump puppet stands between Ukraine and the aid it needs

Speaker Mike Johnson says he cares about the fate of Ukraine and Europe. He could prove it by letting the House vote on Biden’s aid package.

March 17, 2024

Note to Trump: That’s another of the Ten Commandments. The one that reads “You shall not commit adultery” in the New King James version you’re selling.

Reporters famously challenged then-candidate Trump early in the 2016 campaign to cite his “most favored” Bible verses, given the claims he made then about his love of Scripture. He refused, insisting repeatedly, “That’s very personal.”

At about this time four years ago, then-President Trump also tried to underscore his reverence for Christianity, and Holy Week, with potentially fatal consequences. It was the spring of 2020, COVID-19 was spreading, nearly 800 Americans had died, hundreds of thousands had become ill and much of the nation was shut down. He suddenly suggested that everything should reopen by Easter.

“Easter’s a very special day for me,” he said . “Wouldn’t it be great to have all the churches full?”

Most stayed closed, to the relief of public health experts. By that Easter, more than 22,000 Americans had died , nearly a 30-fold increase in the three weeks after Trump called for the nation’s reopening.

Rep Adam Schiff, D-Calif., questions Special Counsel Robert Hur while sitting in front of a photo depicting classified documents recovered from former President Donald Trump's residence at Mar-A-Lago in during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee in the Rayburn Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, March 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Nathan Howard)

Calmes: Have Democrats finally stopped wimping out?

President Biden and the Democratic Party are showing signs they’ll match Republicans’ hard-edged tactics in the 2024 campaign.

March 13, 2024

If anything, Trump’s show of religiosity — and that of his most zealous disciples — lately has become more pronounced, even messianic , as he campaigns again for president. Where some Christians see blasphemy , many of Trump’s followers see more evidence that he is God’s chosen one .

Here’s the voiceover from some supporters’ video that he plays at his rallies: “On June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker.’ So God gave us Trump.” It goes on and on like that. Last October, at the start of the New York trial that ended with the former president being found liable for financial fraud, Trump posted a sketch of himself and Jesus, side by side, at the witness table.

The believers lap it up. “This is really a battle between good and evil,” one evangelical TV preacher said of the criminal charges against Trump. “There’s something on President Trump that the enemy fears: It’s called the anointing.”

Granted, not all Trump supporters are so fervid. Some even allow that he’s a bit of a con man, not that they’ll change their vote. Yet most of us, whatever our political or religious leanings, should be able to agree that anyone aspiring to lead this diverse nation shouldn’t use the Bible to divide us, let alone to make money.

What would Jesus do? We know this much: He threw “them that sold and bought” out of the temple. Matthew, 21:12-13.


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President Joe Biden waves as he arrives Air Force One, Tuesday, March 29, 2024, in Hagerstown, Md. Biden is en route to Camp David.(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Trump campaign criticizes Biden for recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility

March 30, 2024

President Donald Trump holds a Bible as he visits outside St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House Monday, June 1, 2020, in Washington. Part of the church was set on fire during protests on Sunday night. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Letters to the Editor: A Trump Bible? What’s next from the huckster-in-chief? Burial plots on Mars?

March 29, 2024

FILE - In this Monday, June 1, 2020 file photo, President Donald Trump holds a Bible as he visits outside St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House. George Floyd’s killing at the hands of a white police officer and the global protests that erupted to denounce police brutality and racism might normally have drawn a muted diplomatic response from the Holy See. Francis spoke out Wednesday after Trump posed in front of an episcopal church near the White House, Bible in hand, after law enforcement moved aggressively to push back protesters from a nearby park. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

Trump promotes ‘God Bless the USA Bible,’ selling for $59.99

March 27, 2024

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Jackie Calmes is an opinion columnist for the Los Angeles Times in Washington, D.C. Before joining The Times in 2017 as White House editor, she worked at the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, covering the White House, Congress and national politics. She served as the chief political correspondent and chief economic correspondent at each paper. In 2004, she received the Gerald R. Ford Journalism Prize for Reporting on the Presidency. Calmes began her career in Texas covering state politics and moved to Washington in 1984 to work for Congressional Quarterly. She was a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy and at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics. She is the author of “Dissent: The Radicalization of the Republican Party and Its Capture of the Court.”

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Trump’s Newest Venture? A $60 Bible.

His Bible sales pitch comes as he appears to be confronting a significant financial squeeze, with his legal fees growing while he fights a number of criminal cases and lawsuits.

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Former President Donald J. Trump holding a Bible in his right hand. A sign for St. John’s Church is behind him.

By Michael Gold and Maggie Haberman

  • March 26, 2024

Before he turned to politics, former President Donald J. Trump lent his star power and celebrity endorsement to a slew of consumer products — steaks, vodka and even for-profit education, to name just a few.

On Tuesday, Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, added a new item to the list: a $60 Bible.

Days before Easter, Mr. Trump posted a video on his social media platform in which he encouraged his supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” named after the ballad by the country singer Lee Greenwood, which Mr. Trump plays as he takes the stage at his rallies.

“All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It’s my favorite book,” said Mr. Trump, who before entering politics was not overtly religious and who notably stumbled while referencing a book of the Bible during his 2016 campaign. “It’s a lot of people’s favorite book.”

Though Mr. Trump is not selling the Bible, he is getting royalties from purchases, according to a person familiar with the details of the business arrangement.

Priced at $59.99, plus shipping and tax, the “God Bless the USA Bible” includes a King James Bible and a handwritten version of the chorus of Mr. Greenwood’s song, and copies of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance.

In his video, Mr. Trump expressed his approval of the book’s blend of theology with foundational American political documents, framing that mix as central to the political call that has been his longtime campaign slogan, Make America Great Again.

“Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country,” Mr. Trump said. Later, he added, “We must make America pray again.”

As he runs for president this year, Mr. Trump has framed his campaign as a crusade to defend Christian values from the left. He often makes false or misleading claims that Democrats are persecuting Christians. Last month, he told a religious media convention that Democrats wanted to “tear down crosses.”

His Bible sales pitch comes as he appears to be confronting a significant financial squeeze. With his legal fees growing while he fights four criminal cases and a number of civil lawsuits, Mr. Trump is also being required to post a $175 million bond while he appeals his New York civil fraud case — a hefty amount, though one that is significantly smaller than the $454 million penalty imposed in the case.

According to the Bible’s website, Mr. Trump’s “name, likeness and image” are being used “under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC.”

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to questions about the business arrangement. But CIC Ventures is also connected to another product Mr. Trump has hawked while campaigning: $399 “Never Surrender” sneakers that he announced at a sneaker convention in Philadelphia last month.

Michael Gold is a political correspondent for The Times covering the campaigns of Donald J. Trump and other candidates in the 2024 presidential elections. More about Michael Gold

Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman

Our Coverage of the 2024 Presidential Election

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr., expressing sympathy for Jan. 6 rioters, vowed to appoint a special counsel  to investigate the Justice Department’s efforts to prosecute them. A vaccine skeptic running as an independent , he has emerged as a wild card in the 2024 presidential election. Donald Trump has privately floated the idea of choosing him as a running mate , but those close to the former president don’t consider it a serious possibility.

Melania Trump, who has been mostly absent from public view while her husband campaigns for president, will appear at a fund-raiser at Mar-a-Lago , marking a return of sorts to the political arena.

The centrist group No Labels has abandoned its plans to run a presidential ticket in the 2024 election, having failed to recruit a candidate. The group had suffered a string of rejections recently  as prominent Republicans and Democrats declined to run on its ticket.

Trump’s falsehoods about mail voting have created a strategic disadvantage for Republicans, who must rely on Election Day turnout . The group Turning Point Action has a $100 million plan to change voters’ habits to encourage early voting.

The focus of Trump’s hotel business is shifting from big cities to his golf resorts,  after a deal to host tournaments for LIV Golf , the upstart league sponsored by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, another example of the ties between the Saudis and the Trump family.

Biden and Trump are the oldest people ever to seek the presidency , challenging norms about what the public should know about candidates’ health.

Simon Rosenberg, a Democratic strategist and consultant, has spent the past two years telling Democrats they need to calm down. His Biden-will-win prediction is his next big test .

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Trump is selling ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills

Former President Donald Trump, now the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, released a video on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday urging supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic ballad.

FILE - President Donald Trump holds a Bible as he visits outside St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House, June 1, 2020, in Washington. Trump is now selling Bibles as he runs to return to the White House. The presumptive Republican nominee released a video on his Truth Social platform Tuesday urging his supporters to purchase the “God Bless The USA Bible." (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

FILE - President Donald Trump holds a Bible as he visits outside St. John’s Church across Lafayette Park from the White House, June 1, 2020, in Washington. Trump is now selling Bibles as he runs to return to the White House. The presumptive Republican nominee released a video on his Truth Social platform Tuesday urging his supporters to purchase the “God Bless The USA Bible.” (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

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NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump is now selling Bibles as he runs to return to the White House.

Trump, who became the presumptive Republican nominee earlier this month, released a video on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday urging his supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” which is inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic ballad. Trump takes the stage to the song at each of his rallies and has appeared with Greenwood at events.

“Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible,” Trump wrote, directing his supporters to a website selling the book for $59.99.

The effort comes as Trump has faced a serious money crunch amid mounting legal bills while he fights four criminal indictments along with a series of civil charges. Trump was given a reprieve Monday when a New York appeals court agreed to hold off on collecting the more than $454 million he owes following a civil fraud judgment if he puts up $175 million within 10 days. Trump has already posted a $92 million bond in connection with defamation cases brought by the writer E. Jean Carroll , who accused Trump of sexual assault.

Former President Donald Trump awaits the start of a pre-trial hearing with his defense team at Manhattan criminal, Monday, March 25, 2024, in New York. A judge will weigh on Monday when the former president will go on trial. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, Pool)

“All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It’s my favorite book,” Trump said in the video posted on Truth Social. “I’m proud to endorse and encourage you to get this Bible. We must make America pray again.”

Billing itself as “the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!” the new venture’s website calls it “Easy-to-read” with “large print” and a “slim design” that “invites you to explore God’s Word anywhere, any time.”

Besides a King James Version translation, it includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as a handwritten chorus of the famous Greenwood song.

The Bible is just the latest commercial venture that Trump has pursued while campaigning.

Last month, he debuted a new line of Trump-branded sneakers , including $399 gold “Never Surrender High-Tops,” at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. The venture behind the shoes, 45Footwear, also sells other Trump-branded footwear, cologne and perfume.

Trump has also dabbled in NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, and last year reported earning between $100,000 and $1 million from a series of digital trading cards that portrayed him in cartoon-like images, including as an astronaut, a cowboy and a superhero.

Donald Trump is facing four criminal indictments, and a civil lawsuit. You can track all of the cases here .

He has also released books featuring photos of his time in office and letters written to him through the years.

The Bible’s website states the product “is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign.”

“GodBlessTheUSABible.com is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Ventures LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates,” it says.

Instead, it says, “GodBlessTheUSABible.com uses Donald J. Trump’s name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms.”

CIC Ventures LLC, a company that Trump reported owning in his 2023 financial disclosure, has a similar arrangement with 45Footwear, which also says it uses Trump’s “name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms.”

A Trump spokesperson and God Bless the USA Bible did not immediately respond to questions about how much Trump was paid for the licensing deal or stands to make from each book sale.

Trump remains deeply popular with white evangelical Christians , who are among his most ardent supporters, even though the thrice-married former reality TV star has a long history of behavior that often seemed at odds with teachings espoused by Christ in the Gospels.

When he was running in 2016, Trump raised eyebrows when he cited “Two Corinthians” at Liberty University, instead of the standard “Second Corinthians.”

When asked to share his favorite Bible verse in an interview with Bloomberg Politics in 2015, he demurred.

“I wouldn’t want to get into it. Because to me, that’s very personal,” he said. “The Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics.”

When he was president, law enforcement officers aggressively removed racial justice protesters from a park near the White House, allowing Trump to walk to nearby St. John’s Church, where he stood alone and raised a Bible. The scene was condemned at the time by the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.

Before he ran for office, Trump famously hawked everything from frozen steaks to vodka to a venture named Trump University, which was later sued for fraud .

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யாத்திராகமம் 1 – Exodus 1

1 - எகிப்துக்குப் போன இஸ்ரவேலுடைய குமாரரின் நாமங்களாவன: ரூபன், சிமியோன், லேவி, யூதா,

English:- These Are The Names Of The Sons Of Israel Who Went To Egypt With Jacob, Each With His Family:

2 - இசக்கார், செபுலோன், பென்யமீன்,

English:- Reuben, Simeon, Levi And Judah;

3 - தாண், நப்தலி, காத், ஆசேர் என்பவைகளே.

English:- Issachar, Zebulun And Benjamin;

4 - இவர்கள் யாக்கோபுடனே தங்கள் தங்கள் குடும்பத்தோடுங்கூடப் போனார்கள்.

English:- Dan And Naphtali; Gad And Asher.

5 - யோசேப்போ அதற்கு முன்னமே எகிப்தில் போயிருந்தான். யாக்கோபின் கர்ப்பப் பிறப்பாகிய யாவரும் எழுபது பேர்.

English:- The Descendants Of Jacob Numbered Seventy In All; Joseph Was Already In Egypt.

6 - யோசேப்பும் அவனுடைய சகோதரர் யாவரும், அந்தத் தலைமுறையார் எல்லாரும் மரணமடைந்தார்கள்.

English:- Now Joseph And All His Brothers And All That Generation Died,

7 - இஸ்ரவேல் புத்திரர் மிகுதியும் பலுகி, ஏராளமாய்ப் பெருகிப் பலத்திருந்தார்கள்; தேசம் அவர்களால் நிறைந்தது.

English:- But The Israelites Were Fruitful And Multiplied Greatly And Became Exceedingly Numerous, So That The Land Was Filled With Them.

8 - யோசேப்பை அறியாத புதிய ராஜன் ஒருவன் எகிப்தில் தோன்றினான்.

English:- Then A New King, Who Did Not Know About Joseph, Came To Power In Egypt.

9 - அவன் தன் ஜனங்களை நோக்கி: இதோ, இஸ்ரவேல் புத்திரராகிய ஜனங்கள் நம்மிலும் ஏராளமானவர்களும், பலத்தவர்களுமாய் இருக்கிறார்கள்.

English:- "Look," He Said To His People, "The Israelites Have Become Much Too Numerous For Us.

10 - அவர்கள் பெருகாதபடிக்கும், ஒரு யுத்தம் உண்டானால், அவர்களும் நம்முடைய பகைஞரோடே கூடி, நமக்கு விரோதமாக யுத்தம்பண்ணி, தேசத்தைவிட்டுப் புறப்பட்டுப் போகாதபடிக்கும், நாம் அவர்களைக் குறித்து ஒரு உபாயம் பண்ணவேண்டும் என்றான்.

English:- Come, We Must Deal Shrewdly With Them Or They Will Become Even More Numerous And, If War Breaks Out, Will Join Our Enemies, Fight Against Us And Leave The Country."

11 - அப்படியே அவர்களைச் சுமைசுமக்கிற வேலையினால் ஒடுக்கும்படிக்கு, அவர்கள்மேல் விசாரணைக்காரரை வைத்தார்கள்; அப்பொழுது அவர்கள் பார்வோனுக்காகப் பித்தோம், ராமசேஸ் என்னும் பண்டசாலைப் பட்டணங்களைக் கட்டினார்கள்.

English:- So They Put Slave Masters Over Them To Oppress Them With Forced Labor, And They Built Pithom And Rameses As Store Cities For Pharaoh.

12 - ஆனாலும் அவர்களை எவ்வளவு ஒடுக்கினார்களோ அவ்வளவாய் அவர்கள் பலுகிப் பெருகினார்கள். ஆகையால் அவர்கள் இஸ்ரவேல் புத்திரரைக்குறித்து எரிச்சல் அடைந்தார்கள்.

English:- But The More They Were Oppressed, The More They Multiplied And Spread; So The Egyptians Came To Dread The Israelites

13 - எகிப்தியர் இஸ்ரவேல் புத்திரரைக் கொடுமையாய் வேலைவாங்கினார்கள்.

English:- And Worked Them Ruthlessly.

14 - சாந்தும் செங்கலுமாகிய இவைகளைச் செய்யும் வேலையினாலும், வயலில் செய்யும் சகலவித வேலையினாலும், அவர்களுக்கு அவர்கள் ஜீவனையும் கசப்பாக்கினார்கள்; அவர்களைக்கொண்டு செய்வித்த மற்ற எல்லா வேலைகளிலும், அவர்களைக் கொடுமையாய் நடத்தினார்கள்.

English:- They Made Their Lives Bitter With Hard Labor In Brick And Mortar And With All Kinds Of Work In The Fields; In All Their Hard Labor The Egyptians Used Them Ruthlessly.

15 - அதுவுமன்றி, எகிப்தின் ராஜா, சிப்பிராள் பூவாள் என்னும் பேருடைய எபிரெய மருத்துவச்சிகளோடே பேசி:

English:- The King Of Egypt Said To The Hebrew Midwives, Whose Names Were Shiphrah And Puah,

16 - நீங்கள் எபிரெய ஸ்திரீகளுக்கு மருத்துவம் செய்யும்போது, அவர்கள் மணையின்மேல் உட்கார்ந்திருக்கையில் பார்த்து, ஆண்பிள்ளையானால் கொன்று போடுங்கள், பெண்பிள்ளையானால் உயிரோடிருக்கட்டும் என்றான்.

English:- "When You Help The Hebrew Women In Childbirth And Observe Them On The Delivery Stool, If It Is A Boy, Kill Him; But If It Is A Girl, Let Her Live."

17 - மருத்துவச்சிகளோ, தேவனுக்குப் பயந்ததினால், எகிப்தின் ராஜா தங்களுக்கு இட்ட கட்டளைப்படி செய்யாமல், ஆண்பிள்ளைகளையும் உயிரோடே காப்பாற்றினார்கள்.

English:- The Midwives, However, Feared God And Did Not Do What The King Of Egypt Had Told Them To Do; They Let The Boys Live.

18 - அதினால் எகிப்தின் ராஜா மருத்துவச்சிகளை அழைப்பித்து: நீங்கள் ஆண்பிள்ளைகளை உயிரோடே காப்பாற்றுகிற காரியம் என்ன என்று கேட்டான்.

English:- Then The King Of Egypt Summoned The Midwives And Asked Them, "Why Have You Done This? Why Have You Let The Boys Live?"

19 - அதற்கு மருத்துவச்சிகள் பார்வோனை நோக்கி: எபிரெய ஸ்திரீகள் எகிப்திய ஸ்திரீகளைப்போல் அல்ல, அவர்கள் நல்ல பலமுள்ளவர்கள்; மருத்துவச்சி அவர்களிடத்துக்குப் போகுமுன்னமே அவர்கள் பிரசவித்தாகும் என்றார்கள்.

English:- The Midwives Answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew Women Are Not Like Egyptian Women; They Are Vigorous And Give Birth Before The Midwives Arrive."

20 - இதினிமித்தம் தேவன் மருத்துவச்சிகளுக்கு நன்மைசெய்தார். ஜனங்கள் பெருகி மிகுதியும் பலத்துப்போனார்கள்.

English:- So God Was Kind To The Midwives And The People Increased And Became Even More Numerous.

21 - மருத்துவச்சிகள் தேவனுக்குப் பயந்ததினால், அவர்களுடைய குடும்பங்கள் தழைக்கும்படி செய்தார்.

English:- And Because The Midwives Feared God, He Gave Them Families Of Their Own.

22 - அப்பொழுது பார்வோன், பிறக்கும் ஆண்பிள்ளைகளையெல்லாம் நதியிலே போட்டுவிடவும், பெண்பிள்ளைகளையெல்லாம் உயிரோடே வைக்கவும் தன் ஜனங்கள் எல்லோருக்கும் கட்டளையிட்டான்.

English:- Then Pharaoh Gave This Order To All His People: "Every Boy That Is Born You Must Throw Into The Nile, But Let Every Girl Live."


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    Previous Chapter Next Chapter. பரிசுத்த வேதாகமம் தானியேல் அதிகாரம் 1 - Read Holy Bible Book Of Daniel Chapter 1 In Tamil With English Reference. 1 - யூதாவின் ராஜாவாகிய யோயாக்கீம் அரசாண்ட மூன்றாம் ...

  12. ஆமோஸ் 1

    பரிசுத்த வேதாகமம் ஆமோஸ் அதிகாரம் 1 - Read Holy Bible Book Of Amos Chapter 1 In Tamil With English Reference

  13. One of world's earliest known books expected to fetch more than $2.6m

    One of the earliest books in existence is expected to fetch upwards of $2.6m when it goes up for auction later this year.. The Crosby-Schøyen Codex, which was written in Coptic on papyrus in ...

  14. Bibles were 'intentionally set on fire' outside Greg Locke's ...

    The intentional fire, officials said, took place on a street outside Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, a city about 20 miles directly east of downtown Nashville. About 6 a.m., police and ...

  15. Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper

    Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper. Opinion Columnist, reporting from Washington. On this holy weekend, one man is taking the Resurrection personally. Donald Trump is presenting himself as ...

  16. ஆதியாகமம் 1

    பரிசுத்த வேதாகமம் ஆதியாகமம் அதிகாரம் 1 - Read Holy Bible Book Of Genesis Chapter 1 In Tamil With English Reference

  17. Opinion: Would you buy a $60 Bible from this man?

    Advertisement. "Happy Holy Week! Let's Make America Pray Again," Trump wrote in a post on social media Tuesday. "As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of ...

  18. Trump's Newest Venture? A $60 Bible.

    On Tuesday, Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, added a new item to the list: a $60 Bible. Days before Easter, Mr. Trump posted a video on his social media platform in ...

  19. மத்தேயு 1

    Previous Chapter Next Chapter. பரிசுத்த வேதாகமம் மத்தேயு அதிகாரம் 1 - Read Holy Bible Book Of Matthew Chapter 1 In Tamil With English Reference. 1 - ஆபிரகாமின் குமாரனாகிய தாவீதின் குமாரனான ...

  20. Trump now selling "God Bless the USA Bible" for $59.99

    Former President Trump is now selling Bibles for $59.99.. The big picture: The presumptive GOP nominee is encouraging supporters to buy the "God Bless the USA Bible," which draws inspiration from country singer Lee Greenwood's patriotic anthem, "God Bless the USA." GodBlessTheUSABible.com licensed Trump's image from CIC Ventures LLC — the same company that owns the trademark to "The Never ...

  21. Donald Trump is selling Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal

    Trump is selling 'God Bless the USA' Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills. Former President Donald Trump, now the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, released a video on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday urging supporters to buy the "God Bless the USA Bible," inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood's patriotic ballad.

  22. Exodus 1

    பரிசுத்த வேதாகமம் யாத்திராகமம் அதிகாரம் 1 - Read Holy Bible Book Of Exodus Chapter 1 In ...