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Course: 6th grade   >   Unit 8

  • Finding area by rearranging parts

Area of composite shapes

  • Area of quadrilateral with 2 parallel sides
  • Decompose area with triangles
  • Plane figures FAQ

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  1. Solved Find the surface area of the composite figure. 9 cm 7

    solving problems involving area of composite figures

  2. 4 Steps to Successfully Solve Area of Composite Figures

    solving problems involving area of composite figures

  3. Solved Find the surface area of the composite figure.

    solving problems involving area of composite figures

  4. Area Of Composite Figures Worksheet, Examples, And Formula

    solving problems involving area of composite figures

  5. Area of Composite Figures Worksheet by Tiarra's Teaching Techniques

    solving problems involving area of composite figures

  6. Determining Area of Composite Figures

    solving problems involving area of composite figures


  1. Area of Composite Figures

  2. Composite Area @ProfDavidJDelosReyes #semicircle #rectangle

  3. 12.3 Area of Composite Figures (Part 1)

  4. 12.3 Area of Composite Figures (Part 1)

  5. Area of Composite Figures

  6. Area of Composite Figures


  1. Area of Composite Figures 9-3 Practice and Problem Solving: A/B

    10. The area of the 10-inch chocolate cake is 28.26 in2 larger than the area of the vanilla cake. 11. The square’s area is 1.935 m2 larger than the circle’s area. Practice and Problem Solving: D 1. 19.6 cm2 2. 379.9 in.2 3. 28.3 mm2 4. 78.5 in2 5. 132.7 cm2 6. 162.8 yd2 7. 36π cm2 8. 90.25π in2 9. 12.25π yd2 10. 121 π yd2 11. 9π m2 12 ...

  2. Example 1

    Show the divisions on the floor plan with dotted lines. Count the units to find the dimensions. Label the dimensions. Then find the area of each of your shapes. The area of the composite figure is. yd2. B) To calculate the cost to carpet the room, multiply. The cost to carpet the banquet room is . C) Describe how you can estimate the cost to ...

  3. Area of composite shapes (video)

    There can be many ways to do composite figures, and your way is just as valid since you divide it into known shapes especially since the area of trapezoids is the first in this string of videos. For fun, I might start with a large 10 by 9 rectangle and take away the three triangles that are cut off from the corner 90 - 3.5 - 13.5 - 12.25 = 60.75.