
Diving Into Tech: Technical Content Writing Topics

Last Updated on Sep 15, 2023

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Interested in technical content writing topics? Explore various technology-related subjects as a technical content writer.

Stay current with the fast-paced changes in the tech industry and innovative ideas.

Dive into interesting topics, like software documentation and cybersecurity.

Trending topics such as AI, IoT, cloud computing, programming languages, and technical writing tools offer great opportunities.

Let’s embark on this journey of technical content writing together!

Key Takeaways

  • Technical writing is in high demand, particularly in software documentation and cybersecurity.
  • When content writing, it’s important to keep the target audience in mind and include examples and code snippets.
  • Cybersecurity policies, strong password policies, network segmentation, regular software updates, and employee training on security protocols are all important for enhancing overall security posture.
  • Diving into tech can involve exploring trending topics like IoT, cloud computing, programming languages, and technical writing tools.

technical content writing topics

Software Documentation

You’ll need to create clear and concise software documentation for effective user understanding and a better experience. You must consider this, especially when crafting business consulting content .

It’s important to craft developer guides and API documentation that are easy to read and comprehend.

Remember to get to know your target audience (developers, end-users, or both) to provide relevant information.

Include examples and code snippets for a practical understanding of features and functions.

Thorough and well-thought-out software documentation leads to successful user adoption of your product.


Protecting your personal information online is crucial in today’s world, and cybersecurity measures are constantly evolving to keep up with new threats.

With the increasing number of cyber attacks happening worldwide, it’s essential to understand the importance of cybersecurity policies and how they can help safeguard you against potential threats.

Here are 4 reasons why you should pay attention to cybersecurity policies:

  • A strong password policy ensures that passwords are secure and not easily guessable or hackable.
  • Network segmentation helps prevent unauthorized access by separating sensitive data from other parts of a network.
  • Regular software updates ensure that systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches and fix any known vulnerabilities.
  • Employee training on security protocols can help prevent accidental breaches caused by human error.

It’s important to note that while these policies may seem simple, they can greatly enhance your overall security posture online.

By staying informed about network vulnerabilities and implementing effective cybersecurity measures, you can better protect yourself from potential cyber threats.

Artificial Intelligence

If you’re interested in Artificial Intelligence, there are three key points to focus on:

  • Machine Learning: the process of teaching machines to learn from data without being explicitly programmed.
  • Natural Language Processing: teaching machines to understand and interpret human language.
  • Robotics: the integration of AI into physical robots to allow them to perform tasks autonomously.

Adjusting the paragraph structure in this way logically groups complete sentences on their own lines, with a double new line after each point. It also uses contractions for a more natural tone.

Machine Learning

When diving into the world of machine learning, you’re like a captain navigating through uncharted waters with the help of advanced technology.

Machine learning is a subset of AI that involves building algorithms and models that enable systems to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed.

Here are some key things you need to know about machine learning:

  • Predictive Analytics – Machine learning models can be used for predictive analytics, which involves using historical data to make predictions about future events. For example, e-commerce companies use machine-learning algorithms to recommend products based on past purchases.
  • Deep Learning Applications – This is a type of machine learning that uses neural networks with multiple layers to analyze complex relationships in data. Deep learning has been used in image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing applications.
  • Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning – In supervised learning, the model is trained on labeled data where it already knows what the correct output should be. In unsupervised learning, there is no labeled data and the model learns from patterns and relationships in the input data.
  • Reinforcement Learning – This involves training an agent to interact with an environment by rewarding it for making good decisions and punishing it for making bad ones. Reinforcement learning has been used in robotics and game-playing applications.

Machine learning is rapidly transforming industries, ranging from healthcare to finance to agriculture. By understanding its basic concepts and applications, such as predictive analytics and deep learning, you’ll be equipped to navigate these uncharted waters with confidence as a technical content writer or enthusiast alike!

Natural Language Processing

Get ready to explore the fascinating world of Natural Language Processing, where machines can understand and interpret human language with astonishing accuracy. NLP is a branch of AI that focuses on teaching computers to comprehend, analyze, and generate human language.

With the help of advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, NLP can be used for a wide range of applications such as text classification, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, and machine translation.

One of the most popular applications of NLP is text classification. This technique involves categorizing large amounts of textual data into different classes based on predefined categories or particular topics.

For example, you can use text classification to classify emails into a spam or non-spam categories or classify news articles into different sections like sports or politics.

Another important application of NLP is sentiment analysis which involves analyzing the emotions expressed in a piece of text for social mediamarketing like posts or customer reviews. With sentiment analysis, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers’ opinions and preferences to improve their products and services.

Now that you have a basic understanding of Natural Language Processing, let’s dive into the exciting world of Robotics! With the advancement of technology, we are witnessing amazing innovations in this field. From autonomous vehicles to human-robot interaction, there is no limit to what can be achieved.

Autonomous vehicles are becoming more and more common on our roads today. These self-driving cars use advanced robotic systems to navigate through traffic and get their passengers from one place to another safely.

However, with this, increased reliance on technology comes a need for technical writers who can explain how these systems work and how they keep us safe on the road.

Additionally, as robots become more integrated into our daily lives, it is essential for technical writers to communicate clearly about human-robot interaction and help people feel comfortable using these technologies in their homes or workplaces.

As a technical writer in this field, you have an opportunity to make complex topics accessible to everyone and play a vital role in shaping the future of robotics.

Internet of Things (IoT)

As you step into the modern world of technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) is like a vast ocean where all devices and appliances are interconnected through waves of data.

Smart homes are becoming more popular with the advancements in IoT technology, allowing homeowners to control their home appliances remotely using their smartphones or voice assistants. From adjusting room temperatures to turning on lights, smart homes provide convenience and efficiency.

Wearable devices also fall under the category of IoT. These devices, such as fitness trackers, smartwatches, and health monitors, collect data about your daily activities and biometrics, which can be used to improve your overall health and wellness.

With wearable technology becoming more affordable and accessible, it’s no surprise that they have become increasingly popular over the past few years.

As we continue to dive deeper into the world of IoT, we can expect even more innovations in smart homes and wearable devices that will enhance our everyday lives.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is revolutionizing the way we store and access data, making it more secure and convenient for businesses and individuals alike.

With cloud migration, companies can move their data to offsite servers, which are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that you don’t have to worry about losing your data if your computer crashes or gets stolen.

In addition, a hybrid cloud strategy allows you to use both public and private clouds, giving you the best of both worlds. Here are three benefits of using cloud computing:

  • Scalability: Cloud services allow you to easily scale up or down as needed, without having to invest in expensive hardware.
  • Cost-effectiveness: By using cloud services, you can reduce your IT costs significantly since there’s no need for on-premise hardware or maintenance.
  • Collaboration: With cloud-based software applications like Google Drive or Microsoft Office 365, teams can collaborate in real life from anywhere in the world.

Programming Languages

Programming languages are the backbone of modern technology, allowing developers like you to create innovative software and applications that shape our daily lives. You can create the best titles for content writing using different languages to attract more of your target audience.

Learning a programming language is essential for any tech enthusiast who wants to create something new or solve complex problems.

With hundreds of programming languages available today, it can be challenging to choose one and learn it thoroughly. When starting with a new language, it can be helpful to understand its syntax highlighting tools and debugging techniques.

Syntax highlighting helps you identify errors in your code by highlighting keywords, variables, functions, etc., in different colors. Debugging techniques help you find and fix errors in your code so that your program runs smoothly without crashing.

By mastering these two essential concepts, you can become a proficient programmer and tackle complex projects with confidence.

Technical Writing Tools

You’ll love exploring the various tools available for improving your technical writing skills.

When it comes to editing techniques, Grammarly and Hemingway Editor are two popular choices. Grammarly checks grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors in real time, while Hemingway Editor helps improve readability by highlighting complex sentences and suggesting simpler alternatives.

Apart from editing tools, graphic design tools can also come in handy for creating visually appealing content.

Canva is a user-friendly platform that offers templates for social media marketing like blog posts, flyers, infographics, and more.

Adobe Creative Suite is another option that provides advanced features such as Photoshop for image editing and InDesign for layout design.

Incorporating these tools into your technical writing process can elevate the quality when creating engaging content for your target audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common challenges faced by technical content writers when documenting software.

As a technical content writer, you may face some challenges when documenting software. One of the most common is collaboration challenges. You need to work closely with developers and other stakeholders to understand the software’s features and functionality thoroughly. This can be difficult if they don’t have the time or inclination to explain things in detail.

Another challenge is dealing with technical jargon, which can be confusing for non-technical target audience. You need to find ways to simplify complex concepts without sacrificing accuracy or depth of information.

To overcome these challenges, you must develop excellent communication skills and learn how to balance technical precision with clarity and accessibility in your content writing.

How can companies ensure the security of their digital assets and user data in the face of increasing cyber threats?

To ensure the security of your digital assets and user data, it’s crucial to have a robust cybersecurity strategy in place.

This includes implementing protective measures such as firewalls, anti-virus software, and encryption techniques to safeguard against cyber threats.

Conducting regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing can also help identify potential weaknesses in your system that can be exploited by cybercriminals.

Additionally, educating employees on best practices for information security and enforcing strong password policies can further strengthen your digital asset protection.

By prioritizing cybersecurity and investing in preventative measures, you can mitigate the risk of data breaches and protect both your business and customers from harm.

What are some real-world applications of AI technology that are currently in use?

Real-world AI applications are everywhere these days, from virtual personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars and facial recognition software. However, with the rise of these technologies comes a growing concern over AI ethics.

As more and more companies rely on AI to make decisions that affect people’s lives, it’s essential to ensure that these systems are designed with fairness, transparency, and accountability in mind. From healthcare to finance to transportation, there are countless examples of how AI is being used in innovative ways to improve our lives.

But as we continue to explore the potential of this technology, it’s crucial that we also consider its impact on society as a whole.

How can IoT devices be integrated into existing systems to improve efficiency and productivity?

Integrating IoT devices into your existing systems can be a challenge, but the benefits are worth it. Some of the challenges of IoT adoption include ensuring compatibility with existing systems, addressing security concerns, and managing large amounts of data.

However, once these challenges are addressed, integrating IoT devices can greatly improve efficiency and productivity in your operations. With real-time data collection and analysis, you can make informed decisions that optimize processes and reduce costs.

Additionally, IoT integration allows for remote monitoring and control of equipment, reducing maintenance costs and downtime.

Overall, while there may be some hurdles to overcome in integrating IoT devices into your systems, the benefits make it well worth the effort.

What are some key considerations for businesses when deciding whether to adopt cloud computing solutions?

When considering whether to adopt cloud computing solutions, there are a few key considerations that businesses should keep in mind.

Firstly, cost-effectiveness is an important factor to consider. Cloud computing can be more cost-efficient than traditional on-premise solutions as it eliminates the need for expensive hardware and maintenance costs.

Additionally, scalability is another important consideration. With the ability to easily scale up or down as needed, cloud solutions can provide businesses with greater flexibility and agility.

Ultimately, when deciding whether to adopt cloud computing solutions, it’s important to carefully weigh the potential benefits against any potential drawbacks and ensure that the solution aligns with your business goals and needs.

Congratulations! You’ve just taken a deep dive into the world of popular content writing topics. As you emerge from the depths, you may find yourself feeling both excited and overwhelmed by the vast sea of information that you’ve encountered.

But fear not, for with determination and focus, you can navigate these waters with ease. Think of yourself as a skilled sailor, equipped with all the tools necessary to weather any storm that comes your way.

With software documentation as your anchor, cybersecurity as your compass, AI as your sail, IoT as your mast, cloud computing as your hull, and programming languages as your crew – there is no challenge too great for you to overcome.

And with technical writing tools at your disposal, you can chart a course toward success in this ever-evolving field. So gather up your courage and set sail towards new horizons in technical content writing.

Remember: even though the journey may be long and arduous at times, the destination is well worth it. May fair winds guide you on your way!

This content, initially generated by AI, underwent meticulous, expert human refinement. The human editor (mentioned below) ensured thorough fact-checking, upheld trustworthiness, and added an authoritative touch to enhance its credibility.

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Jack Alexander Morrison Austin is a content marketing maverick, driving sales, and growth through high-quality content and advanced SEO strategies.

As the creative engine behind Grassroots Content, Jack’s mission is to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, ensuring brands get noticed in the crowded digital landscape.

Hailing originally from the UK, Jack now calls Da Nang, Vietnam his home, an inspiring backdrop for his audacious vision of revolutionizing content creation to catalyze tangible growth in business performance. His approach is not just about words or SEO for SEO’s sake; it’s about creating a unified vision that genuinely assists customers and primes brands for Google’s ranking.

With a keen interest in Google’s Natural Language Processing and algorithm analysis, Jack masterfully crafts content that is compelling and designed to surge traffic, skyrocket click-through rates, and multiply sales. Every month, he and his team deliver over 500,000 words to delighted clients worldwide, paving the way for unprecedented growth in their business performance.

When he’s not immersed in crafting top-notch content or decoding Google’s algorithms, Jack can be found indulging in his love for football, music, and outdoor adventures. A fan of camping, he thrives on the thrill of exploring new terrains, much like his approach to content marketing.

Ready to transform your content strategy and experience the Grassroots Content difference? Feel free to contact Jack for a free consultation. Be part of the revolution in content creation that drives organic growth and boosts conversions. Jack Austin is here to amplify your brand and turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

technical content writing topics


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  • Types of Technical Writing
  • Technical Writing Examples
  • Freelance Technical Writing
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  • Content Designer Skills
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Home › Writing › What is Technical Writing? › 8 Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You 

8 Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You 

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As a technical writer, you may end up being confused about your job description because each industry and organization can have varying duties for you. At times, they may ask for something you’ve never written before. In that case, you can consider checking out some technical writing examples to get you started. 

If you’re beginning your technical writing career, it’s advisable to go over several technical writing examples to make sure you get the hang of it. You don’t necessarily have to take a gander over at industry-specific examples; you can get the general idea in any case. 

This article will go over what technical writing is and some of the common technical writing examples to get you started. If you’re looking to see some examples via video, watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead.

If you’re looking to learn via video, watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead.

CMMS Software

Let’s start by covering what technical writing is .

What Exactly is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is all about easily digestible content regarding a specialized product or service for the public. Technical writers have to translate complex technical information into useful and easy-to-understand language. 

There are many examples of technical writing, such as preparing instruction manuals and writing complete guides. In some cases, technical writing includes preparing research journals, writing support documents, and other technical documentation. 

The idea is to help the final user understand any technical aspects of the product or service. 

In other cases, technical writing means that the writer needs to know something. For example, pharmaceutical companies may hire medical writers to write their content since they have the required knowledge. 

If you’re interested in learning more about these technical writing skills, then check out our Technical Writing Certification Course.

Technical Writing Certifications

8 Technical Writing Examples to Get You Started 

As a technical writer, you may have to learn new things continually, increase your knowledge, and work with new forms of content. While you may not have experience with all forms of technical writing, it’s crucial to understand how to do it. 

If you learn all the intricacies of technical writing and technical documents, you can practically work with any form of content, given that you know the format. 

Therefore, the following examples of technical writing should be sufficient for you to get an idea. The different types of technical writing have unique characteristics that you can easily learn and master effectively. 

1. User Manuals 

fitbit user manual

User manuals or instruction manuals come with various products, such as consumer electronics like televisions, consoles, cellphones, kitchen appliances, and more. The user manual serves as a complete guide on how to use the product, maintain it, clean it, and more.  All technical manuals, including user manuals, have to be highly user-friendly. The technical writer has to write a manual to even someone with zero experience can use the product. Therefore, the target audience of user manuals is complete novices, amateurs, and people using the product/s for the first time. 

Traditionally, user manuals have had text and diagrams to help users understand. However, user manuals have photographs, numbered diagrams, disclaimers, flow charts, sequenced instructions, warranty information, troubleshooting guides, and contact information in recent times. 

Technical writers have to work with engineers, programmers, and product designers to ensure they don’t miss anything. The writer also anticipates potential issues ordinary users may have by first using the product. That helps them develop a first-hand experience and, ultimately, develop better user manuals. 

The point of the user manual isn’t to predict every possible issue or problem. Most issues are unpredictable and are better handled by the customer support or help desk. User manuals are there to address direct and common issues at most. 

You can check out some user manual examples and templates here . You can download them in PDF and edit them to develop an idea about how you can write a custom user manual for your product. 

2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 

SOP manual

Standard operating procedures are complete processes for each organization’s various tasks to ensure smoother operations. SOPs help make each process more efficient, time-saving, and less costly. 

An SOP document can include:

  • Everything from the method of processing payroll.
  • Hiring employees.
  • Calculating vacation time to manufacturing guidelines.

In any case, SOPs ensure that each person in an organization works in unison and uniformly to maintain quality. 

SOPs help eliminate irregularities, favoritism, and other human errors if used correctly. Lastly, SOPs make sure employees can take the responsibilities of an absent employee, so there’s no lag in work. 

Therefore, developing SOPs requires a complete study of how an organization works and its processes. 

Here are some examples of standard operating procedures you can study. You can edit the samples directly or develop your own while taking inspiration from them. 

3. Case Studies & White Papers 

AWS white paper

Case studies and white papers are a way of demonstrating one’s expertise in an area. Case studies delve into a specific instance or project and have takeaways proving or disproving something. White papers delve into addressing any industry-specific challenge, issue, or problem. 

Both case studies and white papers are used to get more business and leads by organizations. 

Technical writers who write white papers and case studies need to be experts in the industry and the project itself. It’s best if the technical writer has prior experience in writing such white papers. 

The writing style of white papers and case studies is unique, along with the formatting. Both documents are written for a specific target audience and require technical writing skills. Case studies are written in a passive voice, while white papers are written in an active voice. In any case, it’s crucial to maintain a certain level of knowledge to be able to pull it off. 

You can check out multiple white paper examples here , along with various templates and guides. You can check out some examples here for case studies, along with complete templates. 

4. API Documentation 

Amazon Alexa API documentation

API documentation includes instructions on effectively using and integrating with any API, such as web-API, software API, and SCPIs. API documentation contains details about classes, functions, arguments, and other information required to work with the API. It also includes examples and tutorials to help make integration easier. 

In any case, API documentation helps clients understand how it works and how they can effectively implement API. In short, it helps businesses and people interact with the code more easily. 

You can find a great example of proper API documentation in how Dropbox’s API documentation works. You can learn more about it here . 

5. Press Releases 

Splunk press release

Press releases are formal documents issued by an organization or agency to share news or to make an announcement. The idea is to set a precedent for releasing any key piece of information in a follow-up press conference, news release, or on a social media channel. 

The press release emphasizes why the information is important to the general public and customers. It’s a fact-based document and includes multiple direct quotes from major company stakeholders, such as the CEO. 

Usually, press releases have a very specific writing process. Depending on the feasibility, they may have an executive summary or follow the universal press release format. 

You can find several examples of press releases from major companies like Microsoft and Nestle here , along with some writing tips. 

6. Company Documents 

Orientation guide

Company documents can include various internal documents and orientation manuals for new employees. These documents can contain different information depending on their use. 

For example, orientation manuals include:

  • The company’s history.
  • Organizational chart.
  • List of services and products.
  • Map of the facility.
  • Dress codes.

It may also include employee rights, responsibilities, operation hours, rules, regulations, disciplinary processes, job descriptions, internal policies, safety procedures, educational opportunities, common forms, and more. 

Writing company documents requires good technical writing skills and organizational knowledge. Such help files assist new employees in settling into the company and integrating more efficiently. 

Here are some great examples of orientation manuals you can check out. 

7. Annual Reports 

Annual report

Annual reports are yearly updates on a company’s performance and other financial information. Annual reports directly correspond with company stakeholders and serve as a transparency tool. 

The annual reports can also be technical reports in some cases. However, mostly they include stock performance, financial information, new product information, and key developments. 

Technical writers who develop annual reports must compile all the necessary information and present it in an attractive form. It’s crucial to use creative writing and excellent communication skills to ensure that the maximum amount of information appears clearly and completely. 

If the company is technical, such as a robotics company, the technical writer needs to develop a technical communication method that’s easy to digest. 

You can check out some annual report examples and templates here . 

8. Business Plans 

Business plan

Every company starts with a complete business plan to develop a vision and secure funding. If a company is launching a new branch, it still needs to start with a business plan. 

In any case, the business plan has a few predetermined sections. To develop the ideal business plan, include the following sections in it. 

  • Executive Summary – includes the business concept, product, or service, along with the target market. It may also include information on key personnel, legal entity, founding date, location, and brief financial information. 
  • Product or Service Description – includes what the offering is, what value it provides, and what stage of development it is in currently. 
  • Team Members – includes all the information on the management team. 
  • Competitor and Market Analysis – includes a detailed analysis of the target market and potential competitors. 
  • Organizational System – includes information on how the organizational structure would work. 
  • Schedules – include start dates, hiring dates, planning dates, and milestones. 
  • Risks and Opportunities – include profit and loss predictions and projections. 
  • Financial Planning – includes planned income statements, liquidity measures, projected balance sheet, and more. 
  • Appendix – includes the organizational chart, resumes, patents, and more. 

The technical writer needs to work closely with the company stakeholders to develop a complete business plan. 

According to your industry, you can check out hundreds of business plan samples and examples here . 

Becoming an Expert Technical Writer 

Becoming an expert technical writer is all about focusing on your strengths. For example, you should try to focus on one to two industries or a specific form of technical writing. You can do various writing assignments and check out technical writing samples to understand what you’re good with. 

You can also check out user guides and get online help in determining your industry. Once you’ve nailed down an industry and technical writing type, you can start to focus on becoming an expert in it. 

In any case, it always helps to check out technical writing examples before starting any project. Try to check out examples of the same industry and from a similar company. Start your writing process once you have a complete idea of what you need to do. 

Since technical writing involves dealing with complex information, the writer needs to have a solid base on the topic. That may require past experience, direct technical knowledge, or an ability to understand multiple pieces of information quickly and effectively. 

In becoming a technical writer, you may have to work with various other people, such as software developers, software engineers, human resources professionals, product designers, and other subject matter experts. 

While most organizations tend to hire writers with a history in their fields, others opt for individuals with great writing skills and team them up with their employees. 

Technical writers may also work with customer service experts, product liability specialists, and user experience professionals to improve the end-user experience. In any case, they work closely with people to develop digestible content for the end customers. 

Today, you can also find several technical writers online. There is an increasing demand for technical writing because of the insurgence of SaaS companies, e-commerce stores, and more. 

In the end, technical writers need to have a strong grasp of proper grammar, terminology, the product, and images, graphics, sounds, or videos to explain documentation.

If you are new to technical writing and are looking to break-in, we recommend taking our Technical Writing Certification Course , where you will learn the fundamentals of being a technical writer, how to dominate technical writer interviews, and how to stand out as a technical writing candidate.

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Become a Certified Technical Writer. Professionals finish the training with a full understanding of how to guide technical writer projects using documentation foundations, how to lead writing teams, and more.

Become a Certified UX Writer. You'll learn how to excel on the job with writing microcopy, content design, and creating conversation chatbots.

Become a Certified Grant Writer. In this course, we teach the fundamentals of grant writing, how to create great grant proposals, and how to stand out in the recruiting process to land grant writing jobs.


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Technical Writing for Beginners – An A-Z Guide to Tech Blogging Basics

Amarachi Johnson-Ubah

If you love writing and technology, technical writing could be a suitable career for you. It's also something else you can do if you love tech but don’t really fancy coding all day long.

Technical writing might also be for you if you love learning by teaching others, contributing to open source projects and teaching others how to do so, too, or basically enjoy explaining complex concepts in simple ways through your writing.

Let's dive into the fundamentals and learn about what you should know and consider when getting started with technical writing.

Table of Contents

In this article, we’ll be looking at:

  • What Technical writing is

Benefits of Technical Writing

  • Necessary skills to have as a Technical Writer

The Technical Writing Process

  • Platforms for publishing your articles

Technical Writing Courses

  • Technical Writing forums and communities
  • Some amazing technical writers to follow
  • Final Words and references

What is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is the art of providing detail-oriented instruction to help users understand a specific skill or product.

And a technical writer is someone who writes these instructions, otherwise known as technical documentation or tutorials. This could include user manuals, online support articles, or internal docs for coders/API developers.

A technical writer communicates in a way that presents technical information so that the reader can use that information for an intended purpose.

Technical writers are lifelong learners. Since the job involves communicating complex concepts in simple and straightforward terms, you must be well-versed in the field you're writing about. Or be willing to learn about it.

This is great, because with each new technical document you research and write, you will become an expert on that subject.

Technical writing also gives you a better sense of user empathy. It helps you pay more attention to what the readers or users of a product feel rather than what you think.

You can also make money as a technical writer by contributing to organizations. Here are some organizations that pay you to write for them , like Smashing Magazine , AuthO , Twilio , and Stack Overflow .

In addition to all this, you can contribute to Open Source communities and participate in paid open source programs like Google Season of Docs and Outreachy .

You can also take up technical writing as a full time profession – lots of companies need someone with those skills.

Necessary Skills to Have as a Technical Writer

Understand the use of proper english.

Before you consider writing, it is necessary to have a good grasp of English, its tenses, spellings and basic grammar. Your readers don't want to read an article riddled with incorrect grammar and poor word choices.

Know how to explain things clearly and simply

Knowing how to implement a feature doesn't necessarily mean you can clearly communicate the process to others.

In order to be a good teacher, you have to be empathetic, with the ability to teach or describe terms in ways suitable for your intended audience.

If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself. Albert Einstein

Possess some writing skills‌‌

I believe that writers are made, not born. And you can only learn how to write by actually writing.

You might never know you have it in you to write until you put pen to paper. And there's only one way to know if you have some writing skills, and that's by writing.

So I encourage you to start writing today. You can choose to start with any of the platforms I listed in this section to stretch your writing muscles.

And of course, it is also a huge benefit to have some experience in a technical field.

Analyze and Understand who your Readers are

The biggest factor to consider when you're writing a technical article is your intended/expected audience. It should always be at the forefront of your mind.

A good technical writer writes based on the reader’s context. As an example , let's say you're writing an article targeted at beginners. It is important not to assume that they already know certain concepts.

You can start out your article by outlining any necessary prerequisites. This will make sure that your readers have (or can acquire) the knowledge they need before diving right into your article.

You can also include links to useful resources so your readers can get the information they need with just a click.

In order to know for whom you are writing, you have to gather as much information as possible about who will use the document.

It is important to know if your audience has expertise in the field, if the topic is totally new to them, or if they fall somewhere in between.

Your readers will also have their own expectations and needs. You must determine what the reader is looking for when they begin to read the document and what they'll get out of it.

To understand your reader, ask yourself the following questions before you start writing:

  • Who are my readers?
  • What do they need?
  • Where will they be reading?
  • When will they be reading?
  • Why will they be reading?
  • How will they be reading?

These questions also help you think about your reader's experience while reading your writing, which we'll talk about more now.

Think About User Experience

User experience is just as important in a technical document as it is anywhere on the web.

Now that you know your audience and their needs, keep in mind how the document itself services their needs. It’s so easy to ignore how the reader will actually use the document.

As you write, continuously step back and view the document as if you're the reader. Ask yourself: Is it accessible? How will your readers be using it? When will they be using it? Is it easy to navigate?

The goal is to write a document that is both useful to and useable by your readers.

Plan Your Document

Bearing in mind who your users are, you can then conceptualize and plan out your document.

This process includes a number of steps, which we'll go over now.

Conduct thorough research about the topic

While planning out your document, you have to research the topic you're writing about. There are tons of resources only a Google search away for you to consume and get deeper insights from.

Don't be tempted to lift off other people's works or articles and pass it off as your own, as this is plagiarism. Rather, use these resources as references and ideas for your work.

Google as much as possible, get facts and figures from research journals, books or news, and gather as much information as you can about your topic. Then you can start making an outline.

Make an outline

Outlining the content of your document before expanding on it helps you write in a more focused way. It also lets you organize your thoughts and achieving your goals for your writing.

An outline can also help you identify what you want your readers to get out of the document. And finally, it establishes a timeline for completing your writing.

Get relevant graphics/images

Having an outline is very helpful in identifying the various virtual aids (infographics, gifs, videos, tweets) you'll need to embed in different sections of your document.

And it'll make your writing process much easier if you keep these relevant graphics handy.

Write in the Correct Style

Finally, you can start to write! If you've completed all these steps, writing should become a lot easier. But you still need to make sure your writing style is suitable for a technical document.

The writing needs to be accessible, direct, and professional. Flowery or emotional text is not welcome in a technical document. To help you maintain this style, here are some key characteristics you should cultivate.

Use Active Voice

It's a good idea to use active voices in your articles, as it is easier to read and understand than the passive voice.

Active voice means that the subject of the sentence is the one actively performing the action of the verb. Passive voice means that a subject is the recipient of a verb's action .

Here's an example of passive voice : The documentation should be read six times a year by every web developer.

And here's an example of active voice : Every web developer should read this documentation 6 times a year.

Choose Your Words Carefully

Word choice is important. Make sure you use the best word for the context. Avoid overusing pronouns such as ‘it’ and ‘this’ as the reader may have difficulty identifying which nouns they refer to.

Also avoid slang and vulgar language – remember you're writing for a wider audience whose disposition and cultural inclinations could differ from yours.

Avoid Excessive Jargon

If you’re an expert in your field, it can be easy to use jargon you're familiar with without realizing that it may be confusing to other readers.

You should also avoid using acronyms you haven't previously explained.

Here's an Example :

Less clear: PWAs are truly considered the future of multi-platform development. Their availability on both Android and iOS makes them the app of the future.

Improved: Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are truly the future of multi-platform development. Their availability on both Android and iOS makes PWAs the app of the future.

Use Plain Language

Use fewer words and write in a way so that any reader can understand the text.‌‌ Avoid big lengthy words. Always try to explain concepts and terms in the clearest way possible.

Visual Formatting

A wall of text is difficult to read. Even the clearest instructions can be lost in a document that has poor visual representation.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This rings true even in technical writing.

But not just any image is worthy of a technical document. Technical information can be difficult to convey in text alone. A well-placed image or diagram can clarify your explanation.

People also love visuals, so it helps to insert them at the right spots. Consider the images below:

First, here's a blog snippet without visuals:


Here's a snippet of same blog, but with visuals:


Adding images to your articles makes the content more relatable and easier to understand. In addition to images, you can also use gifs, emoji, embeds (social media, code) and code snippets where necessary.

Thoughtful formatting, templates, and images or diagrams will also make your text more helpful to your readers. You can check out the references below for a technical writing template from @Bolajiayodeji.

Do a Careful Review

Good writing of any type must be free from spelling and grammatical errors. These errors might seem obvious, but it's not always easy to spot them (especially in lengthy documents).

Always double-check your spelling (you know, dot your Is and cross your Ts) before hitting 'publish'.

There are a number of free tools like Grammarly and the Hemingway app that you can use to check for grammar and spelling errors. You can also share a draft of your article with someone to proofread before publishing.

Where to Publish Your Articles

Now that you've decided to take up technical writing, here are some good platforms where you can start putting up technical content for free. They can also help you build an appealing portfolio for future employers to check out.

Dev.to is a community of thousands of techies where both writers and readers get to meaningfully engage and share ideas and resources.


Hashnode is my go-to blogging platform with awesome perks such as custom domain mapping and an interactive community. Setting up a blog on this platform is also easy and fast.


freeCodeCamp has a very large community and audience reach and is a great place to publish your articles. However, you'll need to apply to write for their publication with some previous writing samples.

Your application could either be accepted or rejected, but don't be discouraged. You can always reapply later as you get better, and who knows? You could get accepted.

If you do write for them, they'll review and edit your articles before publishing, to make sure you publish the most polished article possible. They'll also share your articles on their social media platforms to help more people read them.


Hackernoon has over 7,000 writers and could be a great platform for you to start publishing your articles to the over 200,000 daily readers in the community.

Hacker Noon supports writers by proofreading their articles before publishing them on the platform, helping them avoid common mistakes.


Just like in every other field, there are various processes, rules, best practices, and so on in Technical Writing.

Taking a course on technical writing will help guide you through every thing you need to learn and can also give you a major confidence boost to kick start your writing journey.

Here are some technical writing courses you can check out:

  • Google Technical Writing Course (Free)
  • Udemy Technical Writing Course (Paid)
  • Hashnode Technical Writing Bootcamp (Free)

Technical Writing Forums and Communities

Alone we can do so little, together, we can do so much ~ Helen Keller

Being part of a community or forum along with people who share same passion as you is beneficial. You can get feedback, corrections, tips and even learn some style tips from other writers in the community.

Here are some communities and forums for you to join:

  • Technical Writing World
  • Technical Writer Forum
  • Write the Docs Forum

Some Amazing Technical Writers to follow

In my technical writing journey, I've come and followed some great technical writers whose writing journey, consistency, and style inspire me.

These are the writers whom I look up to and consider virtual mentors on technical writing. Sometimes, they drop technical writing tips that I find helpful and have learned a lot from.

Here are some of those writers (hyperlinked with their twitter handles):

  • Quincy Larson
  • Edidiong Asikpo
  • Catalin Pit
  • Victoria Lo
  • Bolaji Ayodeji
  • Amruta Ranade
  • Chris Bongers
  • Colby Fayock

Final words

You do not need a degree in technical writing to start putting out technical content. You can start writing on your personal blog and public GitHub repositories while building your portfolio and gaining practical experience.

Really – Just Start Writing.

Practice by creating new documents for existing programs or projects. There are a number of open source projects on GitHub that you can check out and add to their documentation.

Is there an app that you love to use, but its documentation is poorly written? Write your own and share it online for feedback. You can also quickly set up your blog on hashnode and start writing.

You learn to write by writing, and by reading and thinking about how writers have created their characters and invented their stories. If you are not a reader, don't even think about being a writer. - Jean M. Auel

Technical writers are always learning . By diving into new subject areas and receiving external feedback, a good writer never stops honing their craft.

Of course, good writers are also voracious readers. By reviewing highly-read or highly-used documents, your own writing will definitely improve.

Can't wait to see your technical articles!

Introduction to Technical Writing ‌‌

How to structure a technical article ‌‌

Understanding your audience, the why and how

‌‌ Technical Writing template

I hope this was helpful. If so, follow me on Twitter and let me know!

Amarachi is a front end web developer, technical writer and educator who is interested in building developer communities.

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How to Write Technical Content When You’re Not So, Uh, Technical

by Greg Mischio | Content

How to Write Technical Content When You’re Not

What do you do if you’re trying to create great content for a technical audience, and you don’t have the technical background the subject matter demands? Here’s a number of tactics from Winbound and some other top writers, including the #1 thing writers need to keep in mind. 

There’s a certain mind-numbing, panic-inducing fear that grips a writer dealing with technical subject matter they don’t understand.

In the course of dealing with clients in the manufacturing and industrial realm, I’ve experienced it many times myself. I’ll be interviewing a client, and they’ll start talking about a subject. And that’s when things get tough. 

They don’t know that you don’t know

Either the person thinks I’m also an expert in the field, or they’re oblivious to the fact that I’m not, and they go deep. VERY deep.

They use terms I’ve never heard of. They delve into realms of STEM that I never knew existed.  And after a half hour of them speaking in technical tongues, I exit the call feeling like a four-year-old in an adult world.

But you know what?

Two weeks later, I’ll deliver a piece of content that will be, by and large, approved by the subject matter expert with minimal corrections. Not only that, but the post will get rave reviews by the client’s marketing team.

So how do I do that? In this post, I’ll share my secret sauce, as well as tactics from some other top notch writers, including:

Kit Kiefer Jeff Segal Leslie Blaize Vicky Franchino Susan Greene Catherine Bell 

But let’s be clear about what I mean by “technical content.”

What is technical content?

Technical content is any type of digital or offline content that requires the insights of people with in-depth expertise in a given field. Even content writers familiar with subject matter in areas such as technology or manufacturing must rely on these experts to augment their own research.

We’re not talking about true technical writing, such as creating instructional manuals or training materials. The technical content I’m referring to in this post can be informational content produced by marketing teams for promotional purposes.

An eight-step technical content development process

1. do some background research first by leaning on your client.

Whatever you do, don’t go into that call cold. Get some cursory background info on the subject.  Learn the broad strokes on what you’re going to be discussing, just enough to provide a nightlight so you’re not completely stumbling around in the dark. 

This is really where you want to lean on your client for help. In writing a case study for a manufacturer, for example, I asked the client to share some questions I should be asking. I even invite the client to sit in on the call and chime in with support questions.

2. Send the questions to the client ahead of time

Not only is this common courtesy, but it gets them jazzed for the call. I’ve had clients get uber-excited when I serve up some provocative questions that show I’ve done my homework. Check out Sally Dominguez’s response as an example:

Send client questions ahead of time

3. For the love of God, record the call 

I take notes during the call, which I’ll get to in a second. But I record the call for when the subject matter starts speaking in technical tongues. This allows me to go back to the recording for clarification. 

However, I don’t type out a verbatim transcript of the call (though I have writer friends who either do this themselves or hire a service to do it for them.) I feel like if I regurgitate exactly what they say in my article, then the regurgitation will read like, well, something regurgitated. 

4. Rely on your notes to tell the story

Ok, so here’s where you add your true value as a writer. 

During the call, I’m definitely probing for clarification and insights. But when I sit down and look at my notes, I shift into story-teller mode. I’m thinking about what’s the big insight from our call, and I’m formulating a narrative around it. 

Then I write. I don’t sweat the details too much. I get 75% of the beast built, telling the story first and foremost.

You bring in an outside perspective.

Because folks — and this is the #1 thing you must remember — as a writer / marketer, you bring an outside perspective to the table. You see the bright, shiny object within everyone, and you have the talent to bring it to the forefront. That’s your gift. So let it flow, and let yourself go.

5. Circle back to the recorded call for clarification

My notes tend to be generally accurate. However, they may lack key details , so I use the recorded version to dig deeper.

Then I go to our friend, the Internet, to really flesh out the broad strokes on the subject matter. In the process, I’ll find an expert source, whom I can link to and even feature in the post.

(Naturally, I share the post with the expert source, who then hopefully shares it with his/her audience.)

Use quotes when they say it best.

6. You tell the story, let your expert speak the language

I’m not a big fan of long quotes from subject matter experts. Glenn Harrison of Harrison Writing, once gave me a piece of advice that’s long stuck with me: “Use a quote only when the person can say it better than you can write it.”

Your recorded version doesn’t translate into tight prose. Writing produces a different voice, one that flows and speaks to the theater of the mind. But every now and then, I interject that actual quote from the expert.  

It adds authenticity to the piece, varies the writing, and acts like a piece of punctuation to drive home your point. For example, look at Glenn’s quote above. Perhaps not the most eloquent statement, but it’s for real.

7. Give them carte blanche to revise however they’d like

Before I write the article, I always assure the client and the interviewee that they can revise the article, and that I’ll likely need some help on the technical points. That takes a bit of the pressure off you to get everything precise.

Your job is to get that puppy published. Rely on the experts for expertise.

However, I do tell the client that if I completely missed the boat on a big concept, we should chat again and I revise the section. You absolutely don’t want someone extensively rewriting your article. They’ll destroy flow, narrative, and your deadline. That being said …

8. If they want to write it, let them write it

I recently had an assignment to interview Robert Tucker, an excellent public speaker and writer, on a topic. Before the call, he asked me to send him questions about what we’d be discussing.

The day before the call, Robert had responded to all my questions with in-depth, extremely well written answers. He essentially wrote the whole damn article, and he wrote it very well.  

Normally writers are given lemons, which we are tasked with turning into lemonade. But when you’re given lemonade, just fill up the glass and serve. That’s what I did with Robert, turning his insights into a Q&A post . (Thanks, Robert!)

For win-win results, trust your magic

I think there was a point when Harry Potter was wand-fighting Voldemort, when Luke Skywalker was dueling Darth Vader, when Chief Brody was firing shotgun blasts at Jaws that each character said to themselves:

“Oh no, I’m dead.” 

I have, at the end of each of those technical interviews. But folks, you gotta trust yourselves. 

Your ability sets you apart.

You were given a magical gift. Call it wizardry. Or the Force. Or a great big fear of being eaten. Whatever it is, your ability to understand the intrinsic value of your story is what sets you apart.  

You are relying on the technical expert to wow you with details on how it works. They are relying on you to tell the story. Follow the steps above, and you will.

Ok, that’s my approach. Now let’s take a look at how other writers approach the task:

Tips From Top Technical Content Creators

Kit kiefer, polymath research.

Kit Kiefer

Do the research

I like to find out as much about an organization or vertical as possible, so that means reading industry white papers, going to company websites and seeing what they talk about, and looking at Commerce Department data on a given industry. I might use a tool like Competiscan to help with CI, or a tool like BrightEdge to show me SEO. 

Often I have to do medical or pharma research. In those cases, I may leverage my university connections and dive into scholarly research. It’s absolutely no fun, but you can learn a heckuva lot.

Look for commonalities

This often gets overlooked. Everyone in an industry likes to think that their industry is unique, and that’s rarely the case. Manufacturing is manufacturing; verticals often differ only in the tools they use. If I know printing, I can take some of that knowledge and apply it to tool-and-die making and ask, “How is the raw material converted?” and “What is the finishing process like?” and “How does distribution work?”

Similarly, B2B selling is B2B selling. You do prospecting pretty much the same way from industry to industry. You look for points of differentiation and hammer on them. So what becomes your job? Asking the salespeople for the points of differentiation, and why they’re important.

I was talking with a company that sells forklifts, and their selling process was exactly the same as the selling process Delta Dental of Wisconsin used. By finding the macro commonalities and relating them to something you already know about, you can make sense of what seems to be a really different industry.

Talk to salespeople

I like to talk to salspeople every chance I get because:

  • A) They love to talk; and
  • B) They spend their whole day trying to make what they sell important and intelligible to laymen.

Salespeople are great at helping a neophyte understand the ins and outs of a business. It’s what they do, basically, so it’s easy to leverage their knowledge. When I’m doing formal market research, they’re one of my first stops.

Take advantage of every opportunity to explore a new industry

The first time you have to dive into a specialized industry and talk highly technical lingo, it’s probably not going to go well. The fourth or fifth time you have to, it’s probably going to go pretty well.

You’re never going to be able to “fake it ’til you make it” if you never take those first steps.

Don’t be afraid of the unknown. Ask the questions, and do the work to make it known.

Employ my J-school skills

Often when I’m writing I approach my task like I’m a journalist again, trying to write a story. Who are my sources? What questions do I need to ask? and most importantly, How do I present the material?

Thinking “inverted pyramid” in cases like these, even if I don’t use the inverted pyramid, helps me organize my thoughts, pull together disparate elements, and make sense out of what I’ve been told.

Journalism may be a dying profession, but J-school skills never lose their usefulness.

Get old – in deeds, if not in years

Over my career, I’ve had to be fluent in esoteric print technologies, types of paper stock, print production, retail distribution and couponing, material handling, dental and vision health, the travel industry, the insurance industry, brewing and distilling processes, gunshot-detection systems, sports licensing, RFID technologies, horticulture businesses, special-needs care facilities, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement regulations, learning management platforms, CRM systems, and much more.

After a while, you see patterns and commonalities in everything.

If you take advantage of every opportunity, you’ll be better able to relate something from your past to your current situation – and often, that’s all you need to make the unintelligible intelligible. 

Jeff Segal, Senior Copywriter, StudioNorth

Jeff Segal

I frequently interview people about subjects where I have zero or very minimal knowledge, and my most effective “tactic” is to be very candid about having zero or very minimal knowledge:

  • I state upfront that I’m “just a writer for an ad agency,” not a professional in their field.
  • I ask forgiveness in advance for asking “dumb questions.”
  • I’m never shy about saying things like, “Hey, you kind of lost me there. Can you explain X, Y and Z in a little more detail?”
  • After all my questions, I ask, “Is there anything important you wish that I had asked you?”
  • When we’re done, I assure them I’ll send them a draft so they can “correct all my mistakes,” and make sure “I’m capturing exactly what they want to say.”

This all may seem very coy, but most SMEs enjoy the opportunity to explain an important facet of their job to someone in a “blank slate” situation, and there’s an almost palpable surge of enthusiasm when they sense the newbie “gets it.” I don’t just get the facts, but I capture how they feel about those facts.

Catherine Bell

Catherine Bell

I find myself working with many companies where I have very little knowledge of the subject at hand. Frankly, it’s what I love about my work! Recently, a client summed up what I, as an outsider, brought to the table. She said it in such a lovely way that I thought I’d share it. She said that she had worked with many marketing departments before, but they came at projects with a distinct marketing viewpoint before getting to know the industry. It frustrated her that they would try to make the facts fit their already-formed marketing plan. She appreciated my approach because of my genuine curiosity and enthusiasm for asking real questions from various angles. I couldn’t have said it better myself!

Curiosity, an open mind, and lots of research are how I start any writing project. We often overlook our general knowledge before diving into a Google search, so that’s the first step. I write down all that I think I know about a subject, and then I start asking myself questions. That’s when I usually end up debunking many of my assumptions and forming more in-depth questions to ask the client and those in the client’s industry, including the customers. 

Of course, Google does come into play as well. Using the search bar and seeing the drop-down of frequently searched words on any given subject can increase my curiosity and expand my knowledge base. Looking at my client’s competition and using other sites like “Ask the Public” is another good way to find meaningful angles on a topic. And then, when I’m ready to get serious, I dive into Google keyword planner.

Once I’ve gathered all my research, an old fashion outline with a thesis statement helps me stay focused. Of course, writing for the internet means I’m dealing with shorter attention spans and lots of competition for that attention. So, I break the information up and make sure I’ve got great titles and subtitles drawn in those key search words I found during my research.

Finally, I want to make sure my reader knows what to do with the information they’ve either wholly consumed or just skimmed. A strong call to action gets that job done (and usually, I have more than one to meet the needs of a variety of audiences).

Susan Greene

Susan Greene

Put the focus on benefits

What helps me most in writing on technical subjects is speaking with the engineers, scientists or programmers who are involved in developing the product or service. They can usually explain in layman’s terms what makes their product unique and how it compares to competitor products (all of which I then Google and check out). Sometimes they even put together a brief report to educate their marketing department and salespeople about the product. If I can get my hands on that document, I can accelerate my learning curve. 

Even though the subject matter may be complex, often the target audience is someone with a limited understanding of tech issues. My job as a tech copywriter is to simplify the information and put the focus on benefits rather than the features. It’s a lot like bringing your clothes to the dry cleaner. You really don’t care what machines, chemicals or processes the cleaner uses (features), as long as when you return to the store your clothes are clean and ready for pickup (benefits).

Leslie Blaiz e

Leslie Blaize

My journey into the world of backflow preventers began with a great guide. My marketing contact found me through LinkedIn and asked for my assistance in writing blog posts. From the beginning, I was upfront. I told her I didn’t know anything about backflow preventers, but I could learn.

My contact appreciated that I had a background in the Architecture/Engineering/Construction industry. That gave me insights into challenges faced by both public entities and engineers. She was ready to help me understand the world of backflow preventers.

I discovered that backflow assemblies prevent contaminated water from flowing back into the public water system. You’ll typically find non-residential devices in above-ground enclosures or vaults. Knowledgeable entities include backflow preventer specifications in building plans.

In my initial interview with my contact, I asked for background information from her employer, a manufacturer of custom aluminum enclosures that protect equipment, including backflow preventers. She sent me previous blog posts and related news articles.

I also turned to the following sources before I started my first project:

  •       Company website
  •       Related trade associations
  •       Video on backflow preventers

In her creative briefs, my contact indicated what information she was seeking. A sales representative sent an email introducing me to my interview subjects. From there, I conducted the interviews and wrote up the blog posts.

Despite a pretty steep learning curve, the posts got easier. I learned about the industry and the challenges faced by public entities, owners and backflow preventer testers. Throughout it all, I remained curious and ready to ask questions to get the information I needed. After a few posts, my comfort level with the topic increased, and I could start suggesting content ideas.

Vicky Franchino

Vicky Franchino

My writing process for these pieces:

  • Pick your client’s brain. They often have a good feel for what they want to cover. Bonus points if the client already put together an outline to discuss.
  • Use tools listed below to learn more.
  • Write a draft. I’m a big believer in Annie LaMott’s Sh***y First Draft. Don’t just stare at that empty screen, write something.
  • Sit on draft. Revisit and edit draft.
  • Send draft to client.
  • Repeat above steps as necessary. 

Tools I use in the process (none of these is rocket science):

  • Google. Isn’t this where we ALL learn about topics we know nothing about?
  • Wikipedia. Great for gaining a basic understanding of a topic and footnotes can prove to be quite helpful.
  • A great subject matter expert. If you can find someone with the time/patience to answer some questions, that can go a long way toward building a better piece. Do some homework first—understand the basics so you’re asking a few pertinent questions, not wasting the person’s time.
  • Topic-relevant websites/publications. Every industry/subject has these and they can be invaluable.
  • Library research tools (typically available through their website–one more reason why I love the library). I confess to not using these as much recently, but many allow you to search on both consumer pubs and academic journals and can be quite helpful. 

Why writers add value to these pieces (as opposed to just having the technical person write it):

  • Writing skills. I know plenty of technical people who are fantastic writers, but it’s not everyone’s skill set. When it’s not, hey, give me a call.
  • A fresh perspective—especially if the audience isn’t technical either. As a newbie to the subject, I’ll have a better understanding of what is confusing/not well understood about the topic and help you minimize jargon and convey your content in a clear and compelling way. 

There you have it, folks. Now that you’ve got the tactics and the strategy, go crank out that technical content!

technical content writing topics

Greg Mischio

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How to Write Truly Great Technical Content (Our Blueprint)

technical content writing topics

Alex Panagis


A number of the industry-leading companies we work with at ScaleMath build software for a technical audience. Meaning that for us to reach that audience, we continuously invest significant time & resources to master the art (and science) of writing truly great technical content.

Developers are notoriously known to be difficult to sell to, but that’s because most marketers are so far from developers that they can’t think or understand developers – their tools, the problems they face, and the nuance with which they try to address those problems.

Simply put, if you:

  • Have a technical product to sell
  • Sell that product to technical people
  • Yet aren’t technical yourself

You’ll be starting at a huge disadvantage.

This is true for every vertical, even a marketer trying to sell a project management system to a project manager faces the same problem in many ways, it just so happens not to be as difficult of a gap to fill.

Simply because understanding why a project management system is important is more straightforward than wrapping your head around as well as helping highly technical people make decisions that they base on knowing what they want for specific things they do, without knowing why those things even matter to them in the first place.

So, in this long-awaited and highly-requested guide – we share what we’ve learned from years of actually using technical content as a scalable customer acquisition channel .

1 – The Role Of Technical Content

Before we dive into what actually goes into taking average technical content to good and then subsequently to great – it ­­­­­helps to understand the role that technical content plays for businesses.

If you’ve made it past the introduction of this guide, you should already know subject matter expertise is important .

Yet, for most highly-technical software solutions – technical content is one of multiple facets to a winning content strategy for SaaS companies. It’s evident that you do need technical content to reach a technical audience. To be present as a solution to things developers are searching for.

That being said, the buyer journey – even for some of the most technical products – involves a large number of touch-points between multiple decision-makers all of which have different levels of expertise and different interests. Considering that in many companies, the majority of the leadership team isn’t technical at all. They’re often solely interested in the outcome (and refer back to their team/CTO before having their say in decisions).

As such, there are distinct types of technical content all of which will play an important (not always equal) role for your business…

2 – The Different Types of Technical Content

2.1 – technical content for technical people.

Assuming that the end-user of a product consists of a demographic of people that are technical, one type of technical content will be geared towards reaching that segment of potential users as well as existing users that fall into that demographic. Through everything from documentation, tutorials, and content that addresses the pain points that they face in their daily roles & responsibilities (i.e. their “jobs to be done”).  

You can’t fake your way to expertise and it’s extremely easy to tell when this type of content has been put together for the purposes of content marketing rather than a team that knows how to and has the experience to write technical content (something that many SaaS companies we’ve connected with over the years haven’t been able to figure out on their own with their developers).

2.2 – Higher-Level Content for Management & Leadership

Aside from attracting developers, which falls into the category of technical content for technical people – your product will have to reach a management & leadership audience which may not necessarily be quite as technical (at least not in the day-to-day of building features, etc.). Yet, these can interestingly have more decision-making power within organizations.

Higher-level content for management & leadership serves a whole range of different purposes, one of which is addressing what the actual business case for your product is and making that incredibly easy for stakeholders to see as well as understand.

That being said, this is a gross oversimplification that most people abstract this type of content to. Let’s take a look at another great example of a purpose that this type can fulfill when applied to ScaleMath.

A lot of the guides we publish relate to technical concepts in marketing, SEO & content. This category of content often (from the data we have) often reaches people in marketing roles, such as: Head of SEO, Director of SEO, Technical SEO, SEO Specialist, etc. While these roles certainly play a role in the decision-making process – in making the decision to bring in a team of experts to work with to run a software company’s growth, there are other roles involved (a profile we’ve built based on the data of the people & companies that reach out to us). These are often roles in management & leadership that initially come across our work (through content or referral, etc.) and then pass on the lead to their team member who would be responsible for working with us (depending on the size of the company).

So, naturally, there’s a huge opportunity for us to have content that speaks to this person. The same is true for all software companies.

Unless, you really are set on selling to small, individual developers – tieing yourself into only creating technical guides, tutorials, and how-to posts can often hold you back from reaching and selling to companies that operate at an enterprise-level where there are 10 or more people involved in evaluating the choice to use a specific software solution.  

3 – Writing Is Organized Thinking

Organization is an incredibly important part of writing.

It is what sets aside good content from great content. If you’re able to organize your thoughts in a way that is natural to the way a reader progresses through an article and learns about a topic – you create content that leaves readers (even technical ones) with takeaways as opposed to the bad taste that most average marketing content does.

This is especially true for technical guides where you’re teaching relatively difficult topics to an audience that could range from experienced developers all the way to someone just getting started. Each type of person that could land on your post and could be searching for this information should leave with a great experience – finding the piece of information and, at the end of the day, the answers that they were originally looking for.

3.1 – Start With An Outline

Always start with an outline. This is where you begin to research and start organizing ideas and concepts into a cohesive structure for a post.

You may feel like this is a waste of time and have the urge to dive straight into writing. We strongly urge you not to do this.

Spending time (usually no more than 30 minutes depending on the complexity of the topic) developing a great outline actually speeds up the writing process because you’ll spend less time figuring things out, organizing yourself, and coming across new ideas/subtopics you’re thinking about covering as you’re writing. So, you can instead focus on covering what you’ve planned to cover fully and to the necessary level to make this post the very best one out there on the topic.

3.2 – What Goes Into An Outline?

As a general rule, we direct our team (as a bare minimum) to ensure that their outline covers all the H2s and H3s they currently believe (based on the plan) their content will include in order to fully address the topic.

You aren’t forced to abide by the outline if you feel that doing so would come at a cost of making the post the very best one out there on the topic. It is merely a starting point used to essentially pitch your article and showcase what your approach is going to be before you get started.

As you start writing, you will naturally come across new ideas that you didn’t initially consider and shift things around in order to accommodate for them & make the post more helpful.

There are four widely accepted methods for organized writing:

  • Chronologically – the most suitable structure for technical tutorials, how-to guide, etc.
  • In Order of Importance – when comparing concepts and ideas, it can make sense to organize ideas using importance.
  • Problem And Solution – this is typically the best organizational method for technical content that target management & leadership as you can strongly base the whole approach around the problem they’re aiming to address with the solution. But is naturally suitable for every post (since it should always be top of mind when writing to help the reader you’re targeting solve for what they’re trying to solve).
  • Roundups (Listicles ) – a good way to organize what is designed to be a post with a simple structure, making it easy for readers to scan.

Grammarly’s guide on organizational tips for writing is a great starting point. However, it is also important to note that these are systems and practices to keep in mind when structuring content. At the end of the day, it’s not a matter of following one or the other, or making a choice. Especially longer posts that serve more than one purpose are likely to have multiple elements to them with parts of the post that are a listicle and parts of the post that are showing a process and are therefore structure chronologically.

The best structural advice for technical content is to build up to concepts. Not every reader that lands on a post will be as technical and knowledgeable about the topic that you’re writing about as you are.

For example, an article about how Docker compares to Kubernetes could start like this:

  • What Is A Container?
  • Why Use Containers?
  • What is Docker and Kubernetes?
  • The Rise of Containerization
  • What Are The Differences Between Docker and Kubernetes?
  • Kubernetes vs. Docker – Choosing The Best Container Solution

While the focus of the article and the goal that we are aiming to address (help the user address) is compare Docker and Kubernetes, we’d still devote time to including a primer on containers, containerization and what the benefits of it are. That way, even someone who’s searching to compare the two topics but may not be an expert on them walks away as more of an expert on them as well as feeling confident in knowing what the differences are, all in all well-equipped to make a decision on which makes sense to use in their scenario.

There is however a fine line between doing this and going off-topic, making your content feel like it isn’t quite as focused. But, this is something that you’ll refine as your write and get feedback on your writing over time.

3.3 – Write To The Level Of The Reader

Your writing should sound like you, yet speak to the level of the reader. Everything from your vocabulary, cadence, syntax and dialect should shine through allowing friends and colleagues to read your voice in their heads as they read. For content, especially technical content to be considered great, you need to develop an authentic relationship with readers.

We encourage and train everyone on our team to consider every piece of content they write as a script that would be suitable for them to present at a mastermind of 20-25 people on the topic that they’re writing about – all of which fall into the ICP (ideal customer profile) of the people we’re aiming to reach with our content (and as a byproduct of that also our solution).

4 – Show People, Don’t Tell Them

One of the worst advertisements I’ve ever seen is Remitly’s YouTube ad that (at the time of writing) is one you encounter quite frequently.

Why? What’s wrong with it?

Notice the line “and we promise it will arrive on time”.

This does nothing but inspire 0 confidence in their service.

Who wants nothing more than a promise?

This is the type of stuff that tends not to slip past anyone who’s even slightly technical. Technical people – software engineers, developers, CTOs, people making decisions that matter, don’t really care what you think .

They don’t want the fluff.

They want the justification. They want the proof, the why (and how)…

And that’s why it’s beyond essential that you’re showing them what’s behind anything you say – why you’re saying it and why it carries any weight. Whether that is in a tutorial about how to do something, in a particular step you do something in a certain way even though there are other ways to do it – this isn’t irrelevant. Lots of the developers reading that are also aware that there may be a slightly different way will be confused if you just ignore the other option as if it doesn’t exist.

Aside from your own writing, there are some additional ways you can support your content as a writer to take it another step further:

Research that supports an idea or a concept (as long as it is not from a competing article. These can be in the form of research conducted by other companies (surveys, etc). Do be careful with what you choose to feature, as it should come from credible companies that you can align with and should also only be used when really relevant.

Quotes are great for a whole host of reasons. In short, they break up long blocks of paragraph text and allow you to inject the thoughts share by a credible (and ideally also well-known) source. Verifying quotes and getting them specifically for the purposes of your own posts as opposed to taking them from existing content can be even more beneficial (as they drive attention and interest in your content that can lead to it being shared by the people who are quoted).

People really like scenarios that they can picture themselves in. Personal experience that is relevant to what you’re explaining not only makes your content more credible, but it also makes it more original than what is already out there.

5 – Join A Talented Team

Working all alone on anything is rarely easy.

This is especially true for technical writing positions. Even more so in the early days when it’s impossible to see any the work you produce have an impact. If you’re a technical writer who wants to join forces with a company that specializes in technical content – we’re hiring ! Could today be the day to ditch jugging landing work with delivering to client expectations and praying content will perform & get results? Well, I suppose it very well could be! Feel free to get in touch and let’s talk about it.

After Action Report – Writing Technical Content

Writing great technical content isn’t something you can master in a weekend. At ScaleMath , we’ve been developing technical content processes internally for over 3 years and that process itself never stops. Our team continuously obsesses on improving how we use, produce and distribute technical content day in and day out.

You too can use technical content to your advantage & win.

Encourage your engineering & product teams to start working together with marketing because that’s where the real magic happens and technical content can be taken to the next level. Their knowledge is valuable to building an audience around your product as well as acquiring users. And, once you want to start formalizing and improving how you use technical content for your business, feel free to reach out to us – we’re here to help . 🤝

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Home » Blog » 8 Great Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You

8 Great Technical Writing Examples to Inspire You

technical content writing topics


Detailed examples are a treasure for technical writers. They are a great way to understand and adapt to the best practices that can make your technical writing content stand out.

An example of good technical writing can help you identify phrases, words, and practices that can improve your content. They can also help you start writing a type of technical document you haven’t read before.

However, there aren’t only  good  examples of technical writing out there. A poorly written technical document example can also teach lessons on avoiding common mistakes. The example work allows you to develop a writing outlook to create successful technical documentation.

We will discuss technical writing and how you can write a technical document. We will also enlist eight technical writing examples that may help you write exceptional pieces.

What is Technical Writing?

Whenever technical information is written and documented, it is technical writing. Technical writing contains all documentation for complex technical processes. It includes executive summary statements, reports, briefs, and much more.

It can also include high-tech manufacturing, biotech, aerospace, finance, IT, engineering, and supply chain information. The format of a technical document is no longer bound to lengthy user manuals; it must be distilled and presented unambiguously. It can also come in technical reports, emails, briefs, press releases, or policies.

Technical writing continues to be a high conversion skill in all professional workplaces. Its demand grows at 10% annually from 2014 to 2022 — faster than any other occupation. Therefore, it would be great if you learned to write complex documents for your organization, and we have prepared a  list of technical writing examples  to help you understand and write better.

8 Best Technical Writing Examples

1. user manuals.

Writing a user manual is a daunting task for a  technical writer  , as it contains all the instructions a user needs to operate a product or feature. Writing a user manual requires a combination of organizational and technical writing skills, so it is an essential example of technical writing to follow.

Before moving into the components of a user manual, make sure you have worked on three things: 1) collecting information, 2) choosing structure and style, and 3) putting the manual together.

Here are five major components of effective user manuals:

It is the central part or body of the user manual that explains the process. The logical, numbered steps help the user solve the problem. Illustrations can also be used to facilitate component or experience visualization.

2.  Content

Avoid technical language whenever there is a risk of isolating audience segments. The best way to make your content super easy is to imagine you are writing for a junior high school student. Tables and graphs can also be included to show how content sections relate, complement, and contrast.

3.  Glossary of Terms

Every industry has its language and vocabulary. But some users are not familiar with even the most commonly used terms. A glossary of terms serves as their reference and a home for each term. It eliminates the need for technical writers to restate and re-explain definitions repeatedly.

4.  Table of Contents

As a general rule, if a user manual exceeds 10–12 pages, you must use a table of contents. The entries are listed in order of presentation with accompanying page numbers.

5.  Precautionary Information

Notes of caution, warnings and danger notices help user safety. They also help the manufacturer address liability concerns related to the product. Also, use universal graphic symbols to present each type of risk to the reader.

A user manual’s content can range from less than a dozen to hundreds of pages. The more complex the product or service, the lengthier the manual. In its ideal state, a user manual is a set of instructions presented in a style and format that helps quick reference and facilitates the product’s success in the market.

Unbounce’s  user manual is a sublime example of effective user documentation. Their documentation is easy to navigate, with each step having its table of content to make it easy to find. Refer to their user manual as a standard if you ever write a user manual.

technical content writing topics

2. API Documentation

Similar to the user manual, API documentation helps guide the user through configuring an API. Before we move to API documentation, let us reveal exactly what API is.

API is the short form for the application programming interface. It is like a bridge between your computer, mobile phone, or other application and external resources.

In simple words, APIs allow the software to interact with other software programs, resources, and databases. Since APIs are built by software developers, it is easier for a software developer to create the documentation.

Moving on to the next part of writing API documentation, here is what you must include.

  • An Overview

An overview is just like an abstract page of a project report. It contains a summary of the API and the problem it is solving. It also includes the benefits of using the particular API over similar ones.

2.  Tutorial

It is the main instructional body of the documentation. A tutorial must include different content formats you are using to explain the concept of the API to the user. It also contains links for reference and a detailed guide for integrating and consuming the API, so it functions properly.

3.  Examples

Once you have explained how the API works and provided steps, it is a good idea to show examples of it. Examples of calls, error handling, responses, and other operations can help demonstrate how the developer interacts with the API.

4.  Glossary

Although a glossary is optional, it is recommended for your API documentation. Instead of boring the user with long text blocks, explanations of various terms, images, and schemas can be pushed to the glossary. Then you can reference these things in the documentation and link to the glossary.

Stripe API Reference  is the best example of API documentation and a work of art. It includes a sleek, two-panel design, with explanations written in plain English on the left and handy code snippets on the right. It has all the crucial information one needs.

technical content writing topics

3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

A standard operating procedure or SOP is a set of written instructions. They describe the step-by-step process of performing a routine activity. SOPs follow the same approach every time to guarantee that the organization remains consistent and complies with industry regulations and business standards.

SOPs provide the policies, standards, and processes required for the organization to succeed. They also benefit a business by reducing errors and increasing profitability and efficiencies. They create a comfortable work environment and generate guidelines for how to resolve issues and overcome obstacles.

Before writing the SOP, ensure the writers perform a risk assessment. It will help them determine any obstacles that may arise during the process. They should also consider the risk associated with those obstacles.

Here are the three components that comprise a standard operating procedure.

  • Title Page:  A title page lists the title of the SOP, what it is written for, its SOP identification, and the names and signatures of the people who prepared and approved the manual.
  • Table of Contents:  It provides easy access to the various sections in large SOPs.
  • Steps of Procedure:  It includes explanations of the task’s goal, roles and responsibilities, terminology, regulatory requirements, descriptions of what should be done to complete each step, and a discussion of decisions that must be made. It is the central part and takes the main portion of the SOP.

Once technical writers finish the draft, it must be reviewed, edited, and tested. The process should repeat until all stakeholders have written and approved an SOP. At this point, the SOP can be distributed to each person who needs it.

SOPs record the production line procedures used to train employees and make products. It can also be used in finance and administrative environments to document the processes of customer finance collection. Examples of how an SOP is used can be found in a manufacturing environment.

technical content writing topics

Both case studies and white papers are the most potent and sought-after types of content. Both can help an organization generate leads for the business. However, both differ in purpose, audience, and funnel stage.

A white paper is a technical document that helps readers understand an issue and devise a strategy to solve a problem or make a decision. It is a lengthy piece of content, at approximately 2,000 words or six pages. White papers can be practical to target people at all steps of the funnel.

One white paper can create awareness of a persona’s problem by targeting someone at the top of the funnel. While a second can focus on advanced product uses, targeting someone at the bottom of the funnel.

The components of a white paper include:

  • Introduction with a problem statement
  • Proposed solution

On the other hand, a case study features extended testimonials on how a product or service helped a customer. It is shorter than a white paper and consists of around 800 words. These are best suited for the audiences at the top or middle of the funnel. Use these to create awareness of a problem and show how a solution worked for a real customer.

A case study’s must-have components include:

  • Executive summary
  • Outlining customer’s challenges
  • The leading reader through the customer’s journey
  • Moment of discovery
  • Writing solutions as the central part
  • Walking reader through implementation
  • Celebrating customer results
  • Closing with CTA

Gravitate’s  setting the stage for success  is the best example of how to transform a detailed case study for an easier read. It introduces the customer to give visitors a little background of what they do. Then they dive straight into their role of helping the customer with a robust marketing strategy.

Global Trade Professionals Alliance’s (GTPA)  Capacity Building And Standards Development For Inclusive Trade  is the top example of a white paper. It starts with an overview of the problem, then states the role of GTPA in solving the problem, and finally, it reveals the outcomes and way forward.

technical content writing topics

4. Press Releases

A press release is a short yet compelling news story. It is written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media. Its goal is to press release the interest of a community or business. The press release contains all the necessary information for the journalists to quickly produce their stories.

It is also defined as a brief, printed statement highlighting significant facts of a news story in journalistic style. A press release can read like a news story, written in the third person but cites quotes and sources containing standard press release information.

Press releases are essential as they can be an excellent way to start a dialogue with a report. Journalists usually get dozens of irrelevant press releases every day. So, if you reach out to a reporter with a well-written press release, they may take notice and appreciate it. The press release also helps build credibility and control the narrative. Moreover, it can also build SEO traffic and increase customer engagement with your product or service.

A press release has six essential components. These include:

  • Data and location
  • Boiler place

The top example of a press release is  Hobby Lobby’s press release . Hobby Lobby is a nationwide retail store that issued a press release announcing an increase in the minimum wage.

With an ongoing debate on minimum wage, the store gave a newsworthy story for corporations to instill a minimum wage increase. Not only did this build a positive brand image, but it also helped attract and retain more staff.

technical content writing topics

5. Business Plans

A business plan is a technical document that tells the company’s objectives in detail. It also describes the strategies for achieving these objectives. A business plan lays out a written guide for the firm from financial, operational, and marketing standpoints. The startups and established companies use business plans as their basic requirement. A business plan is essential for a company’s external and internal audiences.

For instance, a business plan can be used to bring investment even if the company won’t have an established track record. It can also help secure lending from financial institutions. Additionally, a business plan keeps a company’s executive team on the same page about strategic actions. It helps them meet established goals. Sometimes, a business plan is created for a based business that decides to move in a new direction.

Below are some of the most common components of a business plan.

  • Market analysis
  • Products and services
  • Marketing strategy
  • Financial planning

A business plan is not as difficult as one might think. It is a written tool about a business that projects 3 to 5 years ahead. It also outlines a company’s path to make money and grow its revenue. Think of your business plan as a living project for your business and not a one-time project. Break it down into mini plans like one for sales, pricing, marketing, and so on.

If you want to write your business plan, know there is no right or wrong way to write it. You can pick a plan format and start writing. It also helps you reach business milestones and get you the required funding. The important thing is that your business plan must meet your needs.

ThoughtCo’s  business plan for a fictional company called Acme Management is the best example of a business plan. Its executive summary occupies nearly half the page. So, if you intend to write your business plan, follow this example as your guide.

technical content writing topics

6. Company Documents

Business or company documents are written papers that represent you, your department, and your company. Whether it is external parties or other stakeholders in your organization, a company document will list them all. For precision, a company document is any sort of format document that is used for business purposes.

Multiple things fall into the company documents category. The list can be extended, but we will only include the most common things considered for a company document.

  • Accounting Documents
  • Formal Letters or Memos
  • Financial Documents
  • Meeting Summaries
  • Business Plans
  • Customer Service Documents
  • Operational Documents

A company document is not only a representation of your company but also represents you. So, make sure you do a solid job putting these materials together. If you don’t know already, here is how you write the best version of a company document.

First, start with an outline that is well-organized and highly structured to be effective. If you begin writing prematurely, the thoughts will be less structured and repetitive. So, before starting, always do three things: 1) generate ideas, 2) organize, and 3) structure.

Secondly, do not bury the lead. Do not hide the most critical information deep within your writing. In company documents, do not start with a bunch of fluff. You do not need to introduce anyone and build anticipation. A business document should be as streamlined and straightforward as possible.

Thirdly, use active verbs. You do not need to make your business document a thriller; neither should it be dry and bland. Instead, make your documents a little more engaging to keep the audience engaged.

Syngenta’s financial report  is the perfect example of a business document. Please give it a read to understand the main components of an excellent company document.

7. Annual Reports

As the name suggests, an annual report is a comprehensive overview of a business’s achievements and financial statements from the preceding year. It also tells the financial status and vision for the future. It is produced annually and provided to shareholders, stakeholders, investors, and others to inform them of the business’s overall performance.

Today, businesses and organizations create different types of annual reports. These are used as a marketing tool for organizations to impress their investors and donors1, showcase their brand to employees and companies, and attract new ones. Each type of annual report is designed with a specific goal in mind.

A standard annual report for a public company must have:

  • A letter from the CEO
  • Corporate financial data
  • Market segment information
  • Operation and impact
  • Plans for new products
  • Subsidiary activities
  • Research and development activities

Depending on the size of a company, an annual report can range between 20 to 200 pages. Remember that actual human beings read your annual report. So, it must not be filled with fluff. Make it easy to read, review, and understand for the concerned people.

The annual report’s main section should include the following as its components:

  • A table of contents
  • Mission and vision statement
  • CSR initiatives
  • An afterword
  • Charts, graphs, and tables

Concerning annual reports, MailChimp’s name tops the list for great examples. With bold colors and playful illustrations, the  2020 report  feels more like a video game than a regular annual report. It includes yearly traditional report content, like information about products and sales, as well as fun anecdotes about their culture and data about value-based initiatives they will take. As a result, an exciting and entertaining recap of the year comes is formed.

technical content writing topics

6 Steps to Craft the Best Technical Document in 2022

After you know all the best technical writing examples, it is time to write one. But what if you write a technical document and no one reads it? To avoid this, here are six steps that one must follow to create a technical document that everyone loves to read.

1. Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is indispensable, especially when creating technical content for a product or service. For instance, a cab driver may have a different level of knowledge and understanding than a doctor reading your SOPs.

So, before you write or even create an outline, make sure you have a clear idea of who your readers are. Knowing this lets you adjust your tone, vocabulary, and framing accordingly. It also helps you to meet your readers’ needs from their point of knowledge.

2. Do Your Research

As a technical writer, you have to guide your readers through unfamiliar territory. For this, you must know everything about that particular thing. Otherwise, it will be unwise to expect a tremendous technical document. Remember, you can only teach what you thoroughly know and understand. A knowledge gap is immediately visible when you are not thorough in your research.

The best way to do this is to place yourself in your reader’s shoes. Then, imagine you had zero knowledge of a particular thing. Doing this will force you to cover all the potential questions that come to your mind.

3. Craft an Outline

An outline is essential because it gives a roadmap of what to cover in your piece. It can also help identify knowledge gaps as you conduct your research. A longer form of technical content, like white papers and case studies, always requires an outline. It serves as their marker to remind you of what you need to include in your technical document.

Some  technical writing , like business plans and annual reports, has predefined formats. You can also use a template in place of an outline.

All in all, crafting an outline is an essential component of writing great technical content.

4. Prioritize Readability

Technical writing is more fact-based rather than entertaining. So, to tackle complicated topics, use sentences that are easily readable and can make your work more enjoyable to read.

In contrast, if you are verbose in your sentences and use words that are hard to understand, you will only frustrate your reader. To improve the readability of your technical content writing, apply these tips:

  • Use shorter, direct sentences that are easy to follow. Avoid passive voice wherever possible.
  • Add subheadings to break up the long texts for better readability.
  • Bold text and highlight paragraphs for emphasis and improving readability.
  • Add hyperlinks for web pages to reference and navigate to other sections of your piece.

5. Add Visuals

A technical document is all about words and sentences, but if you add visuals, it makes both writing and reading easier. Adding visuals is becoming less of an option and a necessity today. With flowcharts, illustrations, screenshots, and more, a technical document needs a dose of visuals to look presentable.

Whether creating a user manual or business documents, your reader will be happy to see product drawings, pie charts displaying the numbers, and more.

6. Cut the Fluff

Once you have written the technical document, the final part is to double-check the facts and cut the unnecessary information.

But what exactly is fluff? Fluff is anything that does not add value to your content; instead, it negatively impacts the understanding of your text. It can be a word, a sentence, or a phrase — if you find it, cut it off. Every word in your technical document must add value to your reader’s life.

Once you know the steps to write a technical document, it is time to learn the tips that will help you write effectively.

Tips for Improving Technical Writing

Poor writing affects the reader’s understanding of the product. It also damages the reputation of the company. So, how do you make your technical writing more inspiring and practical? Below are the five tips that will make your technical writing superb, even if you are just starting writing.

  • Stick to a technical writing style
  • Use plain language
  • Give important information first
  • Clear sentence structure
  • Don’t use passive voice

Good technical writing is not easy to achieve and often quite challenging to find. However, with these technical writing tips, you can take your writing to the next level and maximize the value you provide to your audience.

Now that you’ve read this guide, remember the document you create represents your company. If it’s written poorly, the user will consider it useless, and the company’s reputation will be at risk.

On the other hand, if it’s written well and follows every instruction, it will enhance user understanding, and the company will attract more attention.

So, read this guide carefully and create your technical documents accordingly. Whatever type of technical document you write, follow the rules defined above, and they will improve your skills. Always keep a note of your mistakes and things you have learned, and never stop honing your skills.

technical content writing topics

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How to Become a Technical Writer

Are you interested in technical content writing? Here's everything you need to know to get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Technical content writing involves producing various types of content, such as blog posts and product reviews, in a way that is easy for readers to understand.
  • Technical content writing is different from technical writing, which involves creating user manuals and documentation about a company's products.
  • To become a successful technical content writer, you need strong writing skills, the ability to research complex topics, and the capability to interact with industry experts.

If you have a knack for understanding complex technical details, and you want to help people understand such points and data better, then technical content writing might be an ideal career for you.

Let’s find out how you can get into it and achieve the heights of success.

What Is Technical Content Writing?

A technical content writer produces content in the form of blog posts, articles, eBooks, white papers, product reviews, and buying and ultimate guides to reach a specific goal. To achieve the specific aim of creating content, you’ll need to learn a bit about researching and using keywords in your content and writing in the brand’s tone and style.

You must also be able to break down complex technical details in an easy-to-understand language, write concisely, and be free from unnecessary jargon. You can consider writing for SaaS companies, firms selling web-based software or other products, cryptocurrency, programming languages' blogs, tech news, tech tutorial blogs, and more.

Now that you have understood what a technical content writer is and how one operates, you should know what a technical content writer isn’t.

What Isn’t Technical Content Writing?

As you begin applying for jobs, you will find two types of openings. One will be for the role of a technical content writer for a tech blog, and another will be for the role of a technical writer. You must know that the duties of these two positions differ considerably.

Unlike a tech content writer, a technical writer creates documentation, user manuals, instruction guides, and possibly white papers about the company's products.

The pay scale of each of the writers also differs. According to U.S. News & World Report , a technical writer makes a median yearly salary of around $78k. However, a technical content writer makes almost $59k annually, according to Zippia .

Now that you know the difference, let’s proceed.

The Top Three Skills You Need to Become a Tech Content Writer

Here is a list of the skills you definitely want to have to become a successful technical content writer.

1. Rock-Solid Writing Skills

Every aspiring writer must develop solid writing skills . You can join a university course or take some online writing classes to expand your knowledge in this area.

Alongside perfect grammar, you’ll also need to learn a few more skills to be successful in this field, like storytelling, keeping the reader engaged, writing persuasive headlines, and influencing your audience to take action.

2. Researching Complex Topics

Poor research leads to poor content, wasting your readers' and your clients' time. So, developing good research skills is a necessity. One of the best ways to research is to find facts and information from authority blogs.

That means when you search on Google, you should know the source of the information you are using. Stick to the top results, check the website's domain authority, look over the monthly traffic the blog receives each month, and more.

To find this data, download any of the following Chrome extensions:

  • Keyword Surfer
  • Ubersuggest

Below each search result, the extensions will show you details such as the domain authority, monthly traffic, number of keywords on the linked page, the total number of words, page attributes, and total social shares.

In short, enough information for you to evaluate whether a blog is a reliable source of data.

3. Interacting With Industry Experts

Apart from researching on Google, if you want to create original, in-depth content that is not available elsewhere, you may need to interview field experts. These people can be engineers, researchers, security analysts, etc.

However, getting this far in your research takes time and communication expertise. If you want to become a top-paying technical content writer working for leading companies and not just content mills like Upwork, Fiverr, or Craigslist, you'll need this skill.

If you’re working on a tech news blog, it'll be a necessity. So, learn how to write emails that get replies and are the perfect way to interact with and interview someone. Learning some extra copywriting skills never hurt anyone.

How to Become a Technical Writer With No Experience

Although it can help, formal education in the field isn't mandatory when you're pursuing technical writing, especially for entry-level jobs. If you want to become a technical writer with no prior experience, the first step is to actually learn and practice the skill.

To do that, you can consider starting your own blog , doing unpaid internships, or writing for nonprofits. Keep in mind that since you don't have any credentials yet, it's likely you're not going to be earning for at least a couple of months.

In the meantime, your job is to upskill yourself, network with other writers, begin writing a resume, and prepare a portfolio showcasing your best work . After around six months or so, when you think you've put together a decent resume and portfolio, it's time to apply for an entry-level job.

The pay won't be great in the beginning, but it's advisable to reinvest at least a portion of what you earn and buy writing courses (see our recommendations below) so you can continue learning and upgrading your skills. This will allow you to stand out and charge a premium for your services in the future.

How to Break Into Technical Writing

After knowing all the essential details about tech content writing, you’ll need to make a decision about how you want to operate: as a contractor/freelancer or a full-time employee in a company.

To become a freelance technical content writer, you probably will need no dazzling degree in journalism or specific experience in the technology sector. However, if you have it, it’s a plus. All you need are the skills we discussed in the former section and a portfolio (that we’ll discuss in a bit), and you’re good to go.

On the other hand, if you’re after a full-time job in a company, you may consider the company’s requirements. Recruiters mostly look for someone with a bachelor's degree in English or a communication-related subject. Plus, they may also consider your previous experience in the tech industry—for instance, computer science, engineering, medical, or more.

But whatever you do, you must have a portfolio to show your work. The recruiter, despite your degree, would want to know if you can deliver what you say.

Here are some ways to begin your journey as a technical content writer today:

  • Good with Words: Writing and Editing Specialization offered by the University of Michigan.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialization offered by the University of California, Davis.
  • Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact offered by Macquarie University.
  • Network with professionals : If you want to land good clients or a job in a reputed firm, it’s one of the best ways to begin with.
  • Create a tech writing portfolio : The easiest way to do it is to start a blog on Medium. It’s free, and your recruiters will understand that you actually know how to write for an online audience. Here's how to create a portfolio website from scratch .
  • Apply for jobs : Platforms like Indeed , Monster , Flexjobs , Career Builder , Nexxt , and LinkedIn are some great places to start your search.

Start Your Career in Technical Content Writing

Just like everything, it’ll require consistent effort and time investment. But you should know that this industry is growing day by day.

So, if you have always loved technology and have the skills to make tech learning and tech-based decision-making easier for people, this is your chance. Perfect the skills discussed in the article, dig deeper into this subject, and start your new journey into technical content writing.

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A Guide to Technical Writing (With Examples)

A Guide to Technical Writing (With Examples)

4-minute read

  • 5th May 2023

You can find technical writing in lots of places, including in your home, at your job, in many industries, and in businesses of all sizes. If you need help with business writing specifically, check out how we can assist you .

In today’s post, we’ll break down what technical writing is and how to do it effectively. We’ll also provide some handy examples.

What Is Technical Writing?

Technical writing doesn’t always look very technical! It can be anything that describes how to do a task or how to operate a machine or system. Or it can cover a specialized topic. Technical writing includes recipes in your favorite cookbook, board game instructions, operator manuals, health and safety regulations, legal documents, and financial reports.

Instructions for Carrying Out a Task

This type of technical writing can be a recipe for a cake, the instructions for a board game, tips on how to walk your dog to heel, or the script for a social media video on how to cut your own hair.

Operating Manuals for Machinery, Appliances, or Systems

Technical writing can also be the user guide for a dishwasher, for a factory machine that makes cardboard boxes, a “how to” guide for spreadsheets, or instructions for changing the oil in your motorcycle.

Specialized Topics

The list here could be very, very long! Technical writing on specialized topics includes a company’s business reports, a medical consultant’s letter to a patient, health and safety regulations, employment policies, and legal documents.

So How Do I Produce a Great Piece of Technical Writing?

Let’s take it in three stages: Who? What? How?

Who Is It For?

In any type of writing, knowing your audience is important. This is particularly true of technical writing. Here are some examples of who might read technical writing:

·  A renter of an apartment that needs details on their lease

·  An electrical engineer who needs to know how the wiring is laid out in the apartment block

·  The janitor of that same building who needs to know the location of the emergency lights

·  The occupant of apartment 61, who needs to know how to use the oven in their kitchen

They all need information presented to them, but what information do they need?

What Do They Need?

The renter needs a legal document that leaves no room for doubt about their legal rights and obligations and those of their landlord. The document will be very detailed, containing terms that need careful explanation.

The electrical engineer needs accurate, clear information about the wiring, as they could get hurt or cause harm to someone else if the diagram is inaccurate.

The janitor needs clear directions and a map of where the emergency lights are.

The occupant of apartment 61 needs instructions that are written in plain English so they can use their oven safely.

How Should Technical Writing Be Composed?

Follow these steps when writing a technical document:

·  Research and know your subject thoroughly.

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·  Decide on the appropriate writing style. Just because it’s technical, doesn’t mean it has to contain lots of jargon . Be concise, be direct, and be straightforward.

·  Consider whether you need to include diagrams, maps, images, charts, and/or tables.

·  If writing instructions, take it one step at a time, write objectively , and make sure the instructions work!

Examples of Technical Writing

Let’s look at some examples:

The first version contains unnecessary words, but the warnings are not specific enough. The instructions should be concise and clear. In the second version, the danger is stated right away, and the critical warnings are concise and specific.

In these examples, the first version is unnecessarily wordy. It provides a lot of detail for minor tasks but gives vague instructions for bigger tasks. The second version is much clearer. The instructions are easier to follow, and they include each necessary step.

Good technical writing needs the following attributes:

1. Relevance

2. Accuracy

4. Accessibility

5. Simplicity

Really good technical writing will include these attributes every time.

Is technical writing difficult?

Technical writing does not have to be difficult if you follow our guide and do your research beforehand.

Are there professional bodies for technical writers?

There are several professional organizations for technical writing. This list from UTA Libraries is very useful.

What can I do if I’m not sure that my technical writing style is appropriate to my subject?

We have experts in many fields who can check your writing and advise on style .

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Choosing Technical Article Writing Topics for 2024

In this dynamic technological landscape, selecting relevant topics for technical article writing  in 2024 is a critical skill. This article provides comprehensive guidance on the strategic selection of topics, emphasising emerging trends, industry needs, and reader engagement.

By understanding the importance of articles in technical writing and exploring the intersection of audience interests, current trends, and unique insights, this discourse will equip writers with practical tools for creating engaging, impactful technical content.

Key Takeaways

  • Generate ideas through brainstorming and seeking input from others to come up with a list of potential topics.
  • Consider your end goal and the publication you’re writing for to ensure alignment and relevance of the chosen topic.
  • Choose topics that you are personally interested in and knowledgeable about to enhance the quality of your writing.
  • Provide unique perspectives and approaches by finding gaps in existing content and offering more detail, clarity, or practicality. Uniqueness is highly relevant in the realm of content. See what USP implies.

Exploring Popular and Emerging Technical Fields for Articles

Continually exploring popular and emerging technical fields for articles allows writers to stay abreast of evolving trends, ensuring their content remains relevant and valuable to the readership. The ability to select compelling technical article writing topics is instrumental in engaging the audience, fostering credibility, and expanding the writer’s knowledge base.

In the dynamic world of technology, the capacity to identify and pen technical writing newspaper articles on cutting-edge developments can set a writer apart.

From artificial intelligence to blockchain technology, the scope for technical writing is vast and ever-changing. The key lies in identifying the intersection of reader interest, writer expertise, and topical relevance. By keeping a finger on the pulse of industry advancements, technical writers can ensure their work remains timely, informative, and valuable.

The Role of Your Target Audience in Selecting Topics

Understanding your target audience, coupled with an awareness of their interests and needs, is an essential factor when selecting topics for technical writing. This approach ensures the content produced is both valuable and engaging for the reader.

It’s important to consider the readers’ level of technical expertise, their familiarity with the subject matter, and what they hope to gain from the content. This can range from acquiring new knowledge, learning a new skill, or understanding complex concepts.

Selecting topics that resonate with your audience increases the likelihood of your content being read and shared, thus expanding your reach. Therefore, a keen understanding of your audience forms the foundation for effective topic selection in technical writing.

Balancing Personal Passion and Market Trends in Topic Selection

In the process of topic selection, it’s crucial for us as writers to strike a balance between our personal passions and the current market trends, for it not only fuels our motivation but also ensures the relevance and appeal of our content to the readers. You might be interested in listing infographics but if there isn’t a market trend that matches your interest, your article won’t be successful.

It’s a fine line to tread, considering the rapid evolution of technology and its impact on the market. An interest in emerging technologies, coupled with a keen awareness of what resonates with the readers, results in content that is both engaging and informative.

Furthermore, it’s beneficial to keep abreast of market shifts and adapt our writing accordingly. This approach allows us to provide value to our readers while also nurturing our passion for technical writing.

technical article writing topics

Assessing the Scope and Depth of Potential Topics

Evaluating the scope and depth of prospective topics demands a thorough analysis of multiple factors, including relevance, complexity, and audience interest. This assessment helps writers identify topics that provide ample opportunity for exploration and discussion, while ensuring the subject matter is aligned with readers’ expectations and interests.

When considering potential topics, writers need to assess if the topic is broad enough to provide comprehensive insight, yet specific enough to stay focused. Similarly, the complexity of a topic should match the intended audience’s knowledge level. Lastly, writers must ensure that the topic is current and relevant to maintain reader engagement.

Ensuring Originality and Value Addition in Your Chosen Topics

Both the originality of your chosen topics and the added value they provide are crucial for engaging and retaining your audience. Thus, every single topic selection should focus on introducing fresh perspectives or filling existing knowledge gaps.

To ensure originality, you can leverage unique experiences or insights that are exclusive to you. Your personal touch can turn a common topic into an innovative piece. However, originality should not compromise the value your article offers.

Readers seek content that either resolves their queries or enhances their understanding. To provide value, you need to identify what information or viewpoint is missing in existing works on the same subject. Then, integrate this new information or insight into your article, ensuring it is accurate, relevant, and beneficial for your readers.

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Frequently asked questions, how can i predict which technical fields will gain popularity in 2024.

Predicting technical fields’ popularity in 2024 involves analyzing emerging trends, technological advancements, market demands, and societal needs. It is also essential to consider the impact of ongoing research and development in these fields.

What Are Some Methods to Identify the Technical Interests of My Target Audience?

Identifying technical interests of your target audience involves researching industry trends, analyzing audience demographics, conducting surveys, and monitoring social media conversations. This data helps determine topics that resonate with your audience’s needs and preferences.

How Can I Integrate My Personal Passion for a Technical Subject Into My Article While Still Appealing to Market Trends?

To integrate personal passion into a technical article while aligning with market trends, identify intersections between your interest and industry demands. Then, craft content that offers unique insights, adding value to the trending topic.

How Can I Determine the Appropriate Scope and Depth for My Technical Article Topic?

Determining the appropriate scope and depth for a technical article involves understanding your target audience’s knowledge level, the complexity of the topic, and the article’s purpose, while ensuring the content remains engaging and informative.

What Strategies Can I Use to Ensure My Chosen Topic Adds Original and Valuable Content to the Existing Information?

To ensure your topic provides original, valuable content, conduct thorough research to identify gaps in existing information. Make sure you know how to start writing articles and strive to offer unique insights, comprehensive analysis, or an innovative perspective that enhances readers’ understanding of the topic.

In conclusion, the choice of topics for technical articles in 2024 demands careful consideration of emerging trends, audience interests, personal passion, and market dynamics. A balanced approach ensures relevance, engagement, and unique value addition.

Diversification in topic selection further broadens appeal. Thus, strategic topic selection becomes a significant factor in the effective creation and reception of technical content, underscoring its role in shaping the discourse within the technical writing landscape of 2024.

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How to Write Persuasive Technical Content

Published on Mar 31, 2022 in writing by Karl Hughes 6 minute read

I’ve gotten to be a big fan of David Perell’s writing . He writes long-form, persuasive content where he dives really deep into a topic and then explains its relevance in philosophy, business, or both.

David Perell’s essays

Examples include:

  • The Microwave Economy
  • Imitate, then Innovate
  • One Big Idea

While not technical, these pieces are interesting, inspiring, and (as I’ll focus on today) persuasive. They each leave you with an impression that something is wrong with the world or its traditional ways of thinking and give you a roadmap to break out of it. While you may not agree with all of Perell’s conclusions, most of his arguments are well thought out and clearly presented.

Persuading software engineers or engineering leaders is essentially no different from persuading writers and businesspeople, but writing persuasive technical content is really hard. Persuasive writing is among the most difficult types of writing to do, and writing technical content requires a very specific background and level of experience.

But, persuasive technical writing is incredibly valuable because it’s so rare. CTOs and technical visionaries who do it well often make the front page of Hacker News , and will find it easier to recruit, sell, and inspire others toward their goals.

In this piece, I’ll introduce some of the things that make persuasive technical content so hard. I’ll share examples of writers I’ve seen who do it well, and I’ll offer a few tips as an observer and writer. While you can’t get really good at writing without practice, I hope having some direction will help guide you towards becoming a better persuasive writer.

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What is Persuasive Technical Content?

Before I jump into the how , let’s talk about what persuasive writing is and why people do it. Persuasive technical writing is a form of technical thought leadership where the author is attempting to persuade their reader to agree with them on some topic. Typically, the author wants the audience to see the same problem or solution they do.

For example, in 2018, I wrote a blog post titled, “ The Bulk of Software Engineering is Just Plumbing ,” in which I made the case that most of the work software engineers do is simply connecting pieces of software that other people built for them.

Software engineering plumbing article

“Just as a good small business owner should hire a humble plumber who knows the standard tools, and pay them market rate, a good engineering manager should hire humble team players who use industry-standard tools to build reliable software, and pay them market rate.”

I wanted engineers and hiring managers to adopt a bit more humility in the profession, and based on the reception I got on Reddit and Hacker News, many readers agreed.

While I would never claim to be a master of persuasive technical writing, I’ve tried (and failed) enough times to tell what works. In 2020, I wrote almost 100 essays and blog posts, many of which were persuasive technical pieces. So, let’s take a look at some of the attributes that good persuasive writing exhibits and how you can use each in your practice.

In Order to Persuade, You Must be Understood

“Good writing is fundamentally good thinking that follows a logical path and is easy for someone to follow.” - Jeff Bradford , President & CEO of the Bradford Group

As with any effective form of writing, your work must be well-written and organized. Some forms of writing are more forgiving (for example, tutorials ), but with persuasive writing, the bar is especially high. Poor grammar and hard-to-follow lines of reasoning will turn readers off quickly.

Persuasive Technical Writing Should be Authoritative

“A statement is persuasive and credible either because it is directly self-evident or because it appears to be proved from other statements that are so.” - Aristotle

If you’re trying to reach a knowledgeable audience with a persuasive argument, you need to be perceived as knowledgeable about the topic. This is called “building authority,” and there are many ways to add it to your writing:

  • Personal Experience

One of our Draft.dev writers, Keanan Koppenhaver, does a good job of this in his persuasive writing. This piece he did for Fabric.inc compares Shopify and Salesforce Commerce Cloud by going through specific features and limitations of each platform.

Persuasive comparison of Shopify and Salesforce Commerce Cloud

He draws on his personal experience in software as well as publicly available documentation and forum posts to bolster his arguments. Being a CTO and consultant helps boost his credibility as well because a piece like this written by a Fabric marketing executive wouldn’t be nearly as convincing.

Persuasion Should be Subtle

“Written arguments often fail when they employ ranting rather than reasoning.” - Tara Horkoff, Writing for Success

The best persuasive writing doesn’t beat you over the head with the author’s conclusion. Instead, it guides readers toward the desired conclusion by:

  • Establishing authority
  • Asking questions
  • Being helpful
  • Showing both sides of the argument

Some persuasive writing doesn’t even tell readers what to think, but instead, just leaves readers with an open question. I recently ran across a Twitter thread by Sam Altman predicting the end of the college education system in the US:

I think US college education is nearer to collapsing than it appears. — Sam Altman (@sama) March 20, 2022

While he presents some partial answers, it’s more focused on the problem and implied question (“what comes next?”) than the solution.

Persuasion is Often Personal

“I have a theory that the best ads come from personal experience. Some of the good ones I have done have really come out of the real experience of my life, and somehow this has come over as true and valid and persuasive.” - David Ogilvy

Finally, some of the best persuasive writing is borne from personal experience.

For example, a couple of years ago, I noticed that asking experts for direct advice was almost never helpful. Instead, I started asking them how they solved a particular problem or managed a certain conflict.

This led to me researching the issue and writing a persuasive piece on “ The Danger in Listening to Experts .”

Experts persuasive piece

I started with a topic that I had personal experience with but layered in data, quotes, and supporting arguments from others who had spent even more time with the topic. While the piece never got a ton of attention online, I refer people to it when they ask me for advice, so I’ve found it useful in other ways.

While we do a little bit of “light” persuasive writing at Draft.dev , I encourage most companies to do this form of writing in-house. If you’re a startup, your founders are probably the best people to make a compelling case for your world-view, and if you’re in a large enterprise, you probably want your PR or executive team collaborating on these pieces.

On the other hand, if you’re a software developer or engineering leader who just wants to write persuasive technical pieces, I’d encourage you to do so on your own blog. While some companies may pay you for these, you’ll get a much more authentic reception when you do it for your own gratification.

Karl Hughes

By Karl Hughes

Karl is a former startup CTO and the founder of Draft.dev. He writes about technical blogging and content management.

The Technical Content Manager's Playbook

Build a Blog that Software Developers Will Read

The Technical Content Manager’s Playbook is a collection of resources you can use to manage a high-quality, technical blog:

  • A template for creating content briefs
  • An Airtable publishing calendar
  • A technical blogging style guide

27 Top Technical Writing Blogs, Tools, and Resources

27 Top Technical Writing Blogs, Tools, and Resources

The technical content industry is flourishing, and experts in the field are keen to continue growing this industry by sharing our experiences and insights through our technical writing blogs, both to prove the effectiveness of technical content marketing strategies and to help upcoming writers meet expectations.

Technical writing is a job that can be mastered like any other, and has the advantage that you can establish and improve your writing skills – and when you’re ready – start working from home. In addition to the wealth of knowledge being shared, new tools alleviate the problems both experienced and inexperienced writers encounter.

Here are our favorite blogs, tools, and resources to help you better understand technical writing and improve your writing skills. There are lots of long lists with outdated links out there, so we've decided to list the sites that provide up-to-date, relevant information to help level up your technical writing career — as provided by our own technical writing staff .

What does a technical content writer do?

The goal of technical writing is to provide written content that breaks down technical concepts and processes, ensuring that they are understood by the reader at their competence level.

As a technical writer, your priority is effectively communicating with your audience. To do this, you must not only have an understanding of the audience you’re writing for; you must also have an understanding of the product you’re writing about and what it’s setting out to do for them. Promoting a feature that doesn't work as you’ve described is a fast way to waste a user's time and break the trust they have in the information you’re providing. Being able to communicate clearly, concisely, and authoritatively is paramount.

Technical content writing applies technical writing skills to content marketing. It goes beyond just regurgitating marketing buzzwords and praising the product you are writing about. Value must be provided to the reader, and this value must be identified before it can be provided. Puff pieces that simply venerate a product and provide nothing else are quickly seen through, never gaining traction in the communities they seek to influence and leaving a bad impression on those that do read it.

Well-written technical content should show you why a product or solution is useful, and how it can be applied to solve a problem the reader has. This is done through concept-level articles, tutorials, documentation, or exploratory text that connects with the reader, both informing them and leaving them with a favorable opinion of the product you’re presenting.

At Wizard on Demand, we focus on providing technical content and marketing strategies for business-to-business (B2B) products and services. However, technical writing is not limited to the technology field.

Technical writers create content for pretty much every industry you can think of –  roofers, cosmetics companies, camping stove manufacturers... Any product whose users need to get up to speed with the concepts and processes behind it needs writers who understand the functional specifics of the subject.

Regardless of which field you are writing for, the resources listed below should prove invaluable to you on your writing journey.

Best technical writing blogs


I’d rather be writing is probably the most popular technical writing blog. It includes content regarding documentation, the writing process, communication trends, careers, and more.  It’s run by Tom Hohnson, who’s a technical writer for Google — so he knows his stuff.  

The article Docs as Code is an interesting read for technical writers, covering the author's experiences in applying coding tools and methodologies to his writing process.

Technical writing – Docs by Design

Docs By Design is written by Bob Watson, who writes technical documentation for AWS. His blog includes  articles about the technical writing process, success stories, and his experiences in the industry. Interestingly, Bob comes from a software background and moved into writing, so he offers a different perspective compared to other writers who later became familiar with the software development side of things.

Recently published, Proving and defending the value of technical writing, again is a humorous read for those working with clients who may be skeptical about the value provided by high-quality written documentation.

ClickHelp Technical Writing Blog: Articles and Useful Information

ClickHelp is a nifty documentation platform for authoring and hosting the documentation for software and product documentation. To encourage good technical writing on their platform, their blog includes information and tips about technical writing, its goals and purpose, and best practices. It has a broad scope that covers many aspects of writing and delivering documentation.

How to Use Technical Content to Improve Customer Experience is a must-read for writers who are looking to better understand how their writing affects the reader's decision to start using a product or service. Technical Writing Vs Content Writing outlines the skills needed for each writing role, a combination of which is required for the technical content writer.

Michael Clark: Technical Writer Blog

This blog hasn’t been updated in a little while, but it’s worth diving into the archived posts. There is a lot of insight into the role of a technical writer, what makes a good technical writer, and processes that can be implemented to enable better writing.

If you’ve ever had trouble identifying passive and active voice in your writing, give Technical Writing | Passive vs Active Sentences a quick read.

Seth Godin's Blog

Seth Godin is a marketer who markets his knowledge about marketing. While not specific to technical writing, his blog is a goldmine of useful tips for writing and communication.  

We recommend reading the article Permission Marketing to our new recruits to give them a crash course in how writing can be used to connect consumers with the product you are writing about.  

Blog — Wizard on Demand

I'd be remiss if I didn't include Wizard on Demand — because that's us, and we're pretty good at what we do. We don't just write technical content based on our clients’ requirements, we actively seek their intended audience and research potential new audiences. Once we've found them, we interview them, find out what problems your product can solve for them, and tailor content to communicate this solution effectively.

We'll periodically publish the results of this work so that you can incorporate some of these strategies into your own writing projects and help us prove that our approach is the best approach!

Best technical writing resources


Find other blogs in your field and find out what they are doing to succeed. Detailed provides ranked listings of blogs across any category you can think of. By identifying what content is popular with blogs targeting the same audience as you are, you can learn what it is that they are looking for, the style of writing that appeals to them, and the kinds of content they are seeking out.

Write the Docs

Write the Docs is a huge resource for technical writers.  There are articles, videos, newsletters and book recommendations – and even in-person meetups and virtual conferences.  It’s a fantastic place to immerse yourself in the technical writing community.

Google's Technical writing resources

Google's Technical writing resources page focuses on the documentation side of technical writing, and provides links to all of Google's public-facing resources for technical writers.

How to write a blog post

If you’re new to writing, and looking to write blog posts or short tutorials, this article is a must. It’s a fantastic all-in-one guide to writing blog posts that readers enjoy reading.

​​Blog post structure: How to set up an easy-to-read text

This guide covers best practices for structuring your articles to make them easy to read, and thus more likely to engage readers and rank higher in search results.  If your writing is going to be SEO focused, the rest of the Yoast blog is a worthwhile read to help you get familiar with the competitive landscape that is Search Engine Optimization.

Best Books on Writing

This one does what it says on the tin: it’s a list of the best books on writing currently out there, many of which include a free summary of the content, so you don’t even have to buy them. They’re not specifically technical writing books, but their advice about clarity and style is relevant to technical writing.

Purdue Online Writing Lab

Purdue University provides a huge resource for writers, including guides for research, grammar, style, and working as a professional writer. Of particular interest to burgeoning technical writers will be the Introduction to the Chicago Manual of Style and the Introduction to the AP (Associated Press) Style — the two main writing styles employed by online publications.

Who Pays Technical Writers?

Once you think you have your technical writing skills up to snuff, Who Pays Technical Writers? is a starting point for finding work to apply and hone those skills. There's nothing like real client feedback to help you further your writing skills.

It’s also useful to see exactly what potential clients are looking for in a technical writer, so you can tailor your writing and approach for the best chance of success and start building out your portfolio.

LinkedIn, Twitter, and social media

There’s no link here, you’ll need to research this one yourself.  As mentioned earlier, technical writing covers a range of subjects and industries.  Find the people who are already writing on the subjects you want to write about, and read what they publish.  Subscribe to their feeds and interact with them.  

Find companies in the field and read their press releases. Find industry news and gazettes and read those articles to absorb the language, tone and talking points you will need to be aware of while writing.  Knowing your audience is the most important thing you can do to make your writing more effective.

Best technical writing videos

Uchicago social sciences channel.

UChicago provides a number of incredibly informative videos about writing, and writing effectively. Specifically, we recommend that our new writers watch LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively and LEADERSHIP LAB: Writing Beyond the Academy to gain a better understanding of what makes writing valuable.

Writing Clearly and Concisely

A (fittingly) short video on writing clearly and concisely – an important skill for effective communication.

Creating Quality Sample Code

Technical writing for the software industry often requires the creation of code examples. This video will outline what makes good sample code, and how you can make sure your code is easy to read and understand.

Ahrefs Blogging for Business

A sizable amount of technical writing has a marketing purpose. Ahrefs Blogging for Business series consists of 41 videos, running between 2 and 10 minutes each, detailing why blogging is valuable and how you can build a successful blog with a growing audience by implementing some practical promotion strategies.

Best technical writing tools

Grammarly is an online writing assistant that reviews spelling and grammar, as well as providing suggestions for clarity, style, and tone. Some find it incredibly helpful to their writing, as it can catch some mistakes in their text that would otherwise need the help of an editor.

Writer’s tip: Don’t rely on Grammarly entirely. You need to be confident in your writing style. Computers are very good at misinterpreting idiomatic language and making bad suggestions (we’ve all had embarrassing auto-correct incidents). Use tools like Grammarly (and Hemingway, listed further ahead) as a guide to see where you may have made a mistake — don’t let the robots write the article for you!

Google Docs

Google Docs is a free, online office suite, including a word processor.  Collaboration is built in, so you can work on your text with others, and share it with clients easily.

Some writers like the creature comforts like Google Docs and Grammarly.  Others just want to write, distraction free. Markdown is a language that lets you just write, in the text editor of your choice, while still allowing for formatting to be included through some basic formatting syntax. Markdown gives you a huge amount of flexibility in the tools you use – Markdown documents can be created in simple text editors like Notepad, or using programming IDEs like Visual Studio Code while leveraging plugins, version control, and syntax highlighting.

Hemingway Editor

Check your writing for overly long sentences and common errors.

Need a stock image for an article? Unsplash has a lot of them, all royalty free. While we work with an in-house technical illustrator for most images, we sometimes use Unsplash or other similar services as well.

Sketch diagrams and drafts for your illustrations. The results look amazing (with a neat hand-drawn style) given the simplicity of the tool – often our clients ask if the prototype illustrations are the final thing.

Time tracking and organization tools

Everyone works differently, so we don’t recommend a specific tool for time and task management. Kanban boards, diaries, sticky notes, voice assistants, stop watches – whatever system you have that keeps you on task and on schedule, stick with it and iterate on it.

Stephen King writes 2000 words a day. We’re not him and neither are you(if you are, hey, Stephen, are you writing scary software documentation? ), but writing short articles, introductions, or snippets daily can help you get used to writing on demand and working through writer's block.

The best tool for clearing writer's block — outside! Go take a walk, throw a ball against a wall, scream into the abyss — exercise, open spaces and greenery can help get your brain moving again.

What about SEO tools?

SEO means Search Engine Optimisation — and it's a constant arms race.

You can identify content from your competitors and the search keywords their writers use and try to outrank them, but you can be assured that they are watching the same metrics and are ready to respond in turn.

Keyword optimization is only one factor in determining whether an article is relevant to a search. Modern search engines also track users’ responsiveness to a search result after they have clicked on it. If they don't linger on the article for long enough, it's assumed that it was not relevant to their query.

Tools like ahrefs and Google Search Console are incredibly useful for identifying what people are searching for, but relying on the keywords alone is no longer enough. You must identify the intent of the search — what the user is actually looking for beyond the simple keywords — and provide that to them.

If the user wants to know how to build an online store, provide them with a tutorial for doing so. If they want to know why the Sahara is sandy, provide an explanation. If they are looking for a list of technical writing blogs, resources, and tools that they can use to improve their technical writing skills, well... hi!

Professional technical content writing is a burgeoning field — especially in B2B. As more businesses are moving more of their operations and workflows online, more and more industry-specific software tools are being developed — and we need technical writers to meet the ever growing need for documentation and content.

If you come from a technical background, and think you have what it takes to give freelance technical writing a go, Wizard on Demand is always on the lookout for talented writers and editors who can understand the concepts behind the software our clients sell, and communicate those concepts to potential users.

If you're not from a technical or developer background, Wizard on Demand is a multi-channel content agency, so we also want to hear from multimedia creators who work with images, sound and vision.

We are a diverse group of writers, editors, and creators who work remotely from across the globe, with writers in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. We want to make sure we get the right people for the right job, and work to accommodate those with the skills we are seeking.

Interested in a technical writing career? Check out the open positions at Wizard on Demand !

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31 Best Content Writing Topics: Grow Your Online Audience

Use the fresh, evergreen, and best content writing topics below as ideas or inspirations for quality content to boost your brand, web pages, or blog.

Are you looking for content writing topics that can help improve brand awareness, engagement, and search engine optimization? Content writing does the job for you. Aside from entertaining or informing your target market, written pieces on your page make it easier for more people to find you and learn from you as an industry expert. On top of boosting your reputation, content writing can also convert readers when they buy your products or services.

What Is Content Writing?

1. social media marketing, 2. time management, 3. listicles, 4. case studies, 5. tips and tricks or hacks, 7. troubleshooting guides or problem-solution articles, 8. product-related tutorials, 9. repurposed content, 10. guest posts, 11. a vs. b vs. c or comparison articles, 12. mythbusters, 13. content for job seekers, 14. diy guides, 15. relevant industry news, 16. slice-of-life stories and takeaways, 17. beauty and style guides, 18. articles about well-being, 19. food, recipes, and nutrition, 20. work ethics and culture, 21. tutorials on tools, software, devices, and others, 22. influencer tips and tricks, 23. personal finance plans, 24. wanderlust and travel blogs, 25. health and exercise, 26. reviews of movies, books, web series, and more, 27. small business ideas and startup advice, 28. pieces on parenting and kids, 29. cleaning, organizational, and housekeeping tips, 30. green practices, 31. love, marriage, and relationship advice or experiences, what skills do i need to be a content writer, how do i find a topic for content writing, what are the benefits of content writing.

Content writing is a content marketing strategy focused on planning, writing, and editing written pieces for the web. The objectives of content writing echo the goals of digital marketing, like engaging, motivating, and converting an online audience. The most common forms of content writing are blogging and newsletters.

Social media marketing

This topic is ideal for people or brands with authority, expertise, and experience in social media marketing, whether you’re an influencer or own an online marketing business. Social media marketing (SMM) is more manageable because social networks have simplified content sharing among vast mediums. However, it also means you need the necessary knowledge of the specific social network for effective marketing campaigns.

Few business owners have time or resources to learn SMM, so you can jump in as an expert and teach them the most straightforward methods. Understanding the pros and cons, the details behind SMM, and other factors around a successful campaign are essential for writing reliable and high-quality content that’ll encourage your readers to return to your page.

Time management seems simple, yet only a few people follow through with their plans. Setting a schedule alone can seem daunting to some, but the effects of time management are undeniably positive. Less than 1 in 5 individuals stick to an effective time management system.

It is your ideal content writing topic if you’ve found a great approach to managing your time and want to share it with others. Write about how you cut down on procrastination, focused on your tasks, and maintained consistency. Give scenarios before and after you discovered your time management process. Advice on dealing with unexpected events can also help your readers echo your success in managing time better.

If there is one thing people want to know but don’t know they had to see, it’s often a list of exciting and sometimes seemingly random things. These lists can tackle anything, like “The Top 15 Songs for Heartbroken Cheaters” and “20 Life Hacks for Apartment Owners.” Be creative with your list selection to get the attention of readers. Discuss the best products for bald guys, top movies for romantics, and more!

Look for topics that match your brand style. For example, don’t mention the best online makeup and skincare products if you teach grammar courses and writing skills. Instead, state the “Top 10 Content Writing Courses for Content Writers.”

Case studies focus on a particular group to make the audience understand its perspectives. These perspectives are critical to analyzing complicated problems to create solutions. People involved with this content are somewhat anonymous for their safety and privacy.

Remember to include any insights you learned from the case study that you can use for future affiliate marketing research. It will be your call if you want to add the negative impacts you unraveled during your investigation. Remember, it helps to give an unbiased case study, so potential conversions know what to expect.

One of the best ways to share uncommon knowledge is through writing about tips and tricks. It’s an excellent topic for businesses to intrigue their audience about something relevant to their product or service. For example, travel bloggers will likely know a few hacks when visiting new places and booking hotels to post “27 Tips for Travel Tips for Newbies.”


Keep your blog up-to-date by writing about trending topics and their different aspects. For instance, you can discuss the background or origin of a trending challenge, some cases that were hilarious or went too far, explanations behind the trend’s popularity, and others.

You can give the readers a detailed step-by-step process of the trend, whether it’s a dance routine or a harmless but funny prank. You can also expand it into beauty and fashion trends and how to achieve certain looks. You can combine it with another kind of content, like a listicle. For example, list the “Top 10 Indoor Houseplants for Busy Bees.”

Many people need help with using specific programs or applications. Nowadays, the internet is the go-to troubleshooter for everything under the sun. Depending on your specialty, you can easily create pieces that provide the answers your target audience or clients need. When you choose this topic, you need a problem for which most people need solutions, whether it’s troubleshooting a faulty Wi-Fi driver or clearing space on their phones.

Product-related tutorials

When was the last time you read a product’s manual? Manuals are not user-friendly as they are complex and may be incorrectly translated into the client’s native language. With so many potential readers, you should also put up a tutorial on your expertise, product, or service.

Let’s say you sell hair care products and tools. Consider writing a tutorial about how your clients can use your products to achieve the perfect pixie cut or dye their hair in a beautiful rainbow combination.

No matter how talented or creative you are, you will naturally run out of topic ideas. Having writer’s block is expected. When this happens, you can repurpose content instead. Choose evergreen and high-traffic pieces.

Reuse what you’ve already posted by recreating them into a different type of content. For example, you can turn whitepaper research, podcasts, a Twitter thread, or an infographic into a blog post. On top of expanding the types of content you publish, you’re also promoting your brand, maintaining an online presence, and boosting SEO on a SERP.

Guest posting is writing content for another business to get more traffic. Writing a guest post for another brand helps broaden your network, improve backlinking, and find new audiences.

Reach out to an online business or brand you want to collaborate with and share some of your work. Don’t forget to research the blog or page and learn how other guest posts leading back to them do before you pitch your offer. When you write a guest post, write important information about your guest plus a call to action.

Do you like reviewing products? Instead of writing a simple review, consider going a step further by comparing the items with similar goods. Focus on what the comparisons’ target audiences want to know before buying any of the products.

Writing a comparison blog post is easier when you’ve prepared separate reviews for each product. It also helps when you’ve personally used the products before writing your article. You can also focus on services or programs you use at work or for your hobbies.

The internet is full of information, from fake “experts” to genuine industry leaders. If you have the proper training, background, knowledge, and skills to correct misleading online information, go for it in a blog post.

Include the popular “myth” or misconception, and then discuss the fact or mythbuster with an explanation your readers will understand. Remember to mention or explain your credentials to your target audiences to prove credibility.

In March 2022 alone, the US had 6 million unemployed people and 11.5 million job openings . With this statistic in mind, job seekers will always look to the internet for guidance. Your blog post can discuss advice on how jobseekers should behave and respond during interviews. Include dress codes, dos and don’ts, and other pertinent information.

DIY Guides

Like tutorial articles, DIY posts are popular online content topics. These guides often provide a cheaper alternative, more personalization, and help readers discover new skills and ideas.

Writing an ultimate guide is ideal for creative and resourceful individuals who run blogs or online boutiques. They’re also great topics for businesses selling items DIYers can use in their projects, like fabric glue, glue guns, and DIY materials.

Bring some formality to your content by writing a press release or industry-related news article. The article’s focus will change depending on the latest events in your industry. It’s best to write in a neutral and formal tone for this content type, and be sure to do proper research before writing the article. Otherwise, you’re risking your credibility and can spread misinformation online.

The specific topic can focus solely on your brand or company, like a rebranding, product launch, office relocation, company expansion, and more. Use this topic template if you’ll hold competitions or announce the results.

Only some have a platform to share their stories and life experiences. This topic is excellent if you’re okay with the internet knowing personal information and other specific instances about your life and the lessons you learned from them.

When choosing which slice-of-life story to share, decide which has impacted you or others around you the most. Give a brief background before you share the story. Also, change the names of the people in the story to maintain their privacy. Disclose thoughts and realizations about the event at the end, including takeaways or messages for people in the same position.

Do you have connections or roots in the beauty industry, even if you’re not a beauty blog? This content writing topic is your chance to share your favorite hair care products, skincare routine, or unique makeup application methods. Use it to comment on the latest, classic, or seasonal trends. You can even use it to give your audience a list of unknown beauty or clothing brands that stand up for a good cause or agenda.

Show off your passion and interest in beauty and style. You never know if a big magazine or fashion brand might see your work and offer you content writing jobs .

Articles about well-being

Well-being is all about a person’s happiness, health, and comfort. All people want good well-being, but the steps to achieving it are tricky and complicated. You can discuss good well-being in your content by sharing your journey to positivity or discussing well-being as a professional in the industry.

For example, you can help your readers improve their well-being by connecting with others, keeping their physical fitness, or learning new things. You can also approach the topic as someone who experienced a difficult journey to happiness. Some subjects may include overcoming your fears, dealing with depression, or getting over a failed relationship.

Food bloggers and nutritionists will love writing about food, drinks, and recipes. It’s a great content idea if you have a lot of experience cooking and tasting different foods. Use it to share your grandmother’s authentic apple pie recipe and keep her spirit alive. Or, you can write about the different cooking styles and food staples from your culture or a country you visited.

Harmony and respect in the workplace are vital to a healthy work-life balance. However, people who don’t know workplace ethics are less likely to co-exist amicably with colleagues and bosses. They may even cause tension or awkwardness because they aren’t aware of the workplace culture and ethics.

Tackle this topic in your following content writing piece by detailing the dos and don’ts in your workplace, general work ethics, and your encounters in the office. Depending on your work experience, you can also share the pros and cons of working behind the desk, as a cashier, etc.

This is your content writing topic if you have the technical know-how and a passion for tech and tools. You’ll have a lot of potential engagement as only a few are experts in this category.

Write about how specific software tools or devices work and why your readers should use them. Let’s say you get a lot of questions about the Adobe Photoshop pen tool. Then, create a bullet list of its purposes and include a video clip or photo examples showing how you use the pen tool. Better yet, give your readers some samples to follow and better comprehend its use.

Social media platforms make it easy to become an influencer today. But with so many people competing for online attention, finding the best opportunities to grow as an influencer takes time and effort. As an influencer, you can write about your journey and how you grew your following. Give writing tips and advice to future influencers and how they can use their strengths to their advantage.

Financial planning is vital to saving, investing, and managing your money. It’s a critical skill, especially for those with specific financial goals, such as cutting expenses or saving for an in-house tool shed.

Experts in finance management should use this topic to write content helping those who want to achieve their financial goals but need help knowing how. Give advice, the step-by-step process, and what your readers need to know about following a long-term financial plan.

Wanderlust and travel blogs

Some people want to travel to new places but doubt visiting them because of language barriers, cost, lack of travel information, distance, and other traveling anxieties. If you are an avid traveler, your blog can focus on this hobby. Travel blogs can cover many subjects, like :

  • Things to do
  • Local customs
  • Dos and don’ts
  • Local foods
  • Best time to visit
  • Most beautiful spots to visit

Everybody wants good health, but only some know how to get it. If you have the expertise or healthcare background, consider writing about health and exercise. Like the previous point, the specific subjects of your content may vary.

You can focus on the importance of good sleep, eating right, visiting the physician regularly, keeping track of women’s menstrual health, and more. You can also discuss particular medical conditions, what to expect when a person has them, how to deal with them, and any available treatment options.

Do you love digesting various forms of entertainment media and discussing them online? Instead of discussing them in Reddit, Quora, or other forum posts, think about adding them to your blog as a written piece of content. Use your platform to comment on a book’s themes, an actor’s performances, or a webcomic’s morale. With so many potential entertainment media pieces, you’ll always have content to discuss.

Combine this topic with other content writing formats, like the listicle or comparison article. Use this chance to share why a Marvel character or world is better or worse than its DC counterpart. You can also write a beginner’s guide on how a reader should approach a particular series and the best reading order of comic books or issues.

In 2022, entrepreneurs launched almost 900 unicorn startups . They are private companies with over $1 billion in value each. With this intense competition popping up, small businesses and startups need to put in more effort to build traction in the market.

LinkedIn and other business experts should write blog guides discussing startup ideas with huge potential. You should also register your advice to small business owners who need experience establishing a company.

Pieces on parenting and kids

Parenting is the most challenging, heartwarming, and frustrating job. Without good parenting advice, some people can create completely avoidable problems and adverse developments in their kids. As a parent or child expert, you can discuss the dos and don’ts of parents and to-be parents. Discuss future financial or emotional hardships, how they can de-stress, and suitable parenting styles. 

Keeping one’s home clean and organized is vital to mental and physical health. On top of that, practicing cleanliness at home keeps it free of parasites, pests, and other things that cause health hazards and maintenance issues. Give housecleaning advice to your readers by giving them a checklist. It’s great content for businesses with products related to cleaning, organizing, or maintaining the home.

As more people become aware of the adverse effects of global warming and pollution, they’re also becoming more aware of their green practices. More people want to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Others wish to launch clean-up drives in their areas, while some want to be green in small, daily tasks. You can give your audience several green practices and advice on staying environmentally-friendly, so they can help maintain the earth and boost their good reputation.

Love, marriage, and relationship advice or experiences

How far ahead are you with relationship experiences? You may have broken a loved one’s heart, had yours broken, betrayed a spouse, or lost interest in the relationship. If you’ve had these experiences and want to share what you learned, consider writing about your encounters. 

You don’t need to be a relationship therapist or love guru to give good advice, but having these credentials can help build your name as an expert in the field.

FAQs About The Best Content Writing Topics

Good content creators should be adaptable in tackling various topics. You should have good grammar and vocabulary, in-depth keyword research, and an SEO-motivated writing style.

Focus on your target audience when choosing a content writing topic. Consider their interests and what they want to read about. Hold a survey, interview, or poll to get a better idea. Make it a habit to check your analytics to learn which topics get the most traction.

Good content writing organically boosts your brand’s traffic, leads, and conversion rates. It can also help new audiences find you faster. With content writing, you can develop your brand voice and create a medium for streamlining it.

When editing for grammar, we also recommend taking the time to improve the readability score of a piece of writing before publishing or submitting.

technical content writing topics

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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10 Essential Skills Every Technical Content Writer Needs

  • backlinkworks
  • Writing Articles & Reviews
  • September 13, 2023

technical content writing topics

10 Essential Skills Every Technical content Writer Needs


As a technical content writer, IT is essential to possess specific skills to create engaging and informative content that resonates with your target audience. These skills go beyond excellent writing skills, and they combine technical expertise with content creation to establish yourself as a proficient technical content writer. In this article, we will explore the ten essential skills that every technical content writer needs to excel in their field.

1. Strong Research Skills

One of the primary responsibilities of a technical content writer is to thoroughly research the topic they are writing about. This involves gathering accurate and up-to-date information from reliable sources, such as research papers, industry reports, and reputable websites. Strong research skills enable a technical content writer to provide well-informed and factual content to their readers.

2. Technical Expertise

A technical content writer needs to have a strong understanding of the subject matter they are writing about. This requires a solid foundation in the relevant technical concepts, terms, and jargon. By having technical expertise, a content writer can effectively communicate complex information in a clear and concise manner without losing the essence of the subject.

3. Adaptability

Technical fields are constantly evolving, and content writers must be adaptable to keep up with the latest developments. IT is crucial to be open to learning new technologies , tools, and trends in the industry. Being adaptable allows a technical content writer to produce content that remains relevant and provides value to the readers.

4. Strong writing Skills

While technical expertise is necessary, IT is equally important to have strong writing skills. A technical content writer should be able to convey complex information in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. This includes using appropriate grammar, sentence structure, and writing tone. Good writing skills are vital for crafting clear and accurate content that keeps readers engaged.

5. Ability to Simplify Complex Concepts

Technical content is often filled with complex concepts that can be challenging for non-technical readers to understand. A skilled technical content writer possesses the ability to simplify these concepts and explain them in a way that is accessible to a broader audience. This involves breaking down complex ideas into simpler terms, using relevant examples, and providing visual aids whenever possible.

6. Attention to Detail

Accuracy is crucial in technical content , as even the smallest errors can lead to misunderstandings or confusion for readers. A technical content writer must pay close attention to details, ensuring that every piece of information is factually correct and presented accurately. This includes verifying data, checking sources, and cross-referencing information to maintain a high level of credibility in their writing .

7. SEO Knowledge

Search engine optimization ( SEO ) plays a significant role in digital content creation. A technical content writer should understand the basics of SEO and know how to incorporate relevant keywords, meta tags, and other optimization techniques into their writing . This knowledge allows them to create content that performs well in search engine rankings and reaches a wider audience.

8. Strong Analytical Skills

Being able to analyze data and draw meaningful insights is an important skill for a technical content writer. Whether IT is analyzing user trends, Website analytics, or market research, a skilled content writer can leverage data to produce content that aligns with the interests and needs of their target audience. Strong analytical skills help in identifying gaps, trends, and opportunities for creating more impactful technical content .

9. Time Management

Technical content writers often work on multiple projects with tight deadlines. Being able to manage time effectively is crucial to ensure timely delivery of high-quality content . This includes prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and maintaining a structured workflow. Excellent time management skills allow a technical content writer to maintain productivity and meet clients’ or employer’s expectations.

10. Continuous Learning

technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and IT is important for a technical content writer to be committed to continuous learning. Staying updated with the latest industry trends, tools, and advancements allows them to produce relevant and valuable content consistently. This can be achieved through reading industry publications, attending webinars, participating in workshops, and networking with other professionals.

Becoming a successful technical content writer requires more than just good writing skills. By developing and honing these ten essential skills, you will differentiate yourself in the highly competitive field of technical content writing . Strong research skills, technical expertise, adaptability, strong writing skills, the ability to simplify complex concepts, attention to detail, SEO knowledge, strong analytical skills, time management, and a commitment to continuous learning will position you as a skilled technical content writer who can deliver quality content to your target audience.

Q: What qualifications do I need to become a technical content writer?

A: While there are no formal qualifications required, having a degree in a relevant field such as computer science, engineering, or technical writing can be beneficial. However, what matters most is your ability to showcase your skills and expertise through your writing samples and portfolio.

Q: How can I improve my writing skills as a technical content writer?

A: To improve your writing skills, you can practice regularly, read extensively, and study the writing styles of established technical content writers. Pay attention to sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary. Additionally, seek feedback from peers or mentors, and be open to constructive criticism that can help you grow as a writer.

Q: Is IT essential to have technical knowledge to be a technical content writer?

A: Yes, having technical knowledge is crucial for a technical content writer. While you don’t need to be an expert in every technical domain, you should have a solid understanding of the subject matter you are writing about. This will ensure that your content is accurate, credible, and resonates with your target audience.

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Technical Content Writer Hiring Guide [Pros, Cons & Best Practices]

Lisa Hoffart

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Content Marketing

Technology is complex, there’s no doubt about it.

That means that writing about it is also complex.

So if you’re a technology company, SaaS company, or an organization that otherwise pitches some sort of technological solution to a problem, how do you write effective content?

Let’s face it, your programmers and software engineers aren’t writers. They didn’t get top grades in math to be tasked with writing blogs for your website.

What you need is a professional writer that has a knack for understanding technology, and is well enough that they can write for both highly technical and layman audiences.

You need a technical content writer.

What’s that, you ask?

Let’s get into that right now.

What is Technical Blog Writing

Technical blog writing

Technical blog writing, also known as technical content writing, refers to SEO-focused content that explains complex details about software, applications, computer hardware, mobile devices, technology, and more in plain language that most people can understand.

Technical content writers often craft content in the form of:

  • White papers, which are succinct documents, typically one or two pages, that present a complex issue and position a company’s product or service as the solution
  • eBooks, which often go into great detail about a topic
  • Blog posts or articles, which can be software or hardware guides , reviews, comparisons, or educational pieces

Like all types of content writers, a tech content writer needs to ensure that they are writing for an organization’s intended audience and using the correct brand voice and tone. They also need to consider typical SEO writing strategies like keyword research and search intent.

What is Technical Writing

Technical writing

Though it might sound like the same thing as technical blog writing (just with a missing word) technical writing is actually a very different form of writing.

Technical and occupational industries, such as computer hardware and software, consumer electronics, oilfield, environmental, and more require accurate drafting of technical communication documents.

These documents are often written by technical writers and include:

  • Release notes (a list of changes and updates made to a piece of software), step-by-step instructional guides, and more.

Content Writing vs Technical Writing

Profile of a tech content writer.

Tech content writer

Every content writer should have good spelling, grammar, and editing skills, that much is obvious. But when it comes to writing about technology, a tech content writer should not only have all of the above but also demonstrate the following qualities:

  • An understanding of technology, including computer hardware, consumer electronics, software, and more
  • Be able to translate complex technical concepts into easy-to-understand content
  • With reviews or comparisons, be able to write as objectively as possible, focusing on facts and data rather than opinions
  • Good research skills, with the ability to verify information as much as possible

Benefits of Hiring a Technical Content Writer

Opting for a technical content writer to write for your SaaS or technology company has its benefits over hiring a general content writer. Let’s explore the main benefits below:

Can Translate Technical Concepts into Plain Language

Being able to understand software or hardware and explain it to someone like they’re a child is perhaps an underrated skill that technology content writers have. After all, apparently, even Einstein said, “if you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, then you don’t understand it yourself” (this quote isn’t actually verified in any way, but it proves the point all the same).

Understands When it’s Appropriate to use Jargon

A technology content writer is positioned uniquely in the content marketing services world, since they may find themselves writing for a layman audience or a super technical audience, depending on the organization they’re writing for. This means knowing their audience well enough to switch up their writing style to use more or less technical terms and jargon.

Using more technical language appeals more to the highly technical audience while using less technical language and more generally relatable explanations appeals to a more layman audience.

Can Write Evergreen Content that Educates Users

Any type of content that is always relevant, like FAQs, definitions, and guides, is called evergreen content. This type of content is beneficial for organizations to include on their website because it always has a chance to rank in search results, and always serves users’ search intent. If someone is searching for a definition, they won’t care if the content was written yesterday or ten years ago, they’ll only care if it answers their query.

Sure, all content writers can write evergreen content, but technical content writers can draw from their ability to understand and translate technical concepts to craft evergreen content that explains a process in a SaaS company’s app, or answers frequently asked questions that users have.

By focusing on evergreen content production, technology companies can see the following benefits:

  • Reduced customer support calls and an overall improved customer experience
  • Increased user education on software or applications
  • Increased visibility and reputation for being an authoritative source of information in their industry vertical
  • More (and higher quality) leads through meeting search intent

Challenges of Hiring a Technical Content Writer

Hiring a technical content writer

While there are many benefits to hiring a tech content writer, there are potential challenges as well. Let’s explore potential ones below:

Might be Difficult to Find a Writer that Fits your Niche

If your company’s hardware or software solution targets a very specific and niche audience within an industry, it might be more difficult to find a writer with the right background and previous experience to have an instant understanding of what you do.

What this often means is that you need to shift your focus from finding that unicorn writer (that likely doesn’t exist) to focusing on finding a writer that demonstrates a quick understanding of different technical concepts (this should be obvious in their previous writing) and has a writing style that appeals to you.

Writer Education May Take Longer

Complex products and services take time to understand, especially for someone outside of your industry. While it’s not uncommon for a company hiring a technical content writer to have to provide them with education about a product or service, that level of education is often more demanding when it’s a product or service that solves a very niche, complex issue.

But at the end of the day, there’s really no getting away from it. If you want a writer to be able to craft high-quality content that resonates with your audience, you’ll need to provide them with the foundational information they need to do so. Of course, the technology writer should be researching, asking you questions, and otherwise taking steps to ensure they have a good level of understanding.

Too Technical or Not Technical Enough

Balance can be a tricky thing, especially when it comes to writing about technology. On one hand, technical content writers should use plain language when explaining a concept or piece of software, as it’s easier for everyone to understand. But on the other hand, not using enough jargon or technical terms might not provide enough context for a highly technical audience.

Tech writers have to juggle these issues with every piece they write, even if they know their audience well. A good rule of thumb that a good technical content writer should follow is to not overdo it one way or the other, meaning dialing back on the technical jargon to avoid going overboard, but not making the article too simplistic, either.

SEO Best Practices for Technical Content Writing

SEO technical content writing

There you have it. When you’re hiring a technical content writer, you should focus on the following:

  • The writer’s ability to take highly-technical concepts and explain them using plain language write objectively, and research effectively
  • The writer’s ability to use SEO best practices with their writing
  • An understanding that you may have to take the time to educate the writer on your product or service, especially if it caters to a unique industry vertical

If you’re ready to hire a technical content writer to craft content for your website, reach out to Roketto today!

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Lisa Hoffart

Lisa Hoffart is a professional writer with several years of experience crafting well-researched content for a wide variety of industries, from legal, real estate, technology, and more. Lisa is a huge technology geek that loves video games and computers. In her free time, Lisa enjoys sewing, crafting, and hanging out with her cat.

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