
Dunia Kerja

Contoh Cover Letter, Jurus Ampuh Fresh Graduate Dapat Kerja

contoh cover letter

Ajaib.co.id – Sarjana yang baru lulus kuliah pasti sedang berkutat menyusun surat lamaran kerja untuk melamar pekerjaan impiannya. Menyusun berkas lamaran sendiri susah-susah gampang dan kadang perlu inspirasi. Termasuk salah satunya mendapatkan contoh cover letter yang jitu untuk menarik hati HRD.

Cover letter umumnya dibuat ketika hendak melamar kerja ke suatu perusahaan sebagai pelengkap CV. Bisa dikatakan ini adalah surat pengantar proses lamaran pekerjaanmu. Isi surat ini ialah maksud dan tujuanmu melamar keperusahaan tersebut.

Bukan hanya itu, kamu juga wajib memaparkan pengalaman, skill, prestasi dan berbagai faktor pendukung lainnya yang relevan dengan lowongan kerja yang kamu tuju. Upayakan jika uraianmu ini belum tercantum di CV sebelumnya. Umumnya, cover letter menjadi landasan HRD tertarik memanggil kandidat tersebut untuk ikut dalam seleksi berikutnya.

Namun syaratnya, kamu harus bisa menjelaskannya dengan ringkas sekaligus padat. Pasalnya, kebanyakan HRD tidak punya banyak waktu untuk membaca contoh cover letter yang bertele-tele. Susun kalimat yang berbobot sekaligus menarik yang menekankan kompetensimu. Setidaknya hanya perlu dua sampai 4 paragraf untuk menjabarkannya.

Pastikan kamu menyusun sendiri cover letter yang kamu kirimkan. Jangan hanya sekedar copy paste dan dikirimkan begitu saja kepada HRD . Jelas pola ini akan terbaca dan membuatmu tereliminasi seketika. Kamu boleh saja menggunakan Bahasa Inggris maupun Bahasa Indonesia dalam cover letter-mu.

Namun pastikan kamu fasih di bahasa tersebut sehingga tidak ada masalah ketika proses wawancara. Jangan lupa mencari contoh surat lamaran yang bisa dijadikan acuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuanmu menulis cover letter. Pasalnya, bisa dibilang berkas ini adalah yang paling terutama dalam proses seleksi di tempat kerja.

Contoh Cover Letter Untuk Fresh Graduate Dengan Pengalaman Magang

Contoh cover letter untuk fresh graduate tanpa pengalaman magang, contoh cover letter buat jadi inspirasimu ketika melamar pekerjaan.

Jika saat ini kamu sedang mencari pekerjaan atau memiliki agenda untuk interview dengan membawa berkas lamaran kamu, maka hal yang perlu kamu persiapkan adalah sebuah cover letter yang menarik minat perusahaan untuk mempekerjakan kamu. Oleh sebab itu pastinya kamu mencari berbagai contoh cover letter yang terbaik untuk kamu tunjukkan kepada perusahaan.

Meski demikian, kamu mungkin bingung antara cover letter dengan Curriculum Vitae (CV) dimana pada dasarnya tidak memiliki perbedaan yang mencolok. Cover Letter mengandung unsur promosi untuk diri kamu, sedangkan Curriculum Vitae lebih kepada rincian detail perjalanan kamu.

Lalu, sebelum kamu melihat contoh cover Letter, ada baiknya jika kamu memperhatikan cara membuat Cover Letter dengan mengikuti tahapan pembuatannya, agar kamu dilirik perusahaan : 

Pada bagian awal cover letter, kamu harus menulis nama orang atau atasan dalam perusahaan yang kamu lamar. Jika kamu tidak mengetahui namanya, maka kamu dapat menuliskan ‘Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu’. Namun lebih baik lagi jika kamu mengetahui pihak yang kamu tuju dengan muliskan Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu diikuti dengan nama orang yang akan kamu tuju.

Dalam penulisan cover letter, tidak memerlukan tulisan yang amat panjang dan bertele-tele. Kamu hanya perlu menuliskan secara singkat, padat, tepat dan jelas mengenai posisi yang kamu lamar. Tulislah mengenai posisi yang kamu lamar, diikuti dengan latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman yang relevan. Jangan lupa bubuhkan sebuah pernyataan pribadi kamu untuk menarik minat perekrut.

Pastikan kamu menulis penutup cover letter kamu dengan bahasa yang formal dan lugas. Minimalisir kesalahan penulisan dengan membaca ulang cover letter kamu. Hal ini penting karena perekrut umumnya akan mencari kandidat yang minim kesalahan termasuk kesalah sepele seperti salah ketik. 

Sertakan pula nama lengkapmu beserta tanda tangan untuk menjadikannya lebih resmi. Bagian kecil seperti ini mungkin terkesan sepele namun menunjukkan attitude yang kamu miliki. Hal ini juga kerap kali jadi perhatian para pemekerja ketika melakukan perekrutan.

Demikian tiga hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menulis cover letter. Berikutnya dalam menulis cover letter, ada berbagai variasi sesuai dengan bidang yang kamu lamar.

Beberapa contoh cover letter yang perlu kamu tiru haruslah sesuai dengan latar belakang kamu. Semisal anda adalah fresh graduated atau kamu memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya. Ini akan menjadi penting untuk penilaian perusahaan kepada kamu.

Berikut ini ada dua contoh cover letter yang bisa kamu tiru untuk menarik perhatian perusahaan berdasarkan pengalaman kerja kamu :

Jika kamu merupakan mahasiswa yang baru saja menyelesaikan studi atau fresh graduate dan sudah menjalani magang beberapa bulan, maka alangkah baiknya jika kamu menuliskan referensi singkat tersebut dalam cover letter kamu. Ini juga mencakup beberapa pencapaian selama kamu menjalani magang.

Berikut contoh cover letter yang bisa kamu tulis :

Jl. Merpati Nomor 31 RT 01/ RW 03 Jakarta Selatan (Alamat anda)

23 Juni 2019 (Tanggal kamu memberikan cover letter)

Ibu Joana (Nama Penerima)

Manager HRD PT. Agri (Jabatan)

Gedung Agri, Jl. Nusantara Nomor 39/40 Jakarta Pusat (Alamat)

Dengan hormat,

Saya menuliskan cover letter ini untuk menyampaikan ketertarikan saya pada jabatan sebagai ‘Asisten Perkebunan’ di perusahaan besar yang kamu kelola. 

Saat ini saya baru lulus dengan gelar Sarjana Pertanian jurusan Hortikultura dari Universitas Budi Indonesia. Besar harapan saya dapat menerapkan ilmu yang saya peroleh untuk berinovasi dalam perusahaan yang kamu pimpin sebagai komitmen saya untuk memberikan lebih banyak profit pada perusahaan.

Selain itu, saya juga merupakan tenaga ahli yang terlatih dalam sebuah organisasi tenaga kerja pertanian dan menjalani beberapa pelatihan yang menunjang performa saya dalam mengemban ragam tugas saya.

Sebelumnya, saya juga sudah berpengalaman magang di Perusahaan Pengolahan Kopi yang dimana keterampilan saya semakin terasah untuk bekerja dengan beberapa professional handal. Selama 4 bulan menjalani masa magang, saya terus membangun antusias dan semangat untuk selalu menjadi pekerja yang loyal.

Beberapa pencapaian saya saat magang adalah memimpin proyek untuk kegiatan tanam kopi di 20 lokasi replanting. Saya bekerja sama dengan pegawai magang lain untuk mensukseskan program tersebut. Kami selanjutnya memperoleh penilaian 90% sempurna berdasarkan survey pada pemilik lahan kopi dan petani.

Berdasarkan kualifikasi dan keahlian saya, mohon kiranya ibu dapat meninjau kembali lampiran cover letter ini.

Terima kasih karena sudah meluangkan waktu ibu untuk membaca cover letter ini dan saya berharap cover letter inibisa ditindak lanjuti.

Hormat saya,

Alinda Tabita (nama dan tanda tangan kamu)

[email protected] (alamat E-mail kamu)

0871-2343-9876 (nomor yang bisa dihubungi)

Jika kamu merupakan mahasiswa yang baru saja menyelesaikan studi atau fresh graduate dan belum memiliki pengalaman magang, maka alangkah baiknya jika kamu menuliskan referensi yang mencakup sikap optimis kamu dalam bekerja yang dibuktikan dari pencapaian atau prestasi kamu saat menjalani perkuliahan.

Bersama dengan surat ini, saya sebagai mahasiswa yang baru lulus dari jurusan hortikultura Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Budi Indonesia, tertarik dengan jabatan ‘Asisten Perkebunan’ di perusahaan yang ibu pimpin. Hal ini karena saya merasa jabatan tersebut sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman saya.

Saat menjalani masa menjadi mahasiswa, saya tidak hanya mempertahankan nilai yang tinggi namun juga menjadi anggota penyuluh pertanian yang sukses dalam berbagai modifikasi tanaman.

Saya sudah terbiasa fokus dan disiplin dalam hal apapun yang saya kerjakan. Mengingat ini sangat penting, saya selalu menanamkan fokus dan disiplin dalam ruang lingkup kelompok dengan nilai kerja sama.

Sebagai anggota kelompok, saya memiliki kontribusi dalam meningkatkan semangat dan ketertarikan tim dalam ragam kegiata yang dilakukan. Jika ditinjau dari skala 1-10, tim kami memperoleh nilai 8 untuk minat dan ketertarikan di bidang hortikultura.

Walaupun ini adalah pertama kalinya saya bekerja di bidang pertanian, namun saya sangat percaya diri dengan keterampilan dan kemampuan saya. Saya dapat belajar cepat dan menyesuaikan kebutuhan perusahaan dan tim.

Terima kasih sudah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca cover letter ini, besar harapan saya agar diberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung dalam perusahaan.

Penggunaan bahasa dalam cover letter juga penting. Belakangan milenial lebih suka berbahasa inggris dalam surat pengantar ini dibandingkan bahasa indonesia. Bahasa asing ini dianggap lebih formal dan bisa menggambarkan profesionalitas seseorang.

Harus diakui jika contoh cover letter dalam bahasa inggris dinilai lebih menjual bagi sejumlah perusahaan. Hal ini representatif kemampuan bahasa inggris pelamar yang sekaligus jadi poin plus.

Kendati demikian, bukan berarti CV yang menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia tidak lebih menjual ketimbang versi Bahasa Inggris. Hal itu tak lepas dari bagaimana pelamar kerja menyajikan CV yang dibuatnya.

CV adalah self branding yang memasarkan keahlian dan pencapaian yang bisa dijual pelamar kerja kepada perusahaan. Sehingga, CV perlu ditulis dalam bahasa yang efektif dan tak bertele-tele. Jadi bahasa apapun yang digunakan pastikan uraianmu efektif dan efisien.

Sejumlah contoh cover letter itu bisa kamu jadikan panduan saat menyusun berkas lamaran pekerjaan . Harap diingat jika seringkali mencari pekerjaan bukan proses yang mudah. Namun kamu tak perlu berputus asa karena pasti akan ada pekerjaan yang menantimu di salah satu perusahaan.

Selamat mencoba!


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cover letter untuk fresh graduate

Tentang Ajaib Ajaib membuka pintu akses terhadap investasi reksa dana, selebar-lebarnya untuk berbagai kalangan, terutama pemula. Semua orang berhak mendapat akses ke investasi aman dan terpercaya, terlepas dari tingkat pendapatannya. Ajaib percaya bahwa berinvestasi adalah kewajiban semua orang, bukan hak. Investasi berguna untuk meringankan dampak inflasi, meningkatkan jumlah kekayaanmu, dan persiapan masa depan. Melalui layanan investasi reksa dana online, Ajaib memberikan rekomendasi reksa dana terbaik. Reksa dana terbaik didefinisikan berdasarkan pengembalian historis dan rekam jejak Manajer Investasi. Kendati demikian, para pengguna Ajaib (untuk seterusnya disebut Investor Ajaib), berinvestasi tanpa paksaan dari Ajaib. Investor Ajaib diharapkan untuk memahami risiko investasi. Data pengembalian historis tidak menjamin pengembalian di masa depan. Investasi saham bersifat volatil. Investor Ajaib diharapkan untuk dapat memahami risiko sebelum berinvestasi. Untuk berinvestasi saham di Ajaib, investor cukup mengisi data sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku, dan yang tersedia di aplikasi Ajaib. Aktivasi akun akan dilakukan secara online, kamu tidak perlu bertemu dengan agen. Setelahnya, kamu bisa mengisi RDN untuk mulai transaksi jual-beli saham di Ajaib. Untuk berinvestasi reksa dana di Ajaib, kamu bisa melengkapi data diri kamu di aplikasi Ajaib. Data tersebut akan digunakan untuk verifikasi wajib dari OJK demi keamanan dan kenyamanan kamu. Proses verifikasi ini biasa memakan waktu 3 jam (apabila data kamu lengkap dan tidak terkendala). Lalu selagi menunggu proses verifikasi berlangsung, kamu sudah dapat mempelajari produk-produk reksa dana dan prospektus yang tersedia di aplikasi sebelum melakukan transaksi.”

Cari tahu tentang Ajaib

Tentang Ajaib Semua transaksi saham difasilitasi oleh PT Ajaib Sekuritas Asia (“Ajaib Sekuritas”), pialang yang terdaftar di OJK dan IDX. Semua transaksi reksa dana difasilitasi oleh PT Takjub Teknologi Indonesia (“Ajaib Reksa Dana”), APERD yang terdaftar di OJK. Keduanya merupakan bagian dari grup Ajaib Technologies. Ajaib Group membuka pintu akses terhadap investasi, selebar-lebarnya untuk berbagai kalangan, terutama pemula. Semua orang berhak mendapat akses ke investasi aman dan terpercaya, terlepas dari tingkat pendapatannya. Ajaib Group percaya bahwa berinvestasi adalah kewajiban semua orang, bukan hak. Investasi berguna untuk meringankan dampak inflasi, meningkatkan jumlah kekayaanmu, dan persiapan masa depan. Layanan investasi reksa dana online Ajaib Reksa Dana memberikan aneka pilihan reksa dana terbaik. Reksa dana terbaik didefinisikan berdasarkan pengembalian historis dan rekam jejak Manajer Investasi. Kendati demikian, para pengguna Ajaib (untuk seterusnya disebut Investor Ajaib), berinvestasi tanpa paksaan dari Ajaib. Investor Ajaib diharapkan untuk memahami risiko investasi. Data pengembalian historis tidak menjamin pengembalian di masa depan. Melalui layanan saham Ajaib Sekuritas Asia, Investor Ajaib dapat mengakses informasi lengkap emiten, termasuk peringkat performa jika dibandingkan dengan kompetitornya di industri yang sama. Selain itu, Investor Ajaib juga dapat melihat analisis berdasarkan indikator teknikal, memantau perubahan harga, dan melihat sentimen pasar berdasarkan berita-berita terkini. Investasi saham bersifat volatil. Investor Ajaib diharapkan untuk dapat memahami risiko sebelum berinvestasi.


Fresh Graduate Cover Letter

cover letter untuk fresh graduate

Applying for your first job or internship after graduation can be challenging, especially when you have little to no experience in the workforce. A well-crafted cover letter can significantly increase your chances of landing that dream job. This article will guide you on how to write an effective fresh graduate cover letter, provide examples, and offer practical tips to help you stand out from the competition.

What is a Fresh Graduate Cover Letter?

A Fresh Graduate Cover Letter is a document accompanying a resume, specifically written by recent graduates seeking their first job or internship opportunity. This letter focuses on their academic achievements, internship experience, coursework, and relevant skills that align with the job’s requirements.

What is the Best Example of a Fresh Graduate Cover Letter?

The best cover letter example of a fresh graduate seamlessly merges academic accomplishments, relevant skills, and any internships or volunteer work to demonstrate a candidate’s potential to succeed in the targeted role. The key is to focus on transferable skills and highlight how you can contribute to the company.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to apply for the junior analyst position at XYZ Company, as advertised on your careers page. As a recent Business Administration graduate from ABC University, I am eager to apply my academic knowledge in a practical setting.

During my time at ABC University, I majored in Finance and completed an internship with DEF Firm. I worked directly under the senior analyst and assisted with data analysis and presentation. This experience, combined with my academic background, makes me a strong candidate for this position.

I am confident that my passion for data analysis and strong analytical skills would allow me to make a significant contribution to the XYZ team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name]

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter

Size: 27 KB

Free Fresh Graduate Cover Letters – Copy & Paste

We understand that writing a cover letter can be daunting, especially when you’re fresh out of college. Here are some free templates to guide you. You can copy, paste, and customize them to suit your specific circumstances and the job you’re applying for.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter with No Experience Example

Writing a cover letter with no work experience can be a challenge, but it’s certainly not impossible. In such a case, your aim should be to highlight your academic achievements, volunteer work, internships, and transferable skills. The example below is a guide on how to write a compelling cover letter even with no work experience:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [Your University] with a degree in [Your Degree], I am eager to start my career in [Industry Name] with an innovative company such as yours.

During my time at university, I [talk about a project or accomplishment]. Additionally, I developed strong [mention specific skills] skills, which I believe are highly applicable to the role of [Job Title].

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills and experience to your esteemed company and am confident in my ability to become a productive member of your team.

Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter with No Experience Example

Size: 26 KB

How to Use: Use this template as a guide. Remember to personalize it with your own details, and add specific accomplishments and skills that align with the job description. Tailoring your cover letter to each job application will show the hiring manager that you’re genuinely interested in the position and the company.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Examples

Crafting an effective cover letter for job application as a fresh graduate for a specific job application requires highlighting your academic achievements, relevant coursework, internships, or projects related to the job. Here is an example to guide you:

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], I believe I am well-equipped to contribute effectively to your team.

In my final year project, I worked on [describe the project and your role briefly]. This experience gave me hands-on exposure to [mention relevant skills or knowledge that are pertinent to the job]. I am eager to apply this knowledge and grow further at [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Examples

How to Use: Remember to replace the placeholders with your information and tailor the content to match the job requirements and the company’s culture.

Fresh Engineering Graduate Cover Letter Example

As a fresh engineering graduate, your cover letter should highlight technical skills, academic projects, and engineering internships. Here’s an example:

I’m writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in [Engineering Discipline].

During my time at university, I worked on a project [describe the project and your role], which helped me develop practical skills in [mention specific engineering skills]. In addition, my internship at [Company Name] allowed me to gain hands-on experience in the field.

I am eager to contribute my energy, dedication, and technical skills to your esteemed company. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Engineering Graduate Cover Letter Example

How to Use: Adapt this  engineering cover letter  to fit your own experiences and achievements. Be sure to highlight engineering projects or internships that align with the job you’re applying for.

Fresh Medical Graduate Cover Letter Example

A cover letter for a fresh medical graduate should focus on clinical experiences, internships, and your passion for medicine. Here’s a suitable example:

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a [Degree Name], I am eager to begin my career at your respected institution.

During my clinical rotations at [Hospital/Clinic Name], I gained hands-on experience in [specific medical skills]. My experience, coupled with my passion for helping others, makes me a strong candidate for this position.

I look forward to the opportunity to provide compassionate and dedicated care to your patients. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Medical Graduate Cover Letter Example

How to Use: Modify this example by inserting your details, the hiring manager’s name, and specific skills or experiences relevant to the job.

Fresh Architect Graduate Cover Letter Example

A fresh architect graduate cover letter should showcase your design skills, technical knowledge, and any relevant projects or internships you’ve completed. Here’s an example:

I’m applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], which I saw listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. I have recently graduated from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture.

In my final year, I was part of a project [describe the project and your role]. This experience allowed me to develop my design and technical skills in [mention specific skills].

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and to grow as a professional. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Architect Graduate Cover Letter Example

Size: 188 KB

How to Use: Personalize this template by including your specific experiences, skills, and academic achievements related to the field of architecture.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Customer Service Example

As a fresh graduate applying for a customer service position, your cover letter should highlight your communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and any customer service or sales-related experience. Here’s a sample:

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], and I believe my skills and experiences align with your needs.

During my part-time role at [Previous Company Name], I developed strong customer service skills and a solution-focused mindset. I also learned to handle customer complaints and maintain a positive customer experience.

I am excited about the possibility of bringing my unique blend of skills and experience to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Customer Service Example

How to Use: Modify this customer service cover letter to include your own experiences, especially any roles or projects where you have demonstrated strong customer service skills.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Internship Example

When applying for an internship as a fresh graduate, your cover letter should highlight your eagerness to learn, relevant coursework, and any academic or extracurricular achievements. Here’s a sample:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I’m excited to apply for the internship position at [Company Name] which I discovered on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], I’m eager to apply my knowledge in a practical setting.

During my university career, I excelled in [mention specific courses or projects], which I believe will be beneficial for this role. My professors commended my [mention specific skills or attributes], and I’m confident these will be valuable in this internship.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name].

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Internship Example

How to Use: Modify this template by including your specific academic and extracurricular achievements. Highlight skills and experiences that align with the internship role.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Bank Teller Example

A fresh graduate cover letter for a bank teller position should showcase your attention to detail, mathematical skills, and any relevant internships or part-time roles. Here’s a sample:

I am writing to apply for the Bank Teller position at [Company Name] that I saw advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], and I am eager to apply my skills in the banking industry.

During my time at university, I took several courses in banking and finance, which have given me a solid understanding of banking principles. I also completed an internship at [Internship Company Name], where I developed strong customer service skills.

I am excited about the possibility of bringing my dedication and strong work ethic to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Bank Teller Example

How to Use: Personalize this template by including your specific experiences, especially any roles or projects where you have demonstrated relevant skills.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Finance Management Example

Applying for a position in finance management as a fresh graduate necessitates a cover letter that highlights analytical skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of financial principles. Consider this example:

I am excited to apply for the Finance Management trainee position at [Company Name] that I learned about from [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], I am eager to bring my financial acumen to your team.

My coursework in corporate finance, investment strategies, and business valuation, along with my proficiency in Excel, makes me a strong candidate for this position. During my internship at [Internship Company Name], I gained hands-on experience in financial reporting and analysis.

I am confident that I can contribute to [Company Name]’s goals and look forward to potentially joining your team. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Finance Management Example

How to Use: Modify this  finance cover letter  to fit your specific skills and experiences. Highlight academic and internship experiences relevant to finance management.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Example

For a fresh graduate job application, the cover letter should exhibit transferable skills, academic knowledge, and a willingness to learn. Here is an example:

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Position] at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name] and am eager to apply my academic knowledge in a professional setting.

During my time at [University Name], I excelled in [mention specific courses or projects]. I am confident that these experiences have prepared me well for the responsibilities of the [Job Position].

I am excited about the possibility of joining the [Company Name] team and am confident that I can contribute to your mission. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Example

How to Use: This general template can be adapted to any job application. Include specifics about your degree and university experience, and tailor the letter to the job responsibilities.

Fresh Mechanical Engineering Graduate Cover Letter Example

A cover letter for a fresh mechanical engineering graduate should emphasize technical knowledge, hands-on experiences during internships or projects, and problem-solving skills. Here is an example:

I am writing to apply for the Mechanical Engineer position at [Company Name] that was advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am excited to apply the skills I have acquired in a practical setting.

During my university studies, I undertook a project on [briefly describe a project or achievement], which honed my problem-solving and teamwork skills. My internship at [Internship Company Name] gave me hands-on experience in designing mechanical systems and conducting failure analysis, both of which are critical for the [Job Position].

I am eager to bring my engineering skills to [Company Name] and contribute to your ongoing projects. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Mechanical Engineering Graduate Cover Letter Example

How to Use: Modify this template to fit your specific skills and experiences. Highlight academic and internship experiences relevant to mechanical engineering.

Sample Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Example

A general cover letter sample for fresh graduates across fields may look like this:

I am writing to apply for the position of [Job Position] at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. Having recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], I am excited to bring my skills and knowledge to your team.

Throughout my academic career, I have demonstrated [mention specific skills or accomplishments]. These experiences have equipped me with the ability to [describe how these experiences will benefit the job role].

I look forward to the opportunity of discussing my application with you further. Thank you for considering my application.

Sample Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Example

How to Use: This is a broad fresh graduate cover letter template that can be modified to suit any job application. Replace the placeholders with your specific details and tailor the skills and experiences to match the job description.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Human Resource Example

A fresh graduate applying for a position in human resources should highlight their understanding of employee relations, data analysis, and legal regulations. Let’s consider this example:

I am excited to apply for the Human Resource Assistant position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management and am eager to start my career in your esteemed organization.

During my final year, I completed an internship with [Company Name], where I gained firsthand experience in employee relations, HR software, and legal compliance. I believe these skills will greatly contribute to your team.

I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Human Resource Example

How to Use: Customize this human resource cover letter with your details. Emphasize any internship experiences, HR-related coursework, or capstone projects.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Accounting Example

For an accounting position, a fresh graduate should emphasize their proficiency with accounting software, attention to detail, and understanding of accounting principles. Here’s an example:

I am writing to apply for the Accountant position at [Company Name] advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I am a recent graduate from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, ready to start my career in the field.

At university, I took part in an intensive Accounting practicum where I developed strong analytical skills and familiarity with popular accounting software, such as QuickBooks and Sage. I am confident that my skills will contribute to [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing it further with you.

Alternative Hypothesis Statement Examples

How to Use: Adapt this letter by including specific coursework or projects relevant to the job role. You can also mention certifications (like CPA) if you have any.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Business Administration Example

For a Business Administration role, a fresh graduate can underline their understanding of business processes, organizational behavior, and project management. Here is a great example:

I’m thrilled to apply for the Business Administration Trainee position at [Company Name], as posted on [Job Advertisement Source]. I am a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in Business Administration and am keen to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired in a practical setting.

As part of my course, I have completed projects in areas such as project management, organizational behavior, and business strategy. I believe these experiences will be beneficial to [Company Name] and align with the duties of the position.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Business Administration Example

How to Use: Replace the brackets with your own information, and feel free to highlight any specific business administration projects or internships that would make you a strong candidate.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Interior Design Example

A fresh graduate applying for an Interior Design role might want to highlight their creativity, knowledge of design software, and understanding of design principles. Here’s a sample:

I am writing to apply for the Interior Designer position at [Company Name] listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in Interior Design, I am eager to apply my creative skills and education in a practical setting.

I have developed a keen eye for design and a proficiency in [mention design software], which I believe align well with the job description. In addition, my senior year project, which involved redesigning a commercial space, has given me practical experience that I can bring to your team.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Interior Design Example

How to Use: Be sure to include details about your design software skills and any hands-on experience from school projects or internships.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Graphic Designer Example

A graphic designer cover letter for fresh graduate can highlight their creative skills, software expertise, and understanding of design principles. Here’s a sample:

I am excited to apply for the Junior Graphic Designer position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in Graphic Design, I am passionate about visual communication and eager to put my creativity to work.

In my coursework, I honed my skills in Adobe Creative Suite, which I understand is a requirement for this position. My portfolio, which I have included as an attachment, demonstrates a variety of design skills including typography, color theory, and digital illustration.

I look forward to potentially discussing my qualifications further.

How to Use: Replace the placeholders with your details. Make sure to highlight any specific graphic design software skills or projects that you have worked on.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Graphic Designer Example

General Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Example

For a more general application, a fresh graduate might highlight transferable skills, academic achievements, and eagerness to learn. Here’s an example:

I am eager to apply for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name], as listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Your Degree], I am confident that my academic achievements and passion for learning will make me a strong candidate for this role.

I have honed my skills in research, project management, and teamwork during my time at university and I’m excited to bring these skills to a professional setting.

How to Use: Be sure to include information about your degree and any transferable skills that would be relevant to the role you’re applying for.

General Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Example

Fresh College Graduate Cover Letter Example

For fresh college graduates, a cover letter might highlight academic accomplishments, internships, and relevant coursework. Here’s a sample:

I’m thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name] advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name], I have a strong educational foundation in [Your Major], and I am eager to bring my knowledge and enthusiasm to this role.

During my time in college, I completed an internship at [Internship Company] where I gained experience in [describe what you learned or did]. I believe this experience, coupled with my academic accomplishments, makes me a strong fit for this role.

How to Use: Replace the placeholders with your details. Highlight any internships, relevant coursework, or academic accomplishments that make you a strong candidate for the role.

Fresh College Graduate Cover Letter Example

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Technician Example

A technician’s cover letter would showcase technical skills, practical experience, and relevant academic knowledge. Here’s a sample:

I am excited to apply for the Technician position at [Company Name], as listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate of [University/College Name] with a degree in [Your Degree], I am well equipped with the theoretical knowledge and practical training necessary for this role.

During my academic tenure, I gained hands-on experience in troubleshooting, maintaining and repairing various types of equipment, which I believe will serve me well in this role. I am confident in my ability to quickly learn and adapt to new systems and procedures.

How to Use: Personalize this letter by including specific details about the technical skills and experience you possess that align with the job requirements.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Technician Example

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for IT Job Example

An IT job cover letter would showcase software and hardware knowledge, problem-solving skills, and relevant academic achievements. Here’s an example:

I am thrilled to apply for the IT Specialist role at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate of [University Name] with a degree in Information Technology, I am excited to apply my skills in a practical setting.

During my studies, I excelled in my coursework on networks, databases, and user support. I also gained practical experience through an internship at [Company Name], where I honed my problem-solving skills and learned to provide excellent customer service.

How to Use: Replace the placeholders with your specific details. Be sure to emphasize any coursework, internships, or skills that are relevant to the role you’re applying for.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for IT Job Example

Recent Graduate Cover Letter Example

A recent graduate can highlight their academic achievements, eagerness to contribute, and transferable skills. Here’s an example:

I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name], as listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate of [University Name] with a degree in [Your Degree], I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful contribution to your team.

Throughout my academic career, I have consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to meet deadlines. I am eager to apply these skills in a professional setting and believe I would make a valuable addition to your team.

How to Use: Fill in the placeholders with your personal details. Be sure to emphasize your strengths and any skills or experiences that make you a strong fit for the role.

Recent Graduate Cover Letter Example

Fresh Computer Science Graduate Cover Letter Example

A cover letter for a Computer Science graduate would highlight programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and project experience. Here’s a sample:

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent Computer Science graduate from [University Name], I have a solid foundation in data structures, algorithms, and software engineering principles.

I have honed my coding skills through a variety of group projects and independent work, using languages like Java, Python, and C++. Additionally, my experience as an intern at [Company Name] allowed me to develop my problem-solving skills and learn to collaborate effectively with a team.

How to Use: Personalize this letter by including the specific programming languages and tools you’re familiar with. Mention any internships or projects that provided practical experience.

Fresh Computer Science Graduate Cover Letter Example

How do you Write a Cover Letter for a Fresh Graduate?

1. Start with a Formal Greeting: Address the hiring manager by their name, if it’s known. Otherwise, use a generic greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager.”

2. Open with Enthusiasm: State the position you’re applying for and express your excitement about the opportunity.

3. Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences: Discuss your academic achievements, internships, and any skills that make you a good fit for the role.

4. Show Your Knowledge of the Company: Demonstrate that you’ve researched the company and explain why you’re interested in working there.

5. Close with a Call to Action: Thank the hiring manager for considering your application and express your interest in discussing the position further.

Tips for Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Format

1. Keep It Brief: Limit your cover letter to a single page.

2. Use a Professional Tone: Write in a formal, respectful tone. Avoid using slang or overly casual language.

3. Customize Each Letter: Tailor each cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the role.

4. Proofread: Ensure your cover letter is free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Consider having someone else read it over as well.

Writing a cover letter as a fresh graduate can be a challenging task. However, by carefully highlighting your academic achievements, skills, and enthusiasm for the role, you can make a strong impression on hiring managers. Remember to tailor each cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for and to proofread carefully.

Cover Letter Maker

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Tips Mudah Membuat Cover Letter Untuk Fresh Graduate

Alta windiana.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Cover letter , atau surat penyerta yang dikirimkan bersama CV, memegang peranan penting dalam proses pencarian kerja. Singkatnya, surat tersebut berperan sebagai ‘pengantar’ bagi para rekruter untuk membaca CV-mu dan mempertimbangkannya lebih lanjut.

Apa sih isi cover letter ?

Sebuah cover letter biasanya terdiri dari 4-5 paragraf pendek yang mencakup: profil atau perkenalan diri secara singkat, skill , pengalaman serta segala kelebihan yang relevan dengan kebutuhan rekruter.  

Melalui surat ini, kamu harus dapat menarik perhatian mereka agar mau mempelajari CV-mu lebih lanjut, hingga akhirnya meyakinkan bahwa kamu adalah kandidat yang tepat untuk posisi yang kamu lamar.

Dengan cover letter yang menarik, kemungkinanmu untuk dipanggil i nterview tentu akan menjadi lebih besar.

Kerangka isi cover letter

Untuk panduan lebih mudah menulis cover letter sebagai fresh graduate , kamu bisa mengikuti kerangka atau struktur berikut:

Kesalahan fresh graduate saat menulis cover letter

Meskipun sudah memahami tata cara penulisannya, ada beberapa kesalahan kecil yang biasa dilakukan para fresh graduate saat membuat cover letter, seperti:

1. ‘ Copy-paste’ dari isi CV

Tidak perlu menyalin ulang semua isi CV-mu ke cover letter. Cukup highlight hal-hal yang penting dan relevan. Seperti pendidikan terakhir serta pengalaman atau pencapaian yang berhubungan dengan posisi yang kamu lamar.

Kamu juga bisa menyertakan detail yang tidak tertulis di CV-mu. Seperti bagaimana kamu akan membantu mengembangkan perusahaan tujuanmu, atau bagaimana pengalamanmu sebelumnya akan membantu kinerjamu di perusahaan tersebut.

2. Menggunakan jargon-jargon umum yang kaku

Dengan banyaknya contoh cover letter di internet, kadang kamu akan terjebak menggunakan jargon atau kata sifat yang ‘pasaran’ di kalangan job seeker. Contohnya, kamu menggambarkan dirimu ‘ mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan’ , ‘ pekerja keras ’ atau ‘ mudah beradaptasi’ .

Kata-kata semacam itu akan bikin kamu tenggelam di antara ratusan surat lamaran lain yang serupa. Cobalah untuk menyampaikan kelebihanmu dengan lebih kongkrit dan menarik . Misalnya, bila kamu merasa sebagai team worker yang baik, jelaskan secara singkat pengalaman nyatamu atau contoh pencapaianmu saat harus bekerja dalam tim.

3. Curhat berlebihan

Iya sih, isi cover letter memang disampaikan dengan gaya bercerita. Tapi, jangan sampai kebablasan lalu curhat tentang hal-hal personal yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan posisi yang kamu lamar. Ini bakal bikin kamu terlihat tidak profesional.

Hindari oversharing cerita yang terkesan negatif dan mengemis simpati. Seperti luapan perasaanmu ketika menghadapi politik kantor di tempat kerja sebelumnya, atau betapa kamu sedih dan down karena belum juga dapat panggilan kerja. Lebih baik fokus ke skill atau pengalaman yang membuatmu terlihat potensial dan bebas drama.

4. Menyombongkan diri

Saat kamu punya banyak pengalaman dan prestasi, cukup tuliskan yang paling relevan. Hindari terlalu membanggakan diri, atau bahkan sampai merendahkan pihak lain.  

Ngobrol dengan teman yang sombong pasti bikin il-feel kan? Nah sama seperti saat melamar kerja, jangan sampai rekrutermu kehilangan minat akibat penulisan yang terlalu sesumbar atau berlebihan. Pastikan juga semua yang ditulis berdasarkan fakta atau kenyataan yang ada, tanpa dibumbu-bumbui.

5. Tidak mengecek typo

Selalu cek atau baca ulang cover letter- mu sebelum dikirim. Pastikan juga detail nama dan alamat perusahaan yang kamu tuju sudah tepat. Lakukan sedikit cross-checking tentang nama HRD yang akan menerima suratmu, jangan sampai lamaranmu dikira surat nyasar.

Demikian pula dengan ejaan, tanda baca serta susunan kalimat dalam isi suratmu. Bila terlalu banyak typo atau salah tulis, kamu bisa terkesan sebagai orang yang sembrono dan kurang memperhatikan detail.

6. Menulis terlalu panjang (atau terlalu pendek)

Terlalu asyik bercerita tentang berbagai pencapaian dan pengalaman, akhirnya tak terasa cover letter -mu jadi panjang banget bagaikan sebuah novel. Keep it short and simple , ya guys. Rekrutermu tentu memiliki waktu yang terbatas dan lamaran yang masuk bisa jadi sangat banyak. Pastikan panjang suratmu tidak melebihi satu halaman saja.

Tapi jangan sampai terlalu pendek juga sehingga kamu melewatkan kesempatan untuk ‘memperkenalkan diri’ sebagai kandidat yang potensial. Jadi ceritakan semua kelebihanmu dengan singkat namun padat.

7. Mengirim cover letter yang sama untuk banyak penerima

Sebagai fresh graduate yang mengirim lamaran ke banyak perusahaan, kebanyakan akan mengirim cover letter dengan template yang sama, hanya mengganti nama dan alamat tujuan saja.

Padahal, setiap lowongan kerja yang berbeda membutuhkan pelamar dengan kualifikasi yang berbeda-beda juga. Sebaiknya, kamu memodifikasi cover letter -mu agar lebih tepat sasaran. Kamu bisa meng- highlight skill , pencapaian atau pengalaman yang berbeda, yang lebih sesuai dengan posisi dan perusahaan yang sedang kamu lamar.

Contoh cover letter fresh graduate dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh cover letter fresh graduate dalam bahasa indonesia, yuk, mulai upgrade cover letter -mu.

Dengan segala pengetahuan di atas, kamu bisa mulai menulis cover letter yang lebih berkesan dan tentunya semakin berpotensi untuk dilirik HRD.  

Selain sebagai sarana untuk berkenalan sekaligus ‘jualan’, sebuah cover letter yang menarik dapat menciptakan first impression atas dirimu sebagai seorang kandidat yang potensial. Jadi, jangan sampai ngasal ya!  

Buat para fresh graduate yang sedang mencari kerja, yuk, tulis cover letter (dan CV) yang keren, dan kirim ke lowongan-lowongan ter- update di Prosple Indonesia . Good luck!

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Cara Membuat CV Untuk Magang & Fresh Graduate

Lowongan mana yang sebaiknya kamu lamar, 6 cara menjawab interview magang bagi mahasiswa.

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Cara Membuat Cover Letter Fresh Graduate yang Menarik

cover letter untuk fresh graduate

Sebagai seorang fresh graduate tentu terkadang kamu merasa kurang percaya diri ketika melamar pekerjaan karena belum memiliki pengalaman . Namun, kekhawatiran ini bisa diatasi dengan membuat CV , surat lamaran kerja hingga cover letter fresh graduate yang menarik untuk HRD.

Memang, cover letter , surat lamaran kerja hingga CV yang menarik tidak akan bisa menjamin kamu diterima bekerja. Namun, memiliki CV hingga cover letter yang baik bisa meningkatkan peluangmu diterima dan menjadi nilai tambah untuk kamu dibandingkan pesaing.

Lantas, bagaimana cara membuat cover letter fresh graduate yang bisa menarik perhatian HRD? Yuk, ikuti panduan selengkapnya berikut.

Biar semakin rapi dan menarik, simak format cover letter yang baik berikut ini

Seperti membuat surat lamaran, pada cover letter- mu juga harus memperhatikan format penulisan. Adapun komponen yang secara berurutan harus ada dalam cover letter adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Perusahaan Tujuan

Hal pertama yang harus kamu tulis dalam bagan surat adalah nama perusahaan dan alamatnya serta permohonan terkait surat itu dibuat. Misal untuk melamar pekerjaan, maka tuliskan “Hal: Permohonan Melamar Pekerjaan”. 

2. Tulis bagian Pembuka

Bagan surat haruslah diawali dengan kalimat pembuka. Buatlah kalimat pembuka yang singkat dan sopan. Isi bagian pembuka ini dengan kalimat perkenalan diri yang singkat.

Tulis tentang siapa diri kamu, apa keahlian yang kamu punya, dimana kamu menemukan informasi lowongan kerja , dan alasan kamu melamar di posisi/perusahaan tersebut.

3. Perkenalan Diri dan Isi Surat

Paragraf selanjutnya diisi dengan bagian profil diri. Jelaskan mulai dari latar belakang pendidikan, kemudian pengalaman organisasi, pengalaman kerja (termasuk pengalaman magang) dan prestasi yang dicapai. 

Saat menjelaskan pengalaman kerja maupun organisasi, masukkan beberapa paragraf tentang ilmu atau pelajaran apa saja yang berhasil didapatkan atau dicapai. 

Tutuplah bagian isi cover letter dengan bahasa yang sopan dan singkat. Jangan lupa bubuhkan tanda tangan dan nama jelas di bagian akhir, serta cantumkan alamat email dan nomor telepon aktif.

Contoh cover letter untuk fresh graduate

Yang terhormat Bapak/Ibu (nama)

(nama perusahaan)

(alamat perusahaan)

Sehubungan dengan dibukanya lowongan untuk posisi (sebutkan posisi yang dibuka) di perusahaan yang Bapak/ibu pimpin, dengan ini saya bermaksud untuk melamar posisi tersebut.  

Sebagai seorang fresh graduated dari (jurusan) dari Universitas ABC, saya merasa posisi tersebut sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman dan minat karir saya.

Selama menempuh pendidikan tinggi, saya tidak hanya mampu mempertahankan nilai yang baik namun juga tetap aktif menjadi anggota dari banyak organisasi baik tingkat kampus maupun nasional.

Latar  belakang organisasi yang saya miliki telah banyak memberikan saya pengalaman kepemimpinan, bekerja sama dalam tim, bekerja dalam tekanan hingga manajemen bisnis termasuk mengenalkan saya dengan dunia (masukan pengalaman yang relevan dengan pekerjaan yang dilamar). Saya juga memiliki prestasi sebagai anggota organisasi yang berhasil dan sukses hingga diamanahi jabatan manajemen yang cukup tinggi, yakni sebagai (sebutkan jabatan selama di organisasi).

Sebagai seorang anggota dalam kelompok, saya juga sangat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan semangat, dan solidaritas para anggota divisi  dalam berbagai kegiatan yang saya selenggarakan. 

(tambahkan pengalaman magang jika ada)

Meskipun ini akan menjadi yang pertama kalinya saya bekerja di bidang (bidang posisi yang dilamar) secara profesional, saya cukup percaya diri bahwa dengan keterampilan dan kemampuan yang saya miliki, saya bisa belajar dengan cepat dan berkontribusi langsung terhadap tim dan juga perusahaan.

Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk mempertimbangkan surat lamaran ini dan saya berharap dapat mendengar kabar selanjutnya dari Anda. 

Hormat saya,

(nama lengkap)

(alamat email & nomor kontak)

Hal yang harus dihindari dalam membuat cover letter

Sebagai lulusan baru yang umumnya belum memiliki banyak pengalaman kerja, saat menulis cover letter fresh graduate , sebaiknya kamu turut memperhatikan hal berikut:

  • Jangan menulis surat terlalu panjang dan bertele-tele
  • Jangan mengulang informasi yang ada di CV. Sebutkan dan jelaskan secara singkat semua poin yang mungkin belum dijelaskan di CV
  • Jangan biarkan penutup tidak berkesan. Cobalah untuk membuat penutup yang singkat namun dapat meyakinkan HRD

Selain seputar cover letter fresh graduate , simak juga beragam tips karir lainnya di sini . Download aplikasi TopKarir sekarang atau kunjungi situs resminya di topkarir.com untuk segera mendapatkan pekerjaan impianmu!

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Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Sample

December 19, 2020

Over 20+ cover letter samples developed by our experts for various industries and job functions in Malaysia. Scroll down to explore and download.

Fresh graduate cover letter [full sample].

  • Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Writing & Job Search Guide

Here’s a sample Cover Letter we recently produced for a Fresh Graduate in Malaysia.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • About the Fresh Graduate Role
  • What Hiring Manager Look For In Fresh Graduate Cover Letter

Fresh Graduate Job Opportunities

Job hunting tips from our resident headhunter.

Here’s a full Fresh Graduate Cover Letter sample, which we wrote for a client recently.

[If you know the name of the Hiring Manager, personalise your application by addressing the person directly. Job ads on LinkedIn, for example, display the name of the person posting the ad.]

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for the position of Advertising Account Executive at ABC Agency . With 6 months’ experience in internship programs, I’ve developed extensive client servicing skills through supporting key accounts across food services, FMCG and aviation sectors. Besides acquiring deep understanding of client relations and brands’ marketing needs, I’ve also gained first-hand experience coordinating campaigns, and oversaw entire campaign lifecycles from conceptualisation to delivery. Being a fast and proactive learner, I am positive that working at ABC Agency will be a great opportunity for me to continue growing my expertise. [Identify your best skills that fit the job ad and role, and include this in your overview of your internship stints. Detail key responsibilities that are also reflected in the ad.]

  • I am currently a fresh graduate from the Malaysia University’s Communications and New Media programme, actively seeking opportunities to kick-start my career in advertising. Through my passion and experience, I was appointed Marketing Lead of my university’s student-run magazine Z Magazine , and have successfully led multiple marketing campaigns for fundraisers. I am most proud of initiating a partnership with local NGO JKL Organisation, working closely with JKL’s marketing team to manage a social media campaign that raised MYR15K within 1 week. [You can also highlight co-curricular and other school activities, if they are relevant to job requirements. Include metrics, if available, to show impact of your achievements! These help you stand out and compel recruiters to read on.]
  • My most notable internship experience was working with Saatchi & Saatchi , where I managed a budget of up to MYR50K and oversaw smooth execution of 6 print campaigns for international airline Emirates. Significantly, I played a key role in bringing Cadbury’s “Flying License” TVC to life, with active involvement in pre-production, production, and post-production. [Focus again on your top skills as required by the role. Highlight key internship or working experiences and achievements that are directly relevant to the target role. Include metrics to show context and scale for your contributions.]

ABC Agency is globally known for its award-winning creative work, and unmatched roster of prominent clients including McDonald’s and Johnson & Johnson. My strong academic background in Communication & New Media, focused on Advertising and Marketing, coupled with practical experience from my internship programs, will allow me to contribute effectively to ABC Agency’s continued growth and performance, particularly by generating out-of-the-box ideas for distinctive and impactful campaigns, and developing fruitful relationships with clients. [Address the company, explain why they matter, and mention how your skills and experiences can contribute to their success. You may also highlight academic modules and motivations that add value to your application. This shows your initiative and enthusiasm as a promising candidate.]

I am thrilled at the possibility of being part of such a renowned organisation and would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the value I can bring to ABC Agency . I appreciate your time and kind consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me at any time via mobile at +60 12 1234 5678 or by email at [email protected]. [Always end your Cover Letter with a call-to-action. Show excitement to meet the potential recruiter and offer ways you can be contacted.]

Yours sincerely, Monica

About Applying for Roles as a Fresh Graduate

Congratulations, you’ve reached a major life milestone!

It’s now time to officially begin your first career!

Fresh graduates often spend hours labouring over their resume to make sure it’s perfect, but treat their Cover Letter as an afterthought.

They cannot be more wrong!

You need BOTH your resume and a stellar Cover Letter to stand out.

The Cover Letter leaves a lasting impression – it allows the recruiter to get to know you on a deeper level, and emphasises the value you can bring to your new company.

It may seem tricky to craft an impactful entry-level Cover Letter with limited working experience, but there are ways to highlight your strengths and potential, and show that you’re the ideal candidate for the job.

What Hiring Managers Look for in a Fresh Graduate Cover Letter

  • Work and Internship Experiences:  Definitely include these, if you have them! Talk about what you’ve learnt from these stints, key skills you’ve developed, and major projects you were part of. If possible, weave in metrics to establish context for your work, and show the impact of your contributions.
  • Demonstrable Skills and Experiences:  If you don’t have prior work experience, fret not! Make sure you include your co-curricular activities/achievements, community service and other significant pursuits that are relevant to the role you’re applying, or where you can demonstrate essential abilities such as leadership and communication skills.
  • Relevant Academic Modules and Coursework:  Consider highlighting relevant coursework or modules you’ve done in university to demonstrate your interest and theoretical foundation in these areas – particularly if you don’t have prior work experience.
  • Transferable or Technical Skills:  You can always highlight transferable skills you’ve used or picked up at university, such as auditing, marketing, writing, data entry, graphic design, coding, etc.
  • Ability to Work with Various Stakeholders : You might not be able to show your experience working in large corporate environments, but you can talk about how you’ve worked with different types of people – your professors, community leaders, other students etc. These speak to skills such as leadership, communication skills, teamwork, time management, creative problem-solving, and so on.
  • Always customise your Cover Letter!  Don’t distribute the same Cover Letter to every recruiter. You MUST show that you know the company, and tailor your CV towards it. This personalised approach helps you stand out from other applicants and shows your eagerness regarding the opportunity.
  • Join LinkedIn groups or follow companies you wish to work for to keep abreast with new job openings.
  • Alternatively, you can reach out to these headhunters in Malaysia to learn about any vacancies they may be trying to fill out.
  • Create a winning cover letter and send it along your resume. The cover letter will serve as an introduction about yourself and is a great venue to answer the question “Why should we hire you?”
  • Be active on social media, particularly on LinkedIn . Make sure to create a strong online profile that represents you and you professional experiences. Here’s our comprehensive guide on writing a great LinkedIn profile .

Before You Go…

Before you start sending out applications, send us your resume for a free CV feedback analysis from our team. We’ll review your CV in detail, share personalised feedback on its strengths and weaknesses, and show you how you can improve it.

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Home » Cover Letter for Fresh Graduate:07 Samples & Examples

Cover Letter for Fresh Graduate:07 Samples & Examples

cover letter for fresh graduate

Are you fresh out of college and looking for a job? Well, look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss what to include in your cover letter when applying for jobs. First, we’ll go over the basics of what a cover letter is and why you need one. Then, we’ll give you some tips on how to write an effective cover letter that will help you stand out from the competition. Finally, we’ll provide you with a sample cover letter for a fresh graduate that you can use as a guide.

A cover letter is an important document to send with your resume when applying for a job. It’s your opportunity to introduce yourself and explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the position. If you’re a fresh graduate, it can be tricky to know what to include in your cover letter. Here are some tips on how to write a cover letter for a fresh graduate position. First, make sure you tailor your letter specifically to the job you’re applying for. Highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the position.

Are you a fresh graduate who is looking for your first job? Don’t know how to write a cover letter? Worry not! In this blog post, we will provide you with all the information you need to write an effective and engaging cover letter. So, read on and start writing. Are you a fresh graduate who is finding it difficult to write a cover letter? Are you not sure what to include in your letter? You’re in luck! In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about how to write a cover letter for fresh graduates.

application letter sample for fresh graduate

Table of Contents

Application Letter for accountant position for fresh graduate

I am writing this cover letter to express my interest in applying for the position of ______________. I came across your advertisement on the _____ website, and it is my desire to work with you based on my qualifications and skills which I believe are suitable for the job requirement.

My goal is to paint a clear picture of who I am and what skills I can bring to the job. In summary, please consider the following facts about me:

  • Firstly, I have been working in an office environment since 2017
  • I have been exposed to different office machines such as fax, printers and telephone switchboard
  • Thirdly, I have experience in A-1 Grammar and have a firm understanding of grammar rules. In addition, I am able to type 60 wpm with 70% accuracy
  • Also, I have excellent customer service skills
  • I can work independently without supervision
  • Lastly, I am able to perform office and customer service tasks efficiently

I hope you will find my cover letter satisfactory. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you in person regarding employment. Thank you for your time and consideration. In anticipation of hearing from you soon, I remain

Sincerely, (your name)

Application Letter for fresh graduate any vacant position

Respected Sir,

I would like to take this opportunity to highlight for you some of the key points, which I believe makes me an ideal candidate for this post. Experience in customer service is my sole area of expertise and experience, however I also have a proven track record of being able to work independently as well as a part of a team.

Also, it would be unfair not to mention that I am a highly motivated, enthusiastic person. I have never been afraid of hard work and will put all my energy into this job.

My resume is enclosed for your perusal, but if there are any questions you might have which it does not answer, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number below.

Sincerely, Your Name

For More: Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample: 07 Examples Ideas

Application Letter for Fresh graduate any position

My tertiary education up to date has provided me the necessary skills to perform the duties of your office. I possess strong computer knowledge which has enabled me to acquire similar positions before in the ______________ company where I worked for two years as a _________________, handling word documents and formatting reports. My experience in using A-1 Grammar has also made me competent in English grammar and writing. Further, my customer service skills are now quite polished because of the experience I had in __________ Company where I was required to answer incoming telephone calls.

My work experience has given me the opportunity to learn typical office tasks that will be necessary for this job. You will find that my resume clearly outlines what skills and accomplishments I have achieved in each of my past positions. I hope to use these as a foundation for many accomplishments as your office assistant.

Application Letter for Fresh Graduate of Business Administration

Dear Mrs/Mr Last Name,

Subject: Application Letter for Fresh Graduate of Business Administration

Inline with the company’s recent recruitment drive, I am writing to apply for a position in your esteemed organization. I have worked as a business analyst at XYZ Corp. wherein I was responsible for creating reports and recommendations that helped improve operational efficiency in all divisions within the company. So I was also part of the team that managed several key projects which were instrumental in helping the organization become PCI compliant.

I am confident that I would be able to contribute significantly to your company’s efforts towards improving operational efficiency and productivity, if given an opportunity to work with you. Also I would appreciate very much if you could spare some time for me to discuss this prospect.

Do not hesitate to call me at 555-5555 any time from 10:00 AM – 11:59 PM, as I am always available on my mobile. I look forward to your response and hope we can arrange a meeting soon.

Best regards,


Sample Application Letter for Civil Engineer Fresh Graduate

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of secretary for your company, ABC Inc. Please find my resume attached. So, I have attached a sample of my work as well. I believe that you will see from these samples that I can offer much to ABC Inc., and would be grateful if you would consider me as a candidate for this position.

I have been working as a secretary for XYZ for the past three years. During my time there, I have come to understand that secretaries play an important role in making sure their companies run smoothly and efficiently. In addition, they also facilitate effective communication among staff within a company by creating schedules and organizing meetings and conferences. Please find attached a copy of my job description from XYZ.

I have a good understanding of the role that secretaries play in a company and I know what is expected from them. In addition, I am always willing to do whatever is needed to ensure things run smoothly. From these qualities, you can see that I am an ideal candidate for this position.

I am currently attending ABC University as a student of Business Administration. I believe that the education and skills that I have acquired over the years will enable me to not only meet but also exceed your expectations for this position.

Please consider my application and allow me to prove that I am capable of doing a job well and contribute positively to your company.

Yours sincerely,

For More: Cover Letter for Fresher:10 Samples & Examples

I hope this blog post was informative and gave you some new ideas to help your job search. If there is anything else we can do for you, please leave a comment below or send us an email at [email protected]. And if you have any questions about the cover letter above, let me know.

cover letter for fresh graduate without experience

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Jessica William

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Fresher Front End Developer Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an fresher front end developer cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for fresher front end developer, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for fresher front end developer, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for fresher front end developer, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for fresher front end developer, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for fresher front end developer, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for fresher front end developer.

Start your Fresher Front End Developer cover letter by introducing yourself and stating the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting to show you're actively seeking opportunities. Then, briefly highlight your relevant skills and experiences that make you a suitable candidate for the role. For instance, you could say, "As a recent graduate in Computer Science from XYZ University, I have developed strong skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and have hands-on experience in responsive web design through various projects. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills and experience to your esteemed organization." This approach immediately grabs the reader's attention and gives them a reason to continue reading your letter.

The best way for Fresher Front End Developers to end a cover letter is by expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity, reiterating their interest in the role, and thanking the hiring manager for their time. They should also indicate their eagerness to discuss their qualifications further in an interview. For example: "I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team with my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my candidacy further." This ending is effective because it shows passion, appreciation, and proactivity, which are qualities employers value.

Fresher Front End Developers should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Introduction: Start with a brief introduction about yourself and your career objectives. Mention the position you're applying for and where you found the job listing. 2. Education: Highlight your educational qualifications, especially if you have a degree or certification in Computer Science, Web Development, or a related field. 3. Skills: As a Front End Developer, your skills are crucial. Mention your proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any other relevant programming languages or frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js. Also, include your understanding of responsive design, cross-browser compatibility, and other key front-end concepts. 4. Projects: If you have worked on any projects during your course or in your spare time, mention them. Describe what the project was about, what technologies you used, and what your role was. If possible, provide links to these projects or include them in your portfolio. 5. Internships or Training: If you've done any internships or training related to front-end development, be sure to include this. Describe your role, the skills you used, and what you learned. 6. Soft Skills: Don't forget to mention relevant soft skills such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and attention to detail. 7. Enthusiasm for the Role: Show your passion for front-end development and your eagerness to learn and grow in the role. 8. Closing: In the closing paragraph, express your interest in the opportunity to interview and discuss how you could contribute to the company. Thank the employer for considering your application. Remember, your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it. It's your chance to tell a story about who you are, what you can do, and how you can add value to the company. Tailor your cover letter to each job application and make sure it's free of errors before sending it.

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cover letter untuk fresh graduate

Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Bagi Fresh Graduate

Sebelum kamu melamar pekerjaan ada beberapa hal yang harus kamu persiapkan, diantaranya Curriculum Vitae , cover letter, dan dokumen pendukung lain. Dalam menulis cover letter, ada banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan mulai dari penulisan kop surat, kalimat sapaan yang digunakan, isi paragraf, serta penutup paragraf. Dibawah ini merupakan contoh cover letter bahasa inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai referensi untuk melamar pekerjaan.

Baca Juga: Cara Buat CV Bahasa Inggris yang Bikin Dilirik Rekruter

Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Web Developer

Jakarta, 24 April 2018

Mr. Agus Maulana

Head of Information Technology

P.T. Wahana Semesta Ilmu

Jalan Sudirman Kav 52 – 53

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12458

Dear Mr. Agus

This email is in regards to my interest in applying for the Web Developer position recently posted through your official website (WallStreetEnglish.co.id). With my skill-set and competencies I am more than able to develop interactive and mobile responsive website.

While pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Information and Technology from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I have developed skills in Java and HTML programming, User Experience and User Interface Design, and also Networking Security. This knowledge has enabled me to develop modern, stable, and interactive website for users.

I started my career as an front-end developer intern with Ministry of Law and Human Rights in April 2017. Working under the direction of senior members, I created and designed interface of websites. Not only that, I also tested the website so that it can perform well based on user experience.

I know that Wall Street English current plans involve developing a comprehensive online portal focused on education-related issues. This project is a perfect match for my personal and professional interest. I would love to leverage my knowledge of web developer to achieve groundbreaking result with this initiative.

I have attached my resume highlighting my academic and professional skills and look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Best Regards,

John Corner

Jalan Pemuda No. 1


[email protected]

sumber : resumegenius.com

7 Tips Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Kerja

Tips public speaking dalam bahasa inggris dengan percaya diri, 7 alasan mengapa kamu perlu ikut workshop public speaking, merayakan pengembangan diri melalui bahasa inggris di national conference kami, dukungan wall street english indonesia untuk abang none jakarta timur 2023, apa itu elevator pitch dan apa manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

cover letter untuk fresh graduate

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  • Pekerjaan * Pekerjaan Pelajar / Mahasiswa Pegawai Negeri / BUMN Pegawai Swasta Profesional (Dokter, Pengacara, dll) Pengusaha Freelance Belum Bekerja Lainnya
  • Apakah yang ingin Anda capai setelah mahir berbahasa inggris? Apakah yang ingin Anda capai setelah mahir berbahasa inggris? Melanjutkan sekolah di luar negeri / sekolah internasional Berkomunikasi dengan percaya diri di tempat kerja Naik jabatan / promosi karir Networking dengan expert dan eksekutif Percaya diri berkomunikasi dengan orang asing
  • Apakah Anda tertarik untuk belajar bahasa inggris di Wall Street English? Ya Tidak
  • Berapa investasi yang bisa Anda pakai untuk belajar bahasa Inggris per bulannya? Kurang dari 500,000/bulan 500,000 - 1,000,000/bulan Lebih dari 1,000,000/bulan
  • Kebijakan Privasi dan Ketentuan Layanan* * Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui Kebijakan Privasi dan Ketentuan Layanan*

cover letter untuk fresh graduate

  • Phone * ✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid number
  • *Syarat & Ketentuan Layanan

Lezgetreal › Dokumen › Cover › 6+ Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate : SMA, SMK dan Kuliah

6+ Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate : SMA, SMK dan Kuliah

Februari 3, 2024

Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate

Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate – Menulis cover letter atau surat lamaran yang menarik merupakan hal yang penting untuk melamar pekerjaan apa pun.

Mahasiswa/i yang baru lulus dan ingin melamar pekerjaan tentu perlu melihat banyak contoh cover letter fresh graduate sebagai referensi. Meskipun belum pernah bekerja penuh waktu, fresh graduate dapat mencantumkan pengalaman-pengalaman lainnya. 

Untuk keperluan melamar pekerjaan, cover letter ini merupakan pengantar yang dikirim bersama dengan CV , sehingga diletakkan di atas CV .

Karena dikirim bersama CV , jadi di dalam surat pengantar ini, pelamar tidak perlu terlalu mengulang rincian yang ada di CV . Jika banyak pengulangan, HRD mungkin saja menganggap si pelamar tidak efisien. 

Pelamar sebaiknya menjadikan surat ini sebagai tempat memperkenalkan diri secara personal dan profesional. Jadi, pelamar bisa menceritakan kepribadiannya, mengapa dirinya cocok untuk posisi yang dilamar, dan motivasinya untuk melamar ke perusahaan itu.

Sehingga HRD tertarik untuk mengundangnya untuk tes dan wawancara. Berikut beberapa contoh cover letter fresh graduate yang menarik. 

Cover Letter Berbahasa Indonesia   

Jika pelamar mau melamar ke perusahaan yang berlokasi di Indonesia, pelamar bisa menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia di dalam cover letter . Mungkin banyak yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia untuk hidup sehari-hari. 

Namun jangan lupa untuk menggunakan tata bahasa yang benar dan kata-kata yang baku di dalam penulisan cover letter .

Jika ada kata yang meragukan, sebaiknya periksa kata itu di website KBBI. Berikut beberapa contoh cover letter fresh graduate menarik di dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan tata bahasa yang benar.

Baca Juga: Contoh Cover Laporan

1. Mencantumkan Pengalaman Organisasi 

Mencantumkan Pengalaman Organisasi

Pengalaman berorganisasi tentu menambah nilai pelamar di mata HRD. Karena dengan begitu, pelamar dinilai sudah terbiasa bekerja dengan tenggat waktu dan mampu untuk tetap tenang di bawah tekanan.

Berikut contoh cover letter fresh graduate yang diisi dengan pengalaman organisasi yang berhubungan dengan posisi yang dilamar.  

[su_box title=”Mencantumkan Pengalaman Organisasi “]

Kota, tanggal penulisan surat 

Perihal: Lamaran Pekerjaan 

Lampiran: Tiga Lembar 

[Titel dan Nama Penerima]

[Jabatan Penerima]

[Nama Perusahaan] 

[Alamat Perusahaan] 

Dengan hormat, 

Saya melihat iklan lowongan pekerjaan untuk staf rekrutmen di website PT. XXX. Melalui surat ini, saya ingin menyampaikan ketertarikan saya untuk melamar sebagai staf rekrutmen di PT. XXX. 

Saya baru saja menyelesaikan studi S1 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia di Universitas XYZ pada bulan September lalu. Saya berharap diberikan kesempatan untuk berkontribusi di PT. XXX lewat pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang saya miliki. 

Sebagai seorang lulusan Manajemen SDM, saya dilengkapi berbagai ilmu penting yang bisa mendukung kegiatan rekrutmen, juga manajemen SDM secara keseluruhan. Beberapa di antaranya adalah administrasi, perekrutan, penggajian, dan pengembangan pegawai serta Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan.   

Selain mempelajari berbagai ilmu pengetahuan, saya juga bergabung di dalam Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Universitas XYZ. Dengan menjadi anggota BEM seksi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (PSDM), saya memperoleh pengalaman menyelenggarakan berbagai workshop dan pelatihan kepemimpinan. Salah satunya adalah Creative Skills Awareness bersama Raditya Dika dan Ernest Prakasa dengan 1000 peserta. 

Saya juga terbiasa mengoperasikan berbagai formula di Microsoft Excel dan membuat presentasi di Microsoft PowerPoint . Saya juga sanggup mempelajari berbagai hal baru dengan cepat dan merupakan orang yang tepat waktu. 

Sebagai rincian tambahan, saya lampirkan Curriculum Vitae , Ijazah, dan Transkrip Nilai saya. Terima kasih atas waktu yang sudah diluangkan untuk mempertimbangkan lamaran saya. Saya harap bisa mendengar kabar selanjutnya dari Anda.  

Salam hangat, 

[Tanda Tangan Pelamar] 

[Nama Lengkap Pelamar]

[Nomor Kontak Pelamar] [/su_box]

2. Mencantumkan Pengalaman Magang

Mencantumkan Pengalaman Magang

Terkadang tidak semua HRD mencantumkan nama staf rekrutmen atau manajernya, sehingga pelamar tidak perlu mencantumkan titel dan namanya.

Sebelum nama dan alamat perusahaan, tuliskan jabatan penerima saja, biasanya Manajer Personalia atau Kepala Bagian Personalia atau Manajer divisi terkait. 

Pengalaman magang yang sesuai posisi yang dilamar akan meningkatkan kemungkinan pelamar untuk diproses ke tahap selanjutnya.

Maka, jangan ragu untuk mencantumkan pengalaman magang di dalam cover letter . Berikut contoh cover letter fresh graduate dengan pengalaman magang. 

[su_box title=”Mencantumkan Pengalaman Magang”]

[Kota, tanggal penulisan surat] 

Lampiran: Empat Lembar  

Kepala Bagian Personalia 

Mengetahui kebutuhan PT. ABC akan seorang akuntan lewat LinkedIn , saya tertarik untuk melamar posisi tersebut. Usai menempuh jurusan akuntansi di Universitas XXX, saya mempelajari banyak hal yang membuat saya siap bekerja sebagai akuntan.

Saya mengerti perhitungan pajak, pencatatan jurnal, arus kas, laporan keuangan, dan pengisian berbagai dokumen terkait transaksi keuangan. 

Pengalaman magang saya di PT. XYZ juga telah melengkapi saya dengan berbagai keterampilan lainnya. Selama 3 bulan, saya sudah bisa mengoperasikan Accurate, Oracle dan Microsoft Office untuk kegiatan akuntansi.

Saya juga mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan tenggat waktu yang ketat, baik secara individu maupun bersama tim.   

Dengan ilmu akuntansi dan pengalaman magang yang saya miliki, saya siap memberikan layanan mumpuni untuk PT. ABC sebagai seorang akuntan. Untuk pertimbangan lebih lanjut, silakan tinjau beberapa dokumen yang saya lampirkan. Saya akan menantikan kabar baik dari Anda untuk mendiskusikan rencana saya untuk mengembangkan PT. ABC. 

Terima kasih, 

3. Mencantumkan Pengalaman Volunteering  

Mencantumkan Pengalaman Volunteering  

Volunteering merupakan kegiatan sukarela yang diadakan berbagai organisasi atau komunitas guna terselenggaranya suatu acara atau keberlangsungan komunitas.

Meskipun kegiatan sukarela, beberapa organisasi tetap membayar uang transportasi dan makan volunteer . Seandainya pun tidak dibayar, volunteer akan memperoleh sertifikat, ilmu, dan pengalaman yang tak ternilai. 

Pengalaman volunteering tentu akan membuat lamaran dipertimbangkan HRD , karena pelamar akan dianggap menyukai tantangan dan cepat mempelajari hal baru. Berikut contoh cover letter fresh graduate dengan pengalaman volunteering . 

[su_box title=”Mencantumkan Pengalaman Volunteering  “]

Perihal: Lamaran Pekerjaan Desainer Grafis 

Lampiran: Lima Lembar  

Direktur Kreatif

Melalui LinkedIn , saya mengetahui bahwa PT. XYZ sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk desainer grafis. Melalui ilmu dan keterampilan yang saya miliki, saya tertarik untuk memberikan ide-ide dan desain kreatif bagi perusahaan Anda. 

Pada Oktober lalu, saya baru saja lulus cum laude sebagai Sarjana Desain dari Universitas XXX. Selama menempuh pendidikan desain, saya telah memperoleh berbagai keterampilan yang mendukung desain untuk perusahaan Anda.

Beberapa di antaranya adalah desain dan foto produk, spanduk, logo, pembuatan video iklan, dan keperluan periklanan lainnya. 

Selama libur semester, saya juga telah memperoleh pengalaman kerja sebagai volunteer di dalam suatu komunitas dan acara.

Saya memperoleh pengalaman volunteering pertama di Komunitas XYZ XYZ sebagai desainer grafis selama 3 bulan. Pengalaman volunteering kedua saya adalah di dalam Pameran ABC ABC sebagai koordinator acara selama 5 hari. 

Melalui kegiatan belajar di Universitas XXX dan pengalaman volunteering , saya mampu mengoperasikan beberapa software desain yang sangat bermanfaat untuk periklanan.

Beberapa di antaranya adalah Autodesk SketchBook dan 3ds Max serta beberapa Adobe softwares . Selain itu, saya juga mampu memimpin tim kecil dan mengoperasikan Microsoft Office .  

Terlampir Daftar Riwayat Hidup, Ijazah, Transkrip Nilai, dan sertifikat volunteering yang bisa Anda tinjau sebagai pertimbangan. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda, saya tunggu kabar selanjutnya. 

Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris  

Bahasa Inggris sudah menjadi bahasa internasional sejak lama. Jika pelamar  ingin melamar ke perusahaan internasional atau multinasional yang memiliki banyak klien dari luar negeri, sebaiknya gunakan Bahasa Inggris. Dengan begitu, lamaran akan lebih dipertimbangkan HRD untuk diproses ke tahap tes dan wawancara di dalam Bahasa Inggris. 

Selain mengirim lamaran menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, jangan lupa untuk melatih kemampuan Bahasa Inggris melalui kegiatan membaca, menulis, dan mendengar. Dengan begitu, pelamar akan semakin mampu menjawab tes maupun wawancara di dalam Bahasa Inggris, juga saat mulai bekerja nanti. Berikut beberapa contoh cover letter fresh graduate di dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Mencantumkan Pengalaman Bisnis 

Mencantumkan Pengalaman Bisnis 

Berbisnis melatih kemandirian dan kemampuan berdagang. Meskipun bisnis yang dijalankan itu berskala kecil, hal itu akan menjadi nilai lebih di mata HRD . Pelamar akan dinilai mahir menjual produk dan/atau jasa. Berikut contoh cover letter fresh graduate dengan pengalaman berbisnis.

[su_box title=”Mencantumkan Pengalaman Bisnis “]

[Applicant’s Name]

[Applicant’s Address]

[Applicant’s email]

[Applicant’s Contact No.]

[The letter’s writing date] 

Subject: Job Application 

[Recipient’s Full Name and Title  ]

[Recipient’s Position]

[The Company Name] 

[The Company Address]   

Dear Mr/Ms. [Recipient’s Last Name], 

I am applying to be your Sales and Marketing Associate that was recently published on LinkedIn. PT. XXX is an outstanding fast-moving consumer goods pioneer in Indonesia that has been providing high-quality products for 40 years. My experience and knowledge can help this company grow much better. 

As a Bachelor of Marketing Management from ABC University, I gained many skills in sales and marketing management. Some of them are business planning, doing market research and analysis, storytelling, and decision making.

Baca Juga: Contoh Cover Letter Baca Juga: Contoh Cover Makalah    

Since the third semester, I have also built a business with my father. We became the sole distributor of XYZ in Indonesia. XYZ is a high-quality and environmentally friendly pet grooming product. We sold the products through some resellers and drop shippers, as well as social media and the marketplace. 

In the first month, we already gained 10 resellers and 5 drop shippers in some cities. Most of them are on Java island. After running it for 3 months only, we earned a net profit of IDR54,375,000. 

From that business, I gained other skills, such as: objection-handling, negotiating, and digital marketing management. Therefore, I believe I am able to be your ideal sales and marketing associate. I would like to hear from you soon. Thank you for your time and attention.  


[Applicant’s Signature] 

[Applicant’s Full Name]

Enclosures: Resume and Bachelor’s Certificate [/su_box]

2. Mencantumkan Pengalaman Kerja Part-time  

Mencantumkan Pengalaman Kerja Part Time 

Pengalaman kerja sebagai part-time juga membantu pelamar untuk diproses HRD ke tahap selanjutnya. Lewat pengalaman itu, HRD akan melihat pelamar sebagai pribadi yang sudah terbentuk menjadi pekerja yang tangguh baik dari segi fisik maupun mental.   

Di dalam penulisan cover letter Bahasa Inggris, pelamar juga bisa tidak Mencantumkan nama penerima jika memang tidak diketahui. Pada penulisan salam, cukup cantumkan Sir/Madam , seperti contoh cover letter fresh graduate di bawah ini. 

[su_box title=”Mencantumkan Pengalaman Kerja Part-time “]

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I would like to express my desire to be your marketing executive as posted on Jobstreet. I have been buying your delicious frozen foods on some marketplaces since 6 months ago. My experience and knowledge make me an ideal candidate for this position.  

As a Bachelor of Communication from XXX University, I have strong knowledge of media. I was a vice president of the Marketing Club at college. We successfully pitched an advertisement campaign for a non-governmental organization, helped increase donations by 30 percent in just 2 weeks. 

Your job vacancy states that you are looking for a tough worker who is able to do basic editing. Even though I am a fresh graduate, I have working experience as a part-time video editor for ABC Agency. I gained some skills, such as: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere. 

These skills and working experience, combined with deep academic, have prepared me to make a great and immediate impact at PT. XYZ. I am excited to give my best effort and skills for PT. XYZ. Do not hesitate to contact me on 08XX-XXX-XXXX. Thank you for your time and consideration. 


Resume, Portfolio, and Bachelor’s Certificate [/su_box]

Baca Juga: Contoh Cover Makalah    

3. Mencantumkan Pengalaman sebagai Freelancer  

Mencantumkan Pengalaman Sebagai Freelancer  

Saat ini jenis pekerjaan freelance telah menjadi jenis pekerjaan yang diincar banyak orang. Maka jangan lupa cantumkan pengalaman freelance di cover letter dan resume . Cantumkan ringkas saja di resume dan jelaskan secara rinci di cover letter . Berikut contoh cover letter fresh graduate dengan pengalaman sebagai seorang freelancer . 

[su_box title=”Mencantumkan Pengalaman sebagai Freelancer  “]

I would like to express my interest in the investigative journalist position at PT. XYZ that was posted on LinkedIn. PT. XYZ is one of the best digital media companies in Indonesia. I believe my skills and knowledge make me your ideal investigative journalist. 

As a Bachelor of Journalism from ABC University, I have strong knowledge and skills in digital media. I have good stamina to research the news, investigate the facts, write news accurately, and proofread it before submitting it. 

Besides that, I have been a freelance editor for English travel content at XXX.com for the last six months. Therefore, I am used to reviewing the content to ensure proper spelling, grammar, and style are used. 

Looking at my skills and experience, I believe that I can write much accurate great news to increase your credibility. I have enclosed some supporting documents including my portfolio as well. I look forward to your reply. You may also reach me on 08AA-BBB-CCC. Thank you for your consideration. 

Warm Regards, 


Demikian beberapa contoh cover letter fresh graduate yang menarik perhatian HRD dan dapat membuat pelamar diproses ke tahap selanjutnya. Selain membuat cover letter yang menarik, pelamar  juga harus membuat resume atau CV yang ringkas, padat dan jelas.  

Bagi yang mau melamar ke bidang kreatif, jangan lupa untuk menyertakan portofolio yang berisi karya-karya terbaik. Selamat membuat lamaran lewat contoh cover letter fresh graduate di atas sebagai referensi. 

Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate

10+ Contoh Cover Buku : Simpel, Anak SD, Novel dan Pendidikan

' src=

12+ Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris untuk Berbagai Keperluan

15+ contoh cover company profile : cv dan kontraktor perusahaan, tinggalkan balasan batalkan balasan.

Alamat email Anda tidak akan dipublikasikan. Ruas yang wajib ditandai *

Simpan nama, email, dan situs web saya pada peramban ini untuk komentar saya berikutnya.

Beritahu saya akan tindak lanjut komentar melalui surel.

Beritahu saya akan tulisan baru melalui surel.


  1. 4 Tips Membuat Cover Letter yang Apik untuk Fresh Graduate- Glints Blog

    cover letter untuk fresh graduate

  2. Cover Letter Fresh Graduate Template

    cover letter untuk fresh graduate

  3. 6+ Contoh Cover Letter : SMA,SMK, Kuliah dan Fresh Graduate

    cover letter untuk fresh graduate

  4. 4 Tips Membuat Cover Letter yang Apik untuk Fresh Graduate- Glints Blog

    cover letter untuk fresh graduate

  5. New College Graduate Cover Letter

    cover letter untuk fresh graduate

  6. Application Letter Sample For A Fresh Graduate

    cover letter untuk fresh graduate


  1. Job Application


  1. 3 Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate [+ Tips Non-Pengalaman]

    Cover letter terutama untuk fresh graduate dapat menjadi nilai tambah ketika melamar kerja karena menurut sebuah survei, 53% HRD lebih memilih kandidat yang memberikan cover letter. Biasanya, para rekruter akan melihat cover letter terlebih dahulu baru membaca CV-mu, sehingga, jika cover letter yang diajukan kurang menarik, kesempatan CV-mu ...

  2. Contoh Cover Letter, Jurus Ampuh Fresh Graduate Dapat Kerja

    Web ini menyediakan contoh cover letter untuk fresh graduate yang ingin melamar pekerjaan. Kamu bisa memilih cover letter dengan pengalaman magang atau tanpa pengalaman magang sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu.

  3. Ini Panduan Membuat Cover Letter yang Apik untuk Fresh Graduate

    Artikel ini menjelaskan apa itu cover letter, ciri-cirinya, fungsinya, dan tips membuatnya. Kamu juga bisa melihat contoh kalimat-kalimat ideal untuk cover letter fresh graduate yang efektif dan menarik.

  4. Cover Letter Examples and Tips for Recent Graduate

    A graduate cover letter is a professional document that recent college graduates use when they apply for jobs or graduate degree programs. A graduate cover letter acts as an extension of an individual's resume and includes details about college activities and previous professional experiences. Related: Cover Letter for Graduate School: Tips and ...

  5. 3 types of sample cover letters that stand out (for fresh graduates

    Here are 3 types of sample cover letters that will help your applications stand out. We have also included a sample cover letter for candidates without internship experience. Cover Letter Sample 1. (with Internship Experience, Print version) [box] (Your Address) (Date) (Recipient's Name) (Job Title) (Address)

  6. Fresh Graduate Cover Letter

    A cover letter for a fresh medical graduate should focus on clinical experiences, internships, and your passion for medicine. Here's a suitable example: Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source].

  7. Graduate Cover Letter Example & Writing Guide · Resume.io

    A cover letter for a fresh graduate, also called an application letter or letter of interest, is one of the most commonly requested job application materials. The primary purpose of your graduate cover letter is to work alongside your resume to create a complete picture of personality, experience and strengths as a candidate.

  8. Cover Letter for Fresh Graduate: Tips & Templates

    Crafting a tailored cover letter demands additional planning and consideration, but the rewards will be significant when you receive an interview invitation. Here are 3 sample cover letters for fresh graduates that will stand out to potential employers and HR managers: Cover Letter Sample 1 (with Internship Experience, Print version) (Your Address)

  9. Fresh Graduate Starter Kit: Template CV, Cover Letter, & Surat ...

    Pelajari tips dan panduan menulis cover letter untuk fresh graduate yang ingin melamar kerja di bidang teknologi. Unduh template gratis cover letter dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris di Glints.

  10. Tips Mudah Membuat Cover Letter Untuk Fresh Graduate

    Kesalahan fresh graduate saat menulis cover letter. Meskipun sudah memahami tata cara penulisannya, ada beberapa kesalahan kecil yang biasa dilakukan para fresh graduate saat membuat cover letter, seperti:. 1. ' Copy-paste' dari isi CV Tidak perlu menyalin ulang semua isi CV-mu ke cover letter. Cukup highlight hal-hal yang penting dan relevan. Seperti pendidikan terakhir serta pengalaman ...

  11. 5 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja untuk Fresh Graduate

    Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja. Setelah mengetahui aspek apa saja yang harus ada dalam surat lamaran kerja, ini dia 5 contoh surat lamaran kerja untuk berbagai bidang yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi untuk membuat punyamu agar lamaranmu lebih menarik. 1. Jabatan Staf HR.

  12. Cara Membuat Cover Letter Fresh Graduate yang Menarik

    Sebagai seorang fresh graduate tentu terkadang kamu merasa kurang percaya diri ketika melamar pekerjaan karena belum memiliki pengalaman.Namun, kekhawatiran ini bisa diatasi dengan membuat CV, surat lamaran kerja hingga cover letter fresh graduate yang menarik untuk HRD.. Memang, cover letter, surat lamaran kerja hingga CV yang menarik tidak akan bisa menjamin kamu diterima bekerja.

  13. Cara Menulis Cover Letter (+Bonus Template Cover Letter Gratis)

    Baca juga : Template CV Gratis. Berikut beberapa tips yang harus kamu perhatikan ketika menulis cover letter: 1. Sesuaikan skill dan pengalaman dengan posisi yang kamu lamar. Cover letter berisi rangkuman dirimu yang lebih spesifik, dengan menonjolkan skill dan pengalaman yang relevan dengan pekerjaan. 2.

  14. Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Sample

    I appreciate your time and kind consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me at any time via mobile at +60 12 1234 5678 or by email at [email protected]. [Always end your Cover Letter with a call-to-action.

  15. Examples of Cover Letters for Fresh Graduates

    Fresh graduate cover letter example Here are a few cover letter examples for fresh graduates in different situations: With experience Here's a cover letter example for a fresh graduate with some experience: Dear Mr Kong, I am applying for the role of Marketing Coordinator at Greater Bay Financial Services. I originally came across the job posting on a professional networking site and was ...

  16. Cara Membuat Cover Letter yang Tepat untuk Fresh Graduate

    3. Karakteristik Kalimat. Kalimat yang dirangkai dalam cover letter bersifat eksklusif dan menggambarkan kondisi dan kualitas pelamar kerja. Oleh sebab itu, penting bagi para pelamar kerja untuk mengetahui tentang cara-cara membuat cover letter fresh graduate secara ideal dan efektif.

  17. Cover Letter for Fresh Graduate:07 Samples & Examples

    Application Letter for accountant position for fresh graduate. Dear Sir, I am writing this cover letter to express my interest in applying for the position of ______________. I came across your advertisement on the _____ website, and it is my desire to work with you based on my qualifications and skills which I believe are suitable for the job ...

  18. Fresher Front End Developer Cover Letter Example

    How to Make Your Cover Letter Header Stand Out: A cover letter header for a Fresher Front End Developer should include your full name, contact information (email and phone number), and the date. It's also beneficial to include the name and address of the company you're applying to, as well as the job title. Keep it simple, clear, and professional.

  19. Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Bagi Fresh Graduate

    Dibawah ini merupakan contoh cover letter bahasa inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai referensi untuk melamar pekerjaan. Baca Juga: Cara Buat CV Bahasa Inggris yang Bikin Dilirik Rekruter. Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Web Developer. Jakarta, 24 April 2018. Mr. Agus Maulana. Head of Information Technology . P.T. Wahana Semesta Ilmu

  20. 3 Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate [+ Tips Non-Pengalaman]

    Cover letter terutama untuk fresh graduate dapat menjadi nilai tambah ketika melamar kerja karena menurut sebuah survei, 53% HRD lebih memilih kandidat yang memberikan cover letter. Biasanya, para rekruter akan melihat cover letter terlebih dahulu baru membaca CV-mu, sehingga, jika cover letter yang diajukan kurang menarik, kesempatan CV-mu ...

  21. 6+ Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate : SMA, SMK dan Kuliah

    Contoh Cover Letter Fresh Graduate - Menulis cover letter atau surat lamaran yang menarik merupakan hal yang penting untuk melamar pekerjaan apa pun.. Mahasiswa/i yang baru lulus dan ingin melamar pekerjaan tentu perlu melihat banyak contoh cover letter fresh graduate sebagai referensi. Meskipun belum pernah bekerja penuh waktu, fresh graduate dapat mencantumkan pengalaman-pengalaman lainnya.

  22. 3 Contoh Cover Letter Dalam Bahasa Melayu Untuk Fresh Graduate

    Formatnya lebih kurang sama. Pastikan cover letter dalam Bahasa Melayu anda mempunyai struktur dan kandungan berikut: • Alamat dan butiran diri. • Alamat dan jawatan penerima (bakal majikan) • Tarikh hari ini. • Panggilan yang betul seperti Encik, Tuan, Cik atau Puan. • Tujuan surat itu termasuk butiran jawatan yang ditawarkan.