Marketing case study 101 (plus tips, examples, and templates)

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If you’re familiar with content lines like, “See how our fancy new app saved Sarah 10 hours a week doing payroll,” you’ve encountered a marketing case study. That’s because case studies are one of the most powerful marketing tools, showcasing real-world applications and customer success stories that help build trust with potential customers.

More than 42% of marketers use case studies in their marketing strategy. Let’s face it — we love testimonials and reviews. People love hearing customer stories and experiences firsthand. In fact, 88% of consumers view reviews before making a purchase decision. Case studies work similarly by providing prospective customers with real-life stories demonstrating the brand’s success.

Case studies provide a more in-depth view of how your product solves an existing problem — something potential buyers can relate to and learn from.

In this article, we take a closer look at what marketing case studies are, why they’re important, and how you can use them to improve your content marketing efforts. You’ll also learn the key elements of a successful case study and how to turn a good case study into a great case study.

What is a marketing case study?

A case study is a narrative that documents a real-world situation or example. A marketing case study is a detailed examination and analysis of a specific strategy, initiative, or marketing campaign that a business has implemented. It’s intended to serve as an all-inclusive narrative that documents a real-world business situation and its outcome.

Marketing case studies are tools businesses use to showcase the effectiveness of a particular tool, technique, or service by using a real-world example. Companies often use case studies as sales collateral on websites, email marketing, social media , and other marketing materials. They provide readers with a firsthand look into how your product or service has helped someone else and demonstrate the value of your offering while building trust with potential customers.

Some common key components of a marketing case study include:

  • Context: A case study begins by describing the business’s situation or problem. This often includes challenges, opportunities, or objectives.
  • Strategy: An outline of the tactics or strategy utilized to address the business’s situation. This includes details such as the target audience, messaging, channels used, and other unique aspects of the approach.
  • Implementation: Provide information about how the strategy was implemented, including timeline, resources, and budget.
  • Results: This is arguably the most crucial part of a marketing case study. Present the results through data, metrics, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to demonstrate the impact of the strategy. The results section should highlight both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Challenges and Solutions: A great case study not only focuses on the successes but addresses any obstacles faced during the campaign. Make sure to address any challenges and how they were overcome or mitigated.
  • Customer Feedback: Including testimonials or quotes from satisfied clients is a great way to add credibility and authenticity to a case study. Choose customer feedback that reinforces the positive outcomes of the strategy taken.
  • Visuals: Compelling case studies include visuals such as graphs, charts, images, videos, and infographics to make the information presented more engaging and easier to understand.
  • Analysis: An optional way to conclude a case study includes discussing key takeaways, insights, and lessons learned from a campaign.

Case studies can help you connect your product to the customer’s needs by providing a real world examples of success and encouraging conversions.

Benefits of marketing case studies

Some of the key benefits of using case studies in your marketing efforts include the following:

  • Building trust and credibility. You build trust and credibility with potential clients or customers by demonstrating real world success stories. In-depth looks at how your products or services have helped other businesses or people achieve success can increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat business.
  • Learn best practices. Learn from strategies employed in successful case studies and apply similar approaches to future campaigns.
  • Enhancing sales and conversions. By highlighting the real world results your products or services have delivered, case studies can be a powerful tool for boosting sales. They can help demonstrate the value of your offering and persuade your target audience to make a purchase.
  • Explain how your business generates results. Case studies are a compelling way to share key takeaways with your target audience and showcase your brand.
  • Use them as content marketing material. Use case studies as content for marketing purposes on websites, social media, and beyond.

Case studies can help your business stand out and achieve success. By highlighting the real world results you’ve delivered, you can use case studies to boost sales, build customer loyalty, and compellingly showcase your business.

Tips on how to write an effective marketing case study

Are you ready to write a compelling case study? Get started with these tips.

Develop a clear and compelling headline

You have about 10 seconds to communicate your value proposition to keep customer attention. Whether you’re designing a new landing page or making a long-term plan for your brand’s content marketing strategy , the headline is the most crucial part.

A compelling title should capture readers’ attention and make them want to read more. To craft a compelling headline:

  • Understand your audience: Before crafting a headline, ensure you know your target audience — what are their pain points, interests, and needs?
  • Highlight the most significant result: Focus on the most impactful result achieved in the case study. What was the primary outcome of the strategy implemented?
  • Keep it brief: Keep your headline concise and to the point. Try to keep your headline under 12 words.
  • Use action words: Incorporate action verbs such as “achieved,” “transformed,” or “boosted” to convey a sense of accomplishment.
  • Include data: Numbers make your headline more credible. For example, if the case study achieved a 75% increase in sales, include that in the headline.
  • Emphasize benefits: Focus on the positive changes or advantages the implemented strategy brought to the client or business. Use these as selling points in your headline.
  • Make it unique and memorable: Avoid generic phrases to make your headline stand out from the competition.
  • Use keywords wisely: Incorporate relevant keywords that align with the case study and your target audience’s search interest to improve search engine visibility through search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Consider subheadings: If you cannot fit all the necessary information in a headline, consider adding a subheading to provide additional context or details.

Here are some examples of clear and convincing case study headlines:

  • “Achieving a 150% ROI: How [XYZ] Strategy Transformed a Startup”
  • “How Optimized SEO Tactics Skyrocketed Sales by 80%”
  • “Mastering Social Media: How [ABC] Brand Increased Engagement by 50%”
  • “The Power of Personalization: How Tailored Content Quadrupled Conversions”

Write relatable content

Almost 90% of Gen Z and millennial shoppers prefer influencers who they consider relatable. Relatability is part of building trust and connection with your target audience.

When writing your case study, make content that resonates with readers and speaks to their pain points. The best marketing doesn’t just increase conversion rates — it also serves your customers’ needs. To write content that really resonates with your target audience, make sure to:

  • Understand your audience: To successfully write relatable content, you first need to understand your target audience — their interests, pain points, and challenges. The more you know about your target audience, the better you can tailor your content to their needs.
  • Identify pain points: As mentioned above, identify challenges your target audience may face. Make sure to highlight how the product or service in the case study can effectively address these pain points.
  • Tell a story: Create a narrative that follows a standard story arc. Start with a relatable struggle that the customer or business faced and describe its associated emotions.
  • Use real customer feedback: Incorporate quotes or testimonials from actual customers or clients. Including authentic voices makes the content more relatable to readers because they can see real people expressing their experiences.
  • Use relatable language: Write in a tone to which your audience can relate. Only include overly technical terms if your target audience solely consists of experts who would understand them.
  • Use social proof: Mention any recognitions, awards, or industry acknowledgments that may have been received by the customer or business in the case study.
  • Encourage engagement: Urge readers to share their own challenges or experiences related to the subject matter of the case study. This is a great way to foster a sense of community.

Outline your strategies with corresponding statistics

Whether you’re showing off the results your marketing team achieved with a new strategy or explaining how your product has helped customers, data and research make it easier to back up claims.

Include relevant statistics in your case study to provide evidence of the effectiveness of your strategies, such as:

  • Quantitative data: Use numerical data to quantify results.
  • Qualitative data: Use qualitative data, such as customer testimonials, to back up numerical results.
  • Comparisons: Compare the post-campaign results with the pre-campaign benchmarks to provide context for the data.
  • Case study metrics: Include specific metrics relevant to your industry or campaign if applicable. For example, in e-commerce, common metrics could include customer acquisition cost, average order value, or cart abandonment rate.

By incorporating relatable outcomes — such as cost savings from new automation or customer responsiveness from your new social media marketing campaign — you can provide concrete evidence of how your product or service has helped others in similar situations.

Use multiple formats of representation

People love visuals . It doesn’t matter if it’s an infographic for digital marketing or a graph chart in print materials — we love to see our data and results represented in visuals that are easy to understand. Additionally, including multiple representation formats is a great way to increase accessibility and enhance clarity.

When making a case study, consider including various forms of representation, such as:

  • Infographics: Use infographics to condense critical information into a visually appealing, easy-to-understand graphic. Infographics are highly sharable and can be used across marketing channels.
  • Charts: Use charts (bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, etc.) to illustrate statistical information such as data trends or comparisons. Make sure to include clear labels and titles for each chart.
  • Images: Include relevant photos to enhance the storytelling aspect of your case study. Consider including “before and after” pictures if relevant to your case study.
  • Videos: Short videos summarizing a case study’s main points are great for sharing across social media or embedding into your case study.
  • Tables: Use tables to help organize data and make it easier for readers to digest.
  • Data visualizations: Include data visualizations such as flowcharts or heatmaps to illustrate user journeys or specific processes.
  • Screenshots: If your case study involves digital products, include screenshots to provide a visual walkthrough of how the product or service works.
  • Diagrams: Use diagrams, such as a flowchart, to explain complex processes, decision trees, or workflows to simplify complicated information.
  • Timelines: If your case study involves a timeline of specific events, present it using a timeline graphic.

Use a consistent design style and color scheme to maintain cohesion when incorporating multiple formats. Remember that each format you use should serve a specific purpose in engaging the reader and conveying information.

Get your case study in front of your intended audience

What good is a compelling case study and a killer call to action (CTA) if no one sees it? Once you’ve completed your case study, share it across the appropriate channels and networks your target audience frequents and incorporate it into your content strategy to increase visibility and reach. To get your case study noticed:

  • Take advantage of your website. Create a dedicated section or landing page on your website for your case study. If your website has a blog section, consider including it here. Optimize the page for search engines (SEO) by including relevant keywords and optimizing the meta description and headers. Make sure to feature your case study on your homepage and relevant product or service pages.
  • Launch email marketing campaigns. Send out the case study to your email subscriber list. Be specific and target groups that would most likely be interested in the case study.
  • Launch social media campaigns. Share your case study on your social media platforms. Use eye-catching graphics and engaging captions to draw in potential readers. Consider creating teaser videos or graphics to generate interest.
  • Utilize paid promotions. Use targeted social media and search engine ads to reach specific demographics or interests. Consider retargeting ads to re-engage visitors who have previously interacted with your website.
  • Issue a press release. If your case study results in a significant industry impact, consider issuing a press release to share the exciting news with relevant media outlets or publications.
  • Utilize influencer outreach. Collaborate with influencers who can share your case study with their followers to increase credibility and expand your reach.
  • Host webinars and presentations. Discuss the case study findings and insights through webinars or presentations. Promote these events through your various marketing channels and make sure to encourage participation.
  • Utilize networking events and conferences. Present your case study at industry-related conferences, trade shows, or networking events. Consider distributing printed or digital copies of the case study to attendees.
  • Utilize online communities. Share the case study in relevant online forums and discussion groups where your target audience congregates.
  • Practice search engine optimization (SEO). Optimize the SEO elements of your case study to improve organic search ranking and visibility.

Remember, the key to successfully promoting your case study is to tailor your approach to your specific target audience and their preferences. Consistently promoting your case study across multiple channels increases your chances of it reaching your intended audience.

Marketing case study examples

Let’s look at some successful marketing case studies for inspiration.

“How Handled Scaled from Zero to 121 Locations with HubSpot”

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Right away, they lead with compelling metrics — the numbers don’t lie. They use two different formats: a well-made video accompanied by well-written text.

The study also addresses customer pain points, like meeting a higher demand during the pandemic.

“How AppSumo grew organic traffic 843% and revenue from organic traffic 340%”

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This case study from Omniscient Digital leads with motivating stats, a glowing review sharing a real user experience, and a video review from the AppSumo Head of Content.

The case study information is broken down into clearly marked sections, explaining the benefits to their target audience (startups) and providing plenty of visuals, charts, and metrics to back it up.

“How One Ecommerce Business Solved the Omnichannel Challenge with Bitly Campaigns”

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Download this Bitly case study from their site to see the details of how this company made an impact.

Not only is it well designed, but it also tackles customer challenges right away. The most compelling types of case studies serve their audience by showing how the product or service solves their problems.

Bitly nails it by listing obstacles and jumping right into how the brand can help.

Marketing case study template

Use this basic template to better understand the typical structure of a business case study and use it as a starting place to create your own:

Case Study Title

Date: [Date]

Client or Company Profile:

  • Client/Company Name: [Client/Company Name]
  • Industry: [Industry]
  • Location: [Location]
  • Client/Company Background: [Brief client or company background information.]


  • Briefly introduce the client or company and any necessary context for the campaign or initiative.
  • Problem statement: Describe the specific challenge or problem faced by the client or company before implementing the campaign or initiative.
  • Strategy: Explain the strategy that was implemented to address the challenge. Include details such as target audience, objectives, goals, and tactics.
  • Implementation: Provide a timeline of the strategy’s implementation, including key milestones and other notable considerations taken during execution.
  • Outcomes: Present the qualitative and quantitative results achieved through the implemented strategy. Include relevant metrics, statistics, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Comparative data: Compare the post-campaign results to pre-campaign benchmarks or industry standards.

Analysis and Insights:

  • Key insights: Summarize insights and lessons learned from the campaign and discuss the campaign's impact on the client or company’s goals.
  • Challenges faced: Address any obstacles encountered during the campaign and how they were mitigated or overcome.


  • Conclusion: Summarize the campaign’s overall impact on the client or company. Highlight the value that was delivered by the implemented strategy and the success it achieved.
  • Next Steps: Discuss potential follow-up actions, recommendations, or future strategies.


  • Include quotes or testimonials from the clients or customers who benefitted from the campaign.
  • Incorporate relevant visuals to illustrate key points, findings, and results.

The above template is a great way to get started gathering your ideas and findings for a marketing case study. Feel free to add additional sections or customize the template to match your requirements.

Craft a compelling marketing case study for your business

Are you ready to make your marketing case study shine? With Adobe Express, you can make high-quality infographics and presentations that take your case studies to the next level.

Choose from our library of designed templates, or make it yourself with powerful tools and a library of ready-to-use graphic elements.

Get started with Adobe Express today to make compelling marketing case studies that engage your audience and drive conversions.

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What Is a Case Study in Marketing and How to Build One (Examples)

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A marketing case study allows you to illustrate and explain how you achieved enormous success in a specific situation.

For instance, last year, Jacob McMillen wrote about how Pronto used Crazy Egg to increase leads by 24 percent .

That’s a big number.

It’s not a full case study , but it demonstrates the goal of a marketing case study. You want to shock your audience, then explain exactly how you achieved your results — preferably with proof.

You might have read lots of case studies over the years without realizing your business could benefit from them. Lots of entrepreneurs are put off by the hard work and long hours required to build a marketing case study.

However, think about how many leads you might convert by proving your track record, establishing trust, and attracting traffic through SEO .

Let’s look at how marketing case studies can impact your business, discuss how to write one, and check out a few examples.

What Is a Case Study in Marketing?

A case study in marketing is a document or web page that includes several basic parts:

  • Description of the subject : Explain your customer’s or client’s history and pain points.
  • Subject’s goal : Identify your customer’s or client’s goal for the project so readers understand what to expect.
  • Hypothesis for strategy : Tell your audience what you expected to happen after you implemented your strategy for the customer or client.
  • Implementation of strategy : Take the reader through the step-by-step process you used to help your customer or client.
  • Results of strategy : Deliver the results in as much detail as possible, preferably with a quote from the client or customer.
  • Concluding findings : Explain what this case study has taught your specifically and how it can help other people.

You don’t have to include every category, but the more detail you add, the more effective your marketing case study becomes.

Most of the time, you’re conducting a case study for your own business. You want to show the world how your product or service has helped a customer in a huge way.

For that reason, it helps to know you’ll perform a case study from the beginning. In other words, try not to reverse-engineer a case study from a great result. Instead, track your arrangement with your customer throughout the process.

The Importance of Creating Case Studies to Convert Leads into Customers


Think of a marketing case study as a lure. It’s a way to dangle amazing results in front of your leads so they’ll decide to convert .

Imagine that you’re a customer who’s trying to decide between two businesses, each of which offers time management software. One company has a marketing case study that illustrates how it helped a customer save four hours per week. The other company has no case study.

Which company would you trust most?

You can use that consumer logic to inform your business decisions. Thinking like a customer can help you achieve new insights into marketing.

Creating a marketing case study gives you an edge that your competitors might have. It can also help your leads make more informed decisions.

Too many businesses copy their competitors or other businesses. Instead, you should spend time being more creative and innovative. Below is a video by Neil Patel that illustrates why you need to quit copying digital marketing strategies.

If you’re bold enough to be different, you can convert more leads. A marketing case study gives you that opportunity because nobody else can duplicate it.

Why is it so important to build trust?

Anybody can throw testimonials on their site by Ron R. and Jennifer K. Anyone can also make them up.

Trust is tenuous in the digital marketing world. If you can’t create it, you likely won’t convert leads into customers.

Think about all the companies that have experienced data hacks. Their stocks plummeted, consumer sentiment turned ugly, and profits dwindled. That’s because consumers lost trust.

Similarly, any company can make bold claims about its products or services. Consumers have become numb to superlative-littered copy and hyped-up videos. They want to see evidence.

If you can prove that your product or service delivers powerful results, you’ll gain your leads’ trust.

Marketing case studies show how you tackled a problem and overcame it on behalf of your customer or client. It’s that simple. The more detail you give, the more authority you create for your company — and the more your leads will trust your expertise.

4 Case Study Examples

Before we tell you how to build a case study, let’s look at a few examples to get you warmed up. Each of these marketing case studies illustrates the power behind the medium.

They’ll also show you how different case studies can look depending on design, detail, results, and goals.


The Shopify case study by HubSpot demonstrates how a narrative can be woven from a company’s journey. When Loren Padelford became head of sales, he immediately identified weak spots in Shopify’s sales cycle, so he decided to adopt HubSpot.

This case study highlights the ways in which Shopify used HubSpot’s email plugin to save time and improve communication flow. There’s a quote from Padelford in the case study, which can add even more impact in terms of building trust among leads.

Here, we have a fairly vague result. The company — specifically Padelford — claims to have achieved great success with HubSpot’s tools, but there aren’t any concrete numbers to back that up.

There’s nothing wrong with this approach, though, as long as your customer or client can offer a raving quote.


Ecommerce marketing case studies can become extremely valuable. In this case, used a more traditional template for a marketing case study. The PDF document includes several sections that take you through the process of how Vissla improved its omnichannel marketing with

The results were that Vissla was able to visualize and centralize data in one place. They gained greater control over their social media marketing, which resulted in faster and better improvements in the content they shared.

There’s also a quote from Vissla’s media marketing manager, Keegan Fong: “Bitly Campaigns offers us a whole new way to look at our marketing channels. By giving us an easy-to-use dashboard that instantly displays the results of our multichannel promotions, we can see what kinds of content work on what channel, which channels we should be investing in the most, and what we need to do to optimize our content.” [ For Social: @vissla ]

3. Viperchill


There’s a great marketing case study from Viperchill that you’ll want to check out. It’s a quick, fun read that explains how the author created a squeeze page that generated more than 700 leads and results in a conversion rate of 64 percent.

Notice that he used hard numbers. Sometimes, it’s impossible to boil results down to a figure or percentage, but if you can, do so. People comprehend real numbers faster than lengthy text explanations.

4. MarketingSherpa


This MarketingSherpa case study is super detailed and describes the process by which MarketingSherpa helped a natural foods company boost revenue by 18 percent with a site redesign. You see the entire project from start to finish.

You’ll notice that there are lots of visuals. Since this marketing case study focused on design, visuals were imperative. Let your business and its niche guide the way in which you construct your case study.

How to Create a Case Study Marketing Strategy That Converts


Now that you’ve looked through a few case studies, how do you create a marketing case study of your own?

It starts with a case study marketing strategy that’s designed to convert leads. You don’t want to choose just any project. It should be geared toward other businesses or customers who might benefit from your business.

Let’s take it step by step.

1. Choose a success story that is closely related to your potential customer

You might notice that many companies publish numerous marketing case studies. There’s a reason for that.

Each case study targets a different segment of the company’s target audience. Let’s say that you sell shoes, purses, and hats. A case study about shoes won’t interest someone who’s shopping for hats.

You can either choose a project that has already concluded or one that is starting or underway. It’s always best to start at the beginning, but if you’re anxious, you can take the reverse-engineering route.

Decide which segment of your target audience you want to appeal to first. Next, select a case study subject closely related to that segment. You want your marketing case study to resonate with the leads you most want to convert.

2. Identify the key points of the case study and use storytelling

Decide what parts of the case study you want to highlight. These details will likely appear in the marketing case study’s headline as well as throughout the rest of the text.

For instance, if you helped a customer boost revenue by 200 percent, that’s a highly relevant detail. You’ll want to spotlight it in the headline and several times in the content so you keep it fresh in readers’ minds.

You might have several key points. Think about the struggles your customer was facing before you stepped in, how you approached the solution, and why alternatives weren’t working. When you can provide numbers, do so.

Once you’ve identified those key points, start weaving them into a narrative. Make it exciting! Add sensory details, frustration points, and colorful anecdotes.

A marketing case study shouldn’t sound dry. It needs to engage the reader so he or she keeps going until the end.

If possible, intersperse the copy with images. Make them relevant and easy to see on the screen. Let the images help supplement the story you’ve woven.

3. Highlight the great results

As mentioned above, results are paramount. If you can express them in numeric form, so much the better.

Consider creating a custom graphic to serve as the featured image on your post. That way, people can share the image on social. Add the amazing result to the text on the image to entice people to click.

The point here is to capture attention. If people are willing to pay attention to you, then you’ve won the first part of the battle. As long as you maintain that attention, you have a good chance of converting the lead.

4. Explore different types of design

Design can prove fundamental to a marketing case study’s success. If you’re publishing it as a blog post, break it up with H2s, H3s, and H4s to guide the reader through the story. Add images and leading lines to keep the visitor engaged.

Remember that color matters. Consider using colors for text and images that correlate with your customers’ color scheme or with your own site’s palette.

5. Ask for feedback! What does your potential customer want to learn?

Don’t let the conversation stop at the end of your marketing case study. Open up the forum for more insights.

Invite readers to ask you direct questions about your business, products, services, or methods. Not only that, but respond to those comments. Take each one as a gift.

These comments might tell you what type of case study you should create next or allow you to cement a conversion by answering objections or questions.

Marketing case studies can improve your conversion rate , but you have to put in the time and effort. Yes, a polished case study requires work, but if you can secure sales from its publication, why wouldn’t you give it your full attention?

Remember that trust matters when it comes to converting leads into customers . If you don’t have trust, you’ll lose your leads to your competitors.

A great marketing case study demonstrates your track record. It builds a case for leads to use your products or services over someone else’s.

What are you waiting for? Start creating your first marketing case study now.

Make your website better. Instantly.

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What Is A Marketing Case Study? See Examples And Write Yours

  • by Ranu Kumari

Case study written in a red background representing marketing case studies

There are several instances in life when a person can learn from observing the world around him, which also applies to organizations. When a firm wants to understand a product’s or strategy’s success or failure, they turn to case studies. There are several types of case studies out there. Some of them are – a marketing case study, a finance case study, or a case study in innovation.

What Is a Case Study?

Marketing case study format

A case study is a detailed study of a specific subject. This could be a person, group, place, event, organization, or phenomenon. Case studies are prevalent in social, educational, clinical, and business research.

Also, they are helpful in a variety of fields. These include psychology, medicine, education, anthropology, political science, and social work. However, we will look at the different elements of a marketing case study in this article.

Case studies are based on evidence; they begin with a question or problem that requires an answer through research. The researcher then collects information using interviews or observations.

The researcher might even conduct an experiment to test an idea related to the case study. After this data is collected and analyzed, the researcher writes up their findings in an article called a case report or case study report.

Also, a case study focuses on a detailed description of an individual or group experience from beginning to end. A case study does not provide generalizations about the larger population but rather focuses on how an individual or group responded to an event.

Case studies may also involve multiple individuals or groups with similar experiences. Case studies are used for:

  • Testing Hypotheses
  • Exploring an Issue
  • Developing new ideas, theories, Models, or, Concepts
  • Helping you understand specific individuals or groups in detail

What Is a Marketing Case Study

The marketing case study is a persuasive document that uses real-world examples to demonstrate the value of your product or service. It’s a powerful tool for marketing, sales, and customer support teams as it enables them to share the results of their work and how it helped solve a customer’s problem.

A marketing case study is basically a good story. Like all good stories, it needs to have the following elements:

The Incredibles movie.

  • A Hero – This is the main character who is the good guy.
  • The Problem – A situation that puts our hero in a difficult situation.
  • The Solution – The product or service that saves the day. Also, it makes the hero happy.

Approaching a case study like a story is something that will be exciting for marketers. This is because marketers are fond of creating memorable stories for their brands.

However, it is essential to remember that the readers of the case study must be able to connect with it. This also means that they should be able to visualize themselves in the main character’s shoes.

Why Should Companies Write a Case Study?

Marketing case study advantages

Writing a marketing case study is hard work. It is not as simple as writing a blog post. This is because a case study has a large number of data points. All of them have to be accurate. Also, when a firm intends to mention a client by name, they need the necessary approvals. This can be a time-consuming process.

However, there are many compelling reasons to create a marketing case study. Here, we look at those reasons in some detail.

Demonstrate the power of your product.

Case studies can be effective marketing tools because they show your audience what your product or service can do for them and are much harder to ignore than an ad or blog post.

Build customer loyalty.

Keeping in touch with happy customers will allow them to voice their opinion about your business. However, it will also allow them to reaffirm why they chose your business in the first place.

Enhance Sales.

When a salesperson has case studies to share, it’s an opportunity for them to talk about the benefits their product or service can have for the customer. Also, they can speak about the resounding reception of the product . This, in turn, leads to an increased volume of sales.

Multi-Format and multi-purpose content.

Testimonial quotes and data snippets from your customers make great calls to action on various pages of your website. These could be your homepage, product and service pages, landing pages, etc. You can also repurpose these into PDFs, ebooks, videos, and infographics.

An opportunity to tell your story.

Case studies allow you to share your story, showing readers that your products and methods are effective. This makes for a fantastic form of advertising because it’s not pushy or over-the-top.

Earn Trust.

Case studies help convert positive customer opinions into tangible data that prove your value. In fact, a vast majority of marketers trust this type of content.

How to Write a Marketing Case Study

This section will look at how to write a high-impact and persuasive marketing case study.

Clear Headline.

The headline should share the most critical information about the case study. It should be able to capture its essence in a single sentence.

Write about someone your customer can relate to.

One should know their target audience before working on a marketing case study. They must know the industry the readers are a part of.

Ultimately, the audience must understand that the author is knowledgeable about the industry. Also, they must understand that he knows the customer’s pain points and can provide a solution for them.

Provide a summary.

A marketing case study should start with a crisp summary. The history of the firm, the industry it is a part of, and its leading products or services must also be covered in the summary. Also, the summary should introduce the client.

Narrate the complete story.

You must have got the gist by now. A marketing case study is a fantastic opportunity to tell your story. Furthermore, it is essential to tell it well. As always, one can rely on the STAR framework to make a good business story.

STAR framework in marketing case study

S – Situation: What was the situation that your brand was facing? How did it affect the customer? And, how did it affect you?

T- Task: What did you have to do to fix the situation?

A- Analysis: What approach did you use to analyze the problem? Also, what are the steps to solve it?

R – Result: What were the results of your efforts? To what extent did you solve the problem?

One can also report aspects such as improvement in customer satisfaction. Also, regular follow-ups with a select group of customers can get their feedback on after-sales service. It helps to focus on the long-term and emotional benefits as well.

The case study should be easy to read.

A marketing case study cannot be in the form of continuous text. Otherwise, people will doze off while reading it.

Rather, it should contain a small paragraph, and one must make sure that the case study includes headers, tables, images, and text. This will help improve SEO. It will also make the case study easy to read.

One can include short videos, infographics, and other multimedia to make the case study even more compelling.

Use actual facts and figures.

When writing case studies, it is always better to use actual data . This lends credibility to a person’s work instead of vague terms like ‘increased sales’ or ‘tripled footfall.’

One must mention whether the footfall has grown from 100 to 300 or from 2000 to 6000. Also, one must use charts and graphs to convey the meaning and scale of the data. Finally, any number is meaningless without context. Always remember to present the data points with some reference to the context.

Outline clear strategies

When an organization sets a challenging goal and achieves the target, it calls for a celebration and a marketing case study.

One should always substantiate strategies when discussing the reasons behind the firm’s success. For instance, targeting only the middle of the funnel, customers saw conversions increase from 50 to 75 per month.

Experiment with different formats

Case studies need to be put into text formats all the time. One can play around with different formats to see what works best. It could be a video interview where the customer talks about his challenges.

However, the end objective of the case study remains the same irrespective of the format.

The problems of the customer and how your product solved them for him.

Case studies can also be in the form of brochures, webinars, or podcasts. Another advantage of different formats is that the content will appeal to a wider audience.

Case studies must be easy to find

The case studies must be presented in a prominent section on your website. Further, they have to be optimized for search. Also, all case studies must be promoted on social media and by email.

Marketing Case Study Examples

In this section, we will look at some case studies examples. These case studies demonstrate how to present a sticky situation and its solution in a wonderful manner.

Porch case study

Fractl marketing case study

This case study details a year of content marketing that resulted in 931 unique domain links, 23,000 monthly organic visits, and more. The content marketing agency Fractal worked with Porch to achieve these results.

This is a great way to demonstrate your ability to deliver the desired results without disclosing confidential information. Also, these case studies give confidence to other companies in the same industry. You can read the case study here.

IDEO case study

IDEO marketing case study

This case study shows that IDEO aims to transform the airport experience by putting passengers first. They have presented the facts exceptionally well. The case study explains how the firm helped Pearson International Airport respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The entire case study is divided into three parts: the challenge, the impact, and the outcome.

Another good thing is that there are visuals and images to break the flow of text. You can find the case study here.

Chevrolet DTU case study

Chevrolet DTU

This case is an excellent example of how a well-known brand fuels the reader’s curiosity. Here, the initials DTU are used. Everybody was interested to know what the abbreviation stands for. Well, DTU is ‘Discover The Unexpected.’

A mix of images, videos, and bullet points sustains the reader’s interest. One of the best things about this case study is that only the name of the brand is used to catch the audience’s attention. You can read this case study here.

Omnichannel Challenge – Bitly Case Study


Bitly uses a PDF format for all its text-heavy case studies. The case study in question is one of an e-commerce company, Vissal. The entire case study consists of different sections, such as ‘The Goal’, and ‘Top Omnichannel Obstacles.’

Also, it includes images in ‘The Set Up’ and ‘The Launch.’ The PDF is available for download and opens up in a separate window.

The colors and text used follow Bitly’s brand guidelines. It shows that a PDF is an excellent format for a case study. However, it is essential to keep the case study short. This case study is available here .

Some disadvantages of case studies

People write case studies so that learning from one situation can be applied to other similar situations. However, that does not always happen. This is because each situation has its unique nature.

Also, case studies can become theoretical in nature. This is even though they are based on real situations.

Marketing Case Study Examples: Best 15 to Learn From

Do you want to showcase your products and services to prospects? A pleasant and appealing website and engaging videos are a good start, but is it enough? To find out, consider examining some marketing case study examples and determining if there are additional strategies you could use to showcase your offerings to potential customers better.

A great website, social media presence, and targeted messaging are all essential to growing your business. But gradually building authority in your niche by boosting your credibility is an altogether different affair. You need to spice things up to make a super impression on your future customers.

And that you can do with a convincing case study!

But simply finding a basic template online and duplicating it for your case study can never be enough. This article will give you the top 20 marketing case study examples that masterfully communicate with your audience, driving your message home.

What is a Marketing Case Study?

A marketing case study contains various information, quotes, statistics, etc. It is like telling a story of how your agency helped a brand solve a problem or excel in the market. In fact, a good case study must be filled up to the brim with quality research. Every result or quote must have a fact or statistics backing it up.

Furthermore, a marketing case study must not be unnecessarily elaborate. In other words, every sentence you put in it must be relevant to the target audience. If it is on point and precise, it is sure to rope in new customers for you.

Marketing case studies can be displayed on your company’s website. It works as proof of what you’ve done, how you’ve done it, and so on. Some companies also choose to make their marketing case studies a part of their sales presentation while pitching to new customers.

Either way, you choose to use it, a case study is an essential customer acquisition tool you must operate properly.

Why Are They Important?

  • It provides formidable social proof to your company.
  • It gives your target customer the complete picture of what to expect from your brand.
  • A case study is a perfect tool for your company to build trust, as statistics and quotes from previous customers support it.
  • There’s a range of different ways you can prepare a case study, from text-heavy and video-based to infographics.

At a time when 9 out of 10 consumers look for customer testimonials or other kinds of social proof before making a purchase, case studies are immensely vital.

Want to know how to create a great one? Here are some examples of a marketing case study done right!

Top 15 Examples of Marketing Case Study

1. the whole package by ideo.

The Whole Package case study

IDEO is a design company that partnered up with H&M to help the latter remove plastic from their packaging. Their case study , ‘The Whole Package,’ is quite simple and direct. But when it comes to driving the point home, you can say it ticks all the boxes.

Furthermore, this IDEO case study has been neatly categorized into sections. Coupled with the masterful use of visuals with crisp and convincing copy, this marketing case study is an excellent example of a comprehensive one.

2. Chevrolet DTU by Carol H Williams

Chevrolet DTU. Caril H Williams case study.

When your client is a world-renowned name, why hide it? That’s what this case study teaches us. In fact, what better social proof than showing the world look “the brand that billions of consumers trust chose us, why can’t you?”

Engaging subheadings throughout this Carol H Williams case study further make it a convenient read.

Remember, no matter how convincing your statistics or facts are, try not to intimidate the reader. Feel free to have many sections; prefer crisp pointers over fluffy paragraphs.

3. In-Depth Performance Marketing Case Study by Switch

Performance Marketing case study.

When it comes to performance marketing, many abbreviations and jargon are involved. Some readers might find it a major turn-off. This marketing case study by Switch masterfully shows how you can avoid sounding scary in this way.

This one dedicates a page to each of the results they got for their client. For instance, the Facebook Ads results have their own page, and it has been so simplified that even a non-marketer would understand. That’s what makes this case study stand out.

4. Gila Rivers by OH Partners

A great marketing case study example by OH Partners.

A picture speaks a thousand words. And this case study shows just how you can use pictures to prepare the perfect case study. Using pictures, OH Partners have communicated what they’ve done for their clients and what their future customers can expect regarding results.

The marketing case study is visually appealing, thanks to elegant pictures that make it easy on the eyes. Even if you have no prior knowledge of marketing or OH Partners, the case study’s style is backed up by convincing statistics, which helps to make it one of the top examples in the field.

5. Capital One on AWS by Amazon

This case study is for companies working for clients for a long time. This Amazon case study features several articles detailing how Capital One benefitted from AWS over the years.

Starting from 2016, these articles elaborate on every aspect of Capital One being on AWS. So, is there a client you have been serving for years? Have they benefitted from your services or product in various ways? If yes, this is an approach you can take.

6. Acoustic by Genuine

A simple but effective marketing case study.

Simplicity, as they say, is often all you need to make a lasting impression. And this case study by Genuine is truly a masterpiece in simplicity. First, it goes directly to the point and uses minimal text to drive the message home.

With neatly divided sections, this marketing case study is as simple in the text as in the visuals. Neither the colors nor the visuals are shouting at the reader from the screen. What it teaches us? Well, you don’t need to write a lot or use loud visuals to communicate effectively with the target audience.

7. Customer Success Case Study by Convoso

This one might not be as simple in name or feel as the previous one, but it is as effective. How? Because as soon as you lay your eyes on this Convoso case study , you notice the 300% boost. And if you’re a potential customer looking for a similar, you can hardly ignore it.

Another striking characteristic of this one is its vivid use of colors. Even though this 11-page PDF might seem a bit lengthy to some, the easy-on-the-eye color palette makes it quite readable. So, don’t ignore the visual aspect is what this marketing case study example teaches us.

8. The Hunt Club Case Study by Happeo

The Hunt Club Case Study by Happeo

This is a case study written entirely from the perspective of the customers. Yes! Every paragraph in this Happeo case study contains quotes from Hunt Club, the company that chose Happeo’s solution.

An elaborate embedded video further does the trick for this one. But if we were to glean one thing from this case study, it has to be the fact that Happeo has told its own success story in the words of the customer.

Can a case study be any more of a social proof? We think not!

9. NetApp Case Study by Evisort

The unique thing about this one is that it starts with an overview of the client. Evisort sets the groundwork for its message right at the beginning. Once they’ve informed us about their client’s nature, they gradually move on to the problem solved.

For one, this follows the marketing case study thumb rule of always focusing more on the client. Secondly, it prepares a solid base for the reader, helping her clearly understand what has been discussed in the coming segments.

But there’s another important thing about this Evisort case study . It tells the story of the solution focusing on a particular era, the pandemic in this case. You can also employ this strategy and give more context to the solution you provided to your client.

10. The Met by Fantasy

A complete redesign of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

How to showcase a nice and responsive website you created for a client? The simplest way is to put snaps of the website in your case study. And that’s what this Fantasy case study has done so masterfully.

What this case study teaches us is that you don’t have to write a bunch of stuff or put in statistics everywhere. If the result you provided to your client can be showcased visually, why not use the case study to do just that?

In Conclusion

Marketing case studies are one of the best ways to build credibility and trust with potential customers. They also help you generate leads by showcasing your expertise and proving that you can deliver results. Most importantly, they can help you win over new clients by showing them what to expect from working with you — and how much better things will be when they do.

So, these were a range of marketing case study examples and what we can learn from each. Which one was your favorite? Is there a pattern you identified? To be clear, each of these examples was unique and innovative in its own way. You can go ahead and pick a style and focus for your case study.

In a nutshell, relevancy matters the most if you want your case study to expand your business. So, instead of blindly following any of the examples we have listed, make your own mark with a compelling marketing case study.

We wish you all the best in your customer acquisition and expansion efforts. And we hope this article was of great help to you.

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what is a case study marketing

Ranu Kumari is a Professional Writer and a Marketing enthusiast who currently runs her own Marketing Consultancy, LatitudeBOX. She has written promotional articles for multiple brands and has published her work in Scopus indexed journals. She is passionate about expressing her thoughts and ideas to connect with her readers in a voice that they understand.

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How to Write a Marketing Case Study (With Examples)

Learn exactly what a marketing case study is, how to write one that stands out, and review some examples of existing, successful studies.

Meghan Tocci

As any big brand like MailChimp, Spotify and IMB will tell you, case studies are a huge part of solidifying your brand as thought leaders.

A case study is a win: you share the success of a customer as a result of your company’s actions. At SimpleTexting we call them our Success Stories , but no matter the name, the structure is the same — how company A worked with B to achieve XYZ. 

In this article we’ll cover everything from the basics to real-life examples.What exactly is a marketing case study, what constitutes a good one, and most importantly, how do you build one?

Let’s get started.

What is a Marketing Case Study?

According to Curata , “a case study in the context of marketing is an analysis of a project, campaign or company that identifies a situation, recommended solutions, implementation actions, and identification of those factors that contributed to failure or success.”

Sure, it’s a bit wordy, but at its core marketing case studies share information with prospective customers or clients about how your product offered a solution.

It doesn’t need to be dry reading. It doesn’t even need to be a report (although it can be). The key with a case study is that it should read like a story—only the beginning, middle, and end are all replicable business takeaways.

Case studies are for businesses of all sizes. They can be just as effective for small and medium-sized businesses as they are for enterprise businesses. Here’s why you should be investing time in building case studies.

Why Write a Marketing Case Study?

Before we dive into the instructions, let’s take a second to explore why a business would invest the time and effort into writing a case study. After all, why share your big marketing secrets with the world, what do you get out of the deal?

Simply put, you get the chance to share your story. Case studies, after all, are just stories showcasing your products and methods. They make for pretty spectacular advertising because, to a reader, it doesn’t feel like they’re being marketed to.

92% of customers prefer that media messages sound like a story. By using case studies you’re appealing to the logical, casual consumer who wants to know the “who, what, where, when, and why” that drives them to buy without any of the extra fuss. Case studies are the perfect medium to package it all.

How to Write a Marketing Case Study

As mentioned, every good case study maintains one singular focus: how one company used another to achieve its goal(s). This means most marketing case studies tend to take on an easily understandable problem-solution structure.

Let’s take a look at what you need to create a successful case study.

Components of a Marketing Case Study

Using the ingredients above, assemble them in this order to create a basic marketing case study:

  • Write a title : Don’t worry about spoiling the ending. With case studies you want your title to let readers know right away how a campaign ended.  A case study title should include the name of the company or brand being examined, if their campaign went well or poorly for them and a solid metric that demonstrates exactly how well or how poorly they performed. For example: “ SimpleTexting Cut Down Product Onboarding Process by 30% Through Video Instruction. “
  • Introduce the subject: Every marketing case study should open with a brief historical overview of the company. What have they struggled with in the past that led to them developing this campaign? Who is their target audience, what do they sell?  Even if your subject is obscure, you want to build a sense of relatability to your readers: so be sure to structure from general to specific. After all, you want readers outside just your industry to take away value.
  • Identify your subject’s problems : Avoid leaving your readers feeling underwhelmed by presenting your subject’s problems early on in your case study. What are they trying to build, fix, or change? These problems are what will ultimately establish the subject’s goal, a one or two-sentence overview of the outcomes they’d like to see.
  • Spell out your strategies and tactics : The real meat to your case study occurs here. This portion of your study is where you describe what actions you specifically took to try and reach your goals: What did you expect to happen when you tried “X, Y, and Z”?  Your case study can write this all out in paragraph form if you want it to read with some fluidity, or you can simply bullet out your strategies below each goal. Examples of good strategies for a common marketing pain point, such as building a social media following, include: connecting with influencers, developing original creative content, and developing paid advertising parameters.
  • Share your results with visuals : At this point, you’ll want to follow up with the preview you set in your title and share with readers how things went. If you saw success, how much and where? If you didn’t were you able to pinpoint where things went wrong? Spare no detail as you write out what worked and what didn’t, and be sure to provide replicable detail (it may be what inspires your reader to become a customer!). Some common metrics commonly found in case studies include: web analytics and traffic, backlinks generated, keyword rankings, shares or other social interactions. Graphics like charts, bolded quotes, and graphs are good opportunities to visually demonstrate your data.
  • Wrap it up with a conclusion : Know the difference between reemphasizing and repeating. When writing a conclusion you shouldn’t sound like an echo, repeating exactly what you said in your introduction. Instead, you want to draw emphasis back to your key points and call your readers to action. Let them know what they can do right now to get connected and see this same success (or avoid its failure).  If you’re writing a case study for marketing purposes, this is where you sell yourself and your product.

Marketing Case Study Examples

You’ve certainly heard enough from us to this point. Now it’s time to see what all of these tips and tricks look like in action. `

A plethora of marketing case study examples are out there, each one with a different objective: educational, sales-driven, industry leadership, and more.

To give you a well-rounded picture, we’ll share some of our favorite marketing case studies with you so you can see it all in action for yourself.

1. Surf Live Saving Foundation

The Surf Life Saving Foundation rolled out an innovative new framework for their brand known as the surf lottery. Despite the size of the initiative they were able to break down their process on a share of voice campaign with a great deal of clarity. Why we like this case study : It provides actionable and replicable examples of how their objectives were received.

Marketing case study screenshot: Surf Life Saving Lotteries

2. StyleHaul & Asana

Organizational application Asana also finds itself in a competition-heavy environment. They are one of many SaaS productivity programs available. They needed to give their brand more of a voice to edge out against competitors offering near-identical products. The problem that needed solving in this success story is relatable to businesses all around the world, and ASANA’s use of it is a showcase of why they’re leaders in what they do.

Why we like this case study : It’s storytelling at its finest and perfectly demonstrates the subtle advertising concept.

Marketing case study screenshot: StyleHaul & Asana

3. Red Sox and CTP

This is a great example of a marketing agency showcasing its history of work with a high-profile client (the Boston Red Sox). It explores their entire body of work on a dynamic landing page. Why we like this case study : It demonstrates what a multi-media approach to a digital case study should strive to be.

Marketing case study screenshot: Red Sox & ATP

4. SimpleTexting & U.S. Hunger

We couldn’t talk the talk without walking the walk. We have a range of varied case studies on our Success Stories page, but one of our absolute favorites is the results from U.S. Hunger.

U.S. Hunger was looking for a way to reach those who need them most – including those without internet access.

Why we like this case study: Not only does it highlight the incredible work of U.S. Hunger, it also shows how much can be accomplished through SMS. It spins a new light on SMS marketing and shows the wider impact of accessible communication. 

what is a case study marketing

Marketing Case Studies are Key to Brand Trust

As a business looking to grow, you need to prove to prospective customers and clients why they should invest in you. Whether it’s a service or a product, case studies are viable ways of showing that what you do works and discussing how you achieved it.

The most impactful case studies aren’t always the ones with big names attached to them. They’re the best stories, the best solutions, and the ones that the most people can relate to.

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Meghan Tocci

Meghan Tocci

Meghan Tocci is a content strategist at SimpleTexting. When she’s not writing about SaaS, she’s trying to teach her puppy Lou how to code. So far, not so good.

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what is a case study marketing

Crosby Digital Marketing

What is a marketing case study? [And how to create compelling ones]

marketing case study

Are your sales calls falling flat? Back up your claims with an effective case study. We'll walk you through the reasons to invest in high-quality case studies for your business, the case study structure, and how to write one.

Once you’re armed with a case study, your sales calls will have more direction and substance. Get started today. 

What is a marketing case study?

A marketing case study explains how you solved a problem for a client or customer using customer testimonials, statistics, and strategy to illustrate your approach. 

Why do you need a case study for sales?

Typically you use a marketing case study as a tool for your sales strategy. We’ll break down this process below. 

Social proof

Your case study shows that your company is successfully working with clients. You show that by seamlessly incorporating customer testimonials and measures of success. 

It should simultaneously illustrate how you solve your client’s unique problem but also be universal enough to connect with other similar potential customers. (These are opposing messages, but they are not impossible.)

Grab your lead's attention

Lead with a universal fact that grabs your potential customer’s attention. Often with case studies, they lead with an especially appealing stat. Here are some examples:

  • How we tripled sales for a B2B SaaS company
  • We increased website traffic to 50,000 a month using this strategy
  • How to decrease ad spend by $X and improve conversions by Y%

These headlines grab attention because they speak to your typical sales leads’ problems. They should want to accomplish the same things that you already are doing for your current customers. 

Frame your sales pitch around your customer while teaching about your business

Do you ever get on a sales call and try to pitch an idea, and it feels like it falls on deaf ears? Here are some examples we see when we talk to customers about marketing their business.

  • Us: To rank higher on Google, you must put money and time into a content marketing strategy. Customer: Ok, but can’t you just add SEO phrases to my site?
  • Us: To run effective Google Ads, you need to optimize your website and track conversions. Customer: I don’t have access to my site’s code, but we’ll just make a note anytime someone calls.
  • Us: Do you really want to create 72 blog posts monthly for your company blog? It might be better to map out a focused approach that positions you as a comprehensive industry leader. Customer: Let’s make it 75 blog posts!

A case study is a great way to grab your customer’s attention. Instead of your sales conversations going like the examples above, you’re taking hold of the narrative. You can say simply that we’ve solved your problem before. You can dive into the case study together and talk about your approach. 

Address objections and reservations

Sometimes your sales prospects are reluctant to spend money. After all, it’s a risk to spend money on your business. What if it doesn’t pay off?

Worse, your sales lead often wants to go towards a lower-risk option that won’t produce results. Then when they don’t see the right results, they give up on a strategy or product altogether. 

When you address objections, reservations, and concerns with social proof and stats, you give your leads the ability to make more informed decisions. This builds confidence. 

Builds confidence and relationships

First impressions are everything. It is hard to immediately establish trust with someone who is a cold prospect. Giving a sales lead a case study helps them see your business clearer, positions you as a professional, and builds confidence. 

Marketing case study structure

The first step to writing a case study is to understand the structure. Some case studies are just a few pages, and others read like books. But they all follow this basic structure. Here’s how to get started. 

Come up with a result-oriented title

Create a working title for your case study. (You can rename or edit it later.) Your title is essential because it has to grab attention, but it’s also the main point of your case study. Here’s how to get it right.

Your title is the solution to your problem. First, write down the exact problem that you solved. It needs to be a measurable problem with an equally measurable solution. Here’s an example to get you started. Company X helped Company Y increase sales turnaround time by z with a streamlined process. So the title could be something like “Improve onboarding efficiency by 40% with video tutorials.”

As you’re writing, you may come across a more compelling statistic or fact to use as your title. Take note of it, and use it. But start your case study with a title. Your title announces the ending, and in this case, that’s helpful to you and the reader. The outcome convinces your reader to look through the case study, and you will also know where your writing needs to go if you know the outcome you are explaining. 

Introduce the customer 

You need to give some background information on the customer. This is the customer that is the subject of the case study. 

Start general with your customer introduction. You want the reader to connect with the subject so they can relate to the customer and their problem. Then move into more specific information so you can explain how you saved the day. 

Explain the customer’s problem

From there, state the customer’s problem. You or your product must fix, change, or create a solution. Describe how to measure their problem because later, you will want to talk about the corresponding measured success. 

Describe your strategy for solving their problem

Your customer’s problem now becomes your goal. You are addressing their pain point with your solution. You need to break your solution down into actionable steps. Explain the strategy and action behind how you solve their problem. 

Give results with visuals and stats

From there, explain what worked with your strategy. Results should always be measurable. And with digital marketing analytics, there are infinite ways to measure success. Don’t overwhelm with too many numbers, but show the most compelling numbers. Take the time to design visuals that display your data best. 

It’s also an excellent place to use customer testimonials. You want to appeal to both sides of the brain. Show the numbers, and also give the anecdotal experience of what the experience was like for your customer. 

Conclusion with a CTA

Your conclusion should summarize your case study. It should also give the reader the next steps for solving their problem. You could ask them to schedule a consultation, buy a product, or give you a call. 

Marketing case study template

Not sure where to start? Grab our case study infographic to get started:

marketing case study template

How do you write a case study?

It can be hard to know where to start with writing case studies. Case studies appear simple; many can be as short as 500 words. But it takes a lot of work and editing to writing concisely. You have a short time to prove your case and convince your reader that the results worked. 

Follow the case study structure

We outline this above (and provided a handy infographic as well). This is the best way to get started. Use our structure to begin your outline. Fill in the gaps. 

Define a problem that your typical or ideal customer has

The most important part of your case study is a well-defined problem. You can't fix a vague problem and definitely can’t measure success. So don’t start with a problem that isn’t specific. 

You also don’t want to take the time to write a case study that won’t appeal to your typical customer. So think about what your prospects typically contact you about, and write a case study that addresses these needs. 

Provide measurable solutions

Just like your problem, your solution needs to be measurable. Your solution should be simple to explain. Here’s an example:

The client struggled with bookkeeping and invoicing. After establishing a system with our strategies and software, the client decreased accounting time by 6 hours a month and collected 40% more money on time. 

In the scenario above, you should explain your system and strategies in your case study. Nothing should ever be secret to potential customers. You must demonstrate competence, knowledge, honesty, and straightforwardness with your case study. 

Gather testimonials that address each section of the case study

Client testimonials speak to potential customers. You’re building trust with client testimonials. Be sure to gather the right quotes from your customers by asking the right questions. A good rule of thumb is to ask questions that go with each section of your testimonial. This way, you have a variety of quotes that all sound different. It’s key to ask the right questions and not overwhelm your interview subjects with too many questions. 

Illustrate your case study with data

Prove your claim with data. Data drives your point home. Don’t overwhelm your case study with too much data. Instead, choose the data points that prove that you accomplished your goal. Take the data and make it visual so that it's easier to understand and the reader can clearly see it. Explain how the data points demonstrate that you accomplished your goal. 

Make sure your case study tells a story

Edit your case study carefully so that it tells a straightforward story. It isn’t always about explaining every detail. But instead, take your reader on a journey of how you solved a problem for your client or customer. It’s often recommended that you position yourself as a hero. You need to create a story that places you as a hero so that others seek out your services or products. 

Use case studies to convert leads into customers

We write case studies. A professional content marketer can help with:

  • Case study copy : We can tell your story right and show your potential clients the relevant details about your business. 
  • Case study interviews : We know how to ask the right questions to get the right quotes and testimonials. 
  • Analysis : We can make sense of your stats and connect them to your story. 
  • Design : The finished product needs to look its best. We can create attention-grabbing case studies to include in your future sales meetings.

Contact us today to get started.

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Are You Leveraging the Power of the Case Study Effectively in Your Marketing Strategy?

Case studies are an excellent medium for building a story around your product or service. In this quick guide, we discuss:

  • What is a case study in marketing?
  • A five-step case study marketing plan
  • Examples of case studies from Google to inspire you

When it comes to purchasing a product or service, your customers are always looking for past reviews and proven outcomes before making a decision. Research Opens a new window suggests that consumers read an average of ten reviews before choosing to trust a local business. And for 91% of those aged between 18 and 34 years, online review content is almost as valuable as personal recommendations.

So how do you integrate the power of reviews into your marketing strategy? Is it possible to encapsulate and demonstrate your offerings’ impact using a 360-degree content experience Opens a new window ? That’s where the case study comes in — in marketing, case studies can help drive home the benefits of your product and aid in conversions. Case studies are particularly effective for marketing to middle-of-the-funnel consumers who are interested in your product and actively engage in research.

Before we look at how to formulate a case study-driven marketing plan, let’s first understand what exactly this content format requires.

Learn More: Why Marketers Are Waking up to the Power of Social Proof Opens a new window

What Is a Case Study in Marketing?

In marketing, a case study refers to any content that describes how your product or service has helped past customers in an attempt to convert leads into customers. Case studies are relevant for marketing B2B products, as you can gather data over time and outline how your product made a difference. While there’s no hard-and-fast rule in terms of the format of case studies in marketing, it should comprise the following key elements:

  • About the client : A synopsis of who the client is and their unique requirements will help you build a relationship with new customers. For example, a B2B product sold to a manufacturing brand executive is sure to resonate with other business leaders in the manufacturing sector.  
  • Challenges/problem statement/opportunities : Here, you discuss the specific needs addressed by your product or service. It may be a problem that the client was looking to solve or an opportunity that you helped unlock.  
  • The solution : Typically, this makes up the bulk of a case study in marketing. You can go into the specifics of your offerings, aligning every detail to the customer’s challenges. This is where you can differentiate your product/service from others in the market.  
  • Outcomes : This is a highly critical element that requires special attention in your case study for marketing success. It’s ideal to mention measurable benefits such as “20% less network downtime” for a business internet package. This could be the final push users need to purchase your offering.

So how do you go about creating a case study and using it in your marketing plan? Let’s find out.

Learn More: 5 Effective Ways to Successfully Convert Prospects to Customers Opens a new window

Five Steps to Create a Case Study Marketing Plan

Remember, case studies are built on a strong foundation of data and a clear understanding of your customer’s business narrative. To get started with a case study marketing plan, begin by putting together a list of high-end customers you have catered to and by collecting customer reviews to extract data. Here’s a simple breakdown of this five-step process:

  • Work together with the sales team to solicit feedback from customers. This should ideally include quantified outcomes with details of the problem and solution your product/service provides.
  • Interview customers and follow a detailed questionnaire to understand their unique business context. This will follow a story-like narrative, covering the initial problem, its criticality to business, solution parameters they were looking for, and how your brand was able to help.
  • Conduct research to complement the data gathered. You could mention competing products to suggest how your brand offers a better value proposition.
  • Follow a template to create the document. This will include the four compulsory elements we discussed, along with visuals as well as an impactful title.
  • Get approval from the customer before publishing the case study. In marketing, your customers are your biggest brand advocates, and their buy-in is essential for a successful case study marketing plan.  

There’s no fixed length of a case study in digital marketing; this will entirely depend on your channel for dissemination. For example, a case study in marketing can be featured on your website where it appears as a short snippet of 100 words or less. You could also create detailed documents to convert into a video script.

Learn More: Five Strategies for Onboarding an Effective Content Marketing Team Opens a new window

Types and Examples of Case Studies in Marketing

As a marketer, you can create two types of case studies: internal and external. An internal case study in marketing will share the details and outcomes of a marketing campaign that you’ve undertaken in the past, highlighting the solutions you used to reach your targets. These digital marketing case studies are useful when creating budgets and obtaining funds from senior leadership.

The next is an external case study in marketing that discusses how your product/service was used by your customers. These are meant for driving conversions at the middle-of-the-funnel.

Let’s look at two examples of case studies by Google, one that discusses marketing outcomes and the other that externally positions Google’s offerings.

  • Example of a case study in marketing #1 Opens a new window : Johnson & Johnson used Google marketing tools to cut the costs required to gain a new user by 21%. Such case studies in digital marketing are particularly relevant for marketing consultants and agencies that need to drive home the impact of their strategies.
  • Example of a case study in marketing #2: Area 1 Security leveraged the Google Cloud platform to build its security service. This allowed users to analyze over 3 billion events every day and get answers to queries in 30-60 seconds. Such metrics-driven case studies are more effective in digital marketing when combined with graphics.  

Learn More: 4 Storytelling Ideas for Social Media Opens a new window

Why You Need a Case Study Marketing Plan Today

The benefits of using case studies in digital marketing are crystal clear. Not only do they demonstrate the real-world applications of your offerings, but they also encourage customers to reach out via embedded call to actions (CTAs). In digital marketing, case studies can be converted into a host of different formats like pop-up ads, emailers, and videos for maximum reach.

And, a case study marketing plan is relatively low cost — all you need to do is collaborate with the sales team, talk to your customers, and create a story that truly resonates with your prospects. This is why case studies have continued to be a marketing favorite, with multiple possibilities on both online and offline platforms.

How do you plan to get started with case studies in digital marketing? Tell us on LinkedIn Opens a new window , Facebook Opens a new window , or Twitter Opens a new window . We’d love to hear from you!

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5 keys to crafting a killer marketing case study

Count me among the content creators who entered this line of work out of a strong affinity for storytelling. While it’s not exactly the same thing as plotting out a swashbuckling adventure on the high seas or editing dialogue for a heady psychological thriller, writing a marketing case study still entails plenty of drama and suspense. Even better, it can be a highly effective component of your overall marketing plan.

What is a marketing case study and why is it important?

Simply put, a marketing case study is a story that helps your prospective clients understand, from the beginning to the end and in a tangible way, how you helped a current or previous client accomplish their goals. It’s a crucial tool for helping sales reps demonstrate to their leads how your company can produce real results.

As part of your larger content marketing strategy, it helps middle-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel leads to connect your products and services with real-world outcomes. If you’re able to highlight some of your better-known customers in the process, a marketing case study can also bolster your brand.

What separates a good case study from a great case study?

A good case study gets its point across, but a great case study does so with style.

Keep in mind, that doesn’t mean it always has to be flashy or highly visual, though aesthetically pleasing design can be a big bonus.

Here, by style, we mean that the case study:

  • Features specific details and inspiring outcomes that enhance a strong narrative.
  • Communicates in a way that is relevant to its intended audience.
  • Presents the potential customer with a clear opportunity for further engagement.

As part of a holistic marketing strategy, a great case study is also an instrumental asset for ongoing, targeted campaigns.

How do you create a compelling case study?

The principal ingredients for a compelling case study aren’t that different from other forms of content marketing.

Great case studies require you to:

  • Conduct thoughtful research.
  • Sculpt raw intel into a captivating story.
  • Frame the content in a way that’s certain to generate interest.

For further detail, we can break this process down into the five key steps necessary for producing a first-rate marketing case study.

1. Know the product or service and its place in the market

Here’s a typical scenario. You get an email from the Vice President of Sales. She’s overjoyed about a recent customer success story, and she wants to know if you can create a case study based on it.

What’s the first thing you do?

Our recommendation is to make sure you have a firm grasp of everything about the product or service that the case study will highlight. Well, technically, the first thing you should probably do is respond to that email. And when you do, don’t forget to ask for clarification if it isn’t clear what product will be central to your marketing case study.

To brush up on the product, service or offering, take a closer look at materials like:

  • Existing sales sheets and landing pages.
  • Related social media posts or email campaigns.
  • Internal product documents.

Keep in mind how this case study will play into ongoing marketing campaigns and efforts. Also, take a moment to examine how the type of customer you’re about to profile will map up with strategies for targeting specific personas.

2. Line up an interview with the client’s resident brand champion

A strong case study often involves the enthusiastic participation of individuals from the client company who are responsible for managing the vendor partnership. If you can schedule some time to talk to this person, you’ll benefit for two reasons:

  • You’ll hear the story from their angle, which can add color, texture and truly valuable proof points.
  • You’ll benefit from their infectious gratitude for the product. Too often, content creators have to rely on a set of well-crafted pitches instead of seeing the real-world impact of their products.

That said, sometimes this step is easier said than done. Why?

First of all, your clients may be busy. See if you can reach them at off-peak times or when they have some more flexibility in their schedule

Secondly, nondisclosure agreements are the norm in some industries. Customer contacts can be wary about answering questions, even if they know the company’s name and logo won’t be used. Try to reassure these clients from the beginning by showing them examples of other case studies you’ve done.

No matter what difficulties you encounter, there are always strategies you can follow to ask for reviews, testimonials and other support for your marketing case study. Some of our tried-and-true techniques include:

  • Automating as much of the process as possible: Work with the sales or products teams to build feedback into the customer acquisition and retention processes.
  • Focus on top customers: Emphasize high-profile clients that will bring greater brand awareness to your company or highly engaged partners who are eager to sing your praises.
  • Emphasize the cross-promotional aspect of marketing case studies: Some companies need a reminder that this could be further exposure for their brand and additional content they could share in their own campaigns.

3. Gather details and comb through the data

Interviewing client contacts for a marketing case study is an art unto itself. Even the most excited and energetic sources will need some prompting and guidance in order to give you the material you need.

As such, we find that it’s helpful to start the conversation with a basic structure for your case study content in mind. A rough outline should look something like this:

  • Background information about the client.
  • A problem that the client experienced. Keep in mind, some people will need reassurance that the case study won’t paint the organization in a negative light.
  • An exploration of how your product or service helped address the problem.
  • Results from the implementation of this new solution.
  • A description of how the client will proceed forward with this new experience under their belts.

Remember to listen carefully and remain flexible, but focused, during the interview. Put your reporter’s hat on to ask leading questions based on new information. At the same time, if your subject is particularly chatty, you may occasionally need to pull the interview back to its intended purpose.

While you’re taking notes, be sure to highlight any particularly noteworthy or emotional lines as they come up. This can be a real timesaver when you’re looking for pull quotes later.

In addition to the interview, ask for project documentation that can help you understand the scope of the client’s problem and the impact of the support provided by your company. Oftentimes, clients will have metrics that they’re eager to share. After all, they’ve probably already reported these results to internal stakeholders. Even if that’s not the case, ask for any relevant recent reports or raw data you could explore for some brag-worthy numbers.

4. Find the story

Not everybody is an expert storyteller. Some people are prone to add in irrelevant details, deliver information out of order or even to leave out important context. There’s a good chance that you’ll have to rearrange some of the information you learned during your client call. You may also have to conduct additional research or excise some out-of-place meanderings.

Internal subject matter experts can also help you refine the narrative arc for your marketing case study. They’ll clue you into the strategies they use for selling this service and supporting its implementation. Plus, they’ll be able to share their insights about questions that prospective clients might ask.

Make sure that the client is at the center of the story, but don’t be shy about highlighting the contributions of your own organization.

5. Highlight proof points

The story comes first, but proof points can transform your marketing case study from a possible puff piece into an exhilarating example for your target audience.

Whatever claims you make in the text, you should be able to back them up with evidence. At the same time, the proof points you do use should align with the bigger picture.

Obviously, facts, figures and statistics make for some of the most compelling kinds of evidence. However, sometimes the data isn’t in yet. In other scenarios, the qualitative advantages that have been gained are more important than percentages or points on a line graph.

In these situations, quotations and brief customer testimonials can provide additional support for the claims you’ve made.

But how do you handle quotes? Here are a few guidelines to follow:

  • Where possible, use a direct quote that is original, interesting and engaging. Think about claims that would only be credible if they came straight from the speaker.
  • You may have leeway to finesse the speaker’s language. Resist the temptation to wordsmith their speech except in cases that are truly confusing. Informal expressions can add a touch of authenticity.
  • Some situations may require you to write the quote and then have it approved by the person to whom it will be attributed. Try to capture the nuances of their perspective as best you can, and never run the quote without getting a final confirmation.

What are some great case study examples to model after?

B2B and B2C marketing case studies come in all shapes and sizes. Here are a few recent examples that embody all of the strategies we’ve outlined above. If you’re looking for a compelling case study to model your own content after, check out these models.

‘How PayPal empowers people and businesses in a global marketplace’

This PayPal case study profiles how the company uses services from Google Cloud to support more than 300 million customers who use 100 different currencies.

what is a case study marketing

Source: Google Cloud

It’s structured as a landing page that’s well designed and easy to navigate based on the storyline. It also highlights some impressive and relevant proof points right off the bat.

The text and graphical elements are also augmented by a video in which the customer’s voice takes center stage.

At the heart of this story is the notion that finding a reliable digital partner can help your company scale. As such, PayPal is a great aspirational client example, and its story speaks to the hopes that many prospective customers will have about their own business.

We also appreciate how easy Google makes it for potential clients to find additional examples and to take the next step by reaching out to a sales rep.

what is a case study marketing

‘Disney+ Brand Launch’

It’s hard to think of a recent product launch that received more hype than the highly influential debut of streaming service Disney+. Behind the hype were companies like Midnight Oil, a California-based creative agency.

In this marketing case study for Disney+ , the firm pairs succinct text with high-quality pictures that display Midnight Oil branding collateral in action.

what is a case study marketing

Source: Midnight Oil

In this instance, the company was able to leverage the sky-high visibility of its brand partner to help tell the story. Everybody already knows that the launch of Disney+ was a rousing success, so the creative agency gets to focus a little more on highlighting its own contributions.

And showing is always better than telling. Still, the company makes sure that you don’t forget the 10 million subscribers the client achieved on its first day.

what is a case study marketing

If you want to grow revenue by expanding your potential subscriber base using targeted branding efforts, Midnight Oil makes a compelling case that the agency can help.

‘Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Messages Their Way To Success’

Who says that digital marketing case studies can’t shred?

For our last case study example, we’re going to shine the spotlight on HubSpot’s righteous work with a venerable Cleveland institution.

This in-depth landing page frontloads a quick summary of the premise and some eye-catching stats.

what is a case study marketing

Source: Hubspot

The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame used HubSpot’s integration with Facebook Messenger to develop a strategy that allowed the museum to connect better with its fans.

A slickly produced video with lots of custom footage sheds light on how the Rock Hall’s content leader found a way to bring out the best from both automation and one-to-one connections.

This case study succeeds because it has an exciting hook, an interesting story and some real results.

How do you distribute case studies? Where do they work best?

How to distribute your case study depends on the audience you’re trying to reach, the story you need to share and the role that this case study plays in your overall marketing strategy.

Take a lesson from the marketing case study examples above. You need to be where your fans are. If your potential customer is on social media, make sure your content is shareable, and consider using a Facebook ad to promote your brand.

But let’s back up one more step.

As our examples illustrate, your marketing case study doesn’t just have to exist as one kind of asset. A custom landing page is a great place to start, but you can spin out content for video and other channels, too. Case studies can be delivered to prospects individually, distributed over social media or shared as part of an email drip campaign. Optimizing your case study landing page for search will help organic traffic find your content, too.

Where marketing efforts meet solid storytelling

It should be clear by now that marketing case studies are more than just a mishmash of numbers, quotes and splashy illustrations. They can take many different forms, but regardless of the media in which they’re found, they’re about creating a story around customer relationships. At the end of the day, aren’t stories what we live for?

what is a case study marketing

By Michael O'Neill

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What is a Case Study? An effective Marketing Tactic for Business

Since you might be familiar with the statement “Content is king,” you might already know that there are many types of content used in marketing out there. In order to stand out, you may ask, “what kind of content should you leverage?”

However, let’s think about it in this way: “what kind of content your customers want to read, listen, or view?”

They want the truth!

Among tons of content on eCommerce websites, they would prefer something credible, valuable, and influential. That’s how case studies appear as an incredibly powerful marketing tool.

In this article, I’ll go over what you should know about case studies and how to leverage them in your marketing efforts.

What is a case study?

A case study can be defined as intensive research into a specific case to understand its functionality and success. The subject of a case study can be a single individual, group, or event.

In general, showing a case study is telling a real story . For example, a case study in medicine can be a successful treatment, and a case study in business may be a particular company’s strategy. A case study of a product/ service is how the product/ service helps a customer achieve their goals. When you show up case studies on your website or social media to consolidate your products’ quality and incredibility, it somehow likes social proof .

What is a case study in marketing?

Case studies in marketing

A persuasive proof by telling a real story

In marketing, a case study is a success story that one of your customers or clients has experienced direct positive results of using your product or service.

The success of a case study presentation should be measurable by statistics, for example, a 10% increase, so that the prospects can see the real benefits and appreciate the tangible value that your product/ service provides.

Types of Case Studies

There­ are different kinds of case­ studies that psychologists and researche­rs use, each with its unique goal:

Collective case studies: These studie­s focus on a group in a specific environment or an e­ntire community. For example, a study might e­xplore how having or lacking community resources impacts re­sidents’ mental health.

Descriptive case studies: These­ studies start with a theory and then obse­rve subjects. They compare­ the data collected with the­ories that already exist.

Explanatory case studies: These studies are­ for digging into causes. They look into things that might have trigge­red specific eve­nts. Exploratory case studies: The­se studies act as a stepping stone­ to more detailed re­search. They gather e­xtra insight to help create re­search questions and hypothese­s.

Instrumental case studies: These are whe­n specifics from one person or group re­veal more than what might catch the e­ye at first. Intrinsic case studies: These­ are done when the­ researcher is pe­rsonally tied to the subject. Take­ the time Jean Piage­t spent studying his own children to explain this. Those­ studies helped build psychological the­ories.

Three type­s of case studies stand out: intrinsic, instrumental, and colle­ctive. Intrinsic studies are for studying spe­cial cases. Instrumental studies look at one­ person to learn about bigger issue­s. Collective studies look at many case­s at the same time.

What does a case study look like?

A story from beginning to a happy ending

Typically, the format of a case study is very similar to a short story of your product/ service. The structure of the story generally includes three parts:

  • Introduction to the characters (a customer/ client)
  • The plot (the problem the character is facing)
  • The happy ending (how your products/ service helps the customer solve the problem).

The more engaging your narrative is, the more likely the audience will relate to, and the more leads you can generate at the end of the story.

Where’s the proof that case studies work?

Be proven to be proof

It is estimated that UK marketers take advantage of 12 various marketing tactics on average. And they used case studies popularly just after social media, newsletters, blogs, and website articles.

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) reports that 73% of B2B marketers believe that case studies are useful . The LinkedIn Technology Marketing Community ranks case studies in the top three content marketing tactics after blogging and social media content.

Case study and testimonial, what is more effective?

Although both case study and testimonial are the word of mouth marketing, the engagement effect of two tactics is significantly different.

Testimonials stop at generic praises

Mageplaza Testimonials

Testimonials are often very generic statements that praise your products/ services. However, the missing piece of the praises is that testimonials lack persuasive details. Therefore, testimonials commonly do not make the audience impressed and choose your product over your competitors.

Moreover, when many websites use testimonials more popularly, this kind of evidence becomes less persuasive to prospects. They can quickly skip the testimonial section on your website.

Case study, a story to draw a full picture

Case studies

Assume that your business provides architectural designing service. Someone who is finding a designer to landscape their old apartment is less likely to be impressed by the testimonials saying how your design service is.

They want much more evidence, view the statistics, and hear other people’s real-life stories about their experience with your service. It’s time that is showing a case study is more likely to meet their demand.

A case study tells a story of a customer seeking your service to renovate their small apartment, with around 25-meter square. Another one shows how your designer turned a cramped space into a smart and spacious one with sliding wall partitions, color, and light mixture, and took advantage of multifunctional shelves. The second one will be much more attractive to potential clients. They are more willing to stay on your website longer to discover your service better.

A case study is more powerful to engage potential clients because it objectively provides evidence in a story from beginning to end, always along with details and statistics.

What are the benefits of case studies?

1. feature your brand attributes.

A case study helps a brand to exemplify their attributes effectively. The brand attributes are enforced objectively via a real story of a customer who is satisfied with your brand/ products.

In this way, case studies make your brand different from other competitors.

2. Help with thought leadership

Case studies are perfect to demonstrate thought leadership especially when you are positioning your brand as the solutions to your client’s problems. Case studies will work as valuable advice to their concerns.

The more case studies cover the most common issues that your potential clients are facing, the more likely they appreciate your expertise and trust your credibility.

3. Easy to come into life

It is much easier for the audience to identify, understand, and remember the benefits of your product/ service when they hear/ read from others.

4. Better chance for customers’ endorsement

Compared to direct advertisements, case study makes customers reassured and trust more in the brand’s credibility if they can see the genuine evidence of endorsement from other customers.

5. Friendly to SEO


SEO Case studies provide relevant content (relevant keywords) to your website, which is friendly to search engines. Websites showcase the case studies regularly will be likely ranked higher than those that don’t.

6. Spread on multiple channels

Case studies can be published to different platforms such as newspapers for written content, youtube for video, Twitter, or Facebook for promotion.

How to use case studies on your website?

You know, case studies work and bring benefits to your brand. Here are ways to apply case studies on your website effectively.

1. Showcase case studies on the homepage

The homepage works as the living-room to welcome your visitors to your site. The prospects will take time to take a look at your home page before moving on to the next step.

So do not miss out on showing them the evidence of happy customers.

  • Customer quotes/ testimonials
  • A CTA (call-to-action) to view specific case studies

2. Use case studies on product pages

Each product brings specific benefits/ solutions to customers. The product pages/ landing pages will be more appealing to customers if they not only provide the features of products but also show the successful cases of other customers with your product/ service.

In this way, the audience will easily understand your product features and their benefits to real-life situations. The motivation to purchase is leveled up as a result.

3. Create case-study videos

Perform case studies in the form of videos will be more engaging because the content is illustrated in both images and sound. The audience is more likely to watch a video than takes time to read a lengthy case study.

Case study videos can be placed on the home page, product pages, landing pages, or any CMS pages to attract visitors.

4. Write blog posts about your case study

When you publish a case study, to expose the audience to it, you should write a blog post. However, remember that you should not center the blog post around your company, service, or product. Instead, the center stage should showcase the challenge, issue that a company faced and how they overcame, with the mention of the support of your service/ product.

5. Use a polite slide-in CTA


Commonly a huge, glaring popup at the center of a current page will make the visitors feel annoyed. To save the good experience of the users on-page while keeping showing your message is using slide-in CTA.

It is a good idea to apply a slide-in CTA on your product page with a link to a case study that profiles a customer who has got a pleasant experience with your product. This type of slide-in CTA is relevant and discreet, which motivates visitors to move on instead of disturbing them.

6. Build a case study webpage

When you have collected a large number of case studies, a dedicated webpage for housing them is necessary.

Give the page a clear name such as “Case studies,” “Successful stories,” to help customers find it easy.

Secondly, the structure of the case-study page should be logical and well-structured: Initial challenges, goals, process, and results.

How to use case studies off your website?

1. use case studies on social media.

Sharing case studies on social media are such a right choice of the content.

You can showcase your customer stories across your social media channels to engage your audience. As it’s your customers who say good about you, your audience will be more likely to trust what they say. It shows a good relationship between you and your customers.

When you share a case study, remember to mention and tag your customers in the post. This small trick makes them feel more involved in your content and show a special appreciation to them.

Another way is to update your cover image on Twitter or Facebook featuring your customers. Just combine multiple photos into a completed one showing your happy customers; your social profile will look more friendly, customer-centric, and trustworthy.

Ebay Twitter cover

2. Add case studies to your email marketing

Email marketing continues being the top contributor to both B2B and B2C businesses when it comes to the return of investment. In 2019 alone, there were 293.6 billion emails sent and received each day. Your business can’t afford to ignore a tool as valuable as email marketing.

But, how your emails get attention among a massive number of emails out there? Use case studies .

Case studies can be useful to use in email nurturing. Also, when you want customers’ re-engagement, it’s a great way to get back their interest in your products or services.

3. Let your sales team use case studies

Buyers are more circumspect and knowledgeable now, so it’s pointless to call customers and just talk about the features and benefits of the product.

Instead, It would be excellent if your sales teams can reach out to customers with real case studies about how others succeed by using your products.

4. Turn case studies into videos

If you can afford it, and your customers agree with filming, it’s best to make videos of case studies. You can upload videos on your own Youtube channels and share it on other social media platforms such a Twitter or Facebook.

Videos are the future of marketing. No wonder, once your video receives recognition and engagement from your audiences, the benefits of it go beyond what you can imagine.

5. Share case studies as in-person or digital speaking

As I mentioned earlier, it’ll be more useful to let your customers talk about their experiences with your products than stating how good you are by yourselves. Let your customers expose their voices. They’re proud and happy to be a part of your business.

You can include your customers in many ways, for example:

  • Off-line field events or trade shows
  • Airing a podcast with your customers
  • Host a webinar with your customers
  • A live broadcast featuring your customers

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Marketing case study examples

Highlight remarkable outcomes through a compelling marketing case study

Highlight your wins in case studie­s. Show positive results clearly. Using bright colors, diffe­rent shapes, big bold lette­rs, and clear icons works well. Try this to underline­ your wins.

Look at this great case study image be­low. It shows big wins on the next page. It use­s a bright orange color. The wins are inside­ circles. Isn’t it clever?

Showing off ke­y data is super important. It’s especially so whe­n you’re talking to possible customers with your case­ studies. Choose a clear and uncomplicated layout for your case study

Uncomplicated layout

Employing a straightforward layout in your case study can be highly impactful, as demonstrated in the case study example below.

Maintaining a crisp white background and incorporating slim lines to delineate sections is a simple method for structuring your case study.

Clarity in presenting information not only highlights key results but also enhances the design’s accessibility.

Business case study instances akin to this one would seamlessly integrate into a comprehensive report, maintaining a uniform layout. Use images and icons to create an interesting and branded business case study

Images and icons

Most people don’t enjoy long blocks of words. Adding things like­ icons, pictures, or designs can really boost the­ look of a page. It makes it way more fun to re­ad. Employ a single-color palette to establish a professional and polished appearance for your case study

Single color palette

Make your study pop by using a simple­, one-color design.

Stick to a single color. Mix in lots of white­ space. That way, your design won’t distract people­ from the important parts - your content.

Include long-term goals in your case study

In creating a case­ study, scrutinize not just the immediate­, but also long-term targets of the busine­ss for a rounded view of its potential strate­gies.

What the corporation or person se­eks to do soon pertains to short-term goals. The­ long-term goals describe what the­y hope to attain over the succe­eding years.

Consider your potential customers when crafting a customer case study for marketing

Most markete­rs, about 82%, use case studies in the­ir marketing plans. Why? They work really we­ll, really fast for building customer’s trust and showing off what a product can do.

Why are case­ studies important in content marketing? The­y give assurance. With case studie­s, you’re telling potential custome­rs that other people trust your product, and the­refore, they should too.

In fact, for SaaS products, busine­ss case studies are pre­tty valuable. They can show people­ how others have cleve­rly used your product in their own companies.

Customers are at the heart of any business. So don’t ignore their stories. When customers love your products and your brand, they will be willing to shout out your good. Once they want to share with you, listen to them, and capture their words into valuable case studies that can help you captivate your prospects so effectively.

I hope that this article will be useful to you. And if you want to share with us your success stories with case studies, how you tap into this marketing tactic, we want to hear from you.

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12 great case study examples (plus case study writing tips)

what is a case study marketing

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This long-form content style is also becoming more common as more marketers discover its value. According to Hubspot’s 2021 State of Marketing report , more than 30% of marketers use case studies as a primary marketing media—up from 13% in 2020.

If you’re new to the world of case studies, we’ll be diving into what case studies are, why they’re important, and how to create your own. We’ll also highlight some compelling case study examples that you can learn from.

What is a case study?

A good case study highlights customer stories showing the following:

  • The problems the business faced before using a product or service
  • How the product or service proposed to solve the problems
  • The before and after of using a product or service
  • The measurable positive impact of the product or service on metrics such as click-through rate, website traffic, or sales

While case studies are most often product or service-focused, sometimes businesses use them to share their brand or founder story.

These types of case studies typically focus on organizational progress, such as how they grew their revenue or website traffic. One example is this Outfunnel case study on how the team saved over 80% of its time with user onboarding.

Why are case studies important?

They may not suit every business. But case studies are beneficial, for example, for helping SaaS brands reach future customers.

If they make sense for your industry, case studies should be an important part of your content marketing strategy for many reasons.

Three reasons you should incorporate them as soon as possible are:

  • To provide value to your audience: At its core, the best marketing doesn’t just drive sales; it serves its audience. Case studies are a brilliant way to teach your audience tips they can incorporate into their businesses. It can also serve as research for industry experts to quote.
  • To show off your expertise: A great case study is a perfect blend of data and storytelling. It showcases your expertise to your target audience, most likely dealing with similar issues. By telling a good story in your case studies, you’re essentially saying, “Look how we made everything better for X client—we can do that for you, too.”
  • As social proof: Because case studies are available to the public, they’re undeniable social proof—better than hard-to-believe testimonials with client initials. This makes them extra valuable as MOFU and BOFU content ; they can drive sales at the click of a button.

Good to Know: Not sure how to use case studies? They work well as lead magnets, landing pages, repurposed blog posts, and, if you have the capacity, even video content!

12 real-life case study examples to bookmark

Reading about the mechanics of case studies is more straightforward than writing case studies from scratch.

That’s why we’ve gathered 12 real-life marketing case study examples you can review before you embark on creating yours.

1. GatherContent | University of Edinburgh

GatherContent case study example

What works: In this great case study, GatherContent includes quotes from the client (the University of Edinburgh) about how their software has improved their content workflow. This adds a human element and will help readers with the same issues identify with the client.

View more GatherContent case studies .

2. Omniscient Digital | AppSumo

Omniscient Digital case study example

What works: Omniscient Digital includes client feedback in video format and shares the results they achieved in a digestible bullet point format.

3. | Vissla case study example

What works: Besides hosting this case study on their website, provides a PDF link that can both be viewed online or downloaded. Plus, the PDF is visually appealing and easy to read.

4. Asana | Autodesk

Asana case study example

What works: Asana leads with their impact and includes basic information about their client to the right of the page so the reader immediately gets bite-sized background information.

5. Shopify | Bombas

Shopify case study example

What works: Shopify includes a video in their case study, as well as multiple eye-catching images of Bombas products. This ensures that the case study serves both companies, possibly generating customer interest in Bombas socks.

6. Outfunnel | Alight Analytics

what is a case study marketing

What works: Outfunnel has repurposed its case study into a blog post, which increases its visibility. The study is also full of client quotes, which adds valuable social proof.

7. Sapling | Zapier

Sapling case study example

What works: Sapling also shares quick preliminary information about Zapier on the left panel and includes several screenshots to show the impact of their product on the company’s processes.

8. BigCommerce | Skullcandy

what is a case study marketing

What works: The quick metrics in bold hit readers quickly and highlight BigCommerce expertise to potential customers even before they read the entire case study.

9. Google Ads | L’Oreal

Google ads case study for L'Oreal

What works: Video format. Few things beat hearing the client praise the service and explain the process and results of the campaign in their own words.

10. ActiveCampaign | Your Therapy Source

ActiveCampaign case study example

What works: ActiveCampaign efficiently showcases the problems and solutions before delving into how they helped the client achieve desired results.

11. Intuit | Xenex Healthcare

Intuit case study example

What works: The main benefit is highlighted on the first page of the PDF and the rest of the study delves into the process and the nitty-gritty of the product’s impact.

12. Grayscale | Upwork

Grayscale case study

What works: This page features minimal text. It focuses on quotes from decision-makers at Upwork and ends with a call-to-action that will likely drive conversions.

How to write your own case study

How can you write engaging, effective case studies like the examples above? Here are six steps.

1. Identify a worthy case

Think of projects—either for yourself or for clients—that got outstanding results. Then, whittle it down to the cases that your target audience is most likely to relate to , perhaps because they experience the same problem or have the same goal as in the case.

2. Reflect on your chosen case

Once you’ve decided on the case you’ll start with, do some deeper reflection on the details. What was the project goal? What challenges did you encounter along the way? How did you overcome them to reach your goal?

3. Think about differentiation

Take the last step even further and think of anything you did differently than others might. Did you an experimental tactic or strategy or create a custom solution? If so, use those details to subtly show potential customers why they should be interested in what you have to offer.

4. Gather quotes

Next, get hard-hitting quotes from project stakeholders or clients. Having their thoughts on goals, project obstacles, the solutions provided, and the outcomes will make your description of the case more credible.

5. Draft your case study

Time to turn the details you’ve compiled into a case study draft. How? We’ll talk about the best format for case studies shortly.

6. Add visuals

Next, create visuals that will reinforce the main points of your case study. These could include:

  • Charts or screenshots to show the change in metrics before and after the project
  • An infographic to give a brief visual overview of the case
  • Pictures of deliverables (e.g. a web design agency might show a picture of the new site it designed for a client)
  • Product images such as screenshots from within your software that was used on the project

After any designated reviewers and approvers give their stamp of approval on the case study, it’s ready to be published and promoted!

What’s the best case study format?

We’ve seen A+ examples of case studies and gotten some more context on how to create them for your brand or organization. Now, it's time to get to work. As you do, remember to include the following vital sections in your case study format:

  • Client name and profile
  • The problem
  • Your solution (and screenshots!)
  • Before and after ( real results with data)
  • Appealing visuals, photos, illustrations, infographics, charts, and graphs
  • A memorable CTA

Ready to get started? Thankfully, you don’t have to go it alone.

GatherContent—a powerful tool for case study creation

GatherContent makes it possible to keep track of all your case study research —even while working with your marketing team. You don’t have to guess what stage the piece is at or consult another tool to know when your part is due or who to pass the torch to.

GatherContent is a content hub that helps you keep all your content creation in one place , whether you’re writing blog posts, email newsletters, social media posts, or case studies. With content modeling features like Components , you can effortlessly maintain brand identity throughout all your case studies.

Read more customer success stories here to learn more!

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What is a Marketing Case Study?

Sara robinson, introduction to marketing case studies.

Case studies are often used in sales and marketing to help convert leads into clients or customers. A case study highlights a current client and how they used your product or service to get results. In today’s business landscape there are hundreds if not thousands of options for just about any service or product. Case studies set businesses apart and help them stand out from the competition.

Understanding the Purpose of a Marketing Case Study

While a case study is meant to highlight a success story of an individual or company your business worked with, it’s really an opportunity to build trust and credibility for your brand. Case studies, especially video case studies, show a real person, using their own words, to talk about their experience with your company.

People trust people, not brands.

People trust people, not brands. When a prospective customer reads or watches one of your customers discuss their experience and results from working with you, or using your product or service, this is tangible evidence that can help move them from prospect to customer.

Now, case studies aren’t magic, but Content Marketing Institute’s (CMI) 2023 Demand Generation Survey found that content marketing is a huge driver of demand generation and 90% of the marketers surveyed used case studies for demand gen purposes. More specifically, CMI found case studies to be some of the most effective content marketing types for the middle and late stage of the buyer journey when consumers are considering and then evaluating/purchasing.

If you don’t have case studies, there are competitors who do, and chances are, you’re losing out on some business by not having case studies readily available. 

PS- don’t gate your case studies. If someone is interested in learning more about your company, make it easy for them. You don’t want to turn off a prospective buyer because they have to give you an email address or can’t view the information right now. 

We know that gathering emails can be important (and maybe required by others in the org). One option is to have the case study available on the website and if they’d like a downloadable, designed PDF, share their email. Another is to give access to the case study and then gate a more detailed “how to” for how they achieved these results. 

Benefits of a Marketing Case Study

Aside from building trust and adding credibility to your brand or business (which is probably enough reason to create case studies), there are a number of other benefits. These can be helpful to share with stakeholders if you have anyone resistant to using resources for case studies.

  • Case studies position your company as an industry leader. With the numerous choices consumers have, businesses need to find ways to stand out. Content marketing allows you to do that and case studies show the unique aspects of your business or service and the customer satisfaction that comes with it.
  • You have a persuasive tool for sales and marketing. As CMI found, case studies can be highly effective in the consideration and purchasing phase. Your marketing team can use case studies and related assets to create awareness and interest and your sales team can use them to help close business. Your sales team will be thrilled to have other ways to show the impact and effectiveness of your tool or business aside from just telling it themselves. Customer stories in the form of case studies can go a long way to securing business.
  • Strengthening relationships with the clients you showcase in your case studies. Asking someone to participate in a case study should feel like a win all-around. Some companies will offer participants a thank you in the form of a discount or perk, but ideally the completed case study also feels like a win for your customer. When all companies are concerned about churn, maintaining and enhancing relationships with existing customers can’t be overlooked. 

Types of Marketing Case Studies

At Audience Ops, we create two main types of case studies: Written and video case studies. From there, we repurpose into a number of assets.

Written case studies

Case studies are written about the client’s experience with your business or service with direct quotes woven in and/or highlighted to support the written content. You may see case studies written in a narrative style, creating an engaging story, or with a more business-like format (Background, challenges, strategy, results and metrics/quotes to support). 

Want to create a case study for your business? Read how to write a case study for marketing and sales . 

From a written case study, you can create 1 or 2 page designed content (great for sales reps), quote or data images for social media, and incorporate the information into marketing material and sales decks.

Video Case Studies

Video case studies are a favorite for us because people can question a written case study: “did they really say that?”. In a video case study, you hear and see the person sharing their story which makes it an ultimate builder of trust. We go for well-produced, authentic stories because overproduced videos can also leave people questioning if the participant really feels that way.

Once a video case study is complete, you have many options and opportunities for repurposing: add the video to the homepage, the case study page, to your YouTube channel; create shorter posts for social media and emails; create audiograms of soundbites that mention your company by name and a succinct value prop. All of these assets can be made available for your sales and marketing teams to help move business forward.

Want to learn more about video case studies? Check out this article . 

No matter what format you use (we cover formatting a case study in this article ), share the assets with the participant. Chances are, they’ll want to share with their network too, especially if you have an affiliate program or referral partnership. 

Case Study Examples

We created an entire article on case study examples , so be sure to check that out.

Challenges in Developing Marketing Case Studies

Before you jump into creating case studies, it’s important to understand the potential challenges and pitfalls so that ideally you can avoid them.

  • Getting stakeholder buy-in . Ideally this one isn’t an issue because you can share the above information and then, why wouldn’t your company not want case studies? Oftentimes the resistance comes down to resources. If there’s money but not time, consider outsourcing to a company like Audience Ops. If there’s time but not money, great– do this internally as an MVP. If it goes well and helps business, then maybe you can get additional resources and level up your case studies.  
  • Protecting sensitive client or business information. Before you start, make it clear on both sides if there is anything off the table in terms of what you can talk about. And, if something comes up in the interview that the client doesn’t want you to include, respect that. We once were conducting a call and the participant said something and then realized he shouldn’t have shared that level of specificity. We said no problem- we’ll strike it out from the recording and won’t use it. 
  • Getting your client to schedule. Even if they said yes, getting that appointment booked can take time
  • Getting your client to record. This is a priority to you but not always to them; we’ve had week before, day-before and day-of cancellations and even no-shows. Tracking people down for rescheduling takes time (which is part of why people like to hand this process of to another company)
  • Internal reviews and approval. Once the recording is completed, for an individual or team who is comfortable creating the content, this can move at a decent pace– usually one to two weeks for a written draft and a few days to a week for each round of the video process. However, this can slow down when your team is slow to respond or there are multiple stakeholders involved. Ideally when you’re getting stakeholder buy-in you can proactively address this point: timely feedback will help move this forward to completion. 
  • The website. If your website doesn’t yet have a case study page with the formatting you’d like, start working on this once you move forward with the case study. That way, you don’t get to the final result but can’t put it on the site because you can’t update the page or don’t have the correct template. 
  • Pacing of the final case study. You want to find a balance between detail and conciseness, no matter what the format. You don’t want someone clicking away from your case study because there was too much narrative or generalities without details. The more case studies you create and the more you pay attention to data (click-throughs, views, etc.) you’ll learn more about what resonates for your potential customers. 

What do case studies cost?

Like many things in business, it depends. If you want to do this internally, then you’ll need to consider which team members will be involved and how much time it will take. Even if you outsource, your team will need to take some time to communicate with the team you work with and time for internal reviews and feedback. You can check out our case study pricing here .

Final Thoughts About Marketing Case Studies

Case studies, especially ones that include video, should be leveraged by marketers and your sales team for enhanced credibility and building trust. When consumers have so many options, positively stand out with case studies of your strongest client stories. 

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16 Important Ways to Use Case Studies in Your Marketing

Siobhán McGinty

Updated: September 08, 2020

Published: July 30, 2020

When you're thinking about investing in a product or service, what's the first thing you do?

hand and notepad presenting case studies in marketing

Usually, it’s one or both of the following: You'll likely ask your friends whether they've tried the product or service, and if they have, whether they would recommend it. You'll also probably do some online research to see what others are saying about said product or service. Nowadays, 90% of consumers used the internet to find a local business in the last year , and 82% of consumers read online reviews. This shows that the majority of people are looking to peers to make a purchasing decision. Most customers know that a little online research could spare them from a bad experience and poor investment of your budget.

Download Now: 3 Free Case Study Templates

What Is a Marketing Case Study?

A case study is the analysis of a particular instance (or "case") of something to demonstrate quantifiable results as a result of the application of something. In marketing, case studies are used as social proof — to provide buyers with the context to determine whether they're making a good choice.

A marketing case study aims to persuade that a process, product, or service can solve a problem. Why? Because it has done so in the past. By including the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the study, it appeals to logic while painting a picture of what success looks like for the buyer. Both of which can be powerful motivators and objection removers.

Why Use Case Studies?

In essence, case studies are an invaluable asset when it comes to establishing proof that what you're offering is valuable and of good quality.

According to HubSpot's State of Marketing Report 2020 , 13% of marketers name case studies as one of the primary forms of media used within their content strategy. This makes them the fifth most popular type of content, outshined only by visual content, blogs, and ebooks.

a graph that shows results from the question "what are the primary forms of media used within your content strategy?" with videos being the highest at 19%, followed by blogs, ebooks, infographics, and case studies. White papers, checklists, interviews, and "other" trail behind.

Okay, so you know case studies work. The question is, how  do they work? And how can you squeeze the most value out of them? 

When to Use a Case Study

Here are the ways you can market your case studies to get the most out of them.

As a Marketing or Sales Asset

1. use a case study template to create pdfs for email or downloads . .

Do not underestimate the value of providing social proof at just the right time in order to add value and earn their business. Case studies are extremely effective in the consideration stage of the buyer's journey when they are actively comparing solutions and providers to solve a problem they're experiencing. 

For this reason, case studies in an independent PDF format can be helpful in both marketing and sales. Marketers can use these PDFs as downloads in web content or email campaigns. Sales reps can utilize these assets in demonstrations, in a follow-up, or to overcome objections. 

example of a case study template in Microsoft Word with graphs and sections for "how product helped" and "results"

The easiest way to create PDF case studies is by using a case study template . Doing so can decrease the amount of time you spend creating and designing your case study without sacrificing aesthetics. In addition, you can ensure that all your case studies follow a similar branded format. 

We've created a great case study template (and kit!) that's already locked and loaded for you to use. All you have to do is input your own text and change the fonts and colors to fit your brand. You can download it here .

On Your Website

2. have a dedicated case studies page..

You should have a webpage exclusively for housing your case studies. Whether you call this page "Case Studies, "Success Studies," or "Examples of Our Work," be sure it's easy for visitors to find.

Structure on that page is key: Initial challenges are clear for each case, as well as the goals, process, and results.

Get Inspired:  Google’s Think With Google  is an example of a really well structured case study page. The copy is engaging, as are the goals, approach, and results.

think with google case study outlining sections for goals, approach, and results

3. Put case studies on your home page.

Give website visitors every chance you can to stumble upon evidence of happy customers. Your home page is the perfect place to do this.

There are a number of ways you can include case studies on your homepage. Here are a few examples:

  • Customer quotes/testimonials
  • A call-to-action (CTA) to view specific case studies
  • A slide-in CTA  that links to a case study
  • A CTA leading to your case studies page

Get Inspired:  incorporates testimonials onto their homepage to strengthen their value proposition.

customer testimonials on theresumator homepage

Bonus Tip: Get personal.

Marketing gurus across the world agree that personalised marketing is the future . You can make your case studies more powerful if you find ways to make them “match” the website visitors that are important to you.

People react to familiarity -- for instance, presenting someone from London with a case study from New York may not resonate as well as if you displayed a case study from the U.K. Or you could choose to tailor case studies by industry or company size to the visitor. At HubSpot, we call this "smart content."

Get Inspired: To help explain smart content, have a look at the example below. Here, we wanted to test whether including testimonials on landing pages influenced conversion rates in the U.K. The landing page on the left is the default landing page shown to visitors from non-U.K. IP addresses. For the landing page on the right, we used smart content to show testimonials to visitors coming from U.K. IP addresses.

comparison of a and b versions of a split test that tested case studies as a landing page element

4. Implement slide-in CTAs.

Pop-ups have a reputation for being annoying, but there are ways to implement that that won't irk your website visitors. These CTAs don't have to be huge, glaring pop-ups -- instead, relevant but discreet slide-in CTAs can work really well.

For example, why not test out a slide-in CTA on one of your product pages, with a link to a case study that profiles a customer who's seen great results using that product?

Get Inspired:  If you need some help on creating sliders for your website, check out this tutorial on creating slide-in CTAs .

5. Write blog posts about your case studies.

Once you publish a case study, the next logical step would be to write a blog post about it to expose your audience to it. The trick is to write about the case study in a way that identifies with your audience’s needs. So rather than titling your post “Company X: A Case Study," you might write about a specific hurdle, issue, or challenge the company overcame, and then use that company's case study to illustrate how the issues were addressed. It's important not  to center the blog post around your company, product, or service -- instead, the customer’s challenges and how they were overcome should take centre stage.

For example, if we had a case study that showed how one customer generated twice as many leads as a result of our marketing automation tool, our blog post might be something along the lines of: "How to Double Lead Flow With Marketing Automation [Case Study]." The blog post would then comprise of a mix of stats, practical tips, as well as some illustrative examples from our case study.

Get Inspired:   Check out this great example of a blog post from Moz , titled "How to Build Links to Your Blog – A Case Study."

6. Create videos from case studies.

Internet services are improving all the time, and as a result, people are consuming more and more video content. Prospects could be more likely to watch a video than they are to read a lengthy case study. If you have the budget, creating videos of your case studies is a really powerful way to communicate your value proposition.

Get Inspired: Check out one of our many video testimonials for some ideas on how to approach your own videos.

7. Use case studies on relevant landing pages.

Once you complete a case study, you'll have a bank of quotes and results you can pull from. Including quotes on product pages is especially interesting. If website visitors are reading your product pages, they are in a "consideration" mindset, meaning they are actively researching your products, perhaps with an intent to buy. Having customer quotes placed strategically on these pages is a great way to push them over the line and further down the funnel.

These quotes should be measured, results-based snippets, such as, “XX resulted in a 70% increase in blog subscribers in less an 6 months” rather than, “We are proud to be customers of XX, they really look after us."

Get Inspired: I really like the way HR Software company Workday incorporates video and testimonials  into its solutions pages.

workday's use of testimonial in the top left corner of a product page

Off Your Website

8. post about case studies on social media..

Case studies make for perfect social sharing material. Here are a few examples of how you can leverage them on social:

  • Share a link to a case study and tag the customer in the post. The trick here is to post your case studies in a way that attracts the right people to click through, rather than just a generic message like, “New Case Study ->> LINK." Make sure your status communicates clearly the challenge that was overcome or the goal that was achieved. It's also wise to include the main stats associated with the case study; for example, "2x lead flow," "125% increase in X," and so on.
  • Update your cover image on Twitter/Facebook showing a happy customer. Our social media cover photo templates should help you with this!
  • Add your case study to your list of publications on LinkedIn.
  • Share your case studies in relevant LinkedIn Groups.
  • Target your new case studies to relevant people on Facebook using dark posts. ( Learn about dark posts here. )

Get Inspired: MaRS Discovery District  posts case studies on Twitter to push people towards a desired action.

Mars Discover District tweets showing their promotion of case studies

9. Use case studies in your email marketing.

Case studies are particularly suited to email marketing when you have an industry-segmentable list. For example, if you have a case study from a client in the insurance industry, emailing your case study to your base of insurance-related contacts can be a really relevant addition to a lead nurturing campaign.

Case studies can also be very effective when used in product-specific lead nurture workflows in reactivating opportunities that have gone cold. They can be useful for re-engaging leads that have gone quiet and who were looking at specific areas of your product that the case study relates to.

Get Inspired: It's important that your lead nurture workflow content includes the appropriate content for where prospects are in the sales cycle. If you need help on how to do this, check out our post on how to map lead nurturing content to each stage in sales cycle .

Pro tip: When sending emails, don't forget about the impact a good email signature can make. Create your own using our free Email Signature Generator .

10. Incorporate case studies into your newsletters.

This idea is as good for your client relations as it is for gaining the attention of your prospects. Customers and clients love feeling as though they're part of a community. It’s human nature. Prospects warm to companies that look after their customers; companies whose customers are happy and proud to be part of something. Also, whether we are willing to admit it or not, people love to show off!

Get Inspired: Newsletters become stale over time. Give your newsletters a new lease of life with our guide on how to create newsletters that don't suck .

11. Equip your sales team with case studies.

Tailored content has become increasingly important to sales reps as they look to provide value on the sales call. It's estimated that consumers go through 70-90% of the buyer's journey before contacting a vendor. This means that the consumer is more knowledgeable than ever before. Sales reps no longer need to spend an entire call talking about the features and benefits. Sales has become more complex, and reps now need to be armed with content that addresses each stage of the buyer’s process. Case studies can be really useful when it comes to showing prospects how successful other people within a similar industry has benefited from your product or service.

Get Inspired: Case studies are just one type of content that helps your sales team sell. They don't always work by themselves, though. Check out our list of content types that help sales close more deals .

12. Sneak a case study into your email signature.

Include a link to a recent case study in your email signature. This is particularly useful for salespeople. Here's what my email signature looks like:

signature of hubspot employee that features a case study link at the bottom of the email signature

Get Inspired: Did you know that there are lots more ways you can use your email signature to support your marketing? Here are 10 clever suggestions  for how you can do this.

13. Use case studies in training.

Having customer case studies is an invaluable asset to have when onboarding new employees. It aids developing their buy-in, belief in, and understanding of your offering.

Get Inspired: Have you completed our Inbound Certification course  yet? During our classes, we use case studies to show how inbound marketing is applied in real life.

In Lead-Gen Content

14. include case studies in your lead gen efforts..

There are a number of offers you can create based off of your case studies, in the form of ebooks, templates, and more. For example you could put together an ebook titled “A step-by-step guide to reaching 10,000 blog subscribers in 3 months…just like XX did.” You could create a more in-depth version of the case study with access to detailed statistics as an offer. (And don’t forget, you can also u se quotes and statistics from case studies on the landing page promoting the ebook, which adds credibility and could increase your conversion rates.) Or, you could create a template based on your customer's approach to success.

Get Inspired:   If you think you need to be an awesome designer put together beautiful ebooks, think again. Create ebooks easily using these customisable ebook templates .

You can also use case studies to frame webinars that document how to be successful with X. Using case studies in webinars is great middle-of-the-funnel content and can really help move your leads further down the funnel towards becoming sales qualified leads.

Get Inspired: Webinars are really effective as part of a lead nurturing workflow. Make sure your next webinar is spot on by following these simple webinar tips.

15. Create a bank of evergreen presentations.

It’s important to build up a bank of evergreen content that employees across your organisation can use during presentations or demos. Case studies are perfect for this.

Put together a few slides on the highlights of the case study to stir people’s interest, and then make them available to your sales and customer-facing teams. It's helpful if the marketer who created the presentation is the one who presents it to anyone who might use them in the future. This ensures they can explain the presentation clearly and answer any questions that might arise.

Get Inspired: What to create presentations people want to use? Here's a list of tools to make your presentations great.

16. Create SlideShares based on case studies.

Following on from a few short slides, you could also put together a more detailed presentation of the case study and upload it to SlideShare. After all, not only is SlideShare SEO-friendly (because Google indexes each presentation), but there is a huge pre-existing audience on SlideShare of over 60 million users you can tap into. SlideShare presentations are also easy to embed and share, and allow you to capture leads directly from the slides via a lead capture form.

Get Inspired:   Want to generate more leads with SlideShare, but not sure how to get started? Check out this blog post .

hubspot slideshare on "how to grow with inbound marketing" that is an in-depth case study

Now that you understand the value of a marketing case study and the different ways that they can be used in your content marketing (and even sales) strategy, your next step is to think about what would convince your target audience to do business with you. 

Have you recently accomplished something big for a client? Do you have a process or product with demonstrable results? What do your potential clients hope that you'll do for them? 

The answers to those questions will help you craft compelling content for your case study. Then, all that's left is putting it into your audience's hands in formats they want to consume.

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Editor's note: This post was originally published in January 2015 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Showcase your company's success using these free case study templates.

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What is a Case Study? [+6 Types of Case Studies]

By Ronita Mohan , Sep 20, 2021

What is a Case Study Blog Header

Case studies have become powerful business tools. But what is a case study? What are the benefits of creating one? Are there limitations to the format?

If you’ve asked yourself these questions, our helpful guide will clear things up. Learn how to use a case study for business. Find out how cases analysis works in psychology and research.

We’ve also got examples of case studies to inspire you.

Haven’t made a case study before? You can easily  create a case study  with Venngage’s customizable templates.


Click to jump ahead:

What is a case study, what is the case study method, benefits of case studies, limitations of case studies, types of case studies, faqs about case studies.

Case studies are research methodologies. They examine subjects, projects, or organizations to tell a story.

Case Study Definition LinkedIn Post


Numerous sectors use case analyses. The social sciences, social work, and psychology create studies regularly.

Healthcare industries write reports on patients and diagnoses. Marketing case study examples , like the one below, highlight the benefits of a business product.

Bold Social Media Business Case Study Template


Now that you know what a case study is, we explain how case reports are used in three different industries.

What is a business case study?

A business or marketing case study aims at showcasing a successful partnership. This can be between a brand and a client. Or the case study can examine a brand’s project.

There is a perception that case studies are used to advertise a brand. But effective reports, like the one below, can show clients how a brand can support them.

Light Simple Business Case Study Template

Hubspot created a case study on a customer that successfully scaled its business. The report outlines the various Hubspot tools used to achieve these results.

Hubspot case study

Hubspot also added a video with testimonials from the client company’s employees.

So, what is the purpose of a case study for businesses? There is a lot of competition in the corporate world. Companies are run by people. They can be on the fence about which brand to work with.

Business reports  stand out aesthetically, as well. They use  brand colors  and brand fonts . Usually, a combination of the client’s and the brand’s.

With the Venngage  My Brand Kit  feature, businesses can automatically apply their brand to designs.

A business case study, like the one below, acts as social proof. This helps customers decide between your brand and your competitors.

Modern lead Generation Business Case Study Template

Don’t know how to design a report? You can learn  how to write a case study  with Venngage’s guide. We also share design tips and examples that will help you convert.

Related: 55+ Annual Report Design Templates, Inspirational Examples & Tips [Updated]

What is a case study in psychology?

In the field of psychology, case studies focus on a particular subject. Psychology case histories also examine human behaviors.

Case reports search for commonalities between humans. They are also used to prescribe further research. Or these studies can elaborate on a solution for a behavioral ailment.

The American Psychology Association  has a number of case studies on real-life clients. Note how the reports are more text-heavy than a business case study.

What is a case study in psychology? Behavior therapy example

Famous psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Anna O popularised the use of case studies in the field. They did so by regularly interviewing subjects. Their detailed observations build the field of psychology.

It is important to note that psychological studies must be conducted by professionals. Psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists should be the researchers in these cases.

Related: What Netflix’s Top 50 Shows Can Teach Us About Font Psychology [Infographic]

What is a case study in research?

Research is a necessary part of every case study. But specific research fields are required to create studies. These fields include user research, healthcare, education, or social work.

For example, this UX Design  report examined the public perception of a client. The brand researched and implemented new visuals to improve it. The study breaks down this research through lessons learned.

What is a case study in research? UX Design case study example

Clinical reports are a necessity in the medical field. These documents are used to share knowledge with other professionals. They also help examine new or unusual diseases or symptoms.

The pandemic has led to a significant increase in research. For example,  Spectrum Health  studied the value of health systems in the pandemic. They created the study by examining community outreach.

What is a case study in research? Spectrum healthcare example

The pandemic has significantly impacted the field of education. This has led to numerous examinations on remote studying. There have also been studies on how students react to decreased peer communication.

Social work case reports often have a community focus. They can also examine public health responses. In certain regions, social workers study disaster responses.

You now know what case studies in various fields are. In the next step of our guide, we explain the case study method.

Return to Table of Contents

A case analysis is a deep dive into a subject. To facilitate this case studies are built on interviews and observations. The below example would have been created after numerous interviews.

Case studies are largely qualitative. They analyze and describe phenomena. While some data is included, a case analysis is not quantitative.

There are a few steps in the case method. You have to start by identifying the subject of your study. Then determine what kind of research is required.

In natural sciences, case studies can take years to complete. Business reports, like this one, don’t take that long. A few weeks of interviews should be enough.

Blue Simple Business Case Study Template

The case method will vary depending on the industry. Reports will also look different once produced.

As you will have seen, business reports are more colorful. The design is also more accessible . Healthcare and psychology reports are more text-heavy.

Designing case reports takes time and energy. So, is it worth taking the time to write them? Here are the benefits of creating case studies.

  • Collects large amounts of information
  • Helps formulate hypotheses
  • Builds the case for further research
  • Discovers new insights into a subject
  • Builds brand trust and loyalty
  • Engages customers through stories

For example, the business study below creates a story around a brand partnership. It makes for engaging reading. The study also shows evidence backing up the information.

Blue Content Marketing Case Study Template

We’ve shared the benefits of why studies are needed. We will also look at the limitations of creating them.

Related: How to Present a Case Study like a Pro (With Examples)

There are a few disadvantages to conducting a case analysis. The limitations will vary according to the industry.

  • Responses from interviews are subjective
  • Subjects may tailor responses to the researcher
  • Studies can’t always be replicated
  • In certain industries, analyses can take time and be expensive
  • Risk of generalizing the results among a larger population

These are some of the common weaknesses of creating case reports. If you’re on the fence, look at the competition in your industry.

Other brands or professionals are building reports, like this example. In that case, you may want to do the same.

Coral content marketing case study template

There are six common types of case reports. Depending on your industry, you might use one of these types.

Descriptive case studies

Explanatory case studies, exploratory case reports, intrinsic case studies, instrumental case studies, collective case reports.

6 Types Of Case Studies List


We go into more detail about each type of study in the guide below.

Related:  15+ Professional Case Study Examples [Design Tips + Templates]

When you have an existing hypothesis, you can design a descriptive study. This type of report starts with a description. The aim is to find connections between the subject being studied and a theory.

Once these connections are found, the study can conclude. The results of this type of study will usually suggest how to develop a theory further.

A study like the one below has concrete results. A descriptive report would use the quantitative data as a suggestion for researching the subject deeply.

Lead generation business case study template

When an incident occurs in a field, an explanation is required. An explanatory report investigates the cause of the event. It will include explanations for that cause.

The study will also share details about the impact of the event. In most cases, this report will use evidence to predict future occurrences. The results of explanatory reports are definitive.

Note that there is no room for interpretation here. The results are absolute.

The study below is a good example. It explains how one brand used the services of another. It concludes by showing definitive proof that the collaboration was successful.

Bold Content Marketing Case Study Template

Another example of this study would be in the automotive industry. If a vehicle fails a test, an explanatory study will examine why. The results could show that the failure was because of a particular part.

Related: How to Write a Case Study [+ Design Tips]

An explanatory report is a self-contained document. An exploratory one is only the beginning of an investigation.

Exploratory cases act as the starting point of studies. This is usually conducted as a precursor to large-scale investigations. The research is used to suggest why further investigations are needed.

An exploratory study can also be used to suggest methods for further examination.

For example, the below analysis could have found inconclusive results. In that situation, it would be the basis for an in-depth study.

Teal Social Media Business Case Study Template

Intrinsic studies are more common in the field of psychology. These reports can also be conducted in healthcare or social work.

These types of studies focus on a unique subject, such as a patient. They can sometimes study groups close to the researcher.

The aim of such studies is to understand the subject better. This requires learning their history. The researcher will also examine how they interact with their environment.

For instance, if the case study below was about a unique brand, it could be an intrinsic study.

Vibrant Content Marketing Case Study Template

Once the study is complete, the researcher will have developed a better understanding of a phenomenon. This phenomenon will likely not have been studied or theorized about before.

Examples of intrinsic case analysis can be found across psychology. For example, Jean Piaget’s theories on cognitive development. He established the theory from intrinsic studies into his own children.

Related: What Disney Villains Can Tell Us About Color Psychology [Infographic]

This is another type of study seen in medical and psychology fields. Instrumental reports are created to examine more than just the primary subject.

When research is conducted for an instrumental study, it is to provide the basis for a larger phenomenon. The subject matter is usually the best example of the phenomenon. This is why it is being studied.

Purple SAAS Business Case Study Template

Assume it’s examining lead generation strategies. It may want to show that visual marketing is the definitive lead generation tool. The brand can conduct an instrumental case study to examine this phenomenon.

Collective studies are based on instrumental case reports. These types of studies examine multiple reports.

There are a number of reasons why collective reports are created:

  • To provide evidence for starting a new study
  • To find pattens between multiple instrumental reports
  • To find differences in similar types of cases
  • Gain a deeper understanding of a complex phenomenon
  • Understand a phenomenon from diverse contexts

A researcher could use multiple reports, like the one below, to build a collective case report.

Social Media Business Case Study template

Related: 10+ Case Study Infographic Templates That Convert

What makes a case study a case study?

A case study has a very particular research methodology. They are an in-depth study of a person or a group of individuals. They can also study a community or an organization. Case reports examine real-world phenomena within a set context.

How long should a case study be?

The length of studies depends on the industry. It also depends on the story you’re telling. Most case studies should be at least 500-1500 words long. But you can increase the length if you have more details to share.

What should you ask in a case study?

The one thing you shouldn’t ask is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. Case studies are qualitative. These questions won’t give you the information you need.

Ask your client about the problems they faced. Ask them about solutions they found. Or what they think is the ideal solution. Leave room to ask them follow-up questions. This will help build out the study.

How to present a case study?

When you’re ready to present a case study, begin by providing a summary of the problem or challenge you were addressing. Follow this with an outline of the solution you implemented, and support this with the results you achieved, backed by relevant data. Incorporate visual aids like slides, graphs, and images to make your case study presentation more engaging and impactful.

Now you know what a case study means, you can begin creating one. These reports are a great tool for analyzing brands. They are also useful in a variety of other fields.

Use a visual communication platform like Venngage to design case studies. With Venngage’s templates, you can design easily. Create branded, engaging reports, all without design experience.

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What Is a Case Study? | Definition, Examples & Methods

Published on May 8, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on November 20, 2023.

A case study is a detailed study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or phenomenon. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and business research.

A case study research design usually involves qualitative methods , but quantitative methods are sometimes also used. Case studies are good for describing , comparing, evaluating and understanding different aspects of a research problem .

Table of contents

When to do a case study, step 1: select a case, step 2: build a theoretical framework, step 3: collect your data, step 4: describe and analyze the case, other interesting articles.

A case study is an appropriate research design when you want to gain concrete, contextual, in-depth knowledge about a specific real-world subject. It allows you to explore the key characteristics, meanings, and implications of the case.

Case studies are often a good choice in a thesis or dissertation . They keep your project focused and manageable when you don’t have the time or resources to do large-scale research.

You might use just one complex case study where you explore a single subject in depth, or conduct multiple case studies to compare and illuminate different aspects of your research problem.

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Once you have developed your problem statement and research questions , you should be ready to choose the specific case that you want to focus on. A good case study should have the potential to:

  • Provide new or unexpected insights into the subject
  • Challenge or complicate existing assumptions and theories
  • Propose practical courses of action to resolve a problem
  • Open up new directions for future research

TipIf your research is more practical in nature and aims to simultaneously investigate an issue as you solve it, consider conducting action research instead.

Unlike quantitative or experimental research , a strong case study does not require a random or representative sample. In fact, case studies often deliberately focus on unusual, neglected, or outlying cases which may shed new light on the research problem.

Example of an outlying case studyIn the 1960s the town of Roseto, Pennsylvania was discovered to have extremely low rates of heart disease compared to the US average. It became an important case study for understanding previously neglected causes of heart disease.

However, you can also choose a more common or representative case to exemplify a particular category, experience or phenomenon.

Example of a representative case studyIn the 1920s, two sociologists used Muncie, Indiana as a case study of a typical American city that supposedly exemplified the changing culture of the US at the time.

While case studies focus more on concrete details than general theories, they should usually have some connection with theory in the field. This way the case study is not just an isolated description, but is integrated into existing knowledge about the topic. It might aim to:

  • Exemplify a theory by showing how it explains the case under investigation
  • Expand on a theory by uncovering new concepts and ideas that need to be incorporated
  • Challenge a theory by exploring an outlier case that doesn’t fit with established assumptions

To ensure that your analysis of the case has a solid academic grounding, you should conduct a literature review of sources related to the topic and develop a theoretical framework . This means identifying key concepts and theories to guide your analysis and interpretation.

There are many different research methods you can use to collect data on your subject. Case studies tend to focus on qualitative data using methods such as interviews , observations , and analysis of primary and secondary sources (e.g., newspaper articles, photographs, official records). Sometimes a case study will also collect quantitative data.

Example of a mixed methods case studyFor a case study of a wind farm development in a rural area, you could collect quantitative data on employment rates and business revenue, collect qualitative data on local people’s perceptions and experiences, and analyze local and national media coverage of the development.

The aim is to gain as thorough an understanding as possible of the case and its context.

In writing up the case study, you need to bring together all the relevant aspects to give as complete a picture as possible of the subject.

How you report your findings depends on the type of research you are doing. Some case studies are structured like a standard scientific paper or thesis , with separate sections or chapters for the methods , results and discussion .

Others are written in a more narrative style, aiming to explore the case from various angles and analyze its meanings and implications (for example, by using textual analysis or discourse analysis ).

In all cases, though, make sure to give contextual details about the case, connect it back to the literature and theory, and discuss how it fits into wider patterns or debates.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Null hypothesis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Control groups
  • Mixed methods research
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Quantitative research
  • Ecological validity

Research bias

  • Rosenthal effect
  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Selection bias
  • Negativity bias
  • Status quo bias

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McCombes, S. (2023, November 20). What Is a Case Study? | Definition, Examples & Methods. Scribbr. Retrieved March 30, 2024, from

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Next-gen B2B sales: How three game changers grabbed the opportunity

Driven by digitalized operating models, B2B sales have seen sweeping changes over the recent period amid rising customer demand for more seamless and transparent services. 1 “ The multiplier effect: How B2B winners grow ,” McKinsey, April 13, 2023. However, many industrial companies are failing to keep pace with their more commercially focused peers and, as a result, are becoming less competitive in terms of performance and customer services.

The most successful B2B players employ five key tactics to sharpen their sales capabilities: omnichannel sales teams; advanced sales technology and automation; data analytics and hyperpersonalization; tailored strategies on third-party marketplaces; and e-commerce excellence across the full marketing and sales funnel. 2 “ The multiplier effect: How B2B winners grow ,” McKinsey, April 13, 2023.

Companies using all of these tactics are twice as likely to see more than 10 percent market share growth than companies focusing on just one. 3 “ The multiplier effect: How B2B winners grow ,” McKinsey, April 13, 2023. However, implementation is not as simple, requiring a strategic vision, a full commitment, and the right capabilities to drive change throughout the organization. Various leading European industrial companies—part of McKinsey’s Industrial Gamechangers on Go-to-Market disruption in Europe—have achieved success by implementing the first three of these five sales tactics.

Omnichannel sales teams

The clearest rationale for accelerating the transition to omnichannel go-to-market is that industry players demand it. In 2017, only about 20 percent of industrial companies said they preferred digital interactions and purchases. 4 Global B2B Pulse Survey, McKinsey, April 30, 2023. Currently, that proportion is around 67 percent. In 2016, B2B companies had an average of five distinct channels; by 2021, that figure had risen to ten (Exhibit 1).

Excelling in omnichannel means enabling customers to move easily between channels without losing context or needing to repeat information. Companies that achieve these service levels report increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, faster growth rates, lower costs, and easier tracking and analysis of customer data. Across most of these metrics, the contrast with analogue approaches is striking. For example, B2B companies that successfully embed omnichannel show EBIT growth of 13.5 percent, compared to the 1.8 percent achieved by less digitally enabled peers. Next to purely digital channels, inside sales and hybrid sales are the most important channels to deliver an omnichannel experience.

Differentiating inside versus hybrid sales

Best-in-class B2B sellers have achieved up to 20 percent revenue gains by redefining go-to-market through inside and hybrid sales. The inside sales model cannot be defined as customer service, nor is it a call center or a sales support role—rather, it is a customer facing, quota bearing, remote sales function. It relies on qualified account managers and leverages data analytics and digital solutions to optimize sales strategy and outreach through a range of channels (Exhibit 2).

The adoption of inside sales is often an advantageous move, especially in terms of productivity. In fact, inside sales reps can typically cover four times the prospects at 50 percent of the cost of a traditional field rep, allowing the team to serve many customers without sacrificing quality of service. 5 McKinsey analysis. Top performing B2B companies are 50 percent more likely to leverage inside sales.

Up to 80 percent of a company’s accounts—often smaller and medium-sized customers, accounting for about half of revenues—can be covered by inside sales teams. 6 Industry expert interviews; McKinsey analysis. The remaining 20 percent often require in-person interactions, triggering the need for hybrid sales. This pertains to highly attractive leads as well.

Hybrid sales is an innovative model combining inside sales with traditional in-person interactions. Some 85 percent of companies expect hybrid sales will be the most common job role within three years. 7 Global B2B Pulse Survey, McKinsey, December 2022. Hybrid is often optimal for bigger accounts, as it is flexible in utilizing a combination of channels, serving customers where they prefer to buy. It is scalable, thanks to the use of remote and online sales, and it is effective because of the multiplier effect of numerous potential interactions. Of companies that grew more than 10 percent in 2022, 57 percent had adopted a hybrid sales model. 8 Global B2B Pulse, April 2023.

How an industrial automation solution player implemented game-changing inside sales

In 2019, amid soaring digital demand, a global leader in industrial digital and automation solutions saw an opportunity to deliver a cutting-edge approach to sales engagement.

As a starting point, the company took time to clearly define the focus and role of the inside sales team, based on product range, customer needs, and touchpoints. For simple products, where limited customer interaction was required, inside sales was the preferred go-to-market model. For more complex products that still did not require many physical touchpoints, the company paired inside sales teams with technical sales people, and the inside sales group supported fields reps. Where product complexity was high and customers preferred many touch points, the inside sales team adopted an orchestration role, bringing technical functions and field sales together (Exhibit 3).

The company laid the foundations in four key areas. First, it took time to sketch out the model, as well as to set targets and ensure the team was on board. As in any change program, there was some early resistance. The antidote was to hire external talent to help shape the program and highlight the benefits. To foster buy-in, the company also spent time creating visualizations. Once the team was up and running, early signs of success created a snowball effect, fostering enthusiasm among both inside sales teams and field reps.

Second, the company adopted a mantra: inside sales should not—and could not—be cost saving from day one. Instead, a significant part of the budget was allocated to build a tech stack and implement the tools to manage client relationships. One of the company’s leaders said, “As inside sales is all about using tech to obtain better outcomes, this was a vital step.”

The third foundational element was talent. The company realized that inside sales is not easy and is not for everyone—so finding the right people was imperative. As a result, it put in place a career development plan and recognized that many inside sales reps would see the job as a stepping stone in their careers. Demonstrating this understanding provided a great source of motivation for employees.

Finally, finding the right mix of incentives was key. The company chose a system based on compensation and KPI leading and lagging indicators. Individual incentives were a function of whether individuals were more involved with closing deals or supporting others, so a mix of KPIs was employed. The result was a more motivated salesforce and productive cooperation across the organization.

Advanced sales technology and automation

Automation is a key area of advanced sales technology, as it is critical to optimizing non-value adding activities that currently account for about two-thirds of sales teams’ time. More than 30 percent of sales tasks and processes are estimated to be partially automatable, from sales planning through lead management, quotation, order management, and post-sales activities. Indeed, automation leaders not only boost revenues and reduce cost to serve—both by as much as 20 percent—but also foster customer and employee satisfaction. (Exhibit 4). Not surprisingly, nine out of ten industrial companies have embarked on go-to-market automation journeys. Still, only a third say the effort has achieved the anticipated impact. 9 McKinsey analysis.

Leading companies have shown that effective automation focuses on four areas:

  • Lead management: Advanced analytics helps teams prioritize leads, while AI-powered chatbots contact prospective customers via text or email and schedule follow-up calls at promising times—for example, at the beginning or end of the working day.
  • Contract drafting: AI tools automate responses to request for proposal (RFP) inquiries, based on a predefined content set.
  • Invoice generation: Companies use robotic process automation to process and generate invoices, as well as update databases.
  • Sales commission planning: Machine learning algorithms provide structural support, for example, to optimize sales commission forecasting, leading up to a 50 percent decline in time spent on compensation planning.

How GEA seized the automation opportunity

GEA is one of the world’s most advanced suppliers of processing machinery for food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals. To provide customers with tailored quotes and services, the company launched a dedicated configure, price, quote (CPQ) system. The aim of the system was to enable automated quote creation that would free up frontline sales teams to operate independently from their back office colleagues. This, in turn, would boost customer interaction and take customer care to the next level.

The work began with a bottom-up review of the company’s configuration protocols, ensuring there was sufficient standardization for the new system to operate effectively. GEA also needed to ensure price consistency—especially important during the recent supply chain volatility. For quotations, the right template with the correct conditions and legal terms needed to be created, a change that eventually allowed the company to cut its quotation times by about 50 percent, as well as boost cross-selling activities.

The company combined the tools with a guided selling approach, in which sales teams focused on the customers’ goals. The teams then leveraged the tools to find the most appropriate product and pricing, leading to a quote that could be enhanced with add-ons, such as service agreements or digital offerings. Once the quote was sent and agreed upon, the data automatically would be transferred from customer relationship management to enterprise resource planning to create the order. In this way, duplication was completely eliminated. The company found that the sales teams welcomed the new approach, as it reduced the time to quote (Exhibit 5).

Data analytics and hyperpersonalization

Data are vital enablers of any go-to-market transformation, informing KPIs and decision making across operations and the customer journey. Key application areas include:

  • lead acquisition, including identification and prioritization
  • share of wallet development, including upselling and cross-selling, assortment optimization, and microsegmentation
  • pricing optimization, including market driven and tailored pricing, deal scoring, and contract optimization
  • churn prediction and prevention
  • sales effectiveness, so that sales rep time allocations (both in-person and virtual) are optimized, while training time is reduced

How Hilti uses machine data to drive sales

Hilti is a globally leading provider of power tools, services, and software to the construction industry. The company wanted to understand its customers better and forge closer relationships with them. Its Nuron battery platform, which harvests usage data from tools to transform the customer experience and create customer-specific insights, provided the solution.

One in three of Hilti’s frontline staff is in daily contact with the company’s customers, offering advice and support to ensure the best and most efficient use of equipment. The company broke new ground with its intelligent battery charging platform. As tool batteries are recharged, they transfer data to the platform and then to the Hilti cloud, where the data are analyzed to produce actionable insights on usage, pricing, add-ons, consumables, and maintenance. The system will be able to analyze at least 58 million data points every day.

Armed with this type of data, Hilti provides customers with advanced services, offering unique insights so that companies can optimize their tool parks, ensuring that the best tools are available and redundant tools are returned. In the meantime, sales teams use the same information to create deep insights—for example, suggesting that companies rent rather than buy tools, change the composition of tool parks, or upgrade.

To achieve its analytics-based approach, Hilti went on a multiyear journey, moving from unstructured analysis to a fully digitized approach. Still, one of the biggest learnings from its experience was that analytics tools are most effective when backed by human interactions on job sites. The last mile, comprising customer behavior, cannot be second guessed (Exhibit 6).

In the background, the company worked hard to put the right foundations in place. That meant cleaning its data (for example, at the start there were 370 different ways of measuring “run time”) and ensuring that measures were standardized. It developed the ability to understand which use cases were most important to customers, realizing that it was better to focus on a few impactful ones and thus create a convincing offering that was simple to use and effective.

A key element of the rollout was to ensure that employees received sufficient training— which often meant weeks of engagement, rather than just a few hours. The work paid off, with account managers now routinely supported by insights that enrich their interactions with customers. Again, optimization was key, ensuring the information they had at their fingertips was truly useful.

Levers for a successful transformation

The three company examples highlighted here illustrate how embracing omnichannel, sales technology, and data analytics create market leading B2B sales operations. However, the success of any initiative will be contingent on managing change. Our experience in working with leading industrial companies shows that the most successful digital sales and analytics transformations are built on three elements:

  • Strategy: As a first step, companies develop strategies starting from deep customer insights. With these, they can better understand their customers’ problems and identify what customers truly value. Advanced analytics can support the process, informing insights around factors such as propensity to buy and churn. These can enrich the company’s understanding of how it wants its go-to-market model to evolve.
  • Tailored solutions: Customers appreciate offerings tailored to their needs. 10 “ The multiplier effect: How B2B winners grow ,” McKinsey, April 13, 2023. This starts with offerings and services, extends to pricing structures and schemes, and ways of serving and servicing. For example, dynamic pricing engines that model willingness to pay (by segment, type of deal, and route to market) may better meet the exact customer demand, while serving a customer completely remotely might better suit their interaction needs, and not contacting them too frequently might prevent churn more than frequent outreaches. Analytics on data gained across all channels serves to uncover these needs and become hyperpersonalized.
  • Single source of truth: Best-in-class data and analytics capabilities leverage a variety of internal and external data types and sources (transaction data, customer data, product data, and external data) and technical approaches. To ensure a consistent output, companies can establish a central data repository as a “single source of truth.” This can facilitate easy access to multiple users and systems, thereby boosting efficiency and collaboration. A central repository also supports easier backup, as well as data management and maintenance. The chances of data errors are reduced and security is tightened.

Many companies think they need perfect data to get started. However, to make productive progress, a use case based approach is needed. That means selecting the most promising use cases and then scaling data across those cases through speedy testing.

And with talent, leading companies start with small but highly skilled analytics teams, rather than amassing talent too early—this can allow them to create an agile culture of continual improvement and cost efficiency.

As shown by the three companies discussed in this article, most successful B2B players employ various strategies to sharpen their sales capabilities, including omnichannel sales teams; advanced sales technology and automation; and data analytics and hyperpersonalization. A strategic vision, a full commitment, and the right capabilities can help B2B companies deploy these strategies successfully.

Paolo Cencioni is a consultant in McKinsey’s Brussels office, where Jacopo Gibertini is also a consultant; David Sprengel is a partner in the Munich office; and Martina Yanni is an associate partner in the Frankfurt office.

The authors wish to thank Christopher Beisecker, Kate Piwonski, Alexander Schult, Lucas Willcke, and the B2B Pulse team for their contributions to this article.

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While kering’s gucci warns of 20% decline, lvmh sees growth in luxury market.

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Beijing, Beijing, China, North-East Asia, Asia

The French luxury conglomerate Kering , number two in the global luxury market, just issued a rare warning that first-quarter revenues are expected to decline 10% from last year’s $5.5 billion (€5.1 billion) and projects its flagship brand Gucci to be off nearly 20%, down from $2.8 billion (€2.6 billion).

Kering cites particular weakness in the Asia-Pacific region as the cause of Gucci’s expected shortfall, but North America was a pain point for many luxury brands in 2023, with Bain reporting that performance in the personal luxury sector declined each successive quarter.

Kering had a bad showing in North America last year, with revenues off 18% there. North America accounted for about one-fourth of revenues. On the other hand, Asia Pacific did quite well in 2023 with revenues up 10%. Asia-Pacific made up 35% of company revenues.

Kering owns some 13 brands, but Gucci accounted for roughly one-half of Kering’s $21.2 billion (€19.6 billion) in revenues last year, as overall sales dropped 4% from 2022 and Gucci was down 6%. Kering also underwent a management shakeup and Gucci appointed of a new creative director in 2023.

Kering’s other fashion brands include Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen and Brioni, plus Boucheron and Pomellato in jewelry, Kering Eyewear, Kering Beauté and a few others.

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Set against the bad news from Kering is good, even great news from LVMH, the luxury industry’s leader. It ended fiscal 2023 up 9% on a reported basis, equating to 13% organic growth, reaching $93 billion (€86.2 billion). Its Fashion and Leather Goods reporting sector, most closely comparable to Kering, was up 9% reported (14% organic) to reach $45.6 billion (€42.1 billion).

Both companies are facing the same global macroeconomic headwinds, but only one is entering 2024 with a positive outlook, as stated by LVMH, “While the geopolitical and macroeconomic environment remains uncertain, LVMH is confident in its ability to continue to grow in 2024.”

These two companies, number one LVMH and number two Kering in the luxury industry, provide a compelling study in contrasts. Why is the one doing so well and the other so poorly? And how much worse can it get for Kering? Neither company answered a request for comment.

Study In Contrast

Having reported on Kering’s mounting troubles before, I did a deep dive into its results since 2019 compared with LVMH, LVMH’s Fashion and Leather Goods sector and the personal luxury market overall. This chart tells the story in numbers:

Luxury Leaders' Revenues and Personal Luxury Goods Market 2019-2023

While the personal luxury market grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% from 2019 to 2023, Kering’s results fell below the market at 4.2% CAGR and Gucci had a miniscule advance over the five years.

On a positive note, Kering became less reliant on Gucci during that time, dropping from 60% of revenues in 2019 to 50% in 2023, but its other reporting brands and sectors didn’t pick up the slack.

By comparison, LVMH nearly doubled the market’s CAGR, up 9.9%, and its Fashion and Leather group achieved 13.6% CAGR from 2019 to 2023, nearly reaching storied Hermès’ 14.2% CAGR over that period to reach $14.5 billion (€13.4 billion).

LVMH’s Fashion and Leather Goods sector is led by Louis Vuitton and also includes 14 other brands or maisons, specifically Berluti, Celine, Christian Dior, Fendi, Givenchy, Kenzo, Loro Piana, Loewe, Marc Jacobs, Moynat, Patou, Pucci, Rimowa and Vuarnet.

Trouble At Gucci

Kering’s Gucci finds itself in a mess of trouble. TD Cowen’s Oliver Chen wrote in a research note that while Gucci has a strong history, its turnaround may take quite some time.

“We do not believe this will occur quickly,” he wrote, noting that new creative director Sabato De Sarno is still unproved, since his designs will contribute only about one-third of the brand’s assortment by June.

And it might be said that De Sarno’s first showing was a fail, particularly in Asia-Pacific. “The product launched in stores in Winter did not resonate with customers, particularly during the crucial Chinese New Year Holiday,” Chen wrote.

“We believe the issues are particularly isolated to the Gucci brand given a new designer and fashion change from anniversarying multiple years of growth,” from 2017 to 2022 under previous creative director Alessandro Michele.

Business Model Flaws

Kering’s weakness seems to be a function of two business model flaws: over-reliance on Gucci’s and other brands’ star power, or lack thereof, and a short-term focus.

Rising And Falling Stars

“Kering has developed a fragmented management style where every brand is pushed to its limit to grow revenues, to go maximum speed with most of its energies and expectations devoted mainly on Gucci,” luxury industry advisor Susanna Nicoletti shared.

“Kering brands have been pushed over their structural limits by the temptation of immediate results, never given the proper time to push, rest and recover. It’s been like a Ferrari taken to the maximum speed without any pit stop,” she continued.

Because of the inherently volatile nature of the fashion business model versus the evergreen luxury business model, Kering’s Gucci and its other brands are caught in a vicious cycle of ups and downs as fashion’s winds blow hot or cold.

“There’s obvious emotional excess in the Gucci and Balenciaga shows, for example, and a competition of egos across the brands,” she continued. “The group could not keep a grip on the strategic orchestration of all its brands and resist the temptation of individual growth that could too easily result in a quick fall from grace.”

Short-Term Gain, No Sustained Focus

At the corporate level, Professor Alessandro Balossini Volpe sees past strategic decisions coming back to haunt the company. For example, in 2018, Kering spun off 70% of its holdings in Puma after investing nearly $6 billion in the brand in 2007. At the time, Kering justified its decision to focus exclusively on its higher-margin luxury business.

“Had they not decided to spin-it off its sportswear division, it could at least partially compensate for the declining sales in its luxury houses. Now Puma is a strong performer in its own market,” Balossini Volpe said. Puma revenues advanced 6.6% in 2023, reaching $9.3 billion last year.

Another misstep was the sale of YSL Beauté to L’Oreal in 2008 in a deal valued at about $1.2 billion. “Although being lucrative at the time, it was a mistake, depriving the group of full control of a key brand and eventually seriously limiting their possibilities to expand in the cosmetics business with all its benefits as a cash cow. Cosmetics are a growing and stable market, as well as a tool to expand brand awareness and recruit new customers,” he observed.

Kering is trying to recover from that mistake by its recent acquisition of Creed and the establishment of a Kering Beauté division. The company did not announce terms of the deal, but the Financial Times reported it amounted to $3.8 billion. “How much stronger would they be in this sector if they still managed still managed such a leading cosmetic brand?” he asked.

Balossini Volpe also points to the mismanagement of Brioni, which had been a revolving door for CEOs and creative directors. “Now Brioni has apparently found some stability, but what could it have been without the dispersal of precious cultural capital and competencies during this protracted turmoil?” he asked.

Brioni’s loss seems to be competitor Brunello Cucinelli’s gain. It is opening a menswear plant in Penne, Italy, where Brioni also has its manufacturing facilities. The move will help Cucinelli recruit high-value menswear tailoring talent cast off or dissatisfied with Kering management. Brunello Cucinelli’s revenues advanced 24% last year to $1.2 billion.

Managing for Long-Term Sustainable Growth

LVMH manages its business and maisons in a different way, and one could argue the right way in the luxury market.

“Steady growth at all brand levels is carefully engineered by LVMH, orchestrated by the group that manages every single brand within the group by a group logic to which each brand and CEO are subordinated,” Nicoletti said.

“LVMH luxury brands are like an orchestra all playing in harmony together and focused on the group results, not just a single brand success,” she observed.

Fellow contributor Steven Dennis and Michael LeBlanc hosted a podcast with Anish Melwani , LVMH chairman and CEO North America, where he succinctly described the management philosophy of the company:

“We share a common set of values. We are all committed to excellence, quality, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. The idea is that you never rest on your laurels of what you’ve accomplished, but you’re constantly striving to drive desirability in new and creative ways. And we added a new value more recently, to be a positive force for the planet.”

Those long-term strategies are working. “I’m not arguing that LVMH always makes the right move,” said Balossini Volpe. “They’ve had their failures and mistakes, like Fenty clothing, Pucci never really took off and canceling Marc by Marc Jacobs in 2015 only to relaunch it in 2018. However, LVMH is more diversified, has long-term, more luxury-friendly strategies and a stronger control of the identities of their own brands.”

Kering’s Challenge, Luxury Industry’s Opportunity

In closing, Balossini Volpe sees a paradigm shift emerging in the luxury-fashion market from the old model that Kering seems to follow to a new one evidenced by LVMH.

“We are on the verge of seeing a shift from the era of the omnipotent creative director to a broader, collective leadership model that puts a careful definition and management of the brand identity at the center of the process,” he said.

It would mean that product design and creativity become subordinated to the broader process, not the driver of it and he points not just to LVMH, but also to Hermès as demonstrating the new business model.

“For example, Martin Margiela and Jean-Paul Gaultier have been the creative directors at Hermès, but while there, they played ‘Hermès’ and not their own song. They worked as part of an orchestra, and not as soloists,” he concluded.

Pamela N. Danziger

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Introduction The last COVID-19 vaccine offered to all adults in England became available from November 2021. The most recent booster programme commenced in September 2023. Bivalent BA.4-5 or monovalent XBB.1.5 boosters were given. During the study period, the JN.1 variant became dominant in England. Methods Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation was estimated throughout using the test-negative case-control study design where positive PCR tests from hospitalised individuals are cases and comparable negative PCR tests are controls. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation with the test result as the outcome, vaccination status as the primary exposure variable of interest and confounder adjustment. Results There was no evidence of residual protection for boosters given as part of previous campaigns. There were 28,916 eligible tests included to estimate the effectiveness of the autumn 2023 boosters in those aged 65 years and older. VE peaked at 50.6% (95% CI: 44.2-56.3%) after 2-4 weeks, followed by waning to 13.6% (95% CI: -11.7-33.2%). Estimates were generally higher for the XBB.1.5 booster than the BA.4-5 booster, but this difference was not statistically significant. Point estimates were highest against XBB sub-lineages. Effectiveness was lower against both JN.1 and EG.5.1 variants with confidence intervals non-overlapping with the effectiveness of the XBB sub-lineages at 2-4 weeks for EG.5.1 where VE was 44.5% (95% CI: 20.2- 61.4%) and at 5-9 weeks for JN.1 where VE was 26.4% (95%CI: -3.4-47.6%). Conclusions The recent monovalent XBB.1.5 and bivalent BA.4-5 boosters provided comparable and good protection against hospitalisation, however there was evidence of lower VE against hospitalisation of these boosters against JN.1.

Competing Interest Statement

The Immunisation Department provides vaccine manufacturers (including Pfizer) with post-marketing surveillance reports about pneumococcal and meningococcal disease which the companies are required to submit to the UK Licensing authority in compliance with their Risk Management Strategy. A cost recovery charge is made for these reports.

Funding Statement

This study did not receive any external funding.

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I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.

The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:

The study protocol was subject to an internal review by the UK Health Security Agency Research Ethics and Governance Group and was found to be fully compliant with all regulatory requirements. As no regulatory issues were identified, and ethical review is not a requirement for this type of work, it was decided that a full ethical review would not be necessary. UKHSA has legal permission, provided by Regulation 3 of The Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002, to process patient confidential information for national surveillance of communicable diseases and as such, individual patient consent is not required to access records.

I confirm that all necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived, and that any patient/participant/sample identifiers included were not known to anyone (e.g., hospital staff, patients or participants themselves) outside the research group so cannot be used to identify individuals.

I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).

I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines, such as any relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material, if applicable.

Data Availability

This work is carried out under Regulation 3 of The Health Service (Control of Patient Information; Secretary of State for Health, 2002) using patient identification information without individual patient consent as part of the UKHSA legal requirement for public health surveillance and monitoring of vaccines. As such, authors cannot make the underlying dataset publicly available for ethical and legal reasons. However, all the data used for this analysis is included as aggregated data in the manuscript tables and appendix. Applications for relevant anonymised data should be submitted to the UKHSA Office for Data Release at

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    Try to keep your headline under 12 words. Use action words: Incorporate action verbs such as "achieved," "transformed," or "boosted" to convey a sense of accomplishment. Include data: Numbers make your headline more credible. For example, if the case study achieved a 75% increase in sales, include that in the headline.

  2. The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Case Studies

    Conclusion. Case studies are powerful marketing tools. They tell your potential customers relatable stories, demonstrate your company's success, and help you build credibility. Case studies will help you reach your audience in a way that no sales pitch, email, newsletter, or advertisement will.

  3. 28 Case Study Examples Every Marketer Should See

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  4. What Is a Case Study in Marketing and How to Build One (Examples)

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  5. 10 Marketing Case Study Examples

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  6. How to Write a Case Study: Bookmarkable Guide & Template

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  7. What Is A Marketing Case Study? 10 Examples To Inspire You

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  8. 4 Marketing Case Study Examples + How to Write One

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    A case study is a content marketing piece that shares how your brand, product, or service affected a client and influenced their success in a big way. It shows how working with your company solved their problems or addressed pain points. The research and organization are a bit like your middle school science project.

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    Case studies set businesses apart and help them stand out from the competition. Understanding the Purpose of a Marketing Case Study. While a case study is meant to highlight a success story of an individual or company your business worked with, it's really an opportunity to build trust and credibility for your brand.

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  22. What Is a Case Study?

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  29. Effectiveness of Autumn 2023 COVID-19 vaccination and residual

    During the study period, the JN.1 variant became dominant in England. Methods Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation was estimated throughout using the test-negative case-control study design where positive PCR tests from hospitalised individuals are cases and comparable negative PCR tests are controls.